The Spirit School 10th Unit 9,10 MCQ

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The Spirit School Scholastic Campus

1. In a chemical reaction, the substances that combine are called:

(a) reactants (b) products (c) masses (d) materials
2. ‘Kc’ represents:
(a) ionic product of water (b) equilibrium constant
(c) reaction quotient (d) proportionality constant
3. Dynamic means, reaction is:
(a) in forward direction (b) stopped (c) in reverse direction (d) still continuing
4. The forward reaction takes place from:
(a) right to left (b) left to right (c) Both a & b (d) None of the above
5. The units of molar concentration:
(a) mol. dm2 (b) mol. dm1 (c) mol. dm (d) mol. dm3
6. “Kc” is always equal to:
(a) Rf/Rr (b) kr/kf (c) kf/kr (d) Rr/Rf
7. Which chemical is called king of chemicals?
(a) KNO3 (b) H2SO4 (c) HCl (d) HNO3
8. If Qc < Kc, the reaction goes in:
(a) forward (b) reverse (c) at equilibrium state (d) none of the above
9. Who proposed the Law of Mass Action?
(a) Newton (b) Boyles (c) Guldberg and Waage (d) Lavoisier
10. The unit of equilibrium constant for the following reaction is: N2 + 3H2 ⇋ 2NH3
(a) moldm-3 (b) mol-2dm6 (c) moldm-6 (d) mol-1dm3
11. The value of Kc depends on:
(a) Initial concentration of the reactants (b) Initial concentration of the products
(c) Temperature of the system (d) Initial concentration of both reactants and products.
12. For the following reaction : aA + bB ⇋ cC + dD
According to Law of Mass Action the rate of forward reaction is directly proportional to:
(a) [A]a [B]b (b) kf [A]a [B]b (c) [C]c [D]d (d) kr [C]c [d]d
13. Law of Mass Action describes the relationship between active masses of the reactants and:
(a) Concentration of products (b) Rate of the reaction
(c) Conditions of the reaction (d) All of the above
14. Molar concentration of a substance having units of mol dm-3 and expressed in square brackets
is termed as:
(a) Molarity (b) Molar concentration (c) Active mass (d) None of these
15. While writing the Kc expression of the reaction, products and reactants are written
respectively as:
(a) Numerator and denominator (b) Denominator and numerator (c) Numerator (d) None of these
16. Oxidation of carbon monoxide goes to completion at:
(a) 500 K (b) 700 K (c) 1000 K (d) 1200 K
17. Formation of water by the combination of H2 and O2 is catalyzed by:
(a) Ni (b) Pt (c) Cd (d) Pd
18. CaCO3 decomposes to produce:
(a) CaO (b) CaO + CO2 (c) CaO + CO (d) CO2 + CO
19. The colour of iodine is:
(a) purple (b) black (c) red (d) pink
20. The colour of hydrogen iodide is:
(a) colourless (b) black (c) red (d) pink
21. Equilibrium constant expression for the following reaction is represented as:

H2(g) + I2(g) ⇋ 2HI(g
 )
 2  2 
H I  2HI  H  I 
2 2
 HI 2
(a) (b) (d)
2HI H 2 I 2  (c)
2HI H2 I2 
22. When we put concentrations of substances into the equilibrium constant expression, we obtain
a value called:
(a) Equilibrium constant (b) Equilibrium quotient (c) Reaction quotient (d) Stability quotient
23. Which of the following reactions can be represented with the Kc expression:
PC 5 

PCl 3 Cl2
Kc =

(a) PC (b) PC

(c) 3PC (g)  2C ( g) 5PC (g) (d) None of these

24. Equilibrium state is achievable in:

(a) Closed system (b) Open system (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these
25. In the beginning the rate of reverse reaction is:
(a) Moderate (b) Negligible (c) Slow (d) Very fast
26. The unit of molar concentration is:
(a) mol dm-1 (b) mol dm-2 (c) mol dm3 (d) mol dm-3
27. Which gas is used to manufacture king of chemicals (sulphuric acid)?
(a) N2 (b) O2 (c) Cl2 (d) CO2
28. Equilibrium constant has no unit when number of moles of reactants and products are:
(a) same (b) different (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of these
29. For reaction having large Kc value, the reaction proceeds to:
(a) completion (b) equilibrium state (c) backward (d) none of the above
30. The two major components of Atmosphere are:
(a)carbon and nitrogen (b) nitrogen and oxygen (c)oxygen and chlorine (d) none of the above
31. Such reactions which continue in both directions are called:
(a) Irreversible (b) Reversible (c) Non-reactive (d) Dynamic
32. When the rate of the forward reaction takes place at the rate of reverse reaction the composition
of the reaction mixture remains constant, it is called:
(a) chemical equilibrium (b) static equilibrium (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of the above
33. Guldberg and Waage put forward law of mass action in:
(a) 1860 (b) 1869 (c) 1870 (d) 1879
34. The % age of nitrogen and oxygen in our atmosphere is:
(a) 80% (b) 90% (c) 95% (d) 99%
35. Which gas is used to prepare ammonia?
(a) N2 (b) O2 (c) Cl2 (d) S
36. If Qc ˃ Kc, the reaction goes in:
(a) forward (b) reverse (c) at equilibrium state (d) none of the above
37. If Qc = Kc, the reaction goes in:
(a) forward (b) reverse (c) at equilibrium state (d) none of the above
38. When a reaction ceases to proceed, it is called:
(a)chemical equilibrium state (b) static equilibrium state
(c) dynamic equilibrium state (d) all of these
39. Which type of reactions speed up gradually?
(a) irreversible reactions (b) reversible reactions
(c) addition reactions (d) decomposition reactions
40. Which type of reactions do not go to completion?
(a) irreversible reactions (b) reversible reactions
(c) addition reactions (d) decomposition reactions
The Spirit School Scholastic Campus

