Nghe Chép Chính T - Intermediate

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Xuan Phi IELTS


Summer vacations ............................................................................................... 17 9

Jewelry store........................................................................................................ 20 10

Leisure activities............................................................................................... 22 11

Picnic preparations........................................................................................... 24 12

World Cup soccer.............................................................................................. 27 13

Exercise program.............................................................................................. 29 14

Taxi ride............................................................................................................ 32 15

Dinner Recipes.................................................................................................. 35 16

Vacation Plans .................................................................................................. 37 17

Medical advice.................................................................................................. 40 18 Bus

trip ............................................................................................................. 43 19 Movie

shows times........................................................................................... 46 20 Smoking:

Kicking the habit................................................................................ 48 21 Our family

roots................................................................................................ 51 22 Grocery

shopping.............................................................................................. 53 23

Parenting .......................................................................................................... 56

24 Payday loans.....................................................................................................

8 Summer vacations
Woman: Hey, Hey. Why don't we do something fun next week? We
have (1)……………………... We never do anything fun.

Man: Well . . . I don't know. What do you have in mind?

Woman: Well, I was thinking like . . . . Okay.

Like the library? The library is . . . What?

The library is boring. We could do that anytime. Listen. How about on Monday we
(2)……………………… to the lake and go swimming at the lake?
Man: Ah, I don't know. I think it's going to be hot that day, and I might get
a (3)…………………….. [ Come on! ] You know how tender . . . tender my skin

Woman: Wimp! We can do . . . Okay. So Monday, we'll go down to the lake. Tuesday,
we're going to (4)………………………………….. Um, it's supposed to be cloudy so your
tender skin shouldn't get burned.

Man: Oh, that sounds great . . . but I'd probably (5)……………… like I did last time and
break my arm or something.

Woman: You didn't break your arm last time. You won't break it this time. Come on.
We'll go . . . So Monday, we'll go to the lake; Tuesday, we're going to go mountain
biking. [ Okay. ]

Um, Wednesday, I was thinking we could go fishing. Remember the last time we
went? I caught like 10 huge fish . . .

Man: Yeah. I remember. And the only thing I caught was an (6)……………………. And you
won't ever, ever let me forget that one. So, if we do anything, I'd like to enjoy it.

Woman: Well, okay then. Um, do you suggest?

Man: Well, alright. Well, we could stay home and uh, you know . . . pop some popcorn
and play like Scrabble or another (7)……………………………. Yeah, something like that . . . .

Woman: You know, I like board games, but we can do that anytime. Why don't we go
. . . listen . . . Friday or Saturday. We'll do all those things we talked about and then
Friday or Saturday, we'll go on a picnic to the mountains. You won't break your arm,
you won't get a sunburn. It'll be really (8)……………………. Let's do that, okay?

Man: Well . . . . .

Woman: Come on. Let's do it. It'll (9)……………………..

Man: Okay. We'll give it (10)…………………..

Woman: Good.
(1) Time off (6) old boot

(2) go down (7) board game

(3) sunburn (8) pleasant.

(4) go mountain biking (9) be fun

(5) crash (10) a try

9 Jewelry store
Woman: Hello. Can I help you?

Man: Well. Uh, yeah. I’m looking for something for my wife.

Woman: Okay. A gift for a (1)……………………….?

Man: Well, I’d like to get her something for our (2)…………………………………, so it’s kind
of special.

Woman: Oh, that’s so exciting. [ Yeah. ] Let’s see . . . How about a nice
(3)……………………………..? We have several over here.

Man: Well . . . Umm. She has several of them already, so I’m looking at something

Woman: Okay, what about these (4)…………………………………….?

Man: Oh, wow, they’re nice, but my wife doesn’t wear earrings every often, so I . . . I
don’t think that, you know, they would be very . . . I just don’t think they would fit [
her style ].

Woman: You know. I have just the thing. Come over here. [ Okay. ] How about this
(5)………………………? [ Oh! ] It has that beautiful pink diamond. This is new. Uh, a
beautiful pink diamond in it, and we can get it custom (6)……………………. with both of
your names on it.

