Speaking Part 3-Bậc 3

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Speaking Part 3

1. There is too much pressure on school students these days

pressure on school students
Peer competition parents’ expectation heavy workload

what is your opinion about this?

It is true that ……There is too much pressure on school students these days
for the following reasons.
Firstly, It is peer competition / students have to deal peer competition
Secondly, it is parents’ expectation/ nowadays, parents have higher expectations of their child.
. Thirdly,student have to do heavy workload
In short, There is too much pressure on school students these days for the reasons I have mentioned.

Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners

Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “There is too much pressure on school students these days.”

Firstly, while studying at school , students have to compete with their peers to get better
result. For example, they have to finish their exercise faster than the others to get better
Secondly, parents often expect their children to be good students, so they have to study at
extra class after school. Therefore, they do not have enough time to relax.
Thirdly, students have to deal with a pile of homework/assignments given by their
teachers, so they do not have time to get enough sleep.
To sum up, there is much pressure on school students these days because of peer
competition, parents’ expectation and heavy work load.

Follow up questions:
- What are the negative effects of too much pressure on students?
- What should parents do to reduce school pressure for their student?
- Do you think that school pressure can only be solved with the cooperation of parents,
teacher and society?

2. Doing exercise is good for your health

Doing exercise

Prevent disease keep fit improve your mood

It is true that Doing exercise is good for your health

for the following reasons.
Firstly, people can prevent disease. It is a good way to release pressure
…Secondly, people can keep fit by doing exercise
. Thirdly, people can improve their mood/ energy
In short,.Doing exercise is good for your health.for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “Doing exercise is good for your health.”

Firstly, doing exercise helps our body release toxic substances, so it helps us stay away
from diseases.
Secondly, doing exercise is a good way to keep fit because it helps us burn the abundant
Thirdly, when we do exercise, we tend to free our mind, which helps us release stress and
feel relaxed, so it improves our mood.
To sum up, doing exercise is good for our health because it helps us prevent disease, keep
fit and improve our mood.

Follow up questions:
- What are the most popular type of exercise in the area where you live
- What type of exercise do you think people will do?
- Do you think physical education should be compulsory at all school level?
3. Printed books should be used in class instead of ebooks
Printed books

Improve attention enhance imagination increase love with reading

Readers / viewers/ people
It is true that ………CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
. Thirdly,..….
In short, CÂU STATEMENT …………………………..for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “Printed books should be used in class instead of ebooks.”

Firstly, printed books bring us knowledge of mankind for centuries. We can imagine what people
achieved in the past, so reading printed books enhances our imagination.
Secondly, reading books is the most important thing for learning new things. The more you read,
the more you feel the world is wonderful, so printed books increase love with reading.
Thirdly, printed books improve students’ attention because books are illustrated with colorful
pictures. Therefore, printed books attract readers.
To sum up: printed books should be used in class because they help us improve attention,
enhance imagination, and increase love with reading.

Follow up questions:
- What are the benefits of ebooks?
- Do you think that ebook will replace printed books at school one day?
- What should be done to encourage more people to read book?
4. There are some advantages of homeschooling

Home schooling

Have more flexible timetable teach whatever children want get to know children better

It is true that ………CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
. Thirdly,..….
In short, CÂU STATEMENT …………………………..for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “There are some advantages of home schooling.”

Firstly, home schooling makes it easier for parents to teach whatever their children like.
For example, if they like studying English they can spend more time on it.
Secondly, parents can flexibly change the timetable so that children can learn many subjects
without being under pressure of time.
Thirdly, parents will have more time for their children. It is the opportunity for parents to
understand their children better.
To sum up, there are some advantages of home schooling because they have more flexible
timetable, teach whatever their children want and get to know their children better.

5. Google is the best internet search engine


User friendly fast informative

It is true that ………CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
. Thirdly,..….
In short, CÂU STATEMENT …………………………..for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “Google is the best internet search engine”

Firstly, Google is friendly to users because google interface is easy to use, and it has many
searching functions. Users do not need to waste a lot time finding something. They do not
need to have technology skill either.
Secondly, Google is fast. Just a click the users can find out any information they need in a
second. Besides, google can quickly recognize the users by their face.
Thirdly, Google is informative. You just enter key words, there will be a lot of information
available on Google for you to get.
To sum up, Google is the best internet search engine because it is friendly to user, fast, and

6. Students are encouraged to go to the museum to learn about the past


relax rich source of the information share knowledge with others

It is true to say that “Students should be encouraged to go to the museum to learn about the

Firstly, museum is a rich source of information because museums contain many exhibits
related to art, history, culture and science.
Secondly, going to the museum, students not only see the exhibits, but also attend the
workshops where people share their knowledge on art, history, cultures, and science.
Thirdly, going to the museum is also a way for students to relax because museums are often
designed in an impressive way that makes students excited.
To sum up, students should be encouraged to visit museums because it helps them to relax,
share knowledge with other people and widen their knowledge.

Follow up questions:
- What can be done to encourage people to go to the museum?
- Do you think going in to museum will be more popular in the future?
- Are there any other way to encourage young people to learn about the past?

