Unit 2

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2--2 r (OE•Sem-'n Type• of Soil Erosion

Types of Soil Ero~ion due to Wotu, Sh~r.J Erosion, Rill
Ero,ian, Gully l!Jro,ion.

UNIT Types of Soil Erosioll .

Lon1 ~ e r Type aod Medium Answer Type Qu.tiona

· CONTENTS Que 2. 1. IWrite short n otes on •beet ero~on.

Write a short note on spl11•h erosion and ■heel ero,iion.
Typlll or Soil Eroeion duo t.o..'.•...•-···••"·• ?.-2P to !-aP
Water, ShHt Eroeioo, Rm ,. IAKTU 2021-22, Jlwks 1DI
ErDlion. Gully Erosion · .

Part-I Sedimut'tn.aspoTt i~ .... ,.,;,,_............ MP to 2-llP A. Sheet Ero■lon :

Cbaonelt. Sedimfllt . · • . I. Sheet erosion may be defined as more-or le'"' uniform romo,al ofsoil in
Depa,iition in.""9ervoir the form of a thin luyor or in "f\heet• form by Oowing water from a given
width ofsloping land.
Part-8 Method ~~n .....0 ......: ••••••••• 2-lllP to 2.-20P
Conlrol : Buoding and - · 2. It is inconspicuous typj, soil erosion. be<:uW!e the tot.al amount or ,;oil
Tmadog on Agrirultw-e · removed during dny storm is usually •mall, ,
Land for Gully Control 3. ln sheet Bl"QS\OD there are two basic e rosion pro<:e.ses involved. F1l'St
• f • - ' pr,!)cesS. in which soil particJes nre datached from the soil surface by
Part-4 BenchTerraces. Veptated ................ .Z-20Pto2-z:IP fallinK rain droll"; and in se_cond process the det11ched soil plil'tides are
Wam.Way• , · trarur1iorc.eil away by over land Oow f°n/m their originu.l place.
4. The detachment process is referred to tho-raindrop erosion.or splash
Part-II Chute Spillways, Drop ...................... ,. 2-23P to 2-261' erosion and tranllJ)ortation or detached particles by Oowing water is
lblel Spillways . - aeooted WI wash erosion. L

5. The sheet ero•ion proceeds at very slow rate, as a re,,ult the notice of
Pan-41 Chillo Dame, River·.......................,..... Z-2.l!Pto 2-33P this type of soil ern~ion to 11 farmer beeoill•• very difficult.
Training Worka
6. However, on the basis oUollowing ch11ni:•s made at tho soil surface, the
occurrence o(sheet ••u•ion in a given.Jleld can be vi•ualized.
i. Change of soil eolour.
ii. Expan.slun of depression's size,lf lh.ct·e.
iii l'rcsuncc of coarse particles (grnvul like) on the soil sudoce.
iv. Enhtrgoment of rills,
v. Exposure of unproductiv" •11b-soil or bed rock.
B. Splash Ero•ion: R.,for Q. 1,S, Pugo 1-.'!P. Unit-1,
2-t P IOE·S..Dl-7)
2,-SP ( OE-Sem-7) Types of Soil Erosion
f t,'nJ.;int•f .r)Pf: 2-4P (OE-S<>m •7)
Soil nnd Wnter Cool!l(1rvn wn •
4. Oft.-m . gullfot- are a]RO ileve)optid from na tural depresN.ions on t.h.c. land
Qu e 1.!L 7 };:x-plllJn thr rill c-ro,iicul•
i urfnco in y.•hiah runnff wflt1,r nccu m1.1l11w11, nnd in extrPmc s:it11ation
1,ht!Y join lol-(1.1Lhur w1d fonnutn:m of wnt.ur n ow thro ugh thorn.
5. DuvelnJ>menl of gullie• also takes pluce through the track.< formed by
A,n.,,wer 1 the movement o:f maC:hincries, down t he .slope.

Rill _EroiJon:
&mwthnes. thi-s type oJ wttt:er i;,ros1
on ii a.L!iC, known 0 11 micro chuunr) B. Cause• of Cully For.-m atinn : Following urc tho cnusQ or
fonn ntion :
t.'l'Olflon. . • the soil surf.tee occur~ wht•n luntl 1'i\U'foce: 1. .lncrea.,J,e of Surf'u(...-.u or S ubtna.rtoce Water Flow: The fonn.dt ion of
2. Non:nally, tho lll1u•~t n~~· o,..er B this condition rm·•ily e XJl'lts · gully in llllY nN-u dc11tmd.11 very ro.uc.h on incren.~ in the mtt~nitucfo of
i!' str1ooth ru,..d b.a11 unU', ,no , lope- o.t 11'1
surface or s:ub,.t1urfoce watc.r flow.
culth·&tcd fie!as. · almtl:!t irregulnr ,n cult,i vated , • lands. The :mrfocl'
2,. Decttase in Soil Jtesiwtaoce to Erosion : 'W1um re~"ll'lt.an_c e of snil to
S 1'he
• top "ur r11c.e- ,s d I. l
l ·t,·e -•>'he, in tbe form oflow n.n ug t tracts, 1rrcgu.. ,1ant1t•!I
.. - erosion gob d1~c:ren.se thun there is tht> po.stilhlhty of gully Connution.
trt.egllat'I · Siu .fl'. t ' . la •
bt•tweon soil clod 5 nnd Rt,:).'ffGates of di n..rcu.i ,nws as 1rrogu nt.t••• 3,. Sloughing: 11ic ~la ughing occurs nt. lhc- bm,c of gully due to following
cauud by t illogo i,np\l!lllwlls, . . reasons :
4. A~rain start;;, tbC! Wf\ll'.r trufds.to accu_mulntc.in the surfoct.· do1>r~,;...qons i Strong sprini;.
u.nd bt-~n..-i 1.0 flow followin~ feast. rest.Ktnncc JJllth. ii Con.id.ant satura.tfon of lh.c bank nreu by- \llo-a.ter pondinl( ur due to
6. During mo,·c.ment of.;,nte r o lnrt(U 11mou11t fl soil particles aro ur0<lt-d wntc-rf1tll from a big.hc.r t luvntio1t to lowu o.lrv1ttion, e.g .. &om c:.ultivated
fro m tho .sides and bottom <1f t.he Ouw path, which n.re. mixed in ~ field int<> channel.
flowing w1ttt.>r. _
4. Undennillln11 :
nu. tll,)w Conta.inl.n, toil parti0le1t in 11us1>eru-ion form mo,-e.s ttht,nd and i. The undern1imn1 Pto(.el:!s t;{1u.icCJJ extr,n!iion <1f gully hf"nd toward~
fotm.'- micro cluui.nel.! or rtl1tJ., - up,<t.-nrun; a nd en1m·ge~t of .:uUy 'Widtl14
7. 'Otese micro ~ 111 oao ~ e:L"ril)' J'l!movcd by .simple tillage OJ>crntions.
1·tm remo,•ol of kul1 from nil Httlon is thu rill e..rosinn, ii.. or
1be- undcrmitli.rig may be be.cau._<1(1 Oo\\-:ing TCUM!DS :
8. RiU e rosiun i..-moi;t. offcctrve. paniculnrly wlw.n •n intense l'!torni occur11 a Wave.action dovelol)Ni ln the pondut.l wuter _in.gully .
o.n lh•• ,oils ha,:i..ng~igh..t:unuff'producint,: c.hAiac.~ristks and wht, rc top b. Pipin.c- ~ tiun. ~
."on i& more ~,a.ir;repdblo to erosion. - c.. Rodent's hole.
In tluse.rosion the t~psoj1 f.sr.,mo"ed by aomedepth: unaooce t hr n11s
bav.e. been formed a.njl i{ prnper c.bt"t-..k is DUL followed, th.en they are l De9c:ribe the ci...lficatin n ofgully.
erlonaed into the ,u~ soil and wkethe shnpe of gully.

