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Male Reproductive System

1. Ureter - is a tube that carries urine from the kidney to the

urinary bladder.
2. Bladder - your bladder holds pee. Your kidneys filter your blood
and remove materials such as salt, water, toxins and waste
products through pee.
3. Prostate Gland - prostate's primary function is to produce the
4. Epididymis - is a long, coiled tube that rests on the back of each
testicle. It carries and stores the sperm cells that your testicles
create. The epididymis also brings the sperm to maturity
5. Urethra - this tube allows urine to pass outside the body. The
brain signals the bladder muscles to tighten, which squeezes
urine out of the bladder.
6. Vas deferens - vas deferens transports mature sperm to the
urethra in preparation for ejaculation.
7. Scrotum - is the loose, pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind
the penis. It holds the testicles (testes) as well
as nerves and blood vessels. The scrotum protects your testicles
and provides a sort of “climate-control system.”
8. Testicles - testicles make testosterone and produce sperm.

Source: Google

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