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1 Measurement of Distance by Pacing 2

2 Measurement of Distance by Taping; Breaking the Tape Method 5

Breaking the Tape Method

3 Taping Problems and Techniques 10

4 Obstruction Distance and Between Two Points 16

5 Area Determination by Tape 19

6 Area of a Tract of Land with an Irregular Boundary by Tape 22

7 Measurement of Distance and difference In Elevation by Hand 26

Level and Tape

8 Compass 29

9 Traverse by Compass and Tape 34

The Engineer’s Transit 39

The Engineer’s Level 41

10 Measurement of Horizontal Angle by Repetition 44

11 Prolonging a Line 47

12 Determination of an Inaccessible Height 51

13 Closed Azimuth Traverse 55

14 Deflection Angle Traverse 58

15 Interior Angle Traverse and Area Determination 61

by DMD/DPD Method

16 Determination of Stadia interval Factor 65

17 Differential Leveling 68

18 Reciprocal Leveling 71

19 Profile Leveling 74

Page 1 of 81

I. Objectives
1. To determine one’s pace factor (p.f)
2. To determine an unknown distance by pacing.

II. Theory
Pacing is a method of knowing individuals pace factor. Knowing our pace
factor is very important as this can be used to measure a certain distance with
the absence of a measuring tape.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Range pole (2)
2. Marking pin (2)
3. Steel/Measuring tape (1)
IV. Procedures
A. Determining One’s Pace Factor
1. Lay out on the ground a 50-m (or any length assigned by the instructor) line.
2. Mark each end by a marking pin. Call these points A and B.
3. Assign a range pole man at each end of the line.
4. Starting from point A, each member of the group takes turn in counting the
number of steps he makes in traversing the line. Caution must be taking that in
the course of scaling the line the strider walks in his own normal manner.
5. As a next trial begin at point B and terminate at A.
6. Make 4 trials by repeating procedures 1 to 5. To have an accurate pace factor
4 to 6 repetitions is recommended. More than this, fatigue sets in and will
greatly affect one’s pace factor.
7. Compute the pace factor as follows;

X = ∑X where: X is the number of paces

n n is the number of trials
X is the mean number of paces
pf = MD MD is the measured distance
X p.f is the pace factor

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B. Determining the length of a Line by Pacing
1. The instructor assigns two points P and Q. The measured distance PQ is
2. Each group member takes turn to determine the number of paces he makes to
cover line PQ. He begins at P and ends at Q.
3. Make 4 trials alternately beginning at P and Q.
4. Compute the mean number of paces.
5. Compute the paced distance PQ.
Paced Distance (PD) = Mean No. of Paces x pace factor.
6. The instructor will give the known length of line PQ. Compute the percentage

%ERROR = |MD-PD| 100%


NOTE: A single pace is measured either from heel to heel or from toe to toe.

V. Data Sheet

A. Pace Factor Determination

Trial Line Measured Distance Number of Paces

1 AB
2 BA
3 AB
4 BA
Mean No. of Paces _________________

B. Determining the Length of a Line by Pacing

Trial Line Number of Paces

1 PQ
2 QP
3 PQ
4 QP

Mean Number of Paces__________________

Page 3 of 81
Paced Distance_________________________


VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 4 of 81

I. Objectives
1. To determine the distance between two points on (a) a level ground (b) an
uneven surface.
2. To determine the horizontal distance between two points on a sloping ground.

II. Theory
Breaking the tape method is used in measuring distances on irregular
elevation areas.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Range pole (2)
2. Marking pins (10)
3. Measuring/steel tape (1)
4. Plumb bob (2)

Foreword: A taping party consists of a head tapeman, a rear tapeman, a

recorder and a utility man. Each member of the party has his own
definite function and responsibility. This is done in order to avoid
any duplication and systematize the work.

IV. Procedures
A. Distance Between Two Points on a Level Ground
1. The instructor assigns two points P and Q. The distance between P and Q is
about 200-300 meters.
2. Mark the ends by means of a marking pin.
3. If taping begins at P have the range poleman stand at Q. The pole man must
ensure that the range pole is held in a vertical position.
4. The head tape man holding the O-mark of the tape proceeds toward point Q.

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5. The rear tape man unwinds the tape and signals the head tapeman to stop once
50-m tape length has been paid out. He then places the 50-m mark at point P.
6. Other members of the group at the ends of the line signal the head tapeman
whether the tape is in line with PQ or not.
7. After aligning the tape, the tapemen then pull the same until it is taut. A
marking pin is then set on the ground exactly opposite the 0-m mark of the
tape. The head tapeman signals the party proceeds for the next tape length.
8. Repeat the above procedures until the taping has neared point Q. Since almost
always the number of the tape lengths is not exact there is partial tape length
that needs to be measured. The head tapeman, still holding the 0-mark brings
it to point Q. The rear tapeman on the other hand wind the tape until it is
almost at the last marked point. The tape is then pulled taut and the tape
graduation read.
9. Make a second trial starting at point Q.
10. Compute the mean distance
B. Distance Between Two Points on an Irregular Ground
1. The instructor assigns two points R and S on an irregular ground.
2. The same procedures given in section A above apply except that when the
party is confronted by the obstruction or a type of surface where usual taping
on the ground cannot be performed the tape is held horizontally above the
ground. See figure 1 below.
3. The rear tapeman holding the tape and a plumb line makes sure that the
following conditions are satisfied: (a) the tip of the plumb bob is just a little
above the mark
(1-2 cmcs); (b) The plumbline and the tape are perpendicular to each other; (c)
The tape is not held above chest of the rear tapeman, otherwise it will be
difficult to control the tape.
4. With conditions in 3 met, the head tapeman who is also holding a plumb line
projects the tip of the bob on the ground by dropping the plumb bob. Drive a
marking pin on the marked point.
5. After overcoming the obstruction, taping then proceeds to point S.
6. Perform a second trial beginning at point S.

