Unit 1 Chemistry 9th

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1. Define science and chemistry.
 Science is the knowledge that give understanding of this world.
 Chemistry deals with composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter.
2. Define five branches of chemistry.
Physical chemistry
 It deals with relationship between composition and properties and changes in them.
Organic chemistry
 It deals with hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
Inorganic chemistry
 It deals with all elements and compounds except hydrocarbon and their derivatives.
 It deals with composition , structure and reactions of substances in living things.
Industrial chemistry

 It deals with preparation of compound on large scale.

Nuclear chemistry
 It deals with nuclear properties, reactions and radioactivity.
Environmental chemistry

 It deals with components of environment and effects of human activities.

Analytical chemistry
 It deals with analysis and separation of sample to identify its components.
3. Define matter. Also give its types.
 Anything that has mass and occupies space is called matter. E.g chair table milk
 Pure matter is called substance. E.g water
 Impure matter is called mixture. E.g pizza
4. Differentiate between physical and chemical properties.
 Properties related to physical state are called physical propertier.e.g smell and taste
 Properties related to composition are called chemical properties. E.g burning of
5. Define element. Also discuss its types.
 A substance made up of same atoms having same atomic number and can not be
decomposed is called element.e.g hydrogen
 Metals , Non-metals and metalloids are three types of elements
6. Define symbol, valency, radical and variable valency.
 Abbreviations for name of element are called symbols. E.g H for hydrogen
 Combining capacity of element is called valency. E.g valency of hydrogen is 1.
 Group of atoms having a charge is called radical. E.g sulphate.
 Some elements have more than one valency .it is called variable valency. E.g iron has
2 and 3 valency.
7. Define compound with examples.
 A substance made up of two or more elements chemically combined together is
called ccompound.
 For example water
 Ionic and covalent compounds are its two types
8. Write four properties of ionic compound.
 They are crystalline solids.
 They have high melting and boiling points.
 They are represented by formula units.
 They are good conductor in solution form.
 They do not exist in independent molecular form.
9. Write four properties of covalent compound.
 They are gases.
 They have low melting and boiling points.
 They are represented by molecular formula .
 They are bad conductor of heat.
 They exist in independent molecular form.

10. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture.

 Mixture that have uniform composition throughout are called homogeneous
mixture. E.g air and petrol.
 Mixture that do not have uniform composition throughout are called homogeneous
mixture. E.g soil and rock
11. Differentiate between compound and mixture.

Compound Mixture
It is formed by chemical It is formed by simple mixing
combination of substances. up of substances.
It has a chemical formula. It does not have a chemical
Components can not be Components can be
separated. separated.
Components lose identity. Components do not lose
It has fixed melting points It does not have fixed
melting points.
It is homogeneous. It homogeneous or

12. Differentiate between atomic number and mass number.

 Number pf protons in an atom is called atomic number. It is represented by Z.
Sum of protons and neutrons in atom is called mass number. It is represented by A.
13. Define Relative atomic mass with unit.
 Average mass compared to 1/12th mass of an atom of carbon -12 isotope.
 Its unit is atomic mass unit(amu).
1amu=1.66×10-¹⁹ g
14. Write five steps to write chemical formula.
 Symbols of elements are written side by side positive ion first and negative later.
 Valency of ion is written on right top corner.
 Valency of ion is brought to lower right corner of other by cross exchange method.
 If valencies are same they are not written in chemical formula.
 In case of radical, parenthesis are used.
15. Write significance of chemical formula.
 It tells name of substance.
 It tells names of elements in substance.
 It tells mass of substances.
 It is 1 mole of substances in equation.
 It is one molecule or formula unit.
16. Define empirical and molecular formula with examples.
 Formula that shows simplest whole number ratio of atoms in a molecule is called
empirical formula.e.g empirical formula of benzene is CH.
 Formula which shows actual number of atoms is a molecule is called molecular
formula. E.g molecular formula of benzene is C6H6.
17. Define formula unit with examples.
 Formula that shows simplest whole number ratio of ions in a ionic compound is
called formula unit.
 For example Formula unit of salt is NaCl.
18. Differentiate betwee molecular mass and formula mass.
 Sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a molecule is called molecular mass. E.g
molecular mass of water is 18amu.
 Sum of atomic masses of all atoms in a ionic compound is called formula mass. E.g
formula mass of salt is 58.5amu.
19. Define ion. Also discuss its types.
 Atom having a charge is called ion.
 Atom having positive charge is called cation.e.g Na+
 Atom having negative charge is called anion. E.g Cl-
 Cation is formed when atom lose electron.
 Anion is formed when atom gain electron.
20. Differentiate between atom and ion.
 Atom is neutral while ion has charge.
 Atom can or can not exist independently While ion can not exist independently.
21. Define molecular ion. Also discuss its types.
 When a molecule lose or gain electron it becomes molecular ion.
 If it has positive charge it is called cationic molecular ion.
 If it has negative charge it is called anionic molecular ion.
22. Differentiate between molecule and molecular ion.

Molecule Molecular ion

It is formed by combination It is formed by ionization of
of atoms molecule
It is neutral. It has charge.
It is stable . It is reactive.
It is smallest unit of element It is formed by losing or
that can exist independently gaining electron by

23. Define free radical. How is it formed?

 Atom or group of atoms having odd number of electrons. E.g Cl•
 It is formed by equal breaking of bond when they absorb heat.
24. Differentiate between ion and free radical.
 Ion has charge while free radical has odd number of electrons.
 Ion exist in solution while free radical exist in air.
25. Explain all types of molecules with examples.
Monoatomic molecule:
 Molecule that has one atom. E.g neon
Diatomic molecule:
 Molecule that has two atom. E.g oxygen
Triatomic molecule:
 Molecule that has three atom. E.g water
Polyatomic molecule:
 Molecule that has many atom. E.g glucose
Homoatomic molecule:
 Molecule that has same atom. E.g Oxygen
Heteroatomic molecule:
 Molecule that has different atom. E.g water
26. Define gram atom , gram molecule and gram formula.
 Atomic mass of element in grams is called gram atomic mass or gram atom.
For example

1 mole of carbon=12g

 Molecular mass of element or compound in grams is called gram molecular

mass or gram molecule.
For example
1 mole of water=18g

 Formula mass of ionic compound in grams is called gram formula mass or

gram formula.
 They are also called 1 mole.

For example

1 mole of salt=58.5g

27. Define Avogadro’s number.

 Collection of 6.02 ×10²³ particles is called avogadro’s number. It is
represented by NA.
1 mole of carbon=6.02×10²³atoms
28. How many hydrogen and oxygen atoms in 1 mole of water?
 2×6.02×10²³ hydrogen atoms
 1×6.02×10²³ oxygen atoms
29. How many sodium and chloride ions in 1 mole NaCl.
 1×6.02×10²³ sodium ions
 1×6.02×10²³ chloride ions
30. Define mole and molar mass.
 Mole is amount that has 6.02×10²³ particles is calle mole. It is represented by mol.
 When masses are in grams they are called molar masses.
1 mole of water=18g

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