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Navigation of mobile robot using Global Positioning System (GPS) and obstacle
avoidance system with commanded loop daisy chaining application method

Conference Paper · April 2009

DOI: 10.1109/CSPA.2009.5069211 · Source: IEEE Xplore


28 9,288

4 authors:

Mohamad hanif Abd Hamid Abdul Adom

Universiti Malaysia Perlis Universiti Malaysia Perlis


Norasmadi Abdul Rahim Mohd Hafiz Fazalul Rahiman

Universiti Malaysia Perlis Universiti Malaysia Perlis


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2009 5th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA)

Navigation of Mobile Robot Using Global

Positioning System (GPS) and Obstacle Avoidance
System with Commanded Loop Daisy Chaining
Application Method
MHA Hamid, AH Adom, NA Rahim, MHF Rahiman
School of Mechatronics Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis 01000 Kangar, Perlis, Malaysia

Abstract- Mobile robot has been a major role to the robot for de-mining [3]. All of these applications will save life
application in military, industrial and agricultural and suitable for unexpected war nowadays.
purposes. Mobile robot should navigate through desire A possible task of Autonomous Mobile Robot is ready to
route and avoid the obstacle within the path. Many navigate from point to point that pre-programmed routed to
researcher come with the solution by using the various Autonomous Mobile Robot while avoiding the obstacle. This
type of control and instrumentation system. The function is useful in applications such as an autonomous log-
complexity of mobile robot system can make the system skidder, security surveillance robot, fire suppression system,
cost intensive and high risk. Proposed is a mobile robot and a terrain-mapping vehicle. The vehicle can accomplish
equipped with GPS navigation system and obstacle this task by using sensors to “see” where it is and what is
avoidance system with low cost mobile structure, GPS around it. These sensors vary from close range infrared
module and sonar sensor. The combination GPS and sensors to longer ranged high frequency radar and global
Sonar will determine the position and obstacle avoidance positioning satellites. [1]
for the mobile robot. Mobile robot should navigate This project used low cost equipment and instrumentation.
according to waypoint that preset to the GPS module and Remote control truck with skid steer application is used as a
sonar sensor detects the obstacle during mobile robot test bed for GPS navigation and obstacle avoidance. This
navigation by triggering the sonar sensor in sequence by remote control truck is suitable on semi-rugged terrain such a
using commanded loop daisy chaining application method. football field and outdoor application. The system was
Mobile Robot can navigate through desired waypoint and designed as a prototype for small vehicle and it can be
at the same time apply the obstacle avoidance rules implemented to larger vehicle for various type of application.

Keyword- Global Positioning System (GPS), National Marine II. MOBILE ROBOT SPECIFICATION
Electronics Association (NMEA), Autonomous Mobile robot,
Sonar Sensor, Daisy Chaining. Mobile robot for this experiment utilized the use of remote
control (RC) truck with the dimension of 50 cm in length, 25
cm in width and 15 cm in height. The RC truck equipped with
I. INTRODUCTION four independent motor that can actuated individually which
can skid steer to turn the mobile robot in immediate 360
Autonomous Mobile Robot is an automated vehicle that degree turn. Equipped with seal lead acid battery, mobile robot
does not required operation from operator to navigate the increases the capability to move in longer time. Figure 1 show
robot. All the movements are pre determined before the mobile robot structures integrated with GPS and sonar sensor.
operation and the mobile robot will navigate accordingly.
Autonomous mobile robot can be divided into three different
type of area which is ground, air and submarine. The
implementation of autonomous mobile robot such as in
military, agricultural purposes, surveillance and other
application can lower the risk of injury and time consuming.
Many researchers are spending a lot of time and money to
develop an autonomous mobile robot. Applications on
military for bomb defusing give major impact to reduce the
fatal injury. In other area the military can use the autonomous
mobile robot to rescue injured army from the battle field.
Other application for military purposes is autonomous mobile

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2009 5th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA)


