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A market is one of the many varieties of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations and infrastructures

whereby parties engage in exchange. While parties may exchange goods and services by barter, most
markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services in exchange for money from buyers.
Integration occurs when separate people or things are brought together, like the integration of students from
all of the district's elementary schools at the new middle school, or the integration of snowboarding on all ski
slopes. You may know the word differentiate, meaning "set apart." Integrate is its opposite.
Market integration occurs when prices among different locations or related goods follow similar patterns over
a long period of time. Groups of goods often move proportionally to each other and when this relation is very
clear among different markets it is said that the markets are integrated.An
Market integration basically refers to how easily 2 or more markets can trade with each other. ... Foreign
trade helps the integration of markets because it reduces barriers to trade and increases fluidity between
markets. *For example, China produces toys at a cheaper price than the US.
Market integration is the fusing of many markets into one. ... Global market integration means that price
differences between countries are eliminated as all markets become one. One way to the progress of
globalization is to look at trends how prices converge or become similar across countries.
Integrated marketing allows you to spread your marketing message across multiple channels and increases
the chances of it being heard. Best of all, customers engaged through multiple channels tend to spend more
than other customers. Therefore, spreading your marketing message can increase your return on investment.
The advantages include increasing market share, reducing competition, and creating economies of scale.
Disadvantages include regulatory scrutiny, less flexibility, and the potential to destroy value rather than create
economy(from Greek οίκος – "household" and νέμoμαι – "manage") is an area of the production, distribution
and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services by different agents.
Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social
systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management of
enterprise, as well as the political theories and movements associated with such systems.
The term socialism refers to any system in which the production and distribution of goods and services is a
shared responsibility of a group of people. Socialism is based upon economic and political theories that
advocate for collectivism. In a state of socialism, there is no privately owned property.
Socialism is an economic and political system. It is an economic theory of social organization. It believes that
the means of making, moving, and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the government as a
People's Republic of China
Republic of Cuba
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Socialist Republic of Vietnam

In theory, based on public benefits, socialism has the greatest goal of common wealth; Since the government
controls almost all of society's functions, it can make better use of resources, labors and lands; Socialism
reduces disparity in wealth, not only in different areas, but also in all societal ranks and classes.
Disadvantages of socialism include slow economic growth, less entrepreneurial opportunity and competition,
and a potential lack of motivation by individuals due to lesser rewards.
Main Goal of a Socialist Political Movement. Socialism is a political movement that centers on changing the
economic means of ownership and production. Its main objective is to foster a cooperative economy through
the creation of cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership or shared equity
By the late 19th century, after the work of Karl Marx and his collaborator Friedrich Engels, socialism had come
to signify opposition to capitalism and advocacy for a post-capitalist system based on some form of social
ownership of the means of production.
The main difference is that under communism, most property and economic resources are owned and
controlled by the state (rather than individual citizens); by contrast, under socialism, all citizens share equally
in all economic resources as allocated by a democratically-elected government.
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is
the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of
common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.
1. a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society
in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to
their abilities and needs.
Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their
operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage
labor, voluntary exchange, a price system and competitive markets.

1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled
by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
Capitalism is an economic system in which the government plays a secondary role. People and companies
make most of the decisions, and own most of the property. Goods are usually made by companies and sold for
profit. ... Most property, for example, is owned by people or companies, not by the government.

5 Characteristics of Capitalism
 Free Enterprise. ...
 Property Rights. ...
 Related Articles. ...
 Minimal Government Involvement. ...
 Profit Motive. ...
 Technological Advancement.

Capitalism is designed to operate in a free market. While many countries' economies are based on a capitalist
model, each one allows varying amounts of freedom in their markets. Economies are complex.

Hong Kong. ...
Singapore. ...
New Zealand. ...
Switzerland. ...
Australia. ...

Capitalism is an economic system where private entities own the factors of production. The four factors are
entrepreneurship, capital goods, natural resources, and labor. The owners of capital goods, natural resources,
and entrepreneurship exercise control through companies.
Capitalists argue that a capitalist society is fair because you gain the rewards of your hard work. But, often
people are rich, simply because they inherit wealth or are born into a privileged class. ...
A capitalist society argues it is good if people can earn more leading to income and wealth inequality.
Capitalists argue that a capitalist society is fair because you gain the rewards of your hard work. But, often
people are rich, simply because they inherit wealth or are born into a privileged class. ... A capitalist society
argues it is good if people can earn more leading to income and wealth inequality.

The primary sector is concerned with the extraction of raw materials. It includes fishing, farming and mining.
In less developed economies, the primary sector will comprise the biggest part of the economy.

Secondary industries are those that take the raw materials produced by the primarysector and process them
into manufactured goods andproducts. Examples of secondary industries include heavy manufacturing, light
manufacturing, food processing, oil refining and energy production.
Secondary economic activities involve the processing of raw materials (primary products). Examples would
include turning timber into furniture and turning iron-ore into steel. Any factory can be seen as a system
involving inputs (e.g. timber) processes (e.g. cabinet making) and outputs (e.g. tables and chairs).

Tertiary sector of the economy

The service sector is the third of the three economic sectors of the three-sector theory. The others are the
secondary sector, and the primary sector. The service sector consists of the production of services instead of
end products. Services include attention, advice, access, experience, and affective labor.

Examples of primary sector

 Farming.
 Fishing.
 Coal mining.
 Forestry and logging,
 Oil extraction,
 Diamond mining.

Basic list of Manufacturing and Industry sector, the secondary sector is following:
 Automotive.
 Electrical industry.
 Chemical Industry.
 Energy industry (according to some sources it is on the border of the tertiary sector)
 Metallurgical industry.
 Construction Industry.
 Food Industry.
 Glass industry.

Examples of tertiary industries may include:

 Telecommunication.
 Hospitality industry/tourism.
 Mass media.
 Healthcare/hospitals.
 Public health.
 Pharmacy.
 Information technology.
 Waste disposal.

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