Man: Oh. That’s nice. How much is it?

Woman: Well, it usually priced to sell at (7)…………………., but you’re lucky. Today, its's
20 percent off.

Man: Oh, really. Hmmm. Yeah, I’ll (8)………………….

Woman: Alright. Let’s ring you up.

(1) special occasion (5) bracelet

(2) 20th wedding anniversary (6) engraved

(3) gold necklace (7) $499

(4) diamond earrings (8) take it

10 Leisure activities
Stuart: Amy. So, how are you doing?
Amy: Oh, hi Stuart. School is (1)…………………… these days, and when I'm not at school, I'm at work.

Stuart: Hey, listen. I'm getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of our other friends are
going to join us. [Oh.] And, we're . . . well, we're going out to eat and then (2)……………………………….. Why
don't you come with us?
Amy: Hey, I'd love to, but I have to (3)………………. a test tomorrow.

Stuart: Ah, come on. We're planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at 7:30. We
should be home by 10:30 . . . 11:30 (4)…………………. I mean you're always saying that you don't have any
friends . . . and that your love life . . . well, that you don't have one. Come on!
Amy: I . . . I don't think I'd better. I haven't been feeling well lately.

Stuart: Yeah, because you study too much. Well, we'll (5)………………………….. Come on! Relax. [Well . . .]
And it's Sara's birthday, too. And we're throwing her a small birthday party after the movie. Come on.
Best friends always stick together.
Amy: Oh. Okay.
Stuart: Great. I'll pick you up at 6:00.
Amy: Okay. See you then, but I have to be back by 10:30.

Stuart: Ah, 10:30 . . . (6)………………………. It's all the same. See you at 6:00.

(1) so crazy (4) at the latest

(2) catch a movie (5) have a blast

(3) cram for (6) Midnight

11 Picnic preparations
Scott: Dave. I'm going to the supermarket to pick up food and drink for Saturday's
picnic later. Any suggestions?

Dave: Well, everyone has been talking about having a (1)………………………… down by
the river, so why don't you pick up some hamburgers and hot dogs?

Scott: Okay, but how much hamburger meat are we going to need? And hot dogs

Dave: Uh, I don't know. How about (2)……………………….. of hamburger and a couple
packages of hot dogs?

Scott: Oh, that's not going to be enough. Do you remember the last picnic we went
on? Your roommate, Jim, ate about ten hamburgers by himself!

Dave: You're right. Let's see. I'd better write this down. Uh, let's see about nine
pounds of hamburger meat and, uh . . . , (3)………………………………. of hot dogs.

Scott: And you better pick up some chicken for those who don't like hamburger or hot

Dave: Okay. How about five or six bags of potato chips?

Scott: Humm. Better make that eight or so.

Dave: Alright. Oh, and we're gonna [going to] need some hamburger and hot dog
buns. How about five packages a piece? I think that sounds about right.

Scott: Yeah, you'd better pick up some (4)…………………., catchup, and mayonnaise too.

Dave: Okay. What else? Uh, we're gonna [going to] need some soft drinks. How
about ten of those big 2-liter bottles?

Scott: Sounds fine, but be sure to buy (5)……………………………………...

Dave: Okay. And what about dessert?

Scott: Well, maybe we could ask Kathy to make a few (6)……………………………… like she
did last time.

Dave: Well, I wouldn't mind that, but you know, she's been very busy working two
jobs, so I'd hate to ask her, [Oh, hum . . . ] and uh . . . Hey, why don't you whip up
some of your (7)……………………………………? [Well . . .] Hey, you could even ask, uh . . . ,
what's her name . . . yeah that new girl, Susan, the one that moved in across the
street! [Well . . .] I bet she'd be willing to help you! [I don't know . . . ] She's a (8)

Scott: Nah, I don't think I could ask her . . .[Ahh!] I don't know her
(9)…………………………., plus . . .
[ Door bell rings . . . ]
Dave: Hey, you don't need to. She's at the door!

Scott: What do you mean?