7. A great teacher can change the student’s life

Great teacher

Inspire personality motivate lessons useful advice

It is true that ………CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
. Thirdly,..….
In short, CÂU STATEMENT …………………………..for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “a great teacher can change the student’s life.”

Firstly, a good teacher is a person who can inspire students by their personality because
students often consider their teachers as role models.
Secondly, a good teacher can motivate students to study better by their interesting lessons.
Students are interested in their lessons, and they focus on their study. As a result, they study
Thirdly, students often admire their teachers and tend to follow what their teachers say, or
do. They easily follow teacher’s useful advice.
To sum up, a great teacher can change the student’s life by motivating lessons, inspiring
personality and giving useful advice. them to be good students and good citizens.
Follow up questions:
- What makes a good teacher in your country?
- The best teacher teaches from the heart, not from the book. Do you agree or disagree
with this statement?
- Do you think that teachers can be replaced by computers in the future?

8. Games are useful in the classroom

Classroom games

Fun creativity interaction

It is true that ………CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
. Thirdly,..….
In short, CÂU STATEMENT …………………………..for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “Games are useful in the classroom.”

Firstly, classroom games boost creativity among students because they have to force
themselves to come up with the correct answer to be the winner.
Secondly,when playing games students interact with each other to find out the answer, so
games help them get closer.
Thirdly, classroom games are always fun, which helps students relax and continue studying
better after playing games.Moreover, students would know how to work in a team.
To sum up, games are useful in the classroom because of fun, creativity, interaction
Follow up questions:
- What are the disadvantages of using games in the classroom?
- When should a game be used in the lesson?
9. University education is beneficial to students in a number of ways

University education

Job opportunity academic knowledge social skill

It is true that ………CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
. Thirdly,..….such as communication skill , time management skill
In short, CÂU STATEMENT …………………………..for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “University education is beneficial to students in a number of ways.”

Firstly, university is a good environment for students to gain academic knowledge related to
their major, which can help them to become an expert in the future.
Secondly, with a university degree students have many job opportunities. They have
specialized knowledge, so they can apply for a job or they can be self-employed.
Thirdly, universities always have many society clubs and activities for them to participate in
and socialize with other students, so they have social skill.
To sum up, University education is beneficial to students in a number of ways because of
job opportunity, academic knowledge, and social skill.

10. Traveling is good for everyone


Make new friends gain knowledge relax

It is true to say that “Travelling is good for everyone.”

Firstly, when travelling, people have the opportunity to gain knowledge. For example, they
can try new things, learn new languages or new cultures.
Secondly, when travelling people have the chance to meet new people. They can make
friends easier because when travelling people are more open-minded.
Thirdly, travelling is a good way for people to relax after a long time working hard.They do
not have to worry what they will have to do the day after.
To sum up, traveling is good for everyone because they can gain their knowledge, relax
and have new friends.
11. Fast food is harmful to your health
Fast food

gain weight cause diseases lack nutrition

It is true that ………CÂU STATEMENT ( PHAT BIỂU) for the following reasons.
. Thirdly,..….
In short, CÂU STATEMENT …………………………..for the reasons I have mentioned.
Thường động từ sẽ có chủ ngữ là people/ students/ learners
Nu khung sn cho là danh t hoc cm danh t ch ng s là it is …..

It is true to say that “Fast food is harmful to your health.”

Firstly, fast food contains lots of protein which provides us with plenty of calori. If we eat
too much fastfood, but less exercise, we easily gain weight.
Secondly, fast food is usually made from processed food as sausages, smoked meat, fried
chicken which is high in salt and additives, so it can cause heart disease, diabetes.
Thirdly, a healthy diet needs all essential nutrients, however; fast food lacks nutrition such
as vitamins, minerals, fibre, but has too much fat,sugar, and additives.
To sum up, fast food is not good for our health because we easily gain weight, suffer heart
disease and diabetes or lack nutrition.
Which do people in your country prefer? traditional food or fast food

12. Groupwork should be encouraged at school


promote cooperation build up leader skills more interactions

It is true to say that “Group work should be encouraged at school.”

Firstly, when students study in groups, a sense of competitive develops. Intelligent students
help weak students in studies, aiming at reaching the group’s common goal. Therefore,
groupwork promotes cooperation.
Secondly, working in groups, students try to express their opinions. It helps build up their
leader skills.
Thirdly, working in groups, students have to share knowledge, ideas with each other for the
common goal, so groupwork is a good opportunity for students to interact with each other.
To sum up, groupwork helps students promote cooperation, interactions, and build up leader
13. There are some benefits of ecotourism

Conserve environment Preserve culture Reduce poverty

It is true to say that “There are some benefits of ecotourism.”

Firstly, ecotourism is based on the nature and local culture. During the tour,visitors would
know how to conserve the environment. For example, tourists don’t litter rubbish on the
roads, and they use handicraft, local products.
Secondly, ecotourism helps people get to know different local cultures and would try to
preserve local cultures as well as local identity.
Thirdly, ecotourism helps improve the well-being of the local people’s life. Wherever there
are tourists, there are jobs created, traffic is developed, income increases, so ecotourism
reduces poverty.
To sum up ecotourism is beneficial because it helps to conserve environment, preserve
cultures and reduce poverty
14. Overpopulating is damaging the environment
natural resources wastes global warming
It is true to say that “Overpopulating is damaging the environment.”

