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TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AND ACCIDENT backs or on their heads, while others pulled

INVESTIGATION crude sleds. They used every means to make

their transportation with the least time and
- During the course of the 19 th and 20th centuries, Ancient Modes of Transportation
people’s everyday lives have been changed to A. Manpower:
extraordinary degrees and in previously 1. Carrying Pole – in China and other parts of the
unimagined ways by technological advances. Far East, the carrying pole, balanced one
- The use of tens of thousands of materials in all shoulder is a popular carrying device.
forms of industry has made for better standards 2. Back Load and Tumpline – in Subtemala, pots
of living and much more leisure time. are carried on a wooden framework supported
- In the field of land transportation, great men in by a tumpline across the forehead.
science and technology provided wide range of 3. Sledge on rollers – the moving of heavy burdens
knowledge in the development of transportation was to place them on sledge which rested on a
facilities. series of rollers.
4. Sledge on runners – A simple sledge, probably
Etienne Lenoir – initiated the development of the man-drawn, was in use at the end of the Old
internal combustion engine which paved way for the Stone Age in northern Europe, as evidenced by
development of the automobile. fragments of wooden runners which survived.
5. Travois – as the pole arrangement called, serves
Henry Ford – transformed society by putting the public as a platform on which the burdens are placed.
on wheels and was adopted for the mass production of
many other goods. B. Animal Power:
1. Ox – Cattle, was first domesticated
Early 3000 BC – the civilizations of Egypt, in Mesopotamia, were used as draft
Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley developed roads, animals to draw war Chariots.
first for pack animals and then for wheeled vehicles. 2. Reindeer –was first domesticated in
Siberia in the beginning of the
The Romans – made innovations on road building from Christian era.
a city-state by conquering other small states; they built 3. Dog – In the Far North, the dogs
roads into the conquered regions to help consolidate team drawing sledges are the chief
their gains. means of transportation; and in parts
of Europe, the dogs are used to draw
18th century – it is the advancement in engineering to small carts.
pave the way for the construction of modern roads and 4. Donkey – first domesticated in the
streets. Middle East.
5. Llama – In pre-Columbian America,
20th century – motorways and highways were the Llama was the only new world
introduced for fast moving motor vehicles. animal other than the dog capable of
domestication for use in transport.
MANPOWER, ANIMAL POWER, AND WIND 6. Elephant – In India, elephants were
POWER formerly used in war and are still
Transportation – is the movement or conveying of employed to some extent for
persons and goods from one location to another. ceremonial processions and big
game hunting. In Burma and
Nomadic – constantly migrate from one place to another Thailand, these huge animals are
according to their own detailed knowledge of exploitable widely used in the lumber industry.
resources. 7. Horse – around 2,000 B.C. horse
- Nomad – from the Greek, “to pasture” was drawn chariots appeared in
originally used to refer to pastoralists – groups southwest Asia and 1,000 years
that migrate in an established pattern to find later, the Persians arrived with
pasture lands for their domestic livestock. cavalry which gave mobility and
- Types of Nomad: power to the German tribes who
1. Foraging populations who wander in invaded Europe and to the Central
search of their food. Asian conqueror Genghis Khan.
2. Pastoral nomads – who move with 8. Camel – there two kinds of camel,
their families, belongings, and herds the Two-Humped Bactrian camel of
of cattle, camel, sheep, or goats Central Asia and the one-humped
through an annual cycle of pastures dromedary of Arabia have long been
whose availability is determined by used for transport.
the alteration of hot and cold or wet 9. Yak – a long-haired type of cattle
and dry seasons. that lives at high altitudes on the
3. Gypsies, tinkers, and similar Tibetan plateau and in the
itinerants in urban and complex neighboring Mountain Regions is
societies. ridden and used as a pack animal
- It is believed that early human beings traveled to heights were horses and ordinary
places by foot, carrying their loads on their animal could not survive.
beginning commercial manufacture
C. Wind Power – man realized the energy from the of the machine.
mass of moving air and learned to utilize such powers to 8. Lindbergh’s Spirit of St. Louis – A feat
lift rather than to drag. This paved to invention of air which particularly captured popular
lifted transportation vessels: imagination was the first solo flight from
1. Ancient Chinese Kite – based on a Korean New York to Paris, made by Capt. Charles
tradition, the kite was first used for transport A. Lindbergh in May 1927 in a plane
when a Korean general employed one in especially built for the flight, the Spirit of
bridge building. By means of a kite, a cord St. Louis.
was conveyed across the river where heavier
ropes were fastened and finally the bridge ROADS AND VEHICLES HISTORY
cable. - As man, from ancient times to the 20th century,
2. Da Vinci’s Ornithopter – the great sought to make their transport facilities more
renaissance artist, scientist and engineer, efficient, they have always endeavored to move
Leonardo da Vinci, made study of the flight people and property with the least expenditure of
of the birds and his notebooks sketched a time, effort, and money.
number of ornithopter (a.k.a. orthopter) - The following are some of the inventions and
which derives its principal support and innovations and important events that lead to
propelling from flapping wings like those of modern land transportation:
a bird.
