B.SC Part-1, 2,3rd Year Syllabus (Maths) Annual Scheme

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Syllabus and Course Scheme Academic year 2022-23 Bachelor of Science- Mathematics Exam.- 2023 UNIVERSITY OF KOTA MBS Marg, Swami Vivekanand Nagar, Kota - 324 005, Rajasthan, India Website: uok.ac.in amefts ator SAGT seqer worehla Aerfenera cHlet 7023965699 ation -2023 MATHEMATICS Paper Nomenclature Teaching Hr/Week Exam. Duration Max. Marks Sci. Arts 1 Abstract Algebra 3 3 Hrs. 50 44 Practical 2 25 2 HM — Advanced Calculus 4 3 Hrs. 75 66 IM Vector Calculus and 4 3 Hrs. 15 68 Co-ordinate Geometry Practical Marks-25 Science / 22 Arts B.A. (Pt-l) (Total Marks- 22) B.Sc. (Pt-I) (Total Marks- 25) Record - 05 Record - 05 Practical-1- 06 Practical-1- 07 Practical I - 06 Practical -I - 07 Viva-Voce - 05 Viva-Voce - 06 Note : Common paper will be set for both faculties ie., Arts and Science Detailed syllabus Paper I —- Number theory and Abstract Algebra Time duration : 3 Hrs Max Marks : Science : 50/ Arts : 44 Note : Each question paper will contain three sections as under — Section-A: One compulsory question with 10 parts, having 2 parts from each unit, short answer in 20 words for each part. Total marks :05 (Science / Arts) Section-B: 10 questions, 2 questions from each unit, 5 questions to be attempted, taking ‘one from each unit, answer approximately in 250 words. Total marks : 25 (Science / Arts) Section-C: 04 questions (question may have sub division) covering all units but not more than one question from each unit, descriptive type, answer in about 500 words, 2 questions to be attempted. Total marks : (Science -20/ Arts- 14) Unit -1 Divisibility theory : Division algorithm, Greatest Common divisor(GCD) and its algorithm,Linear diophantine equations of two variables (using Euclid algorithm and Bhaskaracharya’s Kuttaka method) Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, congruences, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Euler's O- function, primitive roots. Binary operation. Addition and multiplication modulo operations. Definition of a group with examples and simple properti Unit =I Permutation group, cycle, transpositions, even and odd permutations and alternating group. Order of an element of a group and its properties.Subgroups of a group with its properties, Cyclic groups and their properties, Cosets. Index of a subgroup, Lagrange’ theorem and its applications. Unit- 01 s. Simple groups, Quotient groups. Group homomorphism with its kernel and properties. Isomorphism, Cayle’s theorem, automorphism, Fundamental theorem of homomorphism. Unit-1V Rings, Zero divisors, integral domains and fields. Characteristic of a ring, Subrings, subfield, prime field, ring homomorphism and isomorphism. Ideals and their properties. Normal subgroups with prope Unit-V Principal ideals and principal ideal ring. Prime ideal. Maximal ideal. Fundamental theorem of ring homomorphism. Euclidean ring and its properties. Polynomial over a ring. Polynomial ring. Polynomial over an integral domain and over a field. Books Recommended for reference:~ 1. LN. Herstien, Topics in Algebra, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1975. 2. Nathan Jacohson, Lectures in abstract Algebra Vol. I, W. H. freeman, 1980 (also published by Hindustan Publishing Company). Shanti Narayan, A text book of Modern Abstract Algebra, S. Chand and Co. New Dell Surjeet Singh and Qazi Zameeruddin, Vikas Publishing House, Pvt. Ltd., Dethi A.R, Vasishtha, Modern Algebra, Krishna Prakashan Mandir, Meerut 6. Pundir and Pundir theory of numbers Pragati \Prakashan 7 Lilavati of Bhaskarachrya (A treatise of Mathematics of Vedic Tradition ) Moti lal Banarasidass Publishers (Pvt. Ltd ) Delhi pee List of Practicals To from construction table of given Algebraic structiure and prove it group. To test whether the given structure is @ group or not. form graph of polynomials of four or more degree. simplication of logical circuits using Boolian algebra formation of truth table of Boolean functions. Curve tracing of plane curves including polar curves. Application of fundamental theorem on morphism of groups. Find roots of algebraic equation by graphical method. ea aveepe 9. Application of Lagrange’s theorem. 10, Problems related to permutations and permutation groups. 