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Secondary school N 7 Date:

The name of the subject: English Grade: IX

The theme of the lesson: Outstanding people of Turkmenistan. (1)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Outstanding people
of Turkmenistan”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach
pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Retell about winter holidays.
Answer the questions.
1. Do you like winter holidays? 2. What do you do in winter holidays?
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Outstanding people of Turkmenistan’ through the pictures.
3. Distinguish true sentences from false.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to recite a poem (in Turkmen/Russian) by Gurbannazar Ezizov.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to express an opinion about your favorite English/Turkmen /Russian poet.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
Ex 2. on pg.66. Transcribe and read the following
New words: Goldsmith ['gəuldsmɪθ]gyzyl zergäri endow [ɪn'dau, en-]üpjün etmek
faculty ['fæk(ə)ltɪ] fakultet attire [ə'taɪə]owadan eşik
philology [fɪ'lɔləʤɪ]filologiýa recite [rɪ'saɪt] ýatdan aýtmak
formation [fɔː'meɪʃ(ə)n]özgeriş depart [dɪ'pɑːt]gitmek
laconic [lə'kɔnɪk] geplemezek bound [baund]daňylan
coin [kɔɪn]teňňe soar [sɔː] beýiklik
“ Exegi monumentum aere perennius”
( I built a monument more lasting than bronze) (Horatius, Horace)
“Я памятник воздвиг себе нерукотворный.’ (A.S. Pushkin)
“Men size bahasyz serpaý ederin-
Şalaryň elinden gelmejek serpaý.” (G.Ezizow)
Ex 5. on pg.67. Read the text and be ready to answer the comprehension questions.
Gurbannazar Ezizov – life in lyric
Gurbannazar Ezizov is one of the most outstanding Turkmen poets of the twentieth century. He
was born on March 1, 1940 in the village of Sowutli, Gokdepe etrap, Ahal welayat, Turkmenistan to a
family of goldsmith. Later the family moved to Ashgabat, where Gurbannazar went to school 29. Those
years he learned the art of a goldsmith as well. In 1964 he graduates from the faculty of philology of
Magtymguly Turkmen State University.
Being a student of philology, Gurbannazar translates the grands of world poetry like G.Byron,
A.S.Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, S.Yesenin and many others, who had especial impact on his formation
as a poet.
His philosophical lyric is unique and enchanting. The poet has brought an extremely
new style into Turkmen poetry. His style is laconic and words are coined in the way the
goldsmiths do. His immortal poetry has great national and international value.
Gurbannazar dreamed of “endowing his readers with attire that nobody could.” His
dream has come true. The poet has truly deserved the recognition of the nation. It’s not
by chance that he is recited at every Turkmen festivity by both old and young.
In spite of the fact that his life was too short the poet teaches us to love our Motherland, to love
Mothers, to love the nature of the Motherland and the beauty of autumn, the queen of the seasons.
The 19-th century English poet Robert Buchanan wrote in his “The City of Dreams”:
I die, yet depart not,
I am bound, yet soar free;
Thou art and thou art not
And ever shalt be!
Gurbannazar Ezizov’s works like the pieces of precious stone will glitter for the centuries to come.
His poetry will live in the hearts of the nation forever.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 7. on pg.68. Answer the questions.
1. When and where was the poet born? 2. What family was the poet born to?
3. What school did he go to? 4. What university did he go to?
5. Which poets did he translate when he was a student of philological faculty?
Ex 6. on pg.68. Say true or false.
1. Gurbannazar was born on May 1, 1940 in Gokdepe . T F
2. When they moved to Ashgabat he learned drawing. T F
3. In 1964 he graduates from the faculty of biology. T F
4. Gurbannazar translates the grands of Asian poetry. T F
5. His philosophical lyric is unique and enchanting. T F
6. Gurbannazar Ezizov’s style is laconic. T F
7. His immortal poetry has great national and international value. T F
8. The poet dreamed of “endowing his readers with attire that nobody could do”. T F
9. His poetry will live in the hearts of the nation forever. T F
Ex 8. on pg.68. Learn a poem (in Turkmen/Russian) by Gurbannazar Ezizov and recite it in class
Ex 9. on pg.69. Team up and hold a Poetry Party in class: my favorite English/Turkmen /Russian poet.
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Gurbannazar Ezizov – life in lyric”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Outstanding people of Great Britain. (2)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Outstanding people of
Great Britain”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils
to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Gurbannazar Ezizov – life in lyric”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material:
Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Outstanding people of Great Britain’ through the pictures.
3. Distinguish true sentences from false.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to complete the sentences with the new words.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to write a short essay on Isaac Newton's contribution to world science.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
Ex 1. on pg.69. Transcribe and read the following words.
New words: effort ['efət]güýç motion ['məuʃ(ə)n] hereket
Scientist ['saɪəntɪst]alym calculus ['kælkjuləs] hasaplama
experiment [ɪk'sperɪmənt, ek-]tejribe reflecting [rɪ'flekt ɪŋ] şöhlelendirmek
formulate ['fɔːmjəleɪtˌ 'fɔːmjuleɪt]oýlap tapmak telescope ['telɪskəup] teleskop
binomial [baɪ'nəumɪəl] iki agzaly gravitation [ˌgrævɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]dartyş güýji
theorem ['θɪərəm]teorema contribution [ˌkɔntrɪ'bjuːʃ(ə)n]goşant
discoveries [dɪ'skʌv(ə)rɪ] açyş physics, ['fɪzɪks]fizika
decomposition [ˌdiːkɔmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n]bölünme astronomy, [ə'strɔnəmɪ]astronomiýa
Ex 4. on pg.70. Read the text and find out.
Iaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists of all time
Iaac Newton was born in the middle of the 17th century in a small village in Lincolnshire, UK to a
family of a poor farmer. His father had died three months before his death and young Isaac was left in the
care of his grandparents.
Since childhood the boy was fond of science. He began his first experiments at school. After school he
studied math at Cambridge University, where, still a student, he formulated the binomial theorem.
Newton devoted all his life to science. Among his discoveries were the law of Decomposition of light,
laws of Motion, Calculus and Reflecting Telescope. But Newton’s greatest discovery was certainly the Law
of Universal Gravitation.
Newton’s contribution to physics, astronomy and math is so great.
He once said of his own work “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of
On March 20, 1727, Sir Isaac Newton died near London. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, the first
scientist to receive this honor.
Much later, in the 20th century, another great scientist, Albert Einstein wrote about Newton: “Nature to
him was an open book, whose letters he could read without effort.“
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 6. on pg.71. Answer the questions.
1. When and where was Isaac born? 2. Who was his father?
3. Who brought him up? 4. What University did he go to?
5. Name Newton’s major inventions in science. 6. To what sciences did Isaac Newton contribute?
7. Where was Newton buried? 8. How could Newton achieve those heights in science?
9. Comment on Einstein’s words about Newton.
Ex 5. on pg.71. Say true or false.
1. Iaac Newton was born in the middle of the 15th century. T F
2. His father had died three months before his death. T F
3. Young Isaac was left in the care of his grandparents. T F
4. He began his first experiments at school. T F
5. Newton’s greatest discovery was the Law of Universal Gravitation. T F
6. Newton’s contribution to physics, astronomy and math isn’t great. T F
Ex 3. on pg.69. Complete the sentences with the new words: experiment, formulate, binomial, discovery,
decompose, calculus, motion, reflect, gravitation , effort , contribution
1. The windows _______the bright morning sunshine.
2. He made no _________to contact his parents.
3. The _______ of the ship made us all feel sick.
4. We need to prove this theory by __________.
5. The scientist’s research is a great________ to our knowledge of cancer.
6. Who was the scientist who discovered the law of __________?
7. The speaker tried to ________ his ideas in simple sentences.
8. The ______ of X-rays changed the history of medicine.
Key: 1 reflect 2 effort 3 motion 4 binomial 5 contribution 6 gravitation 7 decompose 8 calculus
Ex 7. on pg.71. Read the text again and write 5 sentences containing science terms.
Ex 8. on pg.71. Write a short essay on Isaac Newton's contribution to world science.
Ex 9. on pg.71. Write a story of Alfred Nobel and his achievements benefiting human-kind. Include also
some information on “nobelium” (No).
Ex 10. on pg.71. Research the life story of a Nobel Prize winner (laureates) for physics and prepare a
Power Point presentation for demonstration in class.
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Isaac Newton”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active
in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in
journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Outstanding people of the USA. (3)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Outstanding people of
the USA”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Isaac Newton”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Outstanding people of the USA’ through the pictures.
3. Distinguish true sentences from false.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to use the new words in the sentences.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to complete the sentences with new words.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
Ex 1.on pg.71. Transcribe the following words:
New words: Genius ['ʤiːnɪəs] zehinli patent, ['peɪt(ə)nt, 'pæ-]patent
intelligent, [ɪn'telɪʤ(ə)nt]akylly permanent, ['pɜːm(ə)nənt]hemişelik
confectionary [kən'fekʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ]konditer önümleri perspiration [ˌpɜːsp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n] derleme
invention [ɪn'venʃ(ə)n]oýlap tapylma inspiration [ˌɪnsp(ə)'reɪʃ(ə)n]ruhlanma
Ex 4.on pg.72. Read the text and think of other important inventions in the history of science
Thomas Edison, a man of genius
Tom was born on the 11th of February, 1847, at Milan, Ohio, USA. It was a small village and his
father was a carpenter.
As a boy of school-age he went to the local school. The schoolmaster could not see that he was
more intelligent than his classmates. So he left the local school and took home-schooling under the
guidance of his mother.
At the early age he was reading serious books like history of England and “The Dictionary of
Sciences.” At that time, he also did some business, selling fruits, confectionary and newspapers on
the trains. Later he even began to produce his own newspaper. But suddenly Edison’s business
came to an unfortunate end.
Getting the job of a telegrapher, after a few months of hard work, Edison built a transmitter,
which could send more than one message along line at a time. This was his first important
Later, living in New York, he patented 122 inventions in six years. It is in this period that Edison
invented the gramophone. It was a machine that could make a permanent record of person’s words
and repeat them.
Edison believed that only hard work could bring success. He always explained his success was
not so much by genius as by hard work. “Ninety-eight per cent perspiration and two per cent
inspiration,” he used to say.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 6.on pg.73. Answer the questions.
1. When and where was Tom born?
2. Who was his father?
3. Was little Tom intelligent?
4. What is home schooling?
5. When did Tom get interested in science books?
6. What was Edison’s first invention?
7. Name some other valuable inventions by Edison.
Ex 3.on pg.72. Complete the sentences using words: Genius, intelligent, confectionary, invention,
patent, permanent, perspiration, inspiration
1. All their children are very _______.
2. Our country has gained _______neutrality.
3. This market sells mainly _____.
4. The scientist has got several ____ for his inventions.
5. The beauty of the mountains was a great source of ____ for Nury Halmamedov.
6. Albert Einstein was a mathematical ______.
7. All the children in our class are very _______.
Key: 1 perspiration 2 permanent 3 confectionary, 4 patent, 5 inspiration 6 Genius 7 intelligent
Ex 5.on pg.73. Say true or false.
1. Tom was born on the 11th of February, 1847, at Milan , Ohio, UK. T F
2. He was more intelligent than his classmates. T F
3. First he used to sell fruits, hot dogs and newspapers on the trains. T F
4. Sending several messages along line was his first important invention. T F
5. In New York he patented 122 inventions in five years. T F
6. Edison invented a machine that could make a permanent record of person’s words. T F
7. Edison thought that his success was due to hard work. T F
Ex 7.on pg.78. Do you agree or disagree with the famous saying of Thomas Edison? If yes, say why.
“Success comes to you through “Ninety-eight per cent perspiration and two per cent inspiration”.
Ex 8.on pg.78. Write a short essay on Thomas Edison's achievements that are beneficial to mankind.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Outstanding people of the USA”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary
and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Riches of Turkmenistan (4)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Riches of
Turkmenistan”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach
pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Outstanding people of the USA”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the text: ‘Riches of Turkmenistan’
3. Work on the text and answer the questions.
4. Learn the words with their definitions.
5. Doing exercises.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- retell the text through key words.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to express an opinion about riches of Turkmenistan.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the text about riches of Turkmenistan (to know pronunciation of the words)
- give full answers to the questions.
- identify the main idea of the text
- understand English oral speech;
Ex 1. on pg.74. Transcribe and read the following: partnership ['pɑːtnəʃɪp]iş salyşmaklyk
New words: abundance [ə'bʌndən(t)s]bolçulyk chemicals ['kemɪk(ə)ls]himikat
resource [rɪ'zɔːs, -'sɔːs]ätiýaçlyk agriculture ['ægrɪkʌlʧə]oba-hojalyk
export [ɪk'spɔːt, ek-]daşyna çykarmak cultivate ['kʌltɪveɪt]özleşdirmek
offshore [ˌɔf'ʃɔː]kenara golaý industry ['ɪndəstrɪ]önümçilik
fuel [fjuːəl, 'fjuəl]ýangyç crop [krɔp]hasyl, ekin
Ex 5 on pg.75 Read the text and find out the riches of your country.
Riches of Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan is a country of a fast growing economy which has achieved striking results since
gaining Independence in 1991. A key to Turkmenistan's economic success is its abundance of resources
such as natural gas and oil.
Currently, Turkmenistan exports natural gas to various countries, including China, Iran, and Russia.
Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India Pipeline (TAPI), also known as Trans-Afghanistan
Pipeline, will transport natural gas from the Galkynysh Gas Field in Turkmenistan through Afghanistan
into Pakistan and then to India. The construction on the project started in Turkmenistan on December
13, 2015.
It is seen as a modern continuation of the ancient Silk Road.
Oil is another important natural resource. Rich reserves of oil are found in the offshore oil fields
located in the Caspian Sea west of the Cheleken Peninsula. Oil from Turkmenistan is used not only as
fuel, but also in the production of other chemicals.
In terms of agriculture, Turkmenistan is one of the biggest cotton producers in the world, a large share
of its farmland is planted with cotton. Cotton is grown in all welayats of the country. Another valuable
natural resource is wheat. The cultivation and export of this important crop continues to play a key role
in the country's agricultural industry.
Pursuing the policy of neutrality, peace and mutual respect in its foreign policy,
Turkmenistan is developing international partnership in the field of economy as well.
5. Consolidation moment:
Ex 7 on pg.76. Answer the questions.
1. What are the achievements of Turkmenistan in the field of economy like?
2. What does Turkmenistan export to other countries?
3. Where are the oil fields of Turkmenistan located?
4. What do they produce from oil?
5. In what welayats of the country cotton is grown?
6. How do you understand the sentence: “Turkmenistan is developing international partnership in the
field of economy”?
Ex 4 on pg.74. Complete the sentences using the words abundance, resource, export, offshore, fuel,
chemicals, agriculture, cultivate, industry, crop, partnership.
1. These flowers grow here in ___________.
2. Rice and wheat are the main _____grown on the farms of Turkmenistan.
3. Olives are usually _______ in the coastal countries.
4. You should be very careful when you use ________.
5. India _____ tea and cotton.
6. The country’s _____ has been growing fast for the last two decades.
7. They say that gas is the best _____ for central heating.
8. John opened a shop in Italy in ______ with his Italian friend.
9. Russia is rich in natural _______such as oil and minerals.
10. The Caspian _______ oil is in big demand among foreign companies.
Key: 1 agriculture, 2 crop, 3 export, 4 chemicals, 5 cultivate, 6 industry, 7 offshore, 8 partnership, 9 resource, 10 fuel
Ex 6 on pg.76. Say true or false.