Firstly, when the number of people increase dramatically, people tend to destroy forest for
housing, agriculture and wood, which is one of the causes of global warming.
Secondly, for industrialization, everyday people consume a large amount of oil or coal for
electricity, so the natural resources are running out.
Thirdly, everyday there is a huge amount of industrial wastes from the factories, which are
released into the environment and cause air pollution and water pollution.
To sum up, overpopulating is damaging the environment because of natural resources,
wastes and global warming
- Which group of people in society are most influenced by overpopulation?
- What should government do to solve overpopulation?
- How have young people’s attitude towards having children changed over the past 20 years in
your country.
15. School students should improve their self-study skill
Self-study skill

More independence Better academic performance Better time management

It is true to say that “School students should improve their self-study skill” because of the

following reasons.

Firstly,when students study by themselves, they are able to think about topics more deeply
and make connections between what they are learning, which leads to develop critical
thinking and become more independent.
Secondly, when students study by themselves, they would learn how to manage their time
better, otherwise they would miss many opportunities.
Thirdly, self-study skill encourages curiosity among students, which motivate them to study
, find out the best way to work more effectively. As a result, they would have better
academic performance
To sum up, school students should improve their self-study skill because of more
independence, better academic performance and better time management
16. University is a memorable time of our life

Knowledge achievement Independence Social networking

It is true to say that “University is a memorable time of our life.” because of the

following reasons

Firstly, university is a good place for students to gain knowledge. They can learn from their
lecturers, from books in the library and from their friends.
Secondly, at universities, students would learn self-study skill, so they would become more
independent, get better academic performance, and manage their time better.
Thirdly, university students can join many society clubs as well as activities, so they can
make friends easily and improve their social networking.
To sum up, university is the best time of our life because of knowledge achievement
independence, and social networking

17. Some disadvantages of cohabitation


Higher rate of separation More finance issue More tension

It is true to say that “cohabitation brings about some disadvantages .” because of the

following reasons.

Firstly, cohabitation easily leads to the higher rate of separation. When you live with your
partner If you don’t understand and sympathize with him/her, you have to say goodbye. As
a result, your relationship is broken.
Secondly, when you live alone, you don’t have to worry about money matter, but when you
live with your partner, you have to try to earn money to make sure your partner has a
comfortable life. Therefore, you have more finance issue.
Thirdly, people have different characteristics, they have their own opinions. If they can not
get along with each other, living together can cause much tension.
To sum up, cohabitation can lead to many problems such as higher rate of separation, more
financial issue, and more tension.
- Do you see any changes in the pattern of marriages in VN?
- Do you think that Western values have any influence on Vnese view of marriage?
- Why is divorce rate increasing so rapidly?

18. Online learning has become popular nowadays.

Flexible low cost safer in difficult situations like corona virus

pandemic /covid 19.
It is true to say that “online learning” has become popular nowadays because of the

following reasons.

Firstly, online learning is flexible. Learners can choose the course and the time that they
want to study. Busy workers can register an online course in the evenings or on the
weekends to upgrade their expertise or sign up a distance learning course to get a university
degree. Besides, learners can be on air with a laptop or a smartphone at any place. They
don’t have to spend time travelling to school.
Secondly, online learning has low cost because hundreds of learners can share an online
class. The more learners there are, the less tuition is.
Thirdly, learners are safer in difficult situations like corona virus pandemic. Because of the
spread of corona virus, everybody must be in social distance. Schools and universities have
to stop face to face teaching and learning process, and they can continue their learning
program thanks to online learning.
To sum up, online learning has become popular nowadays because it is flexible, low cost,
safer in difficult situations like corona virus pandemic
19. Personal privacy is being threatened by the Internet

Spam personal information hacking computer virus

It is true to say that “Personal privacy is being threatened by the Internet” because of the

following reasons.
Firstly, we can get a lot of spams everyday. This is the way most companies try to contact
customers, which makes us more or less annoyed.
Secondly, personal information can be hacked easily. If we click one of the spams, our
name, password, bank account will be taken for bad purposes.
Thirdly, our computer may be affected by virus by just clicking a provided link.
To sum up, our personal privacy is being affected a lot by the Internet because of spams,
personal information hacking, and computer virus.

20. Young people should be encouraged to take up yoga

Grow confidence Improve concentration Promote health

It is true to say that “Young people should be encouraged to take up yoga” because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, yoga helps young people grow confidence because doing yoga regularly helps them
lose weight, have good shape and be more flexible and active.

Secondly, yoga helps people improve concentration because when people

do meditation in yoga, they free their body and mind, and they just focus on their breath.
Therefore, they are hardly distracted.
Thirdly, yoga promote people health. Doing yoga they will feel relaxed, stronger, fitter.
especially, they can have better sleep.
To sum up, yoga is useful for our life, so not only young people, but everybody should take
up yoga as well / young people should be encouraged to take up yoga because it helps
them grow confidence, improve concentration and promote health.

