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Bengal Teachers Campus

English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 01.01.2022

English -1
1. If a teacher wants to help students learn vocabulary, which would be the most effective way!
(a) use of stories and imagery
(b) use of drilling
(c) use of written exercise
(d) use of textbooks
Ans. (a)

2. Multilingualism as a resource education aims at.

(a) making use of languages of learner’s for teaching – learning.
(b) making learners learn as many languages as possible.
(c) using classical languages for teachinglearning.
(d) enabling to learn English language for jobs and mother tongue for culture.
Ans. (a)

3. -----------comprehension is the skill of reading a piece of text closely for the purpose of
extracting specific information from the text. (a) Inferential
(b) Global
(c) Local
(d) Transactional
Ans. (a)

4. In the context of ‘theory of multiple intelligences’ which one of the following intelligences is
related to language?
(a) Fluency - Accuracy Intelligence
(b) Linguistic - Verbal Intelligence
(c) Vocabulary Grammar Intelligence
(d) Visual - Spatial Intelligence
Ans. (b)

5. Which of these may be the benefit of multilingualism? (i) Increase vocabulary and effective
speech (ii) Tolerance and respect toward other cultures (iii) Restricted employment opportunities
(iv) Meta- linguistic awareness
(a) (i), (ii), (iii)
(b) (i), (iii)
(c) (i), (ii)
(d) (i), (ii), (iv)
Ans. (d)

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6. According to Vygotsky, when a child regulates his/her own action with the help of language
but that language is not audible to others he/she involved in ------------
(a) inner speech
(b) private speech
(c) social speech
(d) egocentric speech
Ans. (a)

7. Which branch of linguistics deals with the language in contex?

(a) Semantics
(b) Pragmatics
(c) Morphology
(d) Phonetics
Ans. (b)

8. Consider the statements (A) and (B) regarding language development among infants.
(A) In infancy vocal tracts of a body are more like animal than an adult human’s
(B) During 6 to 12 months, a baby is involved in variegated bubbling and repetitive babbling.
(a) (A) is true, (B) is false.
(b) (A) is false, (B) is false.
(c) Both (A) and (B) are true
(d) Both (A) and (B) are false
Ans. ©

9. A dialect passes through these stages to get the status of ‘standard dialect’.
(a) selection, codification, elaboration of functions and acceptance
(b) selection, acceptance, codification and elaboration of functions
(c) selection, elaboration of functions, codification and acceptance
(d) selection, acceptance, codification and elaboration of functions
Ans. (a)

10. Consider the statements (A) and (B) regarding dialect.

A. A variety of language, spoken in one part of a Country is known as regional dialect
B. A variety of language used only by the people having similar education background is known
as social dialect.
(a) (A) is true, (B) is false.
(b) (A) is false, (B) is true.
(c) Both (A) and (B) is true.
(d) Both (A) and (B) is false
Ans. (a)

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11. To wife: Hurry up, we’ll be late. To colleague: It’s time to leave, we’ll be late for meeting To
senior manager: Madam, it’s 4 PM and the meeting is at 4: 15 PM, shouldn’t we leave? This
variation in speech is also known as:
(a) Purist
(b) Standard variety
(c) Register
(d) Idiolect
Ans. ©

12. For participating in a group debate, a language teacher puts one condition i.e. in a group, 4
students should be from junior class and 1 students should be from senior class, who can assist
juniors whenever required. This idea of group foundation depends on --------
(a) Piaget’s Theory
(b) Vygotsky’s Theory
(c) Bloomfield Theory
(d) Krashen’s Theory
Ans. (b)

13. Being a teacher, what would you like to prefer if any student has shown disruptive behaviour
during group presentation?
(a) Yell at him/ her in front of the group /class
(b) Speak to him /her in the class
(c) Talk with him/ her in the class
(d) Leave him /her and look forward to self discipline
Ans. (b)

14. A set of assumptions which explains the language as a set of structure or rules is known as
(a) Communicative Approach
(b) Interactive Approach
(c) Structural Approach
(d) Input Approach
Ans. ©

15. Consider the statements (A) and (B) regarding communicative language teaching.
(A) The role of teacher is just lie a facilitator or monitor rather than simply being the model for
correct speech.
(B) Learners have to participate in classroom activities based on individual approach to learning.
(a) (A) is true, (B) is false.
(b) (A) is false, (B) is true.
(c) Both (A) and (B) are true
(d) Both (A) and (B) are false.
Ans. (a)

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English -2

17. Explanatory of informative discourse is

(a) Exposition.
(b) Narration.
(c) Persuasion.
(d) Description.
Ans. (a)

18. Deficiency in the ability to write, associate with impaired handwriting, is a symbol of
(a) Dysgraphia
(b) Dyspraxia
(c) Dyscalculia
(d) Dyslexia
Ans. (a)

19. The teacher has given strips of incomplete sentences to students. They have to join each
incomplete sentence with its correct half. What could be the objective of the teacher to conduct
such activity in class?
(a) To focus on correct syntax formation
(b) To learn to compose write ups
(c) To focus on punctuation
(d) To enable learners to improve their speech Ans. (a)

20. A teacher asks students to listen to a recording to get the overall meaning of the passage is
known as
(a) a comprehensive task
(b) a skim listening task
(c) a gist listening task
(d) a scan listening task
Ans. ©

21. An activity that involves listening to a text, taking notes and reconstructing the text, is called
(a) Dictation
(b) Dictogloss
(c) Diction analysis
(d) Diglossia
Ans. (b)

22. 'Human beings are born with the capacity to acquire language' this statement is related to
(a) Vygostsky (b) Piaget (c) Chomsky (d) Bruner Ans. (c): "Human beings are born with the
capacity to acquire language" this statement is related to Chomsky. Hence option (c) is
appropriate answer.

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23. The following NOT considered a part of sociolinguistics
(a) The study of economic and/or political factors and t heir influence on language change
(b) The Study of the attitudes of people towards certain speech characteristics
(c) The study of the sounds in spoken language
(d) The general perception of a dialect, within a society.
Ans. ©

24. Assertion (A): All children who enter school are highly competent language users.
Reason (R): Due to language and cultural diversity, they are unable to demonstrate their
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false
(d) (A) is false and (R) is true
Ans. (b)

25. Pick the option that includes the correct matches of column A with column B.
Column 'A' Column 'B'
(a) filling in an immigration form business meeting. (i) focusing on accuracy
(b) giving a presentation at the business meeting (ii) focusing on fluency
(c) calling out for help in an emergency
(iii) focusing on accuracy
(d) talking to friends in a party focusing on fluency
(a) (a) – (ii), (b) – (i), (c) – (iv), (d) – (iii)
(b) (a) – (i), (b) – (iii), (c) – (ii), (d) – (iv)
(c) (a) – (iii), (b) – (ii), (c) – (iv), (d) – (i)
(d) (a) – (iv), (b) – (ii), (c) – (iii), (d) – (i)
Ans. (b)

26. Which of the following is an appropriate activity for teaching language skills.?
(a) Reciting poems
(b) Role play of drama in class
(c) Organize debate competition
(d) Organize speech competition
Ans. (b)

27. What is the best practice for developing creative writing?

(a) Formal writing
(b) Non-formal writing
(c) Report writing
(d) Essay writing
Ans. (b)

28. Which one of the following language is included in the 8th schedule of constitution?

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(a) Awadhi
(b) Nagpuri
(c) Bodo
(d) Rajasthani
Ans. ©

29. Which language is recommended by National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005) for the
'Instruction Medium' at the primary level?
(a) Mother tongue
(b) Regional language
(c) Any language included in 8th schedule
(d) English
Ans. (a)

30. The most useful method for teaching grammar is

(a) Lecture Method
(b) Inductive Method
(c) Direct Method
(d) Communication Method
Ans. (b)

31. Grammar in context means

(a) moving from meaning to form
(b) moving from form to meaning
(c) learning trough drills
(d) learning grammar as content.
Ans. (a):


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 03.01.2022

English -1

Bengal Teachers Campus // YouTube channel

1. Multilingualism effects our brain positively and enhances cognitive skills. This view of
bilingualism is very different from the attitude towards bilingualism during most part of the 20th
century. Second language was seen as –––– earlier.
(a) an added asset, a motivational factor
(b) an interference, a hindrance
(c) a happy coincidence
(d) a cause for failure in life
Ans. (b)

2. Translanguaging
(a) reinforces the traditionally defined language boundaries
(b) challenges the traditional culturally defined language boundaries.
(c) views different languages as separate systems.
(d) is a new term for bilingualism.
Ans. (b)

3. Creativity in language education is

(a) classroom activity that is novel and openended.
(b) bringing together unrelated elements to begin something new.
(c) classroom activity using new methods of teaching
(d) classroom materials using communicative language teaching.
Ans. (a)

4. I have a student Sadaf. She picks up words like ‘well’ and ‘umm’ and wants to know about
them. I can’t find the explanations in the course book. What should I do?
(a) Call a friend who speaks better English.
(b) Find examples of authentic spoken language use
(c) Consult a grammar textbook and find such usages.
(d) Refer to a dictionary.
Ans. (b)

5. Which one of the following is NOT a step in a grammar lesson.

(a) Students read (or listen) to the text that contains the target word or form in it.
(b) Students highlight the target word/phrase in the text.
(c) The teacher provides controlled and free proactive of the grammar point.
(d) Language being presented in the form of a reading text means that you should drill it.
Ans. (d)

7. Which one of the following is NOT a concept from language education?

(a) Print-rich environment
(b) acoustics
(c) phonics
(d) dyslexia

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Ans. (b)

8. ‘Colourless green ideas sleep peacefully.’ is a sentence composed by Noam Chomsky. This
is an example of asentence that is––––––––––––
(a) grammatically correct, but whimsical.
(b) grammatically well-formed, but inaccurate meaning wise.
(c) correct interims of word use but phonologically inaccurate.
(d) correct in terms grammaticality but incorrect logically.
Ans. (b)

9. ‘Consequently’ ‘therefore’, ‘furthermore’ and ‘however’ are example of

(a) Cohesive devices
(b) Cohesion
(c) Vocabulary
(d) Grammar areas
Ans. (a)

10. Identify the CORRECT example of teacher language.

(a) Then together talking –many words-happy class
(b) The ideas espoused by group I are mind blowing
(c) Stop talking or else, you will regret it later and not talking is good for you
(d) Please sit in pairs and write a paragraph about the picture given to you.
Ans. (d)

11. The word ‘washback’ refers to how a test

(a) effects classroom teaching materials.
(b) effects learners preparation for examination
(c) impacts the overall life of a learner.
(d) impacts language development.
Ans. (a)

12. A corpus is ––––––––involving natural discourse in diverse contexts.

(a) a collection of textbooks
(b) a large collection or database of texts
(c) large collection of articles
(d) a collection of grammatical sentences
Ans. (b)

13. A teacher collects the errors of learners of her class and discuss them with her learners
once in two weeks. What is this known as?
(a) Error correction
(b) Feedback
(c) Grammar teaching

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(d) Remedial teaching
Ans. (b)

13. Language acquisition is ––––––––––––.

(a) conscious and deliberate
(b) natural and deliberate
(c) natural and subconscious
(d) language processing
Ans. ©

14. Which of the following is true of English language in India?

(a) It is one of the languages of VIII Schedule of Indian Constitution.
(b) It is the associate official language of the Indian union.
(c) It is the official language of the Indian Union.
(d) It is one of the language of the recognized languages by the Constitution.
Ans. (b)

15. Which of the following is ‘comprehensible input’ in language learning at secondary stage?
(a) An authentic text slightly above the level of the learner.
(b) An extract from a play by Shakespeare
(c) An authentic text slightly below the level of the learner.
(d) A teacher developed story with her understanding of the level of learners grammar.
Ans. (a)

English -2

1. A learner-centered class
(a) helps teachers make decisions in class and makes them self-reliant.
(b) considers learning to be a responsibility of the teacher.
(c) supports a small number of students, ignoring the majority in the class.
(d) takes into consideration prior knowledge and experiences of the learner.
Ans. (d)

2. What is 'inclusion' in language education?

(a) It includes practicals strategies adepted by a teacher to suit learner needs.
(b) It includes all aspects of schooling, for instance, infrastructrue, financial respurces,
constructing school communities.
(c) It refers to incorporating new technologyoriented methods in a traditional classroom
(d) It involves a transformed view of language teaching incorporating a social or interactive
Ans. (d)

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3. Reflection in language teacheing education
(a) means conscious, experientially informed throught.
(b) includes aspects of evaluation and problemsolving leading to new insights and
(c) includes aspects of general cognitive abilities. rote learning and rpetition-based practice.
(d) is understanding how routine decisionmaking informs practice.
Ans. (b)

4. Shoaib used a reading passage to teach past perfect tense. He gave examples, explained
the rules to students and peacticed the structures. Students are still not doing well on practice
activities. Suggestions for Shoaib are provided below. Choose the one that does NOT fit.
(a) Communicate better with students and help them practice often.
(b) Motivate students and provide short explanations addressing learner's level of knowledge.
(c) Bring audio-recordings to class and ask them to listen to it repeatedly.
(d) Employ choral drills to teach grammar.
Ans. ©

6. Which of the following statements regarding text-based grammar lessons in INCORRECT.

(a) Text-based grammar lessons help you focus on all used of a grammar point.
(b) Text-based grammar lessons follow a guideddiscovery approach where students find out
about the language themselves.
(c) While planning text-based grammar lessons, teachers should create texts of their own too.
(d) These lessons involve explicit grammar teaching and describe the rules for learners.
Ans. (d)

7. Which of the following is NOT a concept from language education?

(a) critical period hypothesis
(b) compreshensible input
(c) brain lesion and control
(d) positive reinforcement
Ans. ©

8. National Education Policy 2020 recognizes _______

(a) 'multilingualism and the power of languages' as essential for learnign in school.
(b) English as medium of instruction at the primary stage of schooling for upward mobility.
(c) All languages learning needs to be in the mother tongue only.
(d) Children should learn many languages as per their choices.
Ans. (a)

9. 'Finally', 'moreover', 'in addion to' and 'besides' are examples of

(a) Cohesive devices
(b) Cohesion
(c) Cocabulary

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(d) Grammar areas
Ans. (a)

10. ''Do we know exactly where the action takes place?'' This question is
(a) checking factual reading.
(b) checking inferential reading.
(c) eliciting information.
(d) checking a vocabulary concept.
Ans. (b)

11. Which of the following is an illustration of assessment for learning?

(a) Annual examination
(b) Midterm test
(c) Portfolio
(d) Weekly assignment
Ans. (d)

12. 'Blended learning' is

(a) A combination of grammar translation method and communicative language teaching.
(b) using a combination of two apps for language teaching.
(c) learning two languages in the same class.
(d) a combination of traditinal learning and webbased online apprach.
Ans. (d)

12. 'Language awareness'

(a) has cognitive advantages.
(b) is a disadvantage.
(c) is knowing the grammar of a language.
(d) is a prescriptive concept.
Ans. (a)

13. Input hypothesis proposes that linguistic input that is _________ the current stage of
linguistic competence is ideal for maximizing learning outcomes.
(a) one step behind
(b) one step beyond
(c) way ahead of
(d) parallel to
Ans. (b)

14. Mother tongue based multilingualism is _______.

(a) every learners begin her schooling in her mother tongue and move on to study in English
medium in school.
(b) all schools teacher teach through the medium of the mother tongue or home language.

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(c) every learner begins her schooling in her mother tongue/home language and moves on to
add many more languages in school.
(d) all school teach through the medium of English to the demand of parents.
Ans. ©

15. Read the following conversation A: I want all students with letter A to stand here and all
students with letter B to stand there. Do you understand? Students: (Silence) One Student: Yes
(very quietly) Students are reluctant to answer. Which of the following reasons does NOT fit?
(a) Students lack confidence.
(b) Students did not understand the instructions.
(c) Students prefer not to talk.
(d) Students need more elaborate instructions and support from the teacher.
Ans. (c):


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 04.01.2022
English -1

1. Which one of the following is the highest level of writing skill?

(a) Correct spelling
(b) Digraph writing
(c) Articles writing
(d) Using difficult words in Sentences
Ans. ©

2. Being a language teacher, you would like to adopt which form of the content?
(a) Concrete descriptive and analytical
(b) Abstract descriptive and analytical
(c) Concert descriptive and Conceptual
(d) Abstract conceptual and Conceptual
Ans. (a)

3. According to the Piaget, the process of language acquisition is-

(a) associative
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(b) matching
(c) strategic
(d) social
Ans. ©

4. A student whose home language and school language are different, how can you as a
teacher, help as a resource?
(a) By giving him extra attention in class.
(b) Using multilingualism as resource in the classroom.
(c) By giving him flexibility in homework related work
(d) By teaching in the class in his mother tongue.
Ans. (b)

5. Consider the Statement (A) and (B) regarding Translanguaging.

(a) Translanguaging is a flexible form of multilingualism.
(b) Translanguaging is switching between the languages on known in order to maximise
communicative potential. (a) (A) is true, (B) is fals. (b) (A) is flase, (B) is true.
(c) Both (A) and (B) are true
(d) Both (A) and (B) are flase
Ans. ©

7. What is used as a tool for learning language in whole language approach?

(a) Actions
(b) Literature
(c) Nursery rhyms
(d) Toys
Ans. (b)

8. The central role in total physical response is of

(a) teacher
(b) parents
(c) family
(d) student
Ans. (a)

9. What is meant by ‘reading skills’ on the basis of National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005?
(a) Correct Pronunciation
(b) Reading Syllables
(c) Reading with understanding
(d) Reading difficult sentences
Ans. ©

10. What is the educational aspect of a language textbook?

(a) Spelling of Book

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(b) Place of picture in Book
(c) Selection of Content
(d) Beautiful content with picture typography
Ans. ©

11. Consider the activities assigned to the students. Which of the following activities should you
try out to develop communicative skills?
(a) He---------(Is/are) on actor.
(b) On the weekend, I’m going to-----in the morning and will return by 5pm in evening
(c) Ask your friend where he/she likes to visit on weekend and why.
(d) Ask you classmate two points which she/he considers while group discussion. (a) (i), (ii), (iii)
(b) (ii), (iii) (c) (i), (ii) (d) (iii), (iv)
Ans. (d)

11. According to krashen,--------- is a subconscious process.

(a) learning
(b) acquisition
(c) listening
(d) communication
Ans. (b)

12. According to Vygotsky, children who make extensive use of -------learn complex tasks more
effectively than the other children.
(a) inner speech
(b) individual speech
(c) private speech
(d) silent speech
Ans. ©

13. According to Jean Piaget, a language develops from------to------speech.

(a) private to individualized
(b) private to socialized
(c) egocentric to socialized
(d) socialized to egocentric
Ans. ©

14. During classroom discussion, a class VI student is printing his/her own perspective over’
causes of corruption’. Neither he/she is convinced with other’s ideas not is he/she trying to look
from other’s perspective. Hence, according to Piaget, in which type of speech is he/she involved
(a) ego-centric speech
(b) social speech
(c) individual speech
(d) private speech

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Ans. (a)

15. In order to make the students understand the grammatical structures, a language teacher
(a) provide rich written material and let the students discover different structures.
(b) provide extensive grammatical exercises to the students.
(c) ask students to memories structures from the book.
(d) give an assignment to the students over different structures.
Ans. (a)

English -2

1. Consider the statements (A) and (B) regarding paralinguistic features of a language.
(A) Volume is not just, what you say; it is how you say.
(B) Intonation means vibration of voice or speech.
(a) (A) is true, (B) is false.
(b) (A) is false, (B) is true.
(c) Both (A) and (B) are true.
(d) Both (A) and (B) are false.
Ans. (c)

3. The language acquired from birth by a child with the help of family members is known as:
(a) First Language
(b) Second language
(c) Regional language
(d) Foreign language
Ans. (a)

4. If students of a class use limited vocabulary during communication, what will be the best way
to enhance their vocabulary?
(a) Ask students to make a list of synonyms and antonyms of usable words during
(b) Ask students to read more books and write down the words from them.
(c) Ask students to read the text aloud twice and thrice in a day.
(d) Ask students to communicate in groups and allow them to replace used words with new
suitable words.
Ans. (d)