1. Turkmenistan is a country of a fast growing economy.
2. Turkmenistan has got abundance of resources such as natural gas and oil.
3. Turkmenistan exports natural gas to Turkey and the USA.
4. Oil from Turkmenistan is used also in the production of chemicals.
5. Turkmenistan is one of the biggest cotton producers in the world,
6. The cultivation and export of this important crops plays a key role in the country's economy.
7. Turkmenistan is developing international partnership in the field of economy.
Key: 1 true 2 true 3 False 4 true 5 true 6 true 7 true.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Riches of Turkmenistan”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Oil and gas (5)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Oil and gas”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
upbringing: love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the
lesson. Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit
down please. Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it
today? What is the date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Riches of Turkmenistan”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the text: ‘Oil and gas’
3. Work on the text and answer the questions.
4. Learn the words with their definitions.
5. Doing exercises.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- retell the text through key words.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to express an opinion about oil and gas.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the text about oil and gas (to know pronunciation of the words)
- give full answers to the questions.
- identify the main idea of the text
- understand English oral speech;
New words: 1. Oil and gas complex-nebit gaz toplumy-нефтегазовая отрасль
2. The main pillar-esasy sütüni-основной стержень
3. Welfare-abadançylyk-благосостояние
4. Oil well-nebit skwazina-нефтяная скважина
5. To bore-burawlamak-бурить
6. Authority-abraý-авторитет
7. Gas condensate-gaz kondensaty-газовый конденсат
8. At high rates-güýçlendirilen depgin bilen-усиленными темпами
Oil and gas
One of the primary trends of the policy carried out by our Esteemed President Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedov is further development of the oil and gas complex, because oil and gas complex is
one of the main branches of the country's national economy. It is the main pillar of the development
of the country's economy, because the export of oil and gas promotes the prosperity of the economy
of our country and at the same time it helps to improve the material welfare of our people.
During the years of Independence the oil and gas industry has attained great achievements. The
discovery of new rich oil and gas fields and their industrial exploitation show that our fatherland is
rich in treasures.
The West of our country is rich in oil and other natural resources. Every year new oil and gas
fields are discovered there. A new powerful oil well with the industrial flow has been bored at the
Akpatlawuk oil-field. This oil field is new, but forty oil-wells have already been bored in this field.
1100 tons of oil and 1.5 million cubic meters of gas are extracted there in twenty four hours.
Speaking about gas, the Yashyldepe field should be mentioned. A powerful gas processing
enterprise is being constructed there at high rates. When the enterprise is completed, it will produce
50 thousand tons of liquid gas and 200 thousand tons of gas condensate annually.
This gas pipe-line which will become the golden project of the Golden Age will start from the
Yashyldepe field which is located on the right bank of the Amu-Darya river. It will make known
Yashyldepe to the world and increase the authority' of Turkmenistan in the world.
(From a monthly magazine "Diyar")
5. Consolidation moment:
Answer the questions.
Render the text using the questions as an outline.
1. What is the main pillar of the development of the country's economy?
2. What helps to improve the material welfare of our people?
3. What shows that our Fatherland is rich in treasures?
4. What is the West of our country rich in?
5. How many oil-wells have already been bored at the Akpatlawuk oil-field?
6. How much oil and gas is extracted there in twenty-four hours?
Complete the sentences using these words. Sometimes you need the plural (-s).
chair experience furniture hair information job luggage permission progress work
1. I didn't have much _luggage_--just two small bags.
2. They'll tell you all you want to know. They'll give you plenty of ---
3. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of ---
4. We have no ---, not even a bed or a table.
5. 'What does Alan look like?' He's got a long beard and very short ---
6. Carla's English is better than it was. She's made ---
7. George is unemployed. He's looking for a ---
8. George is unemployed. He's looking for ---
9. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for ---
10. I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got enough ---
11. Rita has done many interesting things. She should write a book about her ---
Key: 2 information 3 chairs 4 furniture 5 hair 6 progress 7 job
8 work 9 permission 10. Experience 11. experience
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Oil and gas”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary
and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: White cotton (6)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “White cotton”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
upbringing: love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the
lesson. Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit
down please. Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it
today? What is the date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “Oil and gas”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material:
Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the text: ‘White cotton’
3. Work on the text and answer the questions.
4. Learn the words with their definitions.
5. Doing exercises.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- retell the text through key words.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to express an opinion about white cotton.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the text about white cotton (to know pronunciation of the words)
- give full answers to the questions.
- identify the main idea of the text
- understand English oral speech;
New words: pink [pɪŋk] gülgüne a cloth [klɔθ] mata
a pod [pɔd] goza to produce ['prɔdjuːs]öndürmek
a blossom ['blɔsəm]gül thread [θred] ýüplük
soft [sɔft] ýumşak rope [rəup] ýüp
ripe [raɪp] bişen, ýetişen fiber [faɪbə]pagta süýümi
White cotton
Some plants give us very useful things. The cotton plant is one of them. The cotton plant grows in
all warm countries. It has dark green leaves and yellow or pink blossoms.
There is white down around the seeds. We call it cotton. When the seeds are ripe, the pod in which
they lie opens and the cotton comes out. It is very soft. The cotton is picked from the pod and sent to
a mill. There people make it into cloth, thread, rope and many other useful things. Oil is made of the
seeds, too.
Cotton is white gold.
Turkmenistan is rich in cotton. Every year we produce more than one million tons of cotton. The
best sort of cotton is long staple cotton. Cotton is sowed in spring and picked in autumn.
Being one of the wealth of Turkmenistan, cotton has a very ancient history. Already in ancient
times, cotton was grown on the territory of Turkmenistan and cotton was processed. Italian
archaeologists who carried out excavations in the Annau area discovered that cotton grew on the
territory of modern Turkmenistan as early as the 6th millennium BC!
Today, cotton is grown in Turkmenistan in 5 velayats of the country: Akhal, Mary, Lebap,
Dashoguz and Balkan. The sown area of cotton is 545 thousand hectares. Sowing of cotton takes
place in April, and harvesting takes place from August to October.
Cotton fiber is cotton wool, towels, curtains, and “money paper”. Linen, clothes, decorative, as
well as technical fabrics, sewing threads, and cords are made from cotton. Cellulose, paper,
varnishes, cardboard are produced from cotton waste. Cottonseeds containing up to 29% fat are used
to produce cottonseed oil. Oil is used for food, margarine and mayonnaise, stearin and glycerin, and
also soap and lubricants are made. Cotton honey – also taken by bees from flowering cotton. There
are about 1200 cotton-derived products.
5. Consolidation moment:
Answer the questions.
1. Where does cotton grow? 2. Is it a useful plant?
3. How much cotton do we produce? 4. What do we make from cotton?
5. Describe it.
Choose the correct forms for the frequency adverbs to complete the paragraph.
I go to fifth grade at a public school in Arizona and I love my school. The principle (1) (always
comes/comes always) early. Because she (2) (often drives/ drives often) to school whereas most of
us take bus or other public transportation. (3) (sometimes I/ I sometimes) see her at lunch time. (4)
(always is/ is always) She very neatly dressed. Our school has a large back yard. We (5) (usually
play/ play usually) basketball or volleyball there. (6) (seldom see / see seldom) I our principle there
as she (7) (stays often / often stays) in her office. Our teachers (8) (sometimes play / play sometimes)
with us too. But I (9) (am never / never am) happy playing against them because they (10) (win
always / always win). So I (11) (usually play / play usually) table tennis when the teachers are
Key: 1. always comes 2. often drives 3. I sometimes 4. is always 5. usually play
6. seldom see 7. often stays 8. sometimes play 9. am never 10. always win 11. usually play
Put the words in the correct order. Answers.
1 Big a blue house. A big blue house.
2 Hat woolen an old. An old woolen hat.
3 Beautiful a woman Italian. A beautiful Italian woman.
4 Green a short skirt cotton. A short green cotton skirt.
5 Pair of shoes ugly an purple old. An ugly old purple pair of shoes
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “White cotton”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary
and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: The language of flowers. (7)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “The language of
flowers”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text “White cotton”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘The language of flowers’ through the pictures.
3. Team up into mini groups and discuss the questions below.
4. Complete the sentences with idioms from the table above.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to match the idioms to their meanings without mistakes.
- to express an opinion about learned theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: bouquet [bu'keɪ]çemen faithfulness ['feɪθf(ə)lnəs, -ful-]wepalylyk
To suit [s(j)uːt]laýyk getirmek deliver [dɪ'lɪvə]gowşurmak
To range [reɪnʤ]uzamak (тянуться) pleasurable ['pleʒ(ə)rəbl]lezzet beriji
via ['vaɪə, viːə]üsti bilen deserve [dɪ'zɜːv]mynasyp bolmak
innocence ['ɪnəs(ə)n(t)s]päklik, päkizelik youthful ['juːθf(ə)l, -ful]ýaş
Ex 2.on pg.78. Listen to the conversation between a customer and florist.
Jeren: Hello, welcome to Elite Bouquets!
Perman: Hello! I'd like to order some flowers for my sister, please.
Jeren: Sure. Do you have anything in mind?
Perman: She likes roses.
Jeren: Are they for any particular occasion?
Perman: Yes, it's her birthday.
Jeren: We can arrange a magnificent bouquet to suit the occasion. We also have other arrangements. You
can take a look at them in our catalogue here.
Perman: Oh, I like this bouquet in yellow and pink. Can I order that one, please?
Jeren: Hmm. Interesting choice of colors. The bouquet will be beautiful, but what about the secret meaning
of flowers?
Perman: Excuse me?
Jeren: The meaning of flowers can range from “hello” to “goodbye”,
from “I love you” to “I'm sorry”. Gifting flowers is a language of its
own. Do you know that there's even a term for communicating via
flowers? Floriography.
Perman: No, I wasn't aware.
Jeren: You see, yellow roses stand for friendship and caring, white
roses represent innocence and faithfulness, pink roses are symbols of new beginnings, and red roses
symbolize affection and love.
Perman: Well, in that case I'd like a dozen of red roses, please.
Jeren: Excellent choice. When would you like the flowers delivered?
Perman: Her birthday is next Friday. Can you deliver it in the morning, around 9 am, please?
Jeren: Certainly. That will be 150 manats including the delivery.
Perman: Perfect. Thank you for your help!
Jeren: My pleasure!
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 1. on pg.77. Are you a flower person? Do you know the names of the flowers below?
1. Lily, 2. Orchid, 3. Primrose, 4. Poppy, 5. Violet, 6. Rose, 7. Wallflower, 8. Bud, 9. Daisy
Ex 5. on pg.79. Complete the sentences with idioms from the table above.
1. He wanted to be a clown, but his parents soon a shrinking violet.
2. I met Molly the other day. She looked primrose path.
3. He is no a thorn in somebody's side when it comes to expressing his opinions. He's always ready to speak out.
4. She managed to come out of the deal to nip something in the bud.
5. He has been to gild the lily since the day he arrived three weeks ago.
Ex 3. on pg.79. Team up into mini groups and discuss the questions below.
1. How many flowers can you name in English?
2. What's your favorite flower? Why?
3. When was the last time you gave flowers to someone? What was the occasion?
4. Do you have any plants in your house?
5. What flowers have special meaning in your country?
Ex 4. on pg.79. Match the idioms to their meanings.
1) as fresh as a daisy a) an easy and pleasurable way of life (especially when it ends in doom)
2) a shrinking violet b) to criticise those who stand out or are successful
3) primrose path c) to attempt to improve something that is already perfect
4) to cut down tall poppies d) to deserve praise
5) to nip something in the bud e) to emerge from a difficult situation in a favorable manner
6) a thorn in somebody's side f) a shy person
7) to gild the lily g) healthy, energetic, youthful
8) to deserve a bouquet h) to put an end to something before it has the chance to grow
of orchids out of hand and into a problem
9) wallflower i) someone who is shy or excluded at a party, someone who observes
rather than participates
10) to come out smelling roses j) a source of annoyance or discomfort
Key: 1g, 2f, 3a, 4b, 5h, 6j, 7c, 8d, 9i, 10e
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 6 on pg.80. Use the flower idioms to make up sentences of your own.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: What flowers symbolize in different countries. (8)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “What flowers
symbolize in different countries”, to develop students' speaking, writing
skills; to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 6 on pg.80. Use the flower idioms to make up sentences of your own.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘What flowers symbolize in different countries’ through the pictures.
3. Match the words with their definition.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to say what flowers symbolize in different countries.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to solve the test about flowers.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: latter ['lætə]soňky avoid [ə'vɔɪd]gaça durmak
commiserate [kə'mɪz(ə)reɪt] gynanjyňy bildirmek blunder ['blʌndə]gödek ýalňyş
instance ['ɪn(t)stən(t)s]nusga, meselem funeral ['fjuːn(ə)rəl]pata, похороны
to perceive [pə'siːv]kabul etmek meanwhile [ˌmiːn'waɪl]şol wagtda
offence [ə'fen(t)s]öýke, kine undying [ʌn'daɪɪŋ]baky
faux pas [ˌfəu'pɑː]nädogry ädim
Ex 7.on pg.80. Read the text about the meaning of flowers around the world.
Whether they are to celebrate a particular occasion or commiserate an unfortunate one, many people gift
flowers throughout the world. However, depending on the country you live in, they can carry an entirely
different meaning. For instance, what might be perceived as thoughtful or romantic in one country might
actually cause offense or be seen as attracting bad luck in another. So to help you avoid faux pas
(blunder) in your home country, here is an overview of the meaning of flowers across the globe.
It might be hard to believe, but flowers don't always symbolize joy and good fortune. In Egypt, for
example, they represent death. White lilies, for example, are often displayed at funerals in the UK.
Meanwhile, over in Japan, lilies, camellias, and lotus blossoms are the choice of flowers for such an
occasion. And believe it or not, red roses, which typically represent romantic love in many cultures, are
given at funerals in Latvia and Hungary.
If you give someone a single rose in Vietnam, for example, this is taken as a declaration of your undying
love for them. In Brazil, however, one would expect to receive 12 roses in this case. Interestingly, roses
don't always carry a romantic meaning. In Italy, a bunch of red roses can have two opposing meanings;
either an expression of love or a strong desire for victory.
Interestingly, some cultures believe that certain types of flowers or plants bring good fortune and luck. The
four-leafed clover, for instance, is seen as being extremely lucky in the Western world. Similarly, people in
Ireland consider the more common three-leafed clover (or shamrock) to be both a symbol of national
Many Asian cultures believe that certain flowers bring about good
fortune, too. Among these lucky blooms are lotus blossoms and orchids.
The latter symbolize new beginnings and are therefore gifted during
Chinese New Year.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 8. on pg.81. Match.
1.White lilies a) good fortune and luck
2.Red roses b) positive energy
3.Shamrock c) grief and loss
4.Lotus blossoms d) a symbol of new beginnings
5.Orchid e) carry romantic meaning
Ex 9. on pg.81. Answer the questions.