How can young people be encouraged to do exercise regularly?
What are health risks from lack of exercises?
How have people’s attitude to health changed over the last 10 years?

21. Mobile phones are useful at schools

Search engine Computer functions Means of communication
It is true to say that mobile phones are useful at schools because of the following reasons.
Firstly, a mobile phone with the Internet connection can be used as a search engine. For
example, we can use it to look up dictionary and search for information we need with the
apps on it.
Secondly, a mobile phone can be used as a means of communication. Everyday, we can use
it to make a phone call to contact everybody, to chat with our friends via social networks as
Facebook or Zalo.
Thirdly, a mobile phone has computer functions. We can use mobile phones to compose
word files thanks to word processor, or we can do calculation, do accounting, do statistics
via excel, or we can create power point slides for a presentation.
To sum up, mobile phones are useful at schools because of search engines, computer
functions, and means of communication.
Follow up questions
1.What negative effects do M.P have on a young kid?
2.Do you think people will continue using M.P in the future?
3.How do people and the old in your country differ from each other in using mobile phone?

22. Both husband and wife should have equal roles in family

Share more routine household tasks Share children responsibilities Work as a team
It is true to say that both husband and wife should have equal roles in family because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, both husband and wife they are both too tired after work, so when they get home
thy should share routine household chores. For example, while the wife is busy
preparing dinner, the husband can clean the house, or bath their children. After
dinner, when the wife does the washing up, the husband should help children with
their homework
Secondly, both husband and wife should share children responsibilities in bringing up their
children to be good children at home, good students at school and good citizens in
Thirdly, they should work as a team. To be specific, they should be in agreement about
every decision relating to their family matter. They should respect and listen to each
other to be a perfect couple.
To sum up, both husband and wife should have equal roles in family to have a happy

Have the roles of husband and wife changed in the past ten years?
What roles do grand parents play in a family?
What do you think about single parents family?
23. Travelling abroad should be encouraged among young people.

Facilitate adaptation Develop cultural sensitivity Boost confidence

It is true to say that travelling abroad should be encouraged among young people because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, travelling to other countries facilitate adaptation among young people. For
illustration, if they have opportunities to travel and experience new things in foreign
countries, they will be able to adapt to new working or living environment, which is
beneficial for them in doing business with foreign partners in the future.
Secondly, when travelling abroad, young people have chances to get familiar with different
cultures in the world. Therefore, their cultural sensitivity will gradually be developed.
Thirdly, cultural sensitivity and environmental adaptation promote young people’s
confidence because they can fit in with new ways of life , and have nothing to worry
To sum up, travelling abroad should be encouraged among young people because it
facilitates adaptation, develops cultural sensitivity and boosts confidence.
What should a person do to prepare for a trip to another country?
What challenges can a person face when travelling abroad alone?
How have the travelling habits changes over the last ten years?
24. After school activities are beneficial for students.
Communication skills Sense of commitment Time management
It is true to say that after school activities are beneficial for students because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, taking part in a sports club, a dancing club or an English-speaking club after school,
students have many chances to interact with others, so after school activities promote
their communication skills.
Secondly, most of students join after school activities have a great sense of commitment
because they all cooperate well in order to be the best team among schools
Thirdly, students who would like to engage in after school activities must have time
management skill in order not to fall behind in their study.
To sum up, after school activities are beneficial for students because of communication
skills, sense of commitment and time management skill.
What are some common extra activities for students?
Do you think extra- curriculum should be made compulsory for students? Why?
What should be done to encourage students to participate in extra-curriculum activities?
25. Teenagers should learn to play musical instrument.

Reduce stress Manage time better Improve concentration

It is true to say that teenagers should learn to play musical instrument because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, playing musical instrument is beneficial to students in reducing stress because it
helps clear their mind making learning more effective.

Secondly, playing musical instrument improve teenagers’ concentration. When playing

musical instrument, teenagers only focus on the rhythm and the melody. Music blows
their mind, so they concentrate more.
Thirdly, playing musical instrument promote teenagers’ time management skill. They have
to manage their time better to have time for their music passion.
To sum up, playing musical instrument helps teenagers reduce stress, improve
concentration and manage their time better.
Should music be part of school curriculum? Why/Why not?
What kind of music are popular in your country?
How important is traditional music in your country?
26 People nowadays are living longer

Keep fit Prevent disease Refresh their mind

It is true to say that people nowadays are living longer because of the following reasons.
Firstly, nowadays people know how to keep fit. They usually join a fitness center or a gym
or do jogging in the park to keep fit.
Secondly, people are well-informed and they know what kind of food or drink is good for
their health. For example, the elderly or the middle aged or even teenagers can make
their own herbal drink to prevent diseases.
Thirdly, thanks to technology, people know how to refresh their mind. They always update
the news from social media as T.V, radio, Facebook, Zalo. They no longer feel to be
left behind.
To sum up, people nowadays are living longer because they know how to keep fit, prevent
diseases and refresh their mind.
What should we do to stay healthy?
A healthy diet is a key to longevity? Agree or disagree?
In term of longevity, quality is better than quantity. Do you agree?
27. E-learning is beneficial for many learners

