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Wie itt ttt (6; ui ADVANCED ACU W it msc ms ye abe Creme C Re tLe _ 2" fe ey ine oa Business (@; i ADVANCED John Allison, Rachel Appleby and Edward de Chazal MPYS46) ., eae) ‘ae MACMILLAN The Business 2.0 C1 ADVANCED To the student ‘The objective of eBusiness 20 isto help you learn two things: how to do business in English anc the language you need (o do it. The new language and structures are presented in the Student's Book whilst the eWorkbook provides language practice and extension, Here is a summary of what you will find in each, Student's Book ‘The modules The Student's Book eontains 48 modules in eight units. Hach unit deals with a key sector of activity in the business world. There are six different types of module: Meets eed orem ecu iting Every module ineluiles an interes research task to encourage you to explore the topic in more detail. The tasks ean be done before or alter working on the module. Remember that to search for an exact phrase, you may get more accurate results if you put quotation marks around it Other features In addition to the eight main units, the Studeat’s Book contains the following: Business fundamentals This opening section introduces you to basie business prineiples and vocabulary It provides a solid foundation for you to build on in the course and will help you get the most out of all components of eBusiness 2.0, Reviews ‘These units can be uscd in three ways: to consolidate your work on the units to catch up quickly if ‘you have missed a lesson, and to revise before tests or exams. Additional material This section contains all the extra materials you need to do pairwork or group work activities Grammar and practice ‘This scetion gives a uscful summary of grammar rules with clear examples, and also provides further practice of the essential grammar points in this level of the course. Recordings Full scripts of all the audio recordings are provided, allowing you to study the audio dialogues in detail, However, try not to rely on reading them fo understand the listenings - very offen you don't need Lo understand every word, just the main ideas, Glossary In most modules, there isa short glossary of words you may not know The definitions for these are in the Glossary at the back of the hook. Words in red are high-frequency items, whieh you should iy to leam and use. The others, in black, are words you just need to understand. eWorkbook TheBusiness 20 cWotkbook provides everything you would find in a printed Workbook, 2s well as extra multimedia resources, Its mainly intended for self-study or home study and contains ‘material (o support and enhance the activities in the Student’s Book Language practice This section contains activities to consolidate the language presented in the Student's Book. You an practise grammar, vocabulary listening, pronunciation, reading and writing, waten ‘This section contains a video clip and worksheet to acrompany each unit in the Student's Book ‘The video clips are episodes of a mini-drama that illustrate the communication and people skills in ‘each unit. The exercises allow you to practise the functional language in the video. Tests You can test yourself at any point in the course using the eWorkbcok, by setting either the time or the number of questions. Your test scores are recorded for your reference. Print and work This section offers a pen-anctpaper version of the activities in the Language practice section. You cean also download the audio tracks required for these activities. Grammar help You can rofer to this section for helpful grammar rules and examples. Word lists ‘This section contains the keywords and definitions from the Vocabulary modules in the Student's Book, Dictionary Use the Dictionary Tool to link to the Macmillan Dictionary online hup://, Writing tips This seetion provides explanations and exorvises on aspects of writing, such as spelling, punetuation and paragraphing, Listen ‘This section contains all the audio recordings from the Student's Book and eWorkbook, together with the audioseripts, You can download all the material in this section (© a mobile device for listening on the move. We sincerely hope you will enjoy working with 1 John Allison Rachel Appleby Edward de Chazal eBusiness 2.0. Good luck! ‘SheBusinoss 20 Contents cee fundamentals ene em 1.1 Developing your career r npere 1.3 Tense, aspect and Reading: Top tps for getting cn in woice es einen) Tense and esoect Discuss: advice on career a Passive and active voice dovolopmant 2.4 Corporate image 23. The future, tentative Reading: The bio Meldokeover and speculative language Discussion: Metonale’s image Future forms Tentative lenguage PAGES ASE 3 34 Outsourcing : 3,3 Noun phrases Supply chain, Roading: The Indian machine fuilding noun phrases rAgt36 Discussion: the benefits of Defining relative clauses 4 4.1 Management style .2 Managing 4.3. Conjunetions Managing contliet Reading: Managers from hell : ‘Suberdinators racese Discussions management styles onli n Coordinators PAGES 60-61 5.1 Strategic marketing and partnering, Raading:A recipe for success Discussion: successful marketing 5.3 Prepositions Dependent prepositions Drepasitional phrases acest 6 6.1 Crisis management 9 6.3: Perspective and Risk management Reading: Damage control ae en Disesion: ethics of erst a Perspectives meniageinent xpresing stance PAGES 35-67 7 7.1 Investment banks st 7.3 Inversion and Investment Reading: lnvestmeat banks heroes Ty es emphasis rears js Sentence strass Discussion: investinnt banks and the: Inversion and refermuleting ‘ree market FErphatie sructures 8 8.1 Free trade t 0 8.3 Phrasal and Free trade Reading: The price of being 3 fortress Acronyms and affixes prepositional verbs ct Discussion: for and against {roo trade Blondiin ding Mist commen phrasal verbs Fecus.on frequent panies pases a1 Glossary paces 152-156 ere Case study Peusiness20 Business fundamentals > economic sectors Reade ec meee ees Vocabulary El Match the industry groups with the appropriate economic sector. Industry group Economic sector Economic sector -ouditing cansulting basic materials eneray chemicals inining 7 __captal goods “esa water finandials food, beverages commercial services “banking realestate technology machinery, eaulpment consumer discretionary ‘oll, 925, ‘transportation “restaurants, hotels consumer staples airline utilities [Bl Put these company types in the most likely order of size, from smallest (1) to largest (4). Ciprivete company/corporation [public company/corporation [_] partnership Cote tradet/sole proprietorship Ell Use words from the box to complete the text about ERP. | tovecsting tucions overview pltiom proceises teoston satiate mbes WHAT IS The goal of Enterprise Resouree Planning (ERP) ilo | 21088 en est. Se ‘oh a3 Supply chain, ie anal ered thoi own, With a partner, decide which department 1-6 inthe chart the following ERP functions are usually associated with. The first two have been done for you. 1 aceoss control 6 customer service 11 payables 16 recruiting 2 budgeting 1 7 sales & marketing 12 payroll 17 engineering 3 callecentre support 8 inventory 13 purchasing 18 shipping 4 cash management 9 manufacturing process 14 quality control 19 5 supplier schedules 10 order entry 15 fixed assets 20 training Discussion [Bilin small groups, give examples of friends or family; which industries, types of company ‘and departments do they work in, and what are their activities? How desirable are their jobs in your opinion? > the business cycle > the investment cycle Ere ydlical slump “rough enc hitce acute Discussion El Why is it unusual in sport or in music for one team or one band to be consistently successful over a long period? What parallels can be drawn with economic and business life? Listening [El D 10: Listen to a presentation of the business cycle and label items 1-6 on the chart with ‘the words in the box. {| peak fecsion slump tough recovery boom ee EE D 191 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 What average growth rate is given as an example in the presentation? 2 What phase of the business cycle is the economy in at the moment, and how long has it been so” 3 What possible causes for variations in the cycle ate mentioned in the presentation? 4 What is the current growth rate in your country? sit below averoge or above average? 5. Give examples of factors that have contributed to recent changes in the business cyele Ii D 112 Liston to a presentation of the investment cycle. What four phases of the cycle does the presenter mention? Listen and label them on the chart below. IED 102 Listen again and answer the questions. What kinds of seutities do investors prover fn each ofthe four phases? ‘What is the term used ta describe a situation where investors expect prices to fall? What js the tim used to describe a situation where investors expect prices to rise? ‘What is the term used to describe investors who buy when the share price fs lower than the company is really worth? Il Winch phose of the investment cycle do you think the market I n atthe moment? Which companies are considered a good Investinent? Business fundamentals > balance sheet ae Reading > cash flow statement ES _| Ill The P&L (profit and loss account, or income statement), the balance sheet (BS) and ‘the cash flow statement (CFS) are a company’s three most important financial statements. Match descriptions 1-3 with the documents A)-C), 1 a picture of what a company owns and what it owes at a single moment in time [) 2 money received or spent on business activity investments oF financing C1 3° revenue minus expenses equals profit (1) (RGRRMRHcecde| (RRRAMRRRRMeR] ccecceerecee i @ Balance sheet © Cash flow statement eye Assets ‘Cash at beginning of year g Current assets Operations Cosh “+Cash recaipts from customers ‘Accounts receivable Cash paid for inventory, general Inventories capenses mages interest tax Llong-terin ass Invosting eta Pa ope sariee! Intangible assets property, equipment and Financial assets SOU copay Liabilities ecaan eae ecppre Seer euaiten _aitimentand sce borrows spies for tax Goth pat Forrepurehass of sagem abi | Sock repayment of loans i Net incrosso/decrease in cash Banus pave | Cash atend of year | Shareholders equity Get ea [Bi Look at the P&L (document A), With a partner, find the words that match the definitions 1-10 below. money paid to the government faxes the cost of materials and labour for production payments received from customers money paid to sharcholders value lost on vehicles as they get older 1 the cost of advertising the produet value lost on patexts ns they get older Payments received for the sale of land the cost of loans from the hank. money reinvested! in the business IEl| Mack the following statements about the balance sheet (document 8) 7 (true) oF F (false). ‘ABS can only be completed atthe end of the financial year. -] Carrent essets include money owed by customers but nat yet paid, [] Inventories include stock which has been sald but not yet delivered, [] Fixed assets do not include vehicles because they are mobile, -] Patents, copyrights und shares in other companies are fnanctal assets. CI Current liabilities are items that have to be paid within the next year. [_| ‘Accounts payable are invoiees that customers have not yet paid.) Short-term provisions include money the company expects to lose in court. [1] Bonds payable are amounts of capital the company will receive in the future, [] Shareholders’ equity isthe value that would be eft fall the assets were sold and all labiltes paid. } [Ell choose tha bast option to complete these statements about the cash flow statement (document ©). 