Dave: Well, I thought you two would (10)…………………………………, so I called her up

saying I was you, and I invited her over to watch a movie.

Scott: You did what???

Dave: Wait, wait, wait . . . [uhhhhh . . . ]

(1) Barbecue (6) cherry pies

(2) three pounds (7) oatmeal cookies

(3) seven packages (8) real knockout

(4) mustard (9) phone number

(5) a variety of drinks (10) hit it off

12 World Cup soccer

Woman: Hey. Have you been watching any of the World Cup soccer matches?

Man: Well, I was watching until my favorite team was (1)…………………………… the first
round of play. I mean, they should have made it all the way to the second round, but
a whole series of events cost the team the opportunity to prove themselves on the

Woman: What do you mean?

Man: Well, in the first match, two of their star players were out
with (3)……………………….., so the rest of the players, unfortunately, just couldn't keep
up with the opposing team.

Woman: Well, that's just life. I mean every team is going to have players out
with injuries.

Man: Yea, but that's beside the point. And, and then, in the second game, the refs
made some (4)………………………….., allowing the opposing team to slip by with a
victory. I mean, we were robbed on that one. The refs must have been walking in
their sleep!

Woman: But, didn't one of your own players accidentally kick the (5)……………………
into his own goal? I mean that doesn't sound like a bad call to me.

Man: That's just beside the POINT!

Woman: Really?

Man: And finally, our team was ahead in the final watch---I mean they were way out
ahead until the other team rallied in the final three minutes of play to (6)
………………………….. a victory. It was a total embarrassment for our team. Our team
was booed. All I can say is that the sun must have been in our players' eyes . . .

Woman: Uh, wasn't it a night game?

Man: That's beside the point, too. You just not understanding anything I'm saying.

Woman: So, who are you (7)……………………………. now, seeing that your team has been

Man: Ah, I can't watch any more soccer, so I've been following an online chess

Woman: What?! Now, that has to be the most (8)…………………………… reaction I have
ever heard of. So, you're going to completely boycott the rest of the play just because
your team got bounced out of the tournament?

Man: Ah, forget it. You just don't understand.

(1) bounced out of (5) ball twice

(2) world stage (6) squeak out

(3) nagging injuries (7) rooting for

(4) terrible calls (8) ridiculous

13 Exercise program
Josh: Hey, I hear you and Stephanie are really getting serious.

Michael: Yeah, I think she'll be (1)………………… with my new exercise program.

Josh: What? What are you talking about? What exercise program? What did you tell

Michael: Well, you know, I enjoy (2)…………………………….. [Right] First, I generally get
up every morning at 5:30 a.m.

Josh: Oh, yeah. Since when? You don't (3)……………………….. of bed until at least 7:30

Michael: No, no, and on Mondays and Wednesdays, . . .

Josh: Ah, not another tall tale . . .

Michael: I almost always go jogging for about (4)…………………………….., you know, to
improve my endurance.

Josh: Hey, jogging to the refrigerator for a glass of milk doesn't count.

Michael: Of course, before I leave, I usually make sure I do some stretches so I don't
(5)……………………………….. on my run.

Josh: Right. One jumping jack.

Michael: Then, I told her that I usually lift weights Tuesdays and Thursdays for about
an hour after work.

Josh: Humph.

Michael: This helps me build (6)……………………………...

Josh: A one-pound barbell.

Michael: Finally, I often go hiking on Saturdays with my dog [What dog!?], well, and I
like hiking because it helps me (7)………………………….. stress and reduce anxiety that
builds up during the week.

Josh: Oh yeah, those lies.

Michael: Well, uh, as for Fridays, I sometimes just relax at home by watching a movie
or inviting you over to visit.

Josh: If I buy the pizza.

Michael: But . . . bu . . . And on Sundays, I take the (8)………………………. from exercising,

but I usually take my dog for a walk.

Josh: Forget it. She'll never buy this story.

(1) Impressed (5) pull a muscle

(2) staying in shape (6) muscle strength

(3) roll out (7) burn off

(4) a half hour (8) day off

14 Taxi ride
Passenger: Hey Taxi! Ah great. Thanks for pulling over.

Driver: Where to?