3. Montgolfier Balloon – the Montgolfier A. Wheel – was invented probably in Western Asia
brothers of France Joseph Michel and – such invention was a milestone and a great
Jacques Entienne have successfully released step forward in transportation. The following
several balloons when they proposed to use were some of the earliest types of wheeled carts:
two condemned prisoners for the first ascent 1. Solid wheels on fixed axle – which were
with passengers. made of a single piece of wood, rotated
- Pilate de Rozier – a natural historian on single axle.
protested this and claimed the honor 2. Sumerian chariot with flank wheels –
for himself. this chariot, of about 2400 B.C., had
- In 1783, he and the Marquis d’ solid wheels built of three pieces, and so
Arlanoes became the first men to was more durable than the one-piece
make a free balloon ascent. The wheel.
balloon constructed of linen and 3. Greek quadrica with spoked wheels –
inflated with hot air traveled 9,000 drawn by four horses, was a light and
yards and remained in the air for 20 elegant vehicle for gentlemen about 250
minutes. B.C. It had spoked wheels and axles of
4. Siemens’ Rocket Plane – Ernst Werner Von irons or bronze, handles for aid in
Siemens who later achieved fame as an mounting, and seat formed by a board
electric industrialist, in 1847 designed rocket placed across the handles.
plane which was to be propelled by the 4. Roman carpentum – a closed, two-
explosive force of gunpowder. wheeled cart, was the favored vehicle
5. Lilienthal Glider – Otto Lilienthal, a when Roman women journeyed outside
German inventor who also made a study of the city.
the flight of birds and experimented with 5. Italian cocchio – 1288, a traveling
ornithopters, was going so far as to build a wagon in which the passengers were
model ornithopter. - In 1891, he made the protected by a covering of leather or
first of a number of a glider flights which cloth fixed over a wooden framework.
were to exert a profound influence on the
development of aviation. The Romans – were the major road builders in the
6. Santos Dumont’s Airship – one of the ancient world. The Romans road network reached a total
pioneers of lighter-than-air craft was Alberto of about 50,000 miles (80,000 kms.), with Feeder roads
Santos Dumont, a Brazilian who branching out from the main highways.
experimented with the steam-powered
balloons in Paris. John L. Macadam – who did not abandon the theory of
7. Wright Brothers’ Flying Machine – inspired feeder road building and perfected the macadamized
by Lilienthal’s glider experiments, Orville road in England about 1815.
and Wilbur Wright began studying the
problems of heavier-than-air flight. John Palmer- introduced his first fast mail coach in
- They built biplane kite then over March 0f 1785 and by 1800, the English coach system
200 different wing types which they was in full swing.
tested in a wind tunnel of their own
invention, before they conducted Karl Von Drais, in 8117, a German Baron, introduced a
their first man-carrying powered steerable wheel, creating the “draisienne,” or dandy
machine. horse.”
- This flew successfully at Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina on Dec. 17, Kirkpatrick Macmillan – in 1838, a Scottish blacksmith,
1903. By 1909, airplanes became made the first machine with pedals, which were attached
sufficiently accepted to justify to and drove the rear wheel by means of cranks.
6. Academic Institution
John Boyd Dunlop – in 1888, a Scottish, introduced 7. Courts
Pneumatic Tires (inflated by air). 8. Public Information Offices
9. Citizen Support Groups
Etienne Lenoir – in 1860’s – 70’s, introduced motorized 10. Media
carriages by Internal Combustion Engine. 11. Other agencies.

Nicolaus Otto and Gottleb Daimler – pioneered the

manufacture of gas engines, and later Daimler became a
successful automobile manufacturer. THE PILLARS OF TRAFFIC
- The Five (5) principles or pillars in the
Rudolf Diesel – a German engineer, developed an prevention of traffic accidents:
internal combustion engine which is similar with the
gasoline engine which is similar with the gasoline engine 1. Traffic Engineering – it is the science of
but requires no electrical ignition system or carburetor measuring traffic and travel the study of the
and uses other form of liquid fuel, the diesel fuel. basic laws relative to the traffic law and
Henry Ford – in 1908, introduced the Model T, which - The application of this knowledge to the
was proved so popular that by 1914, Ford had adopted professional practice of planning, deciding, and
Mass Production methods to meet the demand. operating traffic system to achieve safe and
Felix Wankel – in 1956, a German mathematician, efficient transportation of persons and goods.
developed an advanced-type of engine, named after him, - Agencies and/or offices under Traffic
that operates very differently from gas and diesel Engineering:
engines. It is started by a moving crankshaft. a. DPWH
b. Provincial Government
- Traffic Management is therefore designed to d. Chartered Cities
make the traffic way safer for travelers, expedite
the movement of traffic, and to provide 2. Traffic Education – it is the process of giving
convenience to the traffic facilities’ users. training and practice in the actual application of
traffic safety knowledge.
Management – It refers to the skillful use of means to - Agencies responsible for Traffic Education:
accomplish a purpose. a. Schools
b. Public Information Programs
Operation – pertains to a course or series of acts to effect c. Citizen Support Groups
a certain purpose; manner of action; or a vital or natural
process of activity. 3. Traffic Enforcement – this field deals mostly on
the implementation and enforcement of traffic
Roadway – refers to that part of the traffic way over laws and rules and regulations.
which motor vehicles pass. - Agencies responsible for Traffic Enforcement:
a. Land Transportation Office (LTO)
Shoulder – it refers to either side of the roadway, b. Legislative Bodies
especially along highways. c. Police Traffic Enforcement:
Traffic – it refers to the movement of persons, goods, or (2) MMDA
vehicles, either powered by combustion system or (3) Police Auxiliaries
animal drawn, from one place to another for the purpose (4) LTO Flying Squad
of travel.
4. Traffic Ecology or Environment – it is very
Traffic Way – refers to the entire width between recent which includes the study of potentially
boundary lines of every way or place of which any part disastrous population explosion, changes in
is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular urban environment and new activities carried
traffic as a matter of right or custom. out, air pollution, water pollution and crowding,
especially transport congestion which result
Major Causes of Traffic Congestion: therein.