5. In spite of its complex nature, 'language is acquired with the help of innate grammatical
knowledge'. This idea refers to the theory proposed by-
(a) Stephen Krashen
(b) Noam Chomsky

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(c) Lev Vygotsky
(d) Jean Piaget
Ans. (b)

6. when children talk either to themselves or for the pleasure of associating anyone what
happens to these with the activity of moment, he/she is involved in––––.
(a) social speech
(b) privates speech
(c) ego-centric speech
(d) individual speech
Ans. (b)

7. Consider the statements (A) and (B). (A) Language is linked with thinking process. (B)
Language helps to structure discourse and practice discourse functions.
(a) (A) is true, (B) is false.
(b) (A) is false, (B) is true.
(c) Both (A) and (B) are true.
(d) Both (A) and (B) are false.
Ans. ©

8. Language develops among children once they interact–––––.

(a) with others
(b) with physical objects
(c) with self
(d) remain silent
Ans. (a)

9. Which one of these is not true about language acquisition theory by Noam Chomsky?
(a) Deep structure of language.
(b) Transformational grammar.
(c) Language Acquisition device.
(d) Prime role of child's environment.
Ans. (d)

10. Match the following: Column A Column B A. Input hypothesis 1. James Asher B. Total
physical response 2. Prabhu C. Task based language teaching 3. Stephen krashen D.
Language and Mind 4. Noam Chomsky
Codes: A B C D
(a) 2 4 3 1
(b) 3 2 3 4
(c) 4 3 2 1
(d) 3 1 2 4
Ans. (d)

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11. Which statement is true about Piaget?
(a) Thoughts precedes language
(b) Language precedes thoughts
(c) Language and thoughts are independent
(d) Language and speech are merged around the age of three
Ans. (a)

12. A teacher instructs students to follow these steps during reading article: Find or write a topic
sentence for each paragraph or section; identifying big ideas that cover several specific points;
find some supporting information for each big ideas and delete and redundant information or
unnecessary details. Which one of the strategies the teacher is using here:
(a) Identifying
(b) Summarizing
(c) Predicting
(d) Clarifying
Ans. (b)

13. A teacher is using intensive oral interaction in target language as a way of presenting
language. This method is known as-
(a) Natural Method
(b) Classical Method
(c) Bilingual Method
(d) Audio-lingual Method
Ans. (a)

14. Select the odd one about 'Interactional model of language'.

(a) Language as a vehicle for the realization of interpersonal relations.
(b) language as a means to perform social transactions between individuals.
(c) Language as a means to conveying and receiveing authentic messages.
(d) Language as a means for interrelatedness of grammar and vocabulary.
Ans. (d)

15. Rohini wants to present content before class students. Which of the following points should
she consider? (i) use of teaching activities (dialogues and information gap etc). (ii) demonstrate
formal communicative and other aspects of target language. (iii) provide proper scaffolding
whenever necessary. (iv) try to develop a habit of drilling. Option:
(a) (i), (ii), (iii)
(b) (i), (ii), (iv)
(c) (i), (iii)
(d) (ii), (iv)
Ans. (a)

16. A language teacher wants to assess the performance of the students on a group projects,
then the prarameters of individual performance assessment should be based on ––––––.

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(a) the performance of same age peers.
(b) each student's own previous level.
(c) level of group's performance.
(d) common criteria for all.
Ans. (b)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 05.01.2022
English -1

1. What is mother tongue based multilingualism?

(a) Starting one’s schooling in the mother tongue and move on to add many languages.
(b) Starting one’s schooling in the mother tongue and move on to English as the medium.
(c) Learning in mother tongue medium and learning English as a language.
(d) Learning as many languages as possible during the primary years of schooling.
Ans. (a)

2. A teacher of class V conducts a dictation activity with five sentences of five or six words. She
reads out the sentences two times and asks her learners to listen carefully and write the
sentences as dictated. What approach to listening does the teacher want to adopt here?
(a) Top down approach
(b) Communicative approach
(c) Bottom up approach
(d) Dictation approach
Ans. ©

3. A teacher gives a set of ten words to different groups in her class. She asks them to find
words which can be friends the word and can have prefixes and suffixes to make a new word.
What is this known as?
(a) Word web
(b) Thematic vocabulary
(c) colloction
(d) Word chunks
Ans. ©

4. What is a ‘Dialect’?
(a) Speech characteristics of a region or a social group.
(b) Language used by people of a particular region in writing.
(c) Speech characteristic of people belonging to particular job.

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(d) Language used by people in power.
Ans. (a)

5. A teacher conducts groups work, pair work and role play in the classroom and observes
learners for assessment? What are these assessment activities known as?
(a) Speaking Assessment
(b) Classroom Assessment
(c) Formative Assessment
(d) Summative Assessment
Ans. ©

6. A teacher writes the names of the objects in the classroom on the objects in the languages of
learners, in English and in another language known to learners, What does the teacher try to do
(a) Introducing the letter of the alphbets to learners.
(b) Creating language awarenss among learners.
(c) Develop an understanding for script awareness among learners.
(d) Creating language rich environment in the classroom.
Ans. (d)

7. What is ‘Translanguaging?
(a) Teaching many languags in language classroom.
(b) Moving from one language to another for teaching–learning of content subjects.
(c) Using many languages while speaking and in teaching–learning in classroom.
(d) Teaching a contents as well as languages in one language.
Ans. ©

8. ‘Authenticity’ of a text refers to ––––

(a) texts developed by textbook authors keeping in view of the level of learners.
(b) origin of the text from a context and natural language use.
(c) text by authority in the language
(d) translation by textbook writers from another language.
Ans. (b)

9. Which approach to writing enables learners to undergo stages to do good write up?
(a) Descriptive writing
(b) Process approach to writing
(c) Product approach to writing
(d) Institutional writing
Ans. (b)

10. Grammar learning is ------

(a) learning the rules of grammar.

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(b) learning the rules first and be able to use later.
(c) learning from meaning to use the form in contexts.
(d) finding errors in a written and spoken language in any language
Ans. ©

11. Errors ---------------------------.

(a) are indications of learning.
(b) hamper language learning
(c) are to be corrected then and there
(d) Should be avoided by noticing them.
Ans. (a)

12. Words which we recognize when hear and read are known as ----------
(a) Productive vocabulary
(b) Words in contexts
(c) Intrenal vocabulary
(d) Receptive vocabulary
Ans. (d)

13. Which one of the following is NOT an objective of teaching reading?

(a) Connect the ideas of the text with one’s previous knowledge.
(b) Make meaning of words, phrase and language chunks.
(c) Learners infer meaning while reading a text.
(d) Decoding of the text, the words and phrases.
Ans. (d)

14. When learners come to school for the first time they come with their mother tongue. How
does a teacher in her English or other language class use the mother tongues of learners?
(a) Teacher should begin with the common language of the class and let learners use their
(b) Teacher should use only English or the other language and should not allow learners to use
their mother tongue.
(c) Teacher should freely allow children to use any language they wish to use and she may
speak in the common language
(d) Teacher should speak the language which to attempts to teach her learners, learners will
ultimately learn the target language
Ans. ©

15. National Education Policy 2020 recommends the study of classical languages as
(a) additional options during the mid and secondary stages of schooling
(b) one of the options under the three language formula
(c) as additional options during the foundational stages of schooling.
(d) as additional options and as an elective language during the secondary stages of schooling.

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Ans. (a)

English -2

1. Language is –––––––– .
(a) a linguistic arrangement
(b) a system of systems
(c) a developmental grammatical system.
(d) of letters and sounds.
Ans. (b)

2. Jeeva reads a text looking for some specific information. What is this reading known as?
(a) Scanning
(b) Skimming
(c) Rapid reading
(d) Intensive reading
Ans. (a)

3. Moving from meaning to form in grammar learning is –––– .

(a) learners use the grammatical item with understanding and discover the rules later.
(b) learners are made to learn the rules first and apply them later.
(c) teacher teaches the rules first and learners use the rules through drills.
(d) learners understand rules of the grammatical item first and use them later in isolation.
Ans. (a)

4. Which of the following could you place as the most suitable assessment task for learners'
ability to develop speaking (communication) skills?
(a) Writing a speech in a given situation.
(b) Describing a scene from play.
(c) Listening to an audio text and responding to it.
(d) Playing a character in a role play.
Ans. (d)

5. Which one of the following is 'assessment for learning'?

(a) Assessment designed by organizations at the regional level to monitor students' progress at
the end of the term.
(b) Assessments designed to know student's progress at the end of the year.
(c) Assessments designed to monitor and improve students' progress during the
teaching-learning process.
(d) Assessment activities like national achievement surveys.
Ans. ©

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6. A classroom in primary classes has cartoon books, small books of ten pages with lots of
illustrations and a newspaper for learners to read as and when get time? What does the
classroom attempt to do here?
(a) Creating a print rich environment.
(b) Developing reading habits of learners.
(c) Creating reading groups among learners.
(d) Creating an academic environment.
Ans. (a)

7. What is 'Engagement with language'?

(a) Learners learn the rules of language.
(b) Teachers work with learners for language learning.
(c) Learners decode the words and sentences without understanding their meaning.
(d) Learners work in and work with language for purposes.
Ans. (d)

8. A teacher demonstrates in class I how to T_26_A_PO_MES_3write the letters of the

alphabets. She describe where to start and how to move for writing the letters of the alphabets.
What does she try to make her learners understand?
(a) Writhing skills
(b) Writing rubrics
(c) Mechanics of Writing
(d) hand-eye coordination
Ans. ©

9. What is productive vocabulary?

(a) Words which we recognize as we hear and read.
(b) Words which we may recall when one speaks.
(c) Words that we use in writing and speaking.
(d) Words which we fails to recognize while listening and writing.
Ans. ©

10. Which one of the following is NOT true of learning languages?

(a) Mother tongue supports better cognitive growth.
(b) Mother tongue interferes in the learning other languages.
(c) Mother tongue facilitates interpersonal communication skills.
(d) Learning in mother tongue promotes conceptual understanding.
Ans. (b)

11. Which approach to writhing could be stated as 'learning to write by writing'?

(a) Process approach
(b) Product approach
(c) Imitating someone's writing
(d) Writing in pointers

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Ans. (a)

12. A teacher of class III while teaching her learners adjective asks her learners to list out the
words which describe the person or things in the given sentences through discussion with
peers. What is this way of teaching vocabulary known as?
(a) Word connections
(b) Describing words
(c) Adjectives in contexts
(d) Vocabulary in context
Ans. (d)

13. What is the structure of school education as recommended by the National Education Policy
(a) 5 + 3 + 3 + 4
(b) 2 + 3 + 3 + 4
(c) 2 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2
(d) 5 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2
Ans. (a)

14. Children scribble on walls, floors and papers during the early years? This –––––– .
(a) is part of emergent literacy
(b) has no value for learning
(c) is mathematics learning
(d) is language learning
Ans. (a)

15. Which of the following is NOT true of language learning and acquisition?
(a) All children can learn many languages, if given opportunity and environment.
(b) First language interferes in the learning of second language.
(c) Language learning should begin from meaning and move to understanding form.
(d) First language support learning of second language.
Ans. (b): First


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 06.01.2022
English -1

1. Ankita a teacher of class III finds some learners prefer to get new information in written form
instead of verbal information. Their learning style is:
(a) auditory
(b) visual

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(c) kinesthetic
(d) aesthetic
Ans. (b)

2. A teacher in class IV has given a task on role play where the learners are asked to exchange
their in a given situation. Which skill is she trying to enhance?
(a) Acting
(b) Writing
(c) Speaking
(d) Reading
Ans. ©

3. A teacher should use the learner’s mother tongue while teaching in the classroom because
(a) Each child will learn at the same pace if they are taught in their mother tongue.
(b) Learners will answer all the questions if they are learning in their mother tongue
(c) Learners will understand th new concpts asily and feel more accepted in the calssroom
(d) There will be least distraction in the class
Ans. ©

4. How can a teacher develop good writing skill in the budding writers?
(a) By giving clear instruction on the topic and word limit.
(b) By praising learners what they did well and making specific comments to improve further
(c) By asking learners to write in a good handwriting.
(d) By giving learners detailed feedback only on their grammatical errors?
Ans. (b)

5. The purpose of formative assessment is

(a) to make comparison between different students
(b) labelling students as intelligent, average, or slow learners.
(c) to use a variety of way to collect information about the students learning.
(d) to conduct class test regularly on weekly basis
Ans. ©

6. For teaching children of class I, we should focus more on oral language development, Which
of the following classroom practice will enable learners to enhance oral languages skill at class?
(a) Role play
(b) Grammar games
(c) Singing rhymes
(d) Learning alphabets
Ans. (a)

7. A teacher is reading a story from a textbook about a girl who is looking after a sparrow and
feeding it. Suddenly a boy Ali stood up and told the teacher how one day he saved an injured
squirrel which was lying in the park Ali’s reaction to the story can be described as

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(a) connecting the text with his personal experience
(b) interrupting the teacher in between
(c) an opportunity to speak and show that he is active in the class
(d) his attention seeking nature in the class
Ans. (a)

8. A teacher has given a language task to be done in groups. What will be the role of a teacher
during this group work?
(a) Ensure that the task is finished on time so she should remind them the time again and again.
(b) Ensure that everyone should participate in a group and try to support them if required.
(c) The teacher should give full autonomy to the groups, so she should sit said on a chair.
(d) Ensure that students should not make in the class.
Ans. (b)

9. Reading comprehension is ability to

(a) translate the written symbol into corresponding sounds.
(b) perceive and decode letters in order to read it fluently.
(c) construct meaning by interacting with text.
(d) understand all the words in the text to understand its meaning.
Ans. ©

10. Which of the following type of questions on a test will be helpful assessing the creativity of
(a) One word question
(b) Open ended question
(c) Multiple choice question
(d) True/false type of question
Ans. (b)

11. Which of the following statements about language is true?

(a) It is a system of systems
(b) It is systematic
(c) It is rule of rules and exceptions
(d) It is an idea of ideas
Ans. (a)

12. Language is learnt best

(a) in contexts
(b) in isolation
(c) in alphabetical order
(d) when presented word by word
Ans. (a)

13. The purpose of diagnostics test in language learning is to:

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(a) give feedback to the parents.
(b) fill the progress report of students.
(c) Plan and prepare question paper for summative assessment.
(d) know the gap in learner understanding.
Ans. (d)

14. In a Child-centered classroom, the teacher should

(a) explain the whole lesson sentence by sentence for the convenience of students.
(b) dictate the answers to the questions so that students should feel at ease.
(c) us such techniques in which students are encouraged to take initiative on their own.
(d) demonstrates what a teacher expects from the students.
Ans. ©

15. In a constructivist classroom, language learning should be bases on

(a) drill and practice of grammatical items.
(b) the transaction of the prescribed textbook by the teacher.
(c) learners’ previous knowledge in constructing their new knowledge using authentic task
(d) the assumption that language can only be learnt if teacher transmits it to the learners
Ans. ©

English -2

1. A teacher divided the students of class IV into groups of six and gave them a short story
without its ending. Then she asked them to imagine, discuss, finalize and write an ending to the
story. In this activity the teacher is developing their –––––––––––.
(a) controlled writing
(b) guided writing
(c) creative writing
(d) product writing
Ans. ©

2. Dictionary is very important tool for learning a language. Which of the following is least
important about the use of dictionary?
(a) Check the spelling of a word
(b) Looking the meaning of a word
(c) Check the passive voice of a word
(d) Check the part of speech of a word
Ans. ©

3. Cognitive learning theory does not focus on:

(a) human beings are born with a built in language device
(b) error as a part of the learning process
(c) language is learnt through the process of habit formation.

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(d) language is learnt by involving reasoning and mental processes
Ans. ©

4. While developing writing skills among the students, a language teacher should most
importantly focus on:
(a) good handwriting
(b) grammatical aspects
(c) word limits
(d) expression of ideas
Ans. (d)
5. The first page of a language textbook of class I is a picture of a fair scene without any word or
sentences written on it. The objective of this picture for learners is:
(a) it's fun to look at picture
(b) to understand and analyse the picture
(c) to give them opportunity to draw such picture
(d) to increase their patience in reading the book
Ans. (b)

6. Assertion (A): A teacher must relate the structure to communicative function in the class.
Reason (R): Practice of communicative functions enables the learner to perform well in society.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.

7. Guided composition should be usually introduced at –––––––––– .

(a) latent stage
(b) early stage
(c) adolescence stage
(d) adult stage
Ans. (b)

8. Extensive reading is aimed at promoting ––––– ––––––– .

(a) reading for pleasure
(b) reading for test
(c) reading for information
(d) reading to know about the author
Ans. (a)

9. Multilingualism as a strategy means –––––– .

(a) teaching of many languages in school.
(b) teaching - learning of mother tongues of all learners.
(c) making use of the language of learners.

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(d) enabling learners to learn foreign languages.
Ans. ©

10. Reading pedagogy advocates that –––––

(a) reading is meaning making
(b) reading is decoding
(c) reading is encoding the idea of the text
(d) reading is required to become a writer
Ans. (a)

11. Story telling as a strategy for language leaning aims at –––––––– .

(a) teaching morals to learners
(b) enabling teacher to learn by heart the story
(c) enabling learners to read the story
(d) engaging learner with language

12. A collection of short stories and other narratives are prescribed as supplementary reader for
language learning? What is the major purpose of the supplementary reader?
(a) To promote intensive reading
(b) To promote moral leaning
(c) To promote extensive reading
(d) To promote academic skills
Ans. ©

13. Which of the following need not to be discussed in a poetry classroom?

(a) ideas and themes of the poem
(b) Rhyming scheme
(c) Poetic devices
(d) Grammar
Ans. (d)

14. It is common for language speakers to use the words and sentence from other
languages(s). What is this known as?
(a) Code switching and code mixing
(b) Language Transmission
(c) Language in context
(d) Sociolinguistic behaviour
Ans. (a)

15. Remedial teaching is meant to:

(a) improve the learner's learning.
(b) improve both the learners leaning and teachers teaching.
(c) improve the performance of the learners in the test.

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(d) improve the class performance.


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 07.01.2022
English -1

1. A learner in a village in the state of Jharkhand knows her mother tongue and Hindi, the
language of home and in her neighborhood. She learns english in school. Which of the
languages come under language acquisition and which of the languages come under language
(a) Mother tongue and Hindi come under language acquisition
(b) English comes under language learning
(c) Hindi comes under language learning
(d) All the languages come under language acquisition (a) i & ii are true (b) iii & iv are true (c) i &
iv are true (d) iv & ii are true
Ans. (a)

2. Which of the following represents the typical pedagogical sequence to teach students how to
(a) get students to write letters with straight lines and curves
(b) get students to draw a number of specific shapes
(c) get students to read aloud and write letters multiple times (a) I, II, III (b) III, I, II (c) II, I, III
(d) II, III, I
Ans. ©

3. A ‘word wall’ is a set of words written or printed in a large font and pasted on a classroom wall
in a visible manner Which of these literacy concepts of skills CANNOT be taught using a word
(a) Awareness of spelling patterns.
(b) Pronunciation of difficult words.
(c) Understanding phonics rules
(d) Understanding root words.
Ans. (b)

4. After introducing ‘‘tense forms’’ to grade 5 students, a teacher set up a pair activity’. Student
A takes a piece of text in simple present tense from a book and conveys it to Student B in past
tense. Student B tries to guess what the present tense would have been. Student A modifies his

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conversion from present to past tense if needed, repeatedly, till Student B guesses correctly.
The above activity MOST closely represents.
(a) Krashen’s input hypothesis
(b) Swain’s Output hypothesis
(c) Bruner’s theory of development
(d) Krashen’s Acquisition-Learning hypothesis Ans. (b)

5. A teacher conducts a pair work activity in class IV and asks Student A to be the waiter and
Student B the customer, and asks each pair to carry out a conversation. This activity provides
the LEAST opportunity to improve.
(a) Clarity of expression
(b) active listening
(c) sentence construction
(d) Vocabulary
Ans. (d)

6. Which of these would be the MOST apt to teach ‘visualisation’ to students?

(a) What location do you think this story took place in?
(b) Look at the image given in the text and tell me what you see.
(c) How does the author describe the dog’s character?
(d) Imagine and write and alternative version of the last scene.
Ans. (a)

7. Which of the following will be the MOST appropriated exercise for a teacher to develop
‘inference making’ in students after reading a story?
(a) What place have you been to that is similar to the one in the story?
(b) Which person you know is likely to react in the same way as the character in the story?
(c) Pick an imagery in the story and use it in a sentence of your own.
(d) Watch this video based on the story we read and describe the setting in your own words?
Ans. (b)

8. Which of the following exercises in NOT and example of a teacher using ‘scaffolding’?
(a) Ask students to listen to a podcast and share two new words they learnt through it.
(b) Give students a short poem to read, with meanings of difficult words provided at the
beginning of the passage
(c) Ask students several simple questions orally and then summaries these to answer one big
(d) Provide a list of topics starters a student can speak 2 minutes on with prompts on the areas
to be covered.
Ans. (a)

9. Which of these follows the ‘deductive method’ to teach ‘preposition’ to students?

(a) Explain the rules of using prepositions and give examples
(b) Give several examples of prepositions and ask students to derive the rules.

