The Line Graphs Illustrate The Average Monthly Amount That British Parents Spend On Their Children

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The line graphs illustrate the average monthly amount that British parents spend on their children’s

participation in sports and number of children who took part in football, athletics and swimming
from 2008 to 2014.

As can be seen form the graphs, the amount of money spent on children’s sports activities by British
parents rose gradually during the period shown. In terms of number of children taking part in three
sports, football was significantly more poplular than athletics and swimming.

In 2008, British parents spent an average monthly amount of 20 pounds on their children’s sports.
From 2008 to 2014, the amount of money increased gradually during the period and reached
approximately 32 pounds in 2014.

Looking at participation number, around 7,5 millions of children played football, while only around
2.5 millions children enrolled in swimming and less than one millions joined in athletics. The figures
for football remained relatively stable and touched around 8 millions player in 2014. By contrast, the
number of children who enrolled in swimming almost doubled, to nearly 4 millions, and there was a
fivefold increase in the number of children doing athletics


1. Participation in: tham gia vào

2. The figures for=the number of: số lượng
3. The amount of= The percentage of: số lượng (unc)
4. By contrast: Ngược lại
5. Remain relatively stable: duy trì tương đối ổn định
6. Double (v): gấp đôi
7. Fivefold increase: tăng 5 lần => there was a five fold increase in ….
8. Enroll in: tham gia
The diagram illustrates the stages in life of a salmon, from birth to maturity

As can be seen from the process, there are 6 main stages in the process. Besides, salmon spend their
life circle in three different distinct environments, from the rivers to estuaries to ocean and then back
upstream to the rivers.

Salmon begin their lives in the rivers where they spawn and incubate their egg. After emerging from
the eggs, the young fish continue the next stage of their lives being reared in the freshwater. At the
next time in their devoping process, the fish swim to the estuaries where rearing continue.

Following rearing in the estuaries, the fish migrate downstream to the rearing areas in the ocean
where they are now fully grown adults. At the final stage, the adult fish migrate back upstream to
spawning areas in the rivers, where the life cycle begins of the salmon anew.

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