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Harron's GRE High Frequency 333 Words No “Word ____ Bengali Meaning English Meaning Abate er Onlae svfire sem a eat To make something less strang, Mod Aberrant _ —_ ~ 7 » Anomalous Oe Digress Reser’, fayre, srarorie Unusual, Abnormal, Deviant, Atypical Diverge 04 Abeyance wine ar Suspended action 0: Abscond arenes =z) Depart secretly and hide, Escape, Flee 0s Abstemious wea Sober, sparing in eating and drinking: Admonish Adulterate Aesthetic Aggregate Alacrity AMleviate Assuage Attenuate Amalgamate Incorporate. Ambiguous Amblvalence Incongruity Ameliorate Anachronism Analogous Anarchy Welter Antipathy Apathy Impassive Appease Mollify Placate Propitiate Mitigate ay ee et qe =n, eatige =n efifoe el Temperate Scold, Warn ¢ by adding Inferior or tainted ___“substances Aniistic, Beautiful, Appealing Total, Gather Cheerful promptness; Eagerness Lessen, Reduce, Weaken Unite, Combine, Consalidate, Yoke unclear or doubtful in meaning, vague, _ Confusing - the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional atutudes Improve, Upgrade something or someone misplaced in time, old- fashioned Simitar, Equivalent, Comparable absence of governing body; state of disorder, Chaos, Turmoil Opposition, Aversint Unconcern, Lack of caring Pacify, Conelliate Scanned with CamScanner aoe oe, STC Inform ‘Apprise ae 7 1 Approbation aaa Approval _ A raat adj. meng * adj. Sultable, Correet, Acceptable a ppropriate y, GAENe wet *v. lake possession illegally for one's own use 25 Arduous gore, Bee Hard, Difficult, Strenuous = Onerous 3 — - Artless: Gulleless | ; us Gullibte ram, Boas, srereena Natural, Simple, open and honest, Innacent, Ingenuaus __tonocuous oe Ascetic Recluse wan, Ree Bearer Austere, Spartan Assiduous aerondl Persevering, Diligent, Tireloss, Hardworki 2) Audacious aoe Daring, Bald _ ‘ Austere ferme, acre severely simple and unornamented, Ascetic 41 Autonomous amcentre, aia Self-governing: Independent, Autonomous a2 Aver SE ATH ae, wee AT Assert confidently, Declare as usedt in law 4 Banal srengrtfe: Ordinary, Dull, Boring Se Give a false impression “4 Belle 15 Beneficent SaR, cee Renevolent, Kind, Helpful, Generous, Altruistic Bolster 3u Buttress, muds =a Corroborate, Endorse, Support Substantiate - =— Bombastic Pompous, Words which sound important but Grandiloquent manera have litte meaning, used to impress people, Verbose = Wordly _ ut Boorish wes Rude, ill-mannered, Impolite ‘ Burgeon &e frefrs Ger Grow rapidly, Flourish, Prosper Capricious 7 We oPlimstcal cratia, agate Unpredictable i ‘Castigation uid _ Punishment 1 Catalyst ‘Agent that increases the pace ofa chemical — Oe action i _ Caustic Pungemt Corrosive, Acidic. Burning 4 Chicanery Trickery, Deception Scanned with CamScanner onflices arate itt Concluding section ofa musical or tterary ug come composition — tu Coagulate Wag a Thicken, Clat, Congeal _ 7 Cogent steargare arf Convincing, Persuasive 1) Commensurate IIe Proportionate, Appropriate 1) Compendium artemre __ Brief summary a 0 Complatsant air - ‘Obliging Compliant Coneiliatary +4 Condone a Confound 55 Connolsseur Contention Contentious Contrite Conundrum Converge” Convoluted Tortuous Ad Craven i Daunt wt Decorum Propriety 65 Default oh Deference Delineate Denigrate of Discredit _Disparage Deride “oo Disparage ___Facetlous om NTA ori Fa + sited orem frara a fee satny et SFSU FS 4, wees we frgeona, ya eT fetter, nee smnfee