1 Fora typical company, most cash comes from a) operations b) investing e) financing, 2 The figure for cash receipts from customers comes from the a) P&L. b) BS ¢) bank: 3 Investing includes money spent or made on a) equipment b) shares ¢) equipment EaITOA and shares. SG&A 4 ‘Tax payable is a) deducted b) added ¢) ignored. 5 can improve cash flow by a) issuing b) purchasing c) borrowing shares, job interviews [Gil Using the framework below, write a CV. Include three items of informatie not true, vanes Dare OF BMH NATIONALITY: ‘CONTACT DETANS! CAREER OBJECTE: EDUCATION & TRAINING. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENICE (WAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: SQLS 4 ABILITIES: orien, REFERENCES: Speaking [Ell With a partner, exchange CVs and interview each other. Try to identify the three items in your partner's CV that are not true. Listening [El 102 Listen to a consultant presenting the recruitment process to a group of Hit Directors, Match the seven steps in the process with the summaries a)-g). 1 Setug fa) ‘The consultant adjusts all the variables to ensure the best candiciate takes 2 Sourcing the job. 3 Screening _b) ‘The consultant and the line manager meet (o draw up a profile of the 4 Interviews ideal candidate, 5 Feedback —¢) The consultarit males appointments for candidates to meet the line 6 Offer manager: 7 Onboard 4) A consultant uses phone conversations (o eliminate or interest candidates. fe) The consultant uses old and new channels to contact and attract the right profiles. f) The consultant eontinues {0 advise the new employee until they start work. 8) The consultant gathers data to imarove the process end help the line manager Glossary pace 152 | flaesty tence frresn Tl As candidates, what can you do at each stage in the recruitment process to maximize your chances of success? 1 Personal development reer development Discussion | ll work with a partner. what adviee would you give to a new employee on how to make Top tips ‘a. good impression and ‘get on’ in their career? Think about the issues below and agree on for getting | tive top ploces of advice. ones 4 i tT bois business lunch ress meetings colleagues yourboss business lunches wormwiace conferences dealing with eraikiphone cals fotentsl notin Tere: 20% | Ell Read an introcuction to an article about getting on at work What do you think the “puta tulog | attitude or stance of the writer of the articlo fs towards the subject matter? Underlina veurcoleagues. ut | wordsin the text which support your view. cane mony, a8 there cise nafeyour | Sean reading Heat yr te i Read the whole article quickly Match the headings below with the correct paragraphs. sib (kd even 1 fperyourseltanees) | a) Dress up not down 1) Be nice 1o PAS ‘Aside tom sueh legal |b) Get yourself noticed 2) Ignore all emails svolegieaes blaoknel |) Remember that less is more h) Learn to recyele reports rid hidnap, a number se ana se @) Steer well clear of all me i) Treat appraisals as auditions for pantomime cites dosveors | ©) Manage without bosses noe fn@ you ae hesinga hard tne at jing and discussion tonetytangatevor| Reading at I Ups enpeshe El Work with portner For each paragraph ofthe article, summarize the point the writer of the article is making about the subject matter. What advice would you give on this topic? Wrive down your ideas, andl compare them with another pai, Listening for gist Ssxich forthe keywords IED 1:04-1,06 Listen to three employees talking about what they think helps them get sucess atwoikofied on at work. ee et + Promotion + Relationships with your boss + Worklife balance 2 How do their comments compare with the tips in the article? witha) dress-cdown Friday office polities Top tips for getting on in the workplace 1 Gorting ahesd in business moans getting. noticed, but working hard makes you elmost invisible, Therefore i's 2 Jot hettor to work hare! at getting: yourself noticed. What senior management likes mare than anything ole is junior ‘managers who show signs of lnidaive and volunteer to da. things: Most of the reason for this ie shat the more juni managers volunteer (o do, the less senior managers will have to di themselves. Of course, volunteering for things » ond doing things are two different matters. Once you have © credit for volunteering for a project, i's best to [get 98 far away’ as possible from the project before the ‘wor kieks in, The best way to do that is to volunteer for another project oz Working in the post room isnot generally acanor aioe a for most people. Yot with the epidemic of email most people spend half their Working lives slaving away in their own personal compuiter post room. Most emails are » biodegtedable, however Ifyou lot them sink to the bottom of the pile and go unanswered they willeventually becorie 9s inveiovant ‘To some peopl, doing this might som ll just abou! tho most daving and suicidal thing you could possibly do in ar office but, if something really matters, 2s the person whe sane it will Ovantually call you to ask yo about it 2 ‘The difference between o boss and a high stot bank i that a bank sometimes gives you eredit for things, Bosses »» give vou things fo do ane then blame you for doing them: What they never uncersiand is that ifthey didn't give you 9 things to do in the frst place, you wouldn't make so many: spectacular foulups. Neturaly there are good bosses ancl ‘bad bosses, Some take the trouble to got interested in what you ate doing, encourage your personal development and generally provide you with « stimulating and challenging, tnyironment in which to work, There are alsa good bosses ‘wo lock themselves in thet rooms, hove five hourlunches| ang leave you completely alene a al cs [A oe Since the calapse of communism, diasdown FAdays ws have done more than anything else to impair the smocth uring of capitalism. Business suits are for doing business in. If you are wearing a welder’s helmet people expect rivets if you are wearing a suit people expeet business: But {you are wearing shorts and sandals, people expeet yout boon your Way to San Francisco with Rowers: On the otter hand, never look too Businesstike. This marks {you ou! assameone who works in organized crime or so undettaker, if rot both: 5 ‘An appiaisallh whaeyou havean exchange af opinion with ‘your bos. It’s ealled an oxcange of opinion hucavse you go {in with your opinioneard leave with theie opinion, When you have hada bad! year, the best approach is a balance between ringing apology and gravellingsycaphaney, scmeehing ike: ‘My eespect for yon isso intense that itsometimes distracted ime, thetchy causing the continua) sting of major cosi-ups that havebeen the main featureof my performance this year” Inierestinply, giving appraisals fs actually as hatd as getting them, The soerut is to mis eriticism with recognition, For ‘example: ‘You've made a number of mistakes Mactin, but we recognize you made them because you area total lol” 6 o —— ee Reports ave the office equivalent of cones in the mad, They. fare not actually work thomelves, but they are a big, dear sign that ceal work might be done at some stage: In the Ieantime, they slow everything down and cause anger ‘and annovance all rund. The quickest and easiest way to \writea partis to change th namesin the last report When {you do this, bo aware that there will always be one nama that escapes your changes and that will bein the sentence, "We are committed to personal service to.” The other thing people always forget fo chage ia reports are the healers tne footers which you only notice are completely snus in the hiton the way io your presentation. 7 If you put all the countey’s chief executives in ena room, all they would produce would be « range of jamuny’ share Options for themselves and. some meaningless corporate ‘afc forthe City, Give thom one good PA ane! they might {gel some useful work done. Thav’s why i's very dificult for PAS to necame managers. IV not hat PAS couldnt do, ‘management jobs, its becouse management coulda’ do ‘management jobs without PAS Remember that for nvery senior exacutive on the golf cours, theres a PA running the [business book in the offies 8 es You would Ihink that lazy people would form ab inert mass 2¢ the bottom of sn organization. On the contrary they are found at all levels st businose, right up to chalrpercon. Tho reason for this is simple: when scanething goes wean ta business i's generally because someone somewhere has tied to de something. Obviowsly, If you don’t do anything, you can’: be blamed when it goes wrong. People who sit All day like a lemon, busily straightening. paperelips, are therefore the only people with a 100% record of success, and ‘with thatsortof recon, promotion is inevitable Die Haif of evecy warking day is spent im meatings, hall of ‘which are not worth baving, and of those that are, half the time is wasted. Which means that nearly one thre of office life spent in small rooms with people you don't like, doing, things thet don’t matier. The only reason people have 59 ‘many moetings is thar they ara the one time you can get away ftom your work, your phone and your customer People say that the secret of a good meeting is preparation But if people really prapared ‘or mastings, the Base thing, they would realize is that most are unnecessary. In fect tightly 1un meeting Is one of the most frightening things in ‘offic fife: These are meotings for which you have fe prepare, Inwhich you have co work and after which you have to take ‘action, Fortunately, these ruolings areas rare as a sense of ‘Hay abancion inthe finanes department Getting ahead in business means getting noticed n TSson nd qualities WART objectives Behavioural competencies IE You work for Global sounds, a tour management organization, arranging tours and concerts for musicians from around the world. What challenges and obstacles does this present you with? What skis are key in your job? Bl Behavioural competencies are observable skills and qualities required for effective performance in ajob. Lock at Global Sounds’ list of behavioural competencies and put them into the correct column anelyticel thinking client focus decision-making effective communication flexibility holding people accountable innovation intercultural competence leadershio ‘managing change networking results orientation