Passenger: Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art,

and . . . . Driver: Sure. Hop in. No problem. (1)……………………!

Passenger: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?

Driver: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take more than twenty
minutes for the average driver. [Oh]. And I'm not average. I have
driving (2)…………………………….., so we should be able to cruise through traffic and get
there in less than twelve minutes.

Passenger: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking [Yeah?], but do you have any idea how much
the fare will be?

Driver: Oh, it shouldn't be more than (3)………………… . . . not including a . . . uh-hum . .

. a tip of course.

Passenger: Oh, and by the way, do you know what time the museum

closes? Driver: Well, I would guess (4)………………………………….

Passenger: Uh, do you have the time?

Driver: Yeah. It's half past four. [Thanks] Uh, this IS your first time to the city,

right? Passenger: Yeah. How did you know?

Driver: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city because they walk
down the street looking straight up at the (5)……………………………...

Passenger: Was it that obvious?

Driver: Well . . .

Passenger: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown
that offer meals at a (6)……………………………?

Driver: Umm . . . Well, the Mexican restaurant, La Fajita, is fantastic. [Oh] It's not as
inexpensive as other places I know, but the decor is very authentic, [Okay] and the
(7)……………………….. are larger than most places I've been to.

Passenger: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?

Driver: Well, you can catch the subway right outside the museum. There are buses
that run that way, but you would have to transfer (8)……………………………….. And there
are taxis too, but they don't run by the museum that often.
Passenger: Okay. Thanks.

(1) Hang on (5) Skyscrapers

(2) down to an art (6) reasonable price

(3) 18 dollars (7) Portions

(4) around 6:00 O'clock (8) a couple of times

15 Dinner Recipes
Father: Time to eat!

Daughter: Coming. Oh, I'm (1)…………………. [Good, good.] Oh yuck! What's

that? Father: Ah, now don't complain!

Daughter: But what is it, and where is mom?

Father: Now, mom put me (2)……………………. dinner because she's not feeling well

Daughter: But what is it . . . and that smell!

Father: It's pizza. I just followed an (3)………………………………….. here,

and . . . Daughter: Let me see that . . . Oh, Dad. [What?] You're missing a


Father: Oh, uh, well, uh . . . well I couldn't find (4)……………………………… of the recipe,
but don't worry. I have plenty of experience around the house. Plenty of experience

Daughter: That's not what mom says.

Father: Well, wait, wait, here let me try a piece first. Here, let me, let me cool this off
here. Ohhh, yeah. Oh, this is (5)……………………………..

Daughter: Yeah right. Why are you making that face?

Father: Well, well, it's just, just (6)…………………………… for me. That's all.

Daughter: Let me try it Dad. Uh. Dad. You put a little too much salt in it and besides
it's burned. [Well . . . ] And what's that?

Father: Oh, well, well, that's just part of my own (7)……………………………… to the recipe.
I added some pumpkin.

Daughter: Oh, not another one of your surprises. Pumpkin doesn't go on

pizza! Father: Well, okay, well, so what? Uh, what do we do now?

Daughter: Well, how about some cold cereal . . . You can't (8)……………………………. on
that, Dad.

(1) Starving (5) great stuff

(2) in charge of (6) a little rich

(3) old family recipe (7) adaptation

(4) the second page (8) mess up

16 Vacation Plans
Pete: Hey Markus. I have a question I'd like to ask you.

Markus: Yes. Go ahead.

Pete: Well, I'm thinking about going to (1)………………………… this summer [Great!], and
I need some advice. You're the best person I know to answer my questions since
you're German.

Markus: Thank you. What do you want to know?

Pete: Well, don't laugh, but I met this really nice woman through an online (2)
…………………………………., you know, a discussion group on the Internet [laughter]. I
need some advice. You see, Claudia, . . .

Markus: Okay. So it's Claudia, oh?