Convenient Cost-saving Time-saving

It is true to say that E-learning is beneficial for many learners because of the following
Firstly, E-learning is very convenient to learners. They can choose the course and the time
that they want to study.
Secondly, E- learning is cost-saving because hundreds of learners can share an online
class. The more learners there are, the less tuition is. For example, I am taking an e-learning
course on English, I only have to pay only 1 million VND instead of 3 million VND as
Thirdly, E-learning is time-saving. Learners can be on air with a laptop or a smartphone at
any place. They don’t have to waste time travelling to school.
To sum up, E-learning is beneficial for many learners because it is convenient, cost-saving,
Follow up questions
-Who may benefit from E-learning most?
-What are the disadvantages of E-learning compared to the traditional learning?
-Do you think online learning will be more popular in the future? Why? Why not?
28. Traditional music should be kept

Cultural values historical values educational values

It is true to say that “traditional music should be kept” because of the following reasons.
Firstly, traditional music helps young generations learn about cultural values of a country.
For example, music and lyrics in Cải lương, Đờn ca tài tử or Chèo portrait the regional
cultural values of Northern and Southern parts of VN.
Secondly, traditional music depicts historical events through the words written in these
songs, which helps people living in contemporary VN clearly know how our ancestors tried
hard to build and protect our country.
Thirdly, traditional music has educational values. It aims at reminding young generations
who they are and where they are and what they should do for their country as a responsible
To sum up, traditional music should be kept because of its cultural values, historical values,
educational values.
Follow up questions
1. What should be done to keep traditional music?
2. What is the current status of traditional music in your country?
3. How does the attitude towards traditional music differ from generation to generation
in your country?
29. There are some negative effects of setting freedom for employees
(ảnh hưởng tiêu cực của việc cho nhân viên quyền tự do)

Increase arrogance Cause more conflicts Break company rules

It is true to say that “there are some negative effects of setting freedom for employees”
because of the following reasons.
Firstly, if we let employees have too much freedom in their jobs, their arrogance can
increase, for instance, they will lose respect for their superiors and co-workers when they
have the right to make their own decisions.
Secondly, setting freedom for workers may bring about more controversial issues among
colleagues, therefore, it can cause conflicts and make the workplace a hostile environment.
Thirdly, employees easily break the company rules if they have too much personal freedom.
because they don’t want to comply to company rules, and tend to do anything they want.
To sum up, there are some negative effects of setting freedom for employees such as
increasing arrogance, causing more conflicts, breaking company rules.

30. Reading fictions is more enjoyable than watching movies

Provide more details Save time Improve imagination

It is true to say that “reading fictions is more enjoyable than watching movies” because
of the following reasons.
Firstly, fictions are usually written a few hundred pages long to provide the readers with
more details to make the story interesting to the readers.
Secondly, reading fictions is time-saving, for example, we are able to bring a book with us
anywhere and read it at our convenience.
Thirdly, when we read a fiction, we have to imagine what is happening. Therefore, reading
fiction improves our imagination.
To sum up, reading fictions is more enjoyable than watching movies because it provides
more details, saves time, and improves our imagination.

31. Outdoor activities are beneficial for school students

Health benefits Team sports Interaction

It is true to say that outdoor activities are beneficial for school students because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, doing outdoor activities helps students relax after stressful school hours, and the
fresh air at the playgrounds or parks is good for their health.
Secondly, most outdoor activities are inclined to team sports such as football, basketball,
running and so on. These sports teach them how to work in a team.
Thirdly, participating in outdoor activities is a chance for students to interact with their team
mates. Therefore, it improves their communication skills and strengthen the relationship
among classmates.
To sum up, outdoor activities are beneficial for school students because of health benefits,
team sports, and interaction.

32. Studying abroad brings a number of advantages

Develop themselves See the world Experience different styles of education

It is true to say that “studying abroad brings a number of advantages” because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, studying in a foreign country is a great chance for students to develop themselves,
for instance, they can learn new languages, skills, cultures and adapt to new living and
studying environments. They become more independent.
Secondly, studying abroad offer students the opportunity to see the world. When they travel
to a new land for studying, they will have a desire to explore many more places in the world
to widen their horizon.
Thirdly, studying abroad , students are exposed to different styles of education. As a result,
they will develop their critical thinking and have a more objective viewpoint about the
To sum up, studying abroad brings a number of advantages because it helps them develop
themselves, see the world, and experience different styles of education.

33. Trees are essential for the existence of human beings

A good source of food Utility Better environment
It is true to say that “trees are essential for the existence of human beings” because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, trees are a good source of food for our life because its fruits, leaves, trunks or roots
all can be made into delicious food and healthy drinks for our daily diet.
Secondly, trees are useful for building houses, making furniture and producing paper,
providing shelters for humans.
Thirdly, forests can function as an air purifier for the planet because they absorb carbon
dioxide and produce oxygen through photosynthesis.
To sum up, trees are essential for the existence of human beings because they are a good
source of food, provide great utility and a better environment.