self-awareness. self-develonment time management Teamworking Managing and Customer service Problensolving developing yourself El Use the correct form of the words in the box to complete the definitions of five behavioural competencies below. analyse apply communicate expect prioritize © to bring disciplined s to make effective decisions 1 being {to data and situations, o see cause and cffeet and to use th the ability fo use the appropriate channel, means and style of __ with tact in a variety of situations 3. the willingness and ability to give to customers, delivering high «their needs ease (0 a variety of situations: itis also about not being ‘quality services which 4 the ability to adapt wit disconcerted by the 5 the ability to find opporlunilies io develop your skills and attributes through sel training, practical andor support from others Now match each definition with a competency from Exercise 2 ostute appraisal with his manager. Which of the behavioural competencies from Exercise 2 do Le they discuss? El D 107 Now tisten again, What examples does Tony give to support his points? Setting goals [Gl Read the text below. Choose one word from each box to make a suitable collocation to fill in the spaces. ees | ‘appraisal guidelines insight objectives record targets ‘This section aims to provide you with (1) In setting objectives. + Remember aso that 2 4) of yur goals means you'l have a document to ‘Fist, be sure to make sure you set (2)—___This means being precise in serms oF bmne and quantity, and wil ultately hsp you to achieve your goals. ts ako ‘advsable to set short- and long-term objectives: ‘Concentrating only on the final outcome ques minimal chance far reviewing the stages you reach on the way. ‘= Secondly, make sure you set(3)__ You must know you'll be able to behieve them faing cverambiticus won't help, and won't help ‘your confidence in achieving them. Make sure you have all the support you'll need, in terms of Tefer to requlaly, Bort just heep your pls in your head + Don't forget that having a clearplan of your objectives gives you (5). into your priorities andl aspirations = or yoursel, or others, With thisn mind, your {6) —__ should be a meeting you can look forward to, ani use 9s an opportunity to set more excting and challenging goas tora bright futue! oti, people and resources Vocabulary eA a J Road this extract taken from the end of the conversation between Jill and Tony. Complete it with the given word in the correct form. Wel, [think overall you've had a pretty (1) (eceoed) year with a number of major (2) (achlove) In particular, your (3) |_—__ (perceive) ‘of how your avn toam of staffare doing is very astute 'm ‘pleased about that, as good (4) (evaluate) shulls are important in managing depertnent, Howoven, whan things go wrong, ry nat 0 33 3) (defend), Lunderstand is dificult, tas you've een, your colleagues have bean 50 (6) ‘roxponet) that 1 sion think you need worry. Irs much better to be upton, ‘ond work together to pul things right. ‘Outor the road you experienced 2 few problemsin relation to the behaviour of the musiceus onthe Bossa: tour. We dceused the importanes of communicating o. (effective) and making it clear that any costs ‘ncucre from damage to hotel rooms or fctes will not the met by Gil Sounds This should avokd a rerun of he {Infamous swing pool incident! Skandantsef behaviour ‘vary actos the world and'you may want tothinkaout foovsing itereitra communication inthe coming ‘months, especially given the four ofthe Far Eaat you're pein tebe working on with the American youth orchestra We've also talked about setting targets, and | think what's: ey for you ater han be) (comm), to he more precise about what you want th acblevesand by: ‘when, cn to set mene [ED Look at some of the objectives from Tony's job plan. For each objective, underline the SMART aspects, indicating which criterion it relates to. (Reminder: SMART’ = Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) + To finalize 40% of promotional plans for artist publicity eight weeks before any ene planned tour dote besins a jo involve junior statin at last 80% of arrangements. bts) “To ensure publicity exposure covers at least three different channels (print, radio, the Ser tor the Web, mai, ete). Keynorts behavioural + To update budgets by the end of each quarter competed: an ise —— fr out aha athe —~ —— ~ OSES, Ell Make alist of throe short, three medium- and three long-term objectives. Make sure they TOROS ae SMART. Read and compare your lists in small groups and give feedback to each other on ro how realistic or idealistic these goals could be. Be prepared to outline, dafend or change a jour decisionet ibickeanin | 12% 1 Personal development passive and active voice Enalish has just wo tenses present and past, ples two aspects ~ perfect and ‘continuous: Aspe how se see things the perlet aspect deserter complete actions, They have bulle 2 neu rseareh centre presen perfect) and the eontinuncs aspect lsterbes actions in progress, They hove een buleing @ new ‘osearth contre for the last three yeas (oresent perfect continuots) There are sight porsble tensefespect combinations, she of ‘yh we can put into the siasive oles. About ‘90% oF verbs used in English arein sinole forms le neither perfect oreantinuous, blew your reputation Peter Principle 1.3Grammar Tense, aspect and voice Review of aspect EI With a partner, brainstorm as many different verb forms as you can. Organize the {forms in a logical way, for example, past forms, future forms, active and passive, ete. [EW Check your list of possible verb forms from against the Did you know? box in ‘the margi El Read the conversation between two colleagues and underline the most suitable verb forms. With a partner, discuss the reasons for your choices. What different meanings ars ‘expressed by the other choices? Ed: So, what (1) hane you bees up to / are you up to since | last (2) sew have seen you? Jon: Oh, (3) hasi't anyone been telling you / hastt anyone told you? 1 (4) decided / hewe decided to go for promotion. You know, for the new Area Manager job. Ba: Great! What exactly (5) zoould you be doing / mould you ane been doing in the new job? Jon: Well, you need to be quite flexible as there's a lot of travel involved - in fact, the responsibilities (6) cover / have covered six different couriri Ed: That'll suit you down to the ground ~ you (7) have always got / alzays got out and about alot | seem to remember By the way, you know Jacob (8) is going / has been going for it as well? Jon: No, but I’m not threatened ~ he (9) blew / has blown his reputation for competence over that lost docurnents episode OK, but what (10) have you dowe / have you beert doing to make sure you actually get the job? Jon: Well, by the end of the week I (L1) ill have worker out / will be workeing out interview strategy and there's no question they can ask me I can't answer, Bd: (12) Aren't you being / Aren't you a bit overconfident, or should that be arrogant? Jon: Welll see, Drinks are on me if I get it Ed: Deal KK D 1:08 Listen and check your answers. Speaking IG] Intorview your partnor about their career, education and training path over the last few years. What have they been doing and what have they achiaved? What will they be doing in the near future? ’ research ‘Sesceh for the Kaywotes Petz rincinfe to find out about why high achieving feeble sometimes tol Gramuaticaly aa certain fsint in thoi carvers. ‘Dp yous earee with this heer? —_—— Using the passive [Ei Complete the pairs of sentences below with a) an activa and b) a passive verb form. Decide how the choice of the active or passive voice affects the meaning and emphasis of ‘the sentence 1. target (present continuous) a) We the training initiative at those employees who need it the most by) The training initiative is at those employees who need it the most, 2 make (past perivet) 8) The Chairman of the board admitted that ‘mistakes. _? b) The Chairman of the board admitted that they _______mistalses’, 3. eover (present simple) a) The course all the areas of confidence building, fostering team spirit and sel-awarencss. ») All the areas of confidenee building, fostering team spirit and self-awareness hy the course. 4 bring under control (present perfect) a) The government massive arrival of illegal immigrants particularly the influx of refugees fleeing civil war in neighbouring countries at the end of the decade, b) The massive arrival of illegal immigcants, particularly the influx of refugees fleeing civil war neighbouring countries at the end of the decade, 5 transform (past perfect) a) From a backward agricultural society, by 1970, the people __ the country into a powerful industial state. ) Hom a backward agricultural society, by 1970, the country ___ into a powerful industrial state 6 rate (present periect) a) People _ this product highly since it was released. b) This product highly since it was released. [Gl Work with a partner. Is the active or the passive voice the most appropriate for each of the pats of sentences? Use the list of reasons below to help you. + We want to avoid mentioning who did the action so the passive is appropriate + The passive is appropriate because itis unimportant, or unnecessary, to say who did the aetion, + The subject of the sentence is exiremely long, so the active sounds better because ii puts the Jong material at the end, + There is no reason to use the passive, so the aetive is better. Tense, aspect and voice ‘Work in small groups. Play noughts and crosses. Draw a grid and number the spaces a3 shown. The first team chooses either noughts or crosses and then picks a number and a topic ‘from the box. If they can make a correct sentence about the topic using the corresponding ‘tense and aspect (either active or passive) they win the square and fill it with either a nought ‘ora cross. The winning team are the first to gat a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of noughts or crosses. how 1ye been developing my cereer how communication has changed | the most influential business people of our time the quelities of the best leaders | howto make @ good imprassion ‘Square 1 present tense, simple ‘Square 2 present tense, perfect {ala ‘Square 3 present tense, continuous Square 4 present tense, perfect continuous Squiate 3 past tense, simple 4 s|s6 Square 6 past tense, perfect Square 7 past tense, continuous Square 8 past tense, perfect continuous active orpassve | 7 | 3 | ‘Square 9 any tense or aspect, passive voice eg. 2 communteaiton ‘The way colleagues in the same office communicate with each other has been changed by technology: They send each other emails instead of talking, & 1 Personal development 7 ae jion > roleplay: play the Truth eee one IKI How do you know what other people think of you and your behaviour? In small ‘groups, make a list of all the possible ways you can find out. Which kinds of feedback do you feel are most reliable, most sensitive, and most difficult to obtain? Ei Divide into patrs. Working individually, first choose five oF six adjectives from the list belaw which you feel describe you and how others might perceive your behaviour at ‘work. Then, still inlvidually, choose five or six adjectives which describe your partner. able dependable intelligent patient accepting dignified introverted powerful adaptable energetic kind proud bold extroverted knowledgeable quiet brave flendly legical reflective calm siving loving relaxed caring happy mature feligious cheertul helpful modest responive clever idealistic nervous searching complex Independent obsorvant self-assertive confident. ingenious organized self-conscious. [Ell With your partner, compare your lists. Write the adjectives into the quadrants below. as follows. 