eet arf, apg bare ene afe Tere, FH GEA Fern a1 Fra ARTES OTT waa sa Seamifersten a "Obedient, Yielding Reconelling * Forgive + overinok * Make allowances for _* Give tacit approval Confuse, Puzzle Person competent to act as a judge of art. A lover af art, Specialist, Expert Disagreement, Dispute, Debate Quarrel Regretful me Riddle; Difficult problem, Enigma Approach; Tend to meet; Come together Complex, Intricate, Coiled around: Cowardly, Gutless, Spineless, Timorous, Fearful, Pustllanimous Intumidate; Frighten, Scare Orderliness and good taste in manners, Appropriateness, Correct conduct * Nonattendance, * Failure to pay _ * Submissiveness * Respect, Obsequiousness Portray, Depict, Sketch Degrade, Defame Ridicule, Mock Scanned with CamScanner ") Derivative 1 Desiccate _, _ Desultory Sporadic a Deterrent Diatribe ay Tirade Harangne Invective 5 Dichotomy: 8 DiMdence Dittuse - Dirge Elegy uo Discerning Discordant Diserepancy Dissonance Discrete Disjointed Disingenuous ut Disinterested Dismiss % Disparate Dissembte Disseminate Dissalution Distitl, Rarefled Imitative, Unoriginal, Ohtamed from another _ source _ Dry. Lifeless Someta, falas Aimiess, Random, Haphazard frmenfie we, wht orem Preventive, Restrictive, Restraining, — Hindrarce Something that discourage ‘She gore BGT Fe, 5 eae “ra, HITED Attack verbally, Bitter scolding fe feretera, eermera farang Split; Branching inte two parts (especially aren Free ae contradictary ones) Shyness, Hesttancy, Reserve, Timadity * Spread out, Parvasive * Wordy, Verbose Lament with muste Correct, Correct a false Impression oN wer COME ware ase Sharp, Perceptive, Insightful Disagreeing, not harmonious, Conflicting, erste, atea, COT Inconsistency, Difference, Separate, Distinct Dishonest, Decettful Unbiased, Neutral ana en, feo =o) oye Sack, Fire, Terminate, Reject Dissinilar DEN, SH STE GMT Pretend, Disguise al veel 1 ey ota aI Distribute, Spread ean Termination oreo Harge, Expand wens me cone a, fa ea, HY et Purify, Refine Scanned with CamScanner TTR TM Cet / FEI 2. Divest , GE Gen Strip, Deprive “4 Document a Provide written evidence ‘A person wha is extremely enthusiastic abaut mati oy Dogmatte orig, we religion or politics, fanatic. person wha shows " excessive zeal Dormant o5 Inert 44, 7a, fr Slweping, Latent Quiescent _ _ _ 06 Dupe Fool, Braimless Fatuous 7 “ a7 Ebullient Enthuslastic, Cheerful na es ~ One who follows various ide on Eclectle sfetrn, en Heterogencaus, Catholic ” Efficacy meres Effectiveness, Efficiency, Usetulness mie Effrontery fa - __ Arrogance aren fey ser are a 0y Elicit _ " Provoke, Stimulate wat eee 102 Embelllsh MysTapaNEs Fa Adarn, Ornament, Beautify roy Empirical arya ef Experimental, Realistic, Practical Pragmatic ma loi Emulate apres oa, eM eT Imitate ' fe Prevailing amanga specific group of people oF mus Endemic See Ina specific area or country “ats o WaPo Te 16 Enervate Exhaust, Weaken an ui Engender eres Ta Ro Produce, Cause, Create, Stimulate Te Enhance fem Augment, Increase, Improve lr Ephemerat agi Short-lived, Transient, Brief, Temporary, - - 7 ‘Transitory 110 Equanimity onfa Composure, Calmness Equivacate Hit Prevaricate Quibble iz Brudite 13 Esoteric Recondite Barges Tes OMA ea, were wraemtes yfora stem frre ffm mex fast eae Lie; Mislead, Attempt to conceal the truth deliberately _ ellectual, Learned, Scholarly Hard to understand, Known only to the chosen fow, Obscure, Cryptic, Arcane, Secret Scanned with