Cooksonia Lang 1937

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A New Definition and a Lectotypification of the Genus Cooksonia Lang 1937

Article in International Journal of Plant Sciences · February 2010

DOI: 10.1086/648988


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2 authors, including:

P. Gerrienne
University of Liège


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Int. J. Plant Sci. 171(2):199–215. 2010.
Ó 2010 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
1058-5893/2010/17102-0007$15.00 DOI: 10.1086/648988


Paul Gonez1 and Philippe Gerrienne
Paleobotany, Palynology, Micropaleontology (PPM); Département de Géologie, Université de Liège,
Bâtiment B18, Sart Tilman, 4000 Liège 1, Belgium

The genus Cooksonia Lang 1937 includes some of the earliest land plants. Specimens of Cooksonia pertoni
Lang 1937 are considered the earliest Eutracheophytes. The definition of the genus is thus central to the
delineation of the clade. However, the generic diagnosis is problematic. It is not restrictive enough, and most of
the few diagnostic characters are plesiomorphic. Observations on new specimens of Cooksonia paranensis
Gerrienne et al. 2001, a species very close to C. pertoni, considered along with a compilation of the Cooksonia
literature, allow us to propose more precise diagnostic characters. An allometric study was performed on more
than 100 specimens of C. paranensis. This study allows discrimination of true morphological variations from
growth stages. The growth habit of Cooksonia is discussed. An emended diagnosis including apomorphic
characters is given for the genus, as well as a lectotypification of the genus and the type-species.

Keywords: Cooksonia, diagnosis, early land plants, taxonomy.

Online enhancement: appendix tables.

Introduction (ii) propose a taxonomy that tends to be closer to the biologi-

cal reality (i.e., Linnean species), and (iii) provide a more
The processes involved in the colonization of land by solid basis for phylogenetic studies.
plants remain unclear, as is their timing. Most ancient evi- We offer here a detailed study of the species Cooksonia para-
dence of land plants is spores from Middle Ordovician strata nensis. This study consists of a detailed redescription of the
(at ;470 Ma; Strother et al. 1996). Most ancient phytodebris, plant and of allometric studies of the major quantitative charac-
sporangial fragments, are recovered from the Upper Ordovi- ters (branch length and sporangium height and width). It pro-
cian (;455 Ma; Wellman et al. 2003). However, putative spo- vides additional characters to define the genus and highlights
rangia were recently found in the Cambrian (;500 Ma) by the importance of several characters at a generic level. This
Strother (2008). Those fossils provide very fragmentary infor- study is used to propose hypotheses about the paleobiology of
mation on the morphologies and systematic affinities of the Cooksonia. We also include a review of the Cooksonia litera-
presumably terrestrial organisms that produced such biologi- ture, as it offers characters suitable for an accurate diagnosis.
cal structures.
The earliest aerial shoot in the fossil record is from the Wen-
lock strata of Ireland (;425 Ma); it is a sporophyte of Cookso- Taxonomic Background
nia Lang 1937 (Edwards et al. 1983). Cooksonia is thus
believed to be one of the earliest land plants. Exceptional pres- Taxonomy
ervation of some specimens of Cooksonia pertoni Lang 1937 The original diagnosis is ‘‘Dichotomously branched, slender,
allowed demonstration of anatomical features, including simple leafless stems, with terminal sporangia that are short and wide.
tracheids (Edwards et al. 1986, 1992). Those specimens are Epidermis composed of elongate, pointed, thick-walled cells.
considered the most basal Eutracheophytes. The genus, in its Central vascular cylinder consisting of annular tracheids’’ (Lang
current acceptance, is distributed worldwide (Edwards 1990). 1937, p. 288; fig. 1). Sporangia contain tetrads of spores (Lang
Nevertheless, the delineation of the genus Cooksonia, and 1937). Lang (1937) also discovered fragments of cuticle in situ.
more generally of early land plants, is inaccurate. Numerous As this genus was erected before January 1, 1958, the desig-
genera were created before the ‘‘cladistic revolution.’’ Most nation of types was not mandatory (McNeill et al. 2006, art.
have not been revised since; as a result, descriptions and di- 37.1). Thus, there is neither a type species assigned for the ge-
agnoses are often incompatible with modern phylogenetic nus nor holotypes for the two species described by Lang. The
systematics, which tries to identify shared derived characters. genus and the species are therefore in need of lectotypification.
Revising taxonomy of those early land plants is necessary to
(i) permit a more secure attribution of a specimen to a taxon,
The Cooksonia Species
1 Author for correspondence; e-mail:
Cooksonia pertoni Lang 1937. Characters of the vege-
Manuscript received May 2009; revised manuscript received August 2009. tative parts are as described above. They are shared by all


between the axis and the sporangium is more gradual, and the
sporangium seems to be sunken into the axis.
Cooksonia banksii Habgood et al. 2002. Cooksonia
banksii is morphologically very close to C. paranensis. The
axis/sporangium transition is gradual, and the sporangium is
sunken into the axis. Despite those similarities, a new species
was erected because of the two different preservation modes:
C. paranensis was created on the basis of compression fossils,
and C. banksii was described from permineralizations. Ac-
cording to the authors (Habgood et al. 2002), this forbade
valuable comparison between the two types. Recognizing
a given taxon fossilized in a variety of ways is a recurrent is-
sue in paleobotany (Galtier 1986).

