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NTK/KW/15 – 963

Third Year First Semester Master in

Computer Application ( MCA ) Examination
5 CSA – 5
Elective – II
Paper – V

Time : Three Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 80

N. B. : (1) All questions are compulsory and carry equal

(2) Draw neat and labelled diagram wherever

1. (a) What is ASP . NET ? Explain how ASP . NET
differs from VB . NET. 8
(b) Differentiate between function and subroutine with
suitable example. 8

(c) What is Array ? Explain difference between Array

and Enumeration with suitable example. 8
(d) What is . NET framework ? What are the features
provided by . NET Common Language Runtime.

2. (a) What are interfaces ? How are they used in
applications ? 8
NTK/KW/15 – 963 Contd.
(b) Write a short notes on :
(i) Assemblies
(ii) Importing Namespaces. 8

(c) Differentiate between :

(i) Overloading method and overriding method.
(ii) Upward casting and downward casting. 8
(d) Explain the use of abstract classes in VB . NET
with suitable example. 8

3. (a) What are Virtual Directories in IIS Server ?
Explain the use of Virtual directories. Explain
setting for Virtual directories in IIS. 8
(b) Write a note on :
(i) Web server.
(ii) . NET configuration. 8

(c) Explain Installing process of ASP . NET. 8

(d) What is IIS Server ? Explain the process of IIS
configuration. 8

4. (a) What is page tracing ? How is it useful ? Explain
the use of trace information with example. 8

NTK/KW/15 – 963 2 Contd.

(b) Write a short notes on :—
(i) Logging Exception.
(ii) Page tracing.
(iii) Common errors. 8

(c) Explain with example how log entries can be

created and retrived by an ASP . NET Application.
(d) Write a ASP . NET application to accept two
numbers and perform different arithmetic
operations on inputted two number. 8

5. (a) Write a short notes on :
(i) Form Authentication.
(ii) Windows Authentication and
(iii) Stress testing. 8
(b) What is authentication? Explain the use of
certificates and SSL Technology in handling
security issues.

(c) What is custom controls ? How can users create

and use custom controls. 8
(d) Explain ASP . NET security model with diagram.
Explain the process of authenticating a request in
ASP . NET. 8

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