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C. Taping on a Sloping Ground using “Breaking the Tape Method”
1. Instructor will assign two point S and T on a sloping ground. See figure 2

Note: If the difference in elevation and distance between S and T exceeds 1.5 m and more
than a tapelength, respectively, holding the tape stretched out in its entire length in a
horizontal position above the ground cannot be done without affecting the accuracy of the
taping process.

2. To find the horizontal distance between S and T, a series of horizontal

measurements must be done (with each segment less than a tapelength). This
is called “Breaking the Tape.”
3. The head tapeman with the 0-mark proceeds toward T and takes a position
about the line such that the rear tapeman will not have the inconvenience of
having the tape above his chest. The tape must be stretched taut to avoid
4. The tapeman reads and records the length.
5. After the rear tapeman signals “alright” the team advances toward T. Follow the
procedure given in No. 3
6. Make a second trial and do the taping downslope, i.c from T to S.

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V. Data Sheet

A. Distance Between Two Points on a Level Ground

1 tape length = ______________ meter

Trial Line Number of Partial Tape Total Distance

Tape Length Length
1 PQ
2 QP
Mean Total Distance = _______________m

B. Distance Between Two Points on an Irregular Ground


1 tape length = ______________ meter

Trial Line Number of Partial Tape Total Distance

Tape Lengths Lengths

1 RS

2 QP

Mean Total Distance = ________________m

D. Distance Between Two Points on a Sloping Ground

Trial Line Measured Partial Distance

1 ST

Total Distance

Page 8 of 81
2 TS

Total Distance
Mean Horizontal Distance = ___________________m

VI. Computation :

VII. Observations :

VIII. Conclusion :

IX. Recommendations :

X. Questions :

XI. References :

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I. Objectives
1. To lay out and measure an angle by means of a tape.
2. To lay out a line perpendicular to a given line.
3. To lay out a line parallel to a given line.

II. Theory
Taping problems and techniques help students to be more familiar of the
commonly encountered problems during surveying activities.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Steel or Measuring Tape
2. Marking pins (10)
3. Range pole (2)

IV. Procedures
A. To Lay out a Given Angle by Means of a Tape
1. A line PQ and an angle ᶿ to be laid out will be given by the instructor. See
figure below.

2. Along line PQ, mark two points R and S whose distance between them is 10
3. With the 0-m mark of the tape at R measure a distance of 10 Cos ᶿ and locate
point T by swinging the tape suck that the distance TS is equal to 10 Sin ᶿ.
This can be done by placing the 10 Cos ᶿ + 10 Sin ᶿ-m mark at point S. Make
sure all segments of the tape are taut before marking point T.
4. The line RT now makes an angle ᶿ with respect to line PQ.
B. To Measure an Angle by Means of a Tape

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1. Instructor assigns 3 points A, B and C. Drive a marking pin on each of these
2. Consider B as the vertex angle. Angle ABC or ᶿ is to be measured

See accompanying figure.

3. From B to A measure a distance of 10 meter. Peg a marking pin on this point and call
it as P.
4. From B to C measure the same distance. Mark the point and call it Q.
5. Measure by means of a tape the distance PQ.
6. Angle ᶿ is computed as follows:

Sin(ᶿ/2) = PQ

ᶿ = 2Sin-1(PQ/20)
C. To Lay Out a Line Perpendicular to a Given Line
3:4:5 Method
1. In the figure shown the line PM is to be constructed perpendicular to the given
line MN.

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2. If the line sought to be constructed is through M, measure out a distance of 3
meters along line beginning at point M. Mark the end as point O.
3. With the 0-mark at M measure a distance of 4 meters and loop the tape so that
4-m and 5-m marks are coincident.
4. With the loop maintained and the tape held tight, set the 10-m mark of the
tape at point O.
5. Locate Point P by pulling until taut each part of the tape.
6. After locating P, mark it on the ground.
7. The line MP is perpendicular to the given line MN.

 Chord Bisection Method

1. Mark two points M and N on the given line.

2. Choose a point outside the line and designate it as point O.

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3. With the 0-mark held at point O swing any convenient length of the
tape such that they are described will cross the line at two points. Call
these as P and Q.
4. Measure the distance PQ and locate its mid-point R.
5. The line joining O and R is now perpendicular to the given line MN.
D. Construction of a Line Parallel to a Given Line
1. Mark two points M and N on the given line.
2. Choose a point a outside the given on which the line sought will pass through.

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3. Place the 0-mark at b and measure the distance ab.
4. Without taking off the tape from the ground locate and mark the midpoint c.
5. Swing the 0-mark of the tape with the midpoint c and a in place such that it
will cross line MN at another point d.
6. The tapeman who is holding the a mark of the tape then shifts to a position e
that will stretch the tape straight.
7. Line MN is now parallel to the line joining a and e.

V. Data Sheet

A. To Lay Out a Given Angle by Means of a Tape

Given angle ᶿ = _________ RS = __________
RT = _________ ST = __________
B. To Measure an Angle by Means of a Tape
Line Distance

Angle ᶿ = ________________
C. To Lay Out a Line Perpendicular to a Given Line
(a) 3:4:5 Method (b) Chord Bisection Method
MO = ____________ Line Distance
MP = ____________
OP = ____________

D. Construction of a Line Parallel to a Given Line

Line Distance Line Distance

VI. Computations

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VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

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I. Objectives
To determine the distance between two points that are obstructed.

II. Theory
This exercise will help educate students familiarize the methods in surveying
for this kind of situation.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Steel tape (1)
2. Marking pins (10)
3. Range poles (2)

IV. Procedures
A. Swing Offset Method.
1. In the given figure below, drive a range pole at each end of the line PQ whose
length is to be determined.

