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Improving of Listening Comprehension of Grade 7 Students Using

“Listen with Me”


Listening Comprehension is part of the communication

skills such as the development of reading and writing

comprehension. Listening Comprehension has the multiple

processes of comprehension in language when it is understood,

interpreted and spoken.

This communication skill is connected to cognitive learning

as it works with the development of memory, attention,

vocabulary, grammar and comprehension monitoring.

Listening then is the interpretation of spoken language and

this includes the recognition of discourses of sounds, the

understanding of the meaning of individual words or the

understanding of the syntax of sentences that may arise in a

dialogue or discourse.
The importance of recognizing context in listening means

that the person can relate what they hear to the real world in

which they live as they can symbolically recognize concepts with

language and link them together in order to understand what they

hear and give it a meaningful meaning.

Consequently, this study aims to help improve the Listening

Comprehension of the student using the made application called

“Listen with Me.” The L2M application is an application where to

challenge and test students’ capabilities on listening skills

specifically their comprehension. It is an experiment how this

application would help them improve the said skill. Furthermore,

Research Method Used

Quantitative approach is an inquiry into a social problem;

explain phenomena by gathering numerical data that are

analyzed using mathematically based methods, in particular

statistics. (Aliaga and Gunderson, 2006). Quantitative research

comes from the observation that, if there is one thing that

distinguishes human from the natural world, it is our ability to talk.

Using the quantitative approach, the researcher is able to

gather data by survey and interview by the institutions to make

the study valid and legal.

Quantitative research involves the collection of data so that

information can be quantified and subjected to statistical

treatment in order to support or refute “alternate knowledge

claims” (Creswell, 2003). Creswell, (2002) asserts that

quantitative research originated in the physical sciences,

particularly in Chemistry and Physics. The researcher used

mathematical models as the methodology of data analysis. Three

historical trends pertaining to quantitative research include

research design, test and measurement procedures, and

statistical analysis. Quantitative research also involves data

collection that is typically numeric and the researcher tends to use

mathematical models as the methodology of data analysis.

Additionally, the researcher uses the inquiry methods to ensure

alignment with statistical data collection methodology.

The researchers use the experimental research design to

test the made application as the main variable in the study and

help to improve the listening comprehension of the students using

the made applications. They use experimental because If you

don’t have enough data to support your decisions, you must first

determine the facts. Experimental research gathers the data

necessary to help you make better decisions. Moreover, any

research conducted under scientifically acceptable conditions

uses experimental methods. The success of experimental studies

hinges on researchers confirming the change of a variable is

based solely on the manipulation of the constant variable. The

research should establish a notable cause and effect.

Aliaga, M. & Gunderson, B (2006). Interactive Statistics Upper
Saddle River, N. J Pearson Prentice Hall
Creswell, J.W. (2002). Educational research; Planning,
conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative
research. Upper Saaddle River, N.J: Merrill.
Ospina Avendano, D. (2021). Listening Comprehension.
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