Quc.U. IT>dine gully UOJ1ion and d'plain cau.se1 niguUy «!ro!li.oa.. A. 0 11.ffd 0 ~ lhe-Sh.apc oftbe- Gully : Cully Cl'OtUl ·J;eCtion.11 ma)' be In t he
shopc of\' or U. ft ~peurl,ron u~ 110il ch:aracterist.h:M. climabc <'Ondition.s.
Atuwer uge of th.e gully and &he t ypes of ero.Rion.
A. Gully Erosion: : I. U-Sbuped:
I, ~uUy erosf~n,i &the ndvantf; stat((!; of clwmel o~ rille r-osion in which the L Thdl.Jltype o(irullie&iaKenernlly round in thettl1u\ial pl11ins wb-.,re sorfiu.-e
s~w of ~ilh u, 110 cnbrged t h..1t they t an.oot be sm.ootbeoed hy ordinan· IUI sub41mTf&c:e -'Oils arc easily ,,rodiblo. •
t1l1311;e uni>1ement.a. · ii. 1:1~fer this condition ihe runuff flo~ u.ndo.rmineE thti bank und tbWI lhe
2. Process of gully formation follow,11, l(llcct and dU .,rns:ioh.15. rl also oc:cun , •\, Y~arecullnpseddo'Wll, wh~chrt'.Jfu1tin the formation of\·crt1e11I
: : . ~.. ~~~ fT \·oJume .£ruin a &luppy l1:1nd ~ltl i.ncretu1e liufficiently ot :~v:l:~ and ill lht• way " U· Nhnped cros.s-JSuc.tion of' gully ,rets
m 0 ii I 1
runoff - te owvoootytoc.utdr.epi.n
... ~ - ,- .cIU-6lon&or W1..wn COOCt!.nt.rauun of
'- ,.

C . • WU r ong enough through the same aha!mel.

a. ull,es m•y ai,o be dev•lo~•de... from lh ose n•11• wruch
ore unchL-c.k, d.
~ ~ur Soil ~~rosiort
z..G r (OE-S em -71
Soll and W• ter Con,er vnuon Enl(in..erintl

L •· ili I gh Qur 2.6. j \\1,.at l$ aed i.m~ot '! Describe! t be aou.rT•.s of s4!dim ~nts.
2, V-ahaped.: lly d•vcloped where the su.,.., are ou to
l Tlwoe gulh<'I are gener11
rtsut the rapid cutting or.oil by runoff' Oow.
to erosion u,cn, .- ..;th depth. the Width
•• l be ttlltW l."' l • d th it re•ul(s in to develo pment of /1. Sedim ent :
u In thi.co. ,o, chumi<'al or phy~icul
of cut !!"ti de<N'-""" acc,ordlJ\11 Y•an WI
1 h i.s a fragmented mat.tirfo.J, oriJ(,nnted .-it her from
V 6hoped i:uilY,
0 durinU•&'1'11llon of rocks~
ID hilly reiiiono, where land surface ,. nl particle.
UL Th••• ~ulllu are common 2. 'rh,•:-e nmlcrials cw., vary, from a big bould~ r to a (ulloid
slope. • lor:td or 5UJIJ>e.ndt•d loud
att0mp anled witlut eep Thr nu,'lal s«hm~nu fflO\'f' m tht st.Ram ILfl bLod
on the StaU of Ibo G uD;y: Bued OD the ilalO, the gull,es <an
B. Bu<,d throu,:h water Oow.
be divfdt...J inlo foUowil li typu : Sourc e• or Sc dimcn u : fo llowin g a re th<" souree
s of sediment..- ·
L Act ive GullJ., . : Eroicion frnm ugncu.Jtural, forc:tt"t and W8.3tf- land•
with Lime. L
l At~h•• gullioi ,.,. tho1e. whole dime n,oio~ ero onl_,.. ,d Mo\·emt•nt or soil muss duo t.o lUI1d1lide1, , lumJ•~ And
&Oil crcep11 ,
soil c:huar terulic a, hmd """an d 2.
ti. The I IU ~ I b hued on the from p lly by con<t'n lrOtl-d runolf.
volume o! runolf pu11ng throug h IN> _.,n,.. 3.
flCO urlng from bl:d.
Slream b.,nk ero~iu n int h1ding cutl ing ufhnn.ks nod
Iii. The gulliH found In plain or•u nre active_in nalun,,
6. F.ro,,io n caused by Oood• an the w11i,,n hed.
2. Inacti ve Guille t : ground $Ur(uce.
ant with time. Mining nHd du.mps loft aa waste materials over the
L lnflrtive Oullie, are 1bosc, whoae-d imeotriorus Are COnJCt G.
ii. The gulliH found III rodty areu an, anadivt , becau u rocb
wuah to e<011on by the runOlf!' flow. ,,.
are very
Que 2.8. IE"Pluin lhc variouo lyp<.'11 of ..-dimrnt load.
of guUi•s
C. BaONI on lhe Dimen 1lon ot the Gwi.Y : 1'bo clusilloation Anan,, e,-
bued on their sid, i• IP""" u follows : .~ollowing are the voriou.1 l.YPf!'III or aedime nL load
crossed by tho
I. Small Gully, Small a,lllic,a re th..., which ean be eul\y 1. Contact Load ,Con1111:1 loudm1 1y bc dr•fin~ d as t ho matc rialJtroih•d or
enu and tan aloo be ttn>0\. .-1 by plough illlf and •moothing t o.f SltflH.m ~ -
farm itnp&.m .tiding aJong the , 1.nu1m bird in c,ontin uous contac
operationo and by stabiliz inr the •raeta tions. the at ream bed or
. 2. !lallnt ion Load : It i• tho mnloln11l bounc ing 11ion~
lltedlw n Gully : otlae r.
2. movu>g dar,..,Uy by I.be impac t of bounci nR particle• ,.;lh ,•ru:h
:lll'<llum 11Ulliescanno1 beea,uly uoo,ed 1,yih., farm implem
• 3. Suape nd,..t Load :
gullioo, Ibo
11. They can be <0nt.roll,d by ier,..,;,,1 operal iono, In rnedlum i. Su, pcndcd Joads llrO tl,e mou,ri nl,., cith,•r :
.,d•• <an buW .li&N! bycr••linR •-e11e1&tive growth on
able stage a. lfovu1g m Slllpen.'hon form walh th& fluid~ or
3. Ltargc Gully: To,.. ru)lieo hr,., ..,nc beyvnd their Nelaim ed by lh~ s ampl,1r.
B.Dd for rcd11mation the m,ppln g sy1tem or meado w eM be suitab); b Mc11Mun,d or compucod from lhe •run pie• colloct
II is done as 4fl n,., samplc ra used for tha• purpos e ore known u •uspcn ded toad
adopt ~ f or <Ont.rolling ruch gulliN, lbe tree plumi"
d fectfr, method_ ,arnplo rs.
d Into followinK three
/ PA RT•2 f .,. . . ii. 11,u SUMJJ<:nd•d loud• a re furthur su b-cl aMifie
grades on the ba.l•of partid e, diamu u,r :
dlame trr.
••• n_ 't' · n . · a. Coar,oe eedlm c nt : Pru-tid e• above 0.20 mm
S,di=111 TrnlUlp ort in Chonn, I,, Serii-"~':~ ~J? ~~..~"!!uorr;j belwoo o 0.20 lo 0.075 mm diamet er .
b. M<:d.l um s<!dlm enl , Parl1oles
Particl e. below 0.075 mm da amelN .
e. F ine sedim ent :
etcr ii dormo d ,., the diamet er of a •phori cai p,ll't icle
iiL The •edime ntdinm
t Ame ter .ninal ..,tling velocit y
~hidt hu ""-"'• •1>ecifi• we ight and the
1n the same ledim ,ntatio n Ouid.
:i-1 P (OE-Scm-7)
Type• of Soil Erosion
Soil ond Water Col\5C'l"'allon Enl!ineering 2-8P (OE·Sem•7l

,1. B<,d toad: ii. Su.!pc..nsion.