1 An the top left quadrant, write any adjectives thal both you and your partner chose to describe you 2. Inthe bottom Jeft quadrant, write any adjectives thai you chose to describe yourself but that your partner did not choose. 3 Inthe top right quadrant, write any adje that you dic! not choose + that your partner chose to describe you but Johari window known to Not known to ay Known to ® = Not known t0 @) Listening EID 110» Listen to @ presentation of the Johari window and complete the labels 1-8 tn the chart above. Discussion aa {wieh your paren how wl yu share desc you Facade Johari window "| think of myself as someone who... [hadn't thought of myself like that. ae | (de) tnd to «s,s, pomagsiamna it. Veonsder melt. Unknown \'mrather a(n) .. kind of perscn. Do you think so? I'm really hopeless at. [GB The Johari window also offers insights into personality and communication skills by comparing the relative size of each quadrant, Discuss how managers with the Johari belovr might be peresived. Which type of manager would you prefer to work with? e @ e ° Listening for gist D 1:10-7:14 The Truth game is designed to encourage sharing and feedback in order to ‘enlarge the Arena and reduce the other areas. Listen to two people playing the game; which questions are they talking about? EDD 10-5214 Listen again and put the words in these phrases in the correct order, aa go have [Shall this? confess have | that © a Bdadict like one take this to Would you ar fabout it 've much never really that thought. haven't idea slightest thet __ SS ES have bonost Fé I'm myself, sy to totally with. don't iT mind on one, pass this you Joave Lot's one, shall that we? a clue got honesty haventt | 10 11M Ifme, pushed really say suppose you .. [Bl Find two expressions in Exercise 8 which are used for: a) taking «wn 4) saying you don't know b) talking about one’s weaknesses ©) not answering a question. 6) saying you have no strong opinion Truth game Work with a partner and play the Truth game. Start with different colour questions from the group next to you. Go round the board clockwise until you have discussed all the questions, then answer the question in the middle. Ask supplementary questions to,help your partner develop their answers. , Repeat the process in Exercises 2 and 3 to draw a second Johar, Have your window changed after playing the Truth game? A 1 Personal development > structuring a biography > participle clauses vuiting 2 professional bio een berg ‘Search forthe keyororde sample professional bo ‘formore madelsend ‘ipso erifca nt all tieadvlce you wil find ishelptult eng 9A professi fetes Discussion Il Which of the items a)-n) below would you Include in a protessional bio for the following publications? 1 abid document 2 conference programme 3 your company website 2) apholo ©) hobbies #) academic qualifications +b) marital status and family @) professional achievements h) positions held and dates ©) address and phone number) professional objectives Model Read Erica. ter's bio and number the paragraph headings in the order they appear. Cbeckground Clother Cleurrent position C]zecent achievements ERICA WINTER & recognized expert with more than 18 yaars of successful experience in HR, Ere has 2 proven ability te identi end develop management talent, She heads up Elbo, Bone & Winter's exocutive seare tear, fling sirategie postions tor indus hents ‘and government depertents. Having earned her Mastor's in Management fron the London Schoo! of Economics, Enea fist went to work in the cerindustry, qicsy earning a reputation fer boosting productaty while maintaining quay. Sho thon movad into MR, sieediy | making the ranciten fron chop floor managornant to global responsibilty for managing 4.800 poopie Fria is most flied when haiping people to maximize tr potential and hayine championed numerous personel devetooment instves nthe car ndusty, 2010 she coounded BEW, an executive search fr that specializes in pacement of ‘oxocutives To dato, sho hae successfully completed hundreds of euecesaful oerches. Leveraging her professionel network isha ig an activa merbar ef the Chartered Instituto of Personnel ans Devatopment, Etiea a¢0 chars ‘Work 0a wrote an association that lobbies the cx industy t employ more clssbieg people. She has ‘ede numerous TY appearances and is the autho: of 2 bast-seling Wook, Mow fo be ‘neaalranted. Erica lives London with hor husband, (wo chien and three cats. Analysis Which of the following recommendations aid Erica not fellow in the model bio above? IE iesly your tio shou be beeen 150 and 300 words tong nd Heer oe than cre pai TEI Use the hr person he she) sound mote profesional. HEI Menton organizations, asocstions or cubs you belong to, an rubleatens FEI Aldi your cetbily by meilons meta arpeara TEI nce you conict detalsm fou fe areca ‘add 2 human rouch that peapie wil remernber you for, such as mentioning your famiy He, hobbies, le Language focus El Adverbial participle clauses provide more information about the verb or the main idea in a santence, They can use present or past participles, and come before or after the main idea: She heads up Black, Bone & Winter's executio industria clients and goverment departenonts Hlaving earned her Masier’ in Manegemen: from the London Schoo! of Beonomics, Bric fist went t0 work i the car indusiry Find and underline six more examples in the model bio. search team, filling strategie positions for Ell Rewrite these extracts from biographies using participle causes. L_ Jack works at Bell Labs, where he manages ¢ mobile communications resea 2. Because he didn’t know what else to do, Bobby started pleying in a piano bar 3 Swainne served her apprenticeship with the legendary Pau! Bocuse, thent opened her ‘own restaurant 4. Marie didn't wish to spend all her Iife in the fan world tou: 5 Jochen took up teaching because he failed to qualify as a lawyer 6 Fran got the idea for the new product while she was a research scientist in the chemicals industry 7 Because he met alot of doctors in his previous job, Frederick realized there was a gap in the market 8 Once Henry's new bu! ly business, so she undertook a rounid-the- noes had been launched, it wrew fas. Output [Gl Using the notes below write a bio for Ned Fordyce, a leading economics analyst. Make sure {you use some participle clauses in your writing and add at least three idoas of your own. ‘Ned Foruyce — leading econemice aralyet.— ImditorimChef at the Financial elegraph — market information for brokers. investors Masters from |B Farle journalist with tufingsan Pact then governmnantfnanciad anayst | sored urdor govormnen romlettand rahi, but wanted to rebum to journalism ~ posts with sovoral fnancialjumals - 201 appointed bid Eat The nancial flearph ~ increased Boe b aunardied MBE for oervices Be, sirculation by 26% ~ awarded MBE for services leverage tojaurnaliemin 2012 | ey {advise eeveral charities —regular appearances 9 commentator on TV and racio news ~ keen vallor ~ several transatlantic crossings ~ homes in New York and London = nfordyced@lin elegraph.coxuk Id write your own bio. You can either write your current profile or imagine yourself ten years in the future. 1) Personal development DMN 1.6 Case study The glass c professional image development Discussion [El In smait groups, discuss your reactions to these statements from a survey on equal opportunities. Women ete minorities and gay people ame wot nothing to Complain about. 1s the disabled coho are really hard done by NIA FIGUERON, SOCIAL WorKER ‘There's no dering that in some industries, iS a mian’s world ~ its 4 fact of life, alveays ‘has been, altcays till be, CARLOS ALEGRIA, TRADE UNION: ‘The glass celling is as inuch a reality today as ti exer was in the past, and most mre ‘waht 10 See it Stay thet tay! CAPALINIA VALLE, FEMINIST Business #8 a jungle; only the fittest survive and make te to the top. Butas a {Glossary races | sharcholdes, why would you want it any other way? RAUL SOTO, COMPANY DIRECTOR comfort zone seus advocate Reading les cling El Work with e partner. Gemma Alvarez Garcia works for SEVS, the Spanish subsidiary hheadnunt ‘of a US-based high tech glass manufacturer. Read the extract from her personnel file, and ansmeer the questions. Tintenver.. unaibeeenesneeens : 7 = CGarnma cantinues to 60 @ valble and dependable member of her team. Her efficiency is widely appredatec: she is ‘going, has strong communication skls and is kaon to take intstive. She has performed well n het cure oso, with the exception a the tendency ta everreach her authority and to favour uncenwentiona mathod, which vas iscussed last year GGeinrna makes no sete of her ambitious career objectives: she i intensely dsappcinie that her application for the postion of Marketing Manager was unsuccessul Ths Very publ expresad frustration unerines a certain ack cf maturity. Sho remains detormined to move into management, despite the difiultes of receneiing the care oF her iouryearold daughter wth an newiebly heavy tae schedule. She does not appear to reatze that SEVS has ever employed a woman asa Mareeting Manager; hows, sha agraoe that sho faks 3 formal marketing and management background, and we discussed the peasy of her follwing an MBA course to enhance her perscil evelogrment prospec 1 What sre Gemma’s strengths and weaknesses in her current job? 2° What reasons are given for not promoting her to Marketing Manager? 3. How objective is sive about her suitability for the position? 