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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


AFP Road, Garcia Heights, Holy Spirit, Quezon City




A Research Proposal Presented to the Junior High School Faculty

of Judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr. High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in English 10



MENDOZA, DMITRI A. _______________________________________

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June 2022

Reading is probably the most important among the macro skills in English, yet it is so

trivial when it comes to gauging the stricture of how one can read well with comprehension.

Reading comprehension, as how it is known, is the course of creating and construing meaning

from a reading material. As an article says it, “The optimum aim of all reading instruction is

essentially targeted at assisting a reader to understand a text, for reading comprehension

comprises at least two people: the reader and the writer.” Comprehending is a method that

includes deciphering the writer's words and then using schema or prior knowledge to develop a

profounder and sensible understanding of the writer's message. In fact, when a reader reads and

cannot comprehend, that cannot be considered as reading, but simply decoding, for reading

fundamentally necessitates comprehension; hence, comprehension is the ultimate measure and

assessment to say that a person can really read. Mouthing words from a material doesn’t exactly

denote that a person can read; that will be a superficial interpretation of reading which outshine

the real essence of it.

Cognitive science reveals that readers create meaning from texts that they read, with the

aid of instructional activities, methods, procedures and strategies which are proven very

efficacious and useful in abetting learners to become good readers. Teaching reading has been

grounded on a notion of reading as the application of a group of isolated skills such as unlocking

of difficulties, inferring, locating main ideas, recognizing cause and effect relationships,

comparing and contrasting, sequencing, summarizing etc.; mastery of these skills has been

regarded and viewed as the key to comprehension. However, along with the mastery of these

skills, the way the mind works— how readers mentally respond on what they read— should also

be considered. Moreover, the way readers think and learn is likewise vital.
At present, difficulties in reading, specifically comprehension, are still very apparent.

Various standardized tests such as Phil. Iri, McCall Crabbs and McGinitie which are provided by

the Department of Education (DepEd) bureaucrats to assess and measure the reading

comprehension level of students, revealed through the data of outcomes collected that the ability

of Filipino readers drops continuously. Administering these tests intensely and evidently delivers

vital information regarding the reading profile of the students where reading teachers grounded

their understanding as to what level their student should be categorized. Students who barely

pronounce words and read without comprehension at all fall under “Non-Reader” category.

Another class is “Frustration” which is for those who can mouth the words properly but cannot

comprehend. For those who can pronounce words properly but needs the help of the teacher in

comprehending, they are classified as “Instructional”. And, the last category is “Independent”

which is for students who can mouth the words in the text correctly and comprehend without the

help of the teacher. Sadly, most of the results fall under Frustration level, and some are even

categorized as Non-Readers; on the contrary, very few students attain Independent level which

alarmed and shocked the teachers and school administrators. What is most terrifying is that even

learners in the higher level, particularly Grade 10 students, still fall under the Frustration level

which seems very disappointing because they are supposed and expected to be in the

Independent level. This revelation propelled DepEd administrators to address the problem

seriously by prompting the teachers to improve the reading comprehension level of the students

through different programs, strategies and techniques that will solve the problem. This reality is

indeed a wakeup call for all the teachers in the secondary schools because they are facing such a

daunting task.
The aforementioned problem was affirmed by The National Center to Improve the Tools

of Educators which claims that thousands of learners have reading debilities, and many more

flunk in school because of difficulties in processing what they read. An analysis and synthesis of

researches in education about how learners can learn best to read indicate that, in most cases,

academic failure can be resolved by empowering students’ reading competence. This finding

provides that poor reading potential is equated to academic failure, and to address this problem,

it is necessary to patch all shortcomings and deficiencies that hinder a person from reading


Ocampo (2012) highlighted, in his study on factors affecting students’ reading

performance, that there were many influences that make up an effective reading instruction.

Reading is a multifaceted and purposeful linguistic, socio-cultural, and cognitive course wherein

readers methodically use their knowledge of spoken and written language, knowledge of the

subject matter of the text, and prior knowledge to create meaning with text. These types of

knowledge impact the meaning that readers shape through encoded form. Readers can easily

understand text with their accustomed language with perceptible language outlines, but are less

successful at comprehending text with unfamiliar language with no noted language patterns.