Cooksonia in the Phylogeny

Most recent phylogenies (Kenrick and Crane 1997a, their
fig. 4.31) identify C. pertoni and C. caledonica as stem-group
Eutracheophyte. These Cooksonia species represents basal
members of the clade, which encompasses all fossil and extant
Fig. 1 Gross morphology of Cooksonia, redrawn from the holotype vascular plants. Another species, C. cambrensis, is placed in
of Cooksonia paranensis Gerrienne et al. 2001. The proximal part of the Lycophytina stem group (Kenrick and Crane 1997a, their
the plant is not known. fig. 4.31), indicating that the genus in its present definition is
polyphyletic. Furthermore, in Kenrick and Crane’s (1997a)
analysis, Cooksonia shares many character states with the
the species described below. Sporangia are considerably outgroup members, which shows that those character states
stretched horizontally. Their morphology (fig. 2A) is homoge- are plesiomorphic in Cooksonia. Consequently, a better delin-
nous, but there is a great variability in size. Lang (1937) ob- eation of the genus is essential to understand (i) the plesiomor-
served trilete spores in situ. Several types of spores have later phic state of characters within the Eutracheophytes, (ii) the
been isolated. This led to the erection of four subspecies: relationships between fossil and extant Eutracheophytes, and
Cooksonia pertoni ssp. pertoni, C. pertoni ssp. synorispora, (iii) the innovations that permitted the land plant explosion dur-
C. pertoni ssp. apiculispora (Fanning et al. 1988), and C. per- ing the Early Devonian (Kenrick and Crane 1997b).
toni ssp. reticulispora (Habgood et al. 2002).
Cooksonia hemisphaerica Lang 1937. This species (fig.
Cooksonia: A Genus Characterized by
2B) was described from the type locality. It differs from C.
Nonrestrictive Characters
pertoni in having globose, hemispherical sporangia. Sporan-
gia are approximately as high as they are wide, and the sub- The diagnosis cited above is problematic because of the
tending axis widens just below the sporangium (Lang 1937). lack of restrictive characters. Many early land plants show
They contain trilete spores (Edwards 1979). dichotomous leafless axes and terminal sporangia. The genus
Cooksonia crassiparietilis Yurina 1969. This species is
known from three specimens only. The sporangium is reni-
form and shows a thick distal dehiscence line (Edwards
1970) dividing the sporangium into two equal parts.
Cooksonia caledonica Edwards 1970. This species (fig.
2C) was included in the genus on the basis of the ‘‘wider-than-
high sporangium’’ character. This species differs from C. perto-
ni in the sporangial construction, as Edwards (1970) identified
a distal dehiscence line, opening the sporangium into two equal
Cooksonia cambrensis Edwards 1979. The characters
of the species (fig. 2D) are a spherical or subspherical sporan-
gium and no widening of the axis below the sporangium.
Cooksonia bohemica Schweitzer 1980. Only one spec-
imen is known. Vegetative parts of this species present origi-
nal characters: axes are profusely branched and more robust
than in other species (Schweitzer 1980). Sporangia are badly
preserved and present various shapes due to compression.
Cooksonia paranensis Gerrienne et al. 2001. This spe-
cies (fig. 2E) is close to C. pertoni. A few differences are percep- Fig. 2 Sporangium morphology of Cooksonia species. A, C. pertoni;
tible: axes are more slender than in C. pertoni, the transition B, C. hemispaerica; C, C. caledonica; D, C. cambrensis; E, C. paranensis.

Cooksonia can thus encompass a large number of morphol-

ogies with different potential affinities. Controversial attribu-
tions of fossils to the genus Cooksonia are numerous. For
instance, Cooksonia downtonensis Heard (1939) was infor-
mally attributed to Steganotheca in Edwards (1970); Cookso-
nia sp. in Croft and Lang (1942, pl. XI, fig. 43) was renamed
Uskiella by Shute and Edwards (1989). The most restrictive
part of the diagnosis is the wider-than-high sporangium char-
acter (Edwards 1970), but as the sporangia are often com-
pressed in various ways, it needs to be more explicitly defined.
Absence of apomorphic character in the original diagnosis
is problematic too. Isotomous branching, elongated epider-
mal cells, and lack of leaves are characters shared by many
early land plants. The concept of Cooksonia as defined by
Lang (1937) is therefore hardly usable in cladistic studies
(Kenrick and Crane 1997a). Clearly, apomorphic characters
have to be defined for the genus. This would allow producing
more accurate phylogenetic studies. The elucidation of phylo-
genetic relationships among basal Embryophytes is of great
importance as it is becoming increasingly clear that most of the Fig. 3 Illustration of the distances representing sporangium width
extant groups diverged very early in the history of land plants. (a), sporangium height (b), terminal branch length (c).

