Focus On The Second Line

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A Paper to Fulfill the Assignment of Listening for TOEFL 2

Subject guided by : Dr. Widhya Ningsiana, M. Hum.

Arranged by group 1 of B Class :

1. Afdhila Khusnila Wati 1701070159

2. Innes Yustika Sari 1701070023






All praises always being to God Allah SWT almighty for the blessings and
graces for us, so we can finish this Listening for TOEFL 2 paper assignment with the
title “Focus on the Second Line” in properly, correctly and on time.

We also want to deliver our sincere thanks to all people who has given their
hands to help us to complete this paper. It is written to our Listening for TOEFL 2
subject from our lecturer Dr. Widhya Ningsiana, M. Hum. we also thanked for Dr.
Widhya Ningsiana, M. Hum. as our lecturer, guider, and tutor who guide and foster us
to finish this paper.

Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although this
paper has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, some suggestion is really needed.
Thank you.

Metro, March 11, 2019

Group 1


FRONT PAGE.........................................................................................................i


TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..........................................................................1

A. Background of Study....................................................................................1
B. Problem of Study..........................................................................................2
C. Purpose of Study..........................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION................................................................................3

A. Focus on the Second Line ...........................................................................3

1. Procedures for the Short Conversation ...................................................3
2. Strategies ................................................................................................4
3. Listening for TOEFL Exercise ...............................................................5

CHAPTER III CLOSING...................................................................................17

A. Conclusion..................................................................................................17
B. Suggestion..................................................................................................17




A. Background of the Study

Listening is one part of English skill that has to be mastered by all of students,
especially for the college students. There are some levels of listening subject. Start
from Literal Listening, Interpretive Listening, Listening for TOEFL 1 and also now
Listening for TOEFL 2 In every semester, there is always be changed by the new
material of listening that in every part of it have different difficulties or have different
substantial. But, in every semester, listening subject is already continued in well
organized. So, it is like we are going up to ladder step by step. And now, it is the last
staircase that we have to past it, that is Listening for TOEFL 2.
To listen the word of TOEFL, we become a person who lost hope automatically.
TOEFL be an evil for the college students, because it is the material that hard enough
to be understood. TOEFL always related to grammatical correct, and this is the
weakness of the college students that is grammar. But if we know about some ways to
solve it, or it means that we have a short cut to do the Listening of TOEFL, this will
make easy us to face it.
Because of that, in this paper we as the writer will give the readers and the listeners
some support ways to answer the TOEFL questions. In this time, we will bring them
some strategies how to answer the questions of TOEFL in part A of section 1, that is
about listening comprehension of short conversation that focus on the second line. In
this part we will show the readers and the listeners how we can answer the question by
key of the second line or the last sentence. We also give the examples for the readers,
and the listeners to make them laidback and can catch the point about this material.

B. Problem of the Study
1. What are procedures of short conversation ?
2. What are strategies to answer listening for TOEFL questions by focusing on the
second line ?
3. What are questions of listening for TOEFL that related to focus on the second line ?
C. Purpose of the Study
1. The students are able to understand some procedures of short conversation.
2. The students are able to understand about some strategies of focusing on the second
3. The students are able to answer the questions by using the strategies of focusing on
the second line.



A. Focus on the Second Line

Part A on the computer TOEFL test consists of only short dialogues, while part B
consists of a mixture of casual conversations, academic discussions, and academic
The listening section of the computer TOEFL test is computer adaptive. This
means that the difficulty of the questions that you see is determined by how well you
answer the questions. The section begins with a medium-level question, and the
questions that follow will get easier or harder depending on whether or not you answer
the questions correctly1.
1. Procedures for the Short Conversation


(computer TOEFL Test)

1. Listen carefully to the short dialogue. You may listen to the dialogue one time
2. Use the visual to help you focus on the context. A context-setting visual appears
on the screen at the beginning of each short dialogue. It shows you who is talking
and where they are talking.
3. As you listen to each short dialogue, focus on the last line of the dialogue. The
answer to the question is generally found in the last line of the dialogue.
4. Listen to the question following the short dialogue as you read it on the screen.
Each listening question is both spoken and written on the computer screen.
5. Keep in mind that the correct answer is probably a restatement of a key word
or idea in the last line of the dialogue. Think possible restatements of the last line
of the dialogue.
6. Keep in mind that certain structures and expressions are tested regularly in
the dialogues. Listen for these structures and expressions:
 Structures (passives, negatives, wishes, conditions)
 Functional expressions (agreement, uncertainty, suggestion, surprise)
 Idiomatic expressions (two-part verbs, three-part verbs, idioms)
7. Even if you do not understand the complete dialogue, you can still find the
correct answer.
 If you understand a few words or idias in the last line, choose the answer that
contains a restatement of those words or ideas.
Philips, Deborah, 2001, Longman Course for the TOEFL Test : Preparation for the Computer and Paper Test,
Pearson Education, 10 bank Street, White Plains : New York. 10606.

