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School Of Engineering Technology and Applied Science (SETAS)

Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Technology (AMAT)

EET223– Lab instruction Winter 2023 Rev 1.0
Experiment No. 1 Section/Group: Name and ID#

Uncontrolled Rectifiers: 007 Group 7

Johnathan Donnelly 301321646

Name and ID# Name and ID#

Half Wave and Full Wave
Sanjeev Rajah 301011278 Dave Puertas 301257027

OBJECTIVE In this part of the exercise, you will study the operation of a single-phase half-wave and Full-
wave rectifiers. You will observe the waveforms of the voltages and current in the rectifier using the
oscilloscope. You will determine the conduction angle of the diode. You will then measure the frequency of the
rectified voltage, as well as the average values of the rectified voltage, current, and power.


• Resistive Load
• Power Supply/ 24 V AC Power Supply
• Power Diodes
• Power Cable / Connection Cables / USB Cable


Part 1: Half Wave Rectifier

✔ 1.1 - Connect the Power Input of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a 24 V ac power
supply. Turn the 24 V ac power supply on.

✔ 1.2 - Connect the USB port of the Data Acquisition and Control Interface to a USB port of the host

✔ 1.3 - Make sure that the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to O (off), then connect the
Power Input to an ac power outlet.

✔ 1.4 - Turn the host computer on, and then start the LVDAC-EMS software.

In the LVDAC-EMS Start-Up window, make sure that the Data Acquisition and Control Interface
and the Power Supply are detected. Make sure that the Computer-Based Instrumentation
function for the Data Acquisition and Control Interface is available. Select the network voltage
and frequency that correspond to the voltage and frequency of your local ac power network
(120 V , 60 Hz) , then click the OK button to close the LVDAC-EMS Start-Up window.

EET223-Experiment # 1 – Rev 1.0 Page 1

✔ 1.5 - Set up the circuit shown in CIRCUIT 1. In this circuit, VS is an ac power source obtained by using
Power Supply. E1, E2 and I1 are voltage and current meter inputs of the Data Acquisition and
Control Interface. The diode D is one of the diodes in the Power Diode banks module. Load
resistor R is implemented with the Resistive Load module.

100 Ω

Circuit 1- Half-wave rectifier configuration

✔ 1.6 - Make the necessary connections and switch settings on the Resistive Load module in order to
obtain the resistance value required.
Appendix B lists the switch settings required on the Resistive Load in order to obtain various resistance values.

✔ 1.7 - In the Power Supply module, make sure that the Voltage parameter is set to 100 V, then start
the ac power source.

✔ 1.8 - On the Oscilloscope, display the source voltage (E1), the rectifier output current (source current)
[I1], and the rectifier output voltage (E2), on channels 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Make sure that
the time base is set to display at least two cycles of the sine waves.

✔ 1.9 - Capture the oscilloscope image (using screen capture or taking a picture). Insert your image in
the space provided below, IMAGE 1.

Image 1 - Half-wave rectifier Voltage and Current signals

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✔ 1.10 - In LVDAC-EMS, open the Metering window. Set meters E2 and I1 to measure the RMS (ac) and
average (dc) values of the rectifier output voltage (VO) and rectifier output current (IO), respectively.
Also, set the E1 to measure RMS (ac) and average (dc) voltage of input voltage(VS). To measure
frequency choose meters to measure frequency of E2 and I1 and E1. To measure the peak voltage and
current use the oscilloscope with horizontal cursors. Record these values in TABLE 1.

Input Voltage Current Output Voltage

Parameter VS [V] IS=IO [A] VO [V]
DC Value 1.4V 436mA 43.7V
RMS Value 100V 690mA 69.1V
Peak Value 282.84V 1.6A 162.5V
Frequency [Hz] 60Hz 60Hz 60Hz
Table 1 - Voltage and Current Measurements –Half Wave Rectifier

Part 2: Full Wave Rectifier

✔ 2.1 - Turn of the AC power. Set up the circuit shown in CIRCUIT 2. In this circuit, ES is an ac power
source.E1, E2, I1, and I2 are voltage and current meters of the Data Acquisition and Control
Interface. Diodes D1, D2, D3, and D4 are diodes in the Power Diode module. Load resistor R is
implemented with the Resistive Load module

100 Ω

100 V

Circuit 2- Full-wave rectifier configuration

✔ 2.2 - In the Power Supply, set the Input Voltage (VS) parameter to 100 V.