Global Positioning System (GPS) is widely use in

navigation and localization. Nowadays many vehicles are
equipped with GPS for navigation from desire route. From the
GPS user can determine which direction they should follow
with time and other data such as bearing etc. This project will
benefit the use of data transmit from satellite to GPS module.
Autonomous mobile robot for this application will use
Garmin E-trex Vista for GPS module. Many considerations
have been made for this application. The main factor for the
consideration is the 12 channel GPS receiver designed to
operate with L1 frequency and GPS receiver continuously
tracks and uses the signal to compute and update position.
Fig. 1. Mobile Robot Structure
Small sizes make it light and easy to handle and also can be
use in rugged terrain because of water proofing. Due to
III. MICROCONTROLLER minimum power requirement which is 3v it is suitable for
autonomous mobile robot that needs longer power for
There are many micro controllers in the market consist of localization and navigation. With proper calibration the
various type capability from basic input output to high end accuracy will be ±2 with ±5 degrees extreme northern and
micro controller. These various types of micro controller are southern latitudes and 1 degree resolution.
purposes made for general application. For this project the The experiment has been conducted and the data that from
suitable micro controller is Basic stamp BS2 and BS2p. For the GPS that suitable for navigation and localization is
BS2 it offer processor speed 20 MHz and it can execute $GPRMC, $GPRMB, $$GPGGA and HCHDG. GPS data
approximately 4000 instruction per second. RAM size for BS2 being utilized in this project include latitude and longitude and
is 32 bytes and 2K bytes memory for EEPROM about 500 also bearing. Specified waypoint can be pre determine and the
instructions can be store in flash memory. BS2 also offer 16 autonomous mobile robot will follow waypoint accordingly.
input output for interfacing with hardware and 2 dedicated All the data will be read as ASCII code that need to be parse
serial communications. BS2P is an upgrade unit to various type of information. Usually the accuracy of the
microcontroller from BS2 that offer processor speed 20 M Hz GPS module can up to 9 meter.
and execution speed approximately 12000 instruction per
second. RAM size is 38 bytes and flash memory to store
programming code is 16k bytes roughly about 4000
instruction can be saved. 24 input output and 2 dedicated serial
communication integrated in BS2p module. Voltage
requirement for both BS2 and BS2p vary along 5-12 vdc and
current draw at 5v is 40 mA and 350 µA for inactive situation.
Programming language for both controllers is using PBASIC
code. GPS data acquisition will be store in BS2p by serial
communication and all the movement and obstacle avoidance
come from the BS2. Figure 2 show block diagram of the
mobile robot system.

Fig. 3. Mobile robot Navigation using heading and waypoint information.

Mobile robot will navigate as shown in Figure 3 through

desire point according to rule below:

True Course=Heading = TR
Waypoint Heading = WP


Fig. 2. Block Diagram for Microcontroller Input and Outputs If TR>WP Move LEFT

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Garmin E-Trex Vista will submit string to micro controller

through serial port in form of text file. Microcontroller will
recognize the sentence by identifying the character of
$GPRMC at the beginning of the sentence. The data
description for $GPRMC can be shown as Figure 4. Many
data can be used as a guideline for navigation. For example
latitude and longitude can be parsed respectively data 3 and 5.
This data can be use as an initial coordinate where the mobile
robot to navigate through specified route.

Fig. 6. Graph Longitude versus Latitude


Along the navigation from the first waypoint to final

waypoint sonar sensor will detect the obstacle within range.
Basic principle of movement of mobile robot is avoid the
obstacle and after successfully avoid the particular obstacle
mobile robot will correct the waypoint from the current
Fig. 4. Data string from Garmin E-Trex Vista position. This paper focused on the LV-MAX Sonar for
obstacle avoidance system. The selection of sonar sensor is
All $GPRMC data must be valid status for new value for each base on the specification of the LV-MAX Sonar. The
point before continue for another string. advantages of the LV-MAX Sonar are very low cost sonar
sensor with reliable and stable range data and also very fast
measurement cycle.
Figure 5 show graph for latitude value from $GPGGA
On the mobile robot four sonar sensors implemented in
which has been taken before the navigation has been
front of mobile robot for obstacle avoidance system. For each
conducted to see the accuracy of the GPS module. Four
left and right the position of the sensor are 20 cm in between
hundred data has been taken. Within 300 data all the data start
with 45 angle and two sonar sensor in the middle of left and
with the same value which indicates the value for latitude is
right sonar sensor with 10 cm between both sensor.
ready to be used for navigation. Figure 6 show graph for
The left and right sensor will detect the obstacle on each
between longitude and latitude.
side and the centre sensor will detect the opposite obstacle of
mobile robot. The system did not include back sensor because
mobile robot only avoid obstacle by moving left and right
only. From this experiment output data from the sonar sensor
using pulse width output. Pulse data can be converted to
centimeter or inches from equation (1) and (2).