4) ‘Transfer these key points to Gemma's Johari window© opposite. fen eetl ay ech for the Keywords “unvdrthe lass ceing. Fapor back to tho cass “or key satis, the fasees ny woren, ‘leo naranioy ‘8 opportunities in lbsiness, and what can ‘bs done tolimprove the stuniion ed Johari window Gemma Gemma doesn't knows know others know others don't know Listening [EID 1:15 Work with a partner. Listen to a conversation between Gemma’s manager Ste ‘and Ruben, the HR Manager at SEVS, and note the key points they make about Gemma. Decide what information to add to the Johari window. Reading [i] Read Gemma's email to her mother. Decide what information to add to the Johari window, INBOX REPLY. | FORWARO 2. Bi) 0 as you can imagine | was extremely disappointed. I's obviously because | don't have the marketing sks, but 7 starting to have doubts about vihether I'm goad enough to do the MBA. Jus imagine if felled the course ~ el look really dumb! Ihave a reputation in the ‘company for bcing ambitious, and I suppose | am, but not as much as they think. by career is 4 important to me, but sometimes I worker whether all the stress is realy worth it's making ime very tense and irritable at the moment. Managing my job and locking after Xabi and Nina ishard enough, without heving to study on weekends and in the evenings as well. You know Frm not the mat organized person in the world, although I try not to let ft show at work! Xabi keeps saying he wents me to work pert-time andl spend more time with Nina ~'d have to leave SEVS thou, they don’ let people work part-time, 501 could say goodbye to geting into management. Talking of which, what | haven't tok’ anyone yet is that I've been headhuntedt | They offering mea ob urth a mca bigger company wrth really oreat promotion prospects — the only thing is, isin Smeden! Xebi would hate leaving Spain, s0 | don't know what to think. Ie shame Chicago ie s0 far ay, fd really ke to sit dovn and talk this through with you and Pop, Discus: [Ei With a partner, make a list of Gemma’s options, then discuss the pros and cons of ‘each strategy. itening [Gl D 16 Listen to a conversation between Gomma and hor husband Xabi and answer the questions. 1 What points in Gemma’s Johari window does this conversation confirm? 2 What ean be added to the Johari window? 3. What can be added to the list of Gemma’s options? Discussion EA In small groups, hold a meating to d Roport back to the class on your conclustons. ‘Student A turn (o page 1M Student D turn to page 118. ‘Student B tum to page 116 Student E turn to page 119. Student C turn (0 page 115. je what advice you would give Gemma. 2 Corporate image a eum e iurys Discussion Work with a partner. What do you knaw about McDonald's", the global fast food chain? How would you describe its corporate image? Complete as much of the Information below as you can. Company founded in (placeldate) Company founded by lo Mascot Productsimenu Appearance of restaurants Cora market Image of the company Reading for gist [Bi ead the text about the McDonald's corporate makeover, 1 Add any missing information you ean to your table in Exercise 1 above. 2 Why was the company in trouble at the end of the 1990s? Summarize the reasons in 3. In what ways has McDonald's recently changed the following? + the way the restaurants look the m the corporate values Reading for detail (EERE | EP bse cores to wart out he meanings fhe olowing expressions rom te ten 1 gildon drches (ino 14) “ess is more’ treaiment (ine 82) becktorasis 2 dead-end Mefob ine $5) 6 compoato seam (ies 87-88) friteoFisisbours 3. BSP scare line 35) 7 inyour face (line 114) ‘green an the inside 4 PR pratfails (line 45) 8 ‘Starbucksy' image \line 138) Green onthe outside Sreenwvesh Who or what are in your face 1 Ame Jacobsert {line 5) 4 Watford FC (ine 90) ibel 2 Hemel (tine 12) 5 Steve Easterbrook (line 92) 3. Prince (ine 46) 6 Jamie Oliver ine 138) sy [Ed Read the text again, How would you describe the attitude or stance of the writer EERE |S sect maior whys Hee pero docs nth xt fo suppor search for the keyaords hose ieceseges Listening and discussion businesses use to Bd enhance their mage lst ofthe best jes an compare vit pater oe isten to the continuation of the article and answer the questions below. 1 Why could it be dificult for MeDonald’s to maintain ils commitment to a greenier way of operating? What challenges might it face? Je the altitudes of MeDonald’s customers changed with regard to fast (ood? What ee §— is responsible for this change? THE McMAKEOVER AMHAKI GREEN eaf6 restaurant has quot rae ad in Heme) Hempstead, Under Lan igh. withthe indi eck playing inthateckground, 0 lunching doctor sits on 2 cu chai modelled on Ame Jacobson’ rials lage, He could have chosen niet Aliance-cartifed freshly ground fe, with Bish organic mil or free ange agp, delvorad by 2 lorry poworad by biodiesel ve (1m eoyeed cooking ol and'3 bag of carat sts or tvesh fui, [He couldnt ave hac a salod because Herel has sold out.) But he has rmpod Jor FleLa-Fbh, fries and a fz eink ie ts golden arches, ard under ou very yes. MoDonalds bas been tansfosning itso ‘hod taday announces tho fruits ofits labours Fania! reuls for 2012 that ore eoected to ieexcollaat acute the globe are, in Brita, ‘aviv The US-besed chain is rom selling pire burgrs than a any timo sin it arved in Biter 38 years ago, Sales are growing almost ‘as quckly 2 nthe 80s Koon, and this year wl hep une $a expansion around the globe, apy ard profits signal a romakable pack, AN he nd of the 8s, he npn ~ Souder whe Fay Koc teamed wrth Diek and Maz MeDonal te opon ‘Ho Das Plaines ramaurant in 1355—was in tinue Felling the Mal ibel case, in which tv eirormental activists were sued by the ivan in the end] wan, its golden thos had toeomo emblemati of alt Bat was foten in capitals, aneesity xsi inthe wesern work loomed lara; there was dissin + fv th dead-end Medob; and Gritawys BSE scare ‘aurea en arm of vogetarans. From 1899, ama UX sales staged at tb, In 2006, sed by aimost wots, rom nfo £25 9m ts rosturanissoomod cts dining band of customers ponte entarrassed tobe there. McDonald's vas dvi Tho yoar ater it ishard to sue what, nthe ale wor, 0 alieny of potential PR pratflls. "Fast food hy asthe son”, Prince says ould be banned’, Mcdonae's pracy” to char fn’ ae jst vee Then there ae the stores about a kite sastaner ited at a MeXonelds jn Tttenham, {25 paving fnes for ftk who don’ tnsh thet through meals within 46 minus, arc jp ainost as Monat ews from the US that MeDoaal's was offering Hapoy Meal coupons on sean port cars ss ile Scientists jure that preschool children proferrd th tata of food in Medonalds packaging t identical, unbranded meats But thaxe was also an unobirusive crip of positive stories. Last year itwas reported that MeDonelds now only sold sustainably farmed coffee cenitiod by the intarational ‘awirnumentalchaiy Rainforest Aliance it Jounched ire, unlimited Wi in hurcreds of its restaurants, itis turning its cocking ol into «biodiesel n power is feet of 155 om ies is voluntary sing what i pays for beet and otk by 5% ebove the market rate to help Bish farmers; and it only sel's organic Britis rm (ecourting for 5% of al supplies bought ‘min Bia “Then there are the new MeDonales replacing tha old. Gone ara tha garsh ed signs, the trp lighting, the tacky plastic sets ere sinister clowning Ronald. An appealing dark areen log + cabin syle buléing has popped up as 2 dive ‘tvough in Enfats business park From Ekham High Steet in souty east Loncion to Camberley in Surrey ae sleek green MeDonai', ol! colourful eto mecornsm ins. By tho end 1» of ast yor, 140 owls had been Yeinaged “This yaar, arothor 200 wl be given wat [MeDanais calls the "less is more’ treatment, ‘What is going on’ Has Mcdonald’ bocome 2 gieen-on-ta- outside, grest-onethe-nside sx modem restate, its record profits asian that ivhas won back our tut? Or ists apperent resnverticn ona of the leverost comarate scans of ou ime? ‘Ayoung eccountat fram Watford an father + of three, wia loves cricket, Watford FC and ‘quarter pounders with caso in rout that face) has some answers. Steve Easternk Lieceme Chie Executive of MeDorald’s UK in Apil 2006, Ho is wily erotod wit ‘their change in ‘ortunes and chutes at the sugyestion that Meals was he the Conservative partyin its desperation to rnoutralze the nogative porceptans clinging to lie name. “The business cd stall at 2 time won «othe society araund us was changing a fst asi has ever done,’ he says. We had bogun to look tied We hed rod altho signate that had been sent tous, hat to do busnass in 2007, 0 mare important in 2010 and 2020, you'va got eto ac na aiferent way; you've got ta be mate prochable Tradtorely, MeDonai's bosses heve been 2 ltoly to engage pubily with theircustomars 10 open thei supplies’ chicken sheds to 1 the worl. bul Easterbrook has dane both marching on to Newsnight o debate fost food and allowing ordinary customers to nspact the company’ supply chain. ‘We havent wanted ‘be too in your fece with the commurization tof it he says. "Hammering big corporate massagas ta poopie is boring, We've tad to have a move conversational tone... custome) dn’: want to be lectured oF sreaches at, but thoy ae interested” ‘ye Fasloroook says MeDonal's success is because ofboth is green moves anda back ‘e-basis focus on burgers. He argues thet the restaurant has atactod more customers by exerding its opening hours (o 6am in vos many places), imraving exe food (chisken beet ints chiken burgers en! nuggets, sssteing tor fitar fo feshly ground cotfoo and only using Rainforest Aliance-ceried beans ad British organic mil, “Aur are vo neve a burger business, But alsa wera ‘modern, comtorporaybusiross’ ho s9ys, ‘ane roimeging” the restaurants isthe most visite vay ie show customers that you ate “wit it Back in a look ‘eimagod’ McDonald's sve Chansaty Lane, contol London, young diners ‘a both ynieal and nero byte buryor ‘meals. Darren Galings, 20, is impressed by the em, ‘Starbucksy image, He end his irenes ave sancomed by Jamie Olver’ expass of vw batey chickens and vent MeDonak's 0 do more about its waste, but aro stil seduced by its corwonionea ~ and its burgers. “The whole ‘oneopt of Morel is burger, chips and (Coke That's wht tis he says, Noone s venting a soled althouah Alex Rebers, 17,0 student from Luton, reckons that MeDonakis has moved with the times with ts green initiatives, "They re chenging, but they ae ‘going to sel the stif that sas, like Bie Maes,” vo ho set stl mak you fat, ssn it its golden arches had become (Teale) (Taat ita) (-} alata Net Maret capitalism’ Serra 2 | Corporate image ceuserelated marketing community investment corporate philanthropy eco-efficiency Discussion IE Fill in the spaces in the quotations about corporate social responsibility (CSR) below ith one of the following nouns brand environment hypocrisy profits responsibility ‘The business of business should no: be about money, it sould be about i should be about public good, not private qreed. People are going to wart, and be able, to find out about the citizenship of alr) . Whether it is doing the © sya x0000, rooms oF e200" 508 ne fight tings seat, economcoly - = and enviroamentally. o mice CLASPeR,PRESIOEHT OF BUSME=5 DEVELOPMENT, SR has builtin incentives for Es roa ako GAN eo becausa when businesses face a contlick between making meney and social responsibilty, making money tends co peeval Theres one and ony ane seca responsi OF business ~ to use ts esourees and engage in © conor sotostxrmenevn anohemecrst acts designed to ncrasse ts i long ast stays within the rues ofthe game | © itsonneons concur Ethics is the new come ‘ive | © caine, ctor vouman termi cor Compare your ideas with a partner before checking your answers on page 120. Which ‘quotations are for CSR and which are against? To what extent do you agree mith each one? Listening EB Some