 If you do not understand anything at all in the last line of the conversation, choose
the answer that sounds the most different from what you heard.
 Never choose an answer because it sounds like what you heard in the dialogue.
8. Click on an answer on the computer screen when you have selected an answer.
You may still change you mind at this point and click on a different answer.
9. Click on Next . Then click on Confirm Answer to record answer. After you
click on this button, you cannot go back and change you answer.
10. Be prepared for the next question. After you click on Confirm Answer, the
next question begins automatically.
Next, you should move on the language skills. The following language skills will
help you to implement these strategies and procedures with the short dialogues on both
the peper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test. 2

2. Strategies
Ansoff H (1965) defines that strategies is a rule for making decision under
conditions of partial ignorance where as policy is a contingent decision.3



The short dialogues involve conversations between two people, each followed by a
question. It is important to understand that the answer to this type of question is most
often (but not always!) found in the last line of the conversation.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL Test

On the recording, you hear.

(man) Billy really made a big mistake this time.

(woman) yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper.

(narrator) What does the woman say abaut Billy?

In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:

(A) It was the first time he made a mistake.

(B) He forgot to write his paper.
(C) He turned in the paper in the wrong place.
(D) He didn’t remember to submit his assignment.
Ansoff, 1965, Corporate Strategy

The last line of this dialogue indicates that Billy forgot to turn in his research paper,
and this means that didn’t remember to submit it. The best answer is therefore answer
(D). The following chart outlines the most important strategy for the short dialogues:


1. Be familiar with the direction. In first part there will be a direction which is read
by an English language from the tape recorder. Do not need to listen closely to
the existing direction. You really should know with the direction.
2. During direction was read, please see the ansswer choice that exist. Can guess
roughly what the question to the anwer options.
3. The last line of the dialogue probably contains the answer to the question.
4. Listen to the first line of the dialogue. If you understand it, that’s good. If you
don’t understand it, don’t worry because it probably does not contain the
5. Be ready to focus on the last line of the dialogue because it probably contains
the answer. Repeat the last line in your mind as you read through the answers in
the text.
6. If not understand all, do not undertand, choose the most different from what you
7. Never choose an answer because it sounds like what you heard in the
conversation. So, do not ever choose the same answer as what you hear.
8. Remember! Answer all the questions even if you are not sure of the answer.
Never leave any answers blank. Do not make the answer sheet blank.4

3. Listening for TOEFL Exercise

Section : 1

Listening Comprehension

In this section, your ability to respond to and understand spoken English will be tested.
A recording of a series of dialogues and short talks will be played for you. You will
then have to choose the best answer based on the spoken questions. Neither the


questions, nor the dialogues or short talks will appear in your test. Only the answer
choices for each of the questions will be in your test.

Part A

In Part A you will hear short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each
conversation, a third person will ask a question about what was said. You will hear each
conversation just one time. Therefore, you must listen carefully to understand what each
speaker says. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four
possible answers in your test book and decide which one is the best answer to the
question you heard. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill
in the space that corresponds to the answer you have chosen.5

1. Conversation
Woman : I’m not sure if I like this hat on me. Do you like it?

Man :I think it brings out the green in your eyes. Look in the mirror and see
for yourself.

Question : What does the man mean?

a. He thinks the hat looks good on her.

b. He doesn’t like the hat because it is green.
c. He suggests that she try on a different hat.
d. He does not like the hat.
2. Conversation
Man : The team is making a remarkable comeback. Do you think they will
win the game?

Woman : They are only 10 points behind now. If they can keep playing this well,
they certainly will.

5, retrieved at Monday, March 10, 2019.

Question : What does the woman think about the team?

a. The woman thinks they will lose the game.

b. The woman thinks the team will tie the game.
c. The woman thinks the team is doing very poorly this season.
d. The woman thinks the team has a very good chance of winning.
3. Conversation

Man : I can’t remember if I locked the door on the way out of the house. Do
you remember locking it?

Woman : Well, I didn’t lock the door. You were the last one out!