Material and Methods trarily set as the point where the edges of the axis diverge.
The length of the terminal axis was measured with the spo-
Material rangium included, in order to avoid the uncertainty of the
Cooksonia paranensis. Specimens of C. paranensis be- proximal limit of the sporangium. Deformed or folded speci-
long to a flora that was collected from the Paraná Basin, Bra- mens were not measured.
zil, from nine localities distributed along the northeastern Descriptive statistical values were computed for each pa-
and southeastern borders of the basin, in a coastal environ- rameter and will be referred to as follows: x stands for mean,
ment. The fossiliferous beds are early Lochkovian in age, as V(x) is the variance, and N is the number of measures for one
indicated by the simultaneous occurrence of the spores Aneu- parameter. We performed only uni- and bivariate analyses. The
rospora geiki Wellman and Richardson, Synosporites ver- measures were calculated with Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
rucatus Richardson and Lister, and Dictyotriletes granulatus For bivariate analyses, that is, allometric study, the relationship
Steemans (Gerrienne et al. 2001). Cooksonia paranensis has between the two parameters was determined by the ordinary
been recovered from five localities (Gerrienne et al. 2001). least squares regression. The lack-of-fit test (a ¼ 0:01; Burns
Brazilian fossils are preserved as adpressions, that is, com- and Ryan 1983) was performed, and each regression passed it.
pressions that lost more than 80% of their initial volume Therefore, the probability that the correlation observed actu-
(Bateman 1991). Material is housed in the paleobotany col- ally exists is more than 99% in each case.
lections of the University of Liège, Belgium.
Type material of Cooksonia pertoni. Type material was Results
originally collected from Perton Quarry, Wales. Fossils are
conserved as adpressions (Bateman 1991) in a fine-grained Brazilian Material: Cooksonia paranensis
sandstone from ‘‘Downtonian’’ (approximately equivalent to
Axis description. Cooksonia axes are smooth and devoid
the Pridoli) strata, in a proximal marine environment (Lang
of epidermal outgrowths. Axes branch dichotomously, most
1937). The type material is composed of 12 specimens, three
divisions being strictly isotomous. Two specimens show one
of which possess a counterpart. It is housed in the paleobot-
trichotomy (fig. 4A). Two large specimens show three levels of
any collections of the Natural History Museum of London.
branching (fig. 4A, 4B), as do the holotype (Gerrienne et al.
2001, pl. I: 1, 2) and the probably complete specimen il-
lustrated by Gerrienne et al. (2006, pl. I); none of the other
All specimens were freed from remains of sediment cover- specimens show more than two levels of branching. Most
ing them by dégagement (Fairon-Demaret et al. 1999). Digital specimens are proximally incomplete. On one specimen, the
photographs of the specimens were taken with a Zeiss Stemi preserved part of the most proximal axis reaches 47 mm (fig.
2000C stereomicroscope equipped with a CCD camera, and 4B). This specimen is 69 mm long (fig. 4B) and is the longest
measurements were taken using AxioVision digital image pro- observed in our collection. One specimen shows a small trian-
cessing software. gular emergence at the branching point; it is ;0.25 mm long
Measurements were taken according to a standardized and located in the continuity of the subtending axis (fig. 4C,
method (fig. 3). Sporangium width corresponds to maximal 4D).
diameter of the sporangium. Sporangium height was more Axis width is constant along a branch, but changes accord-
difficult to estimate. The basis of the sporangium was arbi- ing to the level of branching. The width of a branch resulting

Fig. 4 Gross views of Cooksonia paranensis. A, ULg 13541, showing three levels of branching, including a trichotomy. B, ULg 13542, the
longest specimen of the collection, showing three levels of branching; a long proximal axis is preserved. C, ULg 13543; the arrow points to an
emergence at the dichotomizing point, interpreted as an aborted trichotomy. D, ULg 13543, detail of the emergence of the specimen.

from a dichotomy decreases on average by 26% (N ¼ 33) as One some specimens, the compression preserved the epi-
compared with the width of the branch below the branching dermal cells imprint of a sporangium (fig. 7A, 7B). The cells
point. appear to be elongated (;10 mm wide and 60–80 mm long)
The length of the branches depends on the branching level. proximally and more or less isodiametric (5–10 mm across)
Distalmost branch (which will be referred to as d-level branch) distally.
length shows a wide range of variation (1.68–18.94 mm; x ¼ Interpretation. A strong linear correlation exists between
9.18 mm; V ðxÞ ¼ 24:41; N ¼ 40). The ratio between the d-level sporangium width (which likely reflects its growth stage) and
branch length and the sporangium diameter is presented in fig- the d-level branch length (fig. 5). This correlation suggests that
ures 5 and 6. Lower branching level axis (d-1- and d-2-level the sporangium is already differentiated at or just after the divi-
branches) length varies much less: from 2.63 to 7.04 mm; sion of the axis and that sporangium growth and maybe matu-
x ¼ 4:7 mm, V ðxÞ ¼ 2:01, and N ¼ 13. ration are contemporaneous with the axis elongation (fig. 6).

Fig. 5 Relationship between sporangium width and terminal branch length. R ¼ 0:7582; a ¼ 1%.

