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F. C.

(See Rule 6.17)
Pay Bill for the period of :August 2023 to November 2023
Bill Date :Jan 7, 2024 Ddo Code :KTRLAW0001
Bill No :

Instruction for Preparation of Pay Bill Abstract of the claim and other particulars
1. The names of persons holding posts substantively should be
Deductions adjustable in Books M.H:10201400105009904881V
entered in order of seniority and below those will be shown the
post left vacant and the person officiating in the vacancies.
4200 NPS SUB 15540 Pay in PayBand 175665
2. Arrears of pay and allowances should not be claimed in the
Regular pay bill. Separate pay bill should be prepared for claiming Total 15540 A.Gross Total 175665
3. All the deduction should be made at the prescribed rate. Net Payable Amount 160125
4. In case, where deductions are included in pay bill a separate
schedule showing the particulars of deductions relating to each
should accompany the bill.ed rate.
5. All the unusual permanent events such as deaths, retirements,
permanent transfers and first appointments should be recorded.
6. The pay bill should be accompanied by a copy of the LPC and
absentee statement, where necessary.
7. In cases where amount of leave salary is based on average pay,
a separate statement showing the calculation of average pay duly
attested by the Drawing Officer should be attached to the Bill.
8. The Following abbreviations should be used in this all the
documents submitted with pay bill:
Leave on average pay L. A. P.
Leave on ½ pay L. H. P
Leave on ¼ Pay L. I. P.
Earned Leave E.L.
Leave Salary L.S.
House Rent Allow. H.R.A.
Leave Pay Certificate L. P. C.
Conveyance Allow. C. A.
Under suspension S. P.
Vacant Vac.
Subsistence Grant Sub-grant Budget
On other duty O. D.
Government Provident Fund G. P. F. 1. Appropriation for the Current Year :- 7000000
New Pension Scheme N.P.S.
2. Expenditure including this Bill :- 4753445
City Compensatory Allowance CCA
Non ʹPracticing Allowance NPA 3. Balance Available :- 2246555
House Building Advance H. B. A

Certified that :
1. All emoluments included in bill drawn previous to this date have been disbursed to the proper payee as per pay acquitances roll.
2. No person has been absent either on deputation or suspension with or without leave (except on casual leave) during the month of...
3. All appointments and permanent promotions and such of the officiating promotions as have to be entered in the service book of the persons concerned have been
entered under my attestation.
4. In the case of all new entrants Age and Health Certificates have been obtained and Life Insurance permium deducted wherever required under rules.
5. All Government servants required to subsribe to the GPF/NPS and whose names have been included in the bill have actually subscribed at a rate not lower than the
minimum prescribed.
6. All the employees who are liable to pay Income Tax have paid by deduction from salary.
7. All the employees billed for have been appointed by the competent authority from time to time and within the sanction strength of the office.
8. The bill has been prepared after observing all codal formalities & instructions issued by the Government from time to time.

BILL PASSED FOR = 160125 (Rupees One Lakh Sixty Thousand One Hundreds Twenty Five Only)
Bill Passed Under Rupees = 160126 (Rupees One Lakh Sixty Thousand One Hundreds Twenty Six Only)
Bill Entered in Drawl Register at Page NO .................... S.No. .........................

Bill Code : *2D01KTRLAW00010124Sar0010* Ref Bill No : 2D01KTRLAW00010124NAR0009

Signature of Drawing Officer with Date

Print Date :1/7/2024

Print Date :1/7/2024

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