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✔ 2.3 - On the Oscilloscope, display the source voltage (E2), the source current (I2), the rectifier output
current (I1), and the rectifier output voltage (E1) on channels 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Make
sure that the time base is set to display at least two cycles of the sine waves.

✔ 2.4 - Capture the oscilloscope image (using screen capture or taking a picture). Insert your image in
the space provided below, IMAGE 2.

Image 2 - Full-wave rectifier Voltage and Current signals

✔ 2.5 - In LVDAC-EMS, on the Metering window. Set meters E2 and I2 to measure the RMS ( ac) and
average (dc) values of the rectifier input (source) voltage (VS) and rectifier input current (IS),
respectively. Also, Set meters E1 and I1 to measure the RMS ( ac) and average (dc) values of
the rectifier output (load) voltage (VO) and rectifier output current (IO), respectively. Record these
values in T ABLE 2. To measure the peak voltage and current use the oscilloscope with
horizontal cursors.

Input Voltage Input Current Output Voltage Output Current

Parameter VS [V] IS [A] VO [V] IO [A]
DC Value 500mV 0A 86.7V 873mA
RMS Value 100V 975mA 97V 977mA
Peak Value 325V 3.2A 162.5V 1.6A
Frequency (Hz) 60Hz 60Hz 120Hz 120Hz
Table 2 - Voltage and Current Measurements –Full Wave Rectifier

✔ 2.6 - Turn of the AC power.

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✔ 3.1 - Find the theoretical values CIRCUIT 1 according to the given formula record them in TABLE 3
• Input peak voltage VS(p) :
Calculation Area:

VS ( p )
= 2VS ( rms ) 1.41VS ( rms )
= Vs = 1.41* 100V = 141V

Vo(p) = 141V
• Output peak voltage VO(P):

VO ( p )  VS ( p ) Vo(DC) = 141V / pi = 44.88V

Vo(rms) = Vo / 2 = 70.5V
• Output DC Voltage VO(DC):

VO ( p ) Io(DC) = 44.88V / 100 Ohm = 449mA

O ( dc ) = 0.318VO ( p )
π Io(rms) = 70.5V / 100 Ohm = 705mA
• Output RMS Voltage Vout(RMS ):
Io(p) = 141V / 100 Ohm = 1.41A
VO ( p )
VO ( rms ) =
• Current IO :
VO ( dc ) VO ( rms ) VO ( p )
I O ( dc ) = I O ( rms ) = IO ( p ) =

Input Voltage [V] Current [A] Output Voltage [V]

Parameter VS IS=IO VO
DC Value 0 449mA 44.88V
RMS Value 100 705mA 70.5V
Peak Value 141V 1.41A 141V
Table 3 - Theoretical Voltage/Current Values of Half wave Rectifier

✔ 3.2 - Find the theoretical values CIRCUIT 2 according to the given formula record them in TABLE 4
• Input peak voltage VS(p) : Calculation Area:

Vs = 1.41* 100V = 141V

VS ( p )
= 2VS ( rms ) 1.41VS ( rms )
Vo(p) = 141V
• Output peak voltage VO(P):
Vo(DC) = 2*141V / pi = 89.76V
VO ( p )  VS ( p )
Vo(rms) = Vo / 1.41 = 63.7V

• Output DC Voltage VO(DC) Io(DC) = 89.76V / 100 Ohm = 898mA

2VO ( p )
VO ( dc )
= = 0.636VO ( p ) Io(rms) = 63.7V / 100 Ohm = 637mA
Io(p) = 141V / 100 Ohm = 1.41A

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• Output RMS Voltage Vout(RMS ): Calculation Area:
VO ( p )
VO ( rms ) = Is(rms) = 100 / 100 = 1A
• Current IO : Is(p) = 141 / 100 = 1.41A
VO ( dc ) VO ( rms )
I O ( dc ) = I O ( rms ) =
VO ( p )
IO ( p ) =
• Current IS :

VS ( rms ) VS ( p )
I S ( rms ) = IS ( p) =

Input Voltage Input Current Output Voltage Output Current

Parameter VS [V] IS [A] VO [V] IO [A]
DC Value 0 0 89.76V 898mA
RMS Value 100 1A 100V 637mA
Peak Value 141V 1.41A 141V 1.41A
Table 4 - Theoretical Voltage/Current Values of Full Wave Rectifier