Alternatively, maturation could also occur only after axis elon- tions. This is interpreted as a diagnostic character, probably
gation. Our record of specimens showing a strong variation of at the generic level. The plateau-shaped specimens suggest
the terminal axis length is thus interpreted as the record of vari- the presence of an operculum on the top of the sporangium.
ous ontogenetic stages of the terminal branches and of the spo- The border (which marks the place of the sporangial wall)
rangium. The growth is probably carried out by cell-stretching, encloses a cavity that contained sporogenous tissue. The pro-
as shown by the cellular pattern of the epidermis (fig. 7A). gressive darkening toward the sporangial periphery is inter-
Weak variance in the d-1 and d-2 branches length suggests preted as indicating the presence of the sterome described
that their growth is completed. Length of d-1 and d-2 branches by Edwards et al. (1986) or most likely a concentration of or-
for mature specimens (i.e., with long d-level branches and large ganic matter toward the sporangial periphery that occurred
sporangia) is always much shorter compared with d-level during the infill of the sporangial cavity by sediment. The
branches length (40% on average; N ¼ 13). This seems to be a dark area in the center of some specimens is presumably the
diagnostic character for C. paranensis. The fact that the growth point of attachment of the subtending axis.
occurs only in terminal branches suggests that it is performed Description of laterally compressed sporangia. Most later-
by an apical meristematic structure, as for all extant Polyspo- ally compressed sporangia are elongated. The subtending
rangiophytes. Four growth stages of C. paranensis are schema- axis width increases over a more or less short distance to form
tized at fig. 6. the sporangium. Diameter ranges from 0.58 to 3.49 mm,
The presence of occasional trichotomies suggests that the x ¼ 1:70 mm; height ranges from 0.38 to 3.76 mm, x ¼ 1:64
branching pattern of the genus is more variable than cur- mm; N ¼ 89. Lateral compression of the apical plateau results
rently recognized. The structure indicated by an arrow in fig. in three types of preservation. (i) The apical plateau is seen in
4C and enlarged in fig. 4D is interpreted as an aborted tri- profile. It thus appears as a line, perpendicular to the subtend-
Description of sporangia in apico-basal view. Most of the
sporangia preserved in apico-basal view are circular in outline
(fig. 7C); some are elliptical (fig. 7D). Diameter ranges from
0.58 to 3.84 mm (x ¼ 2:05 mm; N ¼ 135). On two specimens
(fig. 7E, 7F), the three-dimensional shape of the sporangium
is preserved. One (fig. 7E) shows the external morphology,
plateau-shaped; the other (fig. 7F) exhibits the internal mor-
phology of the sporangium, a funnel-shaped pit, but most speci-
mens are flat (fig. 7C, 7D, 7G, 7H). On some specimens
(fig. 7C, 7D, 7G, 7H), the border of the sporangium is black.
Border width ranges from 0.09 to 0.19 mm (x ¼ 0:14 mm;
N ¼ 7).
Interpretation. The outline of the sporangium top is circu-
lar; elliptic shapes probably result from taphonomical condi- Fig. 6 Illustration of four growth stages of Cooksonia paranensis.
Fig. 7 Sporangia of Cooksonia paranensis. A, ULg 13544, showing a cellular pattern at its surface. B, ULg 13544, general view. C–H,
Sporangia in apical views. C, ULg 13545, sporangium with circular outline. D, ULg 13546, sporangium with elliptical outline. E, ULg 13547,
sporangium with apical plateau. F, ULg 13548, sporangium with the external shape of its cavity preserved. G, ULg 13517, sporangium with
a darkened peripheral zone. H, ULg 13549, sporangium with a clearly individualized peripheral ring. I–L, Laterally compressed sporangia. I, ULg
13551, sporangium with horizontal apical plateau. J, ULg 13552, sporangium with apical plateau tilted toward the observer. K, ULg 13553,
sporangium with apical plateau tilted toward the sediment. L, ULg 13554, three-dimensionally preserved sporangium, showing the shape of the
flared internal funnel.