1. Lactic acid is found in:

(a) citrus fruit (b) sour milk (c) rancid butter d) apple
2. Which of the following does not have pH value greater than 7:
(a) shampoo (b) detergents (c) butter (d) soap
3. Which acid is used to manufacture fertilizers like calciumsuperphosphate:
(a) hydrochloric acid (b) benzoic acid (c) acetic acid (d) Sulphuric acid
4. Acid used in printing industries is:
(a) HCl (b) HNO3 (c) H2SO4 (d) CH3COOH
5. Conjugate base of HCN is:
(a) H3O+ (b) H2CN (c) CN– (d) HCN–
6. The time required to remain in an upright position, after taking a meal, to avoid
hyperacidity is:
(a) 20 min (b) 35 min (c) 45 min (d) 50 min
7. What is the colour of methyl orange in strongly acidic solution?
(a) red (b) blue (c) yellow (d) pink
8. Alkalis on reaction with the salts of heavy metals produce which of the following:
(a) hydroxides (b) peroxides (c) oxides (d) all of these
9. Sodium bisulphite (NaHSO3), on reaction with HCl produces:
(a) salt (b) water (c) sulphur dioxide gas (d) all of these
10. Brown ppt of Fe(OH)3 are produced when FeCl3 reacts with a/an:
(a) base (b) acid (c) salt (d) none of these
11. Cu(OH)2 is precipitated out when CuSO4 reacts with NaOH as:
CuSO4 (aq) + 2NaOH(aq)2(s)  CuOH + Na2SO4(aq)
What is the colour of the precipitate:
(a) white (b) blue (c) brown (d) dirty green
12. Which of the following is a much more reliable and accurate method of
measuring pH of a solution:
(a) litmus paper (b) universal indicator (c) pH meter (d) none of these
13. pH of 0.01M H2SO4 solution is:
(a) 10 (b) 2 (c) 1.7 (d) 0.3
14. NH4NO3 is an example of a:
(a) normal salt (b) acidic salt (c) basic salt (d) mixed salt
15. Which of the following is not a basic salt:
(a) Al(OH)2Cl (b) NaH2PO4 (c) Pb(OH)CH3COO (d) Zn(OH)NO3
16. Chemical formula of potash alum is:
(a) K2SO4Al2(SO4)324H2O (b) FeSO4(NH4)2SO46H2O
(c) K2SO4Fe2(SO4)324H2O (d) FeSO4Al2(SO4)324H2O
17. Bleaching powder Ca(OCl)Cl is an example of:
(a) acidic salt (b) basic salt (c) double salt (d) mixed salt
18. FeSO4(NH4)2SO46H2O is the chemical formula of:
(a) Mohr’s salt (b) potash alum (c) ferric alum (d) caustic potash
19. A conjugate acid is a specie formed by accepting a by a base:
(a) proton (b) electron pair (c) neutron (d) electron
20. According to Bronsted and Lowry concept a base is a substance that can accept:
(a) proton (b) electron pair (c) neutron (d) electron
21. A conjugate base is a specie formed by donating a by an acid:
(a) proton (b) electron pair (c) neutron (d) electron
22. A substance which can behave as an acid as well as a base is called:
(a) acid (b) base (c) amphoteric specie (d) neutral specie
23. According to Lewis concept a base is a substance which can donate:
(a) proton (b) electron pair (c) neutron (d) electron
24. The product of any Lewis acid base reaction is a single specie called:
(a) salt (b) water (c) adduct (d) none of these
25. Carbonate and bicarbonates, which gas is evolved?
(a) H2 (b) CO2 (c) Cl2 (d) N2
26. When acid reacts with sulphites and bisulphites, which gas is evolved?
(a) H2 (b) CO2 (c) SO2 (d) NH3
27. Which one is a mineral acid?
(a) HCl (b) H2SO4 (c) HNO3 (d) All of these
28. Which acid is used as an electrolyte in lead storage battery?
(a) H2SO4 (b) HNO3 (c) HCl (d) CH3COOH
29. Which acid is used for etching designs on copper plates?
(a) H2SO4 (b) HNO3 (c) HCl (d) CH3COOH
30. Which acid is used for food preservation?
(a) H2SO4 (b) HNO3 (c) HCl (d) CH3COOH
31. Citric acid is present in:
(a) citrus fruits (b) sour milk (c) rancid butter (d) apple
32. Butyric acid is present in:
(a) citrus fruits (b) sour milk (c) rancid butter (d) apple