1. In paragraph 1, the word “commiserate” is closest in meaning to
a) regard b) express pity c) encourage d) support
2. According to paragraph 1, flowers
a) express the same message all over the world b) have different meaning in different countries c) can be
offensive if a card is not attached d) are equally loved in all corners of the world
3. All of the following are synonyms of faux pas EXCEPT:
a) misjudgment b) impropriety c) mistake d) decorum
4. The word occasion in paragraph 2 refers to
a) funeral b) good fortune c) death d) joy
5. In paragraph 2, what does the author imply about the red roses?
a) They only represent romantic love.
b) They might mean something else in different countries.
c) They are a perfect wedding gift in Hungary.
d) They cannot be found in Japan.
6. In paragraph 3, the word undying is closest in meaning to
a) inconsistent b) short-lived c) fascinating d) eternal
7. According to paragraph 4, four-leafed clover is an example of a plant that brings
a) money b) problems c) good fortune d) good news
8. Why does the author mention orchids in paragraph 5?
a) They are considered to be the most beautiful flowers.
b) They are a symbol of new beginnings in some cultures.
c) They attract positive energy into the home.
d) They are gifted on New Year in many Asian countries.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “What flowers symbolize in different countries”
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active
in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in
journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Home reading lesson (9)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “The prince's
troubles begin”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to
teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
upbringing: spiritual love to our President and Motherland. To foster students
in the spirit of love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Lesson – lecture
Visual aids and Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the
Working on the class register.
Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get ready for the
lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words.
b) Retell the text: “What flowers symbolize in different countries”
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material:
Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the story: “The prince's troubles begin”
3. Main characters of the story.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Conclusion of the story.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- About main idea and characters of the story.
- how expresses his/her opinion about story.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read and recite the story correctly (to know pronunciation of the words)
- identify the main idea of the story.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: again [ə'gen, ə'geɪn] ýene-de quite [kwaɪt] bitewi
find [faɪnd]tapmak mad [mæd]däli
to climb[klaɪm]dyrmyşmak indeed [ɪn'diːd]hakyky
to walk [wɔːk] ýöremek to shine [ʃaɪn]şöhle saçmak
to save [seɪv]halas etmek heavy ['hevɪ]agyr
Edward went along the streets. He was quite alone and left to himself. He walked on and on.
He did not know where he was. He had no shoes: Tom Canty had no shoes. He was very tired
and hungry. Night was coming on.
“It is late”, thought Edward. “I must find some place where I can sleep. Then I will go back to
the Palace tomorrow. I must find Tom's house and sleep there. Offal Court – that is the name; if
I can find it I am saved”. He went on and on...
A fine gentleman passed by on a horse and Edward called out to him: “Sir! I am the Prince of
Wales. I ask you to take me back to the Palace”. But the gentleman did not hear what he was
saying. He thought that it was only a beggar boy asking for money, and he rode on.
At last Edward came to a big building which he knew. It was a hospital.
“Ah!” he cried to himself, “My father the King gave that hospital for poor boys. I can get help
Many boys were playing in front of the building. Edward called one of them: “Ho! boy! Go to
your teacher and tell him to come here. Tell him that Prince Edward orders him to come at
The boy laughed. So Edward hit him. “Do as I told you!” he cried.
The boy called out to the others:
“Here is a mad boy. Let us throw him into the water. It will do him good – some cold water!”
Then they took Edward and threw' him into some dirty water, and laughed as he climbed out
on the other side.
It started to rain and lights began to shine in the window's of the houses. Suddenly a heavy
hand came out of the darkness and took Edward by the arm.
“Out so late at night again, and you have not brought a penny home. Tom, answer your father!
What money have you got for me?”
“Oh! you are his father!”
“His father? – I am your father!”
“No! No!” cried Edward. “I'm the Prince. Your son is in Westminster Palace. Take me to the
King, my father, and he will make you rich. Believe me! I am indeed the Prince of Wales!”
John Canty looked at the boy. “The King your father! Mad!” he said. “Quite mad!”
Then he took the arm of the boy and pulled him along. “But mad or not mad, you must come
home with me!”
5. Consolidation of new material:
Answer the questions.
1.What would you do if you were the prince?
2. Did Edward like the of poor boy’s life?
3. What did he want to find?
4. Where did he come?
5. What did he see in front of the hospital?
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the story: “The prince's troubles begin”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions,
were active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are
given in the class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades
pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: My favourite flower. (10)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “My favourite
flower”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the story: “The prince's troubles begin”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘My favourite flower’ through the pictures.
3. Read and repeat the words of the poem: “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud”.
4. Repeat the grammar: Present simple passive.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to read the dialogue by the roles.
- to read the poem without mistakes.
- to complete the sentences using the present simple passive.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: gorgeous ['gɔːʤəs]ajaýyp essential [ɪ'sen(t)ʃ(ə)l]esasy
lavender ['læv(ə)ndə]benewşe to scent [sent]gowy ys bermek
belong [bɪ'lɔŋ]degişli bolmak to flavour ['fleɪvə]goşmak
mint [mɪnt]narpyz beverage ['bevərɪʤ]içki
fragrant ['freɪgrənt]gowy ysly application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]ulanylyşy
Ex 12. on pg.83. Listen to two girls talk about their favorite flowers.
Mahym: I really like the dress you wore to Shemshat's birthday party last week!
Sulgun: The lavender one?
Mahym: Exactly! The color…it is gorgeous!
Sulgun: Yes, lavender is my favorite color…and my favorite flower, too!
Mahym: Really?
Sulgun: Yes. It is a flowering plant and belongs to the mint family. Thus, the smell of the flower is
completely different from the other flower plants. Lavender species are common in herb gardens for
their fragrant leaves and attractive flowers. The plants are widely cultivated for their essential oils,
which are used to scent a variety of products. Lavender is sometimes also used to flavour beverages and
sweets and has a number of applications in herbal medicine.
Mahym: Fascinating!
Sulgun: What about you?
Mahym: Well, I am not exactly a “flower” person but I do consider daisies to be one of the most
beautiful flowers in the world. Did you know that the name “daisy” comes from the Old English phrase,
which means “day's eye”? Apparently, because this flower blooms in the morning and closes in the
Sulgun: Incredible!
Mahym: In Norse mythology, the daisy is the sacred flower of Freya, the goddess of love and beauty.
Sulgun: What do daisies symbolize around the globe?
Mahym: These simple flowers symbolize innocence and purity and have been graced with this
reputation for centuries. What about lavender?
Sulgun: Lavender's purple color denotes refinement and luxury. The flowers from a lavender plant are
symbolic as well – gathered in a bouquet, they represent devotion or luck.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 13. on pg.84. Listen and read along. Learn by heart.
I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud
(by William Wordsworth)
I wandered lonely as a cloud Continuous as the stars that shine
That floats on high o'er vales and hills, And twinkle on the milky way,
When all at once I saw a crowd, They stretched in never-ending line
A host, of golden daffodils; Along the margin of a bay:
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they For oft, when on my couch I lie
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: In vacant or in pensive mood,
A poet could not but be gay, They flash upon that inward eye
In such a jocund company: Which is the bliss of solitude;
I gazed – and gazed – but little thought And then my heart with pleasure fills,
What wealth the show to me had brought: And dances with the daffodils.
“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is one of the most famous and best-loved poems written in the
English language. It was composed by William Wordsworth around 1804. The poem is based on one of
Wordsworth's own walks in the countryside of England's Lake District. During this walk, he and his
sister encountered a long strip of daffodils. In the poem, these daffodils have a long-lasting effect on the
Complete the sentences using the present simple passive.
a) Coffee (is grown, are grown, is grow) in Brazil and Colombia.
b) Kangaroos (aren't find, is found, aren't found) in America.
c) (Is a lot of meat ate, Is a lot of meat eaten, Are a lot of meat eat) in Spain?
d) El Prado (are visited, is visited, is visit) by hundreds of people every day.
e) How often (are general elections hold, are general elections held, is general elections hold)?
f) Dogs (isn’t allow, aren't allowed, aren’t allow) in restaurants in most countries.
Key: a) is grown b) aren't found c) Is a lot of meat eaten d) is visited e) are general f) aren't allowed
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 13.on pg.84. Listen and read along. Learn by heart.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Twelve flowers of the year. (11)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Twelve flowers of the
year”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 13.on pg.84. Listen and read along. Learn by heart.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Twelve flowers of the year’ through the pictures.
3. Read about 12 flowers of the year.
4. Complete the sentences with the idioms.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to match the words with their definitions.
- to say the 12 flowers of the year.
- to express an opinion about learned theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: petal ['pet(ə)l]ýaprak daffodil ['dæfədɪl]sary nerkes, жёлтый нарцисс
Spicy-scented ['spaɪsɪ] ['sentɪd] süýji ysly innocence ['ɪnəs(ə)n(t)s]päklik
carnation [kɑː'neɪʃ(ə)n] гвоздика cheerful ['ʧɪəf(ə)l, -ful]şadyýan
violet ['vaɪələt] benewşe, фиалка daisy ['deɪzɪ] маргаритка
chrysanthemum[krə'sænθɪməm] хризантема humility [hjuː'mɪlətɪ]sadalyk
Ex 15. on pg.86. Read about 12 flowers of the year. Number the pictures. What is your birth flower?
1. January Spicy-scented carnations are the birth flowers for January. Different colors convey
different meanings. White carnations symbolize pure love, while yellow means “wish
you were here” and pink says, “you're unforgettable”. Snowdrops, which indicate hope
and beauty, are also flowers for this month.
2. February February birthdays are represented by violets or irises, flowers that suggest loyalty
and faithfulness. The three upright petals of an iris bloom can indicate courage, faith and
wisdom, or friendship, hope and compliments.
3. March Daffodils are the birth flowers for March. Because they often bloom in early spring, they
symbolize new birth, beginnings, happiness and joy.
4. April Cheerful daisies represent April birthdays. They often symbolize beauty, innocence, love
or purity.
5. May Lilies of the Valley, with their sweet perfumes, celebrate May birthdays. They suggest
humility and happiness.
6. June Like carnations, roses, which represent June birthdays, have different meanings for
different colors. Red roses signify love, while yellow ones indicate friendship, orange
or apricot roses mean desire and enthusiasm.
7. July Waterlilies, which stand for a pure and open heart, or majesty are linked to July birthdays.

8. August “Remember me” is the message of gladioli, birth flowers for August. The flowers can
also mean strength and integrity, while the sword-shaped leaves suggest love-pierced
hearts. In ancient times, glads were associated with magical powers.
9. September Fall-blooming asters symbolize a strong and powerful love and are the birth flowers for
September. They also indicate faith and wisdom.
10. October Marigolds, in their rich, autumnal colors, symbolize undying love and represent October
birthdays. These pungent-smelling flowers can also mean “I'm thinking of you” or
indicate sadness and sympathy.
11. November Chrysanthemums stand for November birthdays. White mums signify innocence and
12. December Several plants represent December birthdays, including narcissus hollies and
poinsettias. Hollies show a desire for a happy home, while poinsettias stand for good
cheer. Narcissus signifies modesty and faithfulness.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 1. on pg.87. Match.
1. Flowery speech a) money is a limited resource and is not easily acquired
2. Barking up the wrong tree b) to talk about lots of unimportant things because you want to
avoid talking about what is really important
3. A bed of roses c) full of lovely words
4. Money doesn't grow on trees d) a very easy or pleasant situation
5. Beat around the bush e) waste one's efforts by pursuing the wrong thing or path
Ex 2. on pg.88. Complete the sentences with the idioms.
1. School would be ___________ without tests and homework.
2. I am not the person who spread those rumors about you. You are ____________.
3. Instead of _____________, get to the point more quickly.
4. Don't use ____________ for reports and official letters.
5. – Mum, I'd like a new bike.
– I'll have to think about it – _____________________, you know!
Key: 1-, 2- A bed of roses, Barking up the wrong tree 3- Beat around the bush, 4- Flowery speech, 5- Money
doesn't grow on trees
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 15. on pg.86. Read about 12 flowers of the year.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active
in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in
journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Flowers of Turkmenistan. (12)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Flowers of
Turkmenistan”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual love to
our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of love to the
English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson. Working
on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get ready for the
lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date today? What season
is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 15. on pg.86. Read about 12 flowers of the year.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Flowers of Turkmenistan’ through the pictures.
3. Complete the sentences with new words.
4. Read and explain definition of the new words.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to match the definitions of the words.
- to complete the sentences with new words.
- to read the text and explain the main ideo of it.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: tomb [tuːm]gabyr
misnomer [mɪs'nəumə] неправильное наименование, relieve [rɪ'liːv]gowşatmak
longed-for ['lɔŋdfɔː]uzak garaşylan obtain [əb'teɪn]gazanmak, edinmek
cheerfulness ['ʧɪəf(ə)lnəs, -ful-]şadyýan captivate ['kæptɪveɪt]haýran galmak
ornamental [ˌɔːnə'ment(ə)l] декоративное растение cliché ['kliːʃeɪ]lenç edilen zat
diverse [daɪ'vɜːs]tapawutlanýan edible ['edɪbl]iýip bolýan
Ex 5. on pg.91. Read about popular flowers native to Turkmenistan.
Tulips mean springtime. After those cold dark winter months, these are the flowers that bring that longed-for
cheerfulness to our streets and gardens. Their sparkling colors and opening flower buds are enough to make us
smile. They start flowering in March. Tulips come in almost every color of the rainbow: yellow, green, red,
orange, purple and pink. When you say tulips, everyone thinks of spring!
Poppies have a long history in human civilization. They were already grown as ornamental plants since 5,000
BC in Mesopotamia. They were found in Egyptian tombs and ancient Egyptian doctors would have their patients
eat seeds from a poppy to relieve pain. In Greek mythology, the poppy was associated with Demeter, goddess of
fertility and agriculture.
Crocus has long been a symbol of youthfulness and cheerfulness. It is often referred to as the light bulb flower
because it looks like a bright light bulb. The name Crocus comes from the Latin adjective crocatus, meaning
saffron yellow. The Greek word for “saffron” is krokos, while the Arabic word saffron or zafaran, means yellow.
The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas of autumn-blooming species with lilac or white flowers.
Lily of the Valley is the classic representation of spring. Its sweet smell also captivates anyone who smells it
and is a popular choice for various occasions. Many see this as a small, delicate flower, but many legends and
traditions are associated with it. Despite the name given to them, Lilies of the valley aren't actually lilies. They
are classified inside the asparagus family, although their leaves are similar to some lilies.
Most people associate roses with love, but these beautiful blooms are more than a Valentine's Day cliché.
Roses come in different shapes, sizes, and shades, making them a truly diverse flower and a favorite in yards
across the world. Their petals are edible and rose water (made from soaking the petals in water) is often added to
jellies or jams. Roses also grow a berry-shaped fruit called rose hips. The fruit can be orange, red, dark purple, or
even black. Rose hips are packed with vitamin C and can be used in cocktails or dried to create a refreshing tea.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 6. on pg.92. Match.