It UI the .sediment load, which movt"A on or neer the.stream bed,
iii. Surfn<., creep.
Movom•nt of partidr! can ooin tbt fo<lll of rollilllt, sliding or hopping 9. In salwoon process, rrlotivcly lHrgrr purticl•• of ...ilment ore tran:,poru,d
(,.,. lhr ..,Jtatiun\, in the form of~ luud ,Ude, rolling or short • kip•.
iii. The mode of mowmtnt depends on the Ocr•· ,-clodty, Saltallon is ch1tnged 10. The &aJtation movtment changos inw suspension, either when the &izc
into 1u:;pl!ns"itm form as tho flow ,:eloc.ity geld increue. of •cdimcnt J,ea,mrs miall or velocity of flow gel.!! increJIJI•. ouddcnly.
h·. ln oth11-r words~due to incr,,a$e in flow ,·eloclty the parfic:les which ure LL Suspuo:..-ion proce!l..• i5 referred to the smull size pnrtic.les that are
rupon:rib1e for mo..,.erntnt wider Wtntion pro;ce!1 are r.arried away in trruispnrted by the fluids in 6USpension fonn.
su.,;pen,ion form by th• up,<,ud cumpon,nt.11 of turbulent now. 12. Th• mo,cmen1of pnrt[cles lakes p}oce to due turbulenoe
in the flowing
In th1$ wt1y, the tr3JlKpnrtation o( sediJ11l!.nl.A in sUBfJi!flSIOn form ia 1l.D wat.er,.
advance sta.gt of bt.-d load mo,•r.ment, inte.o.<ified by Mdies in ve·rtica.l 13. Similurly, thuurfaco cr••P type movem•nl is rolu_teilto lh• large s!ie
direction of ~trcam flow. partklef', which IU"e trun!iJ)Orted by creeping action geoora«?d by the

s.,~. IEsplain tbe teellm.-111 tran~•ll•n.

water now.
Que 1.8. IDeocrlbe the factor• affecllnirsUtinlf o r reservoir.
~ imMI Ttuntiportadon :. Anaw.J!!
1. Thi! 1rnnsport11tion of r.oiJ partic-lei;(i.,:, sedirncinll from the Jund ,tuTfac:t- Factors AJ'l'..,lln g Reservoir'• Sedimentatloo : The dilferont foctor•
bcRins b)' the artion of pn-<ipitahOn, invoh·ed to affect the , iltio.g of rescrvoin; llrO 3" (olJows : '
2. Wh,n raindrops ""' fulling on the suil surface, from greater height11, 1. Qunlity, quantity t1nd cooeentrot.ion tlr ~iment.s in the river flow
they bn,ok lh• l•'l('!l'sai.l )>llrticlc• into ,mallergr,tim;,'whir.h are thrown enteriOK the reservoir, . ·
upw4rd by tho_en'1rto· of rain a~p6 and are ca:rried awayio 11uspe.nslon Arnnunt of Hilt _inlerceptcd at "the, upstream part of the. rcaer,voir fram
form after fWh.ng O\"tr the !hL-4.'l nl wHtA"'ror soil surface by Lhe overluud the _runoff'thtot os to be stored inlo th~ reservoir. ul.o affects th<cresorvoir
ftow, · · ·
3 The •·oter flowlr111 •V"! 1111, land w rf,;.,ealJl<I d~tach,,. udditioll!llpartlcles 3., Thedop1:"iti~n of silts into llie ro1"J;:.oir o]so d,ipijndS'OD tho m.thods of
£mm the •oil"surfo<e which nrdton>porled toWMd.< the stream.• channel,
. reservoir upernt1o_n, nut~ of spillway ond other dischtuging
ru"ra»gen,cnts wcc."CI an the rttf.en·olr. · .i
4. Thnain cln>p.< bnvo •
oart"h surface.

kiM_ticenorgy wbih, falUng
00 t.ho
-4. ➔ Amount of flilt per unit rnrwff'volume comJn~ into the resef\•oir.
5. Reser'\'oin, length. -
S. Thb..•, .~~lati•~(P ~tw•en k~tiu rlf'rllY and .,.,nfallillton.sity. d.,,,.eJup<od
I) '"i,ichmeir ,~given by, 6. TOL~I nrnolf ,·olu= and peak di11<hntl,'<! from the water.,hcd.
7. Ratio ofrunoffvolumc Lo the re~.:rv.oir Cjtpaol ly.
, . • . 1/E • 2l0.3 + 89 lug10 I
m wbkh, KE tJ the kinetic ener • .-....x ·ed · - . 8. Nature ofaedinumt materials entering the rel«.'rvoir..

hef:tare f.JD, and/ is th.. nllnfall in~~::: ~m mctnc tonnes per 9. Depth and nge of deposited ••dimcnts in tho re .
10. s· d b , .. servmr.
6. ~':~~o~:~rity is c1ok,ly relal.t.-d to the mk6S of raindrop ~md its

7. The ma,• of raindn,JJ' is dire<tl .

SIUI, an Vlttl•\•er.m.
al$on,Jatedtothe••~' I ly~roport1onaltolheiTdfomt-:tet. whfoh is
- • .,.ma vc oc1ty
'!be energyof rnindropincree..srn ..idl ,
• · ll. Slope of thu water>hed I
large u.muunt of silt is o1i:gde•dto.mi.v!~c.~eai:;e
the ~ow velocity; thereby B
we re1:1ervo1r.
lo Gflbert, the tr1tnsportation of sJim~n~ JUI size l~r.rua..~r.. AttordiuJt
th.tto types of movement. : ta'lk:8 place und-· · r-.1. Jow,n·~ 12. Vege11~tive_l{J"Owlhatthe r~.serrni rbeaddt~reases thcso·1 , . d
thus. s1l1uuu.nls alM reducNI a"- rd ....1, eni.inon, ul"J
i, Saltotlon. , l -v 1,'6'Y·
2- 10 P IU£.Scm,7l Ti-J,N o(S..,l ErOlion
tJoo EoJlnN'nD8
SoJ ai1d W1ttrCun ~~-;:_-- - - -- -
- - - C. Rr.:ional En1>41lo1jintc C un·.,. Mr1h od :
I I Iii t o d,dcrmine 1h e r-,ue of
Qu~ 2,9. E%1Jh1ln lhf' ,•u.rioua: IUt'I \{)( . \'.u ~hnt·y und Huu:hur htwt Jeni loped folloWlng e.t1\·tl'1flini CUf'' rs for
tt$el"Vlr 11._.J jrnciutal lon~ (u1Jowin5r c(Ukl, :
. 0.39.; .t2 94}
For muunluhwu.1 nvcn. Y • A•"
0.39i ... (2.9.5)
2 Fnr plmn hmJ n\·crs, Y == A 11 ,nr
; l:du,motnl10J.1
. ·r Oepos.idun M,11hod : 3 f or the rl'bun·tiln1' huvin" catclun4'nl aru u11 tn 130 ~ .k.iu (S-m,h fndfa).
A- A.Jtn\l:tl RaW!IO . b·~ on 1he armuul 11ltini;t r.U.t0 of
L Tot clPsigu of l ndum rc,.o;e.F"1:o•:~::u:jumrnl(f0tosh.1',Ht't'Onlmendut1or11, Y - 046
- A:- _.
0.036~.tJll.J ,~~r JOOJCµln An.n ,-.,u• ohomr ff~~·oiN revcdJrd lh1u,
but a, por,........uu,.,.•Y""iriltull! h ha 0 0.'ln ~ •IIOO Km' 4 1-· o, the r-PStrv,,lr• having wttchm.-nt orra mon• thon 130 ~ .km
l.Me,rtualaltu'1r.11ti3mt.&C'hh1(l rrt n . r- 0.211
Tlw annual ratr1 of Sl11 dcpoittioo ,n the rf'!Cil'rvoir
uo t:M., rnmputed b-r
- A i:lk

