Complete Blood Picture: 30 Year Male 60721502352

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ϲΗϧϳΩϣ ωέ˰˰˰ϔϟ΍ϡ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍αϠΟϣαϳ΋έ

ϰϔρλϣϰϳΣϳϩΩΎϏΩ ωέ˰˰ϔϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ
ϪΑϳηΔϟΎϫΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ
αϳϣΧ˯ΎϋΩΩ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍ΏϳΑρ ϝϣΎόϣϟ΍έϳΩϣ
ϥΎοϣέϥΗΎϓΩ ϲϧϳΑέηϟ΍ΩϧϫΩ΍

PATIENT NAME Registered 23-01-2021 09:56:19 Collected 23-01-2021 09:56:28

.ϲϛίϑγϭϳϲϛίΫΎΗγϷ΍ Authenticated 23-01-2021 15:03:29 Printed 23-01-2021 20:15:54
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
60721502352 30 Year Male Prof : - 539

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range

Complete Blood Picture
Haemoglobin 15.7 g/dl 12.5 - 17.5
Haematocrit (PCV) 45.1 % 41 - 52
RBCs Count 5.65 Millions / cmm 4.5 - 5.9
MCV 79.8 fl 80 - 100
MCH 27.8 pg 27 - 33
MCHC 34.8 g/dl 31 - 37
RDW-CV 11.7 % 11.5 - 15
Platelet Count (EDTA Blood) 251 thousands / cmm 150 - 450
Total Leucocytic Count (EDTA Blood) 6.0 thousands / cmm 4 - 11

Percent Values Absolute Values

Neutrophils 40.4 % 2.43 x10^9/L 2-7
Lymphocytes 45.8 % 2.75 x10^9/L 1 - 4.8
Monocytes 8.3 % 0.50 x10^9/L 0.2 - 1
Eosinophils 4.5 % 0.27 x10^9/L 0.1 - 0.45
Basophils 1.0 % 0.06 x10^9/L 0 - 0.1

Other Cells
Relative lymphocytosis.
Follow up is recommended.

Dr.Hala Sheba
Professor of clinical pathology,
Faculty of medicine, Cairo university 1-1
ϲΗϧϳΩϣ ωέ˰˰˰ϔϟ΍ϡ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍αϠΟϣαϳ΋έ
ϰϔρλϣϰϳΣϳϩΩΎϏΩ ωέ˰˰ϔϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ ϝϣΎϛϪϧϣ΅ϣΩ΍
ϰϠϘϧϟ΍ίϳίόϟ΍ΩΑϋΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ
ϰγϳγϟ΍ϼϋΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍ΏϳΑρ ϝϣΎόϣϟ΍έϳΩϣ
ϡϳϫ΍έΑ΍ΕΎϳ΍Ω ϲϧϳΑέηϟ΍ΩϧϫΩ΍

PATIENT NAME Registered 23-01-2021 09:56:19 Collected 23-01-2021 09:56:28

.ϲϛίϑγϭϳϲϛίΫΎΗγϷ΍ Authenticated 23-01-2021 15:55:18 Printed 23-01-2021 20:15:56
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
60721502352 30 Year Male Prof : - 539

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range Previous Result

Diabetic Profile

Fasting Blood Glucose 106 mg/dL 70 - 110

Haemoglobin A1C 5.5 % Normal: Less than 5.7

Prediabetes: 5.7 - 6.4
Diabetes: More than 6.4

Liver Function Tests

Total Bilirubin 1.00 mg/dl 0.3 - 1.2

Direct Bilirubin 0.30 mg/dL 0 - 0.3

Indirect Bilirubin 0.70 mg/dL 0 - 0.9

SGPT (ALT) 85 U/L 7 - 40

Hepatitis markers are recommended

SGOT (AST) 37 U/L 0 - 34

Serum Albumin 4.7 g/dL 3.2 - 4.8

Tumor Markers

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) 4.0 ng/mL Up to 8

Thyroid Function Tests

TSH 2.98 uIU/mL 0.55 - 4.78

N.B. :Many factors affect TSH levels including circadian rhythm (peak around midnight and a low in the
afternoon), diet (High-Fiber Diet or Goitrogenic Foods), thyroid therapy, autoimmune thyroiditis and stress.
Such factors act as Non-thyroidal illness affecting TSH levels without any effect on thyroid gland.

