Script For Graduation 2023

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Mark: Good morning, Grade 12 students and their parents. Please proceed now to the assembly area. The
processional march will start at exactly 8:00 a.m. In a short while, we will begin our program. Thank you.

---after 20 mins---

(Processional March)
Sophia: Once again, good morning to everyone. At this moment, let us witness the processional march of the
candidates for graduation with their parents and guardians, the teaching and non-teaching personnel, and
administrators of St. Columban’s College, assisted by the SCC-Gala Unit. (music)

Mark: Ladies and gentlemen, with so much cheer, let us witness the entrance of the Graduating Class of 2023
together with their proud parents! Starting off with the Grade 12-St. John Paul: Accountancy, Business and
Management strand.

Sophia: Next are the candidates from Grade 12-St. John Vianney: Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

Mark: Next in line are the candidates from the Grade 12-St. John Bosco: Information and Communication
Technology strand.

Sophia: Lastly, we have the candidates from the Grade 12-St. John Chrysostom and Grade 12 St. John
XXIII: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand.

Let us give a resounding round of applause to the graduating class of 2023.

Mark: Let us all witness the entrance of the High School Faculty members together with the members of the
administration headed by our School Director, Rev. Fr. Leo R. Macaraeg and our High School Principal, Mr.
Jesus R. Vargas. Let us give them a resounding applause!
-Thank you, students, you may now be seated.
Mark: To our ever- supportive School Director, Rev. Fr. Leo R. Macaraeg.
Sophia: To our dear Assistant College Dean, Dr. Zenaida J. Vargas, Ma’am.
Mark: To our dedicated and hardworking High School Principal, Mr. Jesus R. Vargas, Sir.
Sophia: To our hardworking, Senior High School Coordinator, Mr. John Denver C. Dela Cruz, Sir.

Mark and Sophia: To our fellow teachers, staffs, administrators, parents and guardians, visitors and friends,
spectators for today’s momentous event, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning to all of you and we
welcome you to the 74th Graduation Rites and Moving-up Ceremonies with the theme: “Synodal Education:
Walking together with Jesus”

Sophia: Completion rites signify that students have completed all their Junior High School requirements and
are recommended for moving-up.
Mark: Graduation rites mark the conclusion of an educational journey and the commencement of another
challenging part of man’s quest for a better life and future. Indeed, this is the day when our graduating students
can say, “I’ve done it!”
Sophia: Today, our completion and graduation rites imply the culmination of many years of hard work in a
relentless journey in the pursuit of knowledge—knowledge that is a gift from our almighty God, who journeys
with us every step of the way.
Mark: Life is not a solitude journey. Rather, it is a journey with Jesus, we are walking with Jesus. This is the
highlight of our year’s theme, in achieving our goals and dreams, we are accompanied by Jesus. He is one with
us. We just have to have faith and trust in Him.

Script for the 74th Graduation Rites and Moving-up Ceremonies
May 24, 2023 @ 8:00 A.M.
SCC Gymnasium
(Doxology & National Anthem)
Sophia: To officially start, may I request everyone to please stand for the doxology, followed by the singing of
the National Anthem through an audio-visual presentation.
(Recitation of SCC Vision, Mission, and Core Values)
Mark: Please remain standing for the recitation of SCC Vision, Mission and Core Values. May I call on Ms.
Shanley Beatrice V. Mangasi
-You may now take your seat.
(Presentation of Candidates for Graduation)
Sophia: One of the highlights of today’s affair is about to unfold: the presentation of Candidates for
Graduation. May we call on our Senior High School Coordinator, Mr. John Denver C. Dela Cruz to present
the candidates for graduation and to be confirmed by Rev. Fr. Leo R. Macaraeg, our School Director.
(Awarding of Medals and Honors [Completers and Graduates)
Mark: Before we reward the diplomas to our graduates, we shall first give due recognition to the academic
achievements of our completers and graduates. After several years of hard work and dedication, it is about time
to reward your commitment to education. This is the moment to reap the fruits of your labor. So, without further
ado, we now award the medals and certificates to our Grade 10 achievers.
Sophia: Awardees, please get ready. May we request the parents and guardians to accompany your child and do
the honor of placing the medals. May we also inform you that, in order to avoid crowding and delays, taking
pictures in front of the stage is not allowed. You may have your pictures later, after the program.