6. For Lh~ n_114,.•rv1ur~ 1Hh'tng ca1dm1l'nt atPa mo~ than 5000 Ml lun..
. \II' A • 11· , ~ ~ ~ ~) DI!, T, (2 9
fl• •-.:..:..:l- 2 178• S ... . ,I/ y 1.534
::r. A,;.,W
So= ADnuuJ f;,1\("0(lllt dll~1flon in OCl'(!,n (lue 2.to. ( » • •<'r ib ~ tbr ,i edime nh &io n cont r o l m easu.reJJ t n
w ~ 1nm-..-..nl&l llffll of,nu,r.t,,d ,lfocti"• to ..,b reM"rvoir.
• U011on nt•. .c:res.
,..._ .. ..
... A .: Ero~ion rotrit. l Qnei /
,.: acsr, Anl'Wr.r
Fc,Uowi.Jlg l:ln1 tht: C,Onlrol mf'iu,ure~ to uunu'4'1 1sed.imc.Ull\l IM ft.rt' U.!ft 1n
DR =- Defo·t•ry ratio, pert.'C'nt,
r' •Trep t'ffirlttncy of the rc.iiel"·oir, pl'lrtt nt, rnk'rvnlr :
s• • Spocific w01~hl o( sedim••~ lb/ n ••, A. Pre Con•tnactivf' M~asu:r.. : h rnfert to lhose mca.1urt't which a.re
u.-.ed brfure- and dunng exec-ul1011 work of th<- rl'.ser1oir CflrU.1rudion
3 'n,e...timnruo..., rate,..~" ' "'""' ofP<'tffll' ofanoual e1p><nJ These mt•JL-.urtS tan he• ~er-;at1-d by lbe following po1n\A
or m,noir lot~ h cs• bo d.tmmned hr, l. Sclect.ion o·f Dam Site:
S : §, .JOO .•.( 2.9.21 The amt111nl ofscdum!nt.5 r1:3.t:hmMto the res.crvoir from th~ catc.b.meut
C ATet\ d~Jlt\nds on t.hn ito;J eroston cnusod by w•t~r.
S • Annual Jou of n•t!'trvoir's-t:uphC'ltytxprcAAed in u lf cho C'tttch.JD(!nl 0,ro11 is ledl fllhJC'cptib1o to ero3..ioo, thtin lt:SS ,ifll n.re
J)C! r t't!OI . chRrl(cdint.o 1h<1.11tren.m flm,·. lL~ reauh r,••ervai.r eilt.ttum gets r1iduce.
s. • Annual d,po•1l10o ofn1•. iii. Thu:,,1,, 5E'dlm<'ntnuon can bf' redU4:t'd by ielectinir • 1wml:Ato rttervoir
C • &setvw copocity. •i~ That ,Ille' as mnr. nppro-pn•te , whPre )PaJt:l sod crm.en l! t.aking
8 . Jogt.lu,,.• M• thod :
2. Dr11itrn o( R<'it•n ·u ir :
I. 11,,. lllCtbod folloYlll silt
en,·,lopUljt euNe for predicting the .,,nual ralO
of sedlnrntuiJon in the rt!SC!'r\'oir (Jorlekar, 1960), n .o curve is given M The doltl,;n of rt-&ar,·oir plR)"II k i;ignll1q u1t role ,n the re11rrvo1r
undt•r :
il If tbe •lor.,g• copoclty ii le,,. truur tho volume of str.an, rlow comin,;
y • 0.597 .(2.9.31 imu lhe ~rwii,. dV!n alo.rg~ volume ofwa t.-1' wUJIA' .,.-!Ou.Jout
. frnm
the ruen·o1.1, u rtwh there i.,,. rnluction in the sihin.g Nlt a., compattd
Y • Anouahllt,n,i rate,<Mm•t 10thq km) to the liluation when the. en.ti.ff wAttr ,s norN,t
A =- CatchmenL 11re• of the rc...ervoar, ! tq.lan) Ul ThP life ur rcf1' r\'o1r tan be prolon~C\d by cowtrucuni;: th• rese:n·oir'1
2. Thi>i ezwdoping(urve indicald U\111the ra.t.e of seJ.i11ent dl'posttfo-n In dam in voriuw &Ul•w•.
thu rYse.rvoirgtJt.1 docreu.se ati Urn cotchmrnL area increa.se11,
. , 2-11 P (OE·&n,. 7)
Soil and W•tor C'Ons<lrvnlion En~rneerm~ -..
els . 'ti ,ny th• dam ,bould be built for lower height, and
2-12 P (0E&m-7J 1>1"'• of Soil Ero,iu11
iv. ln_othor wor • in:.. '
ra1s41d !\ub...ceque.ntv- acco
n!ing 10 tho volume of re.;el'\•oir has boon •ih,1J
:a. Stirring or S..diment :
up. i. It i~ gonorally performl!d by mcchanicnl stirrer.
3. Con,tructlon of Chork DIIID :
H. In thiM wfJrk. the dc.+posilt"d &idimentis $COUr cd nnd mi.xed in the wnter.
• Cht-cl< damplny a Ju,y role in eonlrolling lh• inflow ofsediment into the which i• Ou.<l1•d out,ido through th, 1luk• gatrs.
reM"rvOir, 3. Re m.OVAi orSilt O..po11it• :
;;_ The chttk dllllllt are constru(tal across the 51TilaJD / ti vcr, deIIveri ng Lh• i Thedcpotrited !-rdiroo.ut.sin the rt'Foenoir w-ealsol't"mo\-edbyelt'.tavadoo,
lllftJOr portion of ...!uuenl load. dre<lj,-ing and sluicing with hydrouHror me<:hanicnl lljlitalor.
m. Th~ d~m~ tl'ap large amount of ooan1er sc.-dlments, However, the ii. PrrdR'lnf method is most expensive a1nona all, and l!i not economicalty
construction of check dam for the purpose of s<diment control is quil<! viable for all the wnter slornge bodies.
cxpen.11ive. twnce nO'L('omn\on!y WiCd1but tho growingo~veg.etatioo in
up,;trtam un,n oflho most r=•ir iB mo,t •uilable and"' profe rred to
trap th• sedimenLs.
I PART · 3 I
Method ofSoll 'Erosioo ConJrol: Bundin11 and T,rrarillg on
,&. lnttallatlon o( Vegetatlvo Screen :
AR2rulturc Lan,/ I"!, Gul/y,Gontrol.
i. Vcgt tall\'O scr~n h1 the vegetative co\'tl through "'hich nrmd watur
pusse.t ~(ore entering the reservoir.
D. n,c 1.-ontrol of sediment ton N!Mervoir by Dlfillnii of ,·egelalive ~ea is Q1Htotion1-An1w""
ba•rd on the principle of trapping the .cdimenls by reducing ,lh" Oow
velocity nod fili.,ring th~ •oil~11rtlcl.. fn,m Lb• Oood wti!or. i..,;., An.,.;n- Type and Med.i11m An,wer ~ Q11e,1UoM
iii It as one oflhe best and cboapost melhudi! of ;lit cunLr~I,
5. Con•trutltion or Sluice Ga~ in Dam : There must be Rt0vided the
provision ofsluice ~•le attbe bsc or ,e.,rvoir d•m to ~move tho •ilLA;a
'fintcr from the ra.o;ervoir.
Qoe.2.11: Defin e bund. DolK:l'lbe U,.; ty pe, of bund,

