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This is a complex and controversial topic. Some possible benefits

1. Detection and prevention of terrorist attacks or other national security

threats: By having access to personal data, government agencies may be
able to identify and disrupt terrorist plots or other security threats before they
2. Faster and more efficient investigations

Some potential negative consequences of a government having access to personal data


1. Privacy violations: Government access to personal data can lead to

violations of citizens' privacy, as personal information is collected, stored,
and potentially shared without their knowledge or consent.

2) Positive
More advanced business insights
Better customer experiences, devices help businesses track, monitor, uncover and analyze
customer data faster than before. can enhance the customer journey by personalizing it based
on past experiences
On the other hand, the negative effect could be that our personal information is on risk. Because
they already are going to have all about us.
I think that it is in general, government, companies, and in ourselves.
The government need to manage the information in a good way, without harm the citizen, it
need to help for the wellcare of them.
The companies have to be responsible about the different information that they have from their
users. They need to maintain and create new filtres to keep safe all the information.
Finally is our responsabillity because we are the ones who are providing information. To

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