1) longed-for a) can be eaten
2) cheerfulness b) to make an unpleasant feeling, such as pain or worry, less strong
3) ornamental c) to get something
4) tomb d) to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting,
pleasant, or attractive
5) relieve e) beautiful rather than useful
6) obtain f) strongly wished or desired
7) captivate g) very different from each other; made up of a wide variety of things
8) cliché h) the state of being happy and positive
9) edible i) a place where a dead person is buried
10) diverse j) an idea or phrase which has been used so much that it is no longer
Ex 7.on pg. 93 Complete the sentences with the words from the table above.
1. The wet weather prevented our longed-for picnic.
2. It's hard not to be affected by her enthusiasm and cheerfulness.
3. You can diverse further information from head office.
4. These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.
5. New York is one of the most culturally captivate cities in the world.
6. The excavation team on the Greek island found four stone tomb up to 2,000 years old.
7. With her beauty and charm, she managed to obtain film audiences everywhere.
8. The handles on each side of the box are purely ornamental – they are for decoration only.
9. There must be some way you can relieve the pain.
10. My favorite saying is a bit of a cliché: what goes around comes around.
Ex 8.on pg. 93Write P for Poppy, L for Lily of the Valley, T for Tulip, R for Rose and C for Crocus
1. Its name has Latin origins C 6. Can be used to harvest saffron C
2. It's featured in Greek mythology P 7. Has medicinal properties P
3. It looks like a light bulb P 8. They represent the arrival of spring T
4. Has vitamin C packed fruit and edible petals R 9. Are very diverse R
5. Is a misnomer (a name that does not suit what it refers 10.It's present in many legends and traditions-L
to L
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 9.on pg.93. Make a short PowerPoint presentation about your
favorite flower. You should say:
– what it is; – where it is grown;
– if it is common in Turkmenistan; – why it is your favorite.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Phrasal verb to see. (13)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with new theme: Phrasal verb to see, introducing and practice
new grammar, to activate pupil`s reading, writing skills, to develop memory
and consideration
2) the aim of upbringing: to improve love to your country, to President, to school. To effort interest
language eager to study, respect to national traditions and customs.
The type of the lesson: Combined lesson
Visual aids and additional material: Thematic table, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson. Working on the
class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get ready for the lesson. Who
is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework: a) Learn the new words.
b) Ex 9.on pg.93. Make a short PowerPoint presentation about your favorite flower.
3. Сhecking pupils' knowledge by oral questioning.
1. What flowers are grown in Turkmenistan? 2. What flowers of Turkmenistan do you know?
4. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
5. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new grammar.
2. Teach the grammar rule ‘Phrasal verb to see’ through the thematic table.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
4. Match two parts of the sentences.
5. Doing exercises
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- grammar on the new theme
- to solve the test and answer the questions.
- the usage of phrasal verb ‘to see’.
- to study phrasal verb’s table.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new grammar in own sentences
- read or retell the grammar rule (to know pronunciation of the words)
- use the grammar in everyday life.
- understand English oral speech;
Ex 10. on pg.94. Study the table below. Phrasal verb to see.
see about something to deal with or organize something I must go and see about this job.
see someone around to notice someone often in places that you I've never actually met her, but I've
köplenç gabat gelmek go to regularly seen her around.
see someone in to welcome a visitor to a building and The hostess waited on the steps to
garşylamak take them to where they want to go see the guests in.
see somebody off to go somewhere such as a station or Anne saw Terry off at the station.
ugratmak airport with someone in order to say
goodbye to them
see someone out to go with someone to the door when My secretary will see you out.
ugratmak they are leaving in order to say goodbye to
see over to walk around and examine They went to see the house over.
synlamak (a place) carefully
see through something To recognize that something is not true We can all see through your little
aldanmazlyk and not be tricked by it game, Adam.
see to something to deal with or take responsibility for They hired an event planner to see to all
iş salyşmak someone or something of the details of the party.
6. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 12. on pg.95. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.
1. You should _____________ getting your hair cut
2. Don't worry! I will ________________ everything when you are away.
3. My parents came to the airport to _______________.
4. You think I can't ____________ your lies?
5. Claire's gone to ____________ getting tickets for the con-cert.
6. I had _____ him _______, frequently.
7. Go on, you go out. I'll see to the washing-up.
Key: 1. see over 2. see to. 3. see off. 4. see through 5. to see about. 6. seen him in
Ex 11. on pg.95. Match.
1. I saw the boss about finishing early, he said no. a) accompany a guest to the door 1e
2. I'm going to the airport to see off my friends. They are b) deal with something 2d
going travelling for 6 months.
3. I've seen out all the guests. Let's make a start on the tidying c) realize someone is lying 3a
4. I've seen the project through to the end. It was a tough 6 d) accompany someone to say goodbye 4c
months, but worth it.
5. I've seen to Mary's plants; I'll water them again in e) ask, deal with or organize 5b
a few days.
Ex 13. on pg.95. Choose the correct answer.
1. I need someone to take care of my cat; will you see ______ it that someone does?
a) to b) for c) from
2. When I left the party, the hostess saw me ______.
a) out b) to c) from
3. She was surprised when everybody came to say goodbye and see her ____ properly at the airport.
a) on b) to c) off
4. After she had the accident she should have had the doctor see ______ her injuries.
a) from b) to c) into
5. I saw ______ the New Year with some friends from university.
a) through b) on c) in
6. She says she's going to get the job I want, but we'll soon see ______ that; I'll get it in the end, just wait and see.
a) about b) through c) for
7. She saw ______ him when he pretended to be a policeman.
a) into b) through c) in
8. Anyone could have seen ______ his disguise; it was so obvious that it was him.
a) through b) round c) in
9. We used to spend lots of time together, but I haven't seen much ______ her for ages.
a) of b) for c) through
10. I've got an appointment at five to see a dealer ______ buying a new car.
a) about b) to c) for
11. The dog saw the burglar ______; he ran back over the gar-den wall screaming.
a) out b) to c) off
12. There's someone in reception and I'm busy; could you see ______ them?
a) off b) to c) out
13. They say she has supernatural powers and can see ______ the future.
a) in b) through c) into
14. If you see a guest ______, you take them to the front door to leave.
a) out b) in c) for
Key: 1 a) to 2. a) out 3. c) off 4. c) into 5. c) in 6. a) about 7 a) through 8. a) through 9. c) through
10. a) about 11. b) to 12. b) to 13. c) into 14. b) in
7. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 14.on pg.97. Make up five sentences using phrasal verb to see.
8. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal and
diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Flowers and women’s names. (14)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Flowers and women’s
names”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual love to
our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of love to the
English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson. Working
on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get ready for the
lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date today? What season
is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 14.on pg.97. Make up five sentences using phrasal verb to see.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Flowers and women’s names’ through the pictures.
3. Read about Botanical garden.
4. Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied by the speaker.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to solve the test about plants and flowers.
- to retell more informations about Botanical garden.
- to express an opinion about learned theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: spike [spaɪk]tiken
infrequent [ɪn'friːkwənt]seýrek cuticle ['kjuːtɪkl] кутикула
fleshy ['fleʃɪ]ýumşak emphasize ['emfəsaɪz]aýratyn üns bermek
conserve [kən'sɜːv]goramak frequently ['friːkwəntlɪ]ýygy-ýygydan
reduction [rɪ'dʌkʃ(ə)n]azalmak, kiçelmek shield [ʃiːld]galkan, goramak
euphorbia [juː'fɔːbɪə]söwdek, молочай conserve [kən'sɜːv]goramak
Ex 15. on pg.98. Read about floral names for girls. Number the pictures. Which name do you like the most?
What's its Turkmen/Russians equivalent?
1. Jasmine: Made popular by the Disney princess in the movie Aladdin, the name Jasmine represents the
aromatic jasmine plant. This white flower symbolizes love and romance.
2. Violet is a popular name and has a dual meaning. Girls named Violet are either named after the color or the
flower. In the case of the latter, violets symbolize innocence (white) or that the giver's thoughts were occupied
with love (purple).
3. Daisy: although Daisy is a very common name, parents still choose this happy and cheerful flower to name
their daughter after. It represents innocence and purity, and is still one of the top picks for baby girl names.
4. Willow: the name represents the graceful tree of the Willow, known for its strength and flexibility. Willow
also means 'peaceful', as the name's lilt and sound suggest.
5. Lily: by far, Lily is one of the most popular flower names for girls. The lily flower itself represents humility,
devotion, innocence, purity, and beauty – all good qualities that a girl can have.
6. Leilani: this name holds a sweet lilt to it. It is Hawaiian in origin and combines “lei” and “lani” to form
“heavenly flowers”.
7. Rose: timeless, classic, and popular, Rose is a common name for girls. As expected, the name is associated
with the rose flower, which represents passion, friendship, joy, and love.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 3. on pg.88. Listen to a part of a tour given by a botanist at the Desert Pavilion of the Botanical garden.
Plants adapt to their environment from necessity. They may do so by growing lower and closer to the ground to
shield themselves from wind and cold. Desert environments may have some of the following adaptations. They
help the plant to conserve food, energy and water and still be able to reproduce effectively. For instance, thick
fleshy leaves store water. Thick waxy cuticle, that's a protective layer on the surface of stem and leaves, prevent
dehydration e.g. cacti. Shallow root system collects small amounts of moisture. Extremely deep root systems tap
into underground water. Light-colored leaves or small reflective hairs reflect excessive light, normally grey or
silver. Reduced leaf size or complete transformation of the leaves, e.g. thorns or spikes reduce transpiration and
offer protection. Interestingly, in some desert plants we notice production of thorns/spikes that ward off
predators, for instance in cacti. In others, like euphorbia, we see toxic sap, which deters insects. Circling back to
the topic of color, flowers are light colored and have no pigment. Plants produce nectar as most pollination is at
night. They flower infrequently and produce large amounts of seed, like cacti.
Ex 4. on pg.89. Answer the questions based on what is stated or implied by the speaker.
1. The word “conserve” is closest in meaning to
a) keep b) get c) attract d) require
2. The word “fleshy” means
a) made of flesh b) pink c) pulpy d) dry
3. According to the speaker, which all of the following is true about desert plants?
a) They have shallow and deep root systems b) Their flowers are light-colored
c) Their leaves are small d) All of the above
4. The word “they” refers to
a) cacti b) plants c) insects d) seeds
5. Transpiration can best be described as:
a) loss of water through plant b) reduction of the size of the plant
c) infrequent flowering d) protective layer on the surface of plant leaves
6. All of the following are true about cacti EXCEPT:
a) They have waxy cuticle b) Their thorns ward of predators
c) They have toxic sap that deters insects d) They do not flower frequently
7. The author mentions euphorbia to
a) give an example of a plant with toxic sap as protection
b) emphasize the importance for deserts plants to have thorns
c) explain why some plants have spikes
d) show that some desert plants have no transpiration
8. The author says “circling back” because
a) they all need to head back
b) They are all walking in circles
c) He wants to touch upon something that was mentioned earlier
d) The next item will be in a circle in the back
9. Normally grey or silver refer to
a) cuticle b) light-colored leaves c) small hairs d) excessive light
10. All of the following are synonyms of the word “infrequently” EXCEPT:
a) all the time b) occasionally c) now and then d) rarely
Key: 1 a) 2 c) 3 a) 4 b) 5 d) 6 c) 7 a) 8 c) 9 b) 10 a)
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 15. on pg.98. Read about floral names for girls.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Social English: notices and warnings. (15)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Social English: notices
and warnings”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils
to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex 15. on pg.98. Read about floral names for girls.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Social English: notices and warnings’ through the pictures.
3. Match two parts of the sentences.
4. Study the table about notices and warnings.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to say where could you see these notices and warnings.
- to retell the notices and warnings with their translation.
- to express an opinion about learned theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
Ex 1. on pg.99. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of different warnings and prohibitions. Match the signs
with their meanings.
1. WATCH YOUR STEP-aýagyňyzyň aşagyna serediň.
2. USE IN CASE OF FIRE-ýangyn ýüze çykanda ulanyň.
3. DANGER-howply.
4. NO PETS CAUTION PERMITTED-öý haýwanlaryna duýduryş, goýberilmeýär.
5. MEN AT WORK-erkekler işde.
6. BEWARE OF DOG –ägä boluň it bar.
7. ONE-WAY-birtaraplaýyn.
8. INFLAMMABLE-çalt ot düşýän.
9. NO CELL PERMITTED-telefon ulanmak gadagan.
Ex 2. on pg.99. Study the table. Signs: notices and warnings.
1. Out of order / out of service We use out of order or out of service for a machine that is not
2. No Vacancy No Vacancy on a hotel, motel or B & B sign means it is full.
3. Keep off the grass/ stay off the grass Don't walk on the grass.
4. Keep right/ Keep left Stay on the right side/on the left side
5. Danger! Danger means that something bad could happen and you need to
be careful. Keep out means do not enter.
6. Mind the step To mind something means that you need to be careful about it.
Mind the step means you might fall if you aren't careful.
7. Mind your head Mind your head means the space above your head may be low
and you could hurt yourself.
8. Order here/ Place order here / Pick To order something means to ask for some-thing, usually food or
up order here drink.
9. Wait to be seated Wait until someone shows you to your seat or table.
10. Do not disturb Do not disturb means don't go into the room or talk too loudly.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 3. on pg.100. Where could you see these notices and warnings? Match then.
1. Nothing to declare A. By a public phone
2. No vacancies B. At the airport
3. Beware of pickpockets C. In a park
4. Keep out of the grass D. On the underground
5. Fragile E. Crowded public spaces
6. Please queue other side F. On the side of a parcel/package
7. Out of order G. Outside a theatre/cinema/concert hall
8. Sold out H. In a bank or post office
Ex 4. on pg.100. Study the table.
A warning is something that makes us aware of possible danger. There are a number of ways of warning someone.
Weak warnings are similar to advice: We usually use don't in strong warnings:
– I wouldn't swim there if I were you. – Don't cross the road when the pedestrian light is red.
– I don't think you should drink the water – Whatever you do, don't take a lift from an unofficial taxi
here. driver.
– I don't think you ought to say no to the job – It's a wonderful restaurant but, I warn you, it isn't cheap.
offer. – I must warn you it gets very cold at night in the
– A word of warning, there are snakes on the mountains.
Ex 5. on pg.101. Match.
1. “Take care on the roads. a. the traffic is terrible on the motorway”.
2. “Are you going to walk through the park at this b. There's a car coming”.
hour? c. They are really icy”.
3. “It was great seeing you. Mind how you go, d. Are you sure you don't want some help
4. “Look out! carrying your bags?”
5. “Watch out! e. Better safe than sorry”.
6. “Ok, you're almost there, easy does it. That's great. f. The pavement is slippery”.
7. “I've locked all the doors and windows and g. Beware of the guard dogs”
padlocked the gate. h. Well, be careful. You never know who's
8. “No entry. lurking in the park”.
9. “Steady! i. Thank you so much for helping me move the
10. “You should pack a couple of torches and some sofa”.
blankets for your journey. j. You can't be too careful. “No entry”.
Key: 1 f 2h 3a 4b 5 g 6 c 7e 8j 9i 10d
6. Homework: a) Learn the warnings. b) Make up five sentences with warnings.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Test (16)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: checkup the pupils’ knowledge, to activate pupil`s reading, writing
skills, to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland. To foster students
in the spirit of love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: to test the knowledge and to rate lesson
Visual aids and additional Worksheets, test, thematic table, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Explain the content of the control work
Plan of the lesson:
1. To explain students how to write test.
2. To check up students` knowledge
3. To check up students` test.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
-to find the different kinds of synonyms from the given words.
