BP A2P Tests Unit5

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test

Name: _________________________________

A: I9 (not spend) too much if

LANGUAGE I 10 (go) shopping this weekend.
B: You always say that!
Lesson 5.1 Vocabulary
BULATS (4 options)/Business Preliminary (3 options)
1 Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.
Lesson 5.3 Functional language
3 [BP_A2+_Test_05_01.mp3] Listen to the
1 Life is easier with a mobile on my phone. speakers and choose the polite way to say no
a currency b payment c system d wallet a, b or c.
2 Harry cash from the bank so he spends
less on his credit card. 1a b c
a pays b withdraws c uses d finances 2a b c
3 Small businesses must pay attention to cash 3a b c
. 4a b c
a payments b flow c currency d crunch 5a b c
4 For business travellers, by credit card is __/5
more convenient.
a delivery b withdraw c payment d tax
Lesson 5.4 Functional language
5 They use cash to pay for small office BULATS
items. 4 Write one word which best fits each space.
a petty b mobile c financial d short
6 When I shop at the local market, I pay in . OK, everyone, have a 1 at this table,
a currency b wallet c dispenser d cash which 2 the age groups of our customers.
7 Tax supply money to healthcare and
As you can 3 , most of them are in the
education in our country.
35–44 age group. The most surprising 4
a economy b revenues c system d flow
is that we don’t have many younger customers – only
8 You can pay in dollars or the local .
10 percent are under 25. So, in 5 , we
a currency b cash c tax d system
9 The system is difficult to understand. need to focus on marketing to this age group more.
a financial b cashless c cash d revenue __/5
10 The town has cash in the shopping Lesson 5.5 Functional language
centre and at stations.
Business Preliminary
a mobiles b banks c dispensers d registers
__/10 5 Choose the correct option a, b or c.
Lesson 5.2 Grammar 1
Mr Sato,
2 Complete the dialogues with the correct form of
the verb in brackets to make sentences in the As you know, we have not raised our accountancy
first conditional. in the last five years. However, because of
rising costs, we have to 3 our fees by
A: How is your savings plan going? 5 percent next year. Quality is important to us and we
B: OK. But if interest rates 1 (increase), want to continue to give our customers good service.
I2 (save) more quickly.
I4 a new list of prices for our services with
A: What 3
(change) in your life if you this letter. We appreciate your business and I hope
(get) a new job? you understand the situation.
B: That’s a good question! I don’t know yet.
Yours 5 ,
A: Do you think Vilma and Ari will move house Chris Davis
B: If they 5 (save) enough money, they 1 a Dear b Hey c Hi
(buy) a small flat next year. 2 a cost b prices c bill
A: Everything is so expensive these days! 3 a rise b increase c improve
B: Well, we 7 (have) more money soon 4 a remain b keep c enclose
5 a faithfully b sincerely c kindly
if the economy 8 (improve).

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Long listening
Short listening Business Preliminary Part 4
BULATS Multiple choice/Business Preliminary Part 1 7 [BP_A2+_Test_05_03.mp3] Listen to a radio
6 [BP_A2+_Test_05_02.mp3] You will hear eight discussion about spending habits. For each
short recordings twice. For questions 1–8 choose question choose a, b or c.
the correct answer.
1 How have people’s spending habits changed in
1 What does the woman spend most of her the last five years?
income on? a People spend more.
b People save more.
c People spend money on different things.

2 What has risen most in price?

a b c a taxes
b housing
2 How does the man pay at the hotel? c food
a by credit card
b by mobile phone payment 3 What suggestion does Lena make for saving
c in cash money on restaurant food?
a Use more vouchers.
3 How is the man going to save more money? b Go and eat at different times.
a walk to work every day c Eat more takeaways.
b take his lunch to work
c rent a room in his home 4 What does Lena think about buying new
4 Why does the woman like paying by credit card? a People buy new things too often.
a She doesn’t need different currency. b It often isn’t worth the money.
b It’s light to carry when travelling. c Most website offers are bad.
c She doesn’t need receipts.
5 What advice does Lena give for buying a new
5 What does the man think he is best at in his job? smartphone?
a public speaking a Buy them with a contract.
b working with numbers b Don’t buy one with a brand name.
c managing his time c Buy an older model.

6 How much have the company’s sales increased 6 According to Lena, which is the best way to pay
over the year? when you are overseas?
a about 10 percent a cash
b nearly a quarter b prepaid card
c roughly a third c credit card

7 Who is going to be the lead presenter? 7 According to Lena, where is the worst place to
a Francisco exchange currency?
b Luis a at an airport
c Gaston b at a hotel
c online
8 How was the budget for the project divided? __7

a b c

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test
Name: _________________________________

Writing From:
Business Preliminary Date:
8 You work for an internet provider and you are Subject:
going to increase your business prices. __________________________________________
Write an email to a customer:
• informing them of the price increase. __________________________________________
• giving details of the increase.
• explaining the reason for it. __________________________________________
• concluding in a positive way. __________________________________________

Write 50–60 words. __________________________________________


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