2. Choose and mark a third point 0. This point must be visible at points P and Q.
3. Unwind the tape to a certain length with the 0-mark of the tape at Q swing it
such that it intersects the line PQ at points R and S.
4. Determine and mark the midpoint of RS. Call this Pt. T.
5. Measure the distances PT and QT.
6. Triangle PQT is a right triangle. Hence, it enjoys the relation given by
Pythagorean Theorem.

V. Data Sheet

Page 16 of 81

A. Swing Offset Method. B. a) Short Offset Method

Line Distance Line Distance


B. b) Long Offset Method


C. Similar Triangle Method

Line Distance

D. Cosine Law Method

Line Distance
Angle ᶿ = ____________________

VI. Computations

VII. Observations
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VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 18 of 81

I. Objectives
To determine the area of a tract of land by means of a measuring tape alone.

II. Theory
Area determination of a certain lot area with the absence of transit or any
instrument to measure angles will help students in the field of practice to
determine area.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Range pole (2)
2. Marking pins (10)
3. Measuring/Steel Tape (1)

IV. Procedures
1. Instructor assigns 5 points A, B, C, D and E. Mark each point by a marking
pin. These points will serve as the corners of a pentagonal lot. See figure

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2. Divide the lot into three contiguous triangles as shown.
3. In each triangle formed, measure the length of the sides, the altitudes and
angles (FW 3) by means of a tape. Use 3:4:5 method in finding the altitude of
the triangle.
4. Record the data and compute the area of each triangle and that of the entire
tract ABCDE using the following formulae.
a. All Sides Known
If a, b and c are sides of the triangle, then its area A is

A= s (s-a)(s-b)(s-c)
Where: s = (a+b+c)/2
b. Base and Altitude Known
If b and h are the base and altitude, respectively, of a triangle then its area
A is
A= ½ bh
c. Two Sides and the Included Angle Known
If b and c are the known sides of the triangle and ᶿ is the included angle
between them, then the area A is
A = ½ bc sin ᶿ

V. Data Sheet

Side Distance Altitude distance

a h1
d h3


Triangle Formula a Formula b Formula c


Page 20 of 81
Total Area
Mean Area = _______________________

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 21 of 81

I. Objectives
To determine the area of a tract of land which has an irregular or curved
boundary using a) Trapezoidal Rule b) Simpson’s 1/3 rule.

II. Theory
Area determination for irregular lands can be measured through several
methods. Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule are one of those which students
need to learn so they can apply in the field.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Steel tape (1)
2. Range pole (2)
3. Marking pins (10)

IV. Procedures
1. Establish a line about 5-7 meters near the irregular or curved boundary. This is
called the base line.
2. Divide the base line into segments of regular interval. Record the distance d of
the interval.
3. Mark the dividing points on the base line by marking pins.

4. Construct lines perpendicular to the base line through the dividing points (Use
3:4:5 method).

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5. Measure the distance of the offsets or perpendiculars in No. 4 by means of a

6. Compute the area A using

a) Trapezoidal Rule:
The total Area A is the sum of the individual Areas.
AT = A1 + A2 + …… + An-1.


A1 = d(h1 +h2) A2 = d(h2+h3)

2 2

An-1 = d(hn-1 + hn)

A=d h1 + hn + ∑hintermediate
Where A - Area
D - distance between of length of the
h1 and h2 – initial and final offsets,

b) Simpson’s 1/3 Rule

From the Prismoidal Theorem in Analytic Geometry, the area A12 of the first two
regions in the figure is given by the equation

A12= d(h1+4h2+h3)

Applying this formula to the next two regions and so on summing them up will
yield the simplified equation below. Thus, the area of the tract is

A= d\3[h1+hn+2∑hodd+4∑heven]

where: A - is the area

d - in the distance between offsets
h1 & hn- are the initial and final offset

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hodd and heven – offsets with odd and even subscripts
respectively .

NOTE: Simpson’s One-Third Rule is applicable only to an odd number of offsets.

However, it can still be employed for an even-numbered offsets provided that area of the
last – region is computed separately and added to the result of the Simpson’s Formula.
Trapezoidal Rule is applicable to both odd and even number of offsets.

V. Data Sheet
Length of interval d = _______________

Offset Distance Offset Distance

Formula Area

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

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VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 25 of 81

I. Objectives
1. To determine the horizontal distance between two points on a sloping
2. To determine the difference in elevation between two points by hand
level and tape.

II. Theory
Measuring distances and elevation have several methods and equipment. This
is one method which students can use using hand level.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Steel tape (1)
2. Marking pins (5)
3. Rang poles (2)
4. Hand level or brunton compass (1)

IV. Procedures
1. On a sloping ground, two points A and B will be assigned by the instructor.
Drive a range pole (if possible) on each point. Be sure that the range pole is
held in a vertical position.
2. Measure the slope distance between A and B

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3. At point A, draw mark A on the range pole (choose a convenient height
preferably at eye level).
4. In the same manner a visible mark must be made on the range pole held at B.
Mark it as point B. Its height from the ground must be the same with that of
the height of A.
5. The hand level man sets the instrument at A.
6. The level man adjusts the instrument until the bubble in the glass tube is
centered and the vertical arc is at 0˚00’.
7. With the level’s line of sight lying on the horizontal plane, rotate the telescope
and sight the marking (B’) on the range pole at B.
8. Read the graduations in the arc of the level and record the data.
9. With the slope distance known together with the angle of elevation (or
depression), compute the horizontal and vertical distance between A and B.
Use the following equations.
H = S cos ө
V = S sin ө
Where: H – is the horizontal distance between A
and B.
V- is the vertical distance between A and B
Ө - is the angle of elevation or depression
10. Make a second trial. But this time set the level at B.

V. Data Sheet

Trial Slope Distance ө H V


VI. Computations

Page 27 of 81
VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 28 of 81
I. Objectives
1. To familiarize the students with the different types of compass, their parts and
2. To determine the magnetic bearing of a line.
3. To determine the location of a lost point.
4. To determine the angle between two lines using a compass.