of the mai jig companies undertake in order to demonstr listed below. What co you think each type involves? Try and complete the defi 1. Eco-efficiency was a phrase coined by the Business Couneil for Sustainable Development to deseribe the need for companies to 2. Corporate philanthropy ~ donating to charities is a simple and repatation-enhancing way for a company to 3) Cause-elated marketing sa partnership between a company and charity where the charity’ Logo is used in ‘The charity gains money and profile and the company benelits by associating itself Sponsoring awards — through award schemes, companies position themselves Codes of conduct - corporate codes af conduct are explicit statements of Community investment ~ mizny companies develop community projeeis in the vicinity oftheir sites, to .. CSR are 4 5 6 2D 1yje-122 Listen and complate the dofinitions according to the speakers. How different are they from your on definitions? [Bl Which specific CSR initiatives by large companies does the speaker mention? List the company names next to the fields of activity 1-6 above, Make notes of any additional information given about each initiative. Reading (G5 Road tho oxtract from an article bolow about tho nagative aspects of CSR and match each wword/phrase in bold in the text with its definition | IE CSR is imposed from above, | legal requirements; fer deliver on cS R: then we mun the rsh of reing | their promises IS clear thet thay iis role metely 10 @ tokenistie PR | now need (o weve to iniplententing ‘xerci, CSR initiatives cun simply | genuine CSR programmes. Ex pos in Qe atom dle Fey ne eee ‘companies the chance to sidestep counities with lower labour costs, their responsibilities of dealing for example, may be cconomically e Tra with social and environmental sound, Dut i it ethical? we have en ch Tor he kee ‘sE6g001 comm or [Dowiones or BHC ‘aint the ton CSR “eumpaniesin tne Us, ‘eS or your count “Sven for esk policy re fnd out what ober Lonipaniesare dol issues. Many organizations pay lip to learn how to expose the fraud service to CSR but only to meet of CSR. ae 1 fun the risk a) (to avoid something difficult or unpleasant 2. smokescreen b). something you do or say as a way of hiding your real feelings, 3 sidestep intentions or activities 4 pay lip service ¢) {o reveal something that is usually hidden and that is not what 5 tokenistie people claim it is © expose the fraud 4) doing something in order to make people believe that you are boing fair, although this is not really true ©) (o be in a situation where something bad could happen f) when someone complies with a certain obligation ar expectation but to the minimum possible extent ‘What examples of smokescreens, paying lip service and tokenistic PR exercises can you think of? Discussion and presentation Work in groups. Prepare a presentation on one of the CSR initiatives of the big multinational companies mentioned in Exercise 3 to give to the class. 1 Byaluate the efféctivencss of the initistives as you understand them. Do you think they are priortizing effective delegation | TER EGE ans roleplay: practise dolegating and feedback brainstorm, delegate Paired Comparison Analys's pens beeirerge Search for the keynrds Paired Comparison Aralpis to leatn howe touse this cision: mating teolt6 estabish priertos WEDINES DAY | [ THURSDAT FRIDAY ine ‘ussion Gil Work with a partner. Tell the story in the cartoon. What points are made about managing the working week? IEA Research shows that our moods end aptitudes follow a pattern each week. Which days of the week do you imagine are best for doing the following? + asking for a tise + brainstorming + getting important jobs done : goals holding meetings doing sport Finding # new job making redundancies El work witha partner. Student A, read about Monday, Tuesday and Wednosday on page 194, Student B, read about Thursday, Friday and the weekend and holidays on page 196 ‘Share wiat you have learned, and compare it with the eas you discussed in Exercise 2 Give examples from your own experience which support or contradict what you have rea Prioritizing and delegating EB Urrite a ‘to do’ list of at least eight tasks that you could do in the next week. Decide which items on your ist are urgent anid important (A), urgent but not important (B), important but not urgent (C) or not important and not urgent (D), (Urgent = tasks which have to be done as soon as possible, Imporiant = tasks which lead to achieving an important objective.) Important Not important Urgent a 8 Noturgent __¢ 2 [El] Use the Paired Comparison Analysis from Internet research to prioritize the urgent and important (A) tasks on your ‘to do' list. Discussion Work witha partner Discus your to do’ lt. Think about the questions below. 1 Which tems would you be reluctant o delegate? 2 Which items could you delegate to @ trusted friend or team member”? 3 Which items could you delegate to an inexperienced team member? 4 Are there items you could afford to ignore? 5 6 What are the advantages of delegation for managers and their teams? Brainstorm a list. What are the reasons why many people are reluctant to delegate? Brainstorm a list Listening [EBD 1 20-1:28 Read the guidelines for effective delegation, and then listen to five extracts from a meeting. ‘Margarita is delegating a cost-cutting project to Robin, a member of her (ean Match each extract with steps 3-7 in effective delegation. even steps to effective delegation © Define tho tack and chock itis SMART (Speoifo, Messurable, Achiovsble, Realistic, Trmobound) © dontity the persan who can do the jab. ‘Explain the ‘easons why you are celegating the task to them. (_) results you expect. [_] is ll da the Jab, aod what rasbkmees are Rended. L] 188, review dates and feeaback stratedies. [] IE} D 1:26-1:28 Listen again and complete the sentences. LT like you ___ ways of reducing our travel costs. 2 Is that something youll be ? 3. Think: about how much time you'll necd, and what you decide. 4 Leuggest you _ a every Iwo weeks oF 86, OK? 3 Til Kim you're the project. 6 Ie appreciate it iFyou could confidential 7 thought ti Estelle some of your paperwork does that 2 8 Asa first step, could you with proposals we can Human Resources? 9) If they're happy, you ean 10 Are you thal and new procedures. Bl Work with a partner. You are assi these questions. jing tasks to your team. Take turns asking and answ 1 What do you want me to do? 2 Why me? 5. How do I know if I've done it right? 4 Does anyone else know about this? Can. have someone to help me? When do you want it for? Flow much initiative can take? ‘What should [tell my colleagues? Roleplay TN in groups of three, cake turns as A, B and C to practise delegating, using the seven stops from Exercise 7 jucent A: Delegate one of the tasks from your ‘to do’ list in Exereise 4 to Student B, Student B: Be yourself and react naturally, Ask questions if necessary Student C: Monitor the conversation and sive feedback after the meeting. Point out offective delegating behaviour as well as giving constructive criticism, COSA’ Sima ee Cee 2 (9 @ newsletter Discussion iting a newsletter article | 1 Nowsletters are | 2) thiny cisguised propaganda | that fools nobody, ) oldashioned en ineffective, | avwaste of time, eneray, | paper and money. ©) acostatfectve way to bull relationships with customers, prospects, staff Corporate image 2 Nensletters should be published a) regularly, because their benefits are cumulative. b) tregularly, so as to provide an occasional pleasent surprise ©) over a. limited period, so as ‘ot to bore or annoy readers 3 [Ell vo the newsletter survey then compare and discuss your answers with a partner. Nensletters should contain a) real news about your | iganizatcn, your stalfor your products, ) attractive pictures, ©) entertaning material that makes readers gasp, dream or laugh, @) human interest or staketolders, @) acal to action, Models Bi Road three versions of the same short newsletter article below and choose the most appropriate headline for each. ‘YoU Love Trees We love Treas Everybody Loves Trees 1 Hemitton Hotels are proud to announce their new green intiatve, in association with the United Nations Enwronment Programme's Billon Tree Campaign. Guests can now choose whether to have frest towels each day orto reuse their towels, saving energy, water and reducing the use of detergents. For every five reused towels, Hamniton Hotels have undertaken to planta tree, which will help conserve fresh water, fic ard maintain soil, combat global warming and encourage biociversty. Guests at all 65 Hamiiton Hotes have been invited to take part in the Scheme since 1 January; over 3,000 trees have already been planted, | 2 On 1 Janay we proudly launched our new green intiative, part ofthe United Nations Envronmont Programme's Filion Tiee Campaign, Hasriton Hotel guests can now choose to reuse their towels and help Us Save enerey, water and reduce the use of deterwents. i return, we will plant a tree for every ive towels we don't need to fauder, By planting trees we aim to help conserve fresh water, fx and maintain soi, cornbat globel warming and ‘encourage biodiversity. We can nolp actieve the UNEP goal of planting a billon trees a yeer by ericouregi ‘our 2uests fo take part inthe scheme at all of our 65 hotels; to date, we have already planted 3,000 tees, i you've stayed at 2 Hernilion Hotel since 1 January, tren youl already have heard about a eat new way you cai ep eforest the planet We've teamed! dp withthe United Nations Environment Programme's Bifon Tree Campaign so that you can not ony save energy, water and reduce the use of detergent, but also pey your part n the campaign to planta bibon trees 2 year. ust hang your towel on the rail you're happy to use it again, and we promise to planta tree for you for avory five towels you reuse. Every te you make the ecotriendly choize. you'll be helping conserve: fresh wales, fix ard manta Soil, combat global warming and encourage bedversity. So come and stay at one of ur 65 hote's and help save the planet: you've alteady planted over 3,000 trees! 2 ailetter for so) lounching ane “sainilying your own male. In grouns, lee list of dosend o Analysis EE Read the three versions of the article again and answor the questions. Which version was intended for a) hotel staff b) guests c) other stakeholders? List the difference in style between the different vei What objective is each version trying to achtox Which perspective (J/ave, you or itey) is lisely t be most effective for the following. types of communication a) expressing values or beliofs b) encouraging readers to take action ‘¢) making promises d) expressing attitudes, emotions apologies? 5. Which perspective and style (ormaal, informal) arc likely to be most effective in high (e.g. Asia) or low (eg. USA) context cultures? 