Furthermore, readers can easily understand text on well-known topics with profound

connections, but are less successful at comprehending texts on unfamiliar themes with no

palpable connections. Also, the interpretations that readers create with texts, as well as the kinds

of materials that they read, are influenced by the realistic settings they are in. In addition, readers

read for diverse reasons, motivations and intentions. Sometimes, they read for pleasure, while

others read for information or awareness. Their objective for reading influences the way they

read and their motives for reading. They may just skim and scan or read carefully depending on
their intentions in reading. Throughout this process, readers monitor the meaning that they are

forming. When the reading text does not meet their purposes, they may shift to another text.

Readers expect that from what they are reading, they will achieve reading goals. These revealed

the importance of using instructional materials in reading that will appeal both to the interests,

objectives and aptitude of learners.

The study focuses on the frustrated grade 7 students of Judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr.

High School, a fast-rising secondary school in the second district of Quezon City which was

founded on the year 2008. Despite its young age, the school has already established a good

academic reputation, especially after having a remarkable standing in the National Achievement

Test for two consecutive years, not to mention other recognitions and achievements the school

realized over the years.

But just like other institutions, JFBSHS is also in great battle against problems involving

students’ competence in reading and comprehension. Observing the policy on education for all,

the school accepts all students during enrolment regardless of various intellectual ability and

educational background; thus, it can be inferred that students of diverse academic profiles could

be possibly absorbed, which may include learners with reading and comprehension difficulty.

During the enrolment for the school year 2016-2017, a series of tests was facilitated

among incoming grade 7 students whose averages are in the 80 and below bracket in order to

diagnose the competence of the students in reading and comprehension, both in English and

Filipino, and basic mathematics. Among the 720 examinees who took the written (Mc Call

Crabbs Standardized Test) and oral reading test in English, 532 students or 74% received reading
scores lower than their grade level (grades 1 to 6). Moreover, 221 of the examinees or 31% were

assessed as readers under struggling level, with 2 of them as non-readers.

For this school year, through the diagnostic test made for SHARP, 82 grade 7 students

were categorized as frustrated readers, and were eventually required to attend SHARP sessions.

To address this problem, Stimulating, Helpful and Assertive Reading Program (SHARP)

was conceptualized and designed. The reading program aims to improve the reading competence

of the readers with whom the program will be catered, address problems involving reading and

comprehension by developing appropriate and effective reading activities for learners with

reading difficulty, promote and instill the value of reading and comprehension to students, and

help students to have better class performance in English subject and in other disciplines.

Therefore, the program is an attempt of JFBSHS, particularly the English Department, to lower,

if not completely eradicate, the percentage of troubled readers by offering free reading assistance

to the them. Various reading discussions, interventions and exercises will be given regularly to

these learners until they reach or manifest improvement not only in English but on some other

disciplines that require reading and comprehension.

Having the reading situation highlighted under the problem statement and its background

as bases, the current study is deemed necessary to investigate SHARP as an instrument to

improve the reading abilities of learners. This probe examines the suitability of the utilized

reading strategies and the impact of learners’ exposure to appropriate materials and activities

which are essential factors of the reading program. In addition, the result of this study could be

impactful in realizing the benefits of strategic reading instruction which may lead to the

improvement of instructional practice among teachers that could eventually result to escalation

of learning outcomes. Furthermore, the reading program, from which this study is anchored with,
also examines the least mastered reading skills of the respondents with a view of offering

suggestions for the development of effective reading strategy instruction and activities to

alleviate, enhance and enrich the learners’ reading aptitude.

Hence, the highlighted prior situation prompted the researcher to conduct this study to

determine the effectiveness of Stimulating, Helpful and Assertive Reading Program (SHARP), a

Continuous Improvement Program of Judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr. High School, in developing

students’ reading competence.


The researcher strongly believes that the study will be very beneficial in determining the In blu

efficacy of Stimulating, Helpful and Assertive Reading Program in developing students’ reading In pink:


a. Students. As the prime beneficiaries of this study, this may help them in developing their

reading skills which are necessary in analyzing and comprehending reading texts. Also, the

can be very helpful for them to determine their reading difficulties, and ascertain strategies,

materials and activities that they need to engage with in dealing with such struggles.

b. Teachers. The study may persuade them to design programs that will also be advantageous

and helpful in honing students’ potentials and improving their class performance. Moreover,

reading teachers may withdraw useful and effective strategies, materials and activities from

this study which they can employ in conducting remedial classes in reading.

c. Future Researchers. The study may enlighten and encourage future researchers to conduct

comprehensive investigations on various reading programs and other remediation schemes

in order to constitute suggestions and recommendations that can enhance and ameliorate the
features and components of these auxiliary learning modes for the optimal attainment of

their goals and objectives. Also, the study may influence other researchers to develop and/or

spearhead another remedial program with the consideration of some of the best attributes of

the reading program highlighted in this study.

