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2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Photonics (ICP)

Demonstration of XGS-PON and GPON Co-Existing

in the Same Passive Optical Network
K.A. Mat Sharif, N.A Ngah*, A. Ahmad, K. Khairi, Z.A. Manaf, D. Tarsono
Telekom Research and Development, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract— This paper discussed on a demonstration of XGS- The increasing demand for more bandwidth caused by the
PON and GPON co-existing in the same FTTH optical network new emerging services for example video on demand, HDTV, 4
distribution (ODN). A replication of an actual GPON FTTH ODN or 8K UHDTV, HD video gaming, Machine to Machine (M2M),
with two stages splitter (2:4 and 1:8) and GPON co-existed with cloud computing, 5G mobile front haul, etc. The current GPON
XGS-PON system is assembled in the laboratory. The operation network eventually will not be able to support both 1G internet
and performance measurement of both co-existing system is and the video services. Nevertheless, there are three Next
demonstrated by using two OLTs (XGS-PON and GPON), five Generation (NGPON) technologies options for GPON service
XGS-PON and two GPON Optical Network Units (ONUs) sharing provider to choose; XG-PON, XGS-PON and TWDMPON as
the same fiber distribution panel (FDP). ODN link loss, operating
listed in Table 1. Thus, the service providers need to plan how
wavelengths and the throughput measurement of both systems are
and what technology is suitable for their future market and
the performance parameters discussed in this paper. The results
showed successful operation of XGS-PON and GPON in a co- network implementation.
existing environment. From the perspective of the bandwidth, XG-PON and XGS-
PON is an intermediate or transition phase to reach multi
Keywords— FTTH; GPON; XGS-PON; coexistence; CEx; link wavelengths TWDM-PON. In principle, XGS-PON is an
loss budget; throughput enhancement of XG-PON where it provides a symmetrical
bandwidth (10Gbps) for DS and US (which are four times more
I. INTRODUCTION than the XG-PON’s US). The wavelengths operation of plan for
Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network, GPON FTTH XGS-PON is 1570-1580 nm and 1260-1280 nm for US and DS,
technology extensively being deployed in Malaysia since 2010. respectively as shown in Fig.1. TWDM-PON on the other hand
The total subscribers are about one million as in July 2017 and is the advanced technology in NGPON where it is utilizing eight
the number is keeping increasing. The GPON FTTH system is more wavelengths; four in the DS (1596 to 1603 nm) and
standardized by the ITU-T Recommendation G.984 in 2003 (see another four in the US (1524 to 1540 nm). This is achieved by
Table 1) [1]. It is a point to multipoint topology where the feeder using tunable lasers that allows operators to dynamically assign
fiber from the Optical Line Termination (OLT) that is located in the wavelength to the specific subscribers. Since it is a new
the Central Office (CO). The feeder fiber is then distributed technology, the cost for the deployment is still high.
using an optical splitter to the customer premises where the final A few papers reported on the demonstration or field trial for
termination is at the ONU. Thus a single feeder fiber is shared XG-PON [5], XGS-PON [6] and TWDM-PON [7]. In this work,
by 32 or 64 subscribers depending on the splitter ratio, distance we presented the demonstration of a coexisting XGS-PON and
and the laser class. GPON system operates at two different GPON in 15 km ODN with two stages of splitters. The
wavelengths range; 1480-1500 nm for the downstream (DS) and performance such as the ODN link loss, wavelengths operation
1290-1330 nm for the upstream (US) and provides a total and throughput results is presented and discussed.
bandwidth of 2.5 Gbps DS and 1.25 Gbps US.
Fig. 2A shows the experimental configuration of the ODN
GPON XG/XGS-PON TWDMPON for GPON B+ optical class. The ODN consists of one GPON
ITU- G.987(2010)/ OLT and seven GPON ONUs in the topology of 2:4 and 1:8
G.984 G.989
(2003) [1]
(2015) [4] splitter ratio for 15 km distance. The GPON transceiver
(year) [2] [3] specifications is listed in Table II and the optical performance
Bandwidth (DS/US)
2.5/1.25 10/2/ 10/10 40/10 (OLTTx/Rx and ONUTx/Rx) is obtained using GPON Element
Optical path loss B+ max C+ max loss Monitoring System (EMS). The co-existing GPON and XGS-
class loss 28 dB 30 dB PON is shown in Fig. 2B. The XGS-PON OLT and ONU are
Splitting ratio Up to 1:64 Up to 1:128 manufactured by ZTE Corporation. The co-existing is achieved
through a co-existence element (CEX), a passive element device
Coexistence - With GPON [3] that specifically designed to multiplex and de-multiplex the
GPON and XGS-PON wavelengths onto a single fiber. Co-
existence is achieved by replacing five GPON ONUs with XGS-
PON ONUs in the same ODN. The optical performance of the