1. Physical Inadequacy - Any decision in modernizing the transportation
2. Poor Control Measures system shall consider the following:
3. Human Errors a. Noise
4. Poor Maintenance b. Vibration
c. Air Pollution
Agencies Involved in Traffic Management: d. Dirt
1. DOTC is responsible for the implementation of e. Visual Intrusion
LTO (R.A. 4136) f. Loss of Privacy
2. City or Municipal Engineers’ Office g. Changes in Amount of Light
3. Department of Public Works and Highways h. Neighborhood Severance, both physical
(DPWH) and sociological
4. Legislative (Congress/City or Municipal Boards) i. Relocation
5. Philippine National Police (PNP)
j. Distraction during planning and b. R.A. 6539 – “Anti-Carnapping Act of
construction 1972”, the act preventing and penalizing
k. Accident Experience carnapping.
l. Pedestrian Journey c. R.A. 5448 – Act imposing a tax on
m. Congestion and other Benefits to privately owned passenger automobiles,
Vehicles. motorcycles and scooters and etc.
- Laws and Statutes Concerning Traffic Ecology: d. R.A. 8749 – “Clean air Act” which
a. P.D. 1181 – Providing for the prevention, regulates emission of toxic gases of both
control and abatement of Air Pollution from gasoline and diesel engines and bans the
motor vehicles and for other purposes. use of leaded gas for gasoline engines.
b. Letter of Instruction No. 551 – Directing the e. R.A. 8750 – Attachment of Seat belts
law enforcement agencies to implement the for all types of motor vehicles and
pollution control program. imposes penalty for the non-compliance
c. R.A. 8749 – otherwise known as the “Clean thereof.
Air Act.” An act providing for the regulation f. R.A. 7924 – Creating MMDA, defining
of motor vehicles emitting toxic gases like its powers and functions, providing
the use of the diesel and leaded gasoline. funds therefor and for other purposes.
g. R.A. 10586 - Anti Drunk and Drugged
5. Traffic Economy – it is the most recent of the Driving Act of 2013.
pillars of traffic which deals with the benefits h. R. A. 10054- Motorcycle Helmet Act
and adverse effects of traffic to our economy. of 2009
- Primarily, traffic operation is designed to
expedite the movement of traffic. However, with 2. Presidential Decrees (P.D.s)
the prevailing traffic congestion during rush a. P.D. No. 96 – Regulating the use of
hours in any given locality, traffic adversely sirens, bells, horns, etc.,, by prohibiting
affects the economic status of the commuting the attachment of any siren uses by the
public. vehicles belongs to AFP, PNP, NBI,
LTO, BJMP, Hospitals and BFP and are
Traffic Safety Education – it is the process of training specifically intended for use in
roads users in the avoidance and prevention of traffic- emergencies.
related accidents. b. P.D. No. 101 – Expediting the methods
of prescribing, redefining or modifying
Road Safety – it refers to reduced risk of accident or the lines and modes of operations of
injury on the roads, achieved through multidisciplinary public utility motor vehicles in the
approaches involving road engineering and traffic Philippines.
management, education and training of road users, and c. P.D. No. 207 – Declaring as part of the
vehicle design. laws of the Philippines the Vienna
Convention on Road Traffic, Signs and
Factors Contributing to Accidents: Signals.
1. Human errors; d. P.D. No. 612 – Requiring compulsory
2. Road deficiencies; and insurance for all types of motor vehicles
3. Vehicle defects. against third party liability as an
additional pre-requisite for registration
Driver’s Education – in general, driver instruction aims by the LTO.
primarily to teach the rudiments of driving. e. P.D. No. 1686 – Imposing a tax on
- Secondary aims: every motor vehicle equipped with air
a. to instill awareness of one’s legal and conditioner.
moral responsibilities in traffic, and f. P.D. 1181 – Providing for the abatement
b. to teach the abilities required for one to of air pollution from motor vehicles and
be eligible for a driver’s license. for other purposes.
g. P.D. 1605 – Granting the Metropolitan
Manila Commission certain powers
TRAFFIC LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS related to traffic management and
- The standards of regulating movements on control in Metropolitan Manila
roads, streets and highways are found in traffic providing penalties, and for other
laws, rules and regulations. purposes.
- The following are the basis for the traffic h. P.D. 109 – Regulating the issuance of
regulations and prohibitions in the country: license plates of all motor vehicles and
modifying P.D. 98.
1. Republic Acts (R.A.s) i. P.D. 1729 – Authorizing the Bureau of
a. R.A. 4136 – This is the basic law LTO to dispose of impounded motor
regulating Land Transportation in the vehicles unclaimed by owners for a
Philippines. It has repealed Act No. certain period of time.
3992 (The Revised Motor Vehicle Law). j. P.D. 1730 – Declaring the syndicated
Further, as amended by R.A. Nos. 5715, printing, manufacture, distribution,
6374, P.D. Nos. 382, 843, 896, 1057, possession or use of fake official Bureau
1934, 1950, 1958, BP Blg. 43, 74 and of Land Transportation forms,
documents, plates and stickers as highways, but excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street-
offenses involving economic sabotage. sweepers, sprinkles, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders,
forklifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used in
3. Letters of Instruction (L.O.I.s) public highways, vehicles which run only on rails or
a. L.O.I. No. 43 – Providing for the tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all
removal of a impediments or roads, kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
streets and highways such as
constructions, stalled or parked vehicles Passenger Automobiles – shall mean all tire pneumatic
and other movable property that obstruct tire vehicles of types similar to those usually known
free passage. under the following terms:
b. L.O.I. No. 112 – Prohibiting freight and 1. touring car,
cargo trucks from using roads, highways 2. command car,
and bridges whose load are in excess of 3. speedster,
specific allowable limits. 4. sports car,
c. L.O.I. No. 716 – every motor vehicle to 5. roadster, jeep,
equip at least a pair of Early Warning 6. cycle car (except motor wheel and similar small
Device (EWD). outfits which are classified with motorcycles),
7. coupe,
4. Department Orders (D.O.s) 8. landaulet,
a. D.O. 93-693 – Revised Schedule of 9. closed car,
Administrative Fees and charges of the 10. limousine,
LTO. 11. cabriolet, and
12. sedan.
