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1.- Asignación de nombre de switch

[4210]sysname switch

2.- Asignación de IP a interface vlan 1

[switch]interface Vlan-interface 1
[switch-Vlan-interface1]ip address
[switch-Vlan-interface1]undo shutdown

3.- Crear Vlan’s

[switch]vlan 10
[switch-vlan10]name DATOS
[switch]vlan 11
[switch-vlan11]name VOZ
[switch]vlan 300
[switch-vlan300]name GESTION-SW

4.- Configurar vlan de DATOS y de VOZ en un puerto de usuario

[switch]interface Ethernet 1/0/1

[switch-Ethernet1/0/1]port link-type hybrid
[switch-Ethernet1/0/1]port hybrid pvid vlan 10
[switch-Ethernet1/0/1]port hybrid vlan 10 untagged
[switch-Ethernet1/0/1]undo port hybrid vlan 1
[switch-Ethernet1/0/1]port hybrid vlan 11 tagged
[switch-Ethernet1/0/1]voice vlan enable

5.- Configurar un puerto como enlace troncal

[switch]interface Ethernet 1/0/48

[switch-Ethernet1/0/48]undo stp edged-port
[switch-Ethernet1/0/48]undo loopback-detection enable
[switch-Ethernet1/0/48]port link-type trunk
[switch-Ethernet1/0/48]port trunk permit vlan 1 10 11
[switch-Ethernet1/0/48]port trunk pvid vlan 1
5.- Acceso por SSH y creación de usuario / deshabilitar acceso telnet

[switch]local-user admin
[switch-luser-admin]password cipher admin
[switch-luser-admin]service-type ssh
[switch-luser-admin]level 3
[switch]ssh user admin authentication-type password
[switch]ssh user admin service-type stelnet
[switch]ssh authentication-type default password
[switch]ssh user admin
[switch]user-interface vty 0 4
[switch-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode scheme
[switch-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound ssh <= con esto deshabilitas acceso ssh
[switch]rsa local-key-pair create
The local-key-pair will be created.
The range of public key size is (512 ~ 2048).
NOTES: If the key modulus is greater than 512,
It will take a few minutes.
Input the bits in the modulus[default = 1024]:1024
Generating keys...

Agregar usuario consola

[P02-SW02-MAGDALENA]local-user admincgr
[P02-SW02-MAGDALENA-luser-admincgr]service-type ?
ftp FTP service type
lan-access LAN-ACCESS service type
ssh SECURE SHELL service type
telnet TELNET service type
terminal TERMINAL service type
[P02-SW02-MAGDALENA-luser-admincgr]service-type ssh terminal

6.- Desactivar http

[4210]ip http shutdown

7.- Después de crear usuario admincgr, eliminar usuarios por defecto

[4210]undo local-user manager

[4210]undo local-user monitor
[4210]undo local-user admin

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