33. Malic acid is present in:
(a) apples (b) fats (c) rancid butter (d) grapes
34. Uric acid is present in:
(a) apples (b) fats (c) rancid butter (d) grapes
35. Alkalies react with ammonium salts to liberate:
(a) SO2 (b) CO2 (c) NH3 (d) H2
36. Which is used to manufacture soap?
(a) NaOH (b) Ca(OH)2 (c) NH4OH (d) Mg(OH)2
37. Which one is a Lewis acid?
(a) BF3 (b) AlCl3 (c) FeCl3 (d) All of these
38. When acids react with metals, which gas is evolved?
(a) H2 (b) O2 (c) Cl2 (d) N2
39. Jabir Bin Hayan prepared:
(a) nitric acid (b) hydrochloric acid (c) sulphuric acid (d) all of the above
40. Who proved the presence of hydrogen as the main constituent of all acids?
(a) Lavoisier (b) Humphrey Davy (c) Dalton (d) Arrhenius
41. The word acid is derived from the
(a) Greek word (b) Latin word (c) English word (d) Arabic word
42. Acidus means:
(a) sour (b) bitter (c) sweet (d) salty
43. Which acid is present in our stomach?
(a) nitric acid (b) hydrochloric acid (c) sulphuric acid (d) all of the above
44. All acids turn blue litmus:
(a) red (b) colourless (c) pink (d) white
45. All bases turn red litmus:
(a) colourless (b) blue (c) pink (d) white
46. According to Arrhenius concept acid is a substance which dissociates in aqueous
solution to give:
(a) hydrogen ions (b) hydroxide ions (c) protons (d) pair of electrons
47. According to Arrhenius concept base is a substance which dissociates in aqueous
solution to give:
(a) hydrogen ions (b) hydroxide ions (c) protons (d) pair of electrons
48. Which one is not an Arrhenius acid?
(a) HCl (b) H2SO4 (c) CO2 (d) HNO3
49. Which one is not an Arrhenius base?
(a) NaOH (b) KOH (c) Ca(OH)2 (d) NH3
50. which gas is evolved?
(a) H2 (b) CO2 (c) Cl2 (d) N2
51. Which of the following is not a use of calcium chloride?
(a) de-icing of roads in winter (b) use as a drying agent
(c) manufacture of flint glass (d) use as a freezing agent
52. Potassium nitrate is used to:
(a) prepare plaster of paris (b) prepare slaked lime
(c) manufacture glazes and enamels (d) manufacture flint glass
53. Formula of sodium tetraborate is:
(a) NaBO4.5H2O (b) Na2B4O7.10H2O (c) Na4B2O7.5H2O (d) Na4B2O7.10H2O
54. Which of the following salts is used to manufacture explosives and plastics:
(a) NaClO3 (b) Na2SiO3 (c) Na2SO4 (d) Na2CO3
55. Which one of the following is acidic salt?
(a) KHSO4 (b) A (c) NaC (d) Ca OC C
56. Which one is used in alkaline batteries?
(a) NaOH (b) Ca(OH)2 (c) KOH (d) Mg(OH)2
57. Which is used as foaming agent in fire extinguishers?
(a) NaOH (b) KOH (c) Al(OH)3 (d) NH4OH
58. Which is used to remove the grease stains from clothes?
(a) NaOH (b) KOH (c) Al(OH)3 (d) NH4OH
59. The value of constant of ionic product of water Kw at 25 Cis:
(a) 1.010-4 (b) 1.010-14 (c) 1.0 107 (d) 1.010-7
60. pH value normally varies from:
(a) 0 – 14 (b) 1-14 (c) 7 – 14 (d) 10 - 14
61. pH of neutral solution is always:
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 10
62. Acidic solutions have pH value:
(a) less than 7 (b) greater than 7 (c) equal to 7 (d) none of these
63. Basic solutions have pH value:
(a) less than 7 (b) greater than 7 (c) equal to 7 (d) none of these
64. Indicators are the:
(a) inorganic compounds (b) organic compounds
(c) ionic compounds (d) covalent compounds
65. Phenolphthalein produces red colour in:
(a) acid (b) base (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of these
66. Methyl orange produces which colour in basic solution:
(a) red (b) yellow (c) pink (d) white
67. Which salt is used as a table salt?
(a) NaCl (b) Na2CO3 (c) Na2SiO3 (d) NaHCO3

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