5. Administrative and Special Orders
a. A.O. No. VIII, S-1968, LTC – Passenger Trucks – more than nine passengers shall be
Requiring the towing and impounding of classified as “trucks”.
stalled motor vehicles on public
highways and the imposition of Articulated Vehicle – shall mean any motor vehicle with
corresponding fees thereof. a trailer rests upon the motor vehicle and a substantial
b. A.O. No. 1, S-1973, LTC – Prescribing part of the weight of the trailer and of its load is borne
guidelines and procedures in the by the vehicle.
implementation of PD No. 96. - Such trailer shall be called as “semi-trailer.”

6. Memorandum Circulars Driver – Shall mean every and any licensed operator of
a. M.C. 94-188 – Issuance of driver’s motor vehicle.
license to disabled persons.
b. M.C. 90-020 – Directing all public and Professional Driver – Every and any driver hired for
land transportation service operators and driving or operating a motor vehicle, whether for private
drivers to display in any conspicuous or for hire to the public.
place of their vehicles the authorized
fare matrix for the specific roué granted Highways – every public thoroughfare, public
them to avoid conflict. boulevard, driveway, avenue, park, and alley, but shall
not include roadway upon grounds owned by private
7. Executive Orders (E.O.s) persons, colleges, universities, or other similar
a. E.O. 202 – Creating the Land institutions.
Transportation Franchising and
Regulatory Board (LTFRB). Parking or Parked – shall mean that a motor vehicle is
b. E.O. 248 – Empowering the Land parked or parking if it has been brought to a stop on the
Transportation Commission to control shoulder or proper edge of a highway, and remains
and supervise the operations of motor inactive in that place or close thereto for an appreciable
vehicle driving schools. period of time.

8. Other Special Laws, Statute, etc. Tourist – a foreigner who travels from place to place for
a. B.P. Blg. 344 – Act to enhance the pleasure or culture.
mobility of disabled persons by
requiring certain buildings, institutions, Prohibitions under R.A. 4136:
establishments and utilities to install 1. Exceeding Registered Capacity (Overloading)
facilities and other devices. 2. Cargo carrying Devices (must not exceed 100
b. Memo. Unnumbered dated July 13, kls. Sec. 32, a)
1992 – EWD not a requirement for 3. Riding on Running Board (Sec. 32, c)
registration. 4. Riding on Top of the Motor Vehicle (Sec. 32, b)
c. SC Bars Lawmen from Removing Car 5. Required Motor Vehicle Accessories:
Plates (87 SCRA 432) a. Tires
b. Brake
c. Horns
Words and Phrases Used in R.A. 4136. d. Headlight
Motor Vehicle – shall mean any vehicle propelled by e. Tail Light
any power other than muscular power using the public f. Stop Light
g. Windshield
h. Use of Red Flag Schedule of Registration – Registration of motor
i. Mufflers vehicles should be done annually which follows the
6. Hitching on to a Vehicle: numerical suffixes of their plate numbers.
a. Hanging on to or riding on the outside
or rear end of any vehicle. Last Digit of Middle Digit of Weekly Deadline
b. Holding on to any moving vehicle Plate Number Plate Number (working days of
whether on foot or otherwise. the month only)
c. Driver allowing any person to hang on 1. Jan. 1 2 1 2 3 4 5
to or ride outside of or at the rear end of 6. Jun 3 6 7
the vehicle (Sec. 51). 2. Feb. 4 5 8 9 10 11 12
7. Driving while under the Influence of Liquor or 7. Jul 6 13 14
other Prohibited Drugs 3. Mar. 7 15 16 17 18 19
8. Obstruction of Traffic (loading and unloading of 8. Aug 8 20 21
passengers, Sec. 54) 4. Apr 9 22 23 24 25 26
9. Duties of Driver in Case of Accident: 9. Sep 0 27 28
a. Stop immediately. 5. May 29 30 31
b. Show his driver’s license to inspecting 0. Oct
traffic enforce.
c. Give his true name and address, Letter Prefixes on Plate Numbers, indicates:
including that of the owner of the 1. Place of initial registration of the motor vehicle;
vehicle. 2. Year of initial registration and the possible year
d. Assist injured person/s. model of the registered motor vehicle could be
e. Take measures to protect belongings of determined from the order of the letter prefixes,
passengers. i.e., the higher the letters the later the year of
f. Report the accident ( Sec. 55) registration and year model of the motor vehicle.
When could a driver leave the area of accident without Special Plate Numbers for Government Officials:
being held liable for Hit-and-Run? 1. President of the Philippines
1. His life is in imminent danger of being harmed 2. Vice-President of the Philippines
by other person/s by reason of the accident; 3. Senate President, etc.
2. He surrenders to proper authority; and
3. He summons the assistance of a physician or Driver’s License – A document issued to a qualified
nurse to aid the victim. driver who possesses the statutory qualification as
provided therefore.