Question : What does the woman mean?

a. She did lock the door.

b. She forgot to lock the door.
c. She remembered seeing him lock the door.
d. The man was supposed to have locked the door on his way out.
4. Conversation

Man : Hey, I heard you were going to that record signing. Did you get to meet
the rock and roll band?

Woman : Everyone except the drummer autographed my album, and the lead
singer kissed my cheek. 6

Question : Did the woman meet the rock and roll band?

a. No, the show was cancelled.

b. No, she did not get there on time.
c. No, she only saw the band, but did not meet them.
d. Yes, she did meet the band.
5. Conversation


Man : Did you notice if the janitor cleaned last night?

Woman :Well, there was still trash in my wastebasket when I arrived this
Question : What does the woman mean?

a. The janitor did not clean.

b. The janitor cleaned but did not empty her wastebasket.
c. The janitor did clean.
d. The janitor had the day off.
6. Conversation

Man : I telephoned you last night. Why didn’t you return my call?

Woman :You called?

Question : Why didn’t the woman return the man’s call?

a. When she received the message that he called, it was too late to call him back.
b. She does not care for his company.
c. She did not have the time to call him.
d. She was unaware of his call.
7. Conversation

Man : I didn’t finish my term paper because the electricity in the library failed
last night. Do you think the professor will allow me to hand it in late?

Woman : Dr. Hatton said that he would not accept any late papers.7

Question : What does the woman mean?

a. Late papers will be accepted, but will receive a lower grade.

b. Late papers will not be accepted.
c. Late papers are acceptable.


d. The professor is not concerned when the papers are done, as long as they are well
8. Conversation

Woman : Look at all that smoke coming from over that hill. I bet there is a fire.

Man :That is the direction of Grandma’s house! I hope she is okay.

Question : What is the man thinking?

a. There is a store on fire.

b. Someone should call the fire department.
c. The smoke is not a cause for concern.
d. The smoke could be coming from his grandmother’s house.
9. Conversation

Man : My computer screen went blank. What do you think happened?

Woman : Have you checked all the connections in the back? Maybe one is loose.

Question :What does the woman think is wrong with the computer?

a. She thinks that one of the connections is loose.

b. She thinks the electricity failed.
c. The whole computer system is experiencing difficulties, it is not just his computer.
d. She does not know what is wrong with the computer.8
10. Conversation

Woman : I rarely see you around here any more. I thought you moved.

Man : I’ve just been staying at a friend’s house so that I can take care of his
pets while he is away.

Question : Why does the woman think the man has moved?

a. They do not allow pets in their apartment building.

b. She saw a moving van outside his apartment.

c. He told her he had plans to move soon.
d. She has not seen the man as often as she once did.
11. Conversation
Man : Are you going to the show tonight?
Woman : I would have loved to go, but I still have not finished writing my paper
which is due tomorrow.
Question : What does the woman mean?
a. She loves writing papers.
b. She does not like going out.
c. She cannot go because she has to write a paper.
d. She could not finish the paper, because she went to the show.
12. Conversation

Woman : Professor Nelson said that I should find the book in this section. But
nothing even similar to that book is here.

Man : Maybe somebody already borrowed it. Let’s check the subject catalog.9

Question : Where did this conversation probably take place?

a. In a bookstore
b. In a shopping mall
c. In a classroom
d. In a library
13. Conversation

Man : Can I borrow your history notes? I didn’t attend the class yesterday.

Woman : I didn’t take any notes. The teacher just read dates from her notes to us,
and I thought I could find them in any history book.

Question : What is the woman trying to say?


a. She did not take notes because she did not think anything important was
b. She does not intend to give him notes.
c. The new teacher did not want anyone to take notes.
d. She thinks he should read the history books himself.
14. Conversation

Woman : The food in this restaurant is really delicious. And it is not very

Man : We can afford to eat here once a week, can’t we?

Woman : Oh yes! I agree one hundred percent.

Question : What do they think of the restaurant?

a. They are afraid of getting weak if they eat there regularly.

b. This restaurant buys food from a deli.
c. The restaurant guarantees satisfaction.
d. They can eat in the restaurant once every week without affecting their
15. Conversation

Man : Are you ready for your final exam next week?

Woman : Not really, the reading list is too long. But I will take the test anyway. 10
Question : What does the woman mean ?

a. She wants to do the least amount of reading.

b. She has been reading for the test for a long time.
c. Though she is not fully prepared, she will take the test.
d. She does not want to take the test.
16. Conversation

Woman : Do you think I should cook some dinner now?


