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Decree of ANANDA JUNIOR Kindergarten Manager

Number: 01.001/TK-AJ/VII/2017
Appointment of ANANDA JUNIOR Kindergarten Teachers.
Academic Year 2018/2019

Considering For the smooth implementation of education at

: ANANDA JUNIOR Kindergarten Then it is deemed
necessary to appoint Honor Teachers who have met
the requirements.

Considering 1. Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National

: Education System National Education System
2. The work program of the ANANDA JUNIOR
Kindergarten Manager


Establish :

First : To appoint Br. Deci Susanti born in Baserah, November 4,

1986 to be authorized to carry out the responsibilities of
a Class Teacher.
Second : Assign you to be able to carry out the duties and
obligations given by the ANANDA JUNIOR Kindergarten
Third : All costs caused by this decision letter are charged to the
ANAND JUNIOR Kindergarten revenue fund.
Fourth : This decree shall take effect from the date of its enactment
and if in the future there is any mistake in its stipulation, it
will be corrected accordingly.

Established in : Pekanbaru
Date : June 01,2017
ANANDA JUNIOR Kindergarten Manager


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