The main problem of sonar sensor is the crosstalk between

those sensors. For this system it will have 4 main sonar
Fig. 5. Graph Latitude versus Number of data sensors in front of the autonomous mobile robot. The sonar
system will ping immediately after the system is turn on. All
of the four sonar sensor will ping at the same time and sound
pulse will be sent to the environment and bounce back to the
sonar sensor. When the sonar simultaneously trigger it may
happen when the second sonar sensor receive sound pulse
information from the first sonar sensor. The data are invalid

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2009 5th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Its Applications (CSPA)

because of the crosstalk of the system. To overcome the Time Delay versus Time
problem is by triggering the sonar sensor one by one within
the required time but this system only applicable for one or
two sonar sensor. The more sonar the more complicated the
timing to trigger the sonar sensor.

Fig. 7. Commanded loop Daisy chaining schematic

Black: Sonar 1(s1)
Red: Sonar 2(s2)
Blue: Sonar 3(s3)
The best way to deal with this complexity is the daisy Yellow: Sonar 4(s4)
chasing application method that will concentrate on the Range: 18” where s1=1291 s2=1288 s3=1287 s4=1310
electronic circuit rather than software method. The sensors
will be chained together as shown in Figure 7 by linking the Fig. 8. Data in pulse from Sonar sensor for range 18”
TX of unit 1 to RX unit 2 an so on and the entire BW pin is
tied to high. To run the system in sequence, strobe the first Inches versus Time
sensor within 20 us and both input data can be read in
sequence. From LV-MAX-sonar sensors two outputs can be
manipulate which are AN (analog output) and PW (pulse
width output). This system will use PW as an output.
Figure 8 shows the data from 4 sonar sensors which has
been placed in line between each with 3.5 cm between each
sensor. The data show the range of 18 inches the value
approximately within range 1287 s to 1310s. The conversion
of pulse value to inches using equation (2), give data as in
Figure9 which is 17 inches. Figure 10 show data from the
sonar sensor without daisy chaining application method gave
the unpredicted value vary between 1500 s to 2000 pulse for
18 inches obstacle. The false data happen when the crosstalk
between the sonar sensors as discuss above.

Black: Sonar 1(s1)

Red: Sonar 2(s2)
Blue: Sonar 3(s3)
Yellow: Sonar 4(s4)
Range: 18” where s1=17 s2=17 s3=17 s4=17
Fig. 9. Data in inches from Sonar sensor for range 18”

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Time Delay versus Time

Black: Sonar 1(s1)

Red: Sonar 2(s2)
Blue: Sonar 3(s3)
Yellow: Sonar 4(s4)

Fig. 10. Data in pulse from Sonar sensor without Daisy Chaining application


The microcontroller is responsible to collect all the data

from the GPS module and also from the sonar sensor. The
decision making is based on the data collection to control the Fig. 11. Flow chart for GPS navigation and obstacle avoidance.
DC motor. Figure 11 show the flow chart of the system. All
the waypoints need to be preset to the GPS module before VIII. CONCLUSION
mobile robot can be navigated. Base on NMEA code the data
are parsed and the suitable data are waypoint and heading This project shows that the mobile robot navigation using
information. From this data the decision making can be made GPS module can be built using combination of RC truck
whether mobile robot to move left or right to correct the error between GPS and sonar sensor. The concept of the system can
of the system. During the navigation mobile robot also need to be applied to bigger scale mobile robot with better accuracy of
avoid obstacle. If there any obstacles the mobile robot avoid GPS system and better obstacle avoidance system such as
the obstacle and return to the preset path. vision and laser range finder.


The mobile robot is able to move according to preset The authors thankfully acknowledge the funding [Code No:
waypoint with obstacle avoidance implemented in the system. 9003-00132] received from FRGS of Malaysian Government.
The accuracy of the navigation highly depend on the signal
from satellite with vary from 4 to 12 input satellites. The REFERENCES
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