CamScanner Praise, Often on the occasion of someone's 3 Swenon iit Eulogy “at Ta, (CTTRE YA - RMT rr his euphemism wa Mild expression in plaee ofan unpleasant one sna) a le acerbate wate fire Tae _ Worsen Li Exeulpate cafsrem once fgfs ort Clear fram blame, Free, Release Tit Exigency: eee SR _ _ Urgency, Emergency 10) Extrapolation" lla Projection, Conjecture, Estimation me = Va Facititate paaree = Assist, Make less difficult 11 Fallacious: faster Deceptive, False, Misleading Fawning viper Flattering. Toadying Obsequious _ _ 1s Felleltous sor Appropriate, Suitable lor fe Very strong feelings about something. Fervor corm forge afe hg eye enthestasn - Flag & Grow feeble, 125 passitude SRE Tiredne: Fledgling utes Inexpertenced _ Flou xestpefae ea Disobey, Ignore 2 Foment sree arte Bore chen ___ Stimulate _ Forestall Prevent by taking action in advance, Anticipate Frugality _ Economy, Parsimony Futile Useless, Fruitless, Ineffective Gainsay — re Refute Deny Repudiate , Garrulous VS Loquacious a7" Talkative, wordy ing cai © af quam Apointed stick used for making cattle move 0a * fren xa forward or keep Irritating somebody until they = react * abt Ge - . " LG Gouge aoe fet va a To makeahole witha sharp object - * alate wire yest To raise prices unfairly 156 7 = — i Gregartous aeerreter 27H arg] Sociable 7 ies lomogencous. Similan vie Hyperbole iggeration, Overstatement Scanned with CamScanner a canteen toast Srcntrerenh, Iconoclastic y Maverick Froth, swine rear fresh Revolutionary, Freethinking, Rebel eam a0 Idolatry Paced yfdce en ea Ma Immutable _ Unchangeable Me Ampair Injure, Hurt 143 Impede Hinder, Resist Impermeabl o. mn A Impervious. Nar allowing a liquid or gos to pass through ~ Impecturbable a 15 : Calm, Pla Phlegmatic a Calm, Placid 146 Implacahle wre Incapable of heing pacified - Implicit, = - Understood but not stated, Not put Into wards, W Tacit Ure feu gars a, Te Silent arfecea vite feecaa fire 148 Implode Burst inward facvarat 149 Inadvertently SPRaTSTETE, Unintentionally, Carelessly, Accidentally ian Inchoate snore ___ Recently begun, Elementary [51 Inconsequential owes Insignificant, Unimportant 152 Indeterminate etree Uncertain, Indefinite 153 Indigence ae Poverty, Deprivation, Destitution Penury — a 7 Indolent Lethargic ay Lazy Torpor - iss _aherent wrere, ares sactst Inborn, Natural Propensity = 156 Insensible et Unconscious, Unresponsive ise REIN ween To suggest directly that something unpleasant —— istrue Insipid Mundane rem, wees fafere au a aT Dull Stalid a __ Insularity actidbee Narrow- mindedness intractable Obdurate 16) Intransigence “erent, aH Unruly, Stubborn, Obstinate Reealeitrant Refractory Scanned with CamScanner Tnundate, ‘ire - - Flood, Deluge __Inured SE Accustomed, Hahituated, Adapted 168 Iraseible fube8, - Morose a Irritable, Easily angered los Wrresotute fest Uncertain how toact 1o5 Winerary Es fers, a gore Plan ala trip, Route thn Laconic - asa Briefand to the point M67 Latent aS Dormant, Hidden _ ot Laud fete tt Praise - at Stone embankment to prevent flooding sorrel, fearewet Lackofseriousness tag ation ertetirn fora Record ofa voyage or IMight, Record of day-to- day activitles Lucid Fasily understood, clear Luminous Shining. Bright Magnanimity iy Malingerer Pretend to be sick in order to avoid work Malleable lexible, Ductile Ve plastleity asia 1c7 Mendacious fremarit _ ar 17k Metamorphosis nore ‘Transformation, Conversion 14 wenes apie, ret