ing axis (fig. 7I). (ii) The apical plateau is tilted toward the Distortion of the sporangia can be explained by a combina-
observer (fig. 7J). This configuration is the most frequent. (iii) tion of two circumstances. (i) Sporangia are fossilized in a
The apical plateau is tilted in the opposite direction or folded marine facies. They probably underwent a longer transporta-
up (fig. 7K). This configuration is the least frequent. One spec- tion than the Brazilian specimens. (ii) Distal part of the spo-
imen is three-dimensionally preserved: the sporangium is rangia, very flared, causes the sporangium to be disk shaped
funnel-shaped (fig. 7L). On some specimens, a lighter zone is (fig. 10F). This disk constitutes a more breakable zone. It is
discernible. Its basal limit is well marked and curved (fig. 7K). torn on one specimen (fig. 10B). This distal flattening of the
Sporangia present a wide range of morphological variation: sporangium is a specific character discriminating C. pertoni
some characteristic examples are presented and described from C. paranensis: none of the Brazilian specimens show it.
(fig. 8; table 1). Specimens bearing emergences do not belong to the genus
Interpretation. The fact that the apical plateau is rarely Cooksonia. They are part of a close genus, Pertonella Fanning
folded suggests that the sporangium walls are stiff. The clear- et al. 1991. Spines are not taken into account in the circum-
cut, curved, lighter zone on some specimens may represent scription of the concept of Cooksonia because we consider
the sporangial cavity. It extends more or less deeply in the that presence of spines is a character to be considered of a ge-
subtending axis. Variation of the concavity of the sporangial neric level rather than specific at this grade of organization.
edges is most probably of taphonomic origin. This character Fanning et al. (1990, p. 727), for instance, justify the creation
should therefore not be taken into account in estimating the of the genus Caia by ‘‘the shape of the sporangial apex and the
morphological variability. presence of sporangial emergences.’’ This decision is taken to
Sporangium width and height are significantly correlated emphasize the diversity present in the earliest plant macrofos-
(fig. 9A) and show a continuous variation. This suggests that sil assemblages.
this variation occurs at an intraspecific level. A specimen
showing two sporangia of clearly different morphologies (fig.
8H) strengthens the statistical data. This shows that the cate-
gories of sporangium presented in table 1 do not have any
Toward a New Diagnosis of the Genus
taxonomical value. The range of sporangial shapes of the
Brazilian material can most probably be explained by within- Compilation of characters. Several morphological and an-
population variation coupled with taphonomic biases. This atomical characters can now be used to define the genus (fig.
conclusion is confirmed by the normal bell curve distribution 11). Five characters are related to the axis: (i) occasional tri-
of the sporangium width (fig. 9B). chotomies (in Cooksonia paranensis [this article]); (ii) a cuti-
cule (in Cooksonia pertoni; SEM observation [Edwards et al.
1986]); (iii) stomata with reniform guard cells and appar-
Type Material: Cooksonia pertoni
ently no modified subsidiary cells, present in the distal part
Description. Most fossils are not very well preserved. This of an axis and on the axis/sporangium transition (in C. pertoni;
results in difficulties with measurements, especially of sporan- SEM observation [Edwards et al. 1986, 1992]; in Cooksonia
gium height. Several illustrated specimens (Lang 124C, 92E, banksii; SEM observation [Habgood et al. 2002]); (iv) a ste-
239C, 1061, 1021) do not show any sporangia. Their attribu- rome, that is, a peripheral thickened cellular zone that helps
tion to the genus Cooksonia is therefore speculative. Those keep the plant erect (in a transverse section of an axis of C.
fossils will not be taken into consideration. No indisputable pertoni; SEM observation [Edwards et al. 1986]); (v) a cen-
specimens of Cooksonia (i.e., showing at least one sporan- tral strand of C-type tracheids, 2–11 mm in diameter, with
gium) show more than one level of branching. Most axes are ring-shaped or annular secondary thickenings (in C. pertoni;
slender (fig. 10A). Only one specimen shows more robust axes SEM observation [Edwards et al. 1992; Edwards 1993, 2003]).
(fig. 10B). These characters are not apomorphic for Polysporangio-
One specimen shows a pointed emergence on the sporan- phytes, but they have an importance in the circumscription
gium (fig. 10C). Some other sporangia, preserved as apico- of the genus, as they are particularly restrictive when discov-
basal compressions, bear such emergences (fig. 10D). They ered on such old material.
are not mentioned by Lang. Apomorphic characters can also define the Cooksonia spo-
Sporangia preserved as lateral compressions are more rangium: (i) sporangium in direct continuity with the sub-
abundant. Transition between axis and sporangium is gradual. tending axis that widens gradually so that the limit between
The subtending axis width increases over a short distance to the axis and the sporangium is transitional (in C. pertoni and
form the sporangium. Sporangium is shaped like a flat-sided in C. paranensis [this article]; in C. banksii [Habgood et al.
trumpet (fig. 10A). Some specimens show much flattened spo- 2002]); (ii) sporangium shaped like a flat-sided trumpet (in
rangia: they are disk shaped (fig. 10B, 10E). The top of the C. pertoni [Edwards et al. 1992] and in C. paranensis (this
sporangium is often distorted. A more important quantity of article)]; (iii) top of sporangium circular in apico-basal view
organic matter is preserved on the top (fig. 10E). A few spo- (in C. pertoni [Edwards et al. 1992] and in C. paranensis;
rangia are preserved as apico-basal compressions (fig. 10F). [this article]); and (iv) top of the sporangium flat and com-
These structures have been described by Lang (1937, p. 279) posed of one layer of isodiametric cells (in C. pertoni; SEM
as ‘‘circular bodies, incertae sedis.’’ Their diameter ranges observation [Edwards et al. 1986]) and additional papillate
from 1 to 1.5 mm. cells (in C. pertoni; SEM observation [Edwards et al. 1992]).
Interpretation. The sporangial shape suggests that its con- At the periphery, this one-cell-thick layer is attached to the
struction in C. paranensis and C. pertoni is strongly similar. most distal part of the sporangium wall. Figure 1a from Ed-
Fig. 8 Morphological diversity of the sporangia of Cooksonia paranensis. A, ULg 13549, sporangium with straight edges. B, ULg 13555, long
sporangium with inward curved edges. C, ULg 13556, short sporangium with inward curved edges. D, ULg 13557, short sporangium with
outward curved edges. E, ULg 13543, long sporangium with outward curved edges. F, ULg 13532, sporangium showing two levels of flaring. G,
ULg 13558, sporangium with one outward curved edge and one inward curved edge. H, ULg 13559, specimen showing two attached sporangia
with different shapes.

Table 1
Various Categories of Sporangial Morphologies of Cooksonia paranensis Observed in the Paraná Basin Flora
Sporangium characters Description Frequency index Illustration
Sporangium with straight edges Axis/sporangium transition is angular to subangular; all 3 Figure 8A
sporangia of this type are elongated
Sporangium edges are curved inward:
Long Sporangium is outlined by a gentle flaring of the subtending 2 Figure 8B
axis; on some specimens, edges of the sporangium become
distally perpendicular to the axis.
Short Axis splays abruptly to form the sporangium 1 Figure 8C
Sporangium edges are curved outward:
Short Sporangium is wine glass shaped 1 Figure 8D
Long Edge curving is slight: edges are almost straight; one some 3 Figure 8E
specimens, edges of the sporangium become distally
perpendicular to the axis
Double concavity Axis exhibits two flaring levels 1 Figure 8F
Sporangium with one edge curved
outward and the other inward On some specimens, edges of the sporangium become distally 1 Figure 8G
perpendicular to the axis,

