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 Complete Notes For 0/8
O Level Islamiyat
2058 Paper 1 &
IGCSE Islamiyat
0493 Paper 1
1.1 Major
Themes of
the Quran
1.2 The History
of the Quran
1.3 The Holy
PBUH’s Life
in Makkah
1.4 The Holy
PBUH’s Life
in Madinah
1.5 Wives of the
1.6 Descendants
of the
1.7 The Ten
1.8 Scribes of
the Divine
Revelation &
and Helpers
Show more Sections
Major Themes of the Quran
1.0 Lesson Objectives
The basic concept of the themes
Allah in Himself
1.1 Basic Concept
The Holy Quran presents multiple major themes, out of which a few of the most important ones are in our syllabus
Each theme is supported by certain Surah and Ayats
The difficult part
In examination, sometime question 2 comes from these themes
For example, from the selected passages, mention the main ideas of Allah’s relationship with his messengers
It is MUST that you remember
The names of each of the selected passage in the syllabus
REMEMBER BY HEART the main ideas presented in each passage
You do not need to remember the Arabic or the translation of the passage.
Main focus in Question 1
Mentioned in Demo-class
2 parts for each passage
Total 2 passages to be done in paper 1
4 will be given in the paper – along with their translations
Part 1
The trick for part (a) of question 1 for both the passages you select
Just explain the translation in your own words
Part (b) tricks
Link those passages to the inner meanings and how those meanings connect to human lives
You can memorize these from here as well
Answer would be in paragraph form.
No points form
1.2 Allah in Himself
Sura 2.225
Also known as Ayat Ul Kursi
Answer information for part (a)
Oneness of Allah
He has been living for ever and will always live
He does not need food or sleep
No sleep
He constantly watches over everything
Does not get tired
Everything belongs to him
No one can intercede in his knowledge
All knowledge that humans have is with the permission of Allah
No palmist can tell knowledge of the Ghaib
He knows all that has occurred before us and that will occur after us.
He gives his knowledge by his choice
Hazrat Isa used to bring people back to life ONLY by the will of Allah
Everything that the Holy Prophet PBUH knew was by the will of Allah
He is the ruler of everything
He never gets tired guarding everything
He is the only being from whom we should ask for security
No one can harm us if we are under his security
He has power over all
Answer for (b)
Muslims should not pray to any other fake god
Muslims should not believe that Allah needs anything to eat or sleep
No person who claims that he has Ghaib’s knowledge is true
All knowledge is with Allah and no one can intercede except he wills
It is wrong to say that Prophet’s knew things themselves
It was what Allah told them
No saint of palmist can tell Ilm-Al-Ghaib
Allah knows everything so we should refrain from evils
He can guard us the best
We should ask for his protection only
Only he should be worshiped
Surah 6 101-103
Surah An’aam
Answer to part (a)
He is the One who created heavens and Earth
He has no wife
No son possible without a wife
He has complete knowledge of all creation
He is the only God worthy of worship
He is the only Being who can correct any issue that occurs in our lives
He can do anything
Human mind cannot understand what God looks like
Allah looks over everything and He can see everything all the time.
His blessings are a way of understanding Him
BUT He does NOT look like or is like anything that human mind can comprehend
Answer to part (b)
He is the only one worthy of worship
We should not believe that Jesus is the son of God
We should refrain from evil deeds as Allah knows all that we do.
We should ask for Allah’s help when we are in trouble.
If human mind can understand anything or see anything
Such thing is not God
God cannot be comprehended by human mind
We should thank Allah for his blessings.
