Outline For Persuasive Speech (Travel)

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Speech Title: Embrace The Power of Travel

Organizational Pattern: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Visual aid: PowerPoint Slide
General Purpose: To persuade.
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to embrace travel's transforming power by
emphasising meaningful experiences, purposeful exploration, and the personal and societal
benefits of immersing oneself in other cultures and surroundings.
Central Idea: Mindful and responsible travel can not only make people's lives better, but it can
also help people understand each other, personal growth, and protect the environment.

INTRODUCTION (Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Attention)

Attention Getter
I) Close your eyes and imagine yourself on top of a misty mountain, surrounded by
beautiful scenery and the opportunity to go on an exciting journey.
A. Enjoy the cool mountain air on your face and the excitement building within you.
B. Travel has this power that can change your life in ways you can't even imagine.
C. Today, I want to talk to you about the amazing journey we can go on when we use
the power of travel.

Reveal The Topic

II) Travelling isn't just about seeing new places; it's also about growing as a person,
learning about other cultures, and making experiences that will last a lifetime.
A. It's a chance to learn about and appreciate a world other than our own.
B. We'll talk about the desire for meaningful travel, how to meet that need, and the
amazing benefits that come from picturing how travel can change your life in a
couple minutes.
Establish Credibility and Goodwill
III) As a person who loves to travel and has felt the deep effects of discovery, I stand here
not only as a speaker but also as a fellow adventurer.
A. Travelling has taught me that it's more than just a fun thing to do, it's a way to
learn about yourself and others around the world.
B. Let's go on an adventure together that will convince you to embrace the power of

Preview the body/ State Central Idea

IV) We'll start by recognising the need for important travel experiences. Then, we'll talk
about how to satisfy that need through mindful exploration. Finally, we'll visualise the
positive effects on both individuals and society that come from embracing the
transformative power of travel.

(TRANSITION: Let's embark on this journey by exploring the need for travel)

BODY (Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Need, Satisfaction, Visualization)

Main Idea 1 (NEED) – provide EVIDENCES OR PROOFS (research findings, relevant

statistics data, graphs or so on) to show that is a serious problem with the existing situation.

I. In a world marked by division, the need for meaningful travel experiences has never
been greater.

A. There has never been a bigger need for meaningful travel experiences than there
is now.
1. According to recent studies show that only 42% of Americans have a passport,
which limits their ability to experience other countries.
a. Our inability to connect with people around the world makes stereotypes
stronger and hinders our ability to appreciate the rich tapestry of humanity.
B. The fast growth of the tourism industry makes it even more important to travel
1. Over 1.5 billion foreign tourists travelled around the world in 2019, showing
how important travel is on a global level.
2. Mass tourism has negative effects on the environment and culture, so we need
to move towards more sustainable and thoughtful exploring.
Main Idea 2 (SATISFACTION) – need to provide an OBJECTIVE SOLUTION to the
problem. Need to present ‘One Plan’ and Show How the ‘Plan’ works.

II. We need to travel in a way that is mindful and respectful of both the earth and the
people who live in the places we visit.

A. When booking your stay and events, make sure they are sustainable and put
environmental protection first.
1. Responsible tour operators and hotels that are good for the environment help
the tourism industry last longer.
2. If we support local businesses, the economic benefits of tourism will go straight
to the places we visit.

B. Being sensitive to other cultures is important for making friends on our travels.
1. Respecting regional norms and traditions, learn as much as you can about the
places you want to visit.
2. Participating in responsible tourism projects that help the local community has
a positive effect that lasts beyond your stay.

(TRANSITION: Now that we've discussed how to be a mindful traveler, let's explore the benefits
of embracing the power of travel.)
Main Ideas 3 (VISUALIZATION) – INTENSIFY the BENEFITS of your Plan by using
vivid imagery to show your listeners How They Will Profit from Your Plan.

III. Think about how travel can change people and society in big ways.
A. Imagine yourself immersed in different countries, learning new things, and
breaking free from the restrictions of daily life.
1. Travelling takes you out of your comfort zone, which helps you grow as a
person and make you stronger.
2. Immersion in a culture makes people more empathetic and helps them
understand world problems better.
B. Imagine the benefits to society of being able to move around the world.
1. Sharing travel experiences makes memories that last a lifetime and builds ties
between people.
2. A group of thoughtful travellers around the world can help protect our planet
and bring people from different cultures together.
CONCLUSION (Monroe’s Motivated Sequence  Action)

I. As we come to the end of this journey through the power of travel, I want you to
think about how meaningful exploration can change your life and the world.
a. The need is clear, mindful exploration is the answer, and the benefits are huge. Now,
it's time for action.
II. Today, promise yourself that you'll embrace the power of travel and add mindful
exploration to your life.
a. By travelling in a responsible way, you not only improve your own experiences, but
you also help make the world more linked and understanding.
III. In the words of Mark Twain, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-
a. Let's all take the first step towards a world where travel brings people together. Let's
enjoy the trip, learn from it, and become ambassadors for a more compassionate and
connected world, whether it's a faraway adventure or a local exploration. Have a safe
trip, fellow travellers!

International tourism growth continues to outpace the global economy. (n.d.). UNWTO.

McCarthy, N. (2018, January 11). The share of Americans holding a passport has increased
dramatically in recent years [Infographic]. Forbes.

Kachroo-Levine, M. (2019, February 15). 31 Mark Twain quotes about travel and the world as he
saw it. Travel + Leisure. https://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-tips/celebrity-travel/mark-

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