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(c) Explain the rules of using prepositions while teaching a prose.
(d) Giving sentences, ask students to identify words that are NOT nouns, pronouns, verbs or
Ans. (a)

10. All children in India ideally begun their schooling in their mother tongue or home language
and move on study two or more languages in high school. What is this language-in-education
strategy known as?
(a) Mother tongue based multilingualism
(b) Language education policy
(c) Official education policy
(d) Multi lingualism policy for education
Ans. (a)

11. ----------------for children is considered as an authentic source of reading.

(a) Letters
(b) Text books
(c) Literature
(d) Dictation
Ans. (b)

12. Which one of the following is most effective assessment tool for language learning?
(a) Written test
(b) Dictation
(c) Assignment
(d) Observation
Ans. (d)

13. A common feature of teaching English is the use of ‘‘authentic texts’’. Which of a following
best fulfils the purpose of authentic texts?
(a) A rules sheet for phonics
(b) A food menu at a local restaurant.
(c) A two minute video that you recorded on your phone.
(d) A Japanese story translated into English by the teacher
Ans. (b)

14. Which of the following online tools would be the BEST suited to help students understand
the structure of complex plots?
(a) A rewording program converting complex words to simpler ones.
(b) A leveled-reading program converting text into different reading levels.
(c) A mind–mapping program where thoughts and ideas are split into components.
(d) A gamification program that awards coins for reading and answering questions.
Ans. ©

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15. A student wrote a paragraph on New Year’s celebrations: For New Year’s day my family and
I invited our friends for midnight count down. On new year’s eve we went to the cake shop to
order cake. We also bought decorations drinks, other snacks for party. My parents below the
balloons and I helped decorate the house. Our friends came over after dinner and we played till
mid night. What step of paragraph writing should you ask the student to MOST focus on now?
(a) Ideating
(b) Structuring
(c) Drafting
(d) Editing
Ans. (d)

English -2

1. Which of the following ideas is in contradiction to the theory proposed by the linguist Noam
(a) Humans have an innate capacity to acquire languages.
(b) Children learn languages through imitation and reinforcement.
(c) There is a critical period for language learning to happen.
(d) All the languages share certain common structures and features.
Ans. (b)

2. Which of the following would be the MOST effective tool to teach vocabulary and spellings to
grade III children who are learning English as their second language?
(a) Podcasts
(b) Writing Templates
(c) Picture Dictionary
(d) Bilingual texts
Ans. ©

3. According to the approach of 'Total Physical Response', a teacher should ––––––– .

(a) Often conduct games and physical activities related to the topic.
(b) Facilitate discussions and dialogue among the students in English.
(c) Teach vocabulary by connecting words with appropriate actions.
(d) Help students accomplish real world tasks using their English abilities.
Ans. ©

4. Which of the following classroom situations is NOT conducive for language acquisition in
grade 3, based on Krashen's hypothesis?
(a) Students can choose the topics for writing exercises on their own.
(b) Children are not scolded for committing errors while speaking English.
(c) Peer discussion happen frequently on various general topics.
(d) Teacher using Shakespeare's play for a read aloud lesson in the class.
Ans. (d)

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5. Which of the following is the LEAST relevant objective for introducing children to poetry?
(a) To improve students' ability to memorize and recall.
(b) To expose students to different forms of writing.
(c) To build intonation skills in children through an easier format.
(d) To improve comfort with words and spellings through rhyme and repetition.
Ans. (a)

6. A teacher introduced a game called 'Spot the Word' in a Standard II classroom. Students
were given a page long story and they had to rapidly circle the words uttered by the teacher.
Which of the following language skills can this help develop?
(a) Proof reading
(b) Scanning
(c) Inferring
(d) Intensive reading
Ans. (b)

7. A class of grade IV students is learning English as second language. A diagnostic shows that
most of them can read only grade II level text. Which of the following classroom routines will
enable the maximum number of students to participate and catch up?
(a) Idiom of the Day- Teacher presents an idiom related to the lesson daily.
(b) Weekend read- Students share about the novel or the book that they read.
(c) Daily Talk- Students talk about some activity of the previous day, for a minute everyday.
(d) Journal writing- Students free write for about 5 minute before starting the class.,
Ans. ©

8. Which of the following principles does National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 expect a
teacher to keep in mind, while teaching in a multilingual classroom?
(a) Children's English proficiency greatly improves through exposure.
(b) Linguistic diversity in a class constrains English language teaching.
(c) Children learn better through drills and rigorous practice.
(d) Language is constitutive of a child's cultural and social identity.
Ans. (d)

9. Which of the following pedagogical methods follows a 'contextualized approach' towards

teaching the 'tense forms'?
(a) Explaining different types of tense forms with single-sentence examples.
(b) Encouraging students to apply the concepts of tense forms in their first language.
(c) Making students practice each rule about tense forms through a worksheet focused on the
(d) Using a scripted dialogue to teach in which different tense forms are used.
Ans. (d)

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10. The red ball quickly tell onto the floor, which was already wet, and rolled away. When asked
to underline the adverbs in the given sentence, Class V student Kiran underlined word 'quickly'
and 'away'. Which of the below MISCONCEPTIONS does Kiran likely have?
(a) Adverbs modify only verbs and not adjectives.
(b) Adverbs always end with 'ly'.
(c) Adverb need to appear after the verb.
(d) None- Kiran has identified the adverb correctly.

Ans. (a)

11. Ms. Vijayalakshimi asks her Grade 5 students to write an essay on 'Myself'. Post the
assignment, which of the following questions would MOST help use this exercise for
"assessment as learning"?
(a) How are you and your best friend different from each other? -compare your easy and find
(b) Using the given list of points, check what all you have included, and include the rest.
(c) What is your most favourite activity?
(d) How did you decide which things about yourself to include in the easy?
Ans. (d)

12. What is the status accorded to the English language in the Indian constitution?
(a) Foreign language
(b) Official language
(c) Associate official language
(d) Indian language

13. An English class was run with the objective: Students will be able to use appropriate
punctuation marks. Which of the following assessments is BEST aligned with the objective?
(a) Ask students to punctuate the following: Ramesh loves eating ice-creams he also enjoys
pizza pasta and other such items.
(b) Ask students to identify punctuation marks in the following: Radha reached school late. She
ran up the stairs, reached her classroom and asked, "May I come in?"
(c) Pair students and ask them to act out the following with the right tone: "May I go to watch the
movie?" "No! you may not! Finish your homework, eat you dinner and go to sleep."
(d) Ask students to list the rules in using fullstop, comma and question-mark.
Ans. (a)

14. A teacher uses an online program where words are first read slowly highlighting each
sound, then a little faster and then at normal speed. For which of the following can this tool be
BEST used?
(a) Comprehension
(b) Blending
(c) Vocabulary

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(d) Prosody
Ans. (b)

15. Ms. Renu in her class V tells a story in English and asks her students to tell the story in their
language. She then asks them to tell the story in group of five by taking turns. What strategy
does the she follow in her class room?
(a) Multi lingualism
(b) Bilingualism
(c) Translanguaging
(d) Group work
Ans. ©


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 08.01.2022
English -1

1. Which pedagogy recognises the primary to children’s experiences, their voices and their
active participation? This kind of pedagogy requires us to plan learning in keeping with
children’s psychological development and interests.
(a) Learner
(b) Child-centered
(c) Teacher-centered
(d) Elaborative

2. Critical pedagogy firmly believes that

(a) what children learn out of school is irrelevant.
(b) the experiences and perceptions of learners are important.
(c) the teacher should always lead the classroom instruction
(d) the learners need not reason independently.
Ans. (b)

3. If a teacher engages students in an activity before introducing new lesson, the purpose is to:
(a) divert the attention of the students.
(b) discipline the students before the lesson begins.
(c) reduce the workload
(d) motivate and energies the students.
Ans. (d)

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4. Humans learn language the way they do some other skills and abilities-thorough experiences.
With which theorist dos not resonate?
(a) Chomsky
(b) Piaget
(c) Vygotsky
(d) Skinner
Ans. (d)

5. The learners in a constructivist classroom

(a) interact in groups and create noise in the classroom.
(b) pen down all options in the note books.
(c) interact only with the teacher.
(d) do not interact at all.
Ans. (a)

6. Which of the following do NOT constitute as the principle of language teaching?

(a) Selection and gradation
(b) Focus exclusively in reading skill
(c) Teaching in an integrated manner
(d) Exposure to language
Ans. (b)

7. To facilitate peer-acceptance which classroom is appropriate?

(a) An inclusive classroom with diverse learners
(b) An inclusive classroom with selected learners
(c) An exclusive classroom with diverse learners
(d) An exclusive classroom with selected learners
Ans. (a)

8. Which of the following is NOT the purpose of remedial teaching?

(a) To eliminate ineffective habits.
(b) To teach again the language items not learnt properly.
(c) To make learners learn by drilling.
(d) To arise learners interest in learning with stimulating approaches.
Ans. ©

9. For maximising student participation while teaching English, The most appropriate approach
should be.
(a) Structural Approach
(b) Communicative Approach
(c) Grammar-Translation Method
(d) Immresion Method
Ans. (b)

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10. If a teacher wants to cater to learning styles of all children, she should.
(a) advise children to join co-curricular activities to show their talent and learning styles.
(b) revise all lesson before they appear in summative assessment exam.
(c) test the students frequently to ensure that they learn the concept thoroughly.
(d) employ variety of teaching methods and modes to assess what caters to the diversity among
the learners.
Ans. (d)

11. Which of the following is the most effective teaching strategy in a language classroom?
(a) Laying emphasis on correct pronunciation
(b) Reading literature aloud from a book
(c) Emphasising on reading with correct pronunciation and expression.
(d) Discussing a topic of learner’s interest and focusing on vocabulary in context.
Ans. (d)

12. Learners can be motivated to learn and master a subject when they:
(a) know that they will be tested on their understanding of the subject context in their
(b) believe that the work they are doing in interesting and related to their own lives and their
teaching life
(c) anticipate that they will receive positive reinforcement for achieving instructional objectives
(d) perceive that they would perform better than their peers while engaging in the same task.

13. Which strategy cannot be used to train students for good speech?
(a) Demonstrating correct pronunciation
(b) Practising the correct position of the tongue and lips.
(c) Providing opportunity to learners to speech in a neat life situations.
(d) Providing opportunity of learners to speak for a minute to enable you to diagnose the error.
Ans. (b)

14. Language is -----------------

(a) a system of systems
(b) a logical system
(c) not a rule governed system
(d) a grammar rule sets
Ans. (a)

15. The idea of comprehensible input aims at------

(a) enabling to learner to manipulate and reflect to learn language.
(b) enabling the learner to master the rules of language.
(c) compelling the learner to move beyond the given inputs.
(d) compelling the learner to mechanically use language.
Ans. (a)

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English -2

1. A critical period in development can be identified when a particular

(a) Age is critical for the development of learning and experience.
(b) Experience has its greatest effect on learning during a particular period of development.
(c) Critical experience has its grateful effect on development during learning.
(d) Period, rather than experiences, is critical for learning and development.
Ans. (b)

2. Motherese is better known as:

(a) Babbling
(b) Learning through intimation
(c) Child-directed speech
(d) Operant conditioning
Ans. ©

3. In the language classroom the learners read the story 'Kabuliwallah'. Later, they are given
background material with illustrations of certain scenes of the story and brief descriptions. A few
learners enact one or two scenes depicted in the illustrations. Other learners watch the scenes
enacted. This process is:
(a) Observation
(b) Contextualization
(c) Cognitive apprenticeship
(d) Collaboration
Ans. (a)

4. Which test measures a student's achievement in relation to a specific task that the student
will be required to perform later?
(a) Proficiency test
(b) Productive test
(c) Subjective test
(d) Objective test
Ans. (a)

5. To evaluate reading comprehension for a primary level student, the teacher asked the
students to
(a) Retell a story in their own words or summarise the main idea.
(b) Maintaining a diary based on one of the characters.
(c) Using a set of identified vocabulary on their own.
(d) Asking the students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the topic.
Ans. (a)

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6. While learning a new language
(a) The knowledge of mother tongue is helpful.
(b) The use of mother tongue creates interference rather that facilities.
(c) The mother tongue should not be used at all by the teacher.
(d) The mother tongue should not be used by the learner.
Ans. (a)

7. Receptive skills in language refers to

(a) Listening and speaking skills
(b) Listening and reading skills
(c) Speaking and writing skills
(d) Speaking and reading skills
Ans. (b)

8. Which of the following is NOT a visual teaching-learning materials?

(a) Magazine and newspaper
(b) Radio broadcast
(c) Reference books
(d) Picture chart
Ans. (b)

9. Which of the following is NOT recommended as a strategy for remedial teaching?

(a) Identifying and diagnosing individual learning weaknesses based on which remedial
instructions are given.
(b) Teachers formulate remedial practical solutions to address and resolve problems.
(c) Analysing where the student goes wrong and selecting appropriate remedial actions.
(d) Applying advances learning strategy by applying newer reading and thinking methods.
Ans. (d)

10. A teacher in the classroom introduces the topic and asks the students to quickly think of
ideas and note them down before writing and article on the topic. What is the teacher doing in
the classroom?
(a) Drill
(b) Assessment
(c) Brainstorming
(d) Checking lists
Ans. ©

11. Cognitive learning theory does not focus on

(a) Human beings are born with a build in language device.
(b) Errors as a part of the learning process.
(c) Language is learnt through the process of habit information.
(d) Language is learnt by involving reasoning and mental processes.
Ans. ©

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12. Each language has unique sounds, structures and vocabulary. This characteristic of a
language shows that
(a) Language is arbitrary
(b) Language is a skill subject
(c) Language is a system
(d) Language is a species specific
Ans. ©

13. Fluency means

(a) Writing correct spelling
(b) Summarising a story in own words
(c) Clarifying the rules of grammar
(d) Speak, read and write with flow
Ans. (d)

14. While assessing a student, the teacher should compare the progress of a child
(a) With the other children in the class
(b) With those who learns fast
(c) With those who are slow learners
(d) With his/her previous level of learning
Ans. (d)

15. The process approach of writing involves_____. (A) Drafting (B) Brain storming (C) Editing
(D) Revising
(a) (A), (B), (C), (D)
(b) (B), (A), (D), (C)
(c) (C), (D), (A), (B)
(d) (A), (D), (B), (C)
Ans. (b)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 10.01.2022

English -1
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1. You recently used a new word. Having listened to it your student uses the same word in a
sentence of his own. You then praise the student for using the word in context. This language
acquisition strategy MOST depicts...
(a) Skinner’s theory of learning
(b) Piaget’s theory of learning
(c) Chomsky’s theory of learning
(d) Bruner’s theory of learning
Ans. (a)

2. Order the following steps to represent a typical pedagogical sequence for teaching students
how to write: I. Get students to write letters and numbers – 1, 4, A, L II. Get students to write
letters and numbers – 0, 8, B, Q III. Get students to read aloud and write any letter/number
(a) II, I, III
(b) III, I, II
(c) I, II, III
(d) II, III, I
Ans. ©

3. A ‘word wall’ is a set of words written or printed in a large font and pasted on a classroom wall
in a visible manner. Which of these literacy concepts or skills is MOST relevant to be taught
using a word wall?
(a) Structured story telling
(b) Pronunciation of difficult words.
(c) Formation of letters
(d) Understanding of root words.
Ans. (d)

4. ------------------is core of the reading skill.

(a) Letter knowledge
(b) Meaning
(c) Spellings
(d) Fluency
Ans. (d)

5. Ms. Grace asked her students to listen to a pod cast and represent the story in the form of a
diagram. This activity provides students the LEAST opportunity to improve their----------.
(a) Ideation
(b) Active listening
(c) Comprehension
(d) Structuring
Ans. (a)

6. Which of these would be MOST suitable to teach ‘summarising’ to students?

(a) What could be the title of this story?

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(b) Think of an alternative ending for this story.
(c) How does the author describe the dog’s character?
(d) Guess what is happing in the story based on the given image.
Ans. (a)

7. Which of the following questions involves MOST ‘inference making’ by students, after reading
a poem
(a) Does the title given by the poet fit the poem
(b) Pick an imaginary from the poem and use it in a sentence.
(c) Write a short notes on what you most liked about the poem.
(d) How did the forest appear to the little boy as per the poem.
Ans. (a)

8. Which of the following writing exercises is a good example of a teacher using ‘scaffolding’?
(a) Provide students with sentence starters to being their sentence or idea.
(b) Once students finish writing, grade them on a rubric and share the same.
(c) Share a list of topics with students and ask them to write on their favorite topic.
(d) Ask students to read a passage and write their opinion about the main character.
Ans. (a)

9. Which of these follows the ‘inductive approach’ towards teaching the topic of prepositions to
(a) Explain the rules of using prepositions and give examples.
(b) Give several examples of sentences with prepositions and ask students to derive the rules.
(c) Explain what each preposition indicates by showing it visually and then ask students to use
this in sentences.
(d) Giving sentences, ask students to identify words that are not nouns, pronouns, verbs or
Ans. (b)

10. What do you understand by multilingualism as a strategy?

(a) Making use of languages of learners
(b) Teaching many languages in school
(c) Teaching in English medium and Indian Languages
(d) Teaching through mother tonge only
Ans. (a)

11. Which of these is the MOST appropriate assessment in an ‘Assessment of Learning’ for a
lesson on tense forms?
(a) What are verbs? Give a few examples
(b) Using the given rule sheet, redo the worksheet and write the correct tense forms.
(c) Take the textbook and underline the definition of past tense and future tense.
(d) Fill in the blanks in simple past tense: He----- -(run) very fast yesterday.
Ans. (d)

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12. Collection of various instances of learning as learners undertake learning and keeping a
record of the same is known as-------------
(a) Assessment of learning
(b) Summative assessment
(c) Portfolio assessment
(d) Assessment tasks
Ans. ©

13. A common feature of teaching English is the use of ‘‘authentic texts’’. Which of the following
LEAST fulfils the purpose of authentic texts?
(a) A rules sheet for phonics
(b) A food menu at a local restaurant.
(c) A video used to promote health and hygiene.
(d) A letter to an author in response to a published book.
Ans. (a)

14. ‘X’ is an online tool which provides a set of flashcards with new words, their meaning,
pronunciation and usage in a sentence. Which of the following skills can be built using this
online tool?
(a) Making connections between two different texts.
(b) Reading a given text and answering factual questions.
(c) Making inferences about events in the story
(d) Reading a given text fluently with expression.
Ans. (d)

15. A student wrote the following when asked to write a paragraph on New Year’s celebrations:
Invited friends, Bought cake......decorations drinks snacks. parents blow balloons I decorated.
What step of paragraph writing should you ask the student to MOST focus on now?
(a) Ideating
(b) Structuring
(c) Drafting
(d) Editing
Ans. (c)

English -2

1. Which of the following ideas was proposed by the linguist Noam Chomsky?
(a) Humans have an innate capacity to acquire languages
(b) Children learn languages through imitation and reinforcement
(c) Lack of exposure in early years does not affect language development
(d) Each language is different and has its own methods of acquisition
Ans. (a)

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2. Which of the following would be the least effective tool to teach spellings to grade III children
who are learning English as their second language?
(a) Picture Dictionary
(b) Word Wall
(c) Flash Cards
(d) Bilingual tests
Ans. (d)

3. Which of the following is least true with respect to whole language approach?
(a) Focus on meaning making, rather than grammatical structures.
(b) Vocabulary should be taught through physical movements
(c) Encourage spontaneous conversations among the students
(d) Prior knowledge of students should be effectively used
Ans. (b)

4. Your student is just starting to use full sentences in English sometimes, but his sentences are
still broken. According to input hypothesis, which of these can be a comprehensible input for this
(a) Talk to the student in short words/phrases
(b) Talk to the student in broken sentences
(c) Talk to the student in short and simple sentences.
(d) Talk to the student in complex and long sentences
Ans. ©

5. Which of the following is the leat releveant reason for introducing children to poetry?
(a) To help children acquire vocabulary more easily through rhymes.
(b) To improve students ability to memorize and recall
(c) To provide students the opportunity to explore different ways of using the language.
(d) To help students express their feelings and opinions.
Ans. (b)

6. A Grade III language teacher asked his students to read a short story and discuss who do the
pronoun, he, she, you and we refer to in each sentence. Which type of reading is this activity
most aligned with?
(a) Extensive reading
(b) Scanning
(c) Intensive reading
(d) Proof reading
Ans. ©

7. A class of grade IV students is learning English as their second language. A diagnostic test
shows that most of them can read only grade II level text. Which of the following classroom
routines will enable the maximum number of students to participate and catch up?