- It is also a public document which has the legal
REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES presumption of genuineness. (CCC Insurance
- R.A. 4136, mandates that all motor vehicles Corp. vs. CA, 31 SCRA 264)
shall be registered by its owner before the
designated District Offices of the LTO. Types of Licenses:
1. International Driver’s License – Bonafide tourist
Classification of Registered Motor Vehicles: and transients who are duly licensed to operate
1. Private (not for hire) – these are motor vehicles motor vehicles in their respective countries may
used for the personal use of their owners. be allowed to operate motor vehicles during
2. Public Utility Vehicles (PUV a.k.a. for hire) – their stay but not beyond 90 days of their
these are registered primarily for the conveyance sojourn in the Philippines (Sec. 21, RA 4136).
of passengers and other commercial goods, i.e., 2. Military Driver’s License – Enlisted personnel
passenger jeepneys, taxi cabs, etc. of the AFP operating motor vehicles owned by
3. Government – these are motor vehicles owned the government shall be licensed in accordance
by government offices and are used for official with RA 4136 but no license or delinquency fees
purposes only. shall be collected thereof.
4. Diplomat – these are issued to foreign diplomats - A military Driver’s License does not authorize
and consuls assigned in the Philippines. the holder to operate a privately-owned motor
vehicle (Sec. 20, RA 4136).
Classification of Plate Numbers: 3. Professional Driver’s License – This license is
1. Green with white background – Issued to private issued to a driver hired or paid for driving or
or not for hire motor vehicles (MVs). operating a motor vehicle whether private use or
2. Black with yellow background – Issued to for hire to the public.
PUVs. 4. Non-Professional Driver’s License – this kind of
3. Red (maroon) with white background – Issued license is issued to owners of privately-owned
to government-owned MVs. motor vehicles or those not for hire or paid for
4. Blue with white background – Assigned for driving (Effect of Sec. 3,e, RA 4136).
foreign diplomats, consuls and other foreign 5. Student Driver’s Permit – This kind of
dignitaries. document is issued to persons who desire to
5. Commemorative plate – these special plate learn how to drive.
numbers are issued for specific purposes such as - A student driver cannot operate a vehicle unless
fund-raising for government projects and accompanied by an instructor who may either be
a licensed professional or non-professional same direction, unless such left side is clearly
driver (Sec. 30, RA 4136). visible, and is free of oncoming traffic for a
sufficient distance ahead to permit safety
GENERAL RULES OF ROAD USE AND CONDUCT 2. When approaching the crest of a grade, nor upon
Speed Limit and other Rules on Speed a curve in the highway, where the driver’s view
1. Any person driving a motor vehicle on a along the highway is obstructed within a
highway shall drive the same at a careful and distance of five hundred feet ahead, except on a
prudent speed, not greater nor less than is highway having two or more lanes for
reasonable and proper, having due regard for the movement of vehicles in one direction.
traffic, the width of the highway, and of any 3. At any railway grade crossing, nor at any
other condition then and there existing; and intersection of highways, unless such
2. No person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a intersection or crossing is controlled by traffic
highway at such speed as to endanger the life, signal, or a traffic officer.
limb and property of any person, nor at a speed 4. Between any points indicated by the placing of
greater than will permit him to bring the vehicle official temporary or caution signs indicating
to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead. that men are working on the highways.
5. In any “no passing or overtaking zone.”
Exceptions to the speed limit:
1. A physician or his driver when the former Right of Way – this principle refers to the legal or
responds to emergency calls. customary precedence (priority in place or time) which
2. The driver of a hospital ambulance on the way to allows one vehicle to cross or pass in front of another.
and from the place of accident or other
emergency. Rules on Right of Way:
3. Any driver bringing wounded or sick person for 1. In case two vehicles approaching or entering an
emergency treatment to a hospital, clinic, or any intersection at the same time, the driver of the
other similar place. vehicle on the left shall yield the right of way;
4. The driver of a motor vehicle belonging to the however, the driver of any vehicle traveling at
Armed Forces while in use for official purposes an unlawful speed forfeits this right (Sec. 42, a).
in times of riot, insurrection or invasion. 2. In the case of a vehicle approaching but has not
5. The driver of a vehicle, when he or his yet entered the intersection, its driver shall yield
passengers are in pursuit of a criminal. the right of way to vehicles already within such
6. A law-enforcement officer who is trying to intersection or turning therein to the left across
overtake a violator of traffic laws. the line of travel of the first mentioned vehicle
7. The driver officially operating a motor vehicle (Sec. 42, b).
of any fire department, provided that exemption 3. In case of a vehicle on a highway within a
shall not be construed to allow useless or business or residential district, its driver shall
unnecessary fast driving of drivers yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing the
aforementioned. highway within a crosswalk, except at
intersection where traffic is regulated by a peace
- No provincial, city or municipal authority shall officer or a traffic signal. If there is no
enact or enforce any ordinance or resolution crosswalk, pedestrians shall yield the right of
specifying maximum allowable speeds other way to vehicles on the highways (Sec. 42, c).
than those provided by (R.A. 4136). 4. In case of a vehicle traversing a “thru-highway”,
its driver should bring it to a full stop before
Lateral Placement – means the proper positioning of the crossing. However, if it is clear and no hazards
motor vehicle traversing on a traffic way or while on exist, the vehicle may slow down to 5 miles per
parked. hour instead of a full stop (Sec. 42, d).

