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OM revision

1. Actual output=
2. Utilisation=
3. Efficiency=
4. Effective capacity=
5. Little throughput law
6. Cycle time=
7. Balancing process
8. EOQ=
9. Total cost of ordering and stock-holding cost=
Topic 1
1. What are the three levels of operational performance? How are
they different?
2. What are the 4Vs? Explain each.
Topic 2
1. What are the 5 OM objectives? Also state the specific objectives if have.
2. What is lead time?
3. State one internal and one external benefits of each OM objectives.
4. Give two examples of OM decision of trade-offs.
5. Draw the polar diagram and importance-performance matrix. Interpret
the importance-performance matrix into three levels with the numbers.
6. Draw the three competitive factors of graph and label.
7. What do competitive factors tell us?
8. What 4 perspectives do the balance scorecard include?
Topic 3
1. What is strategy?
2. Draw the hierarchical statement for a company
3. What are the four perspectives of operation strategy? Draw.
4. What framework is used to analyse the industry action?
5. Draw the product life cycles and indicate each stage dominant operation performance objectives
6. What are the 4 resources allocation decision?
7. State 2 benefits and 1 disadvantage of opening a new warehouse.
8. State 2 benefits and 2 disadvantages of being close to customers.
9. Draw the supply network decision area
10. Why outsourcing? And its risks?
11. State the three ways to evaluate the process technology
12. What are the 3 operation strategy development tools? Draw three of them with labels.
Topic 4
1. What is capacity?
2. What are the 6 objectives of capacity planning?
3. What are the 5 factors affect capacity planning?
4. List 4 ways of forecasting demand.
5. Why there are demand variation? (2 reasons)
6. What strategy is used to tackle demand?
7. What 2 strategies are used to tackle capacity?
8. What does level capacity plan do?
9. Higher the unit cost, _____ level of capacity
Topic 4- conti
1. Give 2 factors increase base level of capacity.
2. Give 2 factors decrease base level of capacity.
3. Draw the level capacity diagram
4. What is yield management? What are the benefits? Give one example
5. Give 3 principles of queue design
6. What is chase demand?
7. 3 Methods of adjusting capacity
8. What is demand management? Give one example.
9. How can we reduce demand fluctuation?
10. How do we collect information for demand management?
Topic 5- process design
1. What is process?
2. Draw the process types in manufacturing operations
3. Draw the product/ process matrix
4. Why do we have to stay on the line of best fit of the matrix?
5. Draw the 4 types of layouts and diagrams
6. How do we decide on job design?
7. 2 Pros and 2 cons of division of labour.
8. Give 2 pros and 2 cons for each layouts.
Topic 6
1. What is cycle time? How many stages are there?
2. When does the work queue appear?
3. When does bottleneck occurs?
4. What is Little’s Law?
5. What is SIPOC?
6. Draw process map symbols which derived from scientific management
7. Draw process map symbols which derived from system analysis
8. Which 3 ways can we display the process map? Draw.
9. What are the 2 diagrams that show causes of an issue?
10. How do we further collect data that show causes of an issue?
Topic 7
1. Why do we need inventory? 3 reasons
2. What is bottleneck?
3. What is the bullwhip effect? What are the reasons of it happening?
4. What are the solution of bullwhip effect?
5. What are the 4 types of inventories?
6. ‘How much to order’ is what decision?
7. List 3 types of costs that decreases as order size increases.
8. List 3 types of costs that increases as order size increases.
9. What is simple reordering system used to decide for?
10. What is ABC system? Draw.
Topic 7- conti
1. How many categories are analysed when deciding on the value of
2. What is EOQ? Draw the EOQ graph.
3. What are the 5 assumptions made for EOQ?
4. Give physical inventories, queues of customer and databases
example in a hospital.
5. Draw an inventory profiles and indicate the demand rate, time
period and order quantity
Topic 8
1. What is planning? What is control?
2. When do we use long-term, medium and short-term planning
3. Give 4 factors that affect planning and control.
4. What is dependent demand and independent demand? Give one
5. Draw the diagram for planning and control where D=demand, P=
throughput time
6. What are the four main mechanisms of planning and control?
Topic 8 conti-
1. What are the two types of loading? Explain each of them and give
2. What are the 7 sequencing rules?
3. How can we organise when scheduling? Give two tools.
4. What are the 2 types of monitor and control?
5. Give pros and cons of push and pull planning control.
6. What is the theory of constraint?
7. What is ERP?
8. Give 4 modules of ERP
9. Give 3 benefits of ERP.
Topic 9
1. What are the three levels of lean operation?
2. What are the 3 principles of lean as philosophy?
3. What does TPS stand for?
4. State the concept of TPS
5. Give 5 benefits of TPS.
6. What are the 4 lean objectives?
7. What are the 3 elimination of waste? Draw a tree diagram and explain
each of them with possible examples.
8. State the 5 lean principles.
9. State 3 challenges of lean operations
10. What are the 5-core concept of lean operations?
Topic 9 conti-
1. When it says ‘involve’ everyone, does it include customer?
2. What are the two types of values?
3. State 4 pros of reducing inventory and 2 cons of it.
4. Why do we need to reduce inventory?
5. Why smaller machines are used?
6. How is pull lean synchronized flow different to traditional
7. What are the 4 rules of lean thinking?
Topic 10
1. Why do we need to manage quality?
2. What are the 5 approaches of quality management?
3. What is the gap view of quality?
4. Give 5 gaps of Servqual model.
5. What is perception?
6. Give 6 quality characteristics and give an example.
7. Which 2 ways do we decide measures?
8. What is quality standard?
9. Which are the 4 ways to set target? Give example
10. What are the 4 types of costs of quality?
11. Which 3 perceived justice to evaluate complaint?
12. How do we use statistical process control?
13. What are the 2-variation caused by?
14. What is 6 sigma and what are they?
15. What is DMAIC cycle?
16. What is FMEA?

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