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(a) Moral of day- Teacher presents a moral or a proverb on the blackboard daily.
(b) News corner-Students share about a newspaper article that they have read at home.
(c) Critical Time- Students share their thoughts verbally on a theme or topic chosen.
(d) Story writing-Students draft an imaginary story of about 500 words on their own
Ans. ©

8. According to National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005, which of the following propositions
held by an English teacher will lead to an inclusive multilingual classroom?
(a) It is difficult to teach English to children who speak various dialects at home.
(b) Linguistic diversity can be a useful resource in the classroom
(c) Children should focus on the country as a whole and not worry about their own language
(d) Avoiding other languages in school is important for building English proficiency.
Ans. (b)

9. Which of the following pedagogical methods follows a ‘contextualised approach’ towards

teaching the topic ‘question words’ in English Grammar?
(a) Explaining different types of question words with single-sentence examples.
(b) Telling students that words starting with ‘Wh’ are question words.
(c) Using a scripted or an authentic dialogue to teach how question words are used.
(d) Asking students to translate each question word from English to their home language.
Ans. ©

10. He was already good at tennis. He also played basketball well. Then he quickly learnt
badminton also. When asked to underline the adverbs in the given sentences, Class V student
Preethi underlined the words ‘well’ and ‘quickly’. Which of the below misconceptions does
Preethi likely have?
(a) Adverbs should end with ‘-ly’
(b) An adverb should appear after the verb.
(c) Adverbs modify only verbs
(d) Adverbs and verbs have the same function
Ans. ©

11. Grade 5 student have written essays on ‘Myself’. Which of the following next steps is closest
to “Assessment as Learning”?
(a) Each student is asked to think about how he/she decided what all to include.
(b) The teacher marks the essays on a rubric and gives appropriate grades.
(c) The teacher gives constructive feedback to students along with suggestions.
(d) Each student is asked to read five other essays and pick a favorite.
Ans. (a)

12. A teacher introduced relative clause through an authentic text and went on to give a lot of
example in context. She also gave them lot of exercises in which learners noticed and used the
form. At last she drew the attention of learners how the form works in contexts. What is this
strategy known as?

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(a) Inferential method
(b) Think aloud protocol
(c) Consciousness raising
(d) Grammar translation method
Ans. ©

13. Which one of the following is a sub-skill of reading?

(a) Transcripting
(b) Learn spelling
(c) Recall events of story
(d) Predicting
Ans. (d)

14. A teacher uses an online program in which learners can create, edit and share mind maps
online. Which of the following skills can be developed for the students using this digital tool?
Choose the closest option.
(a) Editing
(b) Ideating
(c) Drafting
(d) Comprehending
Ans. (b)

15. Social interaction is associated with_______

(a) Chomesky
(b) Piaget
(c) Skinner
(d) Vygotsky
Ans. (d)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 11.01.2022
English -1

1. Which of the following is defined as regional dialect?

(a) Speech characteristics of a language in a region.
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(b) Language of a state or country.
(c) Language with a script of a region
(d) The written language and literature of a region.
Ans. (a)

2. Which of the following is true of Sign Language?

(a) Sign Language does not have a grammar.
(b) Sign Language has a grammar.
(c) Sign Language is set of gestures.
(d) Only one Sign language used across the world.
Ans. (b)

3. Language learning is
(a) natural and subconscious
(b) deliberate and conscious
(c) both natural and deliberate
(d) innate and involuntary
Ans. (b)

4. What does it mean to use ‘multilingualism as a strategy’ in the classroom?

(a) Using the common language of learners for translating the content in a English medium
(b) Making use of the languages of learners to teach-learn languages and content subjects.
(c) Not letting the learners to use their languages except the medium of instruction in the
(d) Learning of many languages in school to become multilingual speaker.
Ans. (b)

5. Which of the following is true of Hindi language in India?

(a) It is the national language of India
(b) It is the common second language in education
(c) It is the associate official language of India
(d) It is the official language of India
Ans. (d)

6. Which of the following you would not accept as authentic materials?

(a) A cartoon from a magazine.
(b) An advertisement in a newspaper.
(c) An essay on the COVID 19 written by textbook writer
(d) A short story by the well-known writer premchand
Ans. ©

7. A teacher asks her learners of class VIII as a follow up task of the reading lesson to list the
events and ideas of story in a sequence. What does she do?

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(a) Asking her students to create a sub-text.
(b) Asking her students to read the story again.
(c) Reinforcing their writing skills
(d) Promoting their skill to recall
Ans. (a)

8. Which of the following statement is NOT true teaching of literary texts in language classroom?
(a) Literary texts should bee used to teach grammar.
(b) Literary texts are for appreciation, pleasure and enjoyment.
(c) Literary texts are inputs for language learning.
(d) Literary texts develop critical thinking.
Ans. (a)

9. Ravin reads an article from a newspaper so as to present the overall idea of the text to his
group the next day. What is his reading known as?
(a) Reading between the lines
(b) Reading beyond the lines
(c) Scanning
(d) Skimming
Ans. (d)

10. Words one recognizes while reading but is not able to use on her own. What is the
vocabulary known as?
(a) Active vocabulary
(b) Passive vocabulary
(c) Listening vocabulary
(d) Reading vocabulary
Ans. (b)

11. Basic Interpersonal Communication skills are-

(a) using language for her and now and on familiar topics
(b) using language for higher order thinking
(c) using language to convey abstract ideas and concepts
(d) using language for reporting scientific research on a topic
Ans. (a)

12. Which approach to writing gives scope for learners to undergo different stage of writing in
order to learn to write?
(a) Product Approach
(b) Process Approach
(c) Communicative Approach
(d) Lexical Approach
Ans. (b)

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13. Arul Rahul, a Teacher in his grammar class introduces rules of a grammar item voice and
tenses first and makes them understand how the form behaves and how to use it contexts. He
then gives lots of tasks for learners to practice the language item. What is this process of
teaching-learning grammar known as?
(a) Content knowledge
(b) Procedural knowledge
(c) Process knowledge
(d) Declarative knowledge
Ans. (d)

14. Which of the following is an input based task for language learning?
(a) Learner read a story in group of five
(b) Learner write a dialogue for skit to b enacted in an event.
(c) Learner enact a role play on the issue of climate change.
(d) Learner asks questions to understand the ideas of the talk they listened to.
Ans. (a)

15. Which of the following is NOT a concept from language education?

(a) grammar translation method
(b) wavelength of sound
(c) first language interference
(d) error correction
Ans. (b)

English -2

1. Which of the following is defined as social dialect?

(a) Speech characteristics of a language of a community or group of people.
(b) Language of a state or country or a continent.
(c) Speech characteristics of a language of a region with in a language.
(d) The written language and literature of a region.
Ans. (a)

2. Sign Language is ––––– .

(a) a natural language with a grammar.
(b) is not a natural language
(c) a natural language without a grammar.
(d) a set of gestures for deaf community.
Ans. (a)

3. People who know many languages are known as –––––– .

(a) Polyglots
(b) Poly linguists

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(c) Multi speakers
(d) Monolinguals
Ans. (a)

4. A child begins her schooling in her mother tongue and moves on to add many more
languages by the time she completes her high school. What is this language-education strategy
known as?
(a) Mother tongue first policy
(b) Three language formula as language policy
(c) Mother tongue based multilingualism
(d) New Education Policy for languages
Ans. ©

5. 'Engagement with language' means ––––––.

(a) teachers work with learners
(b) learners work in language for purposes
(c) learners and teacher work together on rules of grammar.
(d) learners try and learn phonetic rules of language.
Ans. (b)

6. This makes the learners use language for purposes?

(a) An authentic task
(b) An exercise
(c) A memorization part of the poem
(d) Decoding of the text
Ans. (a)

7. Shruthi reads a magazine to find a specific information about the event reported. What is her
reading known as?
(a) Skimming
(b) Reading for purpose
(c) Reading for pleasure
(d) Scanning
Ans. (d)

8. Words which we use in writing and speaking are ––––––– .

(a) passive vocabulary
(b) vocabulary in use
(c) active vocabulary
(d) vocabulary for purposes
Ans. ©

9. Which of the following is for promoting Cognitively Academic language Proficiency (CALP)?
(a) Writing one's diary at the end of the day on one's birthday.

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(b) Writing an article for a newspaper on the impact of climate change on people's lives.
(c) Speaking with classmates on one's tour to an amusement park located in the nearby city.
(d) Reading a menu in a restaurant for ordering food for oneself.
Ans. (b)

10. Why do you consider the 'Process Approach' to writing as ideal for learners to learn to write
a good piece of writing?
(a) Process Approach enables learners to write like an extempore speaker without any
(b) Process Approach is like a one-time product in order to test the skills of writing.
(c) Process Approach is testing the higher order language skills of learner as they write.
(d) Process Approaches enables learners to undergo various stages to develop a good piece of
Ans. (d)

11. Which of the following is an output based task for language learning?
(a) Learners read a news item on a political issue.
(b) Learners work in group to gather ideas for writing a paragraph.
(c) Learners think aloud describing a process in a sequence of pictures.
(d) Learners write an article for a newspaper adopting process approach.
Ans. (d)

12. Which of the following statements regarding teaching grammar lesson is incorrect?
(a) Using texts as a source of teaching points.
(b) Using examples of incorrect student language during a speaking task.
(c) Using pictures to visualize words and structures.
(d) Using sentences that are examples of the teaching point.
Ans. ©

13. Which of the following is NOT true of language?

(a) Every language has a script.
(b) Script is not essential for a language.
(c) Every language has a grammar.
(d) Language is primarily spoken.
Ans. (a)

14. A language learning and testing task which drops a word after every sixth word in a text is
known as ––––––– .
(a) Dictation task
(b) Cloze
(c) Grammar internalization task
(d) Fill in the blanks
Ans. (b)
15. Which of the following is an 'assessment as learning' tasks?

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(a) Project work and assignments
(b) Weekly tests and monthly tests
(c) Formative/ term and tests
(d) Summative tests at the end of the year
Ans. (a)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 12.01.2022

English -1
1. A learner shows her reading ability by a critical appreciation of an unseen text that is one
stage above her cognitive level This resonates with
(a) Comprehensible Input
(b) Comprehensible Output
(c) Monitor Hypothesis
(d) Natural Order
Ans. (a)

2. The subconscious acceptance of knowledge where information is stored n the brain through
the use of communication is known as Language ______.
(a) Learning
(b) Development
(c) Acquisition
(d) Function
Ans. ©

3. Which one is not a component of language?

(a) Sound
(b) Form
(c) Meaning
(d) Reading
Ans. (d)

4. Which method emphases more on spoken than written language?

(a) Audio lingual Method
(b) Grammar Translation Method
(c) Structural Approach
(d) Deductive Method
Ans. (a)

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5. In which method teacher should be aware about all method?
(a) Grammar translation method
(b) Direct method
(c) Activity based learning
(d) Eclecticism
Ans. (d)

6. Giving a cursory glance over the headlines of a newspaper is ……..

(a) intensive reading
(b) scanning
(c) extensive reading
(d) skimming
Ans. (d)

7. Which one is not a characteristics of writing?

(a) presenting an oral report
(b) good organization
(c) clear purpose
(d) grammatical accuracy
Ans. (a)

8. Following this principle helps children learn abstract words and encourages children to
recognize how words link to categories.
(a) Children need to hear diverse examples of words and language structures
(b) Vocabulary and grammatical development are reciprocal processes
(c) Children learn words best in meaningful contexts
(d) Interactive and responsive rather than passive contexts promote language learning
Ans. (a)

9. Which approach aims to create the communicative competence in the students?

(a) Structural approach
(b) Constructivism approach
(c) Communicative approach
(d) Skill based approach
Ans. ©

10. Authentic Assessment is a/an

(a) standardized testing that use questions with a limited number of answer choices.
(b) approach to measure student performance in a direct, relevant way to see if the learning
objectives were met.
(c) assessment of participants where the focus is on the outcome of a program.
(d) evaluation of student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against a

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Ans. (b)

11. Formative assessment

(a) makes judgements of the learner's skills in a specific period of time.
(b) focuses on the learner's process.
(c) has more recognition in educative institutes.
(d) correcting the students immediately as they commit mistake/ errors.
Ans. (b)

12. A key benefit of free writing is that learners

(a) do not feel that they have to write much or be totally accurate.
(b) can incorporate features of written language from their first language.
(c) have the freedom to be creative.
(d) have the freedom to write or not.
Ans. ©

13. During which stage children begin producing varied syllable combination such as,
(a) Cooing stage
(b) The one-word stage
(c) Telegraphic speech
(d) Babbling stage
Ans. (d)

14. The specific learning problem of a learner in a language subject area can be identified by
(a) Achievement test
(b) Diagnostic test
(c) Summative teat
(d) Written test
Ans. (b)

15. Which one of the following is the most important factor in language acquisition of L1?
(a) Teacher
(b) school
(c) nature of exposure
(d) identity and motivation
Ans. (c)

English -2
1. Comprehensible input (i+ 1) means
(a) material should be just slightly above the learner's current level of abilities.
(b) language learners do better when paired with others above their level.
(c) learners need to identify their learning strengths and weaknesses to set goals.

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(d) reinforce learners independent homework.
Ans. (a)

2. The unconscious process of learning a language is

(a) Language Acquistion
(b) Lang Learning
(c) Language Education
(d) Language Teaching
Ans. (a)

3. Which one is not helpful in language learning?

(a) creating exposure to the language
(b) intolerant attitude to errors
(c) supportive environment
(d) motivation learners
Ans. (b)

4. Audiolingual method emphasizes on

(a) Reading and writing
(b) Listening and speaking
(c) Speaking and writing
(d) Listening and reading
Ans. (b)

5. In which approach the learner constructs new knowledge on the basis of their experience?
(a) Constructivist approach
(b) Multi skill approach
(c) Structural approach
(d) Communicative approach
Ans. (a)

6. In reading skills Skimming is

(a) a reading strategy used for reading aloud in a text.
(b) a technique used to find the main or general idea is a text
(c) a technique used to find specific information in a text.
(d) a strategy used for reading only the first sentence of each paragraph.
Ans. (b)

7. A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or
behaviour or for a chain of reasoning is
(a) principle
(b) language
(c) learning
(d) logic

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Ans. (a)

8. The teaching method tell us ……..

(a) how to teach
(b) what to teach
(c) whom to teach
(d) where to teach
Ans. (a)

9. In teaching language role play, puzzles, riddles, quizzes are known as ……..
(a) Method
(b) Approaches
(c) Teaching Techniques
(d) Planning
Ans. ©

10. Summative assessment

(a) makes judgements of the learner's s
(b) focuses on the learner's process
(c) conducting weekly tests in schools
(d) is more constructivist and generates more positive feedback
Ans. (a)

11. Pear feedback should

(a) never be used with writing texts.
(b) not be used in the teaching learning process.
(c) be used occasionally with writing texts.
(d) be used on a regular basis with writing text.
Ans. (d)

12. We should ______four language skills in language classes.

(a) make
(b) integrate
(c) ignore
(d) isolate
Ans. (b)

13. At what do children typically begin producing varied syllable combination such as,
(a) Between 2-4 months
(b) Between 12-18 months
(c) Between 2-3 years old
(d) Between 6-8 monts
Ans. (d)

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14. When a teacher takes necessary corrective measures to remove the gaps in learning it is
(a) remedial teaching
(b) proficiency test
(c) team teaching
(d) diagnostic test
Ans. (d)

15. Each language has unique sounds, structures and vocabulary. This characteristic of
language shows that
(a) Language is arbitrary.
(b) Language is a skill subject.
(c) Language is a system.
(d) Language is a species specific.
Ans. ©


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 16.01.2022

English -1
1. Riddles, puzzles crosswords etc. are included in English textbooks to-----------
(a) develop critical thinking ability in students.
(b) develop the ability to communicate fluently.
(c) help them understand the textbook with some fun element.
(d) make the classroom environment lively and friendly.
Ans. (a)

2. A student of your class has visual deficiency, as a language teacher you will ---------
(a) give that child a special treatment with sympathy.
(b) excuse the child to perform lower than others.
(c) help and ask his/her peers to assist in routine classwork.
(d) treat the child normally and support through audio material.
Ans. (d)

3. A language teacher while assessing learners at primary stage should focus the most on-----
(a) formal weekly test and record them in report card.

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(b) term and exam that help to declare pass of fail.
(c) using variety of ways to collect information about learner’s performance and sharing it with
learners and their parents.
(d) giving assignment followed by classwork and homework everyday to bring variety and
increase language practice.
Ans. ©

4. Which one of the following is Not correct about using a big book with large print and colourful
(a) It provides a creative and artistic learning environment which children respond to.
(b) It provides a child-centered environment where abstract concepts are symbolised within the
text and images.
(c) It provides context for literacy practice as well as linguistic acquisition.
(d) It is better than the course book and graded readers as students are free from textual

5. Children come to school with the knowledge of one or more than one language. Knowledge
of more than one language helps children in -------
(a) learning other languages and new subjects with ease.
(b) understanding cross-culture and customs of the nation
(c) being sensitive and not mingling with other student.
(d) learning the script of those languages to score high.
Ans. (a)

6. While going through the notebooks of class III students, the language teacher noticed some
errors and realised that --------------.
(a) children commits errors as they are careless.
(b) children are committing and repeating error because she is not punishing them for it.
(c) children’s errors are natural and indicators of their learning.
(d) as a teacher she should ignore such errors as they are insignificant in learning
Ans. ©

7. According to Vygotsky children learn through social interaction with peers. As a language
teacher one should---------------.
(a) plan your lesson where they can sit individually and work to avoid interaction and their talks
in the class.
(b) plan lesson that do not include play and discussion to avoid interactions.
(c) use incentives, reward and punishment to maintain discipline in the class.
(d) plan for pair and group work so that they can interact with peers.
Ans. (d)

8. Which one of the practices is most appreciable by a language teacher?

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(a) Students who are fluent speakers of English should be considered as the role models in the
(b) Make some strict classroom agreements and ensure that it should be followed in true spirit.
(c) Ensure that all student in her class feel accepted and valued with whatever language, social
and cultural background he/she comes from.
(d) Ensure that children especially coming from disadvantaged background have to work harder
in language class.
Ans. ©

9. Indian classrooms are multilingual classrooms. Keeping the multilingual context which one of
the following is most appropriate about multilingual classroom at primary stage?
(a) The teacher should focus on school language ignoring the language of learners.
(b) The home language/mother tongue should be spoken at home and not in the school.
(c) India should have monolingual schools and the learners should be admitted as per the
preference of their language
(d) The teacher should encourage learners to communicate and express themselves in their
own language and respect their views.
Ans. (d)

10. A language teacher should gives tasks that can be done in pair/group work because-
(a) children will be able to finish their work quickly when working together.
(b) it minimises teacher’s work as individual attention is difficult than group observation.
(c) children support and learn from each other in such meaningful tasks.
(d) it encourages competition for scoring marks amongst them.
Ans. ©

11. A teacher notices that a child in her class is having difficulty in reading and comprehending
language. This could be a symptom of------------.
(a) Dyscalculia
(b) Dysgraphia
(c) Dyspraxia
(d) Dyslexia
Ans. (d)

12. Which one of the following statements is correct about conducting assessment at primary
(a) Assessment should be conducted at the end of each term.
(b) Assessment should be a state based process and must be conducted centrally by the state
(c) Assessment should be school based and an inbuilt process of teaching learning
(d) Assessment should be conducted only once in year.
Ans. ©

13. Which one of the following do you consider as a /an authentic materials in a language

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(a) Textbook
(b) Workbook
(c) Newspaper
(d) Supplementary book
Ans. (a & b)

14. A teacher of class V asks her students to put their drawings, poems, stories, worksheets
and other material developed by them in that term in a specified folder. These folders of the
students can be called as ---------------------.
(a) Self-reporting
(b) Anecdotal records
(c) Portfolio
(d) Observation and collections
Ans. ©

15. You believe that human beings are born with the capacity to acquire language. Your belief
aligns with which of the following notions/theories?
(a) Operant conditioning
(b) Nativism
(c) The language acquisition device
(d) Reinforcement
Ans. (b)

English -2

1. A language teacher usually begins her class by giving certain situation, posing few questions,
sharing their experiences etc. This is known as –––––––––
(a) Pre-reading task
(b) While-reading task
(c) Ongoing task
(d) Post-reading task
Ans. (a)

2. To assess reading ability at the primary level which one of the following is most appropriate?
(a) Identifying the alphabet
(b) Knowledge of punctuation marks
(c) Comprehension of the text
(d) Fluency in reading.
Ans. ©

3. The major focus of Communicative Language Teaching is to ––––––––––– .

(a) encourage learners to speak like native speakers.
(b) focus on the form of the target language.

