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When your SL95 is properly set up and running , doing moisture testing is as simple as this!

1. Select the commodity that you want to test.

You must tell the machine what commodity you want to test by selecting the proper
calibration. One way to do this is to key in the ID number of the grain you want to test and
then hit the ( ) key. You can use the ( ) key to back up and correct any mistakes you make
while typing in the ID number. The SL95 will display the name of the newly selected
calibration, which tells you what commodity that calibration in intended to test. If you don’t
know the ID number of the commodity that you want to test, use the ( ) and ( ) keys to
move back and forth through the list of commodities that are loaded on the machine. Each
time you hit the ( ) or ( ) keys, the SL95 will display the nest calibration, unless it is at the
beginning of the list (fot the ( ) key) or at the end (for the ( ) key). When the calibration you
want is showing on the display, you are ready to run a sample.

2. Pour the material to be tested into the funnel.

It is important to fill the machine at least up to the bottom of the plastic part of the funnel.
This assures hat you have loaded enough sample for thetest – aproximately 450 grams (about
1 pound) of 56-lb/bu test weight material.

3. Hit the LOAD key to start the test.

If the selected calibration has been changed since the last sample was run, the SL95 will
display the message Loading Calibration – Please wait. This will take about five seconds. Next
the SL95 will display the message Running Grain… About 2 seconds later, the door will open,
and the grain will drop into the test cell. The SL95 will display a reading 10 seconds after the
LOAD key has been hit, excluding the time required to load a newly selected calibration. Of
course, if the machine is doing something else (such as the DUMP function) when the LOAD
key is hit, the LOAD key will not be processed until the SL95 finishes whatever it is doing.

4. Read the moisture Reading on the LED display.

You can get additional information from the LCD display, which can be set to show the grain
temperature and the approximate test weight. If the printout function is enabled, your test
results will also be output to the serial ports and to any printer or computer you have
connected to them. If you want an extra copy of the printout, you may hit the PRINT key. This
will cause the SL95 to send the readings to the serial ports a seconds time. Setting up the
displayed values and printer/computer connections is described in later sections.

4A. Enter your comments.

In addition to the test results, comments can be output to th serial ports. Comments allow you
to include additional information about a sample. If you are using optional computer-style
Steinlite keyboard, you comments can include letters as well as numbers. Otherwise you are
limited to entering numbers directly from the SL95 keypad.
To enter a comment, hit the ( ) key from the regular operating mode (on the ( ) or ENTER
key on the optional keyboard).

Line 3 of the display should now say Enter comment (30 chars max) Type in up to 30
characters of comment, and the hit the ( ) key (or ENTER key) to accept the entry. This
comment will show up on all subsequent printouts (provided it is enabled in the format,
described later), until it is changed. If there is no grain in the cell and the PRINT key is hit,only
this comment will print out. There will be no moisture or other readings because thesewew
cleared entering any text in between. Whenthe comment is blank,it will not show up pon a
moisture ticket, even if printout of the comment is enabled. That is, even the label Comment:
that procedes a commet will be omitted. However, the comment: Label will still be printed
whn there is no grain in the cell and PRINT is pressed.

5. After noting or recording the result, hit the DUMP key.

This will print the message Emptying the cell… and empty the grain from the test cel into the
grain drawer. Once the grain is in the drawer, remove the drawer, empty it, and replace it. The
drawer cn only hold ne load of grain. But you may remove the drawer and allow the grain to
fall from the bottom of the SL95 intoa barrel or other larger receptacle. If you remove the
drawer, you will also need to disable the programmed option that stops furher resting if the
draweer is not in place. The procedure for doing this describedlater in the (config) menú
section. You dont have to wait for the the machine to stop showing the Emptying the cell…
message before removing the drawer. The DUMP function includes a time delay to ensure
thatthe time to sette before the nest sample in run. If you are running multiple drops on the
same sample, you can usually have the funnel loaded for the next drop by the time the DUMP
function completes.


On some early SL95 models,the bottom door the test cell, which is opened bu the DUMP key,
prevents the grain drawer from being removed while the door is open. This door remains
open for about 3 seconds to ensure that all the grain drops from the test cell. So allow for this
time and do not forcé the drawer. If you fortget an try to pull the drawer out too son, simply
push the grain drawer closed and wait until the test cell door has completed its cycle.

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