Authorized licensed use limited to: Newcastle University. Downloaded on November 27,2023 at 13:56:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
978-1-5386-1187-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Photonics (ICP)

XGS-PON is captured using XGS-PON EMS (ZTE Netnument additional loss to the affected PON link, however that does not
software). The optical spectrum for DS and US for both XGS- affect both system as long as it is not exceeding their allowable
PON and GPON are measured using ANDO AQ6317B optical loss value. Nevertheless, for a practical deployment the service
spectrum analyzer (OSA). provider must ensure that the ODN is in a good power budget
condition before co-existing process takes place.

Loss, (dB/km)

Guard band

G.652D loss
1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600
, m

Fig. 1. Wavelengths plan of XGS-PON and GPON; DS,US and the guard
band between XGS-PON and GPON wavelengths plan

Throughput measurement is performed using ‘jPerf’

software for both PON systems. It is a Java based graphical
interface software that need to be installed in a pair of computer
that will perform the throughput test as a client and server. As
shown in Fig. 2C, servers and clients are connected to the
GPON’s and XGS-PON’s OLT and ONU respectively, through
an aggregation switch for ease of traffic flow using VLANs
assignment as well as replicating the actual inteconnection from
the CO to the premises. The TCP traffic is run for 5 minutes or
300 seconds with 1500 maximum segment size, 128 KB of
Fig. 2. (A) GPON ODN topology , (B) XGS-PON and GPON co-exist ODN
buffer length and 512 KB of window size. The GPON profiles topology and (C) Throughput measurement setup diagram
is configured to 100 Mbps per ONU (as the current maximum
package offered to the customers) and 1 Gbps per ONU for For wavelength performance, Figure 4(A) and 4(B) show the
XGS-PON. optical spectrum of DS and US for GPON and XGS-PON in the
co-existing ODN. The XGS-PON and GPON DS operation
TABLE II. TRANSCEIVER SPECIFICATION FOR GPON AND XGS-PON wavelength is at 1493 nm and 1577 nm range, respectively. For
the US, the XGS-PON wavelength peak is from 1269 nm to
GPON GPON XG/XGS- XGS-PON 1271 nm and GPON is 1311 nm and 1312 nm. The captured
(dBm) (dBm) (dBm) (dBm) optical spectrum of XGS-PON and GPON are complied with
Mean launched ITU-T G.9087 [2] and ITU-T G.984 [3] wavelength band
1.5 0.5 3 4
power MIN (Tx) specifications. With this compliance, it means that co-existing
Mean launched both XGS-PON and GPON system in a single ODN has no
5.0 5 7 9
power MIN (Tx)
MIN sensivity effect to both systems’ operating wavelengths pair.
-28 -27 -32 -28.5
In addition to the physical performance test and
MIN overload -8 -8 -12 -8
measurement, the throughput test is also performed to verify the
link connectivity as well as the effect of the co-existing to the
higher layer performance. Fig. 5 shows the results of both
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION systems throughput for US and DS performance in duration of
Fig.3 shows the end to end link loss before and after co-exists 300 seconds. The graph on the left is the value for US throughput
for both GPON and XGS-PON ONUs. For GPON1 and GPON2 while on the right side is the DS throughput. The resulting values
the increment of loss is 1.2 dB which is contributed by the CEX represented the profiles configured earlier where for GPON is
and its connectors. The maximum link loss upon installing CEX 95 Mbps and XGS-PON is 850 Mbps respectively, for both
for GPON is 25 dB, which means it has 3 dB buffer from the directions (symmetrical).
maximum loss allowed for the GPON B+ optical power class.
For the XGS-PON, the link loss is 26 dB with 4 dB difference
from the allowed maximum loss for the C+ optical power class.
This result shows the installation of the CEX, could cause an