Overtaking and Passing – a vehicle driver should pass at Exceptions to the Right of Way Rule. Right-of-way rules
a safe distance to the left of the vehicle being overtaken do not apply in the case:
and shall resume driving on the right side of the road 1. Of a vehicle entering from a private road or
only after passing clear of the overtaken vehicle. drive. The right of way is in favor of all vehicles
utilizing the highway (Sec. 43).
Exception: On the highways with two or more lanes 2. The driver of a vehicle upon a highway shall
where traffic goes in one direction, another vehicle may yield the right of way to police or fire
be overtaken on the right. department vehicles and ambulances when such
vehicles are operated on official business and the
Driver to Give Way to Overtaking Vehicles – The driver drivers thereof sound audible signal of their
of a motor vehicle about to be overtaken must give way approach.
to the overtaking vehicle and shall not increase his speed 3. The driver of a vehicle entering a (through
until the overtaking vehicle has fully passed. (Sec. 40, highway” or a “stop intersection” shall yield the
R.A.4136) right of way to all vehicles approaching in either
direction on such “through highway”.
Restrictions on Overtaking and Passing: (Sec. 41, R.A.
4136) Starting, Stopping or Turning Rules:
1. To the left side of the center line of a highway in 1. The driver of any motor vehicle on a highway,
overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the before starting, stopping or turning from a direct
line, shall first see that such movement can be 1. Danger Warning Signs “caution signs” – these
made safely; and signs have an equilateral triangular shape with
2. If any pedestrian is affected by such movement, one side horizontal and having red borders.
he shall give a clearly audible signal by 2. Regulatory Signs – these are signs which impose
sounding the vehicle’s horn. legal restrictions applicable at particular location
usually enforceable in the absence of such signs.
Pedestrian’s Rights and Duties: 3. Informative Signs – these signs are also known
1. To occupy or pass on spaces or portions of as “guide signs” or “direction signs”.
traffic way allocated for them like crossing on - The rectangular shape white-colored on blue
pedestrian lanes and passing on sidewalks or background is used for informative signs.
catwalks. - Green background is usually used for route
2. To observe and obey all traffic rules and markers and destination signs.
Note: Motorist should also know the rights of the Traffic Lights
pedestrians so that they will not be using the portions of – Refers to any power operated traffic control
the traffic way allocated for the pedestrians for parking device by which traffic is warned or directed to
purposes. take some specific actions.
– Are used to control traffic at junctions and also
Parking Rules: to stop traffic to provide safe crossing points for
1. Motor Vehicles should park only on areas pedestrians and cyclists.
specifically designated for parking.
2. All accidents are not caused while vehicles are Pavement Markings – these pertain to all lines, patterns,
being driven. words, colors. or other gadgets except signs set into the
3. A parked vehicle may create an accident, kill surface or applied upon or attached to the pavement or
someone or destroy property. curbing or to objects within or adjacent to the roadway,
officially placed for the purpose of regulating, warning
Traffic Control
– It refers to procedures, devices, and Types of Pavement Markings and Markers:
communication systems that help vehicles and 1. Pavement Markings
vessels safely share the same roads, rails, 2. Curb Markings for Registrations
waterways, or air space. 3. Object Markings
– Establishes a set of rules and instructions that 4. Reflectorized Markings
drivers, pilots, train engineers, and ship captains
rely on to avoid collisions and other hazards. Traffic Islands – these are areas within the roadway
Highway Traffic Control: constructed in a manner to establish physical channels
1. Traffic Signs through which vehicular traffic is guided.
2. Pavement Markings
3. Traffic-Signal Classifications of Traffic Islands:
4. Priority Control 1. Pedestrian Island (Pedestrian Barriers) – These
5. Restraints are constructed between the pedestrian sidewalk
Traffic Signs – refer to any device mounted on portable and the road pavement to prevent pedestrian
support whereby a message is conveyed by means of from using the roadway in passing and to
words or symbols officially installed for the purpose of prevent motor vehicles from using the sidewalk
regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. for parking and passing purposes.
2. Traffic Islands – These are the raised portion in
Functions of Traffic Signs: the middle of the traffic way constructed to
1. to control traffic, separate the streams f motor vehicles traversing
2. to safeguard the flow of traffic, on opposite directions and at the same time
3. to expedite traffic, and preventing motorists from using the opposite
4. to guide traffic and motorists lane for overtaking.
- Classification of Traffic Islands:
Basic Sign Shapes: 2.1. Division Islands – these are constructed
1. Round and red sign: regulates the movement of primarily to divide the streams of the motor
turning and passing traffic regulations; vehicles.
2. Round black yellow signs: a warning that you 2.2. Channelizing Islands – these are
are approaching a railroad crossing; constructed to channelize or direct the flow
3. Equilateral triangle red signs: a sign at the of traffic.
intersection directing drivers to yield the right- 2.3. Roatry Islands – these are constructed along
of-way to vehicles in the road being crossed; intersections or “rotundas” for purposes of
4. Eight-sided (octagonal) red and white stop sign: tuning-around. Their functions are:
the most popular and understood sign by all a. prohibit pedestrians from crossing major
tongues and colors; and thoroughfares at points where such
5. Triangle red and black sign: approaching a crossing are exceptionally hazardous,
danger zone, hill, slope, winding road, and b. minimize imprudence and delays to
others. vehicular traffic, and
c. channelize and control pedestrians.
Classification of International Traffic Signs:
TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT enforcement and providing authorized traffic-connected
- Is part of enforcement involving the arrest, services to the public.
issuance of Temporary Operator’s Permit (TOP)
or Inspection Report Summons, or Warning of Types of Traffic Patrol:
any person who is believed to have a law, 1. Line Patrol – this involves observation in
ordinance, or regulation pertaining to the use of moving or stationary observation at a certain
traffic roads. route or point of a major street in a city.