1, Problems related to ring. 12. Problems related to Kuttak ( Pulverization)(Bhaskaraachaarya method). Paper II — Advanced Calculus Time duration : 3 Hrs Max Marks : Science : 75/ Arts : 66 Note: Each question paper will contain three sections as under — Section-A: One compulsory question with 10 parts, having 2 parts from each unit, short ‘answer in 20 words for each part. Total marks : (Science 10/ Arts 5) Section-B: 10 questions, 2 questions from each unit, 5 questions to be attempted, taking one from each unit, answer approximately in 250 words. Total marks : 35 (Science / Arts) Section-C: 04 questions (question may have sub division) covering all units but not more than one question from each unit, descriptive type, answer in about 500 words, 2 questions to be attempted. Total marks : (Science -30 / Arts- 26) Unit -1 Polar coordinates, angle between radius vector and tangent, polar sub tangent and subnormal. Perpendicular from pole on tangent. Pedal equation of a curve. Derivative of length of an are in cartesian and polar coordinates. Curvature, Radius of curvature and its formula in various forms. Centre of curvature, chord of curvature. Unit 11 Partial differential coefficients of a function of two or more variables. Total differential coefficient. Composite function, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions of two, three and m- variables. First and second differential coefficients of an implicit function. Taylor’s theorem for a function of two variables. Jacobians with properties. Maxima, minima and saddle points of functions of two and three variables. Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers. Unit - 01 Asymptotes, envelopes and evolutes. ‘Test for points of inflexion and multiple points. Test for concavity and convexity. Tracing of curves in cartesian and polar coordinates. Unit -1V ication, Volumes and surfaces of solids of revolt Quadrature, Re the sign of integration. mn. Differentiation under Unit-V Beta and Gamma functions. Double integrals and their evaluation by change of order and ng into polar coordinates. Triple integrals, Dirichlet’s double and trip egrals with their Liouville’s extension, Paper III — Vector Calculus and Coordinate Geometry Time duration : 3 Hrs Max Marks : Science : 75/ Arts : 66 Note: Each question paper will contain three sections as under — Section-A: One compulsory question with 10 parts, having 2 parts from each unit, short ‘answer in 20 words for each part. Total marks : (Science 10 / Arts 5) Section-B: 10 questions, 2 questions from each unit, 5 questions to be attempted, taking one from each unit, answer approximately in 250 words, ‘Total marks : 35 (Science / Arts) Section-C: 04 questions (question may have sub division) covering all units but not more than one question from each unit, descriptive type, answer in about 500 words, 2 questions to be attempted. Total marks : (Science -30 / Arts- 26) Unit -1 Vector differentiation and integration, Problems based on Gradient, divergence and curl Vector identities, Line and surface integrals. ‘Theorems of Gaus , Green, Stokes(without proof) and problems based on these. Unit —11 Ellipse : standard equation, auxiliary circle, eccentric angle, tangent, normal, two tangents from point, chord of contact, pole, polar, chord whose mid point given, diameter, conjugate diameters and four normals from a point. Hyperbola : Standard equation, parametric co-ordinates, asymptotes, equation referred to asymptotes as axes, conjugate diameters and rectangular hyperbola. Unit — 11 Polar Equation : Standard equation, directrix, tangent, normal, polar and asymptotes. Sphere : standard equations in various forms, plane section, sphere through the circle of intersection of two spheres, power of a point, tangent plane, polar plane, polar line, angle of intersection of two spheres, length of tangent, radical plane, radical axis, co-axial system of spheres and limiting points. Unit -1V Cone : Homogeneous equation in x, y, z, cone with a given vertex and given base, enveloping cone, condition for the general equation to represent a cone, tangent plane, reciprocal cone, angle between the two lines, in which a plane cuts a cone, three mutually perpendicular generators and right circular cone. Cylinder : Right circular cylinder and enveloping cylinder. Unit-V Central Conicoids : Standard equation, tangent plane, condition of tangency, director sphere, polar plane, polar lines, section with a given center, enveloping cone, enveloping cylinder. Ellipsoid : Normal, six normals from a point, cone through six normals, conjugate diameters and their properties, Books Recommended for Reference:- Shanti Narain, A Test Book of vector calculus, 8. Chand and Co., New Delhi. Murray R. Spiegel, Vector Analysis, Schaum Publishing Company, New York. JN. Sharma & A. R. Vasishtha, Vector Calculus, Krishna Prakashan Mandir, Meerut. S. L. Loney, the elements of coordinate Geometry, Macmillan and Company, London. Gorakh Prasad and H. C. Gupta, Text Book of Coordinate Geometry, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad. R. J. T. Bell, Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry of Three dimension Macmillan India Ltd., 1994. Shanti Narayan, Solid Geometry, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi. M. Ray & S. S. Seth, Differential calculus, students, friends & Co. Agra. 9, M. Ray &S. S. Seth, Integral calculus, students, friends & Co. Agra. amafts Aton BAST HeAay aorehle Herfdenrcta let 7 7023965699 peeps B.A. / B.Sc. Part - I Examination -2023 wena ie wrainware ara we war 1 ort dha ait 3 3 We 50 4 retires 2 Py 2 I va bat 4 ame 5 66 ul ae mer Ur 4 3 we 75 68 Pree ste: Note : Common paper will be set for both faculties i.e., Arts and Science wer va = 1. ont tar ah wy: 3 We ifr aig: arts / ead ate Fa Fe aH 03 we fret ver et wey Be @es F yw aftard oer fori ato garg B02 TY eT aed BY Ger 10 yes ai rekon I we er SHE ATT 20 ret H et BA sie : 05 Ra /eI) wea a wre Fonte god Soe we Ge 10 er a | ot go aw BR Gel 05 welt Ge By aH | wee Ge aT TER PHT 250 wet A a | Be sioas (art /aeI) wea Be Ges F 0g ver Throne eft (rer A art Ah et were ast wel gergat 4 8 fey oH, fg, we god 8 yw 8 afte ger ae ahr | a ged Soo RA Ot Eade wer oT oR aT 500 eri He | Be aie: (arH20 /raIH4) go -1 Bort een ahr qo stage ihe aR A oR, gaET AEE TE (eR at date Rae aia) IT TB, ae, VATE, TH Ue FU HHT TOR WAR, WHE staaa wy wae eT yO | vor — IL URRR cor wad a, aa aE CE US IN, aeAgaM, SHER oT YEaia, Sait he We ee agar, wie qd are wr] ea - TerrY STR wd Sas yn, aa SAE cer Alar wR, wae waar, wareifar aw afte ste UM, Gera, det wa, erate, warner Ft ye wT woe - IV aera, Bt} ror, yore wet cer da, aera cen gia aed ar ae, Sacra, sua, seiner a, ‘aera, wart em Geena, ear ret or ga H are: er, fla et) wo -V sprorafertt wd yen, Ger Tare, RI IMTS aera, sear TTA, wfeaws yaa, aaa mma SE wha, aeetser Tera a oe, ague aera Wuiea wT ed da oR agUE aera, fefeorrer Wena | Ae /Age ch. (mv) } get a eA wala sian aT 25 / eM: 22 ‘@ix—arT we (Total Marks- 22) B.Sc. (Pt-I) (Total Marks- 25) Record - 05 Record - 05 Practical -1 - 04 Practical-1 = 07 Practical -Il - 04 Practical -Il - 07 Viva-Voce - 0s Viva-Voce - 06 1.3 aR @ afte ont aa debe aguel a ce fra areeer| 2. aha dha airs at eran B aa ofaelt ar ecareT aT 3. yoha art} fre wer aT ATI fry torr 4, were aa aT arg TAT SHIR 5. aR wranter HA aS GRIT 6. gp fede aiomat & fy abr ere a Poin wen TATA STRAT 7. orbs PARTS ati weit } AS Sr wT! 8 e | werhla Helfaearca aplet 9. ret 8 “ld 7023965699 gee oa — T- va Gert war 3 ae afer ofa: fea: 75 / we. 66 are eer A 03 Gre PRT oR eT ws a ws Hi gw aftard wer foreel ueden garg oe YET aa BL Ge 10 wy ve elt Weta OY Ue GT GR wT 20 wet Fe) Ge sie: fRSTT10 / eS ws a ea are Foes gag B02 wer AT gy Ge 10 Fee et | ede gare Sw FR TA oT BRB 05 we be BH ait | ot wes a GER TTT 250 TRE HT Gel aie: fa / Te: 35 WS a: ea ws Fog wee wharer att Goes A arr ah at ad abot wh gaat 4 a Ry oT, fg ew Bors Bw safes mer Ae eh eh edt BS Tee fea GF pe wer BT SR TTT 500 wel Hel ‘eet ofa: Pa: 90 / het: 26 wae -1 gf Pésie, gare tar yd ere tar S ey aio, gia geen wd oelera, wef Tar we ya a ae A wea | aoe ar tee toe ara a rE eT ara (ania wa eta Pei 8) amor Poor RAPT a, aoa oe, eT lar go — IL 1d 8 ate Tio site saan, wep sae PIG S, da aT s AI S WHET Ger fay ante wa, dyad war, ere orl } fed vem a eda came yin! a aki S wo SB fA caw we, wants wd ore Teel, cto de mt & fort wea, rs ya wear fg sifted oe a erator fA gag - 1 carer wa, aerate cen daa, a oar Rg, wd aga Aol, Sra a sea bg whe) ara wd gdta amt or arte) go - IV daoer, arene, oar uarepfeal ar aracr wa gla dae, waren fire & aerde orapera | wR -V der ed ar oa, Bo wae sa GET wees S aa FT oad oe wa aha Pderet 4 oRafeer wer! wet va - T-afes oor ya Presta cotta amy: 3 We after aia: fRari75 / wees ae Be wer Ta 4 03 ws fae won ett ws 3 a wre Fw aftand wer feel oh oe Boe Tg WeT AA aS 10 ay HT a ren a eT aT TT TTT 20 erat ah | BR siento ans wea a ae Fonte woe Soe we ae toe a ot go a BY Ge 05 Heel Gare By ah | welw ver GT GR TAT 250 eet F ty ye oie: fara /ara : 35 wea ee wy Fog wee aoharere at (oe Ha oh et cae aol wel gargat HS fey one, fey we gad 8 yw 8 afte ver ae ahr ieh eat S oa Pa OTA Ele weT TT TR TT 500 wea ge aenftare 90/aat 28 vor -1 ‘afte ar saeer Ta warmer, Weee, oT VE Geet cen adafo che, ele VE ti a whe (GaRfea) ser Sr we arene TART | om - IL aig

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