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(c) provide communicative competence to learners.
(d) focus on pronunciation by drill and practice.
Ans. ©

4. The method that is based on the coordination of language and physical movement is ––––––
(a) Task Based Language Learning
(b) Total physical Response
(c) Cooperative Language Learning
(d) Communicative Language Teaching
Ans. (b)

5. What are prerequisites of foundational literacy and numeracy?

(a) Listen, speak and arithmetic
(b) Read, write and basic operation with numbers
(c) Write, read and Environmental studies
(d) Read, write and play with numbers
Ans. (b)

6. Which one of the following is most appropriate regarding the tasks we design for learners to
support grammar learning?
(a) It should be meaningful.
(b) It should be highly informative.
(c) It should be purposeful from teacher's perspective.
(d) It should not have a social function.
Ans. (a)

7. Grammar-Translation method does not ––––.

(a) encourage learning through mother tongue
(b) give importance to grammar
(c) enhance a student's communicative skill
(d) enable the student to use the language fluently
Ans. ©

8. Which among the following is not true?

(a) A good text for language class is culturally overloaded.
(b) A good textual content should cover all the grammatical structures.
(c) A good text for language class has relevance and interest for learners.
(d) A good text is that which has the right length.
Ans. ©

9. Which among the following supports a prereading activity?

(a) Using paraphrasing tasks
(b) Using a prediction task

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(c) Asking learners to summarise the text
(d) Teaching grammatical structures
Ans. (b)

10. The tasks such as writing as a character or a spectator of the actions and ideas of the texts
come under –––––– .
(a) extrapolative questions
(b) comprehension questions
(c) text analysis
(d) language analysis
Ans. (a)

11. In a language class, poetry

(a) should be taught exactly in the same way as a prose piece is taught.
(b) should be taught first by giving an elaborate introduction of the poet.
(c) is for understanding, appreciation and enjoyment.
(d) is much about the poem and the poet
Ans. ©

12. While assessing students a language teacher gather information about student ––––––
(a) to give feedback to students using technical terms and language.
(b) using a variety of tools and techniques across the scholastic and co-scholastic aspects.
(c) to label them as outstanding, average and dull as per their performance.
(d) for the purpose of using more teaching aids in the language class
Ans. (b)

13. The test that is designed to find the learners' difficulties, gaps in their knowledge and skill
deficiencies during the course is called ––––– .
(a) achievement test
(b) proficiency test
(c) placement test
(d) diagnostic test
Ans. (d)

14. Which one of the following is not correct about portfolio assessment?
(a) Portfolio assessment provides evidence of student's learning.
(b) It helps students to become more autonomous.
(c) It fosters students reflection and helps them to self monitor their learning.
(d) Portfolio assessment is one time assessment of a student's learning.
Ans. (d)

15. In the grammar class, we should first –––––– .

(a) explain how the form grammar item) is made
(b) present the grammar form (item) in natural discourse

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(c) explain irregular forms, if any
(d) describe its social function
Ans. (b)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 17.01.2022

English -2

1. Which one of the following is the best correction technique?

(a) The learners should be corrected at the moment of speaking.
(b) Correction work should be done as a whole class activity so that no learner will repeat the
(c) Learners' errors need not be corrected at all.
(d) Teachers do the error analysis and find patterns and then re-teach and clarify the areas to
the learners.
Ans. (d)

2. As a language teacher we should try to turn our students into successful dictionary users.
Which one of the following is NOT the correct way to promote the use of a dictionary?
(a) Finding the parts of speech.
(b) Choosing the meaning that is relevant in context.
(c) How the word is spelt.
(d) Reaching the teacher for every new word.
Ans. (d)

3. In the language classroom a child often faces problems in learning his/her first language at
school because ––––––––––– .
(a) learning his/her own language at school is not interesting
(b) school language is more formal than home language
(c) the child knows that language and there is no point of learning the same language again
(d) that language is difficult for them to learn at school
Ans. (b)

4. Which one of the following is the best way to assess the writing skill of students?
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(a) Answer the questions based on a chapter of the textbook
(b) Dictation
(c) Writing their experiences
(d) Competition of good handwriting
Ans. ©

5. Functional aspect of the language gained momentum with the –––––––– of language
(a) communicative approach
(b) structural approach
(c) constructive approach
(d) traditional approach
Ans. (a)

6. To assess reading ability at the primary level which one of the following is most appropriate?
(a) Identifying the alphabet
(b) Knowledge of punctuation marks
(c) Comprehension of the text
(d) Fluency in reading
Ans. ©

7. The method that is based on the coordination of language and physical movement is ––––––
(a) Task Based Language Learning
(b) Total Physical Response
(c) Cooperative language learning
(d) Communicative Language Teaching
Ans. (b)

8. Grammar-Translation method does not ––––– .

(a) encourage learning through mother tongue
(b) give importance to grammar
(c) enhance a student's communicative skill
(d) enable the student to use the language fluently
Ans. ©

9. Which among the following supports a prereading activity?

(a) Using paraphrasing tasks
(b) Using a prediction task
(c) Asking learners to summarise the text
(d) Teaching grammatical structures
Ans. (b)

10. Which one of the following is not correct about portfolio assessment?

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(a) Portfolio assessment provides evidence of a student's learning.
(b) It helps students to become more autonomous.
(c) It fosters students reflection and helps them to self monitor their learning.
(d) Portfolio assessment is one time assessment of a student's learning.
Ans. (d)

11. Scribbling is an important step in learning to write, because children are trying to –––––
(a) produce letters and words right from the day they pick pen or pencil
(b) make meaning from the marks for them.
(c) spend some time in reading, writing and numeracy
(d) imitate the adults
Ans. (b)

12. If children hear two languages spoken around them, this exposure to two languages will
(a) place children at a disadvantage.
(b) place children at an advantage.
(c) not make any difference.
(d) interfere mutually with the other one.
Ans. (b)

13. The grammar tasks are ––––––– .

(a) to be contextualised
(b) to be life-oriented
(c) fully form focused
(d) memory focused
Ans. (a)

14. Which of the following was suggested by Noam Chomsky?

(a) There is no fundamental ability of language when a child is born.
(b) Children acquire language in different ways and at different rates depending on the culture
into which they are born
(c) There is an innate human ability to acquire language
(d) Children learn language as a product of positive reinforcement.
Ans. ©

15. A teacher is asking students to write letters of alphabet with the help of their fingers in the
sand tray. The objective of the is activity is to––
(a) promote playful atmosphere in the class.
(b) make them understand the difference between clean and dirty hands.
(c) strengthen their fine motor skills.
(d) divert their attention from home sickness.
Ans. ©

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English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 21.01.2022

English -1
1. All children are motivated by activities that are
(a) planned by adult
(b) planned by children
(c) meaningful to them
(d) meaningful to teachers.
Ans. ©

2. At primary level the instruction for a language game or an activity should be given in
(a) child’s home language or mother tongue.
(b) second language or English
(c) the school language or state language.
(d) the teacher’s language of medium of instruction
Ans. (a)

3. Which one of the following is NOT correct with respect to the following sentence? Rhymes,
songs and chants are the ways for children to-------------
(a) internalise words and sentence structure
(b) practice pronunciation.
(c) learn grammar thought the text.
(d) extend vocabulary
Ans. ©

4. A Teacher assesses children.......

(a) to find out as to who the best language user in the class is.
(b) to find the learning gap of children.
(c) to plan further to help children move forward in their learning.
(d) to compare a child to his or her classmates.
Ans. ©

5. Bilingual children often use words from one language while speaking the other. This is
(a) code-switching
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(b) code-mixing
(c) multilingualism
(d) competence level
Ans. (a)

6. Children begin their journey towards writing by making marks, these marks are called--------
(a) drawing
(b) scribbling
(c) writing
(d) invented spellings
Ans. (b)

7. Which one of the following skills will help children to develop their handwriting later on?
(a) Spreading clothes in an almirah
(b) Spilling up something
(c) Picking up sticks
(d) Threading beads onto laces.
Ans. (d)

8. Which one of the following is most important about illustrations in a language text book?
(a) Illustrations help to present language in unfamiliar and memorable contexts.
(b) Illustrations help to match what learners feel and hear to what they see around.
(c) Develop the visual literacy of the children
(d) Appreciate the art and aesthetic sense of the illustrator and teacher.
Ans. (a)

9. Stories encourage children to enjoy language learning and foster their-------------------.

(a) appreciation of literature.
(b) forms of language
(c) life skills.
(d) kinaesthtic skills.
Ans. (a)

10. Who said that children are biologically programmed for language and that language
develops in the child in just the same way as other biological functions develop.
(a) B.F. Skinner
(b) Noam Chomsky
(c) Lev Vygotsky
(d) Jean Piaget
Ans. (b)

11. Which one of the following is Not correct about teaching grammar effectively?
(a) Present the form in genuine communication

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(b) Elicit relevant rules of grammar in contexts.
(c) Provide the form in practice in real life-like communication
(d) Learn grammar by memorising its rules and through drills.
Ans. (d)

12. Which one of the following should be masteredto acquire literacy?

(a) Phonological awareness and fluency
(b) Sight vocabulary and pattern recognition
(c) Decoding and language comprehension
(d) Accuracy and phonological comprehension
Ans. ©

13. The use of technology to enhance language learning process is called-----in education.
(a) IT
(b) ICT
(c) Informative technology
(d) Communication technology
Ans. (b)

14. A scoring guide used to assess the students learning is known as-------------
(a) rubrics
(b) checklists
(c) inventories
(d) rating scales
Ans. (a)

15. Grammar-Translation Method lays more stresses on ------------

(a) Accuracy
(b) Fluency
(c) Appropriateness
(d) Pronunciation
Ans. (a)
English -2

1. Interactions a teacher has with children of her class while engaged in an activity –––––– .
(a) Help develop language and communication in contexts.
(b) Make the language learning burdensome while they are playing.
(c) Provide and authentic source of knowledge.
(d) Help children to learn their home language by playing with language.
Ans. (a)

2. If children hear two languages spoken around them, this exposure to two languages will
(a) Place children at a disadvantage.

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(b) Place children at an advantage.
(c) Not make any difference.
(d) Interfere mutually with the other one.
Ans. (b)

3. The most important aspect of children's language development is ––––––––––.

(a) exposure to that language
(b) drill and practice in that language
(c) correcting the mistakes
(d) imitating the adults
Ans. (a)

4. Scribbling is an important step in learning to write, because children are trying to ………..
(a) produce letters and words right from the day they pick pen or pencil
(b) make meaning from the marks for them
(c) spend some time in reading, writing and numeracy
(d) imitate the adults
Ans. (b)

5. Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Handwriting is same as writing.
(b) Writing is an expression of ideas.
(c) Handwriting is about putting words down on paper.
(d) Writing is a product.
Ans. (b)

6. Building hand-eye coordination will lead to develop –––––––– skill.

(a) listening
(b) speaking
(c) handwriting
(d) reading
Ans. ©

7. At the foundational stage learners should be taught in school in their home language as ––––
––––– .
(a) it leads to their participation in the teachinglearning process
(b) it is less important to learn a school language
(c) it communicates new knowledge in school language
(d) it reinforces silence in the classrooms
Ans. (a)

8. Using the learners' home language at the start of schooling ––––––

(a) increases the burden on teachers.
(b) is more natural and stressful for all.

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(c) always leads to improved learning objectives.
(d) promotes a smooth transition from home to school.
Ans. (d)

9. What is main purpose of summative assessment?

(a) To improve achievement
(b) to gather data on student understanding at the beginning of a unit of study.
(c) To evaluate the current level of student understanding in order to improve teaching and
student learning.
(d) To measure or audit attainment and establish quality.
Ans. (d)

10. To use the language effectively and appropriately in a variety of situations, we need to
(a) know the rules of grammar.
(b) know the definitions of each grammatical item.
(c) pay systematic attention to grammar.
(d) focus on the use of grammar in a context.
Ans. (d)

11. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about a language classroom?
(a) A noisy class means that the class has involved learners in learning.
(b) A disciplined class is one where learners sit quietly and teacher teaches well.
(c) Think, pair, share are the ways to engage the whole class in an activity.
(d) A teacher makes learners to role play a story.
Ans. (b)

12. The grammar tasks are ––––––– .

(a) to be conceptualised
(b) to be life-oriented
(c) fully form focused
(d) memory focused
Ans. (a)

13. Which of the following was suggested by Noam Chomsky?

(a) There is no fundamental ability of language when a child is born.
(b) children acquire language in different ways and at different rates depending on the culture
into which they are born
(c) There is an innate human ability to acquire language
(d) Children learn language as a product of positive reinforcement.
Ans. ©

14. Inductive method proceeds from –––––––– .

(a) heavy materials to light ones
(b) difficult to different

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(c) familiar to unfamiliar
(d) abstract to concrete
Ans. ©

15. A teacher is asking students to write letters of alphabet with the help of their fingers in the
sand tray. The objective of this activity is to ––– –––––––––– .
(a) promote playful atmosphere in the class.
(b) make them understand the difference between clean and dirty hands.
(c) strengthen their fine motor skills.
(d) divert their attention from home sickness.
Ans. ©


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 20.12.2021
English -1

1. The emphasis of grammar in context is on ______.

(a) internalizing the rules of language
(b) memorizing the rules of language
(c) translating the content
(d) overgeneralization of rules
Ans. (a)

2. Journey from example to generalization is __________

(a) inductive
(b) deductive
(c) didactic
(d) direct
Ans. (a)

3. One of the principles of materials preparation for language learning is that _________
(a) complex materials should be chosen for each age group
(b) materials need to be graded appropriately.
(c) any kind of materials can be selected.
(d) materials should be short and limited.
Ans. (b)
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4. Language acquisition occurs when ________.
(a) the child is taught the rules of grammar
(b) the child is given a reward or punishment
(c) the child has exposure to the language
(d) the child absorbs the language without conscious attention
Ans. ©

5. When a child is asked to recite a poem, it can help the teacher to assess her _______.
(a) knowledge of literature
(b) proficiency in speaking
(c) acting talent
(d) comprehension
Ans. (b)

6. 'Brain storming' means _______.

(a) to be aware of ideas on a topic
(b) to do some mental exercise
(c) to make efforts to understand something
(d) to given some kind of stimulus to the brain
Ans. (a)

7. Which of the following is an incorrect assumption in language teaching?

(a) Learners acquire language by trying to use it in real situations
(b) Learners' first language plays an important role in learning
(c) Language teaching should have a focus on communicative activities
(d) Language teaching should give importance to writing rather than to speaking.
Ans. (d)

8. A test which is administered at the end of a concept is called a/an _________

(a) diagnostic test
(b) placement test
(c) achievement test
(d) memory test
Ans. (a)

9. The productive skills of language are _______

(a) reading and writing
(b) reading and listening
(c) speaking and writing
(d) speaking and listening
Ans. ©

10. The purpose of illustrations in the text book at primary level is __________.

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(a) make the text book attractive
(b) make the text book colourful
(c) understand ideas and concepts
(d) understand the story
Ans. ©

11. Which one of the statements is correct about language skills?

(a) Schools should focus only on reading and writing skills as listening and speaking comes
(b) Language skills should be taught in the proper sequence of listening, speaking, reading and
(c) All the language skills are interrelated and teaching-learning processes should integrate
(d) Rules of language are more important than the exposure to the target language.
Ans. ©

12. Which one of the statements is correct about homework?

(a) Homework is the best way to involve parents.
(b) Homework should be the extension and practice of concepts taught.
(c) Every teacher should daily give some homework to the students.
(d) Homework is the only means to engage students at home.
Ans. (b)

13. In teaching of a language the textbook is _____

(a) the only means
(b) an important resource
(c) not important
(d) the end of resource
Ans. (b)

14. One of the important aspects of developing speaking skill is ________

(a) to use clear and correct pronunciation
(b) to create a sweet and melodious voice
(c) to speak keeping in mind to context and the situation
(d) to focus only on voice modulation and intonation
Ans. ©

15. Journal-writing helps students__________.

(a) to reflect on their own learning.
(b) to reflect on their peers learning.
(c) to assess their pronunciation
(d) to assess their listening speaking skills.
Ans. (a)

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English -2

1. Which one of the following is the best correction technique?

(a) The learners should be corrected at the moment of speaking.
(b) Correction work should be done as a whole class activity so that no learner will repeat the
(c) Learners' errors need not be corrected at all.
(d) Teachers do the error analysis and find patterns and then re-teach and clarify the areas the
Ans. (d)

2. Audiolingualism relied heavily on __________

(a) bringing language to real-life context.
(b) drills and practice to form habits
(c) using target language and banish mother tongue.
(d) translation from the target language.
Ans. (b)

3. As a language teacher we should try to turn our students into successful dictionary users.
Which one of the following is NOT the correct way to promote the use of a dictionary?
(a) Finding the parts of speech.
(b) Choosing the meaning that is relevant in context.
(c) How the word is spelt.
(d) Reaching the teacher for every new word.
Ans. (d)

4. Which one of the following is an example of authentic listening?

(a) Reading aloud
(b) Story telling
(c) Radio broadcast
(d) Singing a song
Ans. ©

5. As a teacher of language we should have _______ knowledge of grammar.

(a) implicit and overt
(b) an explicit
(c) both implicit and explicit
(d) a vast
Ans. ©

6. The success of a diagnostic test depends on __________

(a) time and interval of teaching learning
(b) rules of grammar
(c) diagnostic teaching and material

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(d) identifying the cause of learning gaps
Ans. (d)

7. In the language classroom a child often faces problems in learning his/her first language at
school because _____________.
(a) learning his/her own language at school is not interesting
(b) school language is more formal than home language
(c) the child knows that language and there is no point of learning the same language again
(d) that language is difficult for them to learn at school
Ans. (b)

8. Storytelling helps students to _____________.

(a) sit in discipline
(b) concentrate in the classroom
(c) enjoy the class ambience
(d) develop their imagination
Ans. (d)