II. Theory
Compass is a very important equipment not only for surveying but this is also
use in war activities. This can help provide data of the location. This is also
useful in surveying specially in determining the accurate angles.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Pocket compass (1)
2. Surveyor’s compass (1)
3. Brunton compass (1)
4. Measuring tape (1)
5. Range pole (2)
6. Marking pins (5)

IV. Procedures

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A. Familiarization With a Compass
1. Each group will be provided with the different types of compass.
2. The instructor will discuss the different parts of a compass and how it is
3. On the space provided, sketch a particular type of compass, label its parts and
give their respective uses.
B. Determining the Bearing of a Line
1. The instructor will assign 5 points O, A, B, C and D. Mark these points by a
marking pin.
2. Set up the compass at point O.
3. With the level vial of the compass centered, sight point A thru the slits of the
sighting vanes of the compass. Lock the pass needle and read the compass.
This is the forward magnetic bearing of line OA.
4. At the same station O, determine the magnetic bearing of lines OB, OC and
5. Determine the back bearing of the lines by stationing the compass at A, B, C
and D.

C. Locating a Lost Point

1. From point A, to be assigned by the instructor, the location of lost point X is
to be determined.
2. The instructor will provide the direction and the distance of each of the lines
AB, BC and CX comprising the route from A to X.
3. Set up the compass at A and orient it in the given direction of line AB. On this
line measure out the given distance of AB. Mark point B on the ground.
4. Transfer to compass to point B and using the given direction and distance of
line BC locate and mark point C.
5. Finally, transfer the compass to point C and repeat the process to find the
location of the lost point X.
6. To check the accuracy of your work, determine the bearing of line AX and
compare it with the known direction (to be provided by your instructor).

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D. Determining the Angle Between Two Lines Using a Compass.
1. Three points A, B and O, properly marked on the ground, will be assigned by
the instructor. The problem is to find angle AOB using the compass.
2. Set up the compass at O. With the compass properly leveled, read the
magnetic bearing of lines OA and OB.
3. Using the observed bearings compute for the angle AOB.
4. To check measure the distances OA, OB and AB and compute for angle AOB
using Cosine Law.

V. Data Sheet

A. Draw a compass (surveyor’s pocket or Brunton) and label the parts and give their

Page 31 of 81
Essential Parts of a Compass:
B. Determining the Bearing of a Line.

Line Forward Bearing Back Bearing


C. Locating a Lost Point.

Line Forward Bearing Distance


Page 32 of 81
Known Bearing of AX = ___________________ % Error = ______________________

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

Page 33 of 81
XI. References


I. Objectives
To run an open and a closed compass traverse by compass and tape.

II. Theory
Compass traverse is a very important method in area determination for a
certain lot. This will help eliminate errors in subdividing of lots and
determining lot areas.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Surveyor’s compass or Bruton compass (1)
2. Steel tape (1)
3. Marking pins (10)
4. Range poles (2)


A traverse is a series of lines of known distances and directions. A traverse

may be classified into two: a closed and an upon traverse. For the former, the end
point of the last traverse line abuts at the initial points of the first line, thus
forming a closed polygon, if these points do not coinside then it is apply termed as
an open traverse. In a compass traverse the absence or presence of a local
attraction will not alter the angular measure between two successive traverse
lines. Forward and back bearing of the line in a traverse are adjusted for local

Page 34 of 81
attraction. Adjustment of the bearing begin at the line whose forward and back
bearing tally in their angular measures. This line just described is called “Rest

IV. Procedures
A. Open Traverse
1. Mark five (5) points on the ground by means of hubs or marking pins at
random distances and directions. Call these points A, B, C, D and E.
2. Set up the compass at A. Center the bubble in the level vial. Determine the
direction of line AB. Record the data.
3. Measure the distance AB.
4. Proceed to the next station B. Follow the same procedure above. In addition,
determine the back bearing of line BA.
5. Continuous repeating the process until the last point has been reached.
6. As post survey work, adjust the forward and back bearings of the lines for
local attraction.
B. Closed Traverse
1. As in A, choose five (5) randomly selected points on the ground. Mark these
points as A, B, C, D and E.
2. Procedures regarding the determination of forward and back bearings of lines
described in the preceding section still apply except that forward and back
bearing of line EA need to be taken in order to form a closed loop or a closed
3. For the post survey work, adjust the observed bearings of the lines. The
computed interior angle based on that observed magnetic bearings of the lines
must be adjusted first for observational errors in order to satisfy the geometric
condition about the sum of the interior angles for an n-sided polygon.

∑𝑛𝑖=1 өi = (n – 2) 180˚
The discrepancy is distributed equally among the n-interior angles on the
assumption that each observation was made under the same degree of reliability.

Page 35 of 81
V. Data Sheet

A. Open Traverse.

Observed Bearing

Line Distance Forward Back

Adjusted Bearing

Line Forward Back

B. Closed Traverse.
C. Observed Bearing
Line Distance Forward Back

Adjusted Bearing

Line Forward Back

Page 36 of 81
Interior Measured Adjusted

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

Page 37 of 81
IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 38 of 81

The engineer’s transit or the surveyor’s transit is often called the

“universal surveying instrument” because of its many uses. Among these are:
measurement and laying out of both horizontal and vertical angles; running a line or
setting points on a line; indirectly it determines both horizontal and vertical distances; it
can be used as a level to establish horizontal lines and measure difference in elevation.

The transit is basically made up of two plates: the upper plate and the
lower plate and the levelling head assembly. The upper one carries the graduated
compass box, the two standards supporting the telescope, the vernier plates and two spirit
levels; the lower plated on the other hand, carries the graduated circle. Attached to the
upper plate is the inner spindle that fits into the socket of the outer spindle. The levelling
head assembly in turn contains the foot plate on which the shoes of the four levelling
screws rest.