Pete: Yeah, yeah. See, she invited me to spend (3)……………………………. in Germany

[Hum]. And well, I told here I had studied a little bit about the country and language
[Hum], and she's kind of expecting that I know more than I really do.

Markus: Hum. You're really in (4)………………………….. now!

Pete: Yeah. I think so.

Markus: Well, what do you want to know?

Pete: Well, she's planning on introducing me to her parents.

Markus: Hey. Sounds (5)……………………………..

Pete: It isn't, at least I think it isn't. Anyway, what should you do when you greet
someone for the first time in Germany?

Markus: Well, it (6)……………………………………. your relationship with the person. Now,

speaking of your girlfriend, Claudia, . . . .

Pete: Hey, I didn't say she was my girlfriend.

Markus: Ah, okay, okay. Now if you're meeting someone formally for the first time,
like Claudia's parents, you should make sure you arrive on time.
Pete: Okay, so arrive on time. Uh, what about (7)……………………………………?

Markus: Well, Germans often shake hands, and they use the person's family name,
unless they're really close friends.

Pete: Okay, what about with Claudia? I'm not sure what I should do

Markus: Ah. You can call her Claudia [Okay], shake hands, and why
don't you take her some flowers?

Pete: Oh, how do you say "Nice to meet you" anyway?

Markus: Oh, "Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen."

Pete: "Ich freu me senselen. . ? "

Markus: Uhhh. Not exactly. "Ich freue mich, Sie kennenzulernen" [Uhhh].

Markus: Humm. Honestly, I think you need to take a (9)………………………….. in German

before you leave. Claudia might think you're speaking Chinese or something if you
(1) Germany (6) depends upon

(2) music mailing list (7) common greetings

(3) two weeks (8) in her case

(4) hot water (9) crash course

(5) kind of serious

17 Medical advice
Receptionist: Dr. Carter's Office.

Ronald: Yes, I'd like to (1)………………………………………… to see Dr. Carter,

please. Receptionist: Is this your first visit?

Ronald: Yes it is.

Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your name please?

Ronald: Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller.

Receptionist: And may I ask who referred you to our office?

Ronald: Uh, I (2)…………………………. your office yesterday.

Receptionist: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on Wednesday at 4:00

Ronald: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? I usually

(3)………………………. my kids from school around that time.

Receptionist: Okay. Um . . . how about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or Thursday at 8:15


Ronald: Uh, do you have anything earlier, like 7:30?

Receptionist: No. I'm sorry.

Ronald: Well, in that case, (4)………………………… would be fine.

Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your phone number please?

Ronald: It's 643-0547.

Receptionist: Alright. And what's the nature of your visit?

Ronald: Uh . . .

Receptionist: Yes sir.

Ronald: Well, to tell the truth, I fell from (5)…………………. two days ago while painting
my house, and I sprained my ankle when my foot landed in a (6)…………………………. I
suffered a few scratches on my hands and knees, but I'm most concerned that the
swelling in my ankle hasn't gone down yet.

Receptionist: Well, did you (7)…………………………….. it immediately after this


Ronald: Well yeah. I just filled the paint can with ice and . . .

Receptionist: And so after you removed the paint can . . . Sir, sir, Mr. Schuller, are you still

Ronald: Well that's part of the problem. Uh, the paint can is still (8)…………………………..

Receptionist: Look, Mr. Schuller. Please come in today. I don't think your case can

(1) make an appointment (5) a ladder

(2) drove past (6) paint can

(3) pick up (7) put ice on

(4) Thursday (8) on my foot

18 Bus trip
Woman: Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

Man: It is now. Take a seat.

Woman: Thanks. I had been waiting for (1)……………………………….. for the bus to come.

Man: Yeah. The bus broke down about 50 miles back. Actually, the bus driver lost
control of the bus when he spilt hot chocolate on himself, and then as he tried to
(2)………………………………. of the bus, he hit a rock and the bus blew a tire.

Woman: Uh. Are you sure this bus in safe?

Man: I'm not sure if it's safe, but you can't beat the (3)

………………………………….. Woman: So, where are you from?

Man: To tell the truth, I really don't know.

