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"Screen time" refers to any activity that takes place in front of a screen,
including watching television, using a computer, or playing video games. It is
important to note that screen time is a sedentary activity that requires very little
energy and involves sitting still. Computers and other gadgets can help kids with
their schoolwork and othet task. However surfing the internet, spending too much
time on Facebook, or watching YouTube videos is considered unhealthy screen
The usage of electronic media in primary school can have a variety of effects
on academic achievement. It might replace other pursuits, such exercise, rest, or
homework , all of which have been linked to improved academic achievement. The
use of electronic media has the potential to impair focus , and the views and
behaviors of children and teenagers may be especially influenced by what they see
on screen . According to imaging studies conducted on children and teenagers
between the ages of 5 and 18, excessive media use may even have an impact on
brain structure and function, including reward processing . However, by improving
technological abilities and providing access to more knowledge and resources, the
usage of electronic media can also boost academic performance. Mundy LK,
Canterford L, Hoq M, Olds T, Moreno-Betancur M, Sawyer S, et al. (2020)
In recent years, gadgets have become more useful and popular due to their
features. Many individuals currently own gadgets that they use for various
purposes, such as work, gaming, and academics, ranging from binge-watching on
laptops to taking pictures on tablets and scrolling through social media on
cellphones. Yet, a crucial question remains: what happens when we spend hours
glued to screens? How does this impact our well-being, both physically and
emotionally? Crucially, we need to address how excessive screen time might
influence the academic performance of senior high school students at Carlos F.
Gozales High School. For some individuals, especially students, the gadgets they
have are primarily used for academic purposes, such as searching, watching video
lessons, taking online quizzes, and uploading assignments. While too much gadget
use can cause eye pain, numbness, and weakness, the question arises: can
excessive screen time on gadgets affect students' academic performance? Here are
the reasons.
This survey at Carlos F. Gozales High School aims to understand how
students use screens compared to studying, uncovering common habits and
routines. By exploring the possible connection between excessive screen time and
academic performance, the study seeks to determine if spending more time on
screens is linked to lower grades among senior high school students. The ultimate
goal is to provide practical solutions by identifying simple adjustments that
students can make to strike a better balance between screen time activities and
academic responsibilities. Through this approach, the research aims to offer
valuable insights into improving students' overall academic outcomes at CFGHS.


Review of literature on this study was important to further elaborate the issue
regarding the impact of using too much screen time on the academic performance
of the students in the CFGHS. in the previous pandemic condition because of
Covid-19. These are the major factors that this study revolves:
According to a study that was conducted in India, a lot of things have
changed and became the new normal for us to obligatory social distancing from the
use of Apps for educational learning became popular. due to the lack of offline or
online resources Tuition lessons are held in person. As a result, the role of new
media technology advances, relevant as a useful tool in classroom Education, in
particular because of the new normal, these devices are affordable, however the
drawbacks of utilizing Such technology have becoming more cautious for
collaborative or group learning in Scholastic subjects that are critical to the pupils'
holistic growth if a vast group of students is being educated on a large scale.
(Kumar, and sharma., 2021). Smartphones have penetrated people’s lives at a speed
that one can barely notice. Furthermore, Problematic use of smartphones has been
differentiated as a type of addiction in the college students in Taiwan, it is linked to
the student`s depression because of too much usage of social media. (Chung Cheng, 2021)


Current guidelines suggest too little sleep, too little physical activity, and too much
sedentary time are associated with poor health outcomes. These behaviours may
also influence academic performance in school children. Sleep and sedentary
behaviours were linked to academic performance. School communities should
emphasize comprehensive wellness strategies to address multiple behaviours to
maximize student health and academic success. According to this study that was
conducted in the australia the lack of sleep of most of their students was greatly
linked to the poor academic performance of their students. (HOWIE,, 2020)
This research suggests that the smartphone provides students with manifold ways
to distract themselves from studying. Yet, it is largely unknown how students with
high versus low trait self-control deal with these self-regulatory challenges that
smartphones present. Due to the presence of smartphones a lot of students that
have low self-control over their screen time usage suffer from lack of sleep,
problems with their diets, physical activities, etc. (Troll, 2021)


Given the extensive effects of the epidemic, people began to live as many ways to
adjust systems to the modification. While devices have already participated in our
lives throughout the pandemic, we are forced to depend on them more than ever.
them, particularly among the pupils who rely on these devices and even because of
lockdowns, more. According to anscreen time in an editorial piece is the total
amount of time that a person observing or gazing upon a screen device (which
comprises but is not restricted to computer, video screens, and television tablets,
video games, or cellphones) (Anuradha, 2019). In the study that wasa conducted in
the tertiary school in the Philippines shows that a lot of their students agreed to
lessen their screen time usage due to the major effects that it caused. The students
linked the too much usage of gadgets to poor their poor sleep schedule hence they
agreed to lessen their screen time exposure due to the major health concerns. (Asio,
In addition, the study in the 2021 shows the relevance of screen time usage in the
procrastination of senior high school grade 12 students in the Bacolod City,
Philippines. The study provides insight into the influence of gadget dependency on
the academic procrastination levels of Grade 12 STEM students in Bacolod City
National High School for the school year 2020-2021. Overall, under distance
learning amid the pandemic, gadget dependency among students is high. Learners
are reliant on utilizing gadgets for entertainment and educational purposes.
Meanwhile, academic procrastination level is moderate, mainly due to distractions.
Both sexes have high degrees of gadget dependency, so both have high demands or
are susceptible to excessive gadget use. There is a high degree of gadget
dependency for ROC and a moderate for RODM regarding learning modality.
Those under ROC have virtual meetings, which contributes to their higher level of
dependence. (Garcia,, 2021)


This study will be using quantitative approach in finding conclusion about the
study. The quantitative approach to gathering information focuses on describing a
phenomenon across a larger number of participants thereby providing the
possibility of summarizing characteristics across groups or relationships, (Rhodes

This approach typically involves the use of surveys, experiments, and statistic
analysis to quantify and analyze data. Quantitative research aims to develop
theories or models that explain the relationship between variables and predict the
future outcomes based on statistical analysis of data. The aim of this study is to
determine the Perception of Senior High School STEM Students in using gadgets.