Free T3 3.7 pg/mL 2.1 - 4.4

Free T4 1.2 ng/dL 0.8 - 1.8

Dr.ABD El-Aziz El-Nokaly

Professor of Medical Bio-Chemistry,
Faculty of medicine, EL Azhar University 1-2
ϲΗϧϳΩϣ ωέ˰˰˰ϔϟ΍ϡ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍αϠΟϣαϳ΋έ
ϰϔρλϣϰϳΣϳϩΩΎϏΩ ωέ˰˰ϔϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ ϝϣΎϛϪϧϣ΅ϣΩ΍
ϰϠϘϧϟ΍ίϳίόϟ΍ΩΑϋΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ
ϰγϳγϟ΍ϼϋΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍ΏϳΑρ ϝϣΎόϣϟ΍έϳΩϣ
ϡϳϫ΍έΑ΍ΕΎϳ΍Ω ϲϧϳΑέηϟ΍ΩϧϫΩ΍

PATIENT NAME Registered 23-01-2021 09:56:19 Collected 23-01-2021 09:56:28

.ϲϛίϑγϭϳϲϛίΫΎΗγϷ΍ Authenticated 23-01-2021 15:55:18 Printed 23-01-2021 20:15:56
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
60721502352 30 Year Male Prof : - 539

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range Previous Result

Hepatitis Markers

HCV Ab by Chemiluminescent Positive Negative

HCV Ab Screening test should be confirmed By HCV RNA Quantitative by PCR (TaqMan)

Lipid Profile
Serum Total Cholesterol 171 mg/dL Normal : Up to 200
Borderline Risk : 200-240
High Risk : > 240

Serum Triglycerides 110 mg/dL 0 - 150

HDL Cholesterol 47 mg/dL 40 - 60

LDL Cholesterol 102 mg/dL 0 - 100

VLDL Cholesterol 22 mg/dL 0 - 30

HDL Risk Factor 3.64 Mild risk : 4.4

Moderate risk : 7.1
High risk : 11.0

Dr.ABD El-Aziz El-Nokaly

Professor of Medical Bio-Chemistry,
Faculty of medicine, EL Azhar University 2-2
ϲΗϧϳΩϣ ωέ˰˰˰ϔϟ΍ϡ˰˰˰γ΍ Γέ΍Ωϻ΍αϠΟϣαϳ΋έ
ϰϔρλϣϰϳΣϳϩΩΎϏΩ ωέ˰˰ϔϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ ϝϣΎϛϪϧϣ΅ϣΩ΍
ϪΑϳηΔϟΎϫΩ΍ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍έ˰ϳΩ˰ϣ
αϳϣΧ˯ΎϋΩΩ ϩΩΣϭϟ΍ΏϳΑρ ϝϣΎόϣϟ΍έϳΩϣ
ϥΎοϣέϥΗΎϓΩ ϲϧϳΑέηϟ΍ΩϧϫΩ΍

PATIENT NAME Registered 23-01-2021 09:56:19 Collected 23-01-2021 09:56:28

.ϲϛίϑγϭϳϲϛίΫΎΗγϷ΍ Authenticated 23-01-2021 16:32:04 Printed 23-01-2021 20:15:57
Visit Number Age Gender Referred By Client ID
60721502352 30 Year Male Prof : - 539

Test Name Result Unit Reference Range Previous Result

Prothrombin Time (PT)

Patient Prothrombin Time 16.7
Control Prothrombin Time 13.6
Prothrombin Concentration 73.0 70 - 120

INR 1.24 0.9 - 1.27

APTT (Citrated Plasma) 25.5 23 - 40

Dr.Hala Sheba
Professor of clinical pathology,
Faculty of medicine, Cairo university 1-1

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