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Grading Sheet

A Essay __ 2-3 pages in length __ 12 font __Correct margins

B Essay __ 2 pages in length __Font slightly too big or small __Margins too big __Few errors in paragraph indentation __Most paragraphs of appropriate length __Clear, well developed thesis __Well developed introduction __SOP __Incomplete categories __Good topic sentences

C Essay __Barely 2 pages in length __Font errors __Margin error __Space between paragraphs but no indentation _Paragraph lengths inconsistent __Basic thesis __Simple, undeveloped introduction __Illogical SOP __Weak categories

D Essay __Essay too brief or too long __Formatted incorrectly __Many paragraphs of inappropriate length

F Essay __Poor essay format __Does not look like an essay

Format __Paragraphs indented __Good essay format with paragraphs of appropriate length __Clear and relevant thesis Intro/Thesis __Interesting introduction __Logical SOP __Clear, well defined categories Organization Coherence __Creative topic sentences __Ideas well connected between paragraphs with transitions

__Unclear thesis __Irrelevant introduction __Weak SOP __Incorrect categories

__No thesis __No introduction __No SOP __No categories __Lack of topic sentences

__Some topic sentences don't __Topic sentences are not support thesis statement logical __Some evidence of ideas being connected between paragraphs with transitions __Weak purpose __Some evidence of terminology being defined __2 uses of defining techniques __Only a few connections of ideas __Purpose confusing __Lacks definition of terms __Only 1 use of defining technique __Brief, undeveloped conclusion

__Ideas connected between paragraphs with transitions

__No connections of ideas

__Clear and relevant purpose __Clear purpose __ Terminology well defined Content __ At least 4 uses of defining techniques __Relevant, well developed conclusion __Good use of quotations from at least 2 different sources __Quotes well integrated and clearly support thesis __All sources documented correctly __includes works cited page which follows MLA format __Uses complex sentence structure Grammar / Punctuation __3 or less in grammar and punctuation __Some errors in grammar but meaning is still clear __Terminology defined __3 uses of defining techniques

__Lacks purpose __No definition of terms __Lack of defining techniques __No conclusion __No use of quotations

__Well developed conclusion __Basic conclusion __Use of quotations from at least 2 different sources __Quotes integrated and support thesis __Minor mistake in documenting sources

__Use of quotations from only __Inappropriate use of 1 source quotations __Quotes used inappropriately __A few mistakes in documenting sources __No use of quotes __All sources documented incorrectly

Documentation of Sources

__No documentation of sources

__Includes works cited page __Works cited page included __Works cited page does not __No works cited page with few errors in MLA format with many errors follow MLA format __Uses some complex sentence structure __Uses simple sentence structure __Sentences short and simple __Writing demonstrates lack of knowledge of English

__Some errors are confusing __Meaning hard to decipher to the reader

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