34. Private cars should be banned in big cities

Pollute environment Waste money Cause traffic jams

It is true to say that “private cars should be banned in big cities” because of the following
Firstly, densely populated cities usually have bad air quality due to the heavy pollution
created by millions of private vehicles travelling on the road everyday.
Secondly, owning a private car costs a lot of money. The owners have to pay much money
to buy a car. They also have to pay for maintenance and petrol.
Thirdly, everyday there are many private cars travelling on the roads, which frequently
causes traffic jams, especially during rush hours.
To sum up, private cars should be banned in big cities because they pollute the
environment, waste money, and cause traffic jams.

35. The Internet has negative effects on people’s lives

Unreal life Less privacy Less face to face communication

It is true to say that “the Internet has negative effects on people’s lives” because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, although the Internet provide users with safe and instant communication, people are
becoming more dependent on this virtual world and missing out face to face communication
in their real life.
Secondly, being the Internet users means that people have less privacy because they tend to
share everything relating to their work, study, even their personal information, which results
in personal information hacking.
Thirdly, people who tend to use the internet regularly to communicate with others may lose
the ability to interact with people in the real world because they are so used to chatting over
a computer screen.
To sum up, the internet has negative effects on people’s lives because of unreal life, less
privacy, and less face to face communication.
36. Family should spend more time cooking together

saving money strengthening relationship increasing food safety

It is true to say that “family should spend more time cooking together” because of
the following reasons.
Firstly, home-made food is cheaper, so eating at home is more money-saving than eating
out because we don’t have to pay for the services or tips.
Secondly, nothings is more enjoyable than cooking and having a meal with your loved ones.
They can cook and share everything in their life at the same time, so it helps strengthen
family relationship.
Thirdly, selecting healthy ingredients to prepare meals helps to ensure food safety for every
member in your family because we can avoid food poisoning.
To sum up, family should spend more time cooking together because it can help us save
money, strengthen relationships and increase food safety
Follow up questions
1. Do you think cooking is a pleasure or chore for people?

2. What are some of the disadvantages of cooking your meals at home?

3. How has the habit of cooking at home change in the past ten years?

37. Learning how to make a cake is beneficial.

save money relax make friends

It is true to say that “learning how to make a cake is beneficial” because of the following
Firstly, making a cake yourself is cheaper than buying one from a bakery because the
ingredients as eggs, cream, flour are very cheap.
Secondly, baking gives you the feeling of relaxation because it is a slow pace process, and
you do not have to be in a hurry.
Thirdly, joining a baking class, you can have new friends. Moreover, by sharing delicious
cakes you made with your neighbors or co-workers, you will have a stronger friendship.
To sum up, learning how to make a cake is beneficial because it helps us save money,
relax, and make friends.

Follow –up questions

1. What difficulties do people have when learning to make a cake?

2. What are the disadvantages of making a cake compared to buying it?
3. What kinds of cake do people often make?

38. Attending college far away from home is not good for students

Home sickness Dangers High living cost

It is true to say that attending college far away from home is not good for students
because of the following reasons.
Firstly, a freshman has to live in a completely new environment far from their family for the
first time in their lives, so they often feel homesick.
Secondly, when attending university in a big city, there are always possible dangers to
students such as: robbery, violence, accidents and exposure to heroin.
Thirdly, apart from the tuition/school fee, students have to pay a lot of money for their
living expenses such as food, power, rental, transportation and so on.
To sum up, attending college far away from home is not good for students because of home
sickness, dangers, and high living cost.

Follow –up questions

1. What are the disadvantages of going to college far from home?
2. Is it better go to college close to home or far away?

3. Going to college far away from home brings you a chance to get out of your comfortable
zone ! How do you understand. This statement?

39. Helping others is a key to happiness

stronger relationships sense of belonging inner peace

It is true to say that “helping others is a key to happiness” because of the following reasons.
Firstly, giving a helping hand is the best way to maintain a strong relationship with people
around you because this helps improve people’s quality of life in your local community.
Secondly, we are living in a big family, VN, we should help our fellow citizens in difficulty
or when they become unexpected victims of natural disasters as hurricanes, earthquakes, or
floods because of our sense of belonging.
Thirdly, one of the best feelings in life is helping other people have a better life because it
brings us inner peace, which helps nurture our souls and our minds.
To sum up, helping others is a key to happiness because of stronger relationships, sense of
belonging, inner peace.

Follow –up questions

1. What makes people happy?

2. Childhood is the happiest time of one's life. Do you agree with the view?

3. In your opinion, which is more important in achieve happiness spiritually or materially?

40.There are several causes of youth violence

Peer-pressure medic influence movie effects

It is true to say that there are several causes of youth violence because of the following

Firstly, violence is a consequence of peer-pressure. Because of the encouragement from bad

friends they tend to use violent actions to end the disagreement instead of having a peaceful
talk as friends.
Secondly, youngsters who take heroin are more aggressive and unconscious because of its
effects. They cannot control their actions leading to crime and injuries even death.
Thirdly, young people tend to imitate the violent actions of their favorite heroes in action
films. They consider them as heroes when they do so.
To sum up, peer-pressure, medic influence, and movie effects are the causes of youth

1. Are the young learning more violence than they were in the past.

2. What are the effects of violence among the young?

3. What can be done to solve the problem of youth violence?

41. There are several ways to overcome sadness

Share with someone else Listen to music Do exercise

It is true to say that there are several ways to overcome sadness because of the following
Firstly, when you feel sad/depressed, the best way to relieve your sadness is to share your
problems with others around you so that they can help you overcome your sadness.
Secondly, listening to music is a good way to improve your mood because when you listen
to your favorite song, your brain will release chemicals that make you happy.
Thirdly, when you do exercise, engage in physical activities, you free your mind, you are no
longer worried about your problem and feel relaxed as if nothing happened to you.
To sum up, sharing with someone else, listening to music and doing exercise are good ways
for people to overcome their sadness.