- the prepositions of place and use them in the sentences.
- to find antonyms of given words.
- make up sentences with prepositions of space.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- distinguish different kinds of prepositions.
- make up sentences with synonyms and antonyms.
- solve the test correctly.
- understand English oral speech;
3. Work on the questions of the studied topic and solve the test on your own:
Choose the best answer
1 Charlie ... his coat and sat down.
a) took up b) took off c) took away d) took over
2 The flowers ... a nice smell.
a) gave up b) gave in c) gave off d) gave out
3 The author has just ... a new detective story.
a) brought up b) brought in c) brought out d) brought round
4 He can’t ... his mind about what to do next.
a) make up b) make out c) make in d) make with
5 I ... very well ... my new classmates.
a) get / by b) get / up c) get on / with d) get / in
6 Pick up your pencils and ... the notes.
a) take out b) take down c) take up d) take in
7 That shop ... free candies to all children.
a) gave in b) gave away c) gave up d) gave back
8 It is really challenging task to ... children nowadays.
a) bring in b) bring out c) bring round d) bring up
9 Jim ... the bus outside the cinema.
a) got on b) got away c) got up d) got through
10 It was really dark and I couldn’t ... the sign on the road.
a) make up b) make in c) make out d) make off
11 The dustmen are coming to ... the rubbish.
a) take out b) take off c) take down d) take away
12 I told him it was a secret but he still ... it ... .
a) gave / up b) gave / in c) gave / out d) gave / away
13 The changes in the earth’s atmosphere ... many changes in the water.
a) brought up b) brought in c) brought about d) brought round
14 The thief ... himself ... to the police.
a) gave / up b) gave / away c) gave / out d) gave / off
15 I tried to ... all day long, but nobody answered the phone.
a) get by b) get along with c) get on d) get through
16 Our water supplies ... so we had to refill them.
a) gave out b) gave in c) gave away d) gave up
17 They poured water on her face to ... her ... .
a) bring up b) bring round c) bring in d) bring down
18 As the plane ... I felt really nervous.
a) took out b) took off c) took down d) took away
19 I’m going to ... my girlfriend ... tonight.
a) take / out b) take / off c) take / down d) take / up
20 My father ... smoking long time ago.
a) gave in b) gave up c) gave away d) gave off
Key: 1 c) 2 c) 3 c) 4 b) 5c) 6 b) 7b) 8 d) 9 a) 10 c) 11 d) 12 d) 13 c) 14 a) 15
d) 16 a) 17 b) 18 b) 19 a) 20 b)
Choose the best answer
1 The new manager will ... next week.
a) take up b) take over c) take in d) take off
2 The police officer chased the burglars but they managed to ... .
a) get by b) get through c) get up d) get away
3 The SEO ... the subject of the meeting.
a) brought in b) brought up c) brought out d) brought round
4 Millie ... her mother in appearance.
a) takes out b) takes downc) takes after d) takes away
5 My parents often argue, but we always ... quickly.
a) make in b) make off c) make up d) make out
6 Would you please ... my money?
a) give away b) give back c) give in d) give up
7 Children have a lively imagination, they often ... stories.
a) make off b) make in c) make out d) make up
8 I am thinking about ... football or basketball.
a) taking up b) taking in c) taking over d) taking down
9 My mother usually ... at 7 o’clock.
a) gets off b) gets up c) gets in d) gets away
10 My friend never leaves her house without a ... .
a) make up b) make in c) make out d) make off
Key: 1 b) 2 d) 3 c) 4 c) 5 c) 6 b) 7 d) 8 a) 9 b) 10 a)
4. Summarizing the lesson and hand over the homework.
a) Revise all grammar materials. b) Collect the notebooks for the test. c) Conclusion the lesson.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: A fairy tale about flower. The Little Prince. (17)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “A fairy tale about
flower. The Little Prince”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills;
to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the warnings. b) Make up five sentences with warnings.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘A fairy tale about flower. The Little Prince’ through the pictures.
3. Match the words with their synonyms.
4. Repeat the imperative mood.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to complete the sentences with content words.
- to match the words with their synonyms.
- to construct the negative form of the imperative.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: sprout [spraut]öseri labored ['leɪbəd]zordan dem almak
blossoming ['blɔs(ə)mɪŋ]gülleme dazzling ['dæzlɪŋ]ýaldyraýan
deliberately [dɪ'lɪb(ə)rɪtlɪ]bilkaslaýyn abashed [ə'bæʃt]utanan
precisely [prɪ'saɪslɪ]anyk torment ['tɔːment]hasrat çekmek, ejir çekmek
painstakingly ['peɪnzˌteɪkɪŋlɪ]hysyrdyly drafts [drɑːfts] чертеж, рисунок, эскиз
Ex 12. on pg.105. Read the excerpt from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
I soon learned to know that flower better
On the little prince's planet, there had always been very simple flowers, decorated with a single row
of petals so that they took up no room at all and got in no one's way. They would appear one morning in the
grass, and would fade by nightfall. But this one had grown from a seed brought from who knows where,
and the little prince had kept a close watch over a sprout that was not like any of the others. It might
have been a new kind of baobab. But the sprout soon stopped growing and began to show signs of
The little prince, who had watched the development of an enormous bud, realized that some sort of
miraculous apparition would emerge from it, but the flower continued her beauty preparations in the shelter
of her green chamber, selecting her colors with the greatest care and dressing quite deliberately, adjusting
her petals one by one. She had no desire to emerge all rumpled, like the poppies. She wished to appear only
in the full radiance of her beauty. Oh yes, she was quite vain! And her mysterious adornment had lasted
days and days. And then one morning, precisely at sunrise, she showed herself.
And after having labored so painstakingly, she yawned and said, “Ah!
I'm hardly awake... Forgive me... I'm still all untidy...” But the little prince couldn't contain his admiration.
“How lovely you are!”
“Aren't I?” the flower answered sweetly. “And I was born the same time as the sun...”
The little prince realized that she wasn't any too modest, but she was so dazzling!
“I believe it is breakfast time”, she had soon added. “Would you be so kind as to tend to me?”
And the little prince, utterly abashed, having gone to look for a watering can, served the flower.
She had soon begun tormenting him with her rather touchy vanity……
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 13. on pg.107. Find the words in bold in the excerpt above. Match the words with their synonyms.
1) deliberately a) humble, low-key
2) adornment b) brilliant, stunning
3) modest c) embarrassed, ashamed, redfaced
4) dazzling d) torture, bother
5) abashed e) intentionally, on purpose
6) torment f) guilt, deep regret
7) humiliate g) decoration, ornament
8) remorse h) embarrass, mortify
Key: 1e 2g 3a 4b 5c 6d 7h 8f
Ex 14. on pg.107. Complete the sentences with content words.
1. He mumbled unintelligibly and looked remorse.
2. He was either out and hadn't switched on the answering machine or he was torment her by ignoring
the telephone.
3. I was looking at the house yesterday, and it needs something, some kind of adornment.
4. During his short but dazzling career he broke almost every scoring record in the National League.
5. He upset her deliberately.
6. She felt no humiliate for what she had done.
7. She was surprisingly modest about her own achievements as a player.
8. Her boss abashed her in front of all her colleagues.
Key: 1 remorse. 2. torment 3 adornment. 4. dazzling 5. deliberately. 6. humiliate 7. modest 8. abashed
Ex 15. on pg.108. Write True or False.
1. As soon as the little prince saw a huge bud, he knew that something unique would emerge from it. True
2. The flower was mindful of her appearance: she wanted to look her best. True
3. The little prince was not particularly impressed by the flower's beauty; there were many flowers just
like her. False
4. The little prince and the flower got along from the very first conversation. True
5. The flower asked for a screen to protect herself from the tiger's claws. True
6. The little prince took the flower's insignificant words seriously and was unhappy. True
7. The little prince later realized that the flower didn't mean to hurt his feelings. True.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the fairy tale.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Home reading lesson (18)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Tom in the palace”,
to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Lesson – lecture
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the fairy tale.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material:
Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the story: “Tom in the palace”
3. Main characters of the story.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Conclusion of the story.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- About main idea and characters of the story.
- how expresses his/her opinion about story.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read and recite the story correctly (to know pronunciation of the words)
- identify the main idea of the story.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: imitate ['ɪmɪteɪt]öýkünmek seal [siːl]möhür
armour ['ɑːmə] доспехи meanwhile [ˌmiːn'waɪl]şol wagt
bow [bau]egilmek angrily ['æŋgrɪlɪ]gaharly
silent ['saɪlənt]sessiz, ýuwaş lead -led[led]eltmek
reign [reɪn]şalygy dolandyrmak lay [leɪ]ýatyr
Tom was alone in the Prince's room in Westminster Palace. He stood in front of the great mirror
hanging on the wall.
Then he walked up and down1, imitating the Prince. He walked round the room looking at all the
beautiful things in it – the fine chairs and tables, and the pictures of Kings and Queens on the walls.
There was a suit of armour near the door. He took one piece of the armour and when he put it on, a
heavy round thing fell out of it. He did not know what the round thing was, but he put it back inside the
At the end of half an hour he began to feel afraid. If someone came and found him there, what would
he do. He softly opened the door of the next room.
“Perhaps there is no one”, he thought, “If I walk quickly I may reach the gate and the soldiers will let
me out. I must get out of here”.
So he opened the door. There were four gentlemen standing outside, two on each side of the door.
They bowed low.
“Oh!” cried Tom, and he ran back, shut the door, and went to the far end of the room.
The gentlemen looked at each other.
“I think Prince Edward is ill”, one said.
“We should ask one of his sisters to go to him”, said another. “I will go to Lady Jane”, he added.
After a moment the door opened, and a page said: “The Lady Jane Grey”.
A beautiful girl came towards Tom. Her face was kind.
“Oh, what is the matter, my lord ? Why are you on your knees?”
“Oh, be good, and save me. I am no lord, but only poor Tom Canty of Offal Court”.
She took his hand. “Come”, she said. “Your father wants to see you”.
“My father? Is John Canty here?”
Soon poor Tom was going slowly towards the King's apartment. One of the gentlemen told the King
that Prince Edward was ill, and the King wanted to speak to his son.
Tom was led into a very big room. Before him lay a large and fat man, with a white face. His clothing
was rich but old. It was King Henry the Eighth. He was very ill: he had not long to live.
“Come to your father, child; you are not well”. “Are you the King?” said Tom.
“Yes, of course. I am the King, and I am your father”.
“Sire, I am not your son! I am not the Prince. I am poor Tom”.
The King looked at him angrily. “You are the Prince, and if you say that you are not the Prince, I
shall be very angry”.
Tom stood silent. The King turned towards the company and said: “Listen, all! My son is mad. Too
much study has done this. Away with his books and teachers! He is mad; but he is my son, and he shall
reign. He is the Prince of Wales!”
Tom was led away to a beautiful room. He was very tired and wanted to rest. He sat down and was
going to take off his shoes, but a page went down upon his knees and took them off. Dressed in a
beautiful robe, Tom laid himself down at last to rest, but he could not sleep, for his head was too full of
thoughts and room too full of people.
Meanwhile Lord Hertford, Tom's “uncle”, came to King Henry. “My end is coming”, said the King,
“I am too ill to write my name or put my seal, but the work must be carried on. You must hold the Great
Seal and use it for me. Two days ago I gave it to Prince Edward. Go and ask the Prince to give it to
you”. Lord Hertford went away, but soon returned.
“Your Majesty”, he said, “the Prince does not know where is the Great Seal. He cannot remember
what he did with it!”
After a little while the King said with a deep sadness in his voice: “Poor child, he is ill. He will
remember later, when he is well”.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Answer the questions.
1. Did the Tom like the palace? 2. What did he want?
3. Did the king believe him? 4. What did the people think about Tom?
5. Do you feel for Tom?
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the story.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Project Work (19)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Project work”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Combined lesson
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the story.
3. Сhecking pupils' knowledge by oral questioning.
1. Where does the name 'daffodil' come from?
2 Where does come myth surrounding the narcissus flower from? 3 Who was Narcissus in the fairy tale?
4. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
5. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Purpose of the project
3. Main points of the project.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Conclusion of the project work.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- About main aspects of flowers.
- how expresses his/her opinion about your Favourite Flower.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- make up or write project work (to know pronunciation of the words)
- identify the main idea of the project work
- understand English oral speech;
New words: petal ['pet(ə)l] ýaprak, graceful ['greɪsf(ə)l, -ful]owadan, özüne çeikiji,
regard [rɪ'gɑːd]alada, sylag-hormat, ardent ['ɑːd(ə)nt]açyk, şöhle saçýan,
marvelous ['mɑːv(ə)ləs]täsin, üýtgeşik, devotion [dɪ'vəuʃ(ə)n]wepalylyk,
creation [krɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]döredilen, ösümlik beautician[bjuː'tɪʃ(ə)n]kosmetolog.
bewitching [bɪ'wɪʧɪŋ]haýran ediji, convey [kən'veɪ]bir ýerden başga ýere äkitmek,
attitude ['ætɪt(j)uːd] gatnaşyk,
Project Work: My Favourite Flower.
Flowers are regarded as a marvelous creation of nature. That's how the nature speaks to us. It conveys
love, peace and harmony through flowers. Any event receives a new meaning when decorated with
flowers. To my mind all flowers are bewitching and glorious: field daisies, red tulips, lilacs,
chrysanthemums, orchids.
My favourite flower is the red rose. In my opinion, it is the most beautiful and graceful flower. It can
be presented to show ardent love and devotion. However, most people buy them on any occasion, be it
someone's birthday or wedding day, anniversary or special holiday. People know that roses show
respect and good attitude. That's why nearly everyone loves them. Rose oil and petals are used in
gastronomy and cosmetology. For example, I know that some nations make a delicious marmalade from
rose petals. And, the beauticians use the essence of rose to make face masks or conditioner for hair.
Speaking about the heavenly scent of this flower, I should mention that I adore rose-based fragrances.
I think that many people would agree that it's one of the best scents. Bees also like the scent of a rose.
They eagerly stock its sweet nectar. Vivid colours of roses often attract the attention of butterflies.
Roses grow on a long, slender stalk, which is often covered with sharp thorns. For this reason there is a
well-known saying "There's no rose without a thorn", meaning that every beautiful thing or desirable
situation has its share of difficulty. In conclusion, I'd like to say that roses give the world not only their
beauty and message of love, but they are also rather useful.
6. Consolidation of new material:
a) Answer the questions.
1. What is your favourite flower? 2. Do you grow decorative flowers at home?
3. Do you like to receive flowers as present for your birthday? 4. What flowers do you know?
5. In spring time do you like to gather flowers from the garden or fields?
Ex 16. on pg.108. Group into teams and prepare your Project Work on Turkmen girls' names including
floral names, like:
Guljahan, Gulchemen, Gulshirin, Guljan, Guljemal, Guljemile, Gulnar, Gulnabat, Bagul, Bibigul,
Bahargul, Yazgul, Orazgul etc.