6 Inversion 5, which structures are used to contrast two sets of ideas and build @ persuasive argument? Language focus IE Personalize these sentences by rewriting them using the you or the we perspective 8s appropriate, 1. The latest product eatalogue is available on request Please ask us for our latest product catalogue, 2. A tree pair of prescription sunglasses with every pair of designer eyeglasses. 3. The open day is a unique opportunity to visit # State-ofthe-art production line that should not be missed, 4 Everything possibie is being done to ensure that all products are fully compliant in future, 5 Regretiabls, this offer is now closer; no further applications will be accepted 6 The Annual General Meeting is the opportunity for the Board to take shareholders’ questions. 7 Only top quality ingredients puaraniee the optimal fresh fruit juice consumer experience Rewrite the following pairs of sentences using the clues in brackets to combine ideas and build enthusiasm. Uso the you perspective. 1 Barly repistrations wil be given priority. More choices will be available too. (not only but also ..) if you register early, you will not only be given priority, but you'l also have more choice. 2. There are many regular visitors to our stores. They know there's alvvays a bargain to be found, {if then ..) 3 Weinvite readers 10 complete o online survey. One reader will win the latest tablet PC. Gust ovand..) 4 Signing in to Carbux cafés attracts regular rewards Each visit is worth ten loyalty points. (every time... you...) 5. We post daily updates on ‘Iwitter. Our special offers are not to he missed. (so that.) 6 Pollution is reduced by car-sharing. In addition, petro! budgets ure halved. (not only bout also.) 7. Project updates are released on a regular basis ‘We require a valid email address. (ust .. and.) Output [Gl Write a short article (150-300 words) for a newsletter about your English class, your institution or your organization. First, answer the following questions: Who is your audience? What news do you want to give? What do you want your readers to do? How will you address them? Given all of the above, what are the most appropriate style and tone to use? Exchange articles with a partner, Edit your partner's article for style and accuracy. Give each other feedback including encouragement wherever possible and constructive criticism where necassary, widersement fighting avoir of the month hit the ground running Intel faside I McCoy Discussion Think about the last time you bought an electronic device. How much did the factors below influence your choice? Number them in order of importance from 1 = essential to 7 = irrelevant. price quality and origin of components quality of aftersales service quality of advertising brand name and image design manufacturer's reputation for socal responsibility Explain your answers toa partner, Reading Gaillin Marks is the new Manager of Corporate Communications at Pixkel Inc., 8 California-based start-up which designs chipsets for digital cameras. Read her email and answer the questions below. Did 1 tell you I'm working for my uncle Bill's Firm? My jab is to bulld a new image for Pixkel Inc. and believe me, they sure need it Pinkel is growing like crazy, but ‘thoy're net really making any money; there are enormous delivery and cash flow problems, so you can imagine thay're not winning too many friends eithert Bilis an blectronics wizard, but he’s pretty much hand-off when it comes ta management: he spends all his time in the lab, so everybody's loing their own thing ~ talk about a ese! I can't expect much help from Bil, so I really need to hit the around running. Piske''s largely a virtual company; only the desigh and admin. teams actually work here in Palo Alto. Everyone else seems to be aut firefighting! | haven't even met most of the management team yet. Iset up a conf. call to get their views on the situation, and now i'm trying to work out a stratagy ~ but 'é really appreciate off someone | can trust. Any chance you could spare me some oF your valuable time? bouncing some ide What sort of image does Pixel have? What constraints is Caltlin working u What sort of help would she like? Listening EE D 1:29 Usten to Caitin’s conference call with the management team and note what is said about the issues below. 1 teamwork stafl turnover working environment recruitment reputation 6 competition brand-building 081 control 9 visibility 10 objectives [El D 12» Aftor the meeting, the attendees each summed up their position with the expressions below. Listen again. Who said what, and what did they mean? ‘We're not exactly flavour of the month, but brand building doesn't come cheap. -Evorybody’s always blaming someone else: it's like hercling cits, 3 ‘Tho produet’s the r just have to do their job” { "The bottom line is we just don’t know where were going. 5 es-a jungle out the heard of Pixel. | MeCoy ~ sales and marketing the end user has m Discussion (Ets small groups, categorize the issues facing Pixket and decide what Caitlin’s priorities should be. stening D 190-97 Listen to eight suggestions from the management teem for improving Pixkel's corporate JERRY WOD, SUPA CHAN mage. Make a note of the main points each member makes, Work with a partner. Discuss how relevant, desirable or realistic each suggestion is for Pixkel. Discussion [Eh Gatlin has called you in to help. In small groups, draw up an action plan for Pixkel Inc Presentation (©) Present your plan to the class, The rest of the class should ask questions as the Pixkel staff. Hold a vote for the best action plan. Shaveh far the keynotes BMA the hire vie! fan atch the moves DBiirusshewretfective thistyps of brand. buling i Review 1 ieBusiness20 33 El Motch the beginnings with the appropriate er ‘to make phrases and collocations related to getting on in the workplace, 1 «potential a) run 2 stooe well b) initiative 3 take ©) minefield get tho credit ) wattle 5 stimulating and challenging —¢)_forit 6 meaningless 8) from scratch 7 tightly g) clear of 5. leam everything h) environment Ed Fillin the spaces with the correct form of the verb brackets, paying attention to tense, aspect and voice. ‘Make sure you put any adverbs in the right place. One of ‘the verbs is in the infinitive form, Would everyone who loves meetings please stand up? Corporate meetings and brainstorming sessions are extremely popular among executives and managers, who a. (clearly conduct) them for a fong time. What is less clear @) (be) how useful they actually are. If people actually @) (prepare carefully) for ‘migolings, and if the purpose of each meeting (4) (chink through properly), there might be some benefit in having them. The reality, however, is very different: employees (5) (often ask) to attend time consuming, events that they (6) (not think about) ‘much beforehand, and which they (7) (come away) from with Tittle clear idea about what thelr purpose @) (be actually), (9) (keep) thean short, perhaps all meetings (10) (should hold) with everyone standing up! [Ei Match the behavioural competences 1-6 with their definitions a)-f) selfdevelopment [1 client orientation [] effective communication [) analysis O rxibility 6. innovation and entrepreneurship [1 a) the ability to use the appropriate channel, means and style of communication with tact in & variety of situations b) the ability to create something new (products or services) and to implement these in the markeiplace ©) the willingness and ability (o give priority to customers, delivering high-quality services which meet their needs 4) the ability to adapt with casc to a variety of situations; it is also about not being disconcerted by the unexpected ©) the ability to find opportunities to develop your skills and attributes through self-study, training, practical ‘application, and/or support from others being able to bring disciplined analytical thinking to date and situations, to see cause and elect and Lo use El complete the sentences using the correct forms of the given words, 1 analyst ‘We need someone to _our data. They't need finaneial experienee andl to be good at thinking —__ our current aren't detailed “enough for planning purposes Have we got that sort of person on our staff? 2 communicator We need somebody who is «naturelly person. They/l need to produce better internal __within our organization so that our message is conveyed more effectively. 3 innovator ‘We need somebody to think inorder to solve our existing problems. We don’t want the same old solutions -we need ___ ones This person will need to beable to independently and then roll then out in waves Ei Now put each word in the correct column below according to the number of syllables it has and its word stress pattern. One word has two possible stress patterns, [Gl Make adjectives from the verbs in the box below and put them into the correct column according to their ending. cheer confide deperd lize know observe power I reflect respond sense sympathize t able ive ul aie IEA Underline the word in each sentence below which does not collocate with the following noun. 1 believe this applicant is not suitable because of their rather iniraverted / irritable J frustrated / unconventional nature. 2. Idon' think we should hire that particular candidate ~ hhe doesnt have the right qualifications / competencies / reputation ( experience for the job. Review 2 CTE [Gl in cach group of five, match a beginning on the left with an ending on the right to make collocations about ‘managing a company’s image, 1m impressed ~ 4) activist through and shos made a quite through remarkable b) comeback ater being Wore entering a whole out ofthe picture for new phase of dwindling years 3 Provided they are «}_ scam from top to certified bottom, 4 HieSan environmental —d) organic they ean 5 T'm convinced they're all in it together ~ it's corporate a 6 With falling market share and stagnating Twould argue that its command & premium price resources, and we need to get used to it ) collapse —it's a case of cause and effect the new legislation ——_g) focus, or root ant thut brought about branch review? the profits ‘h) job if ever there was one, 8 NojL'mall right really, i), scare, nothing to worry just health about © Twonttakeit,itsa —_j)_ sales the last ching we deadend should do is raise our 10 So,wharsnext,aback- prices torbasies Bi pur the following sentences in order of likelihood, from the most likely to happen to the least likely, 1 The government seems highly unlikely to win the vote. [] 2. Given an outstanding season, Contemporaey Fusion poke: boural to beat its profs forecast, L] 5 They should reach the next bidding stage. C] | AU this stage it appears unlikely that they will get the conteact 5. Nowa that could be about to change. (] & The convention is definitely going to be held in Bruges ~ I've seen it on their website. C] Ei Replace the words in italics in each sentence with the expression from the box which is closest in meaning, | ielikelyto mightpossibly iepoisea to issure to | \sexpected 10 probably won't | 0s hound to affect sales ~ 've never known such, ayful publicity. An investigation aul probably be set up to finel out what went wrong. 