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According to Cauchy hypothesis, the surface (or interface) reaction force acting between
two adjacent portions of a fluid can be characterized by its surface vector density called the
Thus, for an infinitesimal piece dA of the interface
dF = dA
1   2 , we have (see figure) 

d F  σ dA and F2 1  σ dA

 
1 2

The stress vector σ is not a vector field: it depends 0

not only on the point x but also on the orientation of
the surface element dA or – equivalently – on the
vector n normal (perpendicular) to dA at the point x.

From the 3rd principle of Newton’s dynamics (action-reaction principle) we have

σ ( x, n)  σ ( x, n)
We will show that the value of stress vector σ can be expressed by means of a tensor field. To
this aim, consider a portion of fluid in the form of small tetrahedron as depicted in the figure
x3 The front face  ABC belongs to the plane
which is describes by the following formula

(n, x)  n j x j  h , h – small
The areas of the faces of the tetrahedron are S,
-e2 -e1 S1, S2 and S3 for  ABC , OBC ,  AOC and
 ABO , respectively.
0 Obviously, S O(h2 ) .

 B Moreover, the following relations hold for

A j = 1,2,3:
-e3 x2
x1 S j  S cos[ (n, e j )]  S (n, e j )  S n j

The volume of the tetrahedron is V O( h 3 ) .

The momentum principle for the fluid contained inside x3
the tetrahedron volume reads
d  υ dx 
dt 
Fvol  Fsurf n=[n1,n2,n3]
total volume total surface -e2 -e1
time derivative force force
of the momentum 0
We need to calculate the total surface force Fsurf .
 B
We have: A D
on  ABC : σ ( x, n)  σ (0, n)  O(h) -e3 x2
 ABC x
Fsurf  S σ (0, n)  O(h ) 3 1

on OBC : σ ( x, e1 )  σ ( x, e1 )  σ (0, e1 )  O(h)

Fsurf  S1 σ (0, e1 )  O(h3 )  S n1 σ (0, e1 )  O(h3 )
on  AOC : σ ( x, e2 )  σ ( x, e2 )  σ(0, e2 )  O( h)
Fsurf  S2 σ (0, e2 )  O(h3 )  S n2 σ (0, e2 )  O(h3 )
on  AOB : σ ( x, e3 )  σ ( x, e3 )  σ (0, e3 )  O(h)
Fsurf  S3 σ (0, e3 )  O(h3 )  S n3 σ (0, e3 )  O(h3 )
x3 When the above formulas are inserted to the equation
of motion we get
C d
  υ x  F  σ 0 n  σ 0 e  3
d vol S [ ( , ) n j ( , j )] O ( h )
n=[n1,n2,n3] dt  3
O(h ) O ( h2 )
-e2 -e1 O ( h3 )

0 When h  0 the above equation reduces to

σ (0, n)  n j σ (0, e j )  0
 B
A D In general case, the vertex O is not the origin of the
-e3 x2 coordinate system and the field of stress is time
x1 dependent.

Hence, we can write σ (t , x, n)  n j σ (t , x, e j )

In the planes oriented perpendicularly to the vectors e1, e2 or e3, the stress vector can be
written as
σ (t , x, e j )   ij (t, x) ei
Thus, the general formula for the stress vector takes the form

σ (t, x, n)  n j σ (t, x, e j )   ij (t, x) n j ei  Ξ (t, x)n

We have introduced the matrix Ξ which represents the stress tensor. The stress tensor
depends on time and space coordinates, i.e., we actually have the tensor field.
Note that the stress tensor  can be viewed as the linear mapping (parameterized by t and
x) between vectors in 3-dimensional Euclidean space

 : E 3  w  w je j  ij w j ei  E 3
In particular
 ( n )  Ξn   ij n j ei  σ
i.e., the action of  on the normal vector n at some point of the fluid surface yields the
stress vector σ at this point.
It is often necessary to calculate the normal and tangent stress components at the point of
some surface.
Normal component is equal