Ex 10. on pg.104. Read the sentences 1-10. First guess the meaning of the words in bold, then match
the words to their definitions.
1. Grow different sprouts each time to provide variety a) having or showing an excessively high
in your garden. opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or
2. Chris described to her in painstaking detail the b) accurately and exactly
story of the cartoon they'd been watching.
3. The apple trees are just beginning to blossom. c) very careful and thorough
4. Heavy curtains at the windows cut out drafts. d) a current of cool air in a room
5. Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes e) a newly grown bud
contain significant clues.
6. He was very vain about his hair and his clothes. f) not important
7. The meeting began at precisely 4.00 p.m. g) to produce flowers
Key: 1g 2c 3e 4d 5f 6a 7b
Ex 11. on pg.105. Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the table above. sprouts
painstaking blossom drafts inconsequential vain precisely
1. Add bean sprouts and cook another half minute.
2. There was inconsequential gossip being whispered on local street corners.
3. Temperature can be measured precisely.
4. She's a vain girl who is always thinking about her figure.
5. The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail.
6. Trees and bushes have blossomed with new life at the dawn of a new season.
7. Can you close the window? I'm in a draft.
7. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Make up project work about your favourite flower.
8. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson (20)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to introduce with new theme: revise all grammar materials,
introducing and practice new vocabulary, to activate pupil`s reading,
writing skills, to develop memory and consideration
2) the aim of upbringing: to improve love to your country, to President, to school. To effort
interest language eager to study, respect to national traditions and
The type of the lesson: Revision lesson
Visual aids and pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Make up project work about your favourite flower.
3. Revision the lesson by the questions and strengthen the knowledge:
a) Answer the questions.
1. What is your favourite flower?
2. Do you grow decorative flowers at home?
3. Do you like to receive flowers as present for your birthday?
4. What flowers do you know?
5. In spring time do you like to gather flowers from the garden or fields?
Ex 6 on pg.101. Circle the correct answer.
1. What does the caution mean?
a) The shop sells special broken articles.
b) You don't have to buy articles that are broken.
c) In this section you will only find broken articles.
d) If you break any of the articles, you should pay for it.
2. Where do you usually find this caution?
a) Library b) Bookstore c) Greengrocer d) Department store
3. What does the notice mean?
a) You will have breakfast at 10.00 am.
b) The breakfast will be served at 10.00 am.
c) You will have breakfast until 10.00 am.
d) The breakfast will be served after 10.00 am.
4. This kind of notice is found in …
a) café b) hotel c) hospital d) restaurant
5. Where can we find the notice?
a) At home b) At school c) On a vehicle d) On a food wrapper
6. The notice above means…
a) We are not allowed to let the door open all the time
b) We are prohibited to enter the room
c) We have to make another door to enter the room
d) We are not permitted to open the door
WARNING! Do not speed before, in, and after the school safe zone. School children are crossing
the street or doing some. Activities around the area.
7. Who do the warning purpose for? except....
a) Everyone who is walking on the school safe zone
b) Everyone who is driving on the school safe zone
c) Everyone who is riding on the school safe zone
d) Everyone who is passing on the school safe zone using vehicle
8. Where do we usually find the text?
a) At the lake b) At the beach c) At the river bank d) At the swimming pool
9. What is the purpose of the text?
a) To warn people not to push the door b) To advice people not to sit beside the door
c) To warn people not to lean against the door d) To advice people not to stand before the door
10. What is the purpose of the text?
a) To ask somebody to do something
b) To warn somebody not to do something
c) To advise somebody not to do something
d) To inform somebody that something is not dangerous
Key: 1d 2d 3c 4b 5c 6a 7a 8a 9c 10b
Ex 7. on pg.103. What notices might you see in each of these
1) a zoo 2) a waiting area in an airport
3) in front of garage doors 4) above the window of a train
5) inside a theatre
Ex 8. on pg.104. Where can you see these signs?
1. Keep away 2. No smoking
3. Pedestrian crossing 4. No littering
5. Don't feed the animals 6. Don't waste water
7. No food or Drink 8. No pets allowed
9. Curvy road 10. Do not lean on the door
4. Homework:
a) Ex 9. on pg.104. Write some different notices of your own. Think of five different notic-es you
could put in one of these places:
1) a school 2) a language school
3) a public place, e.g. bank, hospital, supermarket, internet café.
5. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary
and say good-bye to the pupils.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Culture and me (21)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Culture and me”, to develop
students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand English oral
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual love to our
President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of love to the English
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson. Working on the
class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get ready for the lesson. Who
is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework: a) Ex 9. on pg.104. Write some different notices of your own. Think of five different
notic-es you could put in one of these places:
1) a school 2) a language school
3) a public place, e.g. bank, hospital, supermarket, internet café.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the text: ‘Culture and me’ through the pictures.
3. Work on the theme and match the sentences.
4. Learn the words with their definitions.
5. Doing exercises.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- retell the text through key words.
- to use new words and complete the sentences.
- to express an opinion about your devices and the Internet.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the text about devices and the Internet (to know pronunciation of the words)
- use the internet in everyday life.
- identify the main idea of the text
- understand English oral speech;
New words: probably ['prɔbəblɪ] device [dɪ'vaɪs]enjam
non(-)stop [ˌnɔn'stɔp] message ['mesɪʤ]habar, hat
screen [skriːn]ekran spot [spɔt]deriňdäki tegmil
brain [breɪn]beýni thumb [θʌm]başam barmak
earache ['ɪəreɪk]gulak agyry earphone [ɪ͟ ə(r)foʊns] наушники
Ex 4 on pg.109. Read. Are your gadgets good for you?
Do you usually play a video game for two or even three hours non-stop? Do you use your smartphone around the
clock? If yes, then you have probably noticed some small health problems. Perhaps it's your electronic devices which
are making you sick.
Are you in the habit of talking on the phone a lot and sending lots of messages? Believe it or not, but you can get
spots on your face from a dirty phone when you talk on it all the time. And when you are texting a lot, your thumbs
can hurt too. Moreover, looking at a screen all day – doesn't matter phone, tablet, or laptop is bad for your eyes. It can
make them watery and red. In case you are using earphones with your smartphone, be sure to keep them clean and
don't borrow your friend's earphones, because they can be dirty, and you might get an earache.
Your devices can be bad for your brain, too. Doctors advise that you turn them off at least one hour before you go
to sleep because they wake up the brain and then you can't sleep. Probably that why some parents have hidden all their
children's gadgets.
5. Consolidation moment:
Ex 5. on pg.111. Write True or False.
1. Electronic devices can give you problems with your health. True
2. Young people who write lots of messages can get red eyes. True
3. You can have a headache when you use your phone non-stop. True
4. You can borrow your friend's earphones. False
5. Gadgets help you rest well. False
Ex 6. on pg.111. Ask and answer these questions with your partner and complete the table below with your partner's
1. How many gadgets do you have?
2. Which one do you use the most?
3. For how long have you had it?
4. What can you do with your favorite gadget?
5. How often and for how long do you usually use your phone?
6. Do you have headaches when you use your favorite gadgets non-stop?
7. Do your eyes hurt sometimes? Do they get read and watery?
Ex 1.on pg.109. Read and circle the answers. How Internet smart are you?
1. Where should you keep your passwords?
a) In a notebook next to your computer b) In your head c) In a safe place
2. A bully is calling you names online. What should you do?
a) Tell him to stop b) Stop going online c) Talk to an adult
3. Which is the best password?
a) your full name b) 12345 c) Ama21n9!
4. You get a message that says, “I've just met your friend Pena. I'd love to meet you too. What's your address?” What
do you do?
a) Check with your friend Pena
b) Give the sender your address
c) Delete the message and block the sender
5. What is true about the Internet?
a) Then internet never forgets and deleting mistakes is difficult
b) Anyone might see the things which you share online
c) Both A and B
6. When do you think about staying safe on the Internet?
a) Only when you have a problem
b) Only when your parents tell you to be careful
c) Every time you use it
7. Which information is it wrong to share online?
a) only your full name and address b) only your date of birth c) all personal information
Did you answer C to 6 or 7 questions? Then you are very good at using the Internet safely!
Key: 1c 2c 3c 4c 5c 6c 7c
Ex 2.on pg.110. Complete the sentences below with the words from the quiz.
1. You shouldn't answer a message if you don't know the sender.
2. A password should be difficult to guess.
3. You shouldn't keep passwords in your head because you will forget them!
4. A bully is someone who calls people names online.
5. You shouldn't give personal information online.
6. It's almost impossible to delete mistakes from the Internet.
7. You should be staying safe every time you use the Internet.
6. Homework: a) Ex 3.on pg.110. Pre-reading. Look at the words in the box and guess their meaning. What are
some of the health issues that can result from “gadget over-use”?
smartphone tablet gadget
laptop non-stop screen
earphones electronic devices texting
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal and
diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Internet (22)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Internet”,
to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to
understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop
spiritual love to our President and Motherland. To foster
students in the spirit of love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional material: Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Are your gadgets good for you?”
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the text: ‘Internet’ through the pictures.
3. Work on the theme and match the sentences.
4. Learn the words with their definitions.
5. Doing exercises.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- retell the text through key words.
- to use new words and complete the sentences.
- to express an opinion about your devices and the Internet.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the text about devices and the Internet (to know pronunciation of the words)
- use the internet in everyday life.
- identify the main idea of the text
- understand English oral speech;
New words: danger ['deɪnʤə]howp access ['ækses]girelge, доступ
criminal ['krɪmɪn(ə)l]jenaýat teenager ['tiːneɪʤə]ýetginjek
steal [stiːl]ogurlamak private ['praɪvɪt]şahsy
avoid [ə'vɔɪd]gaça durmak meeting ['miːtɪŋ]ýygnak
post [pəust] goýmak, расставлять stranger ['streɪnʤə]nätanyş
Ex 7 on pg.112. Read the text.
The Internet was created to give users easy access to information. At first, it was used by scientists but
now it is used by millions of people, including teenagers. It has made life more fun and more interesting.
However, there are dangers. The Internet is almost completely uncontrolled – and this means it gives us a
lot of freedom but at the same time it is used by criminals to steal both money and private information.
Here are some tips to help you avoid the dangers of the Net:
1. Never give the following information on the Net:
• your full name • your home address
• your phone number • your school
• passwords • names of family members • credit card numbers
If someone asks you for this information, ignore them!
2. Keep online friendship in the virtual world. Meeting online friends face-to-face can be risky.
3. Don't reply to messages from strangers.
4. If you don't want people to see something about you, don't post it.
5. Use privacy settings to block people from viewing your profile on social networking sites.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 8. on pg.112. Write True or False.
1. At first, the Internet was used only by young people. False
2. The government does not usually control the Internet. True
3. It's okay to give your password to your best friend. False
4. Strangers may ask you for private information online. False
5. The Net is a great place to meet strangers. True
Ex 9. on pg.113. Ask and answer these questions with a partner about how you use the internet.
1. How often do you change your passwords?
2. Do you write down your passwords or do you remember them?
3. Have you ever given your home address online? Why/Why not?
4. Do you share photos online?
5. How often do you check your messages?
Ex 10. on pg.113. Study the following adjectives and put them into the correct categories below.
Buggy Clunky Efficient Lightweight
Outdated Seamless Sophisticated State-of-the-art
User-friendly Versatile Powerful Vulnerable
Positive Negative
Lightweight, Efficient, User-friendly, Versatile, Clunky, Buggy, Vulnerable, Outdated, Seamless
Powerful, Sophisticated, State-of-the-art
11. on pg.113. Complete the sentences below. More than one answer may be possible.
1. If you don't install a firewall, your network will be very vulnerable.
2. Computers that were seamless in the 1990s are completely outdated nowadays.
3. The new version of this software is a bit sophisticated. Some of the features don't work at all.
4. Some employees are refusing to use versatile software made for desktop computers. They want mobile
access to corporate data.
5. Mobile devices are extremely powerful these days. There are apps for almost anything!
6. Modern laptops are very lightweight compared with 15 years ago. You can carry them in a small bag.
7. Nowadays, there are many apps that allow efficient access to the same data from your mobile device or
your computer.
Ex 12. on pg.114. Which of the common acronyms below do you know?
BTW- by the way LOL- laughing IMO- in my opinion CU-see you F2F-face to L8er-later
out loud face
OMG- Oh, My Thx- Thanks ASAP- As Soon As Pls-please RU-Russian Sth-something
God! Possible
Ex 13. on pg.114. Complete the following text messages with suitable acronyms.
SMS 1 OK, CU at 2pm!
SMS 2 Can't talk right now. Call me L8er
SMS 3 ASAP send me that report pls. Need it today!
SMS 4 OMG! Guess who I saw today?
SMS 5 Don't want to talk about it on phone. Let's meet F2F.
SMS 6 Thx for the advice. Was very helpful!
SMS 7 Nice joke! LOL.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: The world of information (23)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “The world of
information”, to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach
pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘The world of information’ through the pictures.
3. Read about Merjen's favorite app.
4. Match the features of an app with their functions.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to read about Merjen's favorite app.
- to match the features of an app with their functions.
- to match the words with their definitions.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: share [ʃeə]böleşmek edit ['edɪt] редактировать
App ['æp] приложение image ['ɪmɪʤ]surat, изображение
feed [fiːd] лентa record ['rekɔːd]ýazmak
feedback ['fiːdbæk] seslenme, отзыв remove [rɪ'muːv]ýerleşdirmek
instantly ['ɪn(t)stəntlɪ]şol bada comment ['kɔment]bellik
Ex 1 on pg.114. Listen to a boy talking about an app he uses. What's the name of the app and what
does it do?
Ali: Hey, Sapar! What's that? A new game?
Sapar: No, it's a new app. It's called IMO.
Ali: Oh? What for?
Sapar: For sending text messages and making phone calls.
Ali: Okay but we already have phones for that. What's the catch?
Sapar: This app is free!
Ali: Free?! How so?
Sapar: It doesn't use a telephone network to send messages. It uses WI-FI.
Ali: Hm, that's something new. Does it send photos as well?
Sapar: Sure does! You can instantly share your photos with your friends. And there's more: you can
also send images, video and audio media messages. Isn't that awesome!
Ali: Wow! That's pretty cool. Anything else I need to know before I download and install the app?
Sapar: Well, for one thing you need to have a good WI-FI connection. And another thing – it can
be quite slow sometimes. But hey, it's free!
Ali: Great!
Ex 3. on pg.117. Read about Merjen's favorite app.
Instagram is my go-to app since it is a fun way to share your life with your friends and family
using pictures. It's a social networking app that many young people use to share photos and videos
from their smartphones. Everyone on Instagram has a profile and a news feed. You take a photo
with your phone, edit the image with the Instagram app, and post it on your profile. When you post
the photo or video, all your Instagram friends see it and like it.
I spend a lot of my free time using Instagram. I love this app because I love taking photos –
especially selfies! – and I like looking at my friends' photos and videos too. They tag me in their
photos and I get them on my news feed. I think it's a great way to record events and places and
share them with your friends!
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 2. on pg.115. Match the features of an app with their functions.
