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Ministry of Higher Education ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
King Khalid University ‫جامعة الملك خالد‬
College of Nursing – EMS
department ‫ قسم الخدمات الطبية الطارئة‬-‫كلية التمريض‬

Subject Name and Code : PHTE – II (331) Place/area :

Student name and ID number :




No Task steps

1 Gather the equipment

2 Explain the procedure to the patient
3 Three or more providers:
pre-hospital care providers can apply manual in-line stabilization from either
behind the patient or in-front of the patient
Once the manual in-line stabilization of the patient’s head and neck is applied, a
properly sized, rigid cervical collar can be applied.
A long backboard is placed behind the patient from the side and pressed against the
Manual in-line stabilization is maintained throughout the procedure until the
patient is secured to the long backboard.
Two pre-hospital care providers stand on either side of the patient, turned slightly
toward the patient. Each provider inserts the hand closest to the patient under the
patient’s armpit and grasps the nearest handhold of the backboard without moving
the patient’s shoulders
The other hand grasps a higher handhold on the board
While manual in-line stabilization is maintained, the patient and backboard are
lowered to the ground
as the patient is lowered to the ground, the provider behind the patient providing
the manual stabilization must rotate his or her hands maintain the stabilization
as the patient is lowered to the ground each provider on the side of the patient – one
at a time – will need to release their holds on the upper portion of the board and
reposition their hand under the provider’s arm maintaining manual stabilization of
the patient’s head and neck. Once the patient and board are on the ground, the
patient is secured to the long backboard
4 Two providers:
The first provider establishes and maintains manual stabilization of the patient’s
head and neck while the second provider measures and applies an appropriate sized
cervical collar
Once the collar has been applied, the second provider places a backboard behind
the patient and in front of the first provider
The second provider holds the backboard with the hand closest to the board and
now places the other hand, palm surface with fingers extended, on the patient’s
head and applies light pressure to assist in maintaining manual stabilization
The first provider now can release the patient’s head with the hand closest to the
second provider. with his or her other hand, the provider repositions it to the side of
the patient’s head to apply lateral pressure while moving to the patient’s side and
grasping the backboard at the level of the patient’s head or higher
The patient and backboard are lowered to the ground while both providers maintain
manual stabilization with equal lateral pressure against the side of the patient’s
The pre-hospital care providers need to work together during this move to ensure
maximum manual stabilization
Once the patient and backboard are on the ground, manual in-line stabilization can
be maintained by one provider from above the patient’s head until the patient is
secured to the long backboard
5 Document the procedure

Approved by:

Signature of the student:

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