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Page 4 0f 17 INTRODUCTION Rust is an iron oxide, usually red oxide formed by the redox reaction of iron and oxygen in the presence of water or air moisture. Several forms of rust are distinguishable both visually and by spectroscopy, and form under different circumstances. Rust consists of hydrated iron (II!) oxides Fe,03-nH,0 and iron (III) oxide hydroxide (FeO(OH), Fe(OH);). Given sufficient time, oxygen and water, any iron mass will eventually convert entirely to rust and disintegrate. Surface rust is flaky and friable, and provides no protection to the underlying iron, unlike the formation of patina on copper surfaces. Rusting is the common term for corrosion of iron and its alloys, such as steel. Many other metals undergo equivalent corrosion, but the resulting oxides are not commonly called rust. Other forms of rust exist, like the result of reactions between iron and chloride in an environment deprived of oxygen — rebar used in underwater concrete pillars is an ‘example - which generates green rust. Page 6 of 17 MECHANISM OF RUSTING OVERVIEW - The theory of rust can be explained by taking the example of rusting of iron. The theory is called electrochemical theory because it explains the formation of rust on the basis of formation of electrochemical cells on the surface of the metal. The overall rusting involves the following steps: (i) Oxidation occurs at the anodes of each electrochemical cell. Therefore, at each anode neutral iron atoms are oxidised to ferrous ions. At anode: Fe(s) — Fe™*(ag)+2e°. Thus, the metal atoms in the lattice pass into the solution as ions, leaving electrons on the metal itself. These electrons move towards the cathode region through the metal. (ii) At the cathodes of each cell, the electrons are taken up by hydrogen ions (reduction takes place). The #* ions are obtained either from water or from acidic substances (e.g. ©» in water H,O—> H* +O0H™ At cathode: or C7 +H,O—> H* + HCO; Htt+e"-—3H The hydrogen atoms on the iron surface reduce dissolved oxygen. 4H +0,—3 2H,0 Therefore, the overall reaction at cathode of different electrochemical cells may be written as, 4H* +0,+4e° —32H,O0 (iii) The overall redox reaction may be written by multiplying reaction at anode by 2 and adding reaction at cathode to equalise number of electrons lost and gained - Page 7 of 17 Oxidation half reaction: Fo(s) > Fe™(aq)+ 20 x2 = 0.44) Reduction half reaction: 4H*+0,4+4e" 520 e-1zy Overall cell reaction: 2Fa(s) +4H* +0, > 2Fe*(ag) +240 @,,-167 The ferrous ions are oxidised further by atmospheric oxygen to form rust. Fo (ag) + O,(¢)+4H, O— 22,0, +8 Ht Fx) + xHyO— > FeO). x0 far It may be noted that salt water accelerates corrosion. This is mainly due to the fact that salt water increases the electrical conduction of electrolyte solution formed on the metal surface. Therefore, rusting becomes more serious problem where salt water is present. Schematic representation of mechanism of rusting of iron. Page 11 of 17 EXPERIMENT - RUSTION OF IRON NAIL OBJECTIVE: TO STUDY THE EFFECT OF METAL COUPLING ON RUSTING OF IRON. AIM -In this project the aim is to investigate effect of the metals coupling on the rusting of iron. Metal coupling affects the rusting of iron. If the nail is coupled with a more electro-positive metal like zinc, magnesium or aluminium rusting is prevented but if on the other hand, it is coupled with less electro -positive metals like copper, the rusting is facilitated. Pottasium hexacyanoferrate(|II) solution + Phenolphthalein indicator APPARATUS - COUPLING ON RUSTING OF IRON Page 12 of 17 EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED EQUIPMENTS Four iron nails Copper, Zinc and Magnesium strips Potassium ferricyanide solutions Phenolphthalein Phenolphthalein Potassium Ferricyanide Solution Page 13 of 17 PROCEDURE » N w wa . At first we have to clean the surface of iron nails with the help of sand paper. . After that we have to wind zinc strip around one nail, a clean copper wire around the second and clean magnesium strip around the third nail. Then to put all these three and a fourth nail in Petri dishes so that they are not in contact with each other . Then to fill the Petri dishes with hot agar-agar solution in sucha way that only lower half of the nails are covered with the liquids . Keep the covered Petri dishes for one day or so. . The liquids set to a gel on cooling. Two types of patches are observed around the rusted nail, one is blue and the other pink. Blue patch is due to the formation of potassium Ferro- ferricyanide where pink patch is due to the formation of hydroxyl ions which turns colourless phenolphthalein to pink. Zine strip wrapped around one nail. Page 14 of 17 OBSERVATION TABLE S.NO METAL PAIR COLOUR OF | NAIL RUSTS