6. Erooion Control : Anower ·

L Soil erosion in uls catchmen1J1:i1t tho main sourte of sediment yieJd. To A. Dw,d:
control sedimeotullon J1Atticl• problem, t~ control of erosion iB mo•L 1. Bwul~ an, the- cntb:utkment Hke struc:tvre, constructed acruio;the land
ii, Tho ero1\foft control meas1.1n:s include all those prncticcs which tU'f 2. v.'Mn they are con.lit ntcled on. d\e c:or.tuur of the areu. ar~ called cont.our
etrttttve in prt;i;tnting or delayJng the moveaumt of 1Sedime.nt. ladC!n bund: and .when gude is ptovidcd :o Olem, then dtt"!.)' are ·known 4!4
flow rrom lhe origin point in the drainage basin to the rc1-ervoir. grodo<I bund. Tho 5'«:tion of bund it &hown Fig. 2.U.l.
hl. Vt>getation is an rff'ecti"-e method to reduce the sedimc.nt flow intothe
re~rvoir as comporcd to lhe other erosion oontroJ meuurts such as
check dums etc.
B. Poii1.-Con.tn.activ~ 11,foa•w-o ;
:og a.re u5C!d during
construct~vc m.easuttd m;ervolr ope.ration. It
includes foUowu,~ method, fn, controlling "'••rvoir sedfinuntation :
Fil . 2.l l.!. Bund~. <:tois~ctlon..
L Removal Flood Water : 3. ln bunding practice t.he entire area. i1 dlvided tnto seve~J small pans,
thornby t bc cffc-ctive slope longth of the .roa is reduced.
L Il i6 w,•~I ~own that tho iK!dlrrumt cc>ntent iti more in tl,e st-ream wnhlr
durfnK 1011,aJ pha,;eofthe O.Od. 4. 11he·reduction in slope ltmgth ('~tuiws not only to ruduce tho soil erosion
but also retain the runoff wntor in Ile surrounded nrea of lhc bund.
ii. Thcrof~re, thJ. phase of flaod wa~ i• not allowed to collect into the
rr!f-• n•oll. 6, Conwur bounds art! use.a In low r{'inmll arcu.s for the purpose to cc,ntrol
the soil ero$lon Hild to stcm.1 lbt ru.'D wnu1r, white graat-d bund.s are
- -=-=-~,---------------
TYT<'•o!SoJ t:,o.,on
2. 13 p (OE,'lc,m-71
ation t::njliuf'onng
So,l and W•I" Con"" ' - I c, ll for I he ••me ~11• li
It htlS hmit.Gl14'n tJ111 t, thrre l11considrn.h lu 1,1rN11A lClfi"t in tonAtrud.i~g
- -- I ~•unl w high,. n n ., •··nd• 11\, buncht'<bon i• habloto gel olTN'INI bym1<M>n due lo rwn
UJ'\)(t.NI 1n rei.n,-«" Y u~~ .
con bonds tnmd• · drop impacl, ht'nte require• a 1uKe.te mAUU~nlJK ~.
•• ,....,, ._, 11,, contour
11 1 - •• of
• Ort! the vllflOUJ lr-
,,.. • ·· m. The narrow bu.lie contuur l,w,d 1111.!0 cnw:t11 ol..truction ,n farming
n 11.•fl uf Rund: f o owin,i: d clly on copluur or •11th
o. Tyr· d nslrUCIC • •• b d
l)und: 'The bun 'oocoal0l1T, Hft' ruII1.:•d contour un s. oJ)f'rRllUM
l. Contour ~ (
1 tl,._. fng :
pe.rrnj,\lblr df"\1·.11.t1on ron ~ • ,.h~ c.rtrcrne f'nds of t he 2. fil"'Ond B,u,c Concou:r Bund
n,.,.. bondl ar• fonu• n Tht.- broad buM- cont.our bunding is ctmr~mttd, 1t does not creale
2. Side BundJ : . alonl! thr lund ,lop<
contnurbuod, rJ.Dnlnl . -~-..lbut,.,'l!e n("." OSlde~ hind.ra.nre 1n (.;.m:nng np-rations: the enUr-f' airu on be kt'pt wider
• ·t rill bu rub ntt con.,;-lr .,.-; ""' .J ·- I rulra,-.iuon.
:,,. Lattr11l8unc l1: .... " tru 1ion1>fwur.:erot.ont 11w,nm
r venlln.r tht! t:onten b"••
1Jl,n"thtti11,pe11 pre , r 1..•,u 1·hundiuil'lcOnYcnicot. h ~. Ii or
It ha1 ff-O lll" limit.ulion, ~ueh ;111 du,turhnnce but~ flect,on due. to
'· ll~ lenitth u N>111.
rted bt!Lween t-.·o contour crossing nf fu.rm equipnlrnt1, u.!I rrrmll tht're Is reqmreJ an otu:nl.lve
also t<>brtA11.
al R (U , The bundi. comtru cATC and maml~nMce .
"- Supplt•me.nt .u.n • • _, , tn· ill maximum ,.xtcnt.. urc
t,uods 10 hmil 1hr bonwnuu 'l""Ull: . w.. J\p;ut from above.. tJw suil ofbund us W.,O l ~ d d1..nng mo,•f'rucol of
nomcnc-bture u ,iupplenwnt:iJ buJ:)dj. th n of the fittltl form w...lChin11rit-11. cJU...'tng redutuon 1n the ,utt of bund 1n a ~·try •hort
5. M11r,rlnnl Uund: 'T'h<60 ~unri.< u e formed at • matlll ' ()('nod. unll•111Mn1e proper mr1ln11.mance u1 ndopled.
•03d nvrt e\c, to clcmnrc,\tt' th,tlr hmmdllry B. Gnid od Rundl og:
' ' d 5 hi ,ofbundslll·t formodotth ooul<rodge of
6. : ,
t:Ch61~1Hthe nwOff over the top nfthe tcrr~r~. Md The gr-adl"'1 bund u .aho knnwn us chann~I terra.re. USl'd in thr nreM
ha\•i.n+: annual ramfall IP'f'Ale.r than 700 mm.
also to pn,\"Hlestabibtytotht trrrace.. •re•••
vn>-ridNI 1ba1 the ,i,i,1
2. llo~"t•tr , ii can olao ho u.-d ,n 1e,is rainfall
tl ur 2:l2- llt!M.1ril"' ,h~ clas,-lfic.t.lo n or bunding 1r3191teom, of ana ts ln tumvy te-nure.
3 In sut.h arwUl when rttinfall tulu•& plncf\ a lw·go i,:.rtlun of water UI
A11••·C"r J pondf'd over the eurla.,xo
Follow,n,:: ~ ~he--rypes ofbundmij J)"attm ; " Toremoveth 11w•tuat (11.1t nu.e lklmt-gradr &11 providt"d l o ~ channel
A Cnncour Bur.ding : 6. Th<, grad,.hould be witlun non-•• lunll nonnal:y. mirumum 0. l to
L 1"ho bun•IA passingthrough tht! point1;ur rqu.11 C1lc'!\11ttinn (1,,., on contourl a1a.rimum O.S 1. lw allowed
oft.ht land, au knoYtn a contour bunding, 1'),,.s of Gn1d• d Bundlna: I\ IS w,·idod ln foll11win~ tWO l)'Jlll•:
2, 1'h,o contour b\.n.dsan.d levf'I kTT11CHam about lo 11ynonyn,ow flt't'UUM' t. Nan-ow Rn..,.. C rudrd Bu nd lng : 11ie nnrrow base gn.d~ bunding
of Lhu: n.-&,,()ntcmwtisnt'I contour- hund UI aJ,o ck-nulNI a., hwtl lt'!ffil~ makes obsl"NC'bcm m a·ossu'tfloffa nn uuplcmtnu, thunatural ..,.._1(Ct.ubon
c,wen the a:>dei, more height is alt.ainrd for th~ ame ~.-..f«rion ;
The cuntourbtuldmgcan bt done on itll l )'pt!ll ofptomwHblt J01l1 auch l!L"
though ad.d1tiunal height mt\y not he rpqu1rtd The nu1it1 ltm1umon or
olhm•I, red~mrite brown •oil ,hallow nnd medium bfork ,..,J, but day
t.hls practice i~ lu ~lit 1ns:t ~ IAl'l(l' culth,ahlo nrl'a
or dt.'t!p ld1tt·k n11 to11 8oil11- t1rt'StrictJy-avoided for thil '1i'Ork, AA th1•:111M.1il.i
havr tbe problem of cr;u•k duvdu1>mrnt, which causes tho bund fmlu rt . 2. Broad Ba.., ()r,uh,d Bun d ln l( : The broad b ~ grade bunding i•
concernM: it CrC'B.tes no hindrAnt'c in movement of fa_n n nmchmun cs
•· Li Mdnwn. L'I~ d .y Nib 111""" M"Mtll! lh•• i1roblem of wattr•loQ:rin.e and enure ~• i.s &\'ada.hle for culu,·ation p u ~
Nndmon nttu the. bund ~,on. a-hith make, lM bund ("U,ultuctioo.
non-ft..1blu. j
Que 2.l ll. Def1ne broad"-• • bumb and lhelr p u.,,.,.... ALio cfucu••
Types o((;cmlnur Rundintc : Follvwi~ are the \'uriW-"t~l)('SorcontO\lt
bw,dlng : d 1,•ign proced ure of KJ"ad ed bundM. IAK1"U 2001-22, lllark• 10 !
J.. Narrow Bn111t Conl.c>ur Ounding.
t In narrow bo...~ conlOur bu.nding sy1WQ there is an ob6trucbon for
tf'0%1ng o( form tmpfrm,.n1. nalu:rttl vtgttation cm·ns tht ~nd-0, and A Broad Bue Bllnch : Tho-., on, IArRe' and us<1ully "-'luttt special
more ho,ght LI allowed for !Sftml' c.roS&•&CClion el1ulpmt:nt ror their corutruction. Such bundi rl•sults in gr,•Ntcr loss of
land for erop production thun narrow bo.se bUnd!'I.
i.-15 P (OE,'wmi-7j 2-16 P IOE-S.m•71 Ty~ ofS01I £-ro51on
s.,n and Wat('.f Con.a;r.rvation EngiDe't'ting
~-•""' IMerQ. z.u, P•~ Z....12P, Unit-2.
n. •-•
tir 1he runnfT dc11~ndmg on lhc huid sfope and th~ type of •oil, a.re
0 • l)e,n~
· ,...
ProccdutO: , L
. th dewrmJn11tJonofuievcr1.1c4.l

