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Consumer Awareness Project

Batch 2023- 24

Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain an insight and pragmatic
understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines from interdisciplinary perspective. It
should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students. Students are expected to apply the Social
Science concepts that they have learnt over the years in order to prepare the project report. If required,
students may go out for collecting data and use different primary and secondary resources to prepare the
project. If possible, different forms of Art may be integrated in the project work.

Preparation of Project:
The total length of the project report will not be more than 10 written pages
The project report will be handwritten and credit will be awarded to original drawings, illustrations and
creative use of materials.
The project report will be presented in a neatly in the Project book.

The project report will be developed and presented in this order

• Project title, student information, school and year

• List of contents with page numbers.
• Project Overview : Purpose, Aim,
• Need for rules and regulations in market place
• Describe one consumer Right -
Right to be informed
Right to choose
Right to seek redressal
Right to represent
Right to safety
• Case study – with paper cuttings
• Catchy slogan for the spread of consumer awareness.
• Collect ads of Jago Grahak Jago on the respective consumer right.
• Prepare a poster on the same.
• Collect consumer court cases given in the news papers and write the impact os those cases on the
unaware consumers.
• Viva Question
• Summary and conclusions based on findings.

Rubrics for evaluation

Sl. No Aspects Marks

A Content accuracy, Originality and 2
B Presentation and Creativity 2
c. Viva 1

Schedule for the Project

Date Particulars
4/09/2023 Students will be explained about the consumer movement and
4/09/2023 Students will be assigned the topics for the project
4/09/2023 Students will start and assimilate the project work
25/10/2023 Viva questions
26/10/2023 Final submission of the project
Questions for the VIVA

1. What is COPRA?
2. Name two certification marks of standardisation.
3. Give example of big companies can manipulate market with wealth and power.
4. What is MRP?
5. What information is needed on packaged food/ Electrical appliances/ Pressure cooker/ Medicines/
Garments/ Ointments?
6. What are consumer forums?
7. As a consumer what do you need to know about any product?
8. What are claim limits of consumer court cases?
9. Give an example of a catchy advertisement to attract consumers.
10. How are consumer exploited in the market place?

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