A vernier is an auxiliary scale placed side by side with a main scale. The
vernier furnishes an accurate fractional reading of the smallest division in the main scale
called the least count. To determine the least count reading in the vernier divide the
smallest possible reading in the main scale by the number of divisions in the vernier. The
exact angular reading is the sum of the main scale reading and the vernier reading. The
vernier reading is determined by multiplying the number of divisions from the zero mark
of the vernier to the point of coincidence of the main scale and the vernier scale by the
least count.

In the figure shown below, the main scale reading is between 125˚and
125˚30’. The least count reading is 30 divided by 10 divisions in the vernier scale which
is 03’. From zero-mark of the vernier we count six graduations to arrive at the point of
coincidence. Hence the vernier reading is 6 x 03’ = 18’. Therefore, the total reading is
125˚+ 0˚18’ = 125˚18’.
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Page 40 of 81

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1. Sprend the tripod legs half a meter to a meter apart and at a convenient height.
Set it up in a way that the center of the instrument will be close to the vertical
line through the marked ground point.
2. Remove the transit from its case and mount it on top of the tripod by turning it
in a counterclockwise direction until it is snug but not wrench tight.
3. Hang the plumb bob on hook and adjust the string such that spex of the bob is
about 1-2 cm above the stake pegged on the ground.
4. Apply little pressure on each leg of the tripod to keep it firm on the ground.
5. When the transit has been set accurately over the point with the movement of
the shifting head, the leveling screws should be, brought back to bearing.
6. In leveling the transit place each plate level parallel to a pair of opposite
leveling screw. Each plate level is controlled by the pair of leveling screws
which is parallel to it.
7. Take two opposite leveling screws between the thumbs and forefingers and
turn them either toward each other or away from each other. The movement of
the bubble follows the movement of the left thumb.
8. Once the bubble in one level vial is centered, the other level vial is centered in
the same manner.
9. After centering the second spirit level check if the bubble of the first tube has
gone off-center. If so, repeat the same process until both bubbles are centered.


The engineer’s level is a surveying instrument that is primarily used to measure

the difference in elevation between two known points. It consists primarily of a
telescope which is equipped with a bubble tube. The assembly is mounted on a
foot plate which has leveling screws attached to permit leveling. The level line the
transit can be rotated 360˚about its vertical axis but cannot be rotated about the
horizontal axis.

Page 42 of 81
Page 43 of 81
Automatic Level

Page 44 of 81
I. Objectives
To lay out a horizontal angle more precisely than a single measurement.

II. Theory
Laying out of multiple angles will provide the most accurate data as it will
take several trials.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Transit (1)
2. Range pole (2)
3. Steel tape (1)
4. Marking pins (5)
5. Reading glass

IV. Procedures
1. Mark two random points S and T not less than 50 meters from the station
point O.
2. Set up and level the transit over point O.
3. With vernier A at zero and lower motion locked sight point S. Record the
readings of verniers A and B.
4. Loosen the upper motion and turn the telescope clockwise to sight the second
point T lock upper motion and adjust the upper tangent screw for accurate
sighting. Record both vernier readings.
5. Unlock the lower clamp screw and turn the telescope toward point S. After a
sighting at S has been made lock the lower clamp screw and release the upper
6. Turn the telescope toward T. The vernier will record the angle which is now
doubled. This is the second repetition.
7. Repeat the procedure until five repetitions have been made with the telescope
in the normal position. Record the vernier readings.
8. Plungs the telescope to its inverted position. Loosen lower clamp screw and
turn the telescope clockwise toward S.
9. Without resetting the verniers repeat the procedure for another five repetitios.

Page 45 of 81
10. Read and record the first and fifth observations on both verniers A and B.
11. The total angle accumutlated on the plates, divided by the number of
repetitions gives the mean value of the angle SOT.
12. With the same number of repetitios, 5 with telescope normal and 5 with
telescope inverted, and following the same procedure measure the
explementary angle TOS.
13. The mean of ∟SOT plus the mean of ∟TOS must be equal to 360˚. If there is
a discrepancy, the difference is divided and applied equally to the mean angles
∟SOT and ∟TOS. The results give the most probable values of ∟SOT and

V. Data Sheet

Station Telescope Repetition Vernier Bdg Mean Horizontal

Occ Obs A B Angle
0 Mean =
S Direct 1
O 5 MPV =
T Inverted 1 __________

Station Telescope Repetition Vernier Bdg Mean Horizontal

Occ Obs A B Angle
0 Mean =
S Direct 1
O 5 MPV =
T Inverted 1 __________

Page 46 of 81

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 47 of 81
I. Objectives
1. To prolong a given line in an open ground by transit.
2. To prolong a line past an obstruction by transit and tape.

II. Theory
Prolonging a line will help educate students the methods they will apply in the
actual field of practice.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Transit
2. Range poles (2)
3. Steel tape (1)
4. Marking pins (5)

IV. Procedures
A. Prolonging a line in an open area by double centering.
1. Drive two marking pins on the ground about 50 meters apart. Call these points
P and G.
2. Set up and level the transit at point Q.
3. Set vernier A at zero. With the upper motion screw locked and the lower
motion released, sight point P. Adjust the lower tanget screw until the line of
sight is exactly at P.
4. Plunge the telescope to its inverted position.
5. Along the telescope’s line of sight drive a marking pin on the ground about 50
m from Q. Call this as point R.
6. Loosen the lower motion of the transit and rotate the telescope about the
vertical axis to make a second sighting at Pt P.
7. Tighten the lower clamp screw and plunge the telescope back to its normal
position. Observe whether R is still in the line of sight of the telescope or not.
If it is, than QR is a prolongation of line PQ. Otherwise, set another point R
near R such that QR and QR are equidistant.
8. Locate the midpoint of RR. Designate it is as R”.

Page 48 of 81
9. Line QR” is the prolongation of line PQ.

B. Prolonging a line past an obstruction.

a) Equilateral Angle Method
1. Mark two points P and Q on the line to be prolonged past an obstruction.
See figure below.