- Rationale: Traffic enforcement action may 2. Area Patrol – is usually the job of mobile police
prevent such violation from endangering officers as well as those motorcycle cops.
persons, property, or inconveniencing other
users of traffic users of traffic roads, prevent Abandoned motor Vehicle – when it is left unattended in
continued violation, or discourage future an area not provided for parking or unattended for one or
repetition. two days in area provided for parking.

Two Major Functions of Traffic Law Enforcement: Traffic Jam – is caused by such factor as vehicular
1. Police Traffic Law Enforcement accident, stalled vehicle due to engine trouble, absence
2. Court Traffic Law Enforcement of traffic officer at an intersection, or road construction.

Vehicle Cannibalization – is characterized by stealing

Five (5) Essential Steps in the Enforcement Process: the parts of the motor vehicle instead of carnapping the
1. Detection whole car.
2. Apprehension
4. Adjudication - To know what question to ask and what to look
5. Penalization for, you must have some fundamental bearing on
accidents and their causes.
Kinds of Enforcement Action:
1. Traffic Arrest – It is an enforcement action Common Words and Phrases Used in Traffic
which consists of taking a person into custody Accident Investigation:
for the purpose of holding or detaining him to Accident – It is that occurrence in a sequence of events
answer a charge of law violation before a court. which usually produces unintended injury, death, or
- When a traffic violator ca be arrested? property damage.
(1) offense committed is serious
(2) detention is necessary to avoid Traffic Accident – An accident involving travel
continued violation transportation on a traffic way.
(3) there is reasonable doubt that the
violator will not appear in court. Motor Vehicle Accident – Events resulting in
unintended injury or property damage attributable
2. Traffic Citation – this means of having violators directly or indirectly to the action of a motor vehicle or
appear in court without physical arrest. its loads.
- To ensure that an apprehended traffic violator
will appear to the court or to the proper Motor Vehicle – Every device which is self-propelled
authority, the traffic officer should confiscate and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power
the proper violator’s driver’s license and issue obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated
Traffic Citation Ticket (TCT), TOP, or Traffic upon rails.
Violator’s Receipt (TVR)
Key Event – An event on the road which characterized
3. Traffic Warning – this is an enforcement action the manner of occurrence of a motor vehicle traffic
which does not contemplate possible assessment accident.
of penalty by the court or otherwise as a result of
warning. Debris – The scattered broken parts of vehicles, rubbish,
- Three types of Traffic Warning: dust and other materials left at the scene of the accident
3.1 Visual Warning caused by a collision.
3.2 Verbal Warning
3.3 Written Warning Skid Marks – these are marks left on the roadway by
tires which are not free to rotate, usually because brakes
Intersection – As applied to a street or highway means are applied strong and the wheels locked.
the space occupied by two streets at the point where they
cross each other. Traffic Unit – Any person using a traffic way for travel,
parking or other purposes as a pedestrian or driver,
Police Traffic Direction – it is defined as telling drivers including any vehicle, or animal which he is using.
and pedestrians when, how and where they may or may Hazards – It is a generated when a critical space-motion
not move or stand at a particular place, especially during relationships between a traffic unit and another object
emergencies or period of congestion. develops due to the movement of either or both.

Traffic Patrol – it refers to the observation of road Safe Speed – the speed adjusted to the potential or
conditions, the behavior of the drivers and other users of possible hazards or the road and traffic situation ahead.
vehicles for the purpose of traffic supervision and law
Strategy – it is the adjusting of speed, position on the Causes of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accidents:
road, and direction of motion, giving signals of intent to 1. Simultaneous Factors
turn or slow down, or any other action in situations a. Road Conditions
involving potential hazards. b. Driver’s attitude or behavior
c. Weather condition
Tactic – any action taken by the traffic unit to avoid 2. Sequential Factors
hazardous situations like steering, braking, or a. Speed is greater or less than safe
accelerating to avoid collision or other accident. b. Defective vehicle (vehicle malfunction)
3. Operational Factors
Impact – the striking of one body against another or a a. Road hazards
collision of a motor vehicle with another motor vehicle. b. Driver’s non-compliance to traffic laws,
rules and regulations
Contact Damage – damage to a vehicle resulting from 4. Perception Factors
direct pressure of some foreign object in a collision or a. Driver’s inability to react promptly to a
roll over. It is usually indicated by striations, rub-off of situation
material or puncture. b. Driver’s faulty action to escape collision
Factor – any circumstance contributing to a result Chain of Events in a Vehicular Accident:
without which the result could not have occurred or it is 1. Perception of Hazard – it is seeing, feeling, or
an element necessary to produce the result, but not by hearing and understanding the usual or
itself sufficient. unexpected movement or condition that could be
taken as sign of the accident about to happen.
Primary Cause – a misnomer loosely applied to the most 2. Start of Evasive Action – it is the first action
obvious or easily explained factor in the cause of an taken by a traffic unit to escape from a collision
accident or the most easily modified condition factor. course or otherwise avoid hazard.
3. Initial Contact – the first accidental touching of
Cause – the combination of simultaneous and sequential an object collision course or otherwise avoids a
factors without any one of which result could not have hazard.
occurred. 4. Maximum Engagement – it is greatest collapse
or overlap in a collision.
Attribute – any inherent characteristics of a road, a 5. Disengagement – it is the separation of traffic
vehicle, or a person that affects the probability of a unit in motion from an object with which it has
traffic accident. collided.