Follow up questions
1. What are the sources of sadness?

2. What problems can sadness bring to your health?

3. Who is the first one you often share your sadness with?

42. There are several causes of overpopulation.

Causes of overpopulation
decline in death rate lack of family planning better health care system
It is true to say that there are several causes of overpopulation because of the following
Firstly, over the past few decades, the death rate has significantly decreased because there is
no threat of wars. People in the world have a peaceful and happy life.
Secondly, in developing countries, families are having more children due to the lack of
family planning, therefore unwanted pregnancy is also a major cause of overpopulation.
Thirdly, people are living longer since many serious diseases can be cured thanks to modern
medical science / better healthcare system.
To sum up, there are several causes of overpopulation because of the decline in death rate,
lack of family planning, and better health care system.

Follow up questions
1. What are the negative effects of overpopulation?
2. What can be done to solve the problem of overpopulation?
3. Do only developing countries suffer from overpopulation?

43. Nowadays, what do people usually do on Tet holidays?

common activities during Tet holidays

traveling gathering relaxing

It is true to say that there are common activities during Tet holidays in my country.
Firstly, people often go on vacations during Tet holidays, for instance, they return their
hometowns to visit their relatives or go to tourist attractions to spend their holidays.
Secondly, Tet holidays is the time for family reunion and meeting friends. People get
together to celebrate and wish each other the best for new year.
Thirdly, Tet holidays is a chance for people to take a break from their busy lives and have
fun with their loved ones and restore the energy they lost in their work for a prosperous,
new year.
To sum up, traveling, gathering and relaxing are common activities people in my country
usually do during Tet holidays.
Follow –up questions
1. What do people usually avoid doing on Tet Holidays?
2. What are traditional cuisines during Tet Holidays?
3. Why are Tet holidays are important to Vietnamese?

44. Getting married is one of the greatest experiences of one’s life.

Getting married

share life with others have more support get more motivation in life

It is true to say that getting married is one of the greatest experiences of one’s life because
of the following reasons.
Firstly, life is much more enjoyable when you have a partner to share the memorable
moment with because he or she is the one who understands you most.
Secondly, when you are married, you can always count on your spouse who is always
beside you and give you immediate support when you are up and down.
Thirdly, getting married give you more motivation to try hard to have a better family life
and take care of your children better.
To sum up, getting married is one of the greatest experiences of your life because you can
share life with others, have more support, and get more motivation in life.

Follow up questions
1. At what age do people in your country often get married?
2. How do people prepare for a wedding in your country?
3. How has the wedding ceremony changed over the last 20 years in your country?
45. There are several disadvantages of animals being kept in zoos.
Animals being kept in zoos

loss of freedom lack of space lack of survival skills

It is true to say that there are several disadvantages of animals being kept in zoos.
because of the following reasons.
Firstly, keeping animals in a zoo deprive them of their freedom. This makes wild animals
less active.
Secondly, zoos often keep animals in relatively small spaces. For big and active animals
like horses, lions or elephants, narrow living spaces limits their activity.
Thirdly, wild animals raised in zoos are dependent on zookeepers to survive because their
food source comes entirely from humans. They have no chance to hunt any preys, they
gradually lose their survival skills.
To sum up, there are several disadvantages of animals being kept in zoos because of loss of
freedom, lack of space, lack of survival skills

Follow –up questions

1.What are some advantages of keeping animals in zoo?

2.Why do children like to go to the zoo?
3.What can children learn by visiting the zoo?

46. Knowing how to drive a car is valuable for people

Convenient in bad weather go anywhere you like save time

It is true to say that knowing how to drive a car is valuable for people for the following
Firstly, travelling by cars is convenient for people in bad weather. Being in cars in bad
weather means they are in a safe zone without worrying to be caught in rain or suffering the
Secondly, driving cars to travel gives the driver the freedom to go anywhere they want.
They don’t have to follow a certain itinerary. They even can stop for sightseeing or having a
sleep if they are tired.
Thirdly, driving cars is time-saving. To be specific, when you drive the car yourself, you
can set off at night in order to get your destination in the early morning and be able to do as
many things as possible.
To sum up, knowing how to drive a car is valuable for people because it is convenient for
them in many different ways.
Follow –up questions
- Will people continue to drive cars in the future? Why/Why not?
- In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of driving a car?
- Has the number of people driving a car changed much over the last 20 years? How?
47. There are some ways to make learning English fun

Games English club songs

It is true to say that “There are some ways to make learning English fun” for the following

Firstly, playing games is a good method for people to learn English happily because people
can relax while playing these games and acquire new knowledge at the same time.