9. Which one of the following is the best way to assess the writing skill of students?
(a) Answer the questions based on a chapter of the textbook
(b) Dictation
(c) Writing their experiences
(d) Competition of good handwriting
Ans. ©

10. Beginning by giving the rules first through an isolated illustration and then drilling the rules
through practice is the/a _________.
(a) merit of grammar in context
(b) limitation of grammar in context
(c) merit of Deductive approach
(d) limitation of Deductive approach
Ans. ©

11. The activities should present the grammatical items in a clear and interesting way to
(a) help learners to do them and internalize the structure
(b) help learners to memorize the structure
(c) help learners to feel free to do it or avoid it
(d) help learners to monitor their work
Ans. (a)

12. In literature there is/are ________ of meaning.

(a) only one levels
(b) two levels

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(c) three levels
(d) multiple levels
Ans. (d)

13. Functional aspects of the language gained momentum with the _________ of language
(a) communicative approach
(b) structural approach
(c) constructive approach
(d) traditional approach
Ans. (a)

14. A literary text can be used in a language class for teaching and learning of __________.
(a) language functions and new vocabulary
(b) reformulation of rules
(c) learning disabilities
(d) developing pronunciation
Ans. (a)

15. Which one of the following is true about grammar teaching?

(a) Teachers themselves should improve their knowledge of grammar
(b) Grammar is to be treated in isolation
(c) Grammar is to be treated in context
(d) Grammar is to be built in by the teacher in every sphere of life.
Ans. ©


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 21.12.2021

English -1
1. A teacher of class II is matching students to do actions and use gestures while reciting a
poem. This style will most suit the _____
(a) Auditory learners
(b) Visual learners
(c) kinaesthetic learners
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(d) Sociometric learners
Ans. ©

2. Phonemes refers to ______

(a) minimal meaningful units
(b) vowels in a language
(c) sounds in a language
(d) grammatical structure of a language
Ans. ©

3. A good language teacher should begin the teaching of language at class I with
(a) writing the letters of alphabet
(b) making the learners the repeat the letters of alphabet after the teacher
(c) aural-oral practice such as telling and listening to stories, rhymes, poems, riddles etc.
(d) teaching the spelling and giving dictations to strengthen active vocabulary
Ans. ©

4. A language teacher gives a task of group story writing. She started the story with 'Once upon
a time there was little girl' Then she asked the groups to add on a sentence to the story. One
student will record the responses in a group. This activity is used to enhance
(a) BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills)
(b) CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)
(c) PPPP (Present-Practice-Product)
(d) ELT (English Language Teaching)
Ans. (b)

5. Discourse is the study of:

(a) chunks of language which are bigger than a single sentence
(b) sound system of a language
(c) mental process, process of thought and concept formation
(d) evolution of language in human society and its role in the formation of culture
Ans. (a)

6. The approach that allows a language teacher to absorb the best techniques of all the
wellknown language teaching methods into their classroom is:
(a) Communicative Language Teaching approach
(b) Structural approach
(c) Constructive approach
(d) Eclectic approach
Ans. (d)

7. The principal of selection of structures in a structural approach should be based on

(a) Practice, preparedness and performance
(b) Process, product and pronunciation

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(c) Usefulness, simplicity and untouchability
(d) Collection, selection and usefulness
Ans. (d)

8. The main role of children's literature at primary level is ______

(a) its simple and easy
(b) its full of colourful picture
(c) it provide the variety of languages
(d) its taught in the school
Ans. ©

9. A language teacher writes the outline of the essay plan on the black board. Then she asks
the students to discuss in group how to logically order the points before writing its draft. This
discussion being carried out in a class before writing an essay is
(a) transcription
(b) composition
(c) brainstorming
(d) follow up
Ans. ©

10. A student of class V is facing some difficulty in reading a text. This child may have
(a) dyslexia
(b) dysgraphia
(c) dyscalculia
(d) dysmorphia
Ans. (a)

11. The sub discipline of linguistics which refer to the study of meaning is ______
(a) syntax
(b) discourse
(c) morpheme
(d) semantics
Ans. (d)

12. Which one of the following is not true about Role Plays?
(a) The role play brings a situation from real life into the classroom.
(b) Students feel that they are really using the language for communicative purpose.
(c) Students experiment with language they have learned.
(d) Students are supported to do the role plays of their textbook.
Ans. (d)

13. Read the words carefully. One word in each of the given sets is different from the others
circle the odd one out. This activities will enrich their _______
(a) reading skill

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(b) writing skill
(c) speaking skill
(d) vocabulary
Ans. (d)

14. A teacher gave a root word and then asked students to make new words by adding prefixes
and suffixes. This activity will enhance their _____
(a) grammar
(b) listening
(c) reading
(d) vocabulary
Ans. (d)

15. The 'Input rich environment" where the language is seen, noticed and used by the children
helps them _______
(a) to master the grammatical rules
(b) to generate more rules of grammar
(c) to learn and increase their proficiency in language
(d) to learn but cannot increase their proficiency in language
Ans. ©

English -2

1. A teacher told a story to class III students in English then, she asked students to retell the
story in their mother tongue in groups. She is promoting
(a) thinking skill
(b) multilingualism
(c) bilingualism
(d) story reading
Ans. (b)

2. The language proficiency of child can be developed by _________.

(a) completing the target of learning ten new words daily
(b) participating in real life/situation based language tasks
(c) reciting the poems in chorus
(d) reading the text individually and in chorus after the teacher
Ans. (b)

3. The terms BICS and CALP were introduced by

(a) Lev Vygotsky
(b) Panini
(c) Jim Cummins
(d) Jean Piaget

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Ans. ©

4. Which of the following statement is/are correct and which of the statements is incorrect (i)
Every language has its grammar (ii) Every language has its script
(a) Only (i) is correct
(b) Only (ii) is correct
(c) Both (i) and (ii) are correct
(d) (i) is correct but (ii) is incorrect
Ans. (d)

5. Language is related to _________.

(a) society but not culture
(b) culture of society
(c) the symbols that are not vocal
(d) the written form of that language, so dialect is not a language
Ans. (b)

6. Learning to speak in second language does not involve _________

(a) its pronunciation
(b) firm base of first language
(c) second language grammatical language
(d) culturally bound speaking events
Ans. (b)

7. Dyspraxia is related with

(a) one who cannot see picture
(b) poor motor skills and planning
(c) reading disorder
(d) speaking disorder
Ans. (b)

8. A text is divided into two parts. One learner reads the half and her partner takes dictation,
then the process is reversed. This is called ___________.
(a) Jig-saw dictation
(b) Running dictation
(c) Partial dictation
(d) Composition dictation
Ans. ©

9. A Multilingual classroom demands that __________.

(a) students should be taught in their mother tongue only
(b) students mother tongue should get a place in the classroom
(c) as many languages as possible should be taught to them
(d) every learner should learn in English medium only

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Ans. (b)

10. In the Indian context when children come to school they often _________ and speak two or
three languages
(a) read
(b) understand
(c) write
(d) drill
Ans. (b)

11. From linguistic perspective language and dialect are __________.

(a) different
(b) same
(c) not rule governed
(d) script governed
Ans. (b)

12. Multilingualism, cognitive growth and educational achievement have

(a) no relationship
(b) negative relationship
(c) positive relationship
(d) sometimes negative and sometimes positive relationship
Ans. ©

13. What do children comprehend by regularly listening to poem and rhymes?

(a) Word, sentence rules
(b) Rhythm and grammar
(c) Sound and about the poet
(d) Basic structure of language
Ans. (d)

14. As per three language formula the first language taught at school should be the
(a) medium of instruction of school
(b) mother tongue and English
(c) regional language and official language
(d) mother tongue or regional language or home language
Ans. (d)

15. Which article of the Indian constitution asked each state to legally adopt one or more
language spoken in their state along with Hindi as their official languages?
(a) Article 343
(b) Article 351
(c) Article 357
(d) Article 345

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Ans. (d)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 22.12.2021

English -1

1. Graphology is the study of____________

(a) the graph system
(b) how words are pronounced and its graphical representation.
(c) writing system of a language and the conventions used in representing speech in writing
(d) lexical items and how they are grouped together
Ans. ©

2. The task and activities in language learning should __________

(a) be based on the chapters of the textbooks only
(b) be in simple language
(c) provide an opportunity of learning by doing
(d) not be related to any concept of the textbook
Ans. ©

3. The activities and exercises included in the textbook primarily aim at ________
(a) engaging students after school hours
(b) enhancing language skills and vocabulary
(c) developing taste for the textbooks reading
(d) only transacting textual material in a language classroom
Ans. (b)

4. Every poem has a specific meaning and children love to read poems what do you understand
by this statement?
(a) Poet has written a poem with some meaning and every
(b) Every child enjoys and understands the poem as per their background and experience
(c) Finding different meanings for the same poem may hamper the reading process
(d) Poem should be read the understand the specified meaning
Ans. (b)

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5. Diagnostic assessment is part of ______
(a) Summative assessment
(b) Formative assessment
(c) Both summative and annual assessment
(d) Assessment of learning
Ans. (b)

6. Which approach basically promotes fluency?

(a) Structural approach
(b) Communicative approach
(c) Behaviouristic approach
(d) Grammar translation approach
Ans. (b)

7. Which one of the following would you adopt in your language classroom to enhance critical
thinking among the learners?
(a) Read aloud the textbook in the classroom
(b) Write the answers to the questions on the blackboard
(c) Giving situations and asking them to discuss and solve them among the group
(d) Organizing handwriting competition
Ans. ©

8. Which one of the following refers to deducing meaning from the clues available in the text?
(a) Inferential
(b) Global
(c) Local
(d) Transactional
Ans. (a)

9. ________ involves generating ideas, deciding on the form of the written text and also thinking
about who will read it.
(a) Transcription
(b) Composition
(c) Transactional
(d) Connotation
Ans. (b)

10. As a teacher you wish to enhance the reading skill of your learners. To encourage them for
self-reading, you will;
(a) ask the principal to arrange a period specifically for self-reading in the time-table other than
the English periods.
(b) ask their parents to help them at home
(c) talk to your learners about what do and don't like to read and also share your experiences
with them giving examples.

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(d) instruct them to read a book daily otherwise they will lose their grades
Ans. ©

11. Comprehensible input refers to _______

(a) reading the text and comprehending it
(b) reading the text and giving input while summarising it.
(c) meaningful oral and written language slightly above the learner's current level of mastery.
(d) meaningful oral and written language slightly below the learner's current level of mastery.
Ans. ©

12. Apart from the four language skills which one of the following is also called a language skill?
(a) Study skill
(b) Communication skill
(c) Thinking skill
(d) Oral skill
Ans. ©

13. Language normally used in informal conservation but not in formal speech or writing is
called ________
(a) collocation
(b) colloquial
(c) clue
(d) chunk
Ans. (b)

14. Prose does not include

(a) play
(b) novel
(c) poem
(d) story
Ans. ©

15. When a writer describes an incident or scene which had occurred in his life or any other
person's life on the basic of memory, it is called _________
(a) character sketch
(b) travelogue
(c) essay on experience
(d) memoir
Ans. (d)

English -2

1. 'Semantics' deals with the level of_________

(a) Meaning in language

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(b) Writing in language
(c) Word formation in language
(d) Lexical items in language
Ans. (a)

2. The strategies for teaching–learning the language as first, second and third language
(a) Should be the same
(b) Demand different processes
(c) Should only focus on their grammatical aspects
(d) Should focus only on the product
Ans. (b)

3. ESL stands for

(a) Education smart learning
(b) English as a second language
(c) English school library
(d) English as a specified language
Ans. (b)

4. Children's listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are developed;

(a) In linear or isolated processes
(b) Not in linear or isolated processes
(c) In such a way that first productive and then receptive skills are enhanced
(d) Only after the mastery of alphabet
Ans. (b)

5. While selecting literature for children, which one of the following is least important?
(a) Age
(b) Interest
(c) Grammatical rules
(d) Appropriate theme
Ans. ©

6. Creation of reading corners in the classroom helps_______

(a) The children to sit in a corner and complete their class work
(b) The children to select books independently according to their interest
(c) The teacher to make them sit in a corner if they have not finished their homework
(d) The teachers to make it mandatory for every child to daily sit there for an hour for
Ans. (b)
7. Which one of the following is NOT the objective of teaching English at primary level?
(a) Development of literacy
(b) Learning to use language for purpose

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(c) Write on abstract themes
(d) To read for meaning
Ans. ©

8. A teacher should use a language game in the class while teaching English because_______
(a) It adds variations to a lesson and provides a plausible incentive to use the target language
(b) It provides a stimulus to complete the syllabus
(c) It will provide a greater opportunity to the interested students than to the shy ones
(d) It helps the teacher to correct their grammatical and pronunciation errors frequently
Ans. (a)

9. The material used by a language teacher to make his teaching-learning process effective is
(a) Learning material
(b) Teaching material
(c) Teaching-learning material
(d) Reference material
Ans. ©

10. Knowledge of more than one language

(a) Becomes a burden to the teacher in the language classroom
(b) Configures the learners while learning in a new classroom
(c) Is very helpful in teaching and learning a new language
(d) Becomes an interference in learning a new language
Ans. ©

11. For teaching children of class 1, we should more frequently use______

(a) Grammar games
(b) Brainstorming for vocabulary building
(c) Rhymes and songs
(d) The approach to teach them how to write different geners
Ans. ©

12. Analytical study of errors is_______

(a) Error analysis
(b) Contrastive analysis
(c) Sentence analysis
(d) Word analysis
Ans. (a)

13. An effective language teacher_______

(a) Will rely entirely on the stories prescribed in the textbook
(b) Will choose age appropriate stories for the children from children's literature
(c) Will write some short stories for the children

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(d) Will avoid telling stories and focus on completing the textbook and syllabus
Ans. (b)

14. A teacher uses real objects to teach children new words because______
(a) It helps in teaching correct spelling of words
(b) New words can only be taught through objects
(c) It helps children to associate words with objects they see in real life
(d) Children in primary classes are not capable of abstract thinking so real object for every word
is mandatory
Ans. ©

15. While teaching a poem, emphasis should be laid on _______

(a) The meaning of the words
(b) Memorizing the poem
(c) Grammatical structures in the poem
(d) Taking personal responses of learners to the poem
Ans. (d)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 23.12.2021

English -1
1. Development of the mother tongue in a child is generally assumed as ________
(a) language acquisition
(b) language learning
(c) language assimilation
(d) abstract language development
Ans. (a)

2. Stories during the early years of language learning are ________

(a) for moralizing
(b) inputs for language learning
(c) repetition and reproduction
(d) learning one's society
Ans. (b)
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3. A teacher of class V gives lots of sentences using words like 'good' 'beautiful' 'bad' 'colourful'
'old' 'young' and when learners have noticed these words which she named them as 'describing
words'. Later she gives more sentences in which the learners are asked to supply these
describing words. At the end she draws the attention of learners that these words are known as
'adjective'. What is this strategy known as?
(a) Grammar teaching strategy
(b) Consciousness raising
(c) Teaching adjectives
(d) Content based grammar
Ans. (b)

4. Which method believes drilling as a major technique?

(a) Grammar Translation Method
(b) Community Language Teaching
(c) Whole language perspective
(d) Audiolingualism
Ans. (d)

5. Multingualism is ______
(a) learning as many languages as possible
(b) learning the mother tongue/home language only
(c) starting with mother tongue/home language and move on to add more language in school
(d) starting with mother tongue, moving to English medium and adding another language in high
Ans. ©

6. Hindi is India's _________

(a) national language
(b) official language
(c) associate official language
(d) classical language
Ans. (b)

7. Errors committed by learners in their writing and speaking should be treated as ________
(a) constraints in their learning
(b) indication for learning
(c) problems for learning languages
(d) indications for error correction
Ans. (b)

8. Learners undergo stages for developing a good write up. What is this approach known as?
(a) Product approach to writing
(b) Official writing

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(c) Study skills
(d) Process approach to writing
Ans. (d)

9. Children in their early years scribble on the wall, floor and in note books. What is this stage in
language learning called?
(a) Scribbling
(b) Emergent literacy
(c) Writing skills
(d) Graphic development
Ans. (b)

10. Which of the following is assessment for learning?

(a) Written tests
(b) Term-end-exam
(c) Formative assessment
(d) Summative assessment
Ans. ©

11. If a child is good reader in one language she/he can be a good reader in another or in any
language (when he learns another language). This is known as _______
(a) reading competency
(b) reading strategy
(c) skill transfer
(d) higher order skills
Ans. ©

12. Learning outcomes are _________

(a) competencies to be achieved or performed by learners at the end of a course
(b) objectives of language teaching as delineated in language curriculum and syllabus
(c) based and communicative skills of learners during a course of study
(d) the process through which learners are expected to perform
Ans. (a)

13. Which of the following are the main aims of remedial teaching?
(a) Remedial teaching is for learners to improve their learning
(b) Remedial teaching is for teachers to make changes in their teaching
(c) Remedial teaching is for teachers to understand their learners
(d) Remedial teaching is for the parents to know why some learners need improvement
Ans. (a)

14. A teacher divided her class into five groups with five learners in each group and asked them
to find words related to home, school, road, land and sky. Each group found ten to fifteen words

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each and shared with the other group. What technique did the teacher adopt for teaching
vocabulary here?
(a) Words and phrases
(b) Thematic vocabulary
(c) Categorization words
(d) Normative vocabulary
Ans. (b)

15. Constructivism as a learning theory believes __________

(a) learning is individual characteristics
(b) all learners can not learn languages
(c) learners is completely a psychological phenomena
(d) learning is socially constructed
Ans. (d)

English -2

1. Which one of the following is NOT true in language learning?

(a) Language skills are transferable from one language to another.
(b) Every child has the capacity to learn many languages if opportunity and due time is given.
(c) Mother tongue interferes the learning of second/foreign language
(d) Mother tongue helps in learning of second/foreign language.
Ans. ©

2. The process through which a learner learns reading is ------------------.

(a) structural and linear
(b) developmental
(c) form focussed
(d) language based
Ans. (b)

3. When a child learns a language as a second or third language, it is assumed as ---------------.

(a) language acquisition
(b) language abstraction
(c) language growth
(d) language learning
Ans. (d)

4. Which one of the following ways is appropriate with regard to using stories in language
(a) Using stories for moralizing.
(b) Stories for teaching some structures.
(c) Story telling as a strategy.
(d) Teching story as concepts.

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Ans. ©

5. A teacher of class IV gave lots of sentences with words like ‘to’ ‘in’ ‘into’ ‘with’ ‘for’ and then
the learners noticed these words which the teacher named them as ‘position’ words. Later she
gave them some more sentences in which to learners are asked to write these position words.
At the end she told them that these words are known as ‘prepositions.’ What is this strategy
known as?
(a) Grammar teaching
(b) Declarative knowledge
(c) Consciousness raising
(d) Play-way grammar
Ans. ©

6. What does ‘multilingualism as a policy’ mean in school education?

(a) All children begging their schooling in their mother tongue/home language and add more
language as they progress
(b) All children learn in the state language as medium of instruction and learn English and Hindi.
(c) All children learn English, stage language and Hindi from the fondational stage.
(d) Mother tongue as medium for primary level and English as medium for upper primary level.
Ans. (a)

7. What is the status given to Hindi language in the constitution of India?

(a) National language
(b) Official language
(c) Associate official language
(d) Classical language
Ans. (b)

8. Errors of learners during the early years-------- ----------.

(a) should be corrected then and there
(b) should not be correct at all
(c) should be brought to their notice through practice
(d) should be corrected through imposition and drills
Ans. ©

9. A teacher of Class V asks her students to discuss in groups about ‘what they like and what
they like’ and then to note down ideas to write in few sentences. Students noted down their
ideas, developed an outline and wrote a paragraph. What would you call this approach to
(a) Product approach to writing
(b) Process approach to writing
(c) Developing notes as a strategy to writing
(d) Personal writing
Ans. (b)

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10. A teacher collects the instances of learning and performances of learners and makes a note
of them to report in the assessment record. What is this assessment process known as?
(a) Portfolio assessment
(b) Summative assessment
(c) Comprehensive assessment
(d) Non formal assessment
Ans. (a)

11. Which of the following methods of language teaching is learning outcomes focused?
(a) Mother tongue based language teaching
(b) Competency-based language teaching
(c) Communicative language teaching
(d) Bilingual method of language teaching
Ans. (b)

12. A teacher brought utensils and toys from home to teach vocabulary in contextual use. What
are these materials known as:
(a) Aids
(b) Realia
(c) Objects of cooking
(d) Thematic vocabulary
Ans. (b)

13. A teacher divided her class into groups of four and through brain storming and discussions,
she assigned the groups the themes on landscapes, buildings, and persons to collect ideas
through question and write a short report on them. What is this task known as?
(a) Project work
(b) Assignment
(c) Speaking and writing task
(d) Excursion
Ans. (a)

14. A teacher asks her learners of class III to share in their group about the flowers, grass and
plant in their neighborhood and on their way to school before teaching he poem, Daffodils. What
is the trying to do?
(a) Expecting lerners to bring daffodils from their neighbourhood.
(b) Connecting the previous knowledge with the classroom teaching and knowledge.
(c) Brain storming activity
(d) Teaching about flowers, landscape for geographical knowledge through poetry.
Ans. (b)

15. Which of the following statements is true of learning languages?

(a) Reading develops before writing.