wards et al. (1992) clearly shows this layer, the peripheral Preservation of the sporangial morphology in C. cambrensis
part of which forms a ring slightly raised as compared to the Edwards prevents a secure tridimensional interpretation of the
center of the sporangium. This is probably the result of com- compression. It is even possible that some specimens of C.
paction and/or dehydration of the sporangial cavity content. cambrensis could be badly preserved or unusually compressed
The sporangial cavity is shallow in C. pertoni (D. Edwards, C. pertoni specimens (D. Edwards, personal communication,
personal communication, 2008). 2008). Thus, characteristic morphology of C. cambrensis
No clear dehiscence feature has been detected on the sporan- might be the result of taphonomic biases, so that its specific
gia of C. paranensis. Some specimens of C. pertoni (see Edwards status will not to be reconsidered here. Firstly, its preservation
et al. 1992, their fig. 1a) suggest that the operculum was sim- does not allow a tridimensional reconstruction of the sporan-
ply torn (probably by desiccation) and then let the spores out. gium and accurate comparisons. More material is needed to
The equatorial crassitude of in situ Cooksonia spores is con- come to such conclusions. Secondly, its specific status was
sidered to be a character of genus-level importance. Spores confirmed by morphological evidence. Fanning’s univariate
with diverse morphological features are found in Cooksonia analysis (1987), involving C. pertoni, C. hemisphaerica, and
sporangia. Table 2 is based on the review published by Ed- C. cambrensis, shows discontinuities in the distribution of the
wards and Richardson (1996) and presents a synthesis of dif- values of several quantitative characters that correspond to
ferent spore types found in Lower Devonian sporangia. The the species involved in the study.
upper part of the table shows different spores taxa identified We also examined the type material of C. hemisphaerica
in Cooksonia sporangia; spores from Cooksonia caledonica Lang. The compressed sporangia are not trumpet shaped.
and close plants are presented in the middle part of the table; Two specimens show features suggestive of a dehiscence line.
the lower part presents the spore taxon found in Pertonella, The material is most probably heterogeneous. Such features
a taxon morphologically close to Cooksonia. The spores from were also observed by Fanning et al. (1992). However, we de-
C. pertoni, Cooksonia cambrensis, and C. banksii might ap- cided not to exclude C. hemisphaerica from the genus for two
pear heterogeneous, but they all present an equatorial crassi- reasons. (1) Neither Edwards nor we could decide whether
tude. The spores from cf. C. caledonica and close taxa form the features observed are a true dehiscence line. (2) Cooksonia
a homogeneous group (Apiculiretusispora and Retusotriletes hemisphaerica is a species known from very poorly preserved
are close genera; both are retusoid, that is, with prominent compressions that prevent a secure three-dimensional interpre-
contact areas and curvatures). It should be noted that Cooksonia tation of the sporangial shape. Some specimens of the type ma-
and Pertonella, that are morphologically very close, produce terial show sporangia that could have been trumpet shaped in
different spores, which is another demonstration of the cryptic life (P. Gonez, personal observation). The spores of C. hemi-
diversity emphasized by Fanning et al. (1988). sphaerica are devoid of an equatorial crassitude: this is the only
Comparison of the species of Cooksonia to the updated demonstrative feature that suggests that the species could be-
concept of the genus. Although Lang (1937) did not explic- long to another genus. Nonetheless, we think that this is insuffi-
itly designate C. pertoni as the type species, it is clear that cient to justify the exclusion of C. hemisphaerica from the
this taxon has to be considered as the type of the genus (see genus Cooksonia. More information is needed to make a deci-
McNeill et al. 2006, art. 37.3; Lang 1937, p. 253): it is the sion concerning the status of that species.
first species described in the protologue (Lang 1937, p. 250). We also examined the type material of C. caledonica Ed-
It is also the best-known species. wards. The sporangia of that plant are clearly different from
One of us (P. Gonez) examined the type material of C. cam- those of C. pertoni: they are more or less reniform and bi-
brensis. The compressed sporangia are not trumpet shaped. valved, and they possess a specialized subdistal structure for

Fig. 9 Cooksonia paranensis sporangium population: A, Relationship between sporangium width and height, R ¼ 8349; a ¼ 1%. B, Distri-
bution of the values of sporangium width for the 219 measured specimens.

dehiscence. This is sufficient to consider that C. caledonica sporangia, but one is interpreted as being trumpet shaped.
should be included in another genus (Edwards et al. 2001). No character of the fossil is clearly inconsistent with the ge-
From high-definition images of the type material (courtesy neric updated diagnosis proposed here.
of the Lomonosov Moscow State University), the sporangia Cooksonia paranensis Gerrienne et al. is an indisputable
of Cooksonia crassiparietilis Yurina are bivalved and show a member of the genus as it shows almost exactly the same
thick structure for dehiscence. Although much larger, they are sporangial construction as the type species. It can be distin-
very close to that of C. caledonica (Edwards 1970). Cooksonia guished from C. pertoni by its slender axes and the more
crassiparietilis should accordingly be also included in another gradual transition between axis and sporangium.
genus. Cooksonia banksii Habgood et al. undoubtedly belongs to
From high-definition images of the holotype (courtesy of the the genus Cooksonia too, as it also shows almost exactly the
Natural History Museum of Sweden), Cooksonia bohemica same sporangial construction as the type species. As with C.
Schweitzer appears as a tiny bushy plant; one sporangium is paranensis, C. banksii can be distinguished from C. pertoni
undoubtedly attached to the vegetative parts. Bad preserva- by its more gradual transition between subtending axis and
tion prevents secure three-dimensional interpretation of the the sunken sporangial cavity. Cooksonia banksii is on the
Fig. 10 Type material of Cooksonia pertoni. A, V58011a (Lang no. 1242a), the best-preserved specimen of the type material. B, V58007 (Lang
no. 124X), showing robust axes and a torn sporangium. C, V58006 (Lang no. 124F), showing an emergence (indicated by the arrow); specimen
attributed to the genus Pertonella. D, V58011b (Lang No 1242b), sporangium in apical view, showing emergences; specimen attributed to
Pertonella. E, V58008 (Lang no. 124Yb), sporangium with a disk-shaped apex. F, V58011b (Lang no. 1242b), sporangium in apical view.