2. Set up and level the engineer’s transit at point Q, the point nearer the
obstruction. Set vernier A to 0˚00’. Clamp upper motion.
3. With the telescope normal, release lower motion and backsight at point P.
Clamp lower motion.
4. Release the upper clamp screw and rotate the telescope clockwise until the
vernier reads 120˚
5. Measure out a convenient distance, say 20 meters enough to clear the
obstruction, along the line of sight of the telescope. Mark the end of the
line and call it point R.
6. Transfer the transit to point R. Level and set vernier A to zero.
7. With the telescope in its normal position, release lower motion and
backsight point Q.
8. Release the upper clamp screw and turn the telescope counterclockwise
until the vernier reads 60˚.
9. Along the telescope’s line of sight, locate point S on the ground such that
10. With the transit transferred and leveled at S take a backsight at point R.
11. Lay out an angle of 120˚ frome line RS in clockwise direction.
12. Mark a point T on the line of sight of the telescope.
The line ST is line PQ prolonged.

b) Perpendicular Line Method

1. Consider the points P and Q in the preceding section.
2. Set up and level the transit at point Q.
3. Establish line QR (perpendicular to PQ) by laying out a right angle at Q.
The distance QR is just enough to clear the obstruction. See fig. below.

Page 49 of 81
4. Set up the transit at R.
5. Turn on angle of 90˚ from QR.
6. Along the line of sight mark a point S on the ground which is free from
7. Transfer the instrument to point S and construct line ST which is
perpendicular to RS. The distance ST should be equal to QR.
8. Finally, set up and level the transit at point T. Take a backsight at S and
turn a counterclockwise angle of 90˚ to establish line TV. Point V is along
the line of sight of the telescope.
9. The line TV is the prolongation of line PQ.

V. Data Sheet

A. Prolonging a Line in an Open Area by Transit.

Line Measured Distance

B. Prolonging a Line Past an Obtruction

a) Equilateral Angle Method:
QR = RS = ________________
b) Perpendicular Line Method
QR = ST = ________________
RS = __________________

Page 50 of 81
VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 51 of 81
I. Objectives
To determine the height of an inaccessible structure by indirect method.

II. Theory
Determination of inaccessible height can be determine using several methods.
Student should learn these methods and apply the most accurate and easy way.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Transit (1)
2. Range poles (2)
3. Measuring/Steel tape (1)
4. Marking pins (5)
5. Stadiz rod (1)

IV. Procedures
A. Vertical Plane Method
1. Choose a point on the ground of any convenient distance from the foot of the
building or structure whose height is to be determined. Drive a marking pin on
that point and call it A. See figure below.
2. Set up and level the transit at A.
3. With the telescope normal and the telescope level vial centered read the
vertical circle and record if there is any index error.
4. Hold a stadia rod in the upright position at the foot of the building.
5. Record the middle hair intercept. This is the height of instrument HA.
6. Release the telescope clamp screw and determine the angle of elevation of the
top of the building. Record the data.
7. Repeat the above procedures with the telescope in the inverted position.
8. Choose another station B closer to the building and in the same vertical plane
as A by plunging the telescope toward the ground. Mark the point properly
and measure the distance AB.
9. Transfer the instrument to point B and repeat procedures 1 to 7.
10. Compute the height of the building using the data gathered.

Page 52 of 81
B. Horizontal and Vertical Plane Method.
1. Mark any two points A and B on the ground A and B should not be on the
same vertical plane as the building or the structure. Measure the distance AB.
2. Set up and carefully level the transit at A. Set vernier A to zero and lock the
upper motion of the transit.
3. With the telescope normal and horizontal record the index error, if any.
4. Set a stadia rod at the foot of the building and determine the height of
instrument hA.
5. Release the telescope clamp screw and measure the angle of elevation α of the
top of the building.
6. Release the upper motion of the transit and turn it to the direction of point B.
The vernier will give the horizontal angle γ from the building C to point B.
7. Next, station the transit at B. Determine the height of instrument hB by getting
the middle hair intercept on the rod held at C.
8. Using the vertical circle read the vertical angle β.
9. Measure also the horizontal angle ABC or δ.
10. Compute the height of the building H by working on the horizontal and
vertical triangles formed. See figure below.

Page 53 of 81
V. Data Sheet

A. Vertical Angle Method

Station Occupied
Telescope Normal
Vertical Angle Telescope Inverted
Mean Vertical Angle
Index Error
Adjusted Vertical Angle
Distance AB
Height of Instrument hA = ha =
Height of Building
Mean Height

Section Vertical Angle Horizontal Height of Height of

Occupied Angle Instrument Building
Telescope Normal =
Telescope Inverted =
A Mean Vertical Angle α = γ= hA =
Index Error =
Adjusted Vertical Angle =
Telescope Normal =
Telescope Inverted =
B Mean Vertical Angle α = δ= HB =
Index Error =
Adjusted Vertical Angle =
VI. Computations

Page 54 of 81
VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 55 of 81
Page 56 of 81
I. Objectives
To run a closed traverse by employing the azimuth method of traversing.

II. Theory
Traversing an area can also be done using azimuth. This is one way to get an
accurate data for field activity.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Transit (1)
2. Range poles (2)
3. Measuring/Steel tape (1)
4. Marking pins (5)

IV. Procedures
1. Establish five (5) points on the ground that will serve, as the corner point
of a pentagonal lot. Mark these as points A, B, C, D and E.
2. Set up and level the engineer’s transit over the first point A. Set vernier A
to zero. Clamp the upper motion and release the lower motion clamp
screw. Release the needle lock of the compass and turn the telescope to the
direction of the magnetic south.
3. Clamp the lower motion and release the upper clamp screw. Turn the
telescope in the clockwise direction toward the next station point B. read
both verniers A and B. This will record the forward azimuth of line AB.
4. On the same upper motion turn the telescope toward the preceding station
E. record both vernier readings for the back azimuth of the traverse line
5. With a steel tape, measure the distance AB.
6. Transfer the instrument to station B. After leveling carefully the transit
determine the forward and back azimuth of the lines BC and BA.
7. Continue by following the above procedures over the succeeding stations
until the last station E has been occupied.
8. For the post survey work, determine the interior angles of the closed
traverse based on the raw data gathered and compute the error of closure.
Acceptable magnitude of error is 30”.