i ;\fl the fint sicp, tJ1t v1:rtic~I nrwl lhh hc1rfiontal ·in ltrn-nb ate drtt1.nniot'd.
1.. Thr d,ii11rn of 11 rradi:d bund ~uire,1/Ui~on of a suitable grnde. to the
int..,,"lll und borit.0h t:J apM.mg, pro . r 1'.t•tJ«tion of lhP. channel Q. 1'hc l1•utth of Lhe buJld ia thf'n df'1errn1nc:cl.
chmnel or the bund. and compotation o ~ a1. n,., i1e11k r11tc of rnMt'frs del.enninod by the rttUnnAl formula.
and th• bund. . • .,
• lly dct.ermiru,d by the rollon.. ,ormulo iv, The 11dt ,Jopr: for !ho wn~el oft.ha buncl.,.. dc1crmln<d.
2. Thcq,emk rwwff rat~ It J;:Unf'rn , (i ul
amllhc \"t,)ocil.Y afrun,offb)' thf'-M11nn.in4(s onn a. • , •· T hodciign PiK 2.13 1 ia:th<"n drawn rarapplkatlonon the.field.
·a & bottrd OA \he bund. which
3 h ia alw11y11 11ufe LCI prov, 0 • e~ ·
. re-com.mended to be 15-20 Cl- or the dengn dC"plh.
4- 1'be following ~ thr ,ecommendcid Junita 9{ dlme~n• for er~,..
fOC't.ioM ofbund:1 '
i. tfeiebt :1'foreth.an46cmi I·
u. Top Width: S0-90 cm dependlnr on the l,eii;htoflhe bund, A 1:nmtor Fla. Ua.1.1>..;rn 1.,..,., of s,aded bund,;
deoplh requirelil more width. . • vi. TbC" total ponded area, tonsi.im:nl(oftwo tria.nRulat ottMn 1 and a,-. nnd
m. Uund Gr ade: Sufficient to di~e or UCl1SII nJllOff' -..,ft"Jy and quickly. 1he wetted ).lctimeu,r to tompute the hydraulic radiu1 is 1hen
Iv. Sido Slope :Siew •loll<' nmd<'<'declus perTabla2. t3.l. determined
T•bl• 2.13.1,lkconuncod oil side '"'I"'-'
for ll""d«I bun(ls. vu. Manning's form uh, i1 a1,1,litid to date:cmlol'. lhe mPan v,•1ocily M now m
\he 1lrip, 11ua velocity is kep\. witJiin thl! _perm.1SEi~le lim1ta, so Rt' nc,l to
Typoaf$oil l!ide Slope l&ruool&I: Vortical) taui,;e- soil erosic:m 1
Lo,uny . _.
1: I
2: l
. Wl. The n.ina((dt~. c.a,xacily"(lhe st.rip ~Cf.mi:rmintd by applytng tho
5:-'tlldy Q • lffold at.rip t.,.tl lo J +a 1 )l xMe1m , •eloc:i1y offlow
ix. ll is then chc-c.ked whether thechuMo.l bas SuffftientCJitryi.ng capAcity
v, Bue Width 1 Dci,pendRon thrdl!pt.bofwatu no«and the ty~ofsofL UltOpt with the peakrunoff rt1lc.
The base st¥,tUd besoffiaonllywido soth.al Lhc 11eepageline i1 be.law the
tof! on Ut6 d,,wn.slRa.m 1id" of the bund, x. Tb(\, dimensionsohhci bw,d.are aet~rmined B.S_peT 1hc rouo~ step, ;
vi. Sc..page LI••
~lope: n,,..Jopc, of the se<'l'•,., lilledep<Pdl on the typ• a 'llw 11lope oflht Micpage line uI d1.11ermined frflm Table 2.13..2.
of »oil or which the bund iJ ru11du~Tbe slope can be detrm1JoOO from b 1<..rvm the 1loPQ. lhe width or th~ k'epllkt' line p!')rtion c;( lhe bund ii
Tablt, 2. 13.2. dut.crn.iTntd and added to tho dist.me~ between the up.dupe tot, nr Lhe
Table 2. 13.2. Recommonded slopc111 of ~_Jmke Jine for bunch. bund and the t'l:tning J)()intof theJif!•!JJagt linu of th(I bund ( 1,S-1), to get
the tot.aJ wldlh of the bund.
; Typc ufSoil ~Lilltllllapt(Boriamial: Vrrucal
C • ,o. Tl,o top width ort.he bund Is dtturmlned as :
Cl6),·y 3: l Sund rop .,idlh-= f lJa~c widll1 o,fth~ bund) - 2(ncl)
Sandy loam 6: I
Sandy 6: I Que. 2.14.. ) How dot"• bundintr h elp rn • oil and waler conHrvOlion?

ll Step• for Design ofGrad«IB:w,d.: Oe•cn1'e t he mct.httdo( con atruction of con tour bu.nd.

Tb, follo.,ing slcpsare foll""ed for the d,·•il!D or graded bunds("i Lh•ur ] AKTU 2021-22, Marks 10 I
a clwnncl syst,m), wh<!n the :i)upeof lhr. laod. the 1-b rainfall ln~nsity
for a dOOn•d recur:r,,nce interval, and the mtl.limwn Pf!miisslblc velocity
Ty))f'A ofSull (:;rt,JIDn

JJ, f'J'1"t1hniq1u~n( GuUy Plug1,.r:lng 1

A1111""111tr I nd J.. nnash !<"Ill" 2
A Con , tructlttn of 8\J. : .a'-· n the higb~•rtt,JVllllti trnd Uru.\h tilJ 15 a conti11um111 lllllng \Ir 11m11U JC1dltl't wilh hnll!h, br!1nc,h••s or
d 1 ould I.it! t1~nrtev uvl d
•n,..ccini LtluC\l{luefb un ti.I fil (lrfa which provt c lJ ;,n ln:~t. l km• of bwfo• vt~t-LuJ.1ur1, Crtc 'l'bis melh11d fJi al~ c.11lltd hru.1h
C1C'Pedcd duwn to tho vulll'y patt o ,c i\ - of ht.1.a,.·y ,·nin duriux plu.~ uml ,,.~pec1.t1if tN>rtom1c.i.l •h"r" brush IJ1 1Jl1•ntiru1.
P' \d • .,,.j1ut ncc11rr\l ~,._
"~'lll'llnCC 10 pn,tec! II~ b UI - •
1. Earth J1lugM :
n•n!l1ruc11rn\ ()l!Tl',d_ .J .• 11 m ..-.Je ond ('j«•ld l a
t. d , the uow n111ffll • ..., i. F.urth plui;s. wh1rh a.re ,.ni~ll ,tmdures., 11te Ctin,o;t:ntch!d .uruM the
.2.'lbe bn1,c width. orbwul 11 , n 1lr ...~ 0 1
)(11lllcJ1 111,,r n1:un purpuse t11 111 huld watttr unr:t IIIH..itpi.•tciuJatf< into Lt.~
(leaned ra,m ~'"islw)( wtc•1tabon. . , •
ll e felil of tbCW'••A ii. i,.horou;chly tnixt:d fo1 J:Pfhng grvund
3 r>imnti ron.tj;fuct.wn l . #. d ll U, In non-humid rr,,f:fions, m,l!lllguffif'!i -...hu.:-ht1rt not deeper th.:an'Jmctns,
•(l(ld b)nding c1Tct'1 \l,•bcm bunJ ili ,f'ln:rte O\'t!I
• I. I d i.-e uµ;tr~i.m f llL'll ohht huo~l "'-·n ti wnr.h u i,;1111)' llC'.d gradJ,•ril o(li,:55 th:u, 10 p1,r t;flnL, can.be l\_t11bUi1t,,d by u
4 IJ'h<' l1Lln'O""' J)I... ;:ho11la ht 001111'1 ,m .stirii•II Of l'arth plu.i,r~.
~ uniform ,1(°11lh o(:i.boul :lO C:nJJ •
tu. Jn humid n=.,'l111u1, 1.•nrth pluJo!>< mu.!lt be r,n,nhined with~mil11 dinnton.c.
, · 'rt-mcm\ l)ut 11 n,u.i1t l,11.• 1n
5. 'JlwwlcHh(lfburrol.'' pit mf\fVllT.)'a!V"l ,4-qu1 • Oi.i;1nbut1of\ 11f t•1,rLbplug.'I d,•p('ndi on the.gully d,r.nnt:l'is gradfo.rn.
cc111tinuoµit fonn 3. Wovrn -Wlrc Ch eek llnm•:
• h ulda..- 'ded fl"6m r.lttitr:1.1Hyordepn #1J<u1n pnn..~or
6. Th"bumJWpjUS o U'l'.'1w111 L. Wo,.,,(l•win• chock duuui 11tt SffllllJ barrl.cm wh1i:.h arc u!:i-willy l'un.,1ruc:ccd
thl,hPld. ~o hnld tine motf'rfo11n the gully.
'd' tb11,..1)1I 1fille.rel11!ound,,om~dpd,,the)',oihould
7. At t I1L~t1meo. 1gg:mij • . fi. They 1tre u,o;od in gulL.•, "'i'llh mQlforule slope.!! (nol more thAQ JO p,•r
be broken fiot nlld then llllo,,.-t',l r,,, bund t(lnstru0t11P1
~11l) Atsd .mmU dn1i1111R~ areas tJ1111 do nut h 11ve flood Oowic which any
8. IJ'M l'lodi moretlitm Ucn1mfffae an~,r1.0uc; .J1n11ld bo temo,•c..od from tho rurkli ,,nr!hi,uJdrn
!<Id 4. Bnubwuod t:h .-t•k Dama :
9, }o'or corulnitli,11,; dw bu.nd. tkP!lnl ,tv,u~ 00 kcpt·in lot(•r ""ii.P not morl" 13,whwood check chun• m,ul,· <•f posts and bru,d , aro pL:aced aa-O!IS lhn
tlJ:tn. l5'cw 1..hJtikn.,ft• n.nd oompacting 1.ht•M b)· trurupfng. gully. 'l'M 111111n objccti"'tl of1m.Mw1)i,i ICht'<:k rlamns tn hl•ld fin•· mal.t'rial
t(), Th" r.r-mplatcs c,(~J.,..dfird duncm-ion.,; 11ho..,,hl 1,c: u~ for checltlng ll,a Cl'rried"by n u1111·1nj( w•ter in tho gully
trund's cross l!(•clinn. St-.-1finp-
1L At 1iut, theouna'ssi.•c~l()u l~l'int.:0)' shoJ)(ld,.trimrm'tl nncl l'll,;hd ymmmed , J/ ..._
form lt!iWp ~nrl culc:.- 11lopl'II .,' ~,