Woman: Uh, what do you mean?

Man: Well, you see, I was (4)……………………. when I was a baby. I was told that I was
born in New York City, but I can't be sure about that. Then, my new parents raised me
in a small town in Texas. I'm sure you've never heard of it.

Woman: Oh.

Man: My parents, Fred and Norma, had a farm, so I grew up (5)

…………………………………. and herding sheep. Actually, I'm on my way to visit them now.

Woman: You mean back to Texas?

Man: Oh no. They sold that farm years ago when they discovered oil on their
property. They live on (6)……………………… right outside of Las Vegas. Beautiful place
with a pool . . .

Woman: Las Vegas. Las Vegas? I thought this bus was heading to Chicago . . . in the
opposite direction!

Man: Ah. You're on the (7)……………………………..

Woman: I got to get off.

Man: Hey, relax. Spend a weekend with me and my parents on the ranch. I can teach
you how to milk a cow or something.

Woman: I have to get off.

Man: Relax. Anyway, once this bus left the station, it ain't gonna stop until the next
stop . . . three hours from now. The driver got really upset when the last passenger
made a similar mistake. Hey, (8)………………………………. Let me tell you about farm. I
have plenty of stories.
(1) over two hours (5) milking cows

(2) regain control (6) a ranch

(3) price of the trip (7) wrong bus

(4) adopted (8) sit and relax

19 Movie shows times

Hello and thank you for calling Riverview Cinemas, the city's (1)
……………………………… with stadium seating. Box office opens 45 minutes before
show time.
Movies currently playing include: Return to Mars II, rated PG 13 with a run time of (2)
……………………………………., showing at 12:00, 2:15, 5:00, and 7:20; Road Trip. rated R, a
run time of 1 hour 49 minutes at 11:15, 1:20, 3:45, and 6:05; Go for the Gold, rated
PG. Run time, (3)……………………………………. Playing at 11:50, 2:00, 4:15, and 6:30, and
Friends Forever, rated G, at 12:10, 2:00, 3:50, 6:15, and 8:30. Run time, 1 hour 32
minutes. These times are valid through the (4)…………………………………...

Matinee tickets are $2.00 before 4:00 p.m. for all patrons. Regular tickets are $6.00
for adults, $2.50 for children 3-11, and $4.50 for ages 12-17. Seniors are only a (5)
…………………………….. All tickets on Tuesdays are $2.00. You can also purchase
tickets online. No wait, no lines.

We're located downtown on 1313 South 260 East, kitty-corner the Richards Science
Museum. Visit our website for (6)………………………. information.

Xuan Phi IELTS

(1) finest theaters (4) 17th of the month

(2) 1 hour 53 minutes (5) buck fifty

(3) 1 hour 37 minutes (6) up-to-date

Xuan Phi IELTS

20 Smoking: Kicking the habit
Woman: Hey. Are you okay?

Man: Yeah. I just have a cold, I think.

Woman: No, no you don't. You've sounded like that for a while. You smoke, and
you're (1)………………………….. it.

, Man: What? Well, you know, I'm just . . .I'm just a casual smoker, and I can quit
anytime I want.

Woman: No, you can't. You smoke (2)…………………………………., and I don’t call that a
casual smoker.

Man: Hey, it's my choice, so butt out. We've talked about this before, and I'm tired of
you, mom, and dad (3)……………………. me about it all the time.

Woman: Okay, but what about your kids? Don't you worry about how your smoking is
affecting them?

Man: It's not a problem. I smoke outside.

Woman: Yeah, but don't you worry they'll start smoking too?

Man: No. They won't. I know my kids. I trust them.

Woman: Yeah, yeah. Didn't you say that Jacob (4)……………………………… smoking a
week ago at school?

Man: Yeah, but it was the first time . . . He's under a lot of pressure these

days. Woman: Yea, right. The first time you know of. He's (5)……………………. to

you. Man: I trust him.

Woman: Really. Well, what about these (6)……………………..? [ What? ] Right here!
[ Oh! ] I found them in his clothes when he stayed over last night. Listen.