3. Brand recognition is set to roeket following the football, sponsorship deal 4 With the latest improvement in retail sales, consumer ‘confidence could just be finally looking up. 5 Unless we focus more on visibility, interest in the produc is unlikely to gron, 6 Well, version two really should deliver this time, now that We've ironed out the glitehes from version one. IE Fit in the missing verbs in the idioms and expressions in the sentences below. Some are i the ing form. 1 Actually could you got it done now, or we aught the risk of missing the deadline altogether 2 Inthe current environment we need to do more than just __y lip service to the equality legislation, 3. Jam determined to x the action for what it is — fraud. 4 Focus on what wo've agreed on and stop 8 —p the issues, 5 La other words, all employees must now do their bit for the environment ~ ‘individual eco-responsibiity' to c___aphrase, 6 The next step is for you to s__ goals forthe coming three months, achievable ones 7 Asan alicmative fo penalties for failing to recycle we could o___ incentives for recycling more 8 Inshort, we are a conflict between whet \we need to do and what we need to say [Ei iin tho spaces using an appropriate expression from the box. | ectnaing sone nees or Lbula a nenlinuon flavour of the month hands-off approach | Attic guna nning it une ot ree | teluctart to delecete the bottom fine MeCay: Well, our main challenge here isto (1) for our company - wore stl soon as very old fashioned and we need to change people's perceptions. Ifwe could pethaps stat by (2) eaeh other, and then we ean perhaps evaluate these little and move towards some kind of consensus To fll in the background a little, times are changing. Fast Actualy (3) the lav business has pone global and our cosy firm is simply not attractive anymore. Carew: ‘Lewy business"? What ave you seying exactly? What's (4) here ~ are you telling us weve got to change” MeCay: As {see it, we're too inwardlooking, Even though there's a Jot of talent oulside this litle pool were not using it, and most of us are (5) Weneed a much more (6) —_. Carew: So where docs that leave us? I know I'm not a but dont punish me by taking the best bits Gf my job away from me. MeCay: You don’t understand. The market's changed, fact thore are new markets - we need to break into them, @ and make a real go of 3 Supply chain > outsourcing in India > iftout | ERA Luce mer cL) ussion [Gil You have a weekend job serving drinks in a local café. The owner decides to outsource the staff to an employment agency: your job doesn’t change, but nov you work for Manpower instead of for the café owner. In small groups, discuss whether your situation is better or worse than before, and why. ‘Think about job security, working conditions, payment, training, opportunities, et. Listening IED 128 Listen to part of a presentation about lift-out to a group of HR managers, ‘and answer the questions. 1 How and why does the speaker deliberately shock the audience al the beginning of the talk? 2 Whats iftout? 3. How has lft-out changed HR at BT? 4 What is the first change experienced by staff who are lifted out, and how is it explained? 5. What two advantages mean most people are happier? 6 Which ris of lit out docs the speaker describe, and how can it be reduced? Reading El Read The indian Machine and number the paragraph summaries in the order In which ‘they appear in the article. 8) America 4 about to tum outsourcing to its advantage by fresing more peopte to invent new miracle technologies (3) ‘b) America’s online service jobs are threatened by inexpensive Indian knowledge Cee te auorters Knoaledgecrain The computer neor became intelligent: tia is more frightening because the ‘monster’ is ee tearing nrediby fan. [2 6) Movies reflect haw attitudes have relaxed as the monster that was the computer has become an everyday piece of office equipment. [] ©) IThas transformed the repetitive jobs of the past with she Coeral! result thet today they are mote strategic and more satisfying. C] 1) lsat! preciat earnest ahi i cs Oatley new ones 2) The shift from products fo data bas made India a key player on the global employment market, [1] hh) When computers promised productivity by adding up mumbers, printing documents and handling phone calls, managers began to fear for their jobs. [_] Gl Find oxpressions in the article which correspond to the words in talics in tha paragraph [Ei Explain what the author means in these sentences from the article, 1 The American cubicle farm is the new textile mill, just another sunset industry. (Hines 7-8) 2 Its not a matter of blue collar versus white collar; the collar to wear is Nehru, lines 20-21) 3 Thon, as now the potential for disruption seemed infinite (lines 29-30) 4 We are now in the Desk Set period mith India, (line 58) 5... the next great era in American enterprise (line 73) Discussion [Gi tnsmal groups, discuss the questions. Would you rather be one of the 500 people left in BT's HR department, or one of the 1,100 consultants working for Accenture? Why? Pe Cry get) Seah for the Kewrores > o you agrce with Chris Anderson that computers have made us stronger? What beyebelanseverg Sh oasoung? BAP 5s Seeas contac ve corse nition tik clit, ppsnly fo uta | Be) esol dnt lete Gar enteh sey Who ght “against eutsourcing. 4 Many companies hoped to cut costs by offshoring but have experienced negative reactions from customers. In your view, do the benefits of outsourcing outweigh the disadvantages? ap strategy © CeO ee ue ia al PE MACE LDF oe So will outsourcing. an WORRIED about India’s practically infinite pool of smart ducated, English-speaking people eager to work for the fF your latte budget? Get used to it. Taday’s Indian I-centers, programming shops, and help desks are just the es w it will be financial potentially any jab that does not require sical proximity. The American cubicle farm is the new thor sunset industry o ‘ork trom ators to bits: bits can easily reach nergence of India is the inevitable result of the 7 poople and places that atoms cannot reap optical fi my of knowled india's geography is no ngora barrier to development sand satellite ks have: liberated. ar workers, Nev lvfove hove we seen such a powerlul labor force rise so quickly. + ory. Agricultural jobs turne¢ later turned into ° 10 manufacturing jobs, which dec ie jobs, Thecycle of work tumsand tums again (Of course, there's another part ofthe eyele: anxiety It used I factory workers worried, but office jobs were safe. 20 clear where the safety zone lies. Its not a matter the collar to wear is Nehru. For US workers, the path beyond services seems uncertain history provides a gulde. Thirty years ago, ng, hit the US service sector: the compute That led to a swarm of soulless processing machines, promoted by management consultants and embraced by profit-obsossed executives gobbling jobs in a push for efficiency. If today’s ery ‘of the displaced is "They sent my job th India!” yestersay’s was But agai wother form of outsour, was replaced by a computer!" Then, as now, the potential for disruption seemed infinite. Data crunching was just the start Soon electronic beains would replace most of the accounting, department, the typing pool, and the switchboard. After that the thinking went, the modem corporation would epply the same technology to middle management, business analysis, and, ultimately, decision-making, Computers have, of course, resbaped the workplace. But they have also proved remarkably effective at ezeating Jobs Bookkeepers of old, adding columns in ledgers, are today’s financial analysts, wielding Excel and PowerPoint in boardsoom esions. Secretarios have morphed into executive assistants, more aldes-de-camp than stenographers Typesetters have become designers, True, in many cases different peopl filled the new jobs, leaving millions painfully displaced, but over time the net effect was positive ~ for workers and employers alike ‘At the same time, we Iearned the limits of computers — lity to replace us ~ and our fear of asilicon invasion diminished. The growing AGtente was reflected in 5 of Hollywood films, Desk Sei, from 1957, was about rch department head who keeps her job only after a battle of wits with a computer (the machine blows up). By 1988, the computer had moved from threat to weapon: In Working Girl, Melanie Grilfith has both a stock market terminal and a PC on her desk and uses her skills and knowledge 10 move from socretary to private office, By the time Mike Juxlge made Office Space in 1999, the PC had faded into just another bit of cubicle furnite ow in the Dusk Set period with India, The ng wave looks awesame and unstoppable. Like the mystical glass house of the 1970s data processing center, India's y industry thrums with potential and power, 25 if it were itself a machine. Today, the outsourcing phenomenon still mostly in the bateh- processing stage: send. instruction ive results the same way the next morning, But the spel at which the Indian tech industry is learning, nev skills is breathiaking, Some US firms now outsource thei PowerPoint presentations to India, a blow to the pride of managers everywhere. From this perspective, India looks like ‘an artificial silico, No wander workers tremble But the Melanie Griffith phase is coming, as is the Mike Judge. It’s not hard to see how outsourcing to India could lead to the next great era in American enterprise. Today, even innovative firms spenl too much money maintain fixing bugs and rolling out nearly identical 2.0 versions. Less than 30% of R&D spencling at mature software firms goes to true innovation, according to the consulting, F Senc f the bu breakthrough app especially their inal We are outsour cleetronically, re ntelligence, the superbrain that never arrived in n Tech Strategy artnors the maintenance to India and, ents, 20 even after is feed up to come up with the next The resull: mote workers focused on real Creativity, The Out innovation, What comes after seevie ing Institute” 3 Supply chain : suppreein I 3.2 Vocabulary | Logistics strategie decision stages Discussion reverse logistics : Bll Work with a partner. Do the logisties quiz below | AMAZING LOGISTICS STATISTICS! | How feng does it fale to mako 2 can of soda, jnoluding everything rom mining aluminium ov in Airaila te delivering tho can te your fidgo? 3)39 days. b) 193.cays 0) 319 days 2 How much of that time is soant on menufasturing, as opabsedl to logistics?” a) Shows 0) Sdars 3 wecks 3 How maty peDbie ae imvolve inthe process of shiprng a single canainer by sea? a/10 9)30 9) 100 4 Ganora! Vitors empleys 280,000 pecple, Hew many poopie are empleyel by UPS? 8) 84,020) 248,000) 428,000 15 ‘Whats the annua| e051 of returied goods in tho USA? 4] $100 milion) $1 blion 6) $100 bilion Gluten p> Fel sires) el 5 Warehousing » > Customer Reverse Logistics: Products moving beck to te manufacturer from the consume, taller oF istibtor Sr eee eee " Fae = “s i. Comet Cs... Coase reverse logistics

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