12. A.fln I.he con~ ructi•m wor.k of hu,ul in liwtb-0-d. the fh-ld shuula be
pl9ughed for fi lli.ni,: th1· liurrovt p1ta, macle durlnft bund c:111\.,truction.
R. 15undin,c uim •• Soil a.ad WatcT Com,«"rvaUun l:lt!asu:re :
l<•·f.., ll, 1, 12, J\ 1gb 2-13.P, Un1t-2.

Que 2.to. J \\'lull i,1 JCUIIY p hal(Ming't Qe.flcrihe the t.ech ojquc uf ,cully
plu.rJ:ln lf,

A Gw.l)' PJuggi11g: Blocking of ~Jli~.,; by JtUnu or ll.t.rLh c:ht!t'k d.uns •>r
""'JC<'\;'11 ivr la;"'nt'r!l lt11.a1 I" u, 1hP d••fl'Wti on o( ferti1e ~ t,; 1Utd cin,;a n ic-
mat~r, ond the ('C)Uenion ot'w3l('t dvriNt hl•stV)' r<11infall event1. I
••··• A
ll-19 I' (OF.,S.,.,.; ,
• C i-ff\ alloDf.ngU'lti4:lriug ._ !1-201'(0E,S....-7J Typt.s of Soil Ett>i1io.11
Sail iind \\ ouu -~Dl aliiO be it..ubilii..•d b
r thAn OM mGttt. t&D :Y ill. Looiw: 11iooe t.bec.k. cl.nm• 11.ro u6'd to au.hlli5t' tho incip1ant and •m•II
Suuill ,ully he,~d!i, na dc,Pp(I
Ii, brushwoori check dlln'1!, t3:I'}' •U•ucturt• and should not ~ ~uUio1 w1d the bmnch gulUtiJ o(a continuouit ~lJUy OT~lly -n.-twor~
i:il Rru.1h..-ood ctt«k du.rll!- are ,,m~U(l>Ol!tn\t&Wd ru.n-u!Tfrl'•m r,.,i1, IY. n.te le~h oft.he gully chaniu1) iJ nut 1110~ than 100 metrr~ a..nd tht
11Mld to trUL<lftJOlCJ pfl)blt'm•.SU( ' gullycatr.h.m~oloft!-a ls two htetatn....,. Jes.s. Th~ d11n~ enn lit' ullf'd in
<1rcultlVist.1..J fields. 1111.-.,cioo•.

5. Lot check dam 1 are pl~ccd pctUl!t t.he gully. Tht-y

l Lott rhMlt d:tm!f. m111do vf IVK• tlOO1:::S slt1b11 pOlo~or uld riul.ro.•d tit1
can ,Uso be buth 1>r phoilu, ht:111\'Y , t ho~I 6m, nnd ~ mat.trial
ii. U,,,.rruli.n~ijocLivrec tlJoicchecktb. ~ •.':ct~o t1t1tbll$1'e-gully bed, ,
'INlb nowin11 w111.-dn ci ,iu.i J, ,
corn 1 , 1 1 ~t.. Jtn•ll and 6rlinchgullies gcn1•ral),- ,•··--A
iii. 1M1 .ire used to 1ttiblliiem~ :ilb Qctchnu!nt 11,tu le~s th1m t•a
not loo.Ker than 100 met rt • ,.
or ''
1 1
~ th I} wroundie\'t•L
lu>c • " •
i,,. The muimum hc1·.+.t
_, d.!lm is 1~ m(!t~~ lT'Vffl
ur,wt • n:
l\i1tb IL1 down'1n•m u,_..... e · •n
d -.. -.m f•~ b,r.lin1t.1un 1s 4,,J per cut
· H ... 1,0 m (Ma,,
bocJc,,onl>. · gth d ·' - h r
v, .
ha ap,ll•a.y fotm "' l'l'I:.,._
.. .,u,lar:· lo l(t'nf'ra.l, the lcn
Jlpillwoy a111 I.lilt' to tWO"mf'h'tl~ and 0.5 to0.6 mf!U t•-

..._. . I.O•••••P• .... LO 2~0 • ·• ~ ·· 110---.-;

11n ucpl o 1t-
. L-.L_ _ _,__ _

....,..__~~o~~d~i~! J~.&O
:· ; isN.d1ng ... .... 1
I :-
1"" l--- •, A
I , , J.. I f'1,. u;i:;;
; ' ' Bind.ins • itr, 1 '"' .. •
•• I /I ... I ,I ,- .
I , --•::A , ~·
./ ' .., , 1
,,;.,4,4...J..-f'4''r ..:!=>9-.......-f'-=t-;--,
' -
llt11c" Tt'nua.t, Vf'/ll9lattd Wa1,, Way,.
. - ----