Man: They . . . They're probably not his!

Woman: They're his. He's following your example. You can't expect him not to smoke
when you smoke yourself.

Man: Hey. Don't tell me how to (7)……………………………... It's my job.

Woman: I won't have to. You're killing yourself, and someone else is going to be
raising your kids for you.
Man: Well, what does that mean?

Xuan Phi IELTS

Woman: Figure it out. Listen. I ('ve) got to go now. If you want to (8)…………………………,
I'll be at mom's house.

Man: Whatever.
Xuan Phi IELTS
(1) dying from (5) lying

(2) two packs a day (6) cigarettes

(3) nagging (7) raise my kids

(4) got caught (8) talk more

Xuan Phi IELTS

21 Our family roots
It has been said that learning about the past is a process of learning about oneself,
and the study of family histories can help us understand the past and prepare us to
meet the (1)……………………………….. Some North Americans can trace their histories
back to Mexico, and this presentation is about one such individual: Ana Maria
Cavazos. Ana Maria Cavazos was born on (2)………………………, 1908, in Reynosa,
Mexico. She was the eleventh of twelve children.

Her father, Jesus Cavazos, was originally from Victoria, Texas, but his family moved to
Mexico (3)…………………………... As was common at the time, Jesus spent much of his
life raising cattle and farming cotton.

Ana's mother, Juana Castro, was the oldest of six brothers and sisters. Juana and Jesus
were married in 1880. Ana's family moved to the United States during the Mexican
Revolution in 1913. Their family experienced much hardship, both financial and
physical. Yet in spite of obstacles, many of them (4)…………………… over the forces of
exclusion and poverty to emerge as successful farms and businessman.

Ana grew up in Texas and met her (5)…………………………………, Abel Contreras, in 1929.
Ana and Abel Contreras were married in 1931 and were the parents of eleven
children. The principles of faith, integrity, and family oneness permeated their lives,
and have given their posterity a (6)………………………………. Indeed, we can benefit
greatly from our family histories.

Thank you for joining this short presentation.

Xuan Phi IELTS
(1) challenges of today (4) triumphed

(2) June ninth (5) future husband

(3) around 1855 (6) great legacy

Xuan Phi IELTS

22 Grocery shopping
Man: Hey. Can you give me a hand with the groceries? And I told you I could do the

Woman: Wow! Do we really need (1)…………………….? Let me see that receipt.

Man: Hey, I only bought the essentials.

Woman: Okay. Let's see. Dog food. (2)…………………………… cents? We don't even have
a dog!

Man: Well, it WAS going to be a surprise, but look in the back of the

truck. Woman: What?

Man: Ah, ha, hah. (3)………………………….. I knew you'd love him.

Woman: That thing? That dog's as big as a horse. He probably eats like one, too.

Man: Ah, but he's sure friendly. And someone was (4)…………………………….. at the
supermarket, and I . . . I . . . I couldn't let that poor thing pass another day without a
loving home.

Woman: Whatever. Where was I? (5)…………………. cents for twenty-four cans of

tomato juice? You don't even like that stuff!

Man: Ahhhh. Not yet. I've decided to change my eating habits.

Woman: Right.

Man: You'll see, you'll see.

Woman: Okay. Let's see. Three eighty-four cents for a box of chocolate cookies and
twelve fifty-six ($12.56) for a case of (6)…………………………….. [Yeah!] Changing your
eating habits, huh? Do you really think that cookies are some type of diet food?
Man: Hey, I'll just eat a cookie or two every other hour. In fact, they're a great source
of carbohydrates for energy. And, you see, the (7)…………………………….. and cookies
kind of, you know, cancel each other out.

Woman: Oh brother. I can't believe what I'm hearing. Let's see. Where was I? A
carton of eggs, two fifty cents for a gallon of milk, (8)…………………… of tuna. Okay.
[Yeah.] And finally two steaks for eight fourteen cents . Now, something worth
enjoying. I'll get the grill started.

Man: Oh, we . . . w . . . well. The steaks are for Herbert.