6. Stopping – this is when the traffic unit/s
Modifier – a circumstance that alters an attribute involved come to rest.
permanently or temporarily. 7. Injury – it is receiving bodily harm. This event
does not necessary occur after the accident but
Kinds of Traffic Accident: within any of the chain of events.
1. Non-Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident – refers to 8. Other vents that may occur during an accident:
any accident occurring on a traffic way a. Point of Possible Perception – the place
involving persons using the traffic way or travel and time of which the hazard could have
or transportation, but not involving a motor been perceived by a normal person.
vehicle in motion. b. Point of no escape – It is that place and
2. Motor Vehicle Non-Traffic Accident – any time after or beyond which the accident
motor vehicle accident which occurs entirely in cannot be prevented by the traffic unit
any place other than a traffic way. under consideration.
3. Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident – any motor c. Perception delay – the time from the
vehicle accident occurring on a traffic way. point of possible perception to actual
Classification of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident: d. Final Position – it is the place and time
1. Running off road- this is usually characterized when objects involved in an accident
by a motor vehicle falling on the roadside or on finally come to rest without application
a cliff along mountainous roads. of power.
2. Non-collision on road – this does not involve
any collision an example of which is Five (5) Levels of Activity in Accident Investigation:
overturning. 1. Reporting – involves basic data collection to
3. Collision on road – this type of accident includes identify and classify a motor vehicle, traffic and
all forms of accident as long as there is a persons, property and planed movements
collision. involved.
2. At-Scene Investigation – this level involves all
Classification of Accidents According to Severity: action taken by the investigator at the scene of
1. Property Damage Accident the crime or accident.
2. Slight 3. Technical Preparation – this involves delayed
3. Non-Fatal Injury Accident traffic accident data collection and organization
4. Less Serious for study and interpretation.
5. Serious 4. Professional Reconstruction – this involves
6. Fatal efforts to determine from whatever information
is available, how the accident happened.
5. Cause Analysis – it involves final analysis on g. Decide whether analysis of accident is
the causes of accident which are bases for the warned by the time available for making
prevention of similar accident. it.
h. Reconstruction of the accident.
i. Present case summary to a lawyer.
Steps Taken by the Police during Traffic Accident j. Complete report or investigation.
Investigation: k. Submit to superior for approval.
1. Upon Learning of the Accident l. Inform other Agencies or departments of
a. Ask first. any condition at the scene which needs
b. Decide whether to go to the scene. attention for safety.
c. Then find out, if necessary. 7. If Case Goes to Court
2. Start for the Scene a. Find out what the prosecutor wants
a. Choose best approach. further to develop evidence.
b. Drive Safely. b. Return to the scene if necessary
c. Be alert for Cars leaving the Scene. c. Locate also, if necessary.
d. Get equipment ready for use. d. Have enlargement made of any photo
e. Look for conditions confronting a driver needed in court.
approaching scene. e. Enlarge scale diagram made for court
f. Note hazards to approaching traffic. use.
3. Upon Arrival at the Accident Scene f. Pre-trial conference with prosecution
a. Select parking place carefully. witnesses to review testimony.
b. Care for injured. g. Insure that subpoena are issued
c. Look over bystanders and others. h. Testify in court.
d. Have emergencies under control. i. Organize papers and file permanently, if
e. Locate driver. necessary, for future reference.
f. Measure location of short lived j. Insure that the disposition of case is
evidences. recorded in driver’s record and other
g. Arrange for clearing roadway. reports.
h. Delay removal of vehicles except to aid
injured. The Traffic Accident Report:
4. When Emergency is Under Control 1. Uniform traffic Accident Reporting System
a. Preliminary questioning of drivers. 2. Preparation of Traffic Accident Report:
b. Gather clues for identifying hit and run
cars. Hit-and-run Cases – evading responsibility is a term
c. Examine driver’s conditions. commonly applied to a traffic accident in which a driver
d. Question drivers carefully. fails to comply with any of the duties required by Sec.
e. Position and condition of vehicles 55 of R.A. 4136.
f. Form preliminary opinion as to how
accident occurs. Skidmarks – the sudden application of brakes which
5. After Getting Short-live Evidence results in the locked wheel condition places great
a. Get additional evidence. pressure between the brake shoe and the brake drum that
b. Suggestion to drivers, if necessary. the frictional force at this point becomes greater than the
c. Approach the scene by path of each frictional force between the tire and the road surface.
traffic unit involved.
d. Complete examinations of vehicles Things that Determine Skidding Distance:
e. Locate key event of accident. 1. Brake Pedal Pressure
f. Make additional photographs 2. Weight of the Car
g. Establish exact location of accident and 3. Tire Thread
record it. 4. Air Pressure
h. Measure for scale diagram if location is 5. Tire Material
hard to reach. 6. Road Surface
i. Review notes of evidence or testimony 7. Direction of Slides
j. Clean up location or arrange to have it 8. Temperature of the Air and the Road Surface
done. 9. Against Head Wind
k. Report to headquarters by radio or
telephone. Coefficient of Friction or Drag Factor – It is the
6. After Leaving the Scene measurement of the maximum frictional resistance of
a. Get medical report on injured persons pavements. It is equal to the force exerted when the
from doctor or hospital. wheels are skidding divided by the weight of the car.
b. Question drivers or witnesses.
c. Notify
d. Have specimens analyzed if were taken
for chemical or laboratory test.
e. Have photograph developed; get prints
if needed for report.
f. Complete the report of the accident.

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