Page 57 of 81
9. Adjust the forward and back azimuths.

V. Data Sheet

Station Distance Azimuth from Magnetic Bearing

Occ Obs South Observed Adjusted


∑ Interior Angles = ____________

Discrepancy = _____________

Correction = _____________

VI. Computations
Page 58 of 81
VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 59 of 81
I. Objectives
To run a closed traverse by deflection angle method of traversing.

II. Theory
Traversing using a deflection angle is one way to get an accurate data and
students must learn this method for field application.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s transit (1)
2. Range poles (2)
3. Steel tape (1)
4. Marking pins (5)

IV. Procedures
1. Establish an irregular field of five or more sides of varied directions and
distances as directed by your instructor.
2. Set up and level the transit over the first station A. Turn the telescope
toward station B and release the compass needle look to determine the
direction of line AB.
3. With vernier A set at zero take a backsight at station E with lower motion
loosened and upper motion locked.
4. Plunge the telescope into its inverted position, release the upper motion
and turn the telescope toward station B.
5. Measure the angle reflected on both verniers. Note also the turning done
on the telescope. Record the deflection angle either left or right. Left if the
telescope is turned counterclockwise and right if otherwise.
6. With the telescope still in its inverted position, reset the vernier to zero.
Lock upper motion. Release the lower clamp and turn the telescope toward
station E.
7. Plunge the telescope back to its normal postion. The line of sight is now in
the prolongation of line EA.

Page 60 of 81
8. Release the upper motion of the transit and turn the telescope to the
direction of line AB. Read the observed horizontal angle on the vernier. If
the second reading agrees with the first, within the least count record the
value, otherwise repeat the process.
9. Transfer the instrument to the next station B and rerun the above
10. Continue repeating the process until the last station has been occupied.
11. Determine the error of closure and adjust the observed deflection angles.

NOTE: The error of closure is determined by getting the algebraic sum of all the
deflection angles. By convetion, right deflection angle is positive while that of
left deflection angles are negative.

The magnitude of the correction for each station is equal to the error of
closure divided by the number of corner stations.

The correction is added to a left deflection angle and subtracted to a right

deflection angle if the error of closure is a net right deflection angle; vice-
versa, if the error of closure is a not left deflection angle.

V. Data Sheet


Station Observed Correction Adjusted

Deflection Deflection
Angle Angle

Page 61 of 81

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 62 of 81
I. Objectives
To run a closed traverse by interior angle method and find its area using the
DMD/DPD method.

II. Theory
This is another method in traversing a lot area with the use of interior angles.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Transit (1)
2. Steel tape (1)
3. Range poles (2)
4. Marking pins (5)

IV. Procedures
1. Establish an irregular field of five or more sides of different distances and
directions as directed by your instructor.
2. Properly mark the corner station points A, B, C, D and E by a marking
3. Set up and level the engineer’s transit over the corner point A. Set vernier
A to zero.
4. On lower motion, sight the second station B. Determine the magnetic
bearing of line AB. Once the line of sight is exactly at B release the upper
motion and turn the telescope to sight the proceding station E. Read and
record the horizontal angle on Vernier A. This is the interior angle at
station A.

Page 63 of 81
5. Measure and record the distances from the station occupied to the station
6. Set up and level the transit over the next station B. Repeat the same
process employed in determining the interior angle.
7. Continue on performing the same procedures until all stations have been
8. Determine the error of closure.
9. Compute the correction for each angle and adjust the same.
10. Still as a post-survey work, determine the bearings of all the traverse lines
and compute their corresponding departures and latitudes.
11. Adjust if necessary the departures and latitudes using any of the following
methods or as prescribed by your instructor:
a) Arbitrary Method
b) Transit Rule
c) Compass Rule
12. Compute the DMD/DPD of each course comprising the traverse.
13. Determine the Double Area, i.e,
2A = ∑ (DMD)lat
2A = ∑ (DPD) dep.
14. Find the area of the tract covered by the traverse.

NOTE: Error of Closure is equal to the difference between the sum of all the interior
angles based on the observed values and the required sum of (n – 2)180˚.

V. Data Sheet

Sta. Course Dist. Observed Correction Adjusted Int.

Int. Angle Angle

Page 64 of 81


Course Distance Mag. Bearing Observed Adjusted

Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep.

Course DMD/DPD Doubled Area

AREA = _________________

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

Page 65 of 81
VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 66 of 81
I. Objectives
To determine the stadia interval factor of a transit or a level.

II. Theory
Determining of stadia Interval factor is a method of checking the accuracy an
instrument use during measurement in the field surveying.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Transmit or Wye level (1)
2. Steel tape (1)
3. Stadia rod (1)
4. Marking pins (5)

IV. Procedures
1. Set up the transit where horizontal sight can be conveniently obtained.
Level the transit and make sure that the telescope is at horizontal position.
2. Equipped with a tape, measure distances of 20, 40, 60 and 80 m from the
same point on the same line. Set a stake or marking pin on each point
3. Place the stadia rod at the end of the 20-m line.

Page 67 of 81
4. With the rod held upright read the upper and lower hair intercepts of the
horizontal hairs of the instrument. The difference in these two readings is
the stadia interval.
5. Transfer the rod on the stake set on the 40-m line and determine again the
upper and lower hair readings. Record the data.
6. Repeat the process for the 60 and 80-m lines.
7. Compute the stadi interval factor K.