Sura 41.37
Surah Fussilat
Answer (a)
Allah’s creations are his signs
Night and day
Sun and moon
Muslims should praise Allah for these creations
Instead of praising the creations
Allah created everyting
It is Allah Muslims must serve
Not the creation like sun and moon
Answer (b)
Muslims should not pray or worship created things
We should praise Allah when we see some spectacular creation
We should serve Allah only
Sura 42. 4-5
Surah Shura
Answer (a)
Everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to Allah
Allah is the greatest
2 meanings of rent asunder
Allah’s wrath and anger is so much that skies are about to burst
The weight of the angels above the skies worshiping Allah is very high
Angels are Allah’s creation and worship Him only
Angels pray for forgiveness of Muslims
Allah is the most forgiving and merciful
Answer (b)
We should worship Allah only
No one is greater than Allah
No saint is greater than Allah
Human beings should not commit sins as Allah’s wrath is even felt by the skies
Angels should not be worshiped
They are creations of Allah
Muslims should do Taubah as Allah is most forgiving
Surah 112
Surah Ikhlas
Answer (a)
Allah is only one
There are no multiple Gods
He has been living forever
He will never die
He is not the son of anyone
He is not the father of anyone
Nothing is like Allah
Answer (b)
It presents a 4 step test to check if someone claiming to be Allah is Allah or not
Test one: There must only be one of Him
Humans are many so human cant be Allah
There are many trees so tree can’t be Allah
Test two: Must be eternal
Anything or anyone that dies cannot be Allah
Test three: Must not produce or be produced
Humans are born from humans, and they produce humans
So no human is Allah
Plants are born from seeds
No plant is Allah
Test four: No attribute of any other thing must match with Allah
Humans have nose, animals have nose as well
So no human can be Allah
2.1 Allah’s Relationship with the created World
Surah Fatiha
Part (a)
The Holy Book itself starts with the name of Allah
Allah is the most giving and provides the most blessings
Allah sustains that worlds
No one can sustain himself until Allah sustains them
Muslims ask for the guidance of Allah
Muslims pray to Allah only
Only Allah can show the correct path
The correct path is of people who received the blessings of Allah
It is not the path of people who went astray
Part (b)
Every good deed must be started with the name of Allah
Human should ask for forgiveness and blessings from Allah
Muslims should NOT believe that some Peer can sustain them.
Only Allah can sustain them
Only Allah should be worshipped
If Muslims face any problem, they should ask Allah only for help.
The path of those who went astray is not the guided path of Allah
Surah Baqarah (2:21-22)
Part (a)
Everyone has been created by Allah
The current generation and the generations before
Believing this aspect is important to become righteous in front of Allah.
Allah has made Earth as the dwelling place for humans
Allah has made the sky a cover/ shelter over humans
We know that the skies protect us from the asteroids and other things entering in the world from space
Allah has created the fruits and other things that grow from Earth to sustain the human beings
Allah has no rivals
All these things prove that Allah has no rivals.
Part (b)
No idol or stone can be the creator as Allah is the only creator
We must believe that Allah has created us and everyone before us to stay righteous
Earth has been given to humans by Allah
We should thanks Allah for giving us the skies that protect us
We should thank Allah only for the fruits and vegetables that sustain us
We should not thank any peer for it
Muslims must not set rivals with Allah, as he has no rivals.
Surah Alaq (96: 1-5)
Part (a)
Allah has created everyone
The process of birth is summarized in the Quran
Humans are created from a small clot of congealed blood
Leach-like appearance of the fetus in early days
Allah is the most merciful
Allah has taught humans all knowledge and understanding
Humans did not know anything by themselves, it was the blessing of Allah that he taught them knowledge
Part (b)
We should say Bismillah before reading
Muslims should believe that it is Allah who has created them
It is a miracle of the Quran that it summarized the internal condition of fetus long before medical science proved it.
Muslims should only ask for blessings from Allah
All knowledge is from Allah
No one else knew Ilm-E-Ghaib
Only Allah knows Ilm-E-Ghaib
Surah Zilzaal (99)
Part (a)
This Surah describes a scene of the day of Judgement
The earth will be shaken completely
Whatever is inside the Earth will come out
One meaning is that everything inside the Earth will burst forth like lava etc.
Second meaning is that all the secrets that the Earth has will become visible
Humans would be startled
Earth will spill forth all secrets regarding what humans did
Allah will tell it to do so
Humans will all gather to get their verdict
Any smallest good deed will be recorded and shown to them
Every smallest bad deed will be recorded and shown to them
Part (b)
Muslims should prepare themselves for the day of Judgement
Everything is being recorded
Even the Earth will bear witness to what the humans had done while on Earth
Muslims should not do bad deeds
Only Allah has the power to cause the day of Judgement
Allah knows all secrets
We should do the smallest good deeds even because they will be shown to us on Day of Judgement
We should avoid the smallest bad deeds because they will be against us on the Day of Judgement.
Surah Nas (114)
Part (a)
It tells 3 major attributes of Allah
Allah is the Lord of maakind
He is the King and God of mankind
No other being should be considered as such except him
The satan whispers in the hearts of humans to do the wrong deeds
The whisper comes and goes and results in people becoming prey to evil
These whisperers are from among the Jinn and humans
As Allah is the Lord, God and King
Only he should be prayed
Only his help and refuge should be sought against evil
Muslims should understand that the evil thoughts in their mind and hearts are from Shaitan
Muslims should protect them from evil human beings
Allah protection is must for safety
Only Allah can save people against magic
2.2 Allah’s Relationship with His Messengers
Surah Baqarah (2: 30-37)
Part (a)
It tells the story of Hazrat Adam (AS) creation
Angels asked why human was Allah’s Khalifa on Earth when humans are trouble causing
Allah mentioned that He has granted knowledge to Hazrat Adam (AS) that the angels don’t know
Angels were asked names of stuff but testified that they only have limited knowledge as told by Allah
Adam AS was taught these names and so he was able to answer
Allah ordered angels to bow before Adam (AS)
Angels followed the order but Iblees did not
He became proud
Adam AS was stopped from eating a certain fruit, along with his wife
However, Iblees misguided them
Adam and Eve (AS) were sent to Earth to spend the rest of their days
Part (b)
Man is Allah’s creation so only worship Allah
Angels have less knowledge compared to humans
Do not worship angels
All knowledge that humans know has been taught by Allah
Muslims should never become haughty
Haughtiness takes away faith
Muslims should pray to be Allah to be saved from the misguiding of Iblees.
