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C William Harvey Hospital | Willesborough | town centre & station

Mondays to Fridays Friday

Lees Road High Trees Close 0636 1851 1859 14 29 44 59 2229 2244 2259 2314
William Harvey Hospital 0620 0630 0640 then 1858 1907 then 22 37 52 07 2237 2252 2307 2322
Willesborough Tesco 0623 0633 0643 every 1901 1910 every 25 40 55 10 2240 2255 2310 2325
Twelve Acres 0628 0638 0648 few 1907 1915 15 30 45 00 15 until 2245 2300 2315 2330
Hunter Road Windmill Inn 0632 0642 0652 mins 1911 1919 mins 34 49 04 19 2249 2304 2319 2334
Ashford International 0639 0649 0659 until 1919 1926
at 41 56 11 26 2256 2310 2325 2340
Ashford Bank Street arrive 0642 0653 0703 1922 1930 45 00 15 30 2300 2313 2328 2343


Lees Road High Trees Close 0636 1851 1859 14 29 44 59 2229 2244 2259 2314
William Harvey Hospital 0620 0630 0640 then 1858 1907 then 22 37 52 07 2237 2252 2307 2322
Willesborough Tesco 0623 0633 0643 every 1901 1910 every 25 40 55 10 2240 2255 2310 2325
Twelve Acres 0628 0638 0648 few 1907 1915 15 30 45 00 15 until 2245 2300 2315 2330
Hunter Road Windmill Inn 0632 0642 0652 mins 1911 1919 mins 34 49 04 19 2249 2304 2319 2334
Ashford International 0639 0649 0659 until 1919 1926
at 41 56 11 26 2256 2310 2325 2340
Ashford Bank Street arrive 0642 0652 0702 1922 1930 45 00 15 30 2300 2313 2328 2343

Sundays & public holidays

Lees Road High Trees Close 0638 0653 0708 23 38 53 08 2223 2238 2253 2308
William Harvey Hospital 0645 0700 0715 then 30 45 00 15 2230 2245 2300 2315
Willesborough Tesco 0648 0703 0718 every 33 48 03 18 2233 2248 2303 2318
Twelve Acres 0653 0708 0723 15 38 53 08 23 until 2238 2253 2308 2323
Hunter Road Windmill Inn 0657 0712 0727 mins 42 57 12 27 2242 2257 2312 2327
Ashford International 0705 0720 0735 at 50 05 20 35 2250 2303 2318 2333
Ashford Bank Street 0708 0723 0738 53 08 23 38 2253 2306 2321 2336
C town centre & station | Willesborough | William Harvey Hospital
Mondays to Fridays Friday

Ashford International 0619 1830 1842 1857 12 27 42 57 2257

Ashford Bank Street stop M 0623 then 1837 1846 1901 then 16 31 46 01 2301
Hythe Road Windmill Inn 0629 every 1843 1852 1907 every 22 37 52 07 2307
Twelve Acres 0631 few 1846 1854 1909 15 24 39 54 09 until 2309
Lees Road High Trees Close 0636 mins 1851 1859 1914 mins 29 44 59 14 2314
William Harvey Hospital 0640 until 1857 1906 1921 36 51 06 21 2321
Willesborough Tesco 0643 1901 1910 1925 40 55 10 25 2325


Ashford International 0619 1830 1842 1857 12 27 42 57 2257

Ashford Bank Street stop M 0623 then 1837 1846 1901 then 16 31 46 01 2301
Hythe Road Windmill Inn 0629 every 1843 1852 1907 every 22 37 52 07 2307
Twelve Acres 0631 few 1846 1854 1909 15 24 39 54 09 until 2309
Lees Road High Trees Close 0636 mins 1851 1859 1914 mins 29 44 59 14 2314
William Harvey Hospital 0640 until 1857 1906 1921
at 36 51 06 21 2321
Willesborough Tesco 0643 1901 1910 1925 40 55 10 25 2325

Sundays & public holidays

Ashford International 0622 0637 0652 0705 20 35 50 05 2250

Ashford Bank Street stop M 0625 0640 0655 0710 then 25 40 55 10 2255
Hythe Road Windmill Inn 0631 0646 0701 0716 every 31 46 01 16 2301
Twelve Acres 0633 0648 0703 0718 1533 48 03 18 until 2303
Lees Road High Trees Close 0638 0653 0708 0723 mins 38 53 08 23 2308
William Harvey Hospital 0644 0659 0714 0729
at 44 59 14 29 2314
Willesborough Tesco 0648 0703 0718 0733 48 03 18 33 2318

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