In blue:
In pink: s
The proponent presents hereafter a paradigm which shows the process on how the

reading program will be implemented. This shows the courses of action taken by the researcher

in order provide answers to the questions posted herewith, and identify the efficacy of SHARP in

developing the reading skills of the learners under study.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1
As exhibited in the paradigm, the history of SHARP was featured as the initial phase of

the study. This presents the origin and nature of the reading program, and provides basis and

directs the track for the succeeding phases of study.

The process or courses of action taken in the conduct of the study was highlighted in the

second phase. Initially, a diagnostic test was administered to the entire population of grade 7

level in Judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr. High School. The results of this test determined the

possible respondents of the study. 82 of the 937 examination takers were classified as frustrated

readers; hence, they were selected as the SHARP students.

As the reading program commenced, a pre-test was given to SHARP students. The 50-

itemed test covered the eight (8) least mastered reading skill of the grade level based on the

previously administered test with the students. Afterwards, SHARP sessions, which were about

the least mastered skills, were implemented. The one-hour sessions followed particular teacher-

made lesson plans which were designed for the reading program. Identified best practices on

teaching styles and approaches, materials and activities were carefully chosen and employed.

Moreover, students’ progress and performance were also monitored regularly.

After the 16-day sessions, the SHARP students were given a post-test. Test items in this

test were made congruent with those in the pre-test. The results were then tallied, compared and

evaluated in order to provide responses on questions posted in this study, and eventually

determine the efficacy of SHARP in developing reading competence of the learners.

In blue
This study aims to identify the effectiveness of Stimulating, Helpful and Assertive
In pink:
Reading Program (SHARP) in developing reading competence of grade 7 students of Judge

Feliciano Belmonte Sr. High School for the school year 2018-2019.

Specifically, the researcher will endeavor to provide answers on the following questions:

1. What were the results of the pre-test and the post-test of SHARP students in terms of:

a. using context clues-synonyms;

b. using context clues-antonyms;

c. identifying figures of speech;

d. recognizing idiomatic expressions;

e. making inferences, drawing conclusions, and predicting outcomes;

f. skimming and scanning;

g. identifying main idea; and

h. summarizing?

2. Was there a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test results of the

SHARP students?

3. How effective was SHARP in developing reading competence of students based from

learning gains?


In order to have a clear understanding of the study, pertinent terms used in this study

were operationally defined.

Frustration Reader. It refers to the reader who is struggling in reading. The reader commits

numerous errors when he reads and fails to manifest comprehension of the reading text.

Reading Skills. In this study, this refers to the comprehension skills such as understanding

sentences, getting the main idea, predicting outcomes, making inferences, skimming and

scanning, noting details, sequencing events, evaluating ideas, following directions and

interpreting data which are pertinent in understanding reading text.

SHARP Students. It refers to the learners under study. They will undergo a series of remedial

classes in order to develop their skills in reading.

SHARP Teachers. It refers to the teachers who will execute the reading program and shape the

reading abilities of the students understudy.


The study comprised several lessons covering reading skills where the respondents have

difficulty. This also contained suggested and recommended materials and strategies that would

be helpful in addressing the reading needs of the respondents, and would eventually assist them

in shaping and developing their skills in reading.

The proponent conducted the study on the third quarter of the school year 2018-2019.

The respondents were 82 grade 7 students of Judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr. High School who

were categorized as frustrated readers after undergoing series of assessments in reading. The 8

lessons that were covered in this study were the reading skills considered as least mastered by

grade 7 students which include using context clues (synonyms and antonyms), identifying

figures of speech, recognizing idiomatic expressions, skimming and scanning, making

inferences, drawing conclusions and predicting outcomes, identifying main idea, and


On the other hand, the proponent of the study delimited its coverage to 82 grade 7

students only of Judge Feliciano Belmonte Sr. High School who were classified as frustrated

readers. Non-readers, though they also need intervention in reading, were not included in the

study for they have a separate program to attend to; frustrated readers in the other grade level

were also not part of the research for they are not the primary concern of the reading program.

Also, only one cohort (SY 2018-2019) from the series of SHARP batches was considered for this

evaluation. Moreover, literary and grammar lessons were likewise excluded for they were not the

prime focus of the study.

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