Surah An’aam (6: 75-79)
Part (a)
Tells the story of how Hazrat Abraham AS learned who is real God
He first saw a star but when the star set, he mentioned that God cannot be one who sets
Then he saw the moon
When the moon set, he realized that only the guidance of the real God can stop him from going astray
Then he saw the Sun and considered it to be God
The sun also set
He then mentioned to his people that he will never join partners with Allah
He realized that it is Allah who has created the Earth and the Heavens
Part (b)
Created things are not Allah
No star, moon, sun or any other created being should be worshiped
Worship is to Allah only
No partners should be attached with Allah
Allah has created everything
He has no rivals
Surah Maidah (5: 110)
Part (a)
It mentions another scene from the Day of Judgement
Allah will call Hazrat Isa (AS) Oh Isa, son of Maryam
Not Isa ibn Allah
Allah reminds Hazrat Isa (AS) and through him his people about his countless blessings and signs
Hazrat Isa was provided the support of Hazrat Jibrael AS
He was able to speak since childhood as a favor of Allah on him
He was given the Injeel and the deen of that time as well
Hazrat Isa (AS) did many miracles but only by the will of Allah
Made clay birds and then made them alive
Bring dead back to life
Give vision to people blind by birth
Heal lepers
Bani Israel still did not accept these aspects as signs of Allah
Allah protected Hazrat Isa (AS) from the people of Israel
Bani Israel called all these aspects magic
Part (b)
Allah clarified that Isa AS is not the son of Allah
Allah protects his blessed ones
All miracles that prophets do are by the Will of Allah only
The unbelievers still don’t accept the truth because their hearts get sealed from the Truth
Prophets do miracles by the Will of Allah, not magic
Surah Duha (93)
Part (a)
Allah takes two opposing aspects to show the importance of the matter
Morning light after which all activity begins
Late night when everything is still
Background story
Revelation stopped for sometime
Quraish said that Allah (NAOOZOBILLAH) abandoned the Holy Prophet PBUH
Prophet PBUH was concerned that Allah is displeased due to some reason
Allah says he is not displeased
He has not abandoned the Holy Prophet PBUH
The hereafter is better for Holy Prophet PBUH than current situation
Two meanings
The life after death is better than earthly life
The time in Madinah was better than Makkah
Allah will give so much to the Holy Prophet PBUH that he will become very happy
Allah reminds Holy Prophet PBUH how when he was an orphan Allah protected him by giving him the shelter of Hazrat Abu Talib
Allah reminds Holy Prophet PBUH that when he started preaching, he became independent as Hazrat Khadija RA gave everything in the way of Allah
Allah tells the Holy Prophet PBUH to take care of orphans
The beggars should not be turned away
Instead, they should be told about Allah’s countless blessings
Part (b)
Allah is most forgiving
He loves his real followers
Muslims should believe that if there is any difficulty, better time is coming ahead
Orphans should be treated with respect
Beggars should be told about blessings of Allah so they feel better
Surah Kausar (108)
Part (a)
Allah has given the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Kausar
Means given a lot
Also means given Hoz e Kausar for the Day of Judgement
Allah commands Holy Prophet PBUH to sacrifice in the way of Allah and pray to Him
Background story
Quraish called Holy Prophet PBUH “abtar” after the death of his son
Abtar means a person who will have no male heirs to carry his name and after his death his name would end from Earth
Allah said that the haters of Prophet PBUH are abtar instead
Proven today
No one calls himself the Son of Abu Jahl or Abu Lahb
Everyone calls himself the ummati of the Holy Prophet PBUH
Thus, the haters became abtar
Part (b)
Muslims are given a lot in the form of eemaan than the kafirs
Muslims should pray only to Allah
Sacrifice should be made only to Allah
People against Islam are destroyed in the best, long-term way by Allah so we should trust him
Lesson Tags
Allah in Himself | Allah’s Relationship With The Created World | Allah’s Messengers | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O
Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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The History and Importance of the Quran
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