The respondents consists of 20 grade 11 Senior High School STEM students of

Carlos F. Gonzales High School, specifically target students between the ages of 16
to 17 years old. The students are purposively choose based on their age,
educational level, gender and the high level of knowledge about the topic being


In this study, we aimed to know what are the major effects of using too much
screen time on the academic performance grade 11 students here in our school, the
CFGHS. Students these days are accustomed in using their gadgets in everything
like studying, playing, etc.
In addition, because of the students being too reliant on their gadgets its often
resulting on their bad academic performance in school. This study will find what
are those things that made students unable to let go or spend too much time on
their gadgets.

STEP 1: In this type of survey that we are conducting we would be using the
closed questions format. The closed question format would use a multiple selection
of answers. Using this type of survey would give us the advantage of what are
those things that they students often use their screen time for and how this type of
applications or platforms could alter to their performance on school.

STEP 2: To collect data in this survey we are using a total of 20 grade 11 Senior
high school students on CFGHS. The population would consist of 10 Female
students, and 10 Male students. This would help us to understand what sexuality
are the most reliant and does spend most of their time using their gadgets than

STEP 3: The survey would be consisted of 10 closed question items. The same
type of items will be given on female and male participants for this study.


We are analyzing the study to find what are the faults of spending too much screen
time on the gadgets and how could this kind of activity could be a great problem in
terms of studying.
To successfully analyze the data that we are going to present we will be using the
quantitative analysis type to analyze the data, and it would be consisted by a
regression analysis where we would track which or what are the habits that most of
the students are doing that could have negative impact on their academic

To proceed with our survey we will only conduct on the strand of grade 11 students
that definitely used have used or has to rely on their smartphones or gadgets to
proceed with their daily task in school and on their homes. The collection of the
data consist of the students in strands of 10 Male STEM 11 D and 4 Female STEM
11 A, 1 STEM 11 C, AND 5 ICT 11 A Female. In total of 20 population that
consist of 10 male and 10 female students.

In the data that we collected we are able to find out that the whole population of
the 20 students are all using their smartphones in the school which means in every
10 students on the grade 11, 10 of them are using their smartphones on school. In
addition to that the 80% of the students that has participated in our survey spend 4
or more hour of their time on the screen, and 15% of them spends 2 hours or more
of their time while the other 5% do not included it. To put that in perspective
almost 5 hours of their time spends only on their phone while the students spends 6
hours of their time studying its only on the school alone not included those that are
given to us as an assignment of our teachers.

On the other hand 35% of the students spends most of their screen time on using
the tiktok application that is now considered a social media platform where they
could watch a lot of contents from all over the planet while the 25% used the
Facebook application for social media and also to watch and read contents from the
people you may or may not know. The 20% use it on playing online games and the
other 5 percent did not include what are the application or platform that they are
using most of their time on.
The 65% of the students used 1-5 hours of screen time on using their smartphones
probably on making school task, on the other hand the 20% of students used 6-8
hours long of screen time, the 10% used 8 hours long of their screen time on thir
smartphones in deeds of studying for their classes and the other 5% never used
their phone on studying.
Students that participated in the survey says the 40% of them could not last a day
without using their smartphones, while the 30% says that they could last in most
occasions without their gadgets, the other 20% says they can always lasted a day
without using their smartphones and the 10% doesn’t included.
The majority of students says that 60% of them has a sleep schedule of 10-12 AM,
the 30% of them spends only 6-10 PM and the other 10% did not included their
sleep schedule.
Meanwhile the 40% of the students watched tiktok video before they go to sleep,
the other 30% play games before they sleep, and the 20% of them did not included
or they did not using their gadget before they go to sleep but the 10% of them reads
The majority of the students with an 45% in population thinks that using too much
screen time could affect their academic performance by getting easily distracted in
class, while the 30% says that it does not affect them in any ways in the class, the
20% says that it affects them by lacking of focus in their class, and the other 5%
think that it could lead to lack of focus. In other perspective, the 45% of students
says that the major subject that are affected by using too much of their screen time
is the MATH subjects following by the SCIENCE subjects with 25%, and
LANGUAGE subjects with 15%, meanwhile the 10% of them says that it doesn’t
affects their performance on class and the other 5% says that it affects all of the
aspects included. 60% of students that used their phones on studying says that they
sometimes used AI or artificial intelligence for their school works, while the 30%
says they never used one, on the other hand the 5% of them preferred to use it and
the other 5% did not include it.

To summarize the data that we gathered in this survey it shows that most if not all
of the grade 11 SHS students in CFGHS used smartphones and spends almost 5
hours and more of using it per day which could lead us in to conclusion that most
of them really did not have time for their school task alone. Because the students
are more inclined on using social media platforms we concluded that it it also the
reason that affects their academic performance on their school. To put that in
perspective 4 out of 10 carlosians could not last a day without their gadgets and 6
out of 10 carlosians have a sleep schedule of 12AM or more that is not really
suited for a student. Most of them agreed in to one point that using too much of
their screen time could lead to them being unable to focus on their classes mostly
on Mathematics subjects that are not really easy to deal with as an students they
also take advantage of using AI created works for them to benefit with their
gadgets that is not really a good thing for a student because it could definitely
affects the lesson and the knowledge that they should have been learned by them.

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