Authorized licensed use limited to: Newcastle University. Downloaded on November 27,2023 at 13:56:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2018 IEEE 7th International Conference on Photonics (ICP)

loss. The results show a successful co-existed operation by

verifying the operation wavelengths as well as the throughput
value for both XGS-PON and GPON systems. These results also
indicated that the service provider could leverage on the existing
fiber infrastructure for a higher bandwidth offering to the

900 900

850 850

800 800

90 90
80 80
Fig. 3. Link loss (dB) for XGS-PON and GPON in co-exist ODN
70 70
50 50
0 150 300 0 150 300
DS DS Time (sec) Time (sec)
Power, dBm

Fig. 5. Throughput for XGS-PON and GPON DS and US


The authors would like to thank Telekom Malaysia for the
1480 1500 1560 1580 continuous support on the research activity and providing the
, nm
R&D grant (RDTC 170928).The authors also would like to
thank ZTE Corporation for the co-operation in the research
collaboration activity.
[1] ITU-T.G.984.2 Amd 2. Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Networks (G-

PON): Physical Media Dependent (PMD) Layer Specification. ITU-T
Rec. G.984.2 (2003)/Amd.2 (03/2008).
[2] ITU-T G.987. 10-Gigabit-Capable passice optical network (XG-PON).
-80 [3] ITU-T G.9807. 10-Gigabit-Capable symmetric passive optical network
1268 1270 1272 1310 1312 1314
, (nm)
[4] ITU-T G.989. 40-gigabit-Capable Passive Optical Networks (NG-PON2):
Fig. 4. (A) shows the optical spectrum for XGS-PON and GPON DS. (B) US General Requirements, Mar. 2013.
for XGS-PON and GPON G.989.1/e
[5] S. Jain et al.,” World’s First XG-PON Field Trial,” in Journal of
This is the expected value for both systems due to the packets Lightwave Technology, Vol 29 No 4, 2011, pp.524-528
overheads as well as the compulsory FEC (forward erroc [6] D. Tarsono et al., “Optical and Network Peformance Analysis of XGS-
PON System over Active Co-existence PON Systems,” in Optics and
corrections) bytes particularly in XGS-PON system [3,9]. This Photonics Journal 7, 2017 pp. 40-48.
is also a good indicator for the verification of interrupt free
[7] G. Simon et al., “Stimulated Raman Scattering Impairments Induced by
communication in the co-existing ODN infrastructure. NGPON2 Introduction to Co-existing PONs”, in Opt. Fiber Commun.
(OFC) Postdeadline Papers, Washington DC, 2015, Paper Th2A.52
IV. CONCLUSION [8] K. Taguchi et al., “Field Trial of Long Reach and High-Splitting λ-
Tuneable TWDM-PON,” in Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 34 No
We reported the experimental and demonstration of XGS- 1, 2016, pp. 213-221
PON co-existing with GPON system in a replication of an actual [9] A. Dicicco,“NG-PON2 Accelerates Past XGS-PON at 88 MPH”,
ODN of 15 km range and utilizing B+ optical class. The CEX
contributed minimal insertion loss (1.2 dB) to the total ODN link pon-at-88-mph/a/d-id/726009, 9 Sept. 2016

Authorized licensed use limited to: Newcastle University. Downloaded on November 27,2023 at 13:56:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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