Secondly, the English club is another way for people to improve their English because they
can communicate with others in groups, which enhances both the slow and quick learners.

Thirdly, songs are mentioned as another way for people to learn English effectively because
songs is a rich source of vocabulary as well as grammar structures.

To sum up, there are some ways to make learning English fun such as studying with games,
joining the English club at the weekends and songs.

Follow –up questions

-What are activities should be done in class to motivate students to learn English?
-Are games good for English learning?
- “Children should begin learning English as soon as they start school” What’s your
48. Nowadays people’s lives are being more stressful

Heavy workload relationship conflicts financial difficulties

It is true to say that “Nowadays people’s lives are being more stressful” for the following
Firstly, the primary culprit of the pressure to people is the heavy workload at their offices.
People sometimes have to do multitasks at a time which cause stress to them
Secondly, relationship conflicts is one of the problems people have to encounter in their
offices or in their family because of the inevitable disagreements.
Thirdly, financial difficulties cause stress to people. They have to work longer hours in
order to pay for regular expenses, for their children’s education and for their family’s better
quality of life.

To sum up, nowadays people’s lives are being more stressful because of the heavy
workload, relationship conflicts and financial difficulties.

Follow –up questions

- What are the negative effects of stress?
- What should we do to reduce stress?
- “Stress is a poison” Do you agree or disagree?

49. There are some benefits of living alone for students

Independent free peaceful

It is true to say that “There are some benefits of living alone for students” for the following

Firstly, independence is the first advantage that students have because they have nobody to
count on. They have to do everything by themselves.
Secondly, students have a free life as birds when they live far away from their family. They
do not have to be supervised by their parents. They can lead their own life.
Thirdly, living alone seems to be peaceful to students. They do not have to suffer the noise
from their young siblings or their roommates.
To sum up, there are some advantages of living alone such as independence, freedom and
Follow –up questions
- Is living alone popular among students?
- What are the disadvantages?
- Do students now live alone more than in their parents generation did? Why/Why not?

50. Childhood is the most important time of a person’s life

Develop physical health learn things fast form personality
It is true to say that ‘Childhood is the most important time of a person’s life’ for the
following reasons.
Firstly, childhood is the time to build up the characteristics of a person. In this period,
children are easily affected by everything from the environment where they live, which
form their personality.
Secondly, learning new things is something natural to children because they are always
curious about the world around them. They have the desire to explore the world around
them. Therefore, children learn new things very fast.

Thirdly, childhood is the prime period of time for children’s physical development,
especially height. Therefore, children are often encouraged by their teachers and parents to
do sports to promote their physical health.
To sum up, childhood is the most important time of a person’s life because this is a great
period for children to form personality, study everything fast and develop physical health.

Follow –up questions

- What do you remember most about your clothes?
- What are factors contributing to the mental child development?
- Do you agree that nowadays children are freer to choose what to learn?
51. Waking up early could bring many benefits

Help keep a healthy diet feel fresher increase work productivity

Follow –up questions
1. Do you think people pay enough attention to their health today?
2. How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?
3. Why do you think some people continue bad habits even though they know that these
are damaging their health?

52. Camping is good for students

Fresh air discovery networking
Follow –up questions
1. Is camping popular in your country?
2. What should be prepared for a good camping trip?
3. What should be done to encourage teenagers to protect the environment when camping?

53. Learning a new skill is very beneficial

Challenges oneself lives a more meaningful life improves brain functions

Follow –up questions

1. Why is learning a new skill important at work?
2. Should people learn to do new things by attending training courses or teaching
3. What new hobbies will young people in your country take up in the future?
54.There are some drawbacks of online shopping

Delaying delivery quality of goods is not as lack of shopping experiences

good as expected

55. Hand-written letters are not an important means of communication nowadays

Disappearance of hand-written letters

Social network websites mobile phones emails

Follow –up questions
1. Why do some people still prefer hand-written letters?
2. How do you think people will communicate with each other in the future?
3. What are the disadvantages of using emails or mobile phones for personal
56. Museums and art galleries should be free of charge for everyone
Reasons for Museums and art galleries
Widen knowledge Reduce stress Meet people of the same interest
Follow –up questions
1. Why don’t many students nowadays like to go to the museum?
2. What types of museum are popular in your country?
3. How have the reasons for people to visit a museum changed in the last 10 years?
57. Technology support students’ learning

providing learning sources improve knowledge reduce the cost of study

Follow –up questions
1. What technology invention do you think is the most important? Why?
2. How can technology help you study English?
3. What are the negative effects of technology?

58. Having lunch at the school canteen brings students some benefits

cheap convenient time saving

Follow –up questions
1. Will more students have lunch in the school canteen?
2. What are the disadvantages of having lunch in the school canteen?
3. What should be done to attract more students to the canteen?
59. There are several causes of youth violence

Medic influence peer pressure lacking of parents’ supervision

Follow –up questions
1. Are the young becoming more violent than they were in the past?
2. What are the effects of violence of the young?
3. What can be done to solve the problems of youth violence?

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