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Density of Plastics 2

Introduction and Goals

Experiment 2: Density of Plastics

Date: 13 September 2023

Name: Albane Fery


 The purpose of this experiment is to use varying concentrations of NaCl to separate plastics based on their
 By changing the amount of NaCl dissolved in solution, it is possible to change the density of the solution.
Therefore, by selecting a solution density that lies between that of the plastics, we are able to separate the
samples (one floats while the other, denser sample, sinks).

Lab safety

 The pieces of plastic do not pose a chemical hazard – but they can be sharp so are cutting hazards.
 Glassware used is fragile – if glassware breaks, broken pieces can be hazardous.


 Plastics:
o PS (Polystyrene)
o LDPE (Low density polyethylene)
o PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)

 Distilled water
 NaCl 25% stock solution
 Beaker (sink-float tank)
 Graduated cylinder
 Forceps
 Glass stirring rod.
 Strainer
 Laptop with Excel software to record data.


Complete lab protocol:

1. Determine the relationship between NaCl concentration and density.
a) Using Figure 1 in the Data section below, generate a calibration between concentration and
density – use Excel to make a plot showing the relationship between the density of NaCl solution
and wt%.
2. Separate LDPE from PS and PET.
a) Because the density of water (0.998) lies between that of LDPE, and PS and PET, fill the beaker
with only distilled water.
b) Place the plastic samples in the beaker of water and stir with a glass rod to make sure the plastic
samples are immersed – two samples should sink while the other floats.
3. Separate PS from PET.
a) Using the literature density values of the plastics (LDPE, PS, PET), determine the concentration of
NaCl that would have the correct density to separate LDPE from PS and PET – use the trendline
and equation (y = mx + b) generated in Excel from the graph
b) Use the formula V1C1 = V2C2 to calculate the target volume of NaCl stock solution, from the
concentration found in a).
c) Pour the calculated volume of stock solution into the graduated cylinder, then add distilled water
until the bottom of the meniscus reaches the 100mL mark.
d) Transfer this solution into the beaker to make a second sink-float tank, this time placing PS and
PET inside.
e) Use the glass stirring rod to immerse the plastics and evenly mix the NaCl solution – one sample
should sink while the other floats, separating these last two plastics based on their densities.

Data and Observations

Calibrating the use of NaCl to increase the density of water:

wt% NaCl Density (g/mL)

0 0.998

10 1.071

20 1.148

25 1.202

Fig. 1. Known density relationship for NaCl.

Graph of relationship with trendline:

Slope – 0.008023729

Intercept – 0.994423729 g/mL

R2 – 0.9948647

Fig. 2. Density of aqueous NaCl solutions as a function of wt%.

Plastic densities: Class average vs. Literature values:

Class average Literature values

LDPE 0.985 0.866

PS 1.047 1.040

PET 1.117 1.302

Fig. 3. Table comparing the class averages for plastic densities vs. literature values.

Determining %wt NaCl solutions to provide plastic separation:

Density to separate LDPE from PS and PET:

Target density (g/mL) 0.998

%wt of NaCl solution (0.998 – 0.994423729) / 0.008023729 = 0.446

Fig. 4. Table demonstrating the calculations involved in determining the target NaCl %wt to separate LDPE from PS and PET.

Density to separate PS from PET:

Target density (g/mL) 1.14

%wt of NaCl solution / target conc. (1.14 – 0.994423729) / 0.008023729 = 18.1

Fig. 5. Table demonstrating the calculations involved in determining the target NaCl %wt to separate PS from PET.

Dilution equations

V1C1 = V2C2

Stock conc. (%wt) Stock volume (mL) Target conc. (%wt) Target volume (mL)

25.0 (18.1*100) / 25.0 = 72.6 18.1 100

Fig. 6. Table demonstrating the calculation involved in determining the stock volume and target volume required to separate PS from PET.


Fig. 7. Picture demonstrating the separation of LDPE from PS and PET. Fig. 8. Picture demonstrating the separation of PS from PET.

Whencomparing theseLDPE
separating qualitative
from results
PET and to thePS,
LDPE density values
Whenand the targetPET
separating density
fromof the
PS,solutions in bothhard
PET (white,
sink float
(clear, tanks,
hard we floated
plastic) can conclude
whilst that these two
the other results are most likely
sank. accurate.
plastic) sank, In
PSfirst sink-float
floated. tank, the as
This occurred target
PET is
density of the solution
This occurred becausewas
PS 0.998 (pureare
and PET water), meaning
denser than that LDPE with
denser thethe
than density below
solution this would
density float,
of 1.14 whilst
g/mL, with a
PET and PS with densities greater than that of
water, with densities 1.040 and 1.302 respectively, water, should sink. As shown in the picture above, this is what
density of 1.3. PS, however, has a density of 1.040,
occurred, successfully
whilst LDPE separating
has a density smallerLDPE from at
than water the0.866.
two other plastics.
which In isthesmaller
that oftank, the target
the solution anddensity
of the solution was 1.14, lying almost exactly between the densities of PS and PET (1.040 and 1.302 respectively).
This meant that if volumes were measured out precisely, PS with a density below that of the solution should float,
whilst PET with a larger density than that of the solution should sink. As demonstrated in the picture above, this also
occurred, successfully separating PS from PET.

Although the qualitative results match with the data values and what we predicted would occur, there could still
have been issues with accuracy at multiple occasions that may have led to errors. Most importantly, the graduated
cylinder only measured liquids in 2mL increments, whereas in our calculations, target volumes for the NaCl solution
were precise to 0.1mL. This meant that when measuring out the volume of NaCl stock solution for the sink-float
tank, we had to estimate how close we thought the bottom of the meniscus was to our target value, as we could not
be accurate to 0.1mL. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that our volumes were exact, as the uncertainty of our
measurement was too large, and the NaCl solution density in the second sink-float tank may be different to what was
intended. However, despite this, the plastics separated as expected, suggesting that this error did not have a large
impact on our results.

The experiment’s primary objective was to separate the plastics based on their densities, using the sink-float tank
method. This objective was met as we were successfully able to first separate LDPE from PES and PET, and then
use a second sink-float tank to separate PS from PET.

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