PATCH ORNOT 1 | TRON- ZINC PINK NO 2 | IRON- MAGNESIUM PINK NO 3 | __IRON- COPPER BLUE YES CONCLUSION It is clear from the observation that coupling of iron with more electropositive metals such as zinc and magnesium resists corrosion and rusting of iron. Coupling of iron with less electropositive metals such as copper increases rusting. Page 15 of 17 FACTORS PROMOTING RUSTING Four elements need to be present for corrosion to occur and collectively referred to as the corrosion cell: an anode (+), a cathode (-), a metallic conductor and an electrolyte. Changing the potency of the electrolyte affects the rate of corrosion, Corrosion rates are determined by a variety of factors; however, five factors do play an overwhelmingly important role in determining corrosion rates. Oxygen: Like water, oxygen increases the rate of corrosion. Corrosion can take place in an oxygen-deficient environment, but the rate of the corrosion reaction (and destruction of the metal) is generally much slower. In immersed conditions, if an electrolyte is in contact with one area of metal containing more oxygen than the electrolyte in contact with another area of the metal, the higher oxygen- concentration area is cathodic relative to the remaining surface. An oxygen concentration cell then forms, which results in rapid corrosion. ‘Temperature: Corrosion reactions are electrochemical in nature and usually accelerate d with increasing temperature; therefore, corrosion proceeds faster in warmer environments than in cooler ones. Chemical Salts: Chemical salts increase the rate of corrosion by increasing the efficiency (conductivity) of the electrolyte. The most common chemical salt is sodium chloride, a major element of seawater. Sodium chloride deposited on atmospherically exposed surfaces also acts as a hygroscopic material (ie, it extracts moisture from the air), which then increases the corrosion in non- immersed areas. Humidity: Humidity and time-of-wetness play a large role in promoting and accelerating corrosion rates. Time-of-wetness refers to the length of time an atmospherically exposed substrate has sufficient moisture to support the corrosion process. The wetter the environment, the more corrosion is likely to occur. Pollutants: Acid rain (a chemical by-product from manufacturing and processing plants), and chlorides (in coastal areas) promote corrosion. Acid gases, such as carbon dioxide, can also dissolve in a film of moisture in contact with the metal. Page 16 of 17, METHODS OF PREVENTION OF RUSTING 1, Barrier Coatings - One of the easiest and cheapest ways to prevent corrosion is to use barrier coatings like paint, plastic, or powder. Powders, including epoxy, nylon, and urethane, are heated to the metal surface to create a thin film. Plastic and waxes are often sprayed onto metal surfaces. Paint acts as a coating to protect the metal surface from the electrochemical charge that comes from corrosive compounds. Today's paint systems are actually a combination of different paint layers that serve different functions. The primer coat acts as an inhibitor, the intermediate coat adds to the paint’s overall thickness, and the finish coat provides resistance to the environmental factors. 2, Hot-Dip Galvanization- This corrosion prevention method involves dipping steel into molten zinc. The iron in the steel reacts with the zinc to create a tightly-bonded alloy coating which serves as protection. The process has been around for more than 250 years and has been used for corrosion protection of things like artistic sculptures and playground equipment. Compared to other corrosion prevention methods, galvanization is known for lower initial costs, sustainability, and versatility. 3, Alloyed Steel (Stainless) - Alloyed steel is one of the most effective corrosion prevention methods around, combining the properties of various metals to provide added strength and resistance to the resulting product. Corrosion- resistant nickel, for example, combined with oxidation-resistant chromium results in an alloy that can be used in oxidized and reduced chemical environments. Different alloys provide resistance to different conditions, giving companies greater flexibility. 4, Cathodic Protection - Cathodic protection protects against galvanic corrosion, which occurs when two different metals are put together and exposed toa corrosive electrolyte. To prevent this, the active sites on the metal surface need to be converted to passive sites by providing electrons from another source, typically with galvanic anodes attached on or near the surface. Metals used for anodes include aluminium, magnesium, or zinc. Page 17 of 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. CLASS 12TH CHEMISTRY NCERT 2. 3. 4. 5.

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