Fig. 11 Cooksonia. Hypothetic longitudinal section of a sporangium and its subtending axis, showing morphological and anatomical
apomorphic characters.

contrary hardly distinguishable from C. paranensis: their spo- 2): the illustrations shows compressed sporangia of a flared
rangial morphologies are identical. One might thus consider trumpet shape. Fossils are said to resemble C. pertoni. The
C. banksii as a junior synonym of C. paranensis. Habgood specific name was not attributed with certainty because of
et al. (2002) argue that different type of preservation (i.e., preservation, but those specimens undoubtedly belong to
compression for C. paranensis and permineralization for C. Cooksonia and represent the first occurrence of the genus.
banksii) prevents any meaningful comparison of the two fos- However, this specimen was not demonstrated to be vascular-
sil materials. This is not necessarily true; permineralization ized. (2) Cooksonia sp. (Edwards et al. 2004): This Cookso-
fossils and compression fossils are commonly given the same nia shows terminal branches decreasing in diameter toward
name. For example, permineralized specimens were attrib- the apex, with a distalmost gentle flaring of the axis form-
uted by Edwards et al. (1994) to the genus Salopella Edwards ing the sporangium. This growth morphology is unusual in
and Richardson 1974, created for compressed specimens. In Cooksonia records, but sporangial architecture is the same as
this case, a slight difference between C. paranensis and C. other Cooksonia (i.e., consisting in a progressive flaring of
banksii is nevertheless perceptible. The epidermis of the spo- the axis). It is therefore clearly a member of the genus. As
rangium wall in C. banksii includes elongate cells proximally the authors pointed out, more material is needed either to
and large (20–30 mm across) isodiametric cells distally; those give a specific attribution to this fossil or to erect a new spe-
isodiametric cells are very small (5–10 mm) in C. paranensis. cies. (3) Cooksonia sp. (Schultka 2003): This record includes
This appears to be sufficient to keep C. paranensis and C. several complete or nearly complete plant remains. The distal
banksii as separate species. structures interpreted as sporangia are variously shaped and
Several records were left as Cooksonia sp. Most of them lobed. According to the author (Schultka 2003, p. 7), the fos-
were given that name because sporangia are incomplete (Ed- sils show an organization strongly analogous to that of the
wards et al. 2001) or because of the bad preservation (Edwards gametophyte Sciadophyton. We suggest that they should bet-
and Rogerson 1979; Janvier et al. 1987). Poor preservation ter be attributed to that genus.
prevents a secure three-dimensional interpretation of the com- Phylogeny of the updated Cooksonia. The relationships of
pressed sporangia morphology and implies absence of any re- Cooksonia within basal Polysporangiophytes were estimated
markable feature except overall morphology. Therefore, those through two cladistic analyses based on the work of Kenrick
specimens do not add any information about the construction and Crane (1997a, chapter 4) to which we added the new
or the morphological variability of the sporangia of Cookso- data on the sporangium morphology of Cooksonia. The 33
nia. The name of Cooksonia was even probably given to those characters and the character states of our analyses are listed
fossils because of the wide range of morphologies that is en- in table A1 in the online edition of the International Journal
compassed by Lang’s (1937) diagnosis. of Plant Sciences. The characters used for this analysis are
Yet three records of fossils identified as Cooksonia sp. are those selected by Kenrick and Crane (1997a). The character
worth discussing. (1) Cooksonia-type sporangia from the state ‘‘trumpet-shaped sporangium’’ (coded 6) was added to
Wenlock strata of Ireland (Edwards et al. 1983, their figs. 1, character 27 ‘‘sporangium shape,’’ and the character state
Table 2
In Situ Spores Found in Some Sporangia from Lower Devonian Taxa
Parent plant species, age Spore construction and sculpture Taxon of dispersed spore Size range (mm) Author of spore identification
Cooksonia pertoni:
Pridoli: Laevigate, crassitate Ambitisporites 22–43 Fanning et al. 1988
Murornate, crassitate Synorisporites verrucatus 15–30
Apiculate, crassitate Streelispora newportensis Aneurospora 18–30
Crassitate, reticulate distal ornament, and
laevigate contact faces cf. Chelinospora 13–15 Habgood et al. 2002
Cooksonia hemispherica:
Lochkovian Curvaturate, microgranulate Apiculiretusispora ? new taxon ? 23–32 Fanning and Edwards 1992
Cooksonia cambrensis:
Pridoli Microgranulate, crassitate New taxon ? 9–22 Fanning et al. 1991a
Cooksonia banksii:
Lochkovian Laevigate, crassitate cf. Ambitisporites avitus 13–23 Habgood et al. 2002
Cf. Cooksonia caledonica/Renalia:
Lochkovian Azonate, curvature coincident with equator, Apiculiretusispora sp. 12–16 Fanning et al. 1992
distally granulate, proximally microgranulate
Renalia hueberi:
Emsian Azonate, fine ornament or laevigate, curvaturate Retusotriletes/Apiculiretusispora 46–70 Gensel 1976
Cooksonia crassiparietilis:
Emsian Azonate, partly curvaturate, small grana Apiculiretusispora cf. plicata 50–60 McGregor 1973
Resilitheca salopensis:
Lochkovian Curvaturate, azonate Retusotriletes cf. philipsii-regulatus 22–39 Edwards et al. 1995
Sporathylacium salopense:
Lochkovian Crassitate, noncurvaturate, microgranulate New taxon ? ?;30? Edwards et al. 2001
ornament, possible distal verrucate/murornate
Pertonella dactylethra:
Pridoli Distally laevigate, curvaturate and with tectal Retusotriletes coronadus 34–45 Fanning et al. 1991b
Fig. 12 Cladogram of relationships among basal Polysporangiophytes (modified from Kenrick and Crane 1997a). All the Cooksonia species
are included; 50% majority rule consensus tree. See tables A1 and A2 in the online edition of the International Journal of Plant Sciences for
character list, character states, and data matrix.