Careful, Painstaking, Scrupulous, Cautious (|) Misanthrope _@ 2% SHeeifece YTS A person who hates and avoid other people im Negate afea aa Cancel out, Nullify Rescind liz Neophyte com eters TE HTT —_ Recent convert, Keginner, Noviee, Newcomer bit Obvlate Saye bom, a Ft Get rid of, remove iui Ocelude 8 C4 Gram Shut, Close SN og AY HCE = 7 15 Officious rena fans een a, Meddlesame _ wafers sare Opprobrium = tite Reproach FO ARICA Severe criticism Vituperative Scanned with CamScanner Oscillate wen Vibrate 12h Ostentations Bhan, OTe Gre 119 Paragon fate _ tL Pathological Showy, Pretentious, Trying to attract, attention Model of perfeetion One-sided, biased, Committed to a party Pertaining to disease Paucity Scarcity ‘Pedantic Too worried about small detalis and rues 194 Penchant aking, Fondness 195 Perennial Permanent 19 Perfidious feaonrrs Treacherous, Distoyal, Deceitful 17 Perfunctory re ary Lacking Interest, care and enthusiasm toa Permeable con em an an, Fey Penetrable, Alou ne gui ‘ar gas to pass we Pervasive WERT “TEE Spread throughout “mn Picty echagenet ~ Devoutness, Reverence sei Pladinadte ase Common strement used ry often and not Plethora atest Excess, Overabundance 20a Plummet FE 9 Meu TT aT Fall sharply 404 Preamble Introduction, Preface 5 Precarious Uncertain sy Precipitate Sy es ete seat Hs Fall suddenly ferent en, HSC a] y not Precursor Eon _ ant ia {ioe ee, fea Arrogant, Rude Pristine Primitive _ zu Probity = Honesty = = S11 Problematic Full of problems 21 Prodigal _ __ Wasteful 7 218 Profound —————* Insightful Scanned with CamScanner ‘14 Probibitive face, aren “Tending to prevent purchase or use of ———— something “i Proliferate Fe increase rapidly, Multiply Proseribe efers 7 ifr =a Banish, Outlaw 217 Qualified Sees Limited, Restricted _ Recant ed age TE ON Renounce, Retract_ 219 Relegate wea Downgrade, Banish toan inferior position tafee ofhura Sar SEE 220 Reprobate Sinner 7 “Resolution Determination, Firmness of purpose 221 Resolve ee —_ Reticent _ __Taciturn, quiet _ Reverent Respectful Venerate _ oe a "Sage Ws oe Salubrious a Healthy _ Sanction Approve, Ratity “satlate Satisfied Saturate YS FH, BES FL CSB Soak thoroughly Savor ; Enjoy y thoroughly Secrete Release asubstance into an organism Shard Fragmented pleees of pottery Skeptic © Cynic, Doubler 21 Solicltous Worried, Concerned 2t1 Soparific Sleep-causing, Narcotic - ~ Colored band produced when a beam of light Spectrum passes through a prism . Ree FS ALA NA Seemingly reasonable but incorrect, aan Specious ame oe ZT misleading (often intentionally) 17 Stigma enqane foe Tokenofdisgrace Sona ofemtne re, _ Stint fae a Set limits sy Stipulae MRR, seme Te Specify 2N Strfated Ga at tens Marked with parallel bands 2 Strut smal stapes ey, + * Pompous walk, * Supporting bar Scanned with CamScanner 242 Subpoena SATS era Ben FE Wri . ; : —_ rit summoning a witness to appear 245 Supersede — _ fica = Replace 244 Supposition aa Guess, Conjecture, Iypothesis, Assumption — 2245 Tangential RY CCG ACA UA ‘Digressing oe 246 Tenuous wd, ae Thin, Rare, Slim 2 17 : Tractable RCS A OT a, ATT 7 Obedient - 248 Transgression RGA TACIT, oe ~ Violation of a law, Sin - Vacillate fas - ~ Hesitate Veracious aera Truthful, Honest Viable few arses aad Sustainable Viscous WTS, BESTE Sticky, Gluey _ Volatile Fre afer Unstable, Changeable - Warranted _ a ayy - [ Authorized Scanned with CamScanner

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