σn  (n  Ξ n) n  (n, Ξ n) n
inner ( scalar )
Tangent component can be expressed as

σ  σ   nn   ij n j ei  ( kmnk nm ) niei  [ ij n j  ( kmnk nm ) ni ] ei

σ  i
or, equivalently as

σ  n  (σ  n)
Indeed, using the identity

a  (b  c)  (a, c)b  (a, b)c

for a  n , b  σ , c  n we obtain

σ  n  (σ  n)  (n, n) σ  (n, σ )n  σ  σn
1 σn

The constitutive relation for the (simple) fluids is the relation between stress tensor  and
the deformation rate tensor D. This relation should be postulated in a form which is frame-
invariant and such that the stress tensor is symmetric.
Let’s remind two facts:
 The velocity gradient υ can be decomposed into two parts: the symmetric part D
called the deformation rate tensor and the skew-symmetric part R called the (rigid)
rotation tensor.
υ  D  R
 Tensor D can be expressed as the sum of the spherical part DSPH and the deviatoric part

1 1
where DSPH  tr D  I  (υ) I
3 3
1 1  i  j  1 k
and DDEV  D  div υ  I  ( DDEV )ij      ij
3  
2   x j  xi  3  xk
The general constitutive relation for a (simple) fluid can be written in the form of the matrix
Ξ  P ( D)  Ξ0  c0 I  c1 D  c2 D2  c3 D3  ...
where the coefficients are the function of 3 invariants of the tensor D, i.e.
ck  ck [ I1 ( D), I 2 ( D), I 3 ( D)].
Consider the characteristic polynomial of the tensor D
pD ( )  det[ D   I ]   3  I1 2  I 2  I 3 .
The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem states that the matrix (or tensor) satisfies its own
characteristic polynomial meaning that

pD ( D)   D3  I1 D2  I 2 D  I 3  0
Thus, the 3rd power of D (and automatically all higher powers) can be expressed as a linear
combinations of I, D and D2.
Hence, the most general polynomial constitutive relation is given by the 2nd order formula

Ξ  P ( D)  Ξ0  c0 I  c1D  c2 D2
The behavior of many fluids (water, air, others) can be described quite accurately by the
linear constitutive relation. Such fluids are called Newtonian fluids.
For Newtonian fluids we assume that:
 c0 is a linear function of the invariant I1,
 c1 is a constant,
 c2  0 .
If there is no motion we have the Pascal Law: pressure in any direction is the same. It means
that the matrix Ξ 0 should correspond to a spherical tensor and

Ξ0 n   pn  Ξ0   p I
The constitutive relation for the Newtonian fluids can be written as follows

Ξ   pI   (υ ) I  2 DDEV   pI  (  23  )(υ) I  2 D

Ξ0 I1 ( D ) Ξ0 c0 c1
 μ - (shear) viscosity (the physical unit in SI is kg/m∙s)
 ζ - bulk viscosity (the same unit as μ) ; usually    and can be assumed zero.
The constitutive relation can be written in the index notation

      
 ij   p  (  23  ) k
  ij    i  j

  xk    x j  xi 

 j
For an incompressible fluid we have  υ  div υ   0 and the constitutive
x j
relation reduces to the simpler form

Ξ   pI  2 D
or, in the index notation

 
 ij   pij     i    j 
x j  xi
 
Example: Calculate the tangent stress in the wall shear layer.

The velocity field is defined as follows:

1 ( x1 , x2 )  U wall x2 / H , 2 ( x1 , x2 )  0
and the pressure is constant. At the bottom wall, the
normal vector which points outwards is n  [0, 1].

 
0  x
( x21  x12 )   0 
σ  Ξn   p n  2  Dn     2    1    
 p  2 ( x2  x1 )   1
1 1 2
[ 0 ,1] x2

 0 1 1
  0     x 1    U w / H 
0  2 x2
    2        2
 
 p  2 x2
1 1
0   1  p   p 

According to the action-reaction principle, the tangent stress at the bottom wall is
U w
 wall   x 1 
2 wall H

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