1) send a friend request a) chat with someone in real-time using text
2) receive a friend request b) display a public message for your friends to read
3) send a message c) give positive feedback about a comment
4) tag someone d) label another person in photo
5) post a status update e) receive an invitation to be someone's friend
6) browse your news feed f) remove a friends from your friend list
7) like a comment g) see what your friends are doing on their profiles
8) unfriend somebody h) start a personal page (where you can include your pictures,
information about you, etc))
9) create a profile i) try to connect with someone who is not in your friend list
Key: 1i 2e 3a 4d 5d 6g 7c 8f 9h
Ex 5. on pg.116. Match the words with their definitions.
1) A blogger a) The people who read a blog.
2) Media b) An interconnected system.
3) Visitors c) Things like TV, newspapers and radio.
4) Post d) A message on a blog.
5) Network e) This person writes on the Internet about what he sees, reads and does.
6) Blogosphere f) All of the blogs on the Internet.
Key: 1 e 2c 3a 4d 5b 6f
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Read about Merjen's favorite app.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary
and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: The Mass Media (24)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “The Mass Media”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Read about Merjen's favorite app.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘The Mass Media’ through the pictures.
3. Guess the meaning of words in bold.
4. Take turns to describe and guess the invention.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to write the words in the correct groups.
- to give full answers to the questions.
- to say some words about Mass Media.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: teen [tiːn]ýetginjek campaign [kæm'peɪn] кампания
impact ['ɪmpækt]güýçli tsir etmek starving ['stɑːvɪŋ]örän aç
general ['ʤen(ə)r(ə)l]umuman cyberspace [sa͟ ɪbə(r)speɪs] киберпространство
allow [ə'lau]rugsat bermek bullying ['bulɪŋ]kemsitmek, gorkuzmak
provide [prə'vaɪd]üpjün etmek misbehave [ˌmɪsbɪ'heɪv, -bə-]bitertip alyp barmak
Ex 11 on pg.118. Read the text.
A new survey reveals that a quarter of teens log on to their favorite social media sites ten or more times each
day. So, what kind of an impact is social media having on today's youth?
New technologies have brought important changes in the lives of today's teenagers in the UK.
First of all, a teen social networking site gives today's teenagers the freedom to express themselves and show the
world who they really are. These sites allow teenagers to write about their lives and their experiences and share
them with the world. Secondly, a teen social networking site allows teenagers to connect with people of their
own age. In general, social networking sites provide teenagers with an enjoyable way of spending their free
But it's not all about having fun. More than half of teens (55%) say social media sites like Facebook and
Twitter have made them wake up to the needs of others. For example, thousands of teens go hungry as part of
campaigns to raise funds to help people who are starving.
Teenagers also use the Internet to help them with homework; in such cases, they spend at least three hours a
week searching for useful information. In short, teen social networking sites give teenagers the opportunity to be
the person they want the world to know. They can begin a new life in cyberspace.
But we should bear in mind the dangers of social networking. For example: teens sometimes post texts or
photos online that they later regret; private information could include their address, phone number or when the
family will be taking a long vacation; Then there's time: 22% of teens say they check their sites more than ten
times a day!
There is also the risk of bullying and making fun of others. It is easier to take risks and misbehave online than it
is in real life!
5. Consolidation moment:
Ex 15. on pg.120. Discuss the questions with your classmate.
1. Do you use any social networking sites?
2. Why do you think social networks are so popular?
3. Do you notice any difference between how younger and older people use social media?
Ex 16. on pg.120. Write a short paragraph about an invention you think is important. Use the questions
below to guide you:
1. What is it? Who invented it?
2. When was it invented? Why was it invented?
3. Why is it important? What positive and negative effects has it had?
Ex 12 on pg.119. Does the writer agree or disagree with the following statements?
1. Networking sites give teens the freedom to express themselves.
2. Social media is a good way to spend our free time.
3. Networking sites teach you about other people's problems.
4. Social media is useful when we are doing our lessons.
Ex 13 on pg.119. In pairs, discuss these questions.
1. What is your response to the reading text? Do you agree with the writer's opinion? Why not?
2. Is social media important to you? How so?
3. Did it change you or your life? In what ways?
Ex 14 on pg.119. Circle the correct words.
1. She asked me for some friendly/ personal information, but I didn't give it to her.
2. “Do you usually share/put photos online?” “Yes, but only with my friends and family”.
3. You might forget your password/app, so write it in your notebook.
4. Can you give me your whole/full name, please?
5. Quickly! Lock/press that button!
6. I wrote my story and saved/treasured it on my computer.
Ex 8 on pg.118. Work in pairs. Take turns to describe and guess the invention.
A blog Email YouTube
MP3 Mobile phone Newspaper
A social networking site DVD TV
For example: web pageA: It makes contacting people easier… B: A mobile phone.
Ex 9 on pg.118. Listen and repeat the words in the box, then write them in the correct groups
series program commercials podcast web page channel
station remote control video clip switch on/off interactive viewer
Computer TV Both
Program, web page, channel, Commercials, podcast, remote video clip, switch on/off,
interactive, control, viewer, series, station
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: The Infinitive (25)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “The Infinitive”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Combined lesson
Visual aids and additional Thematic table, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text.
3. Сhecking pupils' knowledge by oral questioning.
1. What kinds of mass media do you know?
2. What was the earliest kind of mass media?
3. Why is the television so exciting?
4. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
5. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new grammar.
2. Teach the grammar rule ‘The Infinitive’ through the thematic table.
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the text.
4. Fill in the gaps with the new words.
5. Doing exercises
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- grammar on the new theme
- to put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form.
- the structure of the Infinitive.
- to distinguish learned grammar from the other members of the sentences..
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new grammar in own sentences
- read or retell the grammar rule (to know pronunciation of the words)
- use the grammar in everyday life.
- understand English oral speech;
Infinitive. pg.135.
• The infinitive is the basic form of a verb. We often use the word to before the infinitive.
• We use the infinitive with to after certain verbs, like agree, ask, decide, learn, promise, want, would
like, would love.
He learnt to drive when he was twenty.
• to express purpose.
He went to buy bread.
Put in the verbs in brackets in the Gerund or the to-infinitive.
EXAMPLE: They go on (read) the book. ANSWER: They go on reading the book.
1 I can't imagine Peter (go) by bike. 2 He agreed (buy) a new car.
3 The question is easy (answer). 4 The man asked me how (get) to the airport.
5 I look forward to (see) you at the weekend. 6 Are you thinking of (visit) London?
7 We decided (run) through the forest. 8 The teacher expected Sarah (study) hard.
9 She doesn't mind (work) the night shift. 10 I learned (ride) the bike at the age of 5.
Key: 1 going 2 to buy 3 to answer 4 to get 5 seeing 6 visiting 7 to run 8 to study
9 working 10 to ride
6. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 6. on pg.117. Read about blogs. Fill in the gaps with the words from above.
A blog is a kind of website – it is usually written by one person and can include texts, news,
comments, online diaries, graphics, photos, music, podcasts and video clips. A blog is part of a (1)
Network: it is usually linked to other blogs, web pages and media. Readers are allowed to write replies
(“posts”). So, blogs are interactive.
“Blog” is made up of two words: “web” and “log”. A “log” is a kind of diary. One of the first weblogs
was invented by Jorn Barger in 1997. The word “blog” was first used by Peter Merholz, in 1999. A (2)
blogger is the writer of a blog.
Blogs are now accepted as an important source of news and opinion. Blogging is to express opinions
on all kinds of issues. The influence of bloggers on the (3) Media (the press, TV) is widely recognized.
Some personal blogs are read by very few people, but some get thousands of replies or (4) posts every
day. Blogs for various clubs are called “group blogs”; they are used to inform members about new
The (5) blogosphere is criticized by some people because, they say, it is just full of people's opinions,
and not enough facts.
Ex 7. on pg.117. Complete the sentences with the words from the text above.
1. A blog is a kind of website.
2. You can read a blog and write a comments.
3. Blogging is used to express opinions on all kinds of issues.
4. Blogs can include facts and comments.
5. Clubs use blogs to give their members about new activities, information.
Ex 11.on pg.136. Put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form.
1. I don't like ________________ (sing) in public.
2. It's no use _________________ (tell) her. She won't listen.
3. I'm still too upset _________________ (talk) about it.
4. Don't disturb him. He's busy _________________ (work).
5. Stop _________________ (bite) your nails.
6. Don't expect him _________________ (lend) you any money.
7. Mum made me _________________ (take) my medicine.
Key: 1singning 2 to tell 3 to tell 4 to work 5 to lend 6 to make
7. Homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with infinitive.
8. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: The world of sport (26)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “The world of sport”,
to develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the grammar. b) Make up 5 sentences with infinitive.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘The world of sport’ through the pictures.
3. Match the people below with their activities on the right.
4. Complete the sentences with new words.
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to read the following texts about four sports events.
- to match the people below with their activities on the right.
- to complete the sentences with new words.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
Ex 4. on pg.121. Study the words below. Number the pictures.
New words: 6) slam dunk [slæm] [dʌŋk]basketbolda topy
1) foul [faul] oýnuň düzgünini pozmak oklamaklyk
2) serve [sɜːv]topy oýna girizmek 7) break the world record [breɪk] [ðiː] [wɜːld]
3) knock somebody out [nɔk] ['sʌmbədɪ] ['rekɔːd]dünýä rekordyny täzelemek
[aut]birini kakmak 8) draw [drɔː] deňbe-deň bolmak
4) pole position [pəul] [pə'zɪʃ(ə)n]gowy ýeri 9) goal [gəul]gol
eýelemek 5) home run ['həumˌrʌn]ýeňiş
Ex 6. on pg.123. In pairs, read the following texts about four sports events. Student A reads texts A and B,
while Student B reads texts C and D. Then, ask your partner questions about the texts you didn't read.
A. Oxford Cambridge Boat Race
It takes place every year on the River Thames in London. It is a rowing race between Oxford and
Cambridge University boat clubs. Both teams are tradition-ally called Blues and the Cam-bridge team wears
light blue while Oxford wears dark blue. Until now Cambridge have won the race 81 times while Oxford
have won it 77 times. However, in 1877 it was a draw. People believe in that year the judge was sleeping
under a tree when the race finished, so he had to declare a draw!
B. Wimbledon
It is the oldest tennis tournament in the world and has existed since 1877. It takes place every year at the end
of June in London. It is a part of the Grand Slam tennis tournaments, which also includes the US Open, the
Australian Open and the French Open. It is the only major tennis tournament still played on the grass. There
are strict rules that competitors and spectators have to respect. For example, the players must only wear
white. It is also traditional to eat strawberries and cream at Wimbledon.
C. The American Super Bowl
It takes place every year at the beginning of February on Super Bowl Sunday. It is the final match of the
American Football League. Americans love watching this game and it is the most watched program on TV
every year. In 2014 the Super Bowl was won
by the Seattle Seahawks but the Pittsburg Steelers have won the most games – 6 in total. During the break
after the first half of the game, famous singers and musicians perform.
D. Highland Games
They take place every year in Scot-land and are a celebration of Celtic culture. In the 11th century, the
Scottish King Malcolm III created a race up a mountain so that he could find the fastest runner to be his
royal messenger. People believe this to be the beginning
of the Highland Games. In the modern day games, there is dancing, drumming and bagpipe music but the
most important part is the “heavy athletics”. The most famous event is The Caber Toss where athletes have
to throw a long pole into the air.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 5. on pg.123. Read the sentences in pairs. Which sport do you think each spectator is talking about?
More than one answer is possible for some sentences.
1. That was definitely a foul! The referee must be more attentive!
2. Another brilliant serve! I think she's going to win the match.
3. He's in pole position. That should give him a clear advantage.
4. I think he's going to get knocked out in the next round.
5. Come on! One more home run!
6. What a slam dunk! He's definitely on form today.
7. He's broken the world record three times this year. I'm certain he'll win this race.
8. At the moment it's a draw. We need one more goal to win the match.
Ex 2. on pg.121. Match the people below with their activities on the right.
1) a referee-emin a) competes against other people in a race or competition 1b
2) a coach-tälimçi b) controls a sports match and makes decisions 2f
3) a manager-ýolbaşçy c) leads one team on the field or pitch 3d
4) a captain-toparyň baştutany d) organizes a team and decides on tactics 4c
5) a spectator-tomaşaçy e) plays against another person or team 5g
6) an opponent-garşydaş f) trains a team (fitness and skills) 6e
7) a competitor-konkurent g) watches a sports event 7a
Ex 3. on pg.121. Complete the sentences below.
1. The manager decided to transfer one of his players to another team.
2. The team won the match in front of 40.000 spectators.
3. Jason was offered the position of a coach for a high school basketball team.
4. After 95 minutes, the referee signaled the end of the match.
5. Everybody was surprised when the coach chose Kevin as the team captain.
6. Over 2000 competitors took part in the New York City Marathon.
7. The tennis player beat all his opponents easily and won the tournament.
6. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Olympic Games (27)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Olympic Games”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Studying of new material.
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Explain the new theme ‘Olympic Games’ through the pictures.
3. Decide whether each sentence is true or false, according to the reading.
4. What do you know about the Olympics?
5. Doing exercises to the theme.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- to distinguish true sentences from false.
- to know about the Olympics and solve the quiz.
- to retell the article about the ancient Olympic Games.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read or retell the learned theme (to know pronunciation of the words)
- describe the pictures to the theme.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: wreath [riːθ] венок
plain [pleɪn]anyk, açaçan considered [kən'sɪdəd]esaslandyrylan
sprint [sprɪnt]gysga ara ylgamak sacred ['seɪkrɪd]syr
derive [dɪ'raɪv]almak, gazanmak holy ['həulɪ]mukaddes
award [ə'wɔːd]baýrak bermek chariot ['ʧærɪət]araba, колесница
equivalent [ɪ'kwɪv(ə)lənt]deňeçer equestrian [ɪ'kwestrɪən, e'kwe-]çapyksuwar
hail [heɪl]yglan etmek eliminate [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt, ə-]aýyrmak
influence ['ɪnfluən(t)s]täsir ediji ban [bæn]gadagan etmek
Ex 10. on pg.126. Read the article about the ancient Olympic Games.
According to legend, the ancient Olympic Games were founded by Heracles, a son of Zeus (a
Greek god). The first real Olympic Games for which we have written records were held in 776
BCE. These original Olympic Games were held on the plains of Olympia in Greece.
At the first Olympic Games, there was only one event: a sprint race, called the stadion race. The
word stadium is derived from this foot race. The race was 192 meters in length and was won by a
baker from a neighboring area. This first Olympic champion was awarded the equivalent of today's
gold medal: a wreath of olive branches, which was placed on his head. The olive tree of ancient
Greece was not an ordinary tree; it was considered sacred, so to be for an athlete to be crowned
with an olive wreath was a holy honor.
Over the years, more races and more events were added, including wrestling, boxing, and
equestrian events (events with horses and people, such as chariot races and horse races). In ad-
dition to the olive wreaths, winners received palm branches and woolen ribbons as prizes. Winners
of the Games were honored throughout Greece and were hailed as heroes in their hometowns.
Unlike the Modern Olympic Games, only young men who spoke Greek were allowed to
participate in the ancient Games. Women were not permitted to compete, and married women were
not even allowed to attend the Games. The Games were “international” in the sense that they
included athletes from the various Greek city-states. Eventually, participants came from the Greek
colonies as well, so that the range of the games extended to the far shores of the Mediterranean and
the Black Sea.
