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Saint Columban’s College

Lingayen, Pangasinan
Lesson Plan in Christian Living Education 4

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should able to:
Doctrine: Explain the meaning and importance of the fourth commandments;
Moral: Respect and honor one’s parents by showing love;
Worship: Pray for the grace to respect and honor one’s parents.

II. Content/Subject Matter

a. Topic: We Love and Obey our Parents
b. Reference: We celebrate God’s Love, Grade-4, Noel Francisco, S. Pleno, Sonia T. Pulvinar, Lourdes M. Ribo,
Pilar I. Romero, Ph. D., Fr. Mateo De Jesus, OSB, Unit II Lesson 10, Page 100-113, Vibal Publishing House, INC.
c. Materials: Power Point Presentation, Laptop, Tv, Bible, Video Clip

III. Procedure
a. Routinary Activity
 Checking of attendance
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom management

b. Motivation
The teacher will present a video clip containing the right values in terms of obeying our parents and the students
will think-pair-share their thoughts about the video they’ve watched.

Guided Questions:
1. How should we treat our parents?
2. Why do you think obeying your parents is important?
3. What do you think is the consequences of disobeying your parents?

Honoring our Father and Mother is a sign of respect and love for them. It also says that this carries a
promise having a long life on earth. Thus, we can see how important, serious, and rewarding this commandment is
our parents are the first representation of Jesus on earth. They were the ones who first showed us God’s love.

c. Lesson Proper
“Children, obey your parents for this is right. Honor your father and your mother. And this is the first
commandment that has a promise: That you may be happy and enjoy long life in the land”.
Ephesians 6: 1-3
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC, 2199) tells us that the Fourth Commandment is addressed expressly
to children and their relationship to their father and their mother, because this relationship is the most universal. It
likewise concerns the ties of kinship between members of the extended family. It requires honor, affection, and
gratitude towards elders and ancestors.
How should we treat our parents?
1. Love and kindness
2. Obedience and Respect
3. Support

Ways to Honor/Respect our father and mother

1. Saying po and Opo
2. Pagmamano
3. Pagbati/Greetings

D. Application
The teacher will ask the students to answer the following questions.
1. When was the last time you said the following words to your parents?
a. I love you!
b. Thank you!
c. You are the best!
2. When was last time you did the following for your parents?
a. Pray for them
b. Buy them a special gift
c. Kiss and hug them

E. Generalization
The teacher will ask the different questions to be answered by the student.
1. What is the fourth commandments?
2. How do you honor your parents?
3. Why is it important to honor your parents?

F. Evaluation
Direction: Read and understand the sentence well. Choose the letter of the correct answer to each of the
questions. Write the answers in your paper.
1. What number commandment is “Honor Thy Father and Mother”?
a. third
b. fourth
c. fifth
2. CCC stands for?
a. Cooperative Community Council
b. Catechism for Catholic Council
c. Catechism of the Catholic Church
3. According to the bible passage of “Children, obey your parents for this is right. Honor your father and your
mother. And this is the first commandment that has a promise: That you may be happy and enjoy long life in the
land”. ________ 6:1-3
a. Matthew
b. Ephesians
c. Luke
4. The following are the ways to Honor/Respect our father and mother, except for:
a. Love and kindness
b. Saying po and Opo
c. Pagmamano
5. How should we treat our parent, except for:
a. Love and kindness
b. Obedience and Respect
c. Pagbati/Greetings

IV. Assignment
The teacher will ask the students to create their love letter for their parents and at the back of their paper the
students will write their own personal prayer.

Prepared by:
Rosemarie U. Aquino
Kimberly V. Banga
Virgie J. De Guzman
Krizia A. Fernandez
Mariel R. Martinez

Checked by:
Mr. Mark De Guzman

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