For Horizontal Sights:

D = Ks + C Where D – horizontal distance

K – Stadia interval factor

s – Stadia interval

C – Stadia constant

D1 = Ks1 + C ,

D2 = Ks2 + C ,

Dn = Ksn + C ,

D2 – D1 = Ks2 + C – (Ks1 + C)

K = D2 – D1 = k1
S2 – S1
D3 – D1 = Ks3 + C – (Ks1 + C)

K = D3 – D1 = k2
S3 – S1

Mean K = K1 + K2 + K3 + . . . + Kn-1 . Where n is the number of points sighed


V. Data Sheet
Page 68 of 81

Station Stadia Hair Rdg.

Occ Obs Distance Upper Lower Stadia Stadia
Interval Factor K.

Ave value of K = ____________

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

Page 69 of 81
XI. References


I. Objectives
To determine the elevation of each stations using differential leveling.

II. Theory
Differential leveling is the basic method of determining elevation of a certain

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Wye or dumpy level (1)
2. Leveling rod (1)
3. Stadia rod (1)
4. Marking pins/hubs/stakes (5)

IV. Procedures
1. Designate the initial or reference point as Bench Mark – 1 or BM- 1, the
point of known elevation, and BM-2 the final or terminal point whose
elevation is to be determined.
2. Set the leveling rod at BM-1. Set-up the level at a convenient location
along the general route of BM-1 to BM-2.
3. Take a backsight at BM-1 and record the backsight reading.
4. Signal the rodman to move forward and choose a turning point (TP-1) at
some convenient point within the range sight of the telescope along the
general route of BM-1 to BM-2.
5. Hold the rod at TP-1 and take a foresight at that point. Record the
observed value.

Page 70 of 81
6. Transfer the leveling instrument at some favorable point beyond TP-1.
Take a backsight at TP-1 and record the data.
7. Signal the rodman to move forward and establish the next turning point
8. Repeat the process until a foresight is finally taken on BM-2

Hi = Elev. + BS Where: Hi = height of instrument

Elev. = Hi – FS BS = Backsight

FS = Foresight

Elev. = elevation of the point

V. Data Sheet

Station BS MI FS Elev. Remarks

Page 71 of 81
VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Page 72 of 81
I. Objectives
To determine the difference in elevation between two points separated by a
river or an obstruction where the usual differential leveling cannot be run.

II. Theory
This method is use in determining difference in elevation that will provide
checking for probable error.

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Transit or automatic level (1)
2. Leveling rod (2)
3. Marking pins (2)
4. Range poles (2)

IV. Procedures
1. Mark the points whose difference in elevation is to be determined. Refer
to those points as A and B.
2. Set up the engineer’s level at a point near Pt. A. Mark this as Pt. 1.

Page 73 of 81
3. With a leveling rod held at each points A and B. Take and record 3
backsight readings on A and 3 foresight reading at Point B.
4. Transfer the instrument to a point that is near Pt. B, Call this as Pt. 2.
5. Again take rod readings on both A and B. Three backsight reading on B
and five foresight readings on A. Record the data.
6. Get the mean of the backsight and foresight readings.
7. Determine the difference in elevation DE using the data obtained when the
instrument was set up near A.
8. Likewise, determine the difference in elevation DE2 by using the data
recorded when the level was set up near B.
9. Obtain the mean Difference in Elevation.

V. Data Sheet

Instrument BS on A FS on B
Near A

Difference in Elev. DE1 =

Instrument BS on A FS on B
Near B

Page 74 of 81
Difference in Elev. DE2 =

Mean Difference in Elevation DE = _____________

VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Recommendations

Page 75 of 81
X. Questions

XI. References


I. Objectives
1. To determine the elevation of designated points along the center line of a
2. To be able to plot a vertical cross section or profile along the center line of
a roadway.

II. Theory
The best method recommended for route surveying for highway and road
projects as this will need few transfers of theodolite or transit

III. Materials/Apparatus
1. Engineer’s Level (automatic level or engineer’s transit)
2. Range poles (2)
3. Marking pins (10)
4. Leveling rod (2)

IV. Procedures

Page 76 of 81
1. Mark each full station along the center line of the subject roadway. Each
point that is a multiple of 100-m distance from the point of beginning is a
full station. Any other station in between is called a plus station.
2. Set up the instrument at a point from which the first station on the center
line is clearly visible.
3. Take a backsight on a bench mark BM-1. Determine the height of
4. Take intermediate foresights on as many plus and full stations along the
center lines as possible. Record all the data
5. Take a foresight on a turning point to prepare for the next set up. Record
the foresight reading
6. Transfer the instrument to the next station further away from the first
turning point.
7. Level the instrument and take a backsight on the last turning point
8. Once again take a sideshots or intermediate foresights on as many
centerline points as possible.
9. Continue on transferring the instrument and taking sideshots, backsights
and foresights until the end of the subject roadway is reached.
10. For checking close the traverce back to BM-1. In clusting there is no need
to take intermediate foresights.
11. Complete the Profile Leveling Notes by computing the height of
instrument and the elevation of points considered.
12. Prepare a profile of the roadway and indicate the scale used.

Working Formulas: where:

HI = Elev + BS HI = Height of Instrument

Elev = HI – FS BS = Backsight

Elev = HI – IFS FS = Foresight

IFS = Intermediate foresight

Elev = Elevation of ground point

IFS = Intermediate Foresigh t

Page 77 of 81
V. Data Sheet


Page 78 of 81
VI. Computations

VII. Observations

VIII. Conclusion

Page 79 of 81
IX. Recommendations

X. Questions

XI. References

Higgins, Arthur lovat, Elementary Surveying: An introduction to Geomatics, Longmans,
Green and Co. London, 2010

Watsons, Pacel, Surveying and Engineering Principles and Practice, Blackweel

Publishing, UK, 2008

Kavanagh, Barry F., Surveying: Principles and Applications, Pearion, New Jersey, 2006

Page 80 of 81
Page 81 of 81

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