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Masuknya Islam di Maluku Tenggara dan Peran Masjid Al-Mukarromah Sebagai Basis Penyebarannya Download PDF

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Masuknya Islam di Maluku Tenggara dan

Peran Masjid Al-Mukarromah Sebagai Basis

Ali Fahrudin
Puslitbang Lektur dan Khazanah Keagamaan
Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI, Jakarta

This article attempts to uncover the history of Islam in Southeast
Maluku and the role of the mosque Al-Mukarromah, as the oldest mosque
and the center institution in the spread of Islam in the region. This study
uses a descriptive exploratory archaeological historical approach that is
supported by historical data. The study suggests some the following
points: 1) Before Majapahit conquered Muar Island (Kei islands) in
Southeast Maluku, Islam has entered into Kei Besar Island in the year
1295 AD. It is characterized by the arrival of Sultan Isa children who
come from Basrah and settled on the island of Luang (Nusa Tenggara
Barat now); 2) the Al-Mukarromah Mosque was established in Kei Besar
Island when Larat Matdoan, the King of Langgiar Fer in 1536 AD was in
power and also as a center for the propagation of Islam in the Kei Islands;

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