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Almost and NEVER

“Bang, “bang,” “bang,” “bang” a sound noise from the field war of the army and the terrorists
was too loud in Mindanao month of October. On the next barrio, the rescue medical team was
busy taking care of the wounded people around the area. The nights and days in the firing zone
were so terrifying; hence, the armies are constantly battling the terrorists and it ended for
about 3 days. The brave rescue medical team was frightened but as a medical more frontline,
they need to do their job in helping the wounded people in the place. They sacrifice their lives
just to save those people.
On the third day where war was almost ended, the medical team needs more experienced
doctors and nurses for the seriously wounded patients. Consequently, the other rescue team
was arrived at the place and treated the patients. However, a minute after there was a big
explosion happened, and a lot of armies were injured and wounded. So, they need to back off
because most of them were wounded. However, the captain of the army was captured by the
After three days, the rescue team with the injured patients went to the hospital for some
serious medication especially the other armies who got seriously injured. When they arrived at
the hospital, the head nurse of the emergency immediately organized the team by its color-
coding serious injured. On the other hand, she was not comfortable the whole time she was
very anxious at the time. He roamed around looking for someone but seemed like she didn’t
see the person she wanted to see.
20 minutes later, news came in on the TV about the war that happened in Mindanao. It was
mentioned that three of the armies were captured by the terrorists and one of the three armies
was her fiancée who is the captain of the group. She shouted so loud and cried while the other
members of the army were crying and felt sorry about it. The nurse was so devastated and feel
depressed about it because they will get married two weeks after his mission but it happened
this way.
When the next morning comes, the nurse didn’t go to work. She cried and cried in her house
and look the picture of his fiancée and the engagement ring. She kept on praying that one day
he will be released or can escape from the terrorists. When she turns on the TV, she watches
the news about the three prisoners of the terrorists and informing that they will kill all of them
if they will not give them what they want. The nurse went to the army camp upon hearing the
news of what will happen or if it’s true or not. Unfortunately, she didn’t get good news when
went there and started crying. On the other hand, the government finalized the decision.
A week after their wedding, the two armies were released by the terrorist upon the agreement
of the government; however, the captain was not released by them as bait for the army. The
captain looked helpless and being bitten. It’s seemed like dying at all. When the two armies
have arrived tot eh army camp, one army gave a special letter to eh nurse that the captain was
given to him. He wrote it before going on the war mission. The captain said to his letter
“Whatever happens to me, always be brave, and be happy. I Love You so much. I don’t know
whether I can give you the wedding you wanted and deserve but, in my heart, you will always
be my wife. I pray that I can go home safe for us and my son. Let him grow as a great son. I Love
You, my dear. Take care Yourself.” Upon reading the letter, the nurse was emotional and just
On the third day before the wedding, there is still no news about his fiancée. She kept on going
to the camp if there is news with his fiancée but none. She always goes home helpless;
however, she needs to be brave and strong for his baby in his womb. But realizing how can she
live without him. (Cries continue)
On the day of their supposed wedding, the captain was not released by the terrorist; however,
the nurse continues the wedding without him. The armies and families attended the wedding
event without the captain. But everyone still hoping that one day he will be released and free
from captives. After the wedding, they still don’t have news about the captain, the group of
armies think that he might be killed by a terrorist or something.
The nurse gave birth to the child and named it Captain Rey Jr to remember his lost husband.
During this year, she was really sad and but full of hope that one day his husband will be
escaped or be released from the terrorist. Yes, the captain was still in the hand of the terrorists
and the government keep on negotiating with them; however, they keep on refusing it.
When his child grows up, the nurse doesn’t know what to say about his father to him. She
always cries when she keeps on thinking that what if one day his son will ask about his father.
She is terrified to say that his father is captured by the terrorists and that’s what she thinks is a
terrifying one and that one day he will grow up without his father just because his father was
seized. But she is still hopeful that he will come back.
Late in the evening, the mother and the child watch a TV, however, the news flash about the
captain’s seized that he is still in the hands of the terrorists and they don’t know whether he is
still alive or not. The nurse secretly cries but the child saw it and asks, “Why are you crying,
mom?” Do you know him? And the mother just continues crying while hugging his confused
child. During that time, she tells the truth about his father even he is still 3 years old then. She
told him that the captain they talk about is his father. The child is still confused about it, maybe
he doesn’t understand as his age or he just can’t believe it. But one thing is for sure he has a
father. The mother hugged the child so tightly that it cause his child to cry also. It seemed like
he understood the situation even if he’s not.
In the morning, the nurse woke because of the noise outside. When she opened the door, she
was shocked because a lot of reporters are in front of his house. But she decided not to talk to
them and many policemen are in the area so that no one can get inside. On the other, she
asked why there are media outside and the police said it’s because of the decision and
command given by the commander in chief of the Philippines and that is to attack the terrorist
in their camp whether the captain is still alive or not.
On the day of the attack, there are thousands of armies are going to the camp just to save the
captain. The nurse really wants to join but she was not given the chance. When they arrive at
the camp of the terrorists, some are hiding on the tree and on the grass but one of the
terrorists saw one move of the army so he tracks his gun and everyone is alarmed and the firing
between two parties started. A lot of armies were injured and die and so with other terrorists.
On a sad note, the leader of the terrorists was escaped and run to the place but one thing for
sure is that the captain was saved but can’t be recognized because of his looks and his body. He
was like being salvaged. They immediately bring the captain to the hospital and treated him.
And the wife nurse as the head of the emergency cried so much and shout because her
husband is safe and alive.
After the surgery, the captain was in a comma because of some complications and infections.
The wife cried but was still happy that he saw his husband fighting.
The captain woke up in a comma, he remembers everything his wife but his feet were paralyzed
and needed to have therapy in order for him to walk. The captain cried about the news and
wanted to give up because he doesn’t want to be a burden for his family. Moreover, a child
goes inside the room and hugged his father. The captain was shocked and confused about it, he
didn’t think that it’s his son. So, the mother told him that it’s his son and I was pregnant when
he had a mission. His name is Captain Rey Jr. The captain cried so much and embraced his son
tightly and felt sorry about what happened. He hugged his wife and his son and promise himself
that he will get better and be a great father and husband.
With the help of his wife, the captain was improving day by day through therapy. And they live
together and plan to have a grand wedding when he can walk. Now, they live peacefully and
the captain retired as a soldier; on the other hand, the wife was now a doctor of the hospital
she works at.

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