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(b) Learners need to write before reading
(c) Reading a writing develop concurrently.
(d) First language interferes in the learning of second language.
Ans. (c)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 24.12.2021

English -1
1. According to Chomsky, 'set of rules in the mind of human's known as
(a) grammar box
(b) universal grammar
(c) integrated grammar
(d) rule book
Ans. (b)

2. 'Language is social concept', this includes the idea that language is

(a) acquired through social interaction
(b) inherited
(c) learnt through conditioning
(d) innate capacity
Ans. (a)

3. Which of the following is not related to the behaviourist theory of language acquisition?
(a) Operant conditioning
(b) Empty vessel
(c) Trial and error
(d) Social interaction
Ans. (d)

4. Cognitive theory of language development supports that language is

(a) innate capacity of an individual
(b) learnt through reward and punishment
(c) learnt through interaction with in the society
(d) dependent on child's understanding of the concept before verbalizing it
Ans. (d)
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5. Which of the following are not related to emergent literacy?
(a) Understanding that print carry meaning
(b) Early phonological awareness
(c) Basic alphabet knowledge
(d) Note making
Ans. (d)

6. Which of the following statement is strategy for developing reading skills? Choose the correct
answer. A. Developing reading corners in the class help in developing reading skills. B. Making
children sit in pairs and asking them to discuss about their likes and dislikes
(a) both A and B are correct
(b) A is correct and B is incorrect
(c) B is correct and A is incorrect
(d) both A and B are incorrect
Ans. (b)

7. Incidental vocabulary learning takes place when children acquire vocabulary through
(a) listing to books read aloud to them
(b) teaching word learning strategies in isolation.
(c) teaching specific words for understanding of texts containing the words
(d) making them learn meaning of new words selected by teacher
Ans. (a)

8. Audience and purpose of writing are identified during _______ stage in the process writing
(a) revising
(b) prewriting
(c) editing
(d) drafting
Ans. (b)

9. Phonemic awareness refers to

(a) ability to establish relation between phonemes and graphemes
(b) ability to identify and manipulate phonemes in spoken words
(c) reading words accurately and fluently
(d) writing with correct spelling

10. Which of the following is an effective reading strategy?

(a) Reading is decoding the meaning of letters or words in the text.
(b) Reading is unconscious thinking process
(c) Reading is applying peer's knowledge to reconstruct the meaning of the text.
(d) Reading is just the ability to join the sounds of words

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Ans. (a)

11. In a good _________ all sentences work together to support the main idea.
(a) paragraph
(b) draft
(c) paraphrase
(d) editing
Ans. (a)

12. When a person reads an advertisement in the newspaper to look for job vacancy. He is
(a) scanning the text
(b) paraphrasing the text
(c) skimming the text
(d) note-making
Ans. (a)

13. Which of the following is true for language learning?

(a) Language learning happens through reading of language textbooks only.
(b) Language learning accelerates in print rich environment.
(c) Language learning is not required for learning of science and mathematics.
(d) Language learning happens unconsciously
Ans. (b)

14. A language teacher asks the students of class IV to write a paragraph. After finish the
teacher corrects each child's paragraph writing and encircles grammatical errors in red. The
strategy of teacher's
(a) Helpful for developing writing skills
(b) inappropriate for language learning
(c) child friendly
(d) appropriate for developing writing skills
Ans. (b)

15. In language learning, story-telling is an effective medium for

(a) providing moral education
(b) developing listening skills
(c) developing writing skills.
(d) engaging the children in free time
Ans. (b)

English -2

1. According to –––––––– human beings are born with 'Language' Acquisition Device' which
helps them to learn a language.
(a) Vygotsky

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(b) Bloom
(c) Chomsky
(d) Skinner
Ans. ©

2. Which of the following term is not related to the Vygotsky's scio-cultural theory
(a) Social interaction
(b) Scaffolding
(c) Zone of proximal development
(d) Mentalism
Ans. (d)

3. Choose from the given statements, the strategies which best support emergent literacy are
(A) Parental talk in early years of language development (B) Reading stories to children (C)
Asking to write a letter to a friend (D) Asking the child to copy the given sentence on a page
(a) (B), (C) and (D)
(b) (A) and (B)
(c) (A), (C) and (D)
(d) (C) and (D)
Ans. (b)

4. Defining new words within context instead of making the children learn meanings of new
(a) often confuses the children
(b) helps in better understanding of the word
(c) promotes rote memorisation
(d) leads to wastage of time
Ans. (b)

5. –––––––––– provides us with the cues to read between the lines.

(a) Extensive reading
(b) Read aloud
(c) Intensive reading
(d) Guided reading
Ans. ©

6. In the early years of language development a teacher her class with 'circle time' activity daily,
where she gives opportunity to each child to speak on a particular theme. This is an important
strategy for
(a) developing reading skills
(b) alphabet recognition
(c) emergent literacy
(d) reading comprehension
Ans. ©

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7. Semantic mapping strategy is effective for
(a) enhancing vocabulary among learners
(b) learning grammatical rules
(c) integrating grammar with text
(d) process writing
Ans. (a)

8. Child learns language through trial and error is evident from ––––––– theoretical perspective
on language learning.
(a) cognitive
(b) behaviouristic
(c) socio-cultural
(d) nativist
Ans. (b)

9. Choose the correct sequence for the stages of process writing approach (A) drafting (B) proof
reading (C) brain storming (D) revising (E) outlining (F) finalising
(a) (C), (E), (A), (D), (B), (F)
(b) (C), (A), (E), (B), (D), (F)
(c) (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F)
(d) (E), (A), (B), (C), (D), (F)
Ans. (a)

10. Drilling is the major technique of –––––––––

(a) Whole language approach
(b) Communicative approach
(c) Grammar translation method
(d) Play way method
Ans. ©

11. Errors committed by children in reading and writing can be called ––––––––– .
(a) ladder to language learning
(b) hindrances in language development
(c) obstacles to attain fluency in language
(d) inability of individual to learn the language
Ans. (a)

12. Constructivist approach to language learning includes

(a) drilling as an effective tool
(b) habit formation
(c) inquiry based learning
(d) practicing grammar rules
Ans. ©

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13. At foundational stage, National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 focuses on
(a) literacy
(b) literacy and numeracy
(c) natural science
(d) teaching of social studies
Ans. (b)

14. Which one of the following does NOT promote oral communication?
(a) Children conversing with each other
(b) Sharing experiences on telephone
(c) News bulletins
(d) Interviewing a child
Ans. ©

15. Passive vocabulary are –––––––

(a) words which we use when we listen to them and read them
(b) words which we frequently use with others
(c) words which we use when we write
(d) words which we use when we speak
Ans. (a)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 27.12.2021

English -1
1. A child learns his/her first language in a
(a) friendly setting
(b) tutored setting
(c) formal setting
(d) natural setting
Ans. (d)

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2. Which of the following is not an authentic materials for language teaching-learning?
(a) A poem by a 20th century poet on a school boy.
(b) A poem specially written by textbook writer.
(c) A short story by a contemporary writer.
(d) A cartoon from a newspaper
Ans. (b)

3. Retelling of a story read by a student in his/her own words helps in assessing

(a) accuracy
(b) fluency
(c) comprehension
(d) memory
Ans. ©

4. A teacher read aloud half of the text and then asks learners in groups to write their own
ending. What type of activity is this?
(a) Experiential activity
(b) Group work
(c) Writing activity
(d) Intake activity
Ans. (a)

5. Principles of sequencing in teaching a foreign language, does not include-

(a) Grammatical sequence
(b) Lexical sequence
(c) Semantic sequence
(d) Phonetic sequence
Ans. (d)

6. With the help of a pointer the teacher points three red pens and two blue pencils lying on the
table. Pointing to one pencil he says, "This pencil is blue". He then points two pens and says,
"These pen are red". He takes one pen in his hand and while putting one pencil in his pocket
says, "I have one pen in my hand and I am now putting pencil in my pocket." The above
illustration best describes which one of the following approach to teaching-
(a) Situation approach
(b) Communicative approach
(c) Demonstration approach
(d) Direct approach
Ans. (a)

7. The psychological factors affecting the language learning of a child include- a. the interest of
a child in language b. parent's encouragement and motivation c. environment in which child is
placed d. reward and punishment Choose one of the following alternative-
(a) Only a and b

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(b) Only a, b and c
(c) Only b, c and d
(d) Only a, c and d
Ans. (d)

8. The most appropriate characteristics of listening is -

(a) understanding the meaning conveyed by keywords, stress and intonation.
(b) comprehending the lexical meanings of words in context and meaning of structures.
(c) using correct forms of words by changing it into tense, case or gender.
(d) guessing the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
Ans. (a)

9. Skills of comprehension or receptive skills include-

(a) listening and reading
(b) listening and writing
(c) reading and writing
(d) writing and speaking
Ans. (a)

10. What is the status given to the Hindi language in the Indian constitution?
(a) Official language
(b) Administrative language
(c) Language of medium education
(d) Associate official language
Ans. (a)

11. What is the status given to the English language in the Indian Constitution?
(a) Official language
(b) Administrative language
(c) Language of medium education
(d) Associate official language
Ans. (d)

12. Phonology's composed of five components. Which of the following is not a part of
(a) Stress
(b) Intonation
(c) Juncture
(d) Skimming
Ans. (d)

13. Which is not a sub-skills of reading?

(a) Reading aloud and decoding
(b) Scanning a text for information

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(c) Reading for inference
(d) Reading for better pronunciation
Ans. (d)

14. Giving a test to the students in language class, a teacher writes on the black-board a
passage but he leaves some lines incomplete. He then writes few words on the board and
instructs the students to complete the story with the help of these words/phrase which can be
used in the incomplete passage at appropriate place. The type of test is known as-
(a) Achievement test
(b) Intelligence test
(c) Comprehension test
(d) Cloze test
Ans. (d)

15. Which of the following is not true about criterion-referenced test?

(a) They are designed to measured well defined and fairly specific objectives.
(b) Diagnostic and achievement tests belong to this category.
(c) They are course and programme specific
(d) They also measure learner's aptitude for foreign/second language learning.
Ans. (d)

English -2

1. Which of the following is not an intrinsic criteria of a good text book?

(a) Language and vocabulary
(b) Subject matter
(c) Style and planning
(d) Printing and binding
Ans. (d)

2. A teacher of class V asks her students to listen to a short paragraph of six sentences twice.
Then she asks them to work in group of four to rewrite the paragraph nearer to what they heard
and not exactly the same sentence. What is the task known as?
(a) Creating writing
(b) Listening and speaking
(c) Paragraph dictation
(d) sentence dictation
Ans. ©

3. A teacher finds out that some students feel difficulty in comprehending the detailed
explanation of the passages and sentence structures in language. She provides them a good
vocabulary and drills in structures with same tricks. After sometime she could be able to remove
the difficulties of her students. What type of assessment she conducted?
(a) Diagnostic assessment

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(b) Formative assessment
(c) Summative assessment
(d) Placement assessment
Ans. (a)

4. While preparing 'The Blue Print' of a test in a language. Which one of the following steps
need not to be followed–
(a) Weightage to teaching objectives
(b) Weightage to different forms of questions
(c) Weightage to difficulty level
(d) Weightage to different writing styles.
Ans. (d)

5. A teacher writes certain words clearly on the black-board and students note them down in
their note-books. Which one of the following is best suitable to describe this strategy of teaching
(a) Play method
(b) Drill method
(c) Transcription method
(d) Dictation method
Ans. ©

6. A child is noticed to have the following difficulty while learning the language–
• Problems in leaning the names and sound of letters
• Making mistakes when reading aloud
• Visual disturbances when reading sentences of words
• Taking longer time to c9mplet written work. The child may be showing the symptoms of–
(a) Dyslexia
(b) Dysgraphia
(c) Learning disability
(d) Learning phobia
Ans. (a)

7. A teacher teaches a lesson on 'Lucknow'. After silent reading is done by students, she ask
the following questions–
(a) Why was Hazratganj not noisy?
(b) Why Lucknow is called a city of Nawabs? Which of the following types are more appropriate
to define nature of these questions a & b? (a) Recapitulatory questions (b) Inferential questions
(c) Introductory questions
(d) Comprehension questions
Ans. (b)

8. Which of the following is not an advantage of silent reading?

(a) It removes hesitation and shyness of students.

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(b) It saves energy of the students.
(c) The students make meaning by comprehending and reflecting.
(d) It develops tendency of self-study in the students.
Ans. (a)

9. Read the following statements about a teaching method in English.

(a) This method/strategy was first introduced in Germany.
(b) It was widely used in Europe for teaching English.
(c) The unit of teaching is word not a sentence.
(d) The context is graded in a standard format.
(e) The steps are from formal to functional.
(f) Phraseology can be best assimilated in interpretation.
Which of the following reflect these characteristics?
(a) Audio lingual
(b) Substitution method/strategy
(c) Billingualism as a strategy
(d) Grammar-cum-Translation method.
Ans. (d)

10. Read the following statements and choose the correct alternative– Assertion (A): A sub-skill
approach to evaluation reflects the teacher's intuitions to identify the areas where helps in need.
Reason (R): The testing of writing and listening can be broken up into sub-skills, complemented
by integrated language test.
(a) A is true and R is false.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(c) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Ans. ©

11. A teacher read aloud half of the text and then asks learners in group to write their own
endings. What type of activity is this?
(a) Experimental activity
(b) Group work
(c) Writing activity
(d) Intake activity
Ans. (a)

12. Which of the following might be best strategy for developing vocabulary among the
(a) Memorising antonyms and synonyms.
(b) Guessing the meaning of new words in a given context.
(c) Consulting the dictionary for every new word.
(d) Making sentences of all the new words.
Ans. (b)

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13. Multilingualism must be used as a resource so that:
(a) children can learn many language.
(b) teacher can learn many languages.
(c) every child feels secure and accepted.
(d) children gets confused with many language.
Ans. ©

14. Storytelling should be used frequently in classroom because it entertains students.

(a) entertains students.
(b) teaches morals.
(c) presents language as a whole.
(d) teaches difficult words.
Ans. ©

15. language acquisition means

(a) learning the rules of grammar of language.
(b) learning a language unconsciously in informal setting.
(c) learning a language consciously in formal setting.
(d) learning about a language.
Ans. (b)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 28.12.2021

English -1
1. A teacher gives instruction to the learners of class III and they are following the given actions.
The teacher is practicing:
(a) Structural approach
(b) Total Physical Response approach
(c) Electric teaching approach
(d) Constructivist approach
Ans. (b)

2. Loud reading activities should preferably be done with

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(a) Junior students
(b) Senior students
(c) Only senior students in remedial classes
(d) Only junior students who don't complete their classwork
Ans. (a)

3. Ms Sudha gives her students a topic to write a paragraph on. This written activity is an
example of
(a) Guide composition
(b) Free composition
(c) Controlled composition
(d) Pre-composition
Ans. (b)

4. Ms Asha's class is doing negative sentences in class. Ms Asha gives a sentence to the
students and the students are expected to bell its negative sentence. Ms Asha is following
(a) repetition drill in her class
(b) transformation drill in her class
(c) completion drill in her class
(d) substitution drill in her class
Ans. (b)

5. Mr. Ali plays an audio clip sharing the routines of a husband and a wife. After the audio clip is
played, he gives the student's a True/False worksheet based on the audio clip they heard. By
doing this Mr. Ali is strengthening his students _______skills
(a) Reading
(b) Listening
(c) Speaking
(d) Writing
Ans. (b)

6. In remedial teaching
(a) students get support to improve their performance
(b) students get extra marks
(c) students are given questions to answer
(d) students are encouraged to study
Ans. (a)

7. The ad tag line, "dil mange more" (in Hindi) is an example of

(a) Code-switching
(b) Intonation
(c) Collocation
(d) Diphthong

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Ans. (a)

8. Read the statement, "unless students read in quantity they will not become fluent readers." If
focuses on which kind of reading?
(a) Skimming and reading
(b) Scanning and reading
(c) Intensive reading
(d) Extensive reading
Ans. (d)

9. Who uses the term Language Acquisition Device?

(a) Vygotsky
(b) Pavlov
(c) Chomsky
(d) Piaget
Ans. ©

10. The rise and fall of pitch is called _______

(a) syllable
(b) rhythm
(c) intonation
(d) pause
Ans. ©

11. Why do scientists and pedagogues say it is important to talk to babies?

(a) It makes them smile
(b) It makes us happy
(c) It initiates learning the sounds of the language
(d) It improves their vocabulary
Ans. ©

12. ______ is a term associated with baby talk

(a) Speaking
(b) Babbling
(c) Laughing
(d) Gargling
Ans. (b)

13. Ms Gurmeet wants to tell her students about the COVID-19 Pandemic and get her students
to write a few sentences on the pandemic. Ms Gurmeet should
(a) get her students copy and learn whatever she has written on the blackboard
(b) dictate what she wants her students to write in their notebooks

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(c) tell the students to get the work done at home with the help of their parents or siblings
(d) gets students to share their experience during the pandemic times and use the blackboard to
put down key expressions
Ans. (d)

14. Ms Isha shows pictures of things to her class II students. After showing the picture she calls
out its name loudly and clearly. By doing so
(a) She is helping her students see new things
(b) She wants her students to learn new words
(c) She wants to show her drawing skills
(d) She wants to help her students read
Ans. (b)

15. ______ theory describes the process by which readers combine their own background
knowledge with information in a text in order to comprehend that text.
(a) Code-switching
(b) Learning
(c) Schema
(d) Humanistic
Ans. ©

English -2

1. Which of the following is not learnt using a dictionary?

(a) improving pronunciation
(b) improving vocabulary
(c) improving spellings
(d) improving handwriting
Ans. (d)

2. In Total Physical Response as a method ________ comprehension is the basic of learning.

(a) Listening
(b) Reading
(c) Speaking
(d) Writing
Ans. (a)

3. When students are reading for pleasure they are engaged in ______
(a) skimming and reading
(b) scanning and reading
(c) intensive reading
(d) extensive reading
Ans. (d)

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4. Code-switching and code-mixing are often seen in _______
(a) monolingual children
(b) bilingual children
(c) dyslexic children
(d) dyscalculia children
Ans. (b)

5. One of the basic building blocks of a language is ______

(a) phoneme
(b) morpheme
(c) grapheme
(d) linguistics
Ans. (a)

6. MCQs, Cloze Tests, Match the following etc. are examples of the types of question we often
see in ______ tests.
(a) objective
(b) letter writing
(c) oral
(d) essay
Ans. (a)

7. If you wish to find only the synonyms and antonyms of the words, what would you need?
(a) A dictionary
(b) An anthology
(c) Thesaurus
(d) Pronunciation Guide
Ans. ©

8. The language game of crossword puzzles helps students improve their _______
(a) reading
(b) vocabulary
(c) writing
(d) speaking
Ans. (b)

9. Ms. Sudhina teaches language in Class I. She loves teaching her children poems and rhymes
that the children first hear and then repeat. Ms Sudhana is strengthening her children’s ______
and ______ skills.
(a) listening and speaking
(b) speaking and reading
(c) listening and reading
(d) reading and writing