Woman: Herbert. Who's Herbert?

Man: Uh, he's the dog. [No!] You see, the (9)………………………………… said that he's kind
of . . . he's somewhat picky about what he eats, [No!], and the steaks might help

Xuan Phi IELTS

him adjust [Absolutely not!] . . . . no, no, no, and the steaks might help him adjust to
his new home. Hey, what are you doing? Oh, no. Why did you throw the steaks out on
the (10)…………………………………..?

Woman: Well, now, you and Herbert can get to know each other better. I'm going out
to eat by myself.

Man: Ughh.
Xuan Phi IELTS
(1) all this stuff (6) soft drinks

(2) 24.70 (7) tomato juice

(3) Speechless (8) three cans

(4) giving him away (9) previous owner

(5) 18.19 (10) ground outside

Xuan Phi IELTS

23 Parenting
Dad: Hey. Uh, what are you doing home this weekend? I thought classes didn't end
until (1)……………………….

Daughter: Hi Dad. I love you.

Dad: Ah, the three (2)………………………..: I need help! I've heard those

before. Daughter: Uh, Well, we'd better sit down.

Dad: Uh, this doesn't sound good.

Daughter: Well, first of all . . . hey, is that painting on the wall

new? Dad: No, no, no, no, no. Let's get back to the conversation


Daughter: Okay, first of all, I am failing all of my classes, I lost my job, I (3)………………
my car, I mean, your car last week. It's at the bottom of the lake . . . I think, and the
laptop I borrowed from you . . . well, it was in the (4)…………………………. of the car.
That's all of the good news.

Dad: Uh, wait . . .

Daughter: Dad. You're not saying anything . . .

Dad: Okay. Now, what's the bad news?

Daughter: Well, I just found out that my old boyfriend was a member of a (5)
……………..; he says that he and 20 of his friends are gonna come over here to talk to
you about what you posted on their Facebook page.
Dad: I don't even know how to use Facebook!

Daughter: Well, you do now. I have to go. I'd rather not be here in about
(6)……………………... Love you. Bye.

Dad: Ugh!!

Xuan Phi IELTS

(1) next week (4) backseat

(2) magic words (5) gang

(3) wrecked (6) 20 minutes

Xuan Phi IELTS

24 Payday loans
Man: Hey, Rachel. Can I borrow your large suitcase?

Woman: Wait. Why do you need it?

Man: Okay. Get this. Some friends and I are going to Hawaii next week, and my small
bag won’t be big enough for (1)…………………………….. I plan to bring home. I’m going to
get you some peanuts, too.

Woman: What? How can you afford that? You don’t have a job, you already have
an (2)……………………… car payment, and you still owe me $500 for that old car that
didn’t last a week.

Man: Hey, those things are behind me. You see, I took out a loan.

Woman: Where? I mean to be honest, your (3)………………………………… is terrible.

Man: Well, it’s complicated.

Woman: What do you mean complicated? Give it to me straight. Where did you
manage to get a loan?

Man: Well, I got a payday loan at a place near our house.

Woman: What? That’s a awful idea.

Man: Ah, you don’t know anything. And you . . . at these places, you can get a loan
there quickly without any (4)……………...

Woman: Exactly, because they know they can run you dry. [ No. ] I mean they might
charge you (5)……………………… interest compared to about 12 to 30% interest for a
regular credit card. [ Ah!! ] A personal loan at the bank might be even cheaper. [
Yeah, but . . . ] And then people like you get locked into a vicious loan cycle that is
almost impossible to escape. Like quicksand.

Man: How do you know so much about payday loans?

Woman: Well, I took out a loan once, and it took me forever to pay it back. So, yeah,
how do YOU play to pay it back?

Man: Uh, well, I thought I’d sell my mountain bike or my (6)

……………………………. collection, or you could give me the money.

Woman: Yeah, forget it. Not in a million years.

Man: Ahhhh!

Xuan Phi IELTS

(1) all the souvenirs (4) hassle

(2) outrageous (5) over 300%

(3) credit history (6) comic book

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