Man : I don’t think so. There is enough left over from the party last night.
Question : What will they probably do about dinner?
a. They will skip dinner because they ate too much last night.
b. She will cook dinner.
c. They will go to a party.
d. They will eat the food left from last night’s party.
17. Conversation

Woman : Were you present at the meeting this morning?

Man :Yes, but I didn’t agree with most of their proposals. I think they are
making admission rules too rigid.

Woman : Well, why didn’t you speak out at the time?

Question : What does the woman think?

a. If he disagreed with the proposals, he should have expressed his views on the
b. He did not get time to speak at the meeting.
c. He should have talked to her after coming out.
d. The man did not attend the meeting.
18. Conversation

Woman : Do you think we should buy Tom a book for his birthday?

Man : I am not sure he cares for the type of book that we would select. I
would rather give him a gift certificate.11

Question : What does the man mean?

a. He is not sure whether he should give a birthday gift to Tom.

b. He is not confident about his ability to select.
c. Tom likes to read different books than him.
d. A gift certificate is a better gift than a book.

19. Conversation

Woman : Why are your eyes so red? Studying hard these days?

Man : No, I accidentally sprayed some glass-cleaner into my eyes

Woman : I don’t think you should neglect this. You should contact a doctor right

Question : What does the woman suggest?

a. It is the man’s right to consult a doctor.

b. The man should use contact lenses.
c. A person should always be careful about his eyes.
d. The man should talk to a doctor immediately.
20. Conversation

Woman : I am trying to pick up that bottle on the top shelf. Would you mind
helping me with it?

Man : I don’t work here. Maybe you can get a ladder from the manager.12

Question : Is the man willing to help?

a. Yes, but he is not the manager.

b. Yes, but he needs a letter of permission to do that.
c. No, because the woman is not his boss.
d. No. He suggests that the woman should get help from the manager.
21. Conversation

Man : I have an interview in Detroit on the tenth, but the train fare is
incredibly high.

Woman : You should try flying. Airfares are sometimes much cheaper than train

Question : What does the woman mean?


a. Train authorities are not fair.
b. Air travel is sometimes less expensive than train travel.
c. The man should try to learn how to fly.
d. The man can save some time if he takes a flight.
22. Conversation

Man : Did Lisa fix the toaster herself?

Woman : No, she had it fixed by her friend Cathy.

Question : Who fixed the toaster?

a. A Mechanic
b. Cathy’s friend
c. Cathy
d. Lisa
23. Conversation

Man : How do I get to the bank from here?

Woman : Go straight and make a right on Morris Street. The bank is right on the

Question : What is the woman doing?

a. Writing an address
b. Giving orders
c. Drawing a map
d. Giving directions
24. Conversation

Man : Do you know who won the prize for debating?

Woman : I think Mark did. He had been good at public speaking since he was


Question : What does the woman think about Mark?

a. Mark was given the prize because he was young.

b. Mark is a good speaker.
c. Mark has been kind to people since he was young.
d. Mark is no longer young.
25. Conversation

Man : I am thinking of taking a course with Dr. Warner.

Woman : Dr. Warner does not allow more than 15 students in his class. If you
want to do it, you’d better make your decision fast.14

Question : What is the woman’s opinion?

a. Decisions taken in haste are always good.

b. Dr. Warner does not like slow people.
c. If the man waits, he might not get admission to Dr. Warner’s course.
d. Dr. Warner takes his classes in small rooms.




A. Conlusion
In listening for TOEFL test, there are consist of some sections or part. Start from
part A, B until C. In every part of this sections has different model. So, that is why in
every sections has different strategies to answer the questions. For the part A itself, it
consist of short conversation of two speakers. One of strategies of this part is focusing

on the second line. It means that the question is related to the last line or the second line.
There is an answer in the sentence of the second line that spoken by the English
speaker. So, we have to focus and listen carefully. It will be confusing if the listeners
are not focus, especially in part of second sentenc, because the keyword is in it. That is
why, the listeners have to capable annd understand for what the second speaker said.
B. Suggestion
The writer hope that this paper will give more beefits for the reader and also the
writer itselves. The writer also wish that this paper can help us to solve the problem on
listening for TOEFL test by using same strategies that have been explained above. This
paper is still has some weakness. So, the critics and the suggestions is reallt needed for
our knowledge.


Philips, Deborah, 2001, Longman Course for the TOEFL Test : Preparation for the
Computer and Paper Test, Pearson Education, 10 bank Street, White Plains :
New York. 10606., retrieved
at Monday, March 10, 2019. 21:53.
Ansoff, 1965, Corporate Strategy


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