02MakeTheGrade1 Unit4 TestLevel2 2

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Test Level 2 NAME: MARK:

> UNIT 4

(Bloque 3 Comprensión escrita: 1. Comprender instrucciones; 5. Comprender el sentido general en noticias y artículos
periodísticos; Bloque 4 Producción escrita: 4. Escribir notas, anuncios, mensajes y comentarios)

1 Complete the text with the words below. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

destroyed | neighbourhoods | turn into | skyscraper | land | overcrowding | housing | residents

Japan has always dreamt of building cities in the sea. In a country where communities on ................................................
have often been ................................................ by earthquakes, living in the sea seems like a safe option.

That dream may soon 3 ................................................ a reality. A Japanese construction firm has come up with the idea
of providing underwater 4 ................................................ for 5,000 people. The scheme, called Ocean Spiral, may also
be a solution to other problems such as ................................................ . The structure will include 6 ................................................
for businesses, hotels and, of course, for ................................................ to live in.

Ocean Spiral isn’t the first unusual community the country’s construction industry has thought about.
Other ambitious projects include a hotel in space, underground cities and 1-km high 8 ................................................ .

2 Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs containing turn and cut. Use the words below and the correct
form of the verb. (7 x 1 = 7 points)
down on | across | off | against | into | back | up

1 If we ................................................................... town, it’ll be quicker.

2 They recently ................................................................... the old factory ................................................................... a music club.
3 The snow blocked the road and ................................................................... the village from the nearest town.
4 Many locals ................................................................... the proposed project after learning it would have no low-cost housing.
5 I’ve been ................................................................... fizzy drinks, but I still have one glass a day.
6 This isn’t the right way. We’ll have to ................................................................... .
7 We’d already eaten dinner when John finally ................................................................... .

3 Complete the sentences with the words below and the correct prefixes. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
read | paid | storm | used | crowded

1 The garden was ruined in last years’ ................................................ .

2 I need to ................................................ the instructions.
3 He’s ................................................ , so he's looking for a job with a higher salary.
4 This restaurant is ................................................ – let’s go somewhere where it’s quieter.
5 That police officer ................................................ his power.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs below and a suitable modal. Use the affirmative or negative.
There may be more than one correct answer. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
help | ride | perform | drive | play

1 As a child, Gabriella ................................................................... the piano far better than most children her age.
2 Julian ................................................................... his bike since he had the accident.
3 I ................................................................... the car because I haven’t passed my test yet.
4 Elizabeth ................................................................... with the preparations if necessary.
Test Level 2 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4
5 It’s not certain, but Nigel ................................................................... in the play because he’s ill.

Test Level 2 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 4

5 Complete the sentences in a logical way. Use the words in brackets and a suitable modal or modal perfect.
Use correct verb forms and add any necessary words. (4 x 2 = 8 points)
1 I think it is going to rain. We ..................................................................................................................................... . (bring / umbrellas)
2 It was silly of them to drive when they .............................................................................................................................. . (take / train)
3 Why didn’t you say you were moving house? I ........................................................................................................................ . (help)
4 You live near the beach? Wow, that ..................................................................................................................................... ! (wonderful)

6 Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

1 We didn’t move to Australia when we had the chance. (could)

2 I’d recommend seeing flats in various neighbourhoods. (should)


3 I don’t know how to drive a car. (can’t)


4 Do you mind closing the door, please? (could)


5 Perhaps they caught the last train. (might)


6 I’m sure he’s on his way home by now. (must)


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