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HUMANITIES (Art Appreciation)

Final Examination

BS Nursing IE


and submit the answers in glassroom.

1. Is nature an art? Yes or No? Explain. (10 points)

In my own opinion, Yes Nature is really an art. Since I was a kid, I really love the nature until
now. Maybe this is also one of the reason that’s why I developed and enhanced my
photography skills since I really love going to different places and explore different things and
appreciate the nature and I love capturing them with my camera. Nature is an art for me,
because I can easily appreciate how beautiful it is to witness specially the different form of
landscapes and sceneries of a certain nature such as the mountain ranges, trees specially on
how the Sun will rise at dawn and how the Sun will set on the northwest on the sea horizon.
Moreover, Nature is an art for me, not just the views and sceneries, but I also admire the
different textures, shapes, symmetry and color of animal skins, trees and flowers which makes
me describe as Nature is an art and I just realized that how creative was God when he made the
nature. Nature is an art, because it is very unique, natural, and no one could ever replicate it.

2. List down three characteristics of a beautiful art. Explain each. (10 points)
In my own insights, I got three distinct characteristics in order to describe a beautiful art. First is
it has a great TEXTURE. Texture is very important characteristics of a beautiful art, because no
matter what kind of art it is, texture gives an illusion of depth or making a piece seem more
realistic. Furthermore, the use of a texture can affect the smoothness that an artwork conveys.
The Second Characteristics of a Beautiful Art is all about its Proper COLOR. For me Color is very
important characteristics of an Art, because it gives or it implies or tell us about the meaning of
a certain art. Usually, Color is known as it is used for its decorative beauty, to create mood and
to express or arouse an emotion about a certain art. The Third Characteristics of a Beautiful Art
is all about the mesmerizing SHAPES, PATTERNS, AND SYMMETRY. These characteristics of a
beautiful art gives life to a certainart. SHAPES create very complex drawings and paintings,
affect composition, and contribute to the balance within a work. PATTERNS are important
because they offer visual clues to an underlying order.
And SYMMETRY can be used to highlight the contrast or the relationships between the
elements of a certain composition.

3. A. What is symbolism?
Symbolism was both an artistic and a literary movement that suggested ideas through symbols
and emphasized the meaning behind the forms, lines, shapes, and colors. Symbolism can also
be seen as being at the forefront of modernism, in that it developed new and often abstract
means to express psychological truth and the idea that behind the physical world lay a spiritual

B. Aside from popular symbols like the flag, the Monkey-Eating Eagle, Mayon Volcano, Jose
Rizal, Luneta Park, etc., what symbol can you suggest that best represents the Philippines?
Explain comprehensively? (15 points)

In my own suggestions, for me the SYMBOL that best represents the Philippines is the “NIPA
HUT or the what they call BAHAY KUBO”. Why? Because this tiny little house commonly
made with an hay and bamboo trees is truly a masterpiece and considers an ART for me,
because of its unique design, and most importantly, NIPA HUT, became the home for many
Filipinos even up to this generation. I really want to suggest the NIPA HUT or the BAHAY
KUBO, Because it also symbolizes the Philippine culture as it depicts the most nurtured
Filipino value of called ‘bayanihan,’ which attributes to a spirit of collective unity or effort to
accomplish an objective. In fact, bahay kubo is the national shelter of the Philippines. It has
also been the influence of the kundiman ‘Bahay Kubo’ which is almost known by all Filipinos.
Although at the present times, many of the Filipinos have adapted various modern
architectural designs, Bahay Kubo is still visible to some indigenous groups who are living in
the mountains and away from the city. With the pursuit of uniqueness, others are even
building their own modern versions of the ‘bahay kubo’ which helps a lot in preserving the
traditions and culture. Furthermore, I really want to make the other Foreign Nationals to
recognize the Philippines not just the Monkey-Eating Eagle, Mayon Volcano, Jose Rizal,
Luneta Park, etc. But also to recognize the Philippines with this tiny little home that became
the home for many Filipino People.
4. A. What is an Installation Art?
Installation art is the term for works, room sized or larger, in which the whole space is
considered a single unified artwork. It is different from a gallery room filled with works by
multiple artists or an exhibit space with a selection of works by one artist. The Installation is
one cohesive work of art. Most Installation arts has certain elements in common. Artist often
create installation in mixed media. Mixed Media means using more than one art medium.
Such works might involve traditional arts like paintings, sculptures, and textiles as well as
words, text and utilitarian materials repurposed for use in art. Some installations use audio
and video components, as well as light and other technologies.

B. Paste here one (1) example of an installation art, give a brief description of your
example, and make a critique of it. (15 points)

“The Hannover Merzbau”

By Kurt Schwitters

The Hannover Merzbau by Kurt Schwitters is a

good example of Installation Art. Schwitters’ art
was more than just the collage object itself. It
was a whole process, philosophy, and lifestyle,
which he called merz—a nonsense word that
became his kind of personal brand. He was a
merz-artist who made merz-paintings and merz-
drawings, and naturally, the place where he
merzed—his studio and family home—was his
merz-building, or Merzbau. Over the years, this
Merzbau developed into a kind of abstract walk-
in collage composed of grottoes and columns
and found objects, ever-shifting and ever-
expanding. It was more than just a studio; it was
itself a work of art. Schwitters worked on the Hanover Merzbau from around 1923 until
1937, when he fled to Norway to escape the threat of Nazi Germany. Sadly, in 1943, while he
was in exile, it was destroyed in an Allied bombing raid. The original Merzbau was gone
forever. No one would ever again be able to stop in to chat with Schwitters and examine his
growth of a studio. If I’m gonna critique this form of art, it is very unique, the details are in a
blocks form. I think the artist made use of collages made out of paper scraps, wood which is
very creative and modern style. Overall it was unique, impressive and it’s good on the eyes.
5. Look closely on the images of Starry Night (1889) and The Scream (1893) by Vincent van
Gogh and Edvard Munch respectively on the internet. What makes these works of art
examples of Expressionism art? (10 points)

The Starry Night The Scream

Vincent Van Gogh Edvard Munch

I think both of their works is highly influence by Expressionism Art, because it is evident
that both of the painters emulated using pure, bright colors, emphatic brushwork, and
contrasting color combinations in their own paintings. Moreover, as seen on the both paintings,
it was distorted, both of the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective
emotions and responses that objects and events arouse within a person.

DEADLINE: 23 June 2021, 12:00NOON

Good Luck!

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