✔ 3.3 - Calculate some important parameters of Half-wave and Full-Wave Rectifiers as indicated below.
Write these values in TABLE 5.
• Rectifier Form Factor (FF) is a measure of the shape of the output voltage.
VO ( rms )
F .F . =
VO ( dc ) Calculation Area:
Half Wave

F. F. = 70.5V / 44.88V = 1.57

• Output DC Power - PO(dc): Po(DC) = 449mA * 44.88V = 20.15W

Po(AC) = 705mA * 70.5 = 49.7W

n = (1/1.57)^2 = 40.6%

PO ( dc )  VO ( dc ) × I O ( dc ) RF = ((1.57)^2 - 1)^1/2 = 1.21

Full Wave

F. F. = 100V/ 89.76V = 1.11

• Output AC Power- PO(ac):

Po(DC) = 89.76V * 898mA = 80.6W

Po(AC) = 100V * 637mA = 63.7W

n = (1/.1.11)^2 = 81.2%

PO ( ac )  VO ( rms ) × I O ( rms ) RF = ((.1.11)^2 - 1)^1/2 = .482

• Rectification Efficiency- η (%) :

Half –Wave Full –Wave
PO ( dc ) 1 2 Parameter Rectifier Bridge
=η = ( )
PO ( ac ) FF
Form Factor F.F 1.57 1.11
• Ripple Factor - RF : is a measure Output DC Power PO(dc) [W] 20.15W 80.6W
of the ac ripple content in the output Output AC PowerPO(ac) [W] 49.7W 63.7W
voltage waveform.
Rectification Efficiency- η (%) 40.6% 81.2%
R.F .
= FF 2 − 1
Ripple Factor R.F. 1.21 .482
Table 5 – Comparison of Rectifier Paramters

EET223-Experiment # 1 – Rev 1.0 Page 6

✔ 3.4 - Congratulation! Write the conclusion, answer the following questions, and submit this document
on e-centennial Assignment Folder Lab #1.
✔ 3.5 - Please remove and organize all the wires. Make sure all units are powered off. Disconnect the
USB cable from DAC and computer. Logout from your account.


After completing Lab 1, we learned about the operation of single-phase half-wave and
full-wave rectifiers. We observed the waveforms of the voltages and current in the rectifier
through the LVDAC oscilloscope. We then measured the frequency of the rectified voltages,
as well as the average values of the given rectified voltages, currents, and power. Both
rectifiers have different functions, through the use of the oscilloscope, we could visually see
the waveforms of each rectifier. We learned that both rectifiers conduct during the negative
and positive cycle. We can conclude from this lab that half-wave rectifiers only convert half
of the AC cycle into DC, while full-wave rectifiers convert the entire AC cycle into DC.


Q.1 - Based on the observed waveform in IMAGE 1, evaluate the conduction angle of the half-wave
rectifier's diode :
Conduction angle of the half-wave rectifier’s diode = ________ °

Q.2 - A student place the diode mistakenly from cathode to anode in CIRCUIT 1. What will happen to
the output voltage? (You can sketch the waveform and insert it here.) Explain why?

There wont be output from the

circuit because the circuit is reverse

Q.3 - Based on the observed waveforms in IMAGE 2, which diodes in CIRCUIT 2 are in the conducting
state during the positive half of the source voltage waveform?

Diode 1 and Diode 4

Q.4 - Based on the observed waveforms in IMAGE 2, which diodes in CIRCUIT 2 are in the conducting
state during the negative cycle of the source voltage waveform?

Diode 2 and Diode 3

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Q.5 - Based on the observed waveforms in IMAGE 2, what is the conduction angle of each diode?
Conduction angle of each diode in Full wave rectifier is ________ °

Q.6 - Compare the single-phase half-wave rectifier to the single-phase full-wave rectifier (average
value of the rectifier output voltage, ripple frequency, presence or absence of a dc component in
the ac power source current).

The voltage average of the half wave rectifier is the half of the Full wave
rectifier. The ripple frequency of the Full wave rectifier is the doble of the half
wave rectifier. The D.C presence on the full wave rectifier is higher that the
presence of D.C component than in the half wave rectifier.
Q.7 - What effect does an open diode (say D1) have on the output voltage of a Full-wave Bridge

The full wave rectifier will behave as a half wave rectifier.

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