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Ans. (a)

10. When a student uses a language to express her feelings, emotions and ideas, she is using
the _____ function of language.
(a) informative
(b) directional
(c) expressive
(d) evolutionary
Ans. ©

11. While using dictation in his class II, Mr. Jagbir is improving his student’s ability to ______
(a) write and listen
(b) listen and write
(c) read and write
(d) listen and read
Ans. (b)

12. A learning disability that effects reading is _____

(a) dysgraphia
(b) dyslexia
(c) dyscalulia
(d) dyspraxia
Ans. (b)

13. In Ms. Praveen’s class, often students are expected to repeat after her. Ms. Paveen is
(a) repetition drill in her class
(b) conversation drill in her class
(c) competition drill in her class
(d) substitution drill in her class
Ans. (a)

14. Loud reading activities are _________.

(a) useful for beginning readers
(b) not useful for beginning readers
(c) useful for advanced readers
(d) not useful for advanced readers
Ans. (a)

15. Under which condition should remedial teaching be provided?

(a) Student is enjoying learning
(b) Student is not able to cope up with the concept taught
(c) Student wants to study on her own at his/her own place
(d) Student wants to read a storybook and enjoy reading

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Ans. (b)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 29.12.2021

English -1
1. Which of the following describes how language learners evaluated the accuracy of their
language use?
(a) Input Hypothesis
(b) Natural Order Hypothesis
(c) The Affective Filter Hypothesis
(d) The Monitor Hypothesis
Ans. (d)

2. Brainstorming activity helps in ............

(a) generating creative ideas
(b) stressing the brain
(c) generating queries
(d) giving feedback
Ans. (a)

3. A method which builds the coordination of speech and action is

(a) Total Physical Response
(b) Story telling
(c) Task Based Method
(d) Role Playing
Ans. (a)

4. Which method helps the student to develop their speaking skills?

(a) Structural approach
(b) Constructivism approach
(c) Communicative approach
(d) Grammar Translation method
Ans. ©
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5. In reading skills, scanning is
(a) a strategy used for studying the four language skills.
(b) to summarize the text and to get its main idea
(c) a reading technique used to find specific facts or information in a text.
(d) read the final sentence of each paragraph in a text.
Ans. ©

6. It is composed of interrelated and rulegoverned symbol system; it is also social and uniquely
human means of representing, exploring, and communicating meaning. What is it?
(a) Education
(b) Language
(c) Learning
(d) Principle
Ans. (b)

7. An approach tell us .................

(a) What to teach
(b) How to teach
(c) Whom to teach
(d) Where to teach
Ans. (a)

8. In the teaching learning process the purpose of assessment is to

(a) provide feedback to learners
(b) provide information to the school administration
(c) diagnose the strength and weaknesses in teaching
(d) find errors and do corrections
Ans. (a)

9. Choose the correct sequence of language acquisition stages.

(a) Babbling, Cooing, The one-word stage, Telegraphic speech, and The two-word stage
(b) Cooing Babbling, Cooing, The one-word stage, Telegraphic speech, and the two-word stage
(c) Cooing Babbling Cooing, Telegraphic speech, The one-word stage, and The twoword stage
(d) Cooing, Babbling Cooing, the one-word stage, The two-word stage, and telegraphic speech
Ans. (a)

10. A method of language teaching that focuses on the belief that the fluent use of language
might develop with a lot of practice repeating oral skills.
(a) The Audio Lingual Method
(b) Grammar Translation
(c) Total Physical Response
(d) Competency-based approach
Ans. (a)

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11. To locate and identify the areas of learning difficulties to
(a) achievement testing
(b) proficiency testing
(c) diagnostic testing
(d) weekly testing
Ans. ©

12. In a classroom a teacher had displayed charts and drawings on the walls ' placed learners
work on the bulletin board, labelled various classroom objects in English and learner's home
language./ The teacher has set an example of
(a) Input rich environment
(b) language composition
(c) language acquisition
(d) language comprehension
Ans. (a)

13. Which approach to writing could help learners to develop independent writing skill by
following stage of development?
(a) Process approach to writing
(b) Product approach to writing
(c) Dictation of writing piece
(d) Note taking and summarising
Ans. (a)

14. The language used in the playground, on the phone, or to interact socially with other people
is part of _______
(a) Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS)
(b) Cognitively Advanced Language Proficiency (CALP)
(c) Discourse competency
(d) Group Discussion
Ans. (a)

15. New Education Policy (NEP 2020) advocates __________

(a) Sanskrit/Classical language as medium of instruction across schooling.
(b) Mother tongue as medium of instruction across schooling
(c) Hindi as medium of instruction across schooling
(d) English as medium of instruction across schooling
Ans. (b)

English -2

1. Which of the following is true for first language acquisition?

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(a) It is acquired naturally
(b) It requires training
(c) It requires formal instruction
(d) It is acquired after conscious effort of the child
Ans. (a)

2. The term Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is related to

(a) socio-cultural theory
(b) cognitive development theory
(c) psycho analytic theory
(d) psycho analytic theory
Ans. (a)

3. The objective of NIPUN Bharat Mission is that the child must gain proficiency in reading and
writing when the child
(a) enters school
(b) reaches class 3
(c) enters class 6
(d) reaches class 8
Ans. (b)

4. The smallest meaningful unit of sound in a language is

(a) morpheme
(b) sematics
(c) phoneme
(d) syntax
Ans. ©

5. The stage when an infant is capable of producing open vowel sound at the age of 2-3 months
(a) babbling
(b) cooing
(c) one word utterance
(d) morpheme
Ans. (b)

6. Kabir is fluent in six different languages. This language ability makes him a
(a) bilingual speaker
(b) polyglot
(c) monolingual speaker
(d) linguist
Ans. (b)

7. Piaget states that, for the child’s all round intellectual development______

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(a) language has no role to play.
(b) language is the most important aspect
(c) language is just one aspect
(d) language is not a part of development
Ans. (b)

8. A teacher of class V tells a story in the common language of the classroom and divides her
class into groups of five. She then asks her learners to tell her peers in the languages known to
them. Learner in each group tell the story to one another in about 8 languages. What is this
strategy known as?
(a) Multilingualism
(b) Translanguaging
(c) Bilingualism
(d) Translation
Ans. (a)

9. First language acquisition is_______

(a) a conscious effort of the learner
(b) a major school activity
(c) done through training
(d) a natural process
Ans. (d)

10. A classroom in which children commence with their mother tongue and then are taught
additional languages is called_____.
(a) bilingual classroom
(b) basic classroom
(c) humanist approach
(d) multilingual classroom
Ans. (d)

11. While moving from formal to informal modes of speech in the same spoken idea, the
monolingual speaker engages in:
(a) sociolinguistics
(b) code-switching
(c) code-mixing
(d) different
Ans. (b)

12. A teacher of class V gives a set of three words (like water, land, sky) and asks them to find
words which can befriend the words, words which appear before or after the words. Learners
are able to make 20 words/phrase out of the given words. What is this strategy known as?
(a) Word Web
(b) Collocation

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(c) Vocabulary
(d) Mind Map
Ans. (b)

13. Which theory of Chomsky states that we’re all born with an innate understanding of the way
language works?
(a) Sign language
(b) Universal Grammar
(c) Basic Education
(d) Applied Sciences
Ans. (b)

14. Multilingual Education is a process in which learners commence with ______ before
learning additional languages in school.
(a) their mother tongue
(b) second language
(c) sign language
(d) multiple languages
Ans. (a)

15. In the pedagogical practice of the second language, structures are better assimilated
(a) practice and repetition of commonly used syntax
(b) meaningful interaction with interesting content
(c) meaningful transfer of language
(d) observation and prompting
Ans. (b)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 30.12.2021

English -1
1. Choose the correct statement from the following

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(a) First language is acquired through training
(b) First language is acquired in school
(c) First language acquisition is a natural process
(d) First language is acquired through conscious effort of the child
Ans. ©

2. Which of the following terms is related to Vygotsky's Socio-cultural theory?

(a) Process writing
(b) Child as a blank slate
(c) Zone of Proximal Development
(d) Assimilation and Accommodation
Ans. ©

3. ________ is the smallest meaningful unit of sound in a language.

(a) Syntax
(b) Semantics
(c) Morpheme
(d) Phoneme
Ans. (d)

4. Rohit is seven months old infant, he has started making sounds that combine consonants and
vowels. He is communicating using which of the following?
(a) Cooing
(b) phonemes
(c) linguistic speech
(d) babbling
Ans. (d)

5. The idea that language determines the way we think about and perceive the world relates to
(a) the Sapir-Worf hypothesis
(b) linguistic relativity
(c) language socialization
(d) language acquisition
Ans. (a)

6. Educational process in which learners start their schooling in their mother tongue and then
move on to additional languages in school is termed as _______
(a) Basic Education
(b) Humanist Education
(c) Multilingual Education
(d) Bilingual Education
Ans. ©

7. Skinner is of the opinion that children often ________ in the language acquisition process.

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(a) ignores adults
(b) misbehaves
(c) copy adults
(d) fail badly
Ans. ©

8. It is suggested by Piaget that, children learn language through __________

(a) writing and speaking
(b) assimilation and accommodation
(c) trial and error
(d) shaping
Ans. (b)

9. The pattern of sentences that children need to learn to master the fundamental skills to
language learning is called ________
(a) Simulation
(b) Assimilation
(c) Structure
(d) Group Learning
Ans. ©

10. The mode of using the learner's native language to teach some academic content while
providing additional L2 instruction is called _______
(a) basic education
(b) multilingual education
(c) bilingual education
(d) accuracy
Ans. ©

11. Bilingual education is an educational practice where ___________ in the teaching-learning

(a) a single language is used
(b) more than three languages are used
(c) two languages are used
(d) no language is used
Ans. ©

12. Skinner puts forwards the theory that, children best acquire the language through ________
(a) acting skills
(b) imitating, prompting and shaping
(c) reading and writing
(d) enhanced speaking
Ans. (b)

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13. One important difference between animal and human communication is that
(a) animals can communicate emotions
(b) humans can communicate emotions
(c) animals communicate to ensure their own welfare
(d) humans communicate to ensure their own welfare
Ans. ©

14. Which of the following you would not consider as an authentic task for language learning?
(a) Using a hotel menu for a speaking task.
(b) Asking learners to write an essay on 'Goat'.
(c) Asking learners to describe the room in which they are in now.
(d) Asking learning to listen to a film song they like and write the meaning of the same.
Ans. (b)

15. Bilingual mode of teaching-learning makes use of the learner's native language and
simultaneously _______
(a) provides instruction in L-1
(b) provides additional instruction in L2
(c) teaches sign language
(d) learns universal grammar
Ans. (b)

English -2

1. Which of the following describe Krashen's Natural Order Hypothesis?

(a) Parts of a languages are acquired in a predictable order.
(b) Teachers should use natural sounding oral language.
(c) Reading material needs to be authentic.
(d) Teaching should focus on every learner's learning style.
Ans. (a)

2. A procedural plan for presenting teaching language materials is

(a) approach
(b) method
(c) pedagogy
(d) technique
Ans. (b)

3. Grammar translation method is known as ____________.

(a) Classical Method
(b) Classical Approach
(c) Creative Method
(d) Critical pedagogy method
Ans. (a)

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4. In which method mother tongue is not used at all?
(a) Direct Method
(b) Eclectic Method
(c) Activity based learning method
(d) Translation method
Ans. (a)

5. An example of scanning is:

(a) To look for the main idea in a chapter of a book.
(b) To write a summary of a movie.
(c) To write a summary of a scientific article.
(d) To look for your best friend's phone number in our cell phone.
Ans. (d)

6. The input (receptive skills) a child hears in each language may affect vocabulary size
according to the principle which states that .....
(a) children learn what they hear the most
(b) children learn from their interests
(c) children learn more from interactive activities than passive activities
(d) children learns best in meaningful contexts
Ans. (a)

7. Which approach makes use of carefully selected and graded items?

(a) Skill Based Approach
(b) Constructivism
(c) Structural Approach
(d) Communicative Approach
Ans. ©

8. Referring to the level of consistency of an assessment tool and the degree to which the same
results are obtained when the assessment tool is used repeatedly with the same individuals or
group is called.
(a) Reliability
(b) Variance
(c) Validity
(d) Accuracy
Ans. (a)

9. Remedial teaching is
(a) given after micro teaching
(b) given after scoring high in test
(c) given after competitive test
(d) given after diagnostic test

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Ans. (d)

10. The teacher divides the class into groups of five and gives some handouts of a report and
asks them to make notes and a brief summary of it. What is the attempting to promote?
(a) Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS)
(b) Cognitively Advanced Language Proficiency (CALP)
(c) Discourse competency
(d) Group Discussion.
Ans. (b)

11. Errors are learning areas and feedback for A. learners B. the teachers
(a) only A
(b) only B
(c) both A & B
(d) Errors are not learning areas
Ans. ©

12. Kinaesthetic activities refers to

(a) Verbal communication
(b) Bodily movement activities
(c) Listening activities
(d) Mindfulness
Ans. (b)

13. A learner of class IV is able to read the test and do the task based on it with the support of
her mother. As per Vygotsky her mother is _______ her in the task.
(a) scaffolding
(b) coaching
(c) tutoring
(d) training
Ans. (a)

14. The language proficiency of a child can be developed well by

(a) regularly practicing dictation.
(b) participating in task based activities.
(c) enhancing vocabulary.
(d) cramming grammar rules.
Ans. (b)

15. Body language, gestures, and eye gaze are the examples of
(a) signals
(b) nonverbal communication
(c) verbal communication
(d) computer mediated communication

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Ans. (b)


English Pedagogy
Class - I-V // Exam Date 31.12.2021

English -1
1. The idea of universal grammar as a set of rules in the human mind was postulated by
(a) B.F. Skinner
(b) Watson
(c) Lev Vygotsky
(d) Noam Chomsky
Ans. (d)

2. Zone of proximal development refers to

(a) the part of the brain which deals with language development
(b) the gap between child's actual development and what he can do with someone's help
(c) the fluency in language which child acquires when he reaches adolescence
(d) the difference in proficiency of language acquisition between two children
Ans. (b)

3. Talking to children to help them develop their oral language is an important component of
(a) process writing approach
(b) intensive reading
(c) product writing approach
(d) emergent literacy
Ans. (d)

4. Which of the following is NOT a vocabulary building strategy?

(a) Defining words within context
(b) Semantic mapping
(c) Analysing word parts
(d) Creating coherence
Ans. (d)

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5. Writing is
(a) a productive skill
(b) limited to particular genre
(c) a receptive skill
(d) a linear process
Ans. (a)

6. Which one of the following does NOT help to create 'print rich environment' in a classroom
(a) placing story charts on the wall
(b) creating a reading corner in the class
(c) displaying students writing in the classroom
(d) creating a toy corner in the class
Ans. (d)

7. The term 'comprehensible input' in language learning means

(a) proving language input to the children which is one level above to the learners' language
(b) providing maximum exposure to the target language to the child
(c) making language learning interesting through story telling
(d) placing child's work on the classroom wall
Ans. (a)

8. Read the following statements and choose which one of these are correct for whole language
approach. A. Whole language approach encourages the use of invented spellings. B. In whole
language approach children start with letters and sound to read. C. Whole language approach is
based on constructivism.
(a) A and B are correct and c is correct
(b) A and C are correct and b is incorrect
(c) B and C are correct and a is incorrect
(d) A, B and C are correct
Ans. (b)

9. Scanning is reading a text to

(a) get the general idea of the text
(b) create interest in reading
(c) find specific information
(d) check the authencity of the text
Ans. ©

10. __________ helps in pronunciation and building vocabulary of the learners.

(a) Silent reading
(b) Read aloud to students
(c) Answering textbook based questions
(d) Skimming the text

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Ans. (b)

11. Children use assimilation and accommodation to learn language was proposed by
(a) Stephen Krashen
(b) B.F. Skinner
(c) Jean Piaget
(d) Noam Chomsky
Ans. ©

12. Kabir of class-I writes 'book' as 'buk'. This shows that

(a) he has developed wrong concept
(b) he is developing phonological awareness
(c) he needs to unlearn and learn again
(d) he needs more drills and practice to correct himself
Ans. (b)

13. As part of task given in the class, Geet of class III writes sentences with some grammatical
errors. Which of the procedures from the following may be used by the teacher?
(a) Circle the mistakes with red pen and write the correction on the
(b) Circle the mistakes and ask the child to correct it.
(c) Underline the mistake, write the natur of the mistake, and let the student correct it.
(d) Make the child write the correct sentences five times each.
Ans. ©

14. Using home language for developing proficiency in language of instruction

(a) proves to be an obstacle in learning target language
(b) poses difficulty in both the languages
(c) can prove to be an effective strategy
(d) should be avoided at any cost
Ans. ©

15. Grammar of a language is best learnt through

(a) integration with text and noticing forms
(b) practicing grammatical concepts separately
(c) memorising the grammatical structures
(d) Following structural approach
Ans. (a)

English -2

1. Chomsky proposed the assumption that

(a) child requires language through imitation.

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(b) language learning is like habit formation.
(c) child in born with innate language learning capacity.
(d) child acquires language through reward and punishment.
Ans. ©

2. Cooperative learning strategies focus on

(a) students competing with each other.
(b) students helping one another to learn.
(c) students maintaining silence in the class.
(d) students listening to teacher patiently.
Ans. (b)

3. Which of the following is true for writing as a process?

(a) Writing is receptive
(b) Writing is recursive
(c) Writing is linear
(d) Writing is memorizing and reproducing
Ans. (b)

4. Which of the following is NOT for print rich environment in a class?

(a) It helps the students to learn the language in a meaningful and fun filled way.
(b) Students are exposed to many forms of print.
(c) It helps in developing reading skills.
(d) Students are encouraged to do clay moulding as a free play activity.
Ans. (d)

5. The term 'comprehensible input in language is proposed by

(a) Lev Vygotsky
(b) Stephen Kreshan
(c) Noam Chomsky
(d) Watson
Ans. (b)

6. In language teaching and learning, 'whole language' is a/an

(a) Method
(b) Technique
(c) Approach
(d) Strategy
Ans. ©

7. Skimming is reading a text to

(a) get the general idea of the text
(b) create interest in reading
(c) find specific information

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(d) understand the details of the text
Ans. (a)

8. Reading aloud to students helps in

(a) building the learners' vocabulary and enhancing pronunciation
(b) helps the teacher to demonstrate her authority in class
(c) comprehend the details of the text
(d) helps the teacher to maintain silence in class
Ans. (a)

9. Piaget' theory on language development suggests that language is learnt through

(a) assimilation and accommodation
(b) interaction with the society
(c) trial and error
(d) universal grammar in the child's mind
Ans. (a)

10. In a language classroom teacher facilitates and motivates children towards transfer of
concepts and skills from home language to language of instruction at school. This strategy.
(a) confuses the students
(b) promotes language learning
(c) hinders learning of target language
(d) interferes in the development of proficiency in target language
Ans. (b)

11. National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 focuses on

(a) three R's
(b) foundational literacy and numeracy
(c) only numerical concepts
(d) mathematics
Ans. (b)

12. Which one of the following is NOT true for story telling as a pedagogical tool?
(a) It helps to memorize the moral of the story
(b) It helps to explore regional and cultural diversity of our country.
(c) It helps in integrating stories into curriculum at all levels.
(d) It helps to enhance the power of imagination and creativity.
Ans. (a)

13. Integration of Toy Based pedagogy in language learning can be done can be done through
(a) role play using toys
(b) setting up toy corner in the classroom
(c) using toys to teach moral values

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(d) drawing the favorite toys
Ans. (d)

14. Which one of the following is the most suitable assessment activity for assessing learners'
listening skill?
(a) Enacting a character in a role play
(b) Describing a market scene
(c) Reading a newspaper in a morning assembly
(d) Retelling the story narrated by the teacher
Ans. (d)

15. A teacher uses menu card in a language task. This menu card
(a) is a relevant material for catering technology
(b) is an authentic material for language pedagogy
(c) will tempt students towards eating the food
(d) cannot be used as material in language class
Ans. (b)

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