Every four years, for 1,170 years, the Greeks held the Olympics, which continued to grow and
change. The original Games had been dedicated to the god Zeus. But now a new kind of civili-
zation, which did not accept the Greek gods, was brought into the area by the Byzantine empire. Its
emperor wanted to eliminate influences that were different from his, so he abolished the Games in
393 CE.
The original site of Olympia remained until it was destroyed by an earthquake in the 6th century
CE. The games, which had been banned in 393 CE, were re-established in Athens in 1896 as the
modern Olympic Games. The Olympic Games are now a truly international event, participated in by
most countries of the world and watched on television by many millions.
5. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 11. on pg.128. Decide whether each sentence is true or false, according to the reading. Circle T
if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.
1. The first Olympic Games took place in Greece. T/F
2. There were five different events in the first Games. T/F
3. Swimming was one of the sports at the early Olympic Games. T/F
4. The winners of the early Games received gold medals. T/F
5. People valued olive trees very highly in those days. T/F
6. Women did not participate in the early Olympic Games. T/F
7. People from all over the world took part in the ancient games. T/F
8. A hurricane destroyed the original site of the Olympic Games. T/F
Ex 9. on pg.126. What do you know about the Olympics? Do this quiz to find out.
1. The Olympic rings stand for … 4. Women have taken part in the Games since …
a) the five continents b) the five senses a) 1896 b) 1900
2. How long is the marathon race? 5. There were no Games in …
a) 42 km b) 24 km a) 1920 b) 1944
3. The first modern Olympics were in … 6. Which country has won the most medals?
a) 1921 b) 1896 a) Italy b) El Salvador
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Olympic Games”.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary
and say good-bye to the pupils.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Home reading lesson (28)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “At guildhall”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Lesson – lecture
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please.
Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the
date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the text: “Olympic Games”.
3. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
4. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Read or retell the story: “At guildhall”
3. Main characters of the story.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Conclusion of the story.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- About main idea and characters of the story.
- how expresses his/her opinion about story.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- read and recite the story correctly (to know pronunciation of the words)
- identify the main idea of the story.
- understand English oral speech;
New words: diamond ['daɪəmənd]göwher, алмаз lantern ['læntən]çyra
banquet ['bæŋkwɪt] çagyryş günortanlygy doorway ['dɔːweɪ]girelge
pulling ['pulɪŋ]ýygnak, burst [bɜːst]atylmak
crowd [kraud]köpçülik crowd [kraud]köpçülik
voice [vɔɪs]ses foolish ['fuːlɪʃ]samsyk
At nine in the evening the River Thames was covered with boats dressed with coloured lanterns.
Some were decorated with banners, others with silken flags with numberless silver bells fixed to them.
There were many steps going down from the Palace of Westminster to the river. On each side of the
steps soldiers stood waiting for their Prince to come out. The great doors at the top of the steps opened
and Tom was seen in the doorway. He was dressed in white silk with diamonds. Lord Hertford and
other great gentlemen bent down in a low bow. The crowd burst into a roar of welcome and Tom Canty
walked slowly down the steps and got into a boat. The boat moved down the river to the Guildhall
where there was to be a banquet. ***
John Canty was pulling Edward along to his home at Offal Court. A noisy crowd followed them.
They were laughing at the boy and his “father”.
There was only one old man to defend the poor boy. As they came near the house, the old man
stepped out. “Let him go”, he cried. But John Canty hit the old man on the head. He fell to the ground
under the feet of the crowd, and in the next moment he lay there in the dark alone. He was dead.
The Prince found himself in John Canty's house. He saw two dirty girls and an ugly woman with grey
“Now tell me again. Who are you?”
“I tell you now, as I told you before, I am Edward, Prince of Wales”.
Tom's mother ran to Edward. “Oh, my poor boy, my child, foolish reading has done this. Oh! my
child! Look upon me. Am I not your mother that loves you?”
The Prince shook his head and said: “I don't know you, woman”. “He has not brought home one
penny!” said John Canty. “And he is mad!”
The grandmother laughed.
“If you bring home no money, you get no food”, she said. There were several knocks at the door. A
voice shouted, “John Canty! Quick! Open the door!”
5. Consolidation of new material:
Answer the questions.
1. How was the prince met by his “new” family?
2. Are you interested in further fate of the prince and the“beggar boy”.
Find the book and read it. You are sure to enjoy it.
3. You can also enjoy the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.
1 She is good at (dance) _____ Answers: 1 She is good at dancing.
2 He is crazy about (sing) ______ 2 He is crazy about singing.
3 I don't like (play) _____ cards. 3 I don't like playing cards.
4 They are afraid of (swim) ___ in the sea. 4 They are afraid of swimming in the sea.
5 You should give up (smoke) ____. 5 You should give up smoking.
6 Sam dreams of (be) ____ a popstar. 6 Sam dreams of being a popstar.
7 He is interested in (make) ____ friends. 7 He is interested in making friends.
8 My uncle is afraid of (go) ____ by plane. 8 My uncle is afraid of going by plane.
9 We insist on (cook) ____ the dinner ourselves. 9 We insist on cooking the dinner ourselves.
Make infinitives (with or without “to”) or gerunds (add “-ing”) of the verbs in brackets to make
the following sentences grammatically correct.
1. She doesn’t allow ... in the house. (smoke)
2. I’ve never been to Iceland but I’d like ... there. (go)
3. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me ...? (do)
4. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me (read)
5. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed ... (go)
6. Where would you recommend me ... for my holidays? (go)
7. I wouldn’t recommend ... in that restaurant. The food is awful. (eat)
8. The film was very sad. It made me ... (cry)
9. Carol’s parents always encouraged her ... hard at school. (study)
Key: 1. smoking | 2. to go | 3. to do | 4. read | 5. to go | 6. to go | 7. eating | 8. cry | 9. to study
6. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the story.
7. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and
say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Project Work (29)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Project work”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills; to teach pupils to understand
English oral speech;
2) the aim of upbringing: to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Combined lesson
Visual aids and additional Vocabulary, pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the lesson.
Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit down please. Get
ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What is the date
today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Retell the story.
3. Сhecking pupils' knowledge by oral questioning.
1. How was the prince met by his “new” family?
2. Are you interested in further fate of the prince and the“beggar boy”.
Find the book and read it. You are sure to enjoy it.
3. You can also enjoy the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
4. Summary of the homework:
a) Consolidation the theme and introducing the new theme of the lesson.
5. Explaining of new material: Plan of the lesson:
1. Introduction of the new vocabulary.
2. Purpose of the project
3. Main points of the project.
4. Answer the questions.
5. Conclusion of the project work.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should know:
- Vocabulary on the new theme
- About main aspects of sport.
- how expresses his/her opinion about sport and sportsmen.
Learning of the new theme, pupils should be able to:
- use the new vocabulary in own sentences
- make up or write project work (to know pronunciation of the words)
- identify the main idea of the project work
- understand English oral speech;
New words: debut ['deɪb(j)uː] başlangyç confidence ['kɔnfɪd(ə)n(t)s]özüňe göwnüň ýetmeklik
motivation[ˌməutɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n]höweslendirme patience ['peɪʃ(ə)n(t)s] tutanýerlilik
nomination [ˌnɔmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] öňe gitmek admire [əd'maɪə]haýran galdyrmak
succeed [sək'siːd]üstülik gazanmak fatigue [fə'tiːg]ýadawlyk
keen [kiːn] страстно увлекающийся laziness ['leɪzɪnəs] ýaltalyk
to feel [fiːl]duýmak
Project work: “My Favourite Sportsman”
Sport plays an important role in our life. In general people say that sport is life. I do sport very often
because I feel healthy and wealthy so. But sometimes I feel really lazy and in this case I need some
motivation. It can be a good mark at school or nice body, but very often my motivation is my favorite
I have few favorite sportsmen. All of them are different and they do different sports. But each of them is
great and famous person.
I like football and my favorite football player is Messi. I think all the world knows him because he is the
best. I would like to have his confidence and patience. He is really strong and hardworking person. Lionel
Messi plays as a forward and captain of Spanish club Barcelona and Argentina national team. He is only 32
but already he has received so many awards. I like also our Turkmen football players, but Messi is the best
for me.
Also I am keen on swimming. But when I feel lazy I think of Evgenii Rilov. He has received 5 awards at
the same time. Nobody has done this thing for many years. Also I like Julia Efimova. I think this lady is the
best sportswoman in our country. She was born in 1992. Her first Olympic debut was in 2008. Every year
she had been winning bronze or silver medals in different nominations. And if you count all her awards,
totally she has more medals than any other sportsman.
It’s difficult for me to say which sportsman is my favorite. I admire all of them. I think any sportsman is a
winner already because he had more patience and worked more than you and me. I can only say that I really
hope to succeed one day also in my life. These people didn’t want to be stars, but they wanted to win and to
make the best result. So they worked hard, they forgot about laziness, fatigue and moved forward step by
step every day.
6. Consolidation of new material:
Ex 7. on pg.125. Listen and read the interviews (1-4). Fill in the blanks with the names of the sports.
Number the pictures.
1. Interviewer: How long have you been 2. Interviewer: Have you been playing water polo
skiing? long?
Sportsman: I've been skiing ever since I was Sportsman: We've been playing for ten years.
12. My mum and dad taught me. Interviewer: You've won the Cup many times: how did
Interviewer: Do you also enjoy watching you do that?
skiing competitions? Sportsman: We get the most balls into the net! And
Sportsman: Yeah, I've just been watching the we've been practicing water polo for years, you know,
final on TV, but I prefer to do it, you know, to we train in a pool every day. We're good swimmers! It's
get on the slopes and feel the wind in my face. been an Olympic sport for over 100 years. It started in
Interviewer: When did people in Norway England in 1900.
begin the sport?
Sportsman: Well, people in Norway have
been skiing for centuries, because of the snow.
3. Interviewer: Why is Moto racing so popular 4. Interviewer: How long have you been managing
in France? basketball teams?
Sportsman: Well, we've been organizing Trainer: Well, I retired as a player ten years ago and
Moto racing competitions since 1894. It's I've been training teams since then…
been getting more popular but competition has Interviewer: What do you look for in a good
also been getting tougher. Interviewer: Has the basketball player?
sport been getting faster? Trainer: Well, height is important; basketball players
Sportsman: Yes, speeds now reach over have been getting taller and taller. Interviewer: And
300 km an hour at some circuits. This makes it faster?
more dangerous. Trainer: Yes, of course, speed in the court is
important: players have been getting faster and they are
better at getting the ball in the basket – scores have been
getting higher and higher.
Ex 14. on pg.137. The Project Work. Famous sports and sportsmen in Turkmenistan.
7. Homework: a) Learn the new words. b) Ex15. on pg.130. Find as much information about your favorite
Olympic athlete as you can and make a PowerPoint presentation.
8. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were active in the
lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the class putting in journal
and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary and say good-bye to the pupils.
Written by the teacher:
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:
Secondary school N Date:
The name of the subject: English Grade: IX
The theme of the lesson: Revision lesson (30)
The aims of the lesson:
1) the aim of teaching: to teach students to identify the theme of the lesson “Revision”, to
develop students' speaking, writing skills;
to teach pupils to understand English oral speech;
2) the aim of to bring up young generation in spirit of patriotism, to develop spiritual
upbringing: love to our President and Motherland. To foster students in the spirit of
love to the English language.
The type of the lesson: Revision lesson.
Visual aids and pictures to the theme, papers with descriptions, cards
additional material:
Structure of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment of the lesson: Preparation the blackboard and the students for the
lesson. Working on the class register. Good morning pupils. How are you? I'm glad to see you. Sit
down please. Get ready for the lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it
today? What is the date today? What season is it now?
a) Phonetic drill: to learn pronunciation of the new words.
b) Political minute: Information about the latest news of our country.
2. Checking up homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex15. on pg.130. Find as much information about your favorite
Olympic athlete as you can and make a PowerPoint presentation.
3. Revision the lesson by the questions and strengthen the knowledge.
a) Learn the new words. b) Ex15. on pg.130. Find as much information about your favorite
Olympic athlete as you can and make a PowerPoint presentation.
Ex 1.on pg.120. Complete the table below.
bat skating court field/pitch golf
gloves pool racket piste track
Sport Equipment Place
football (UK)/ soccer (US) ball
tennis court
club course
swimming cap, goggles
boxing ring
motor racing racing car
basketball ball
skiing skis
Use the verbs from the box to complete these sentences.
arrive survive be work renovate contact answer talk
1 I asked him several times but he didn't bother ................................. my question.
2 Finallly, we agreed ........................... on the project together.
3 I demand ......................... to your boss.
4 Jack usually fails .............................. on time.
5 Domestic animals somehow managed ............................. the fire.
6 We're not planning ......................... the hotel much longer.
7 If you have any questions, don't hesitate ............................... me.
8 Was she just pretending ........................ your friend?
Key:1. to work 2. to answer 3. to talk 4. to arrive 5. to survive 6. to renovate
7. to contact 8. to be
Use the nouns and the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.
Example: Our parents allowed ................. out tonight. (we - go)
Our parents allowed us to go out tonight.
1 These glasses will enable ................................... (she - read)
2 My uncle advised ................................... architecture. (I - not study)
3 Our teacher encouraged .................................... in the competition. (we - take part)
4 They persuaded ..................................... the army. (she - not join)
5 We are training .................................... blind people. (they - help)
6 The policeman forced ................................ down. (he - lie)
7 My mum always reminds ................................. late for school. (I - not be)
8 The traffic warden warned ................................... on double yellow lines. (we - not park)
Key: 1 her to read, 2 me not to study, 3 us to take part, 4 her not to join, 5 them to help, 6 him
to lie, 7 me not to be, 8 us not to park
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
Answer tell pay win leave do announce climb be discover
1 I always do my best .......... well at school.
2 We were proud ........... the birth of our baby.
3 Sarah is about .............. . Can you see her off?
4 The young man turned out ............. my classmate.
5 We can't afford ........... for luxuries these days.
6 Columbus set out .......... America in 1492.
7 I made an effort ............. the race, but I didn't succeed.
8 The children were afraid ........... the truth.
9 The manager took the trouble ........... personally.
10 Once he made up his mind ............. the mountain, there was no stopping him.
Key: 1 to do, 2 to announce, 3 to leave, 4 to be, 5 to pay, 6 to discover, 7 to win, 8 to tell,
9 to answer, 10 to climb.
Match the verbs with definitions.
See off See through See around See to
a) To go to the airport, station, etc., to say goodbye to someone
b) To deal with smth, to look after smb/smth
c) To realize that someone is trying to deceive you
d) To meet someone regularly in places you go to, but not talk to them
Keys: See off a) See through c) See around d) See to b)
4. Homework:
a) Learn the new words. b) Make up project work about your Favourite Sportsman.
5. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark. Pupils who perfectly answered questions, were
active in the lesson, participate in doing exercises, are named and evaluated (grades are given in the
class putting in journal and diaries). Summarizing the learned theme, sign in grades pupil’s diary
and say good-bye to the pupils.

Written by the teacher:

Notes: ____________________________________________________
Checked by the Deputy Principal:

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