Fig. 13 Cladogram of relationships among basal Polysporangiophytes (modified from Kenrick and Crane 1997a). Only Cooksonia caledonica,
Cooksonia paranensis, and Cooksonia pertoni are included. Strict consensus tree. See tables A1 and A2 in the online edition of the International
Journal of Plant Sciences for character list, character states, and data matrix.


‘‘breaking up of operculum’’ (coded 5) was added to charac- basal view, and composed of one layer of isodiametric cells.
ter 29 ‘‘sporangium dehiscence.’’ We first analyzed a data Spores with a regular equatorial crassitude.
matrix including all the taxa considered by Kenrick and Type species. Cooksonia pertoni Lang 1937.
Crane (1997a) to which C. banksii, C. bohemica, C. crassi- Species excludenda. Cooksonia caledonica Edwards 1970;
parietilis, C. hemisphaerica, and C. paranensis were added Cooksonia crassiparietilis Yurina 1969.
(table A2 in the online edition of the International Journal of Other species. Cooksonia hemisphaerica Lang 1937 (doubt-
Plant Sciences). Haplomitrium and Sphaerocarpos were des- ful because based on badly preserved specimens); Cooksonia
ignated as outgroups. Trees were generated using the heuris- cambrensis Edwards 1979 (doubtful because based on badly
tic search routine of PAUP (ver. 4.0b10; Swofford 1998). The preserved specimens); Cooksonia bohemica Schweitzer 1980
analysis yielded more than 2,300,000 equally parsimonious (doubtful because based on badly preserved specimens); Cook-
trees of 74 steps with consistency indexes of 0.7568. The sonia paranensis Gerrienne et al. 2001; Cooksonia banksii
50% majority rule consensus tree (fig. 12) confirms that the Habgood et al. 2002.
genus sensu Lang (1937) is polyphyletic. The position of C.
banksii, C. paranensis, and C. pertoni is unresolved relative Cooksonia pertoni Lang 1937
to the Euphyllophytina and the Lycophytina; C. caledonica Lectotype. Lang no. 1242/V58011 (Lang 1937, pl. VIII,
and C. crassiparietilis are placed in the Lycophytina stem fig. 8; fig. 10A of this article). This is the first specimen illus-
group. The second analysis was performed with only the three trated by Lang and the best preserved in the original material
best-known Cooksonia species, C. pertoni, C. caledonica, and collection.
C. paranensis. The analysis yielded 1134 equally parsimoni- Syntypes. Lang no. 124Y/V58008 (Lang 1937, pl. VIII, fig.
ous trees of 73 steps with consistency indexes of 0.767. The 7; fig. 10E in this article); Lang no. 124X/V58007 (Lang 1937,
50% majority rule consensus tree is presented at fig. 13. It pl. VIII, fig. 12; fig. 10B in this article); Lang no. 261A/V58027
confirms that C. pertoni and C. paranensis are closely related (Lang 1937, pl. IX, fig. 27).
species. They are in a sister group relationship with the Lyco- Excludenda. Lang no. 124F/V58006 (Lang 1937, pl. VIII,
phytina and related taxa rather than with the Eutracheo- fig. 6; fig. 10C in this article), which belongs to the genus Per-
phytes. Cooksonia caledonica is more closely related to the tonella; Lang no. 124 C (Lang 1937, pl. VIII, fig. 4); Lang 92
Lycophytina, which again confirms the polyphyletic status of G/V58004 (Lang 1937, pl. IX, fig. 22); Lang no. 92E (Lang
the genus Cooksonia sensu Lang (1937) and the need to in- 1937, pl. IX, fig. 21); Lang no. 239C/V58025 (Lang 1937,
clude the species caledonica in another genus. pl. IX, fig. 24). All those specimens do not show any diagnostic
feature (i.e., at least one sporangium).

In the original publication of the genus, Lang did not clearly Acknowledgments
identify a type species for his genus. Moreover, he did not as-
sign type specimens for the species he described. However, be- We thank Professor D. Edwards, FRS, for her cordial wel-
fore 1958, designation of type specimen was not mandatory come of P. Gonez in Cardiff and helpful explanations about
(McNeill et al. 2006; art. 37.1). Lang’s descriptions are there- Cooksonia; Dr. C. Berry, Dr. L. Axe, Dr. S. Stewart, and Dr.
fore valid. Nevertheless, a lectotype has to be designated P. Hayes for their help and cordial welcome of P. Gonez; Dr.
(MacNeill et al. 2006; art. 9.2). M.-A. C. Rodrigues, Dr. E. Pereira, and Dr. S. Bergamaschi
from Rio de Janeiro State University for having given access
to the material and for their help during fieldwork; Dr. S.
Cooksonia Lang 1937 MacLoughlin from the Natural History Museum of Sweden
Emended diagnosis. Erect plant, up to 7 cm high; axes for pictures of C. bohemica; Dr. O. Orlova from Lomonosov
branching up to three times isotomously, with occasional tri- Moscow State University for pictures of C. crassiparietilis;
chotomies. Axes and sporangia covered by a cuticle including Dr. P. Steemans for his help with Cooksonia spores; and Dr.
stomata with reniform guard cells. Axis with peripheral ster- C. Crônier for her critical reading of the statistical analysis.
ome and central vascular strand of C-type tracheids. Gradual P. Gonez holds a FRIA grant; P. Gerrienne is an FRS-FNRS
subtending axis/sporangium transition; sporangium terminal, research associate.
trumpet shaped. Top of the sporangium flat, circular in apico-

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