 Insert final list of awardees (see the program)

 Follow order according to Academic Excellence
1. Superintendent (alphabetical)
-include other awards
2. Director’s & other awards
3. Other awards

(Words of Gratitude)
Mark: Congratulations to all of you! Aristotle once said “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is
sweet.” That is why, this event calls for a great celebration of the fruit of your success. And of course, there are
also people who were instrumental of your accomplishment that we should be thankful for this morning. To
give us her words of gratitude let’s lend our ears to Jhelyn U. Ambe. A resounding applause please!
Sophia: Thank you, Jhelyn. for such heartwarming message.

(Awarding of Certicates [COMPLETERS])

Mark: Completers, please prepare yourselves for the awarding of certificates. May we call on Rev. Fr. Leo R.
Macaraeg, School Director together with Mr. Jesus R. Vargas, High School Principal, to hand the
certificates to our completers.

 By section, alphabetical, male first

(AVP of S.Y. 2022-2023’s Events and Activities)

Mark: I believe, all of us would agree that High school life is one of the unforgettable parts of one’s life. We
have great memories both good and bad while some are learning experiences that we will take with us for the
rest of our lives. Therefore, at this moment our celebration, we will be journeying together back to these
experiences. Pay attention to the screen as we present to you some highlighted activities and events we had this
school year, 2022-2023 through an audio-visual presentation.
Script for the 74th Graduation Rites and Moving-up Ceremonies
May 24, 2023 @ 8:00 A.M.
SCC Gymnasium
(Awarding of Diplomas [GRADUATES])

Sophia: Graduates, this is the time you have been waiting for. Your hardships, efforts, and sacrifices will now
come to fruition. You will be receiving your high school diploma, which is a symbol of your triumph after six
years of secondary education. So, at this juncture, may we call on Rev. Fr. Leo R. Macaraeg, School Director,
together with Mr. Jesus R. Vargas, High School Principal, and Mr. John Denver C. dela Cruz, Senior High
School Coordinator.


(Pledge of Loyalty)
Mark: To lead our graduates and completers for the Pledge of Loyalty, may I call on Erlyn S. Lomibao. May I
ask all graduates to please stand.
Erlyn: Fellow graduates, please, raise your right hand and follow after me…

(Graduation Song)
Mark: In every memorable moment of one’s life, there is always a song that will embody inferred emotions.
Graduates, this is time to sing your song. The song that will guide you throughout your journey as you reach all
your dreams Feel every word of this song and put it in your heart.

(Tribute to Parents)

rejoice for the triumph that

graduating students have but most
importantly a day of thanksgiving, a
time of
giving tribute to the people behind
every success and learnings - the
parents, guardians
Looking closely to the significance
of this momentous affair, it tells us
that today, is not just a day where we
rejoice for the triumph that
graduating students have but most
Script for the 74th Graduation Rites and Moving-up Ceremonies
May 24, 2023 @ 8:00 A.M.
SCC Gymnasium
importantly a day of thanksgiving, a
time of
giving tribute to the people behind
every success and learnings - the
parents, guardians
Looking closely to the significance
of this momentous affair, it tells us
that today, is not just a day where we
rejoice for the triumph that
graduating students have but most
importantly a day of thanksgiving, a
time of
giving tribute to the people behind
every success and learnings - the
parents, guardians
Sophia: Looking closely at the significance of this momentous affair, it becomes clear that today is not only a
day to celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating class but also a day to pay tribute, give thanks, and
honor the parents and guardians who are the driving forces behind all the successes of their children.

Mark: Giving our rightful appreciation, willful tribute, best honor, and special gratitude to them, let us now
hear from our grade 10 completers and grade 12 graduates their tribute to you, our dear parents and guardians.

(Closing Remarks)
Sophia: Please be seated as we hear some announcements from Mr. Jesus R. Vargas, our ever-hardworking
high school principal.
Script for the 74th Graduation Rites and Moving-up Ceremonies
May 24, 2023 @ 8:00 A.M.
SCC Gymnasium
(School Song)
Mark: Let us all sing the pride of our school. The song that binds us as one. We will all now sing our school
song. May I request everyone to please stand.

Prepared by: MR. MARK V. DE GUZMAN (Sgd.)


High School Teachers

Checked and approved by: MR. JOHN DENVER C. DELA CRUZ

SHS Coordinator


High School Principal

Script for the 74th Graduation Rites and Moving-up Ceremonies
May 24, 2023 @ 8:00 A.M.
SCC Gymnasium

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