I -· ·~---...
1',nf~'l'ype~ lllo/fl-A,u,...,.Type Qu..tJOD11

!l,ae a.11. J ~ruH1bt•ncb t e ~ . Whut aretheobJ~cti.vnolbCnch

~-- + A lern.ct'e?
6. Lo011e Sume. Che,1k Oaru : A D'"ncih Te1T1tcell :
l l~ t atone c.hrclt dnm, made of nfl ntively smaJJ rotk.5 are placNI ;M;~"i l1 llentll tel'rnt'tti itn1 t.hc• platform Uk.-onnatn>c:i 10 n, -..•h,i ch are co04i rue1«f
A.long th.~ CA)nlour o( the i foping lrtnd.
ii Tot maln obJi!cdvti for Ow.• dp,ms are to control cluwnd vrC1Jlion a long
tht gull.\ bOO and to~topwnt'erlall trolrion by 1tab1lisl~ guUy-headJ,
2--21 P {Ot;-8c>rn-7)
, •' •lneeri n~ 2--22 P (OE-Sem-7J Typ<'•ofSoil t.:roi ion
Soil and Wnt~r C<ln..,rv11 t1on ""•
11 ooMtruct.ed
on tho lond s lope rnn11ing
2. 1"hi• typeorl4>rraccsl!l gcncr~ Y iii. Tiw;;c Ien ores are alAA lti\/1" o A<1rr1gat.ed bench wrro<e. pro,~dod that
· bl for
hill land swta thl-y nw ;-i be unrl~r irri~,:,1fon
from 6 to 33 \{. . ·r,<aDirolc to matt the Y e
3. Rench tcrrarts play a 91gru 1 ., . Soml'I ulll'S, level bo:nch 1". " .,re ,1,.. called table top or paddy WrTaa.' I;
cu h.i\latlon. • because su<h IP.rrnc , ' '"'' l•••el lop surrnco th•t can be cosily
hilly land 18 modified m the form of s~•cral impounded wlth wutor u11d pl.,ntat1nn of pnddy oru11 cnn be JM'Mormod.
4 Jn Uw w,r,ce ,ys tem the flowinn ..-atH on the 80 ll Sur£ace.
. h' h .
•tepJ. w 1c 1nterttp
t the • v. Tho level bench wrrac,, for P• dJr cultivation hnve mild slope top, i.r ..
5. Thescstepsareol11<>u.<ed ror culmation purposes. Generally, u.a, ~ffl'e, J'J,.., that uniform w»ter 1mpound10g over them t tm be e.wJ,• mad,.
•ugtlrcane etc •r• ;U(C<!ssfully Wo"'D on these terraces, depending on 2. B<lnch Turace Slopinl{ Outward :
the rainfall. i. 1'h111e bench tcrro« •• arc used in low ruinfo.U are:!!< with pem1e11ble soil.
B. ObjC'ctiveo or Bentb Terru.ce1: Following are the vurious objective.• In the"" t.errueeJ n shoulder bund is ossentinJ.
orheoch terrscing ; ii. The main function of ~boulder bund is to provide •I.ability IO the out.er
~ of the terr.re. In addition, •boulder bund aJ)O helpo in retaining
To reduce thc quantum or ov~rlaod flow / sheet flow or runoff, Md Uicir
the surface runoff on the benchet that is e,thl,r al,,sorbed by the toil or
2. To minimize the ti-Uil ero!lion..
ili Bench terrac•• , loping out ward 11re nlJlo known 1111 orchard lYJM' bench
a. To con.l'ie.rve ~ii n,oi.i!1lure. terrut-e.
4. To con.seT\'e soil rertdlty and to racilit.alA! farming operations •uch as iv For such tyjlC' of bench terr..-es constructed on the aoilll having i-r
plnuglung, irriga11on etc. and tran,portalion on sloping IAnd. pemwability, tho provision of graded chann~I at lower end ii mo>l
5. To promote intcn,ive land use, pcnnM(•nt agriculture u.nd check •hiftiug ,...,nti11I for disposinHsurpluR surlace water to the gro.ssed waterway
cultivnlion on steep land$. (outlet).
v. On thu other band io very lellS permeable soil, utroog buru! alonKMth
Que2.l 7.1 Give theclusi6ca tloo o(bencl, terracca. spillway =K•m•nt is essc,ntially p,o,;ded for making the, terrace
MC.a~ hea,•ytain!all andnllowlng th, wat.cr,·erysaf ely, downww-d
Aiuwer to the next terru<e.
3. O.,nch Terrace, S loping Inward ,
A. Uh,ss!Ocatlo n or Bench Terra•~• : llru;ed on the purpose or thoir
co1i.truction bench IA!rraces are dui<ilied as ; i. The bench terrace• sloping inward aro preferred to construct in the
tln'U of heavy rainraU and less perl?M'able :,()ils, rrom when, large poroon
L BJU 'I')'JM' &och T ~ : Hill type bench t.e.......,,, nre generally or rAJ.D water LIi drained as 1,---urlitee rwioff.
con,tructed in thoscihilly a,ea., •hich have revorse lond slope toward. ii Su,,h type orbtnch tem«es ha• the provision to drain the runoff from
th~ hill.
lhoir ioner sido by constructing II druinagc channel.
2. l rrigat.t,-d Type O.,nch Terr..,,,, : Irrigated type bench u.rrne•• urc iii. The drain bas connection IO a AUttable outlet (Htussed water way1J.
~ ...... , .
•IKO known us lev•I bo,ncb t.errace, and ore gcnerally consuv<Leu
irrtgnlA!d conditiona. m iv. This type of h<,nch tom,c,e is also known u hill t ~ bl,ncli terrace.
"· The inwardly sloping bi!nch terratts are preforred ror growin~ lh-
Orc_harcl ~ Benah Terne.,, : Orchard IYJ>C bench terraces nre
crop•. which 11rt cx1,...n1ely ,u-'Cepllblo IO ..-at• r•IOj!g>ng.
epol~~t.rutotl<oted m the form or narrow •trips, are widely used for on,hard vi, Thuoc terraces 11te vory common lo Nilgiri hills or Tamil N•Ju, •"""P
,.•.u D purJ)OIIIN,
. Himaluyao •lope&of Himuchal Pradc,h and North•EMtem hill N>Rions.
B. Ontheba,iso rt.1ieolope or beach 11
1. Level Bench Te.,._ : • erra~ are clusified u :
Que 2.18.1 Expla l11 irr■ued wain •aya. Give the objective■ o r
i. Thi, type or benrh t,,rraces conai
k•rr11<:e1areg,nerallyUS<d . th •1& of leve~ top •urface. Le,·el ooncb IIJ"ll••ed water wa:,,•.
and have highly P<Jrmoable~oll~ aroas. which receive DJcdium rnlnfnll
.Ii Sino,. theeo,lsarehighly b
ort.he flowing~ runol;'=~••
thcreCore, it i1 expected that m,,, ..
by the soil, and re111ain~ po . . through the9e t.errllCES are al> <1rt>w
rtion lldramea through uuitable dr un
2-24 P lOE-Sem-71 Type8 of Soil Erosion

An:\•nr \
It. Chute S pillw11y :
A. l;r;1ss~d Wal•' ' Wur~: d dlvol'~lonorc the n\c:<ns todraiJl/divcrl the
I. Th~ !;l'(llj-"l'O vmlcr \TI\) s nn 1. It is 011 opt-n channel like Rlmct.ure, which is con~lruclcd on steep nlope
h , t al or man-matle water course.<;, rmed
runoff from Lhe c11tclunclll of the gully flice oc head with o suitahle inlet and outlet,
2. (lra.<Slod walcrw11ys arc t ~ nu, u~ \ cltsposc the surface runolfwut.er 2. Surh s piUwnys are used nt the locations whcr; head drop i8 foirly lar11c
with eros.ion re:,:;11;t~mt gr~sts, m,c o r1u11(ing from 5 to 6 m.
ftiltn \he bundcd/tcrruccd areu. , . . 3. 'l'hoy ore normally constructed t.o handle full fio'!' al lh o gully bend,
, '-· U1e w11tcrway section acl as a linmg matcnal lo
3· Thoustnf iras.ses bl w
r "-,1 eNsion caused by turbu en rono now
I t IT 4, Since they are used at largPrdropi.t., al tbP gully head, so t!,~ir moln
control the pro oin ° "'' . function is to control the l(Ully head from getting enlar~emcntby wal<>rfall
ll11'ou~1 1ho set.lion. · ('rosiou.
4. The gl'nssed walerwa)'l! ure-<:onslru~ted ulong 1hc slo~ of the area.
B. Uses : Following are the uses c,f chute spillways :
fi. ,\p~rt from disporlin~ 1hc runoff [tom area, they nlso as an outlot for
L l'or oontrol of gully head advancement,
th~ terraces nr gradl'll huuds.
2. For convoying the runoff from u/s area$ into the gully, very smoothly
G. \\'awrwnys nrc very important mean for romoving sUJ'J)lua wnler from
without trosion.
lhe terraced f,eld, aml for erosion control,
3, ll can be used ns n structure for wuter conso>rvatioo [md colll'ction of
7. In aclditlon, they are ulso used for other purpose Ruch as t~ hanclle the
nntural ru11off or to carry the dischArgr from gc.nernl fields. contour
fum,ws, divcrS1on channels, or u:<t'd as emorgency spillw0y in farm 4, For controlling the gruclient of nnturnl or artificial channel~.
pond,; or otht'r water 8torage s\ructureti. -
Que2.20.1 Ell.plain the adaptability and limitation ~f chute
8. T'n• gra-'\S<d waterwoy should be fully established with grasses bofore
wator is tumod intl> tlwm, In o\her wordf; \he wttterways should be spillway. .
ready to hold llie water before tho bunds, t~m,cesor~diversion etc., are
tun•truct.d Answer
B. Obj,-clive•: \iollowing l\re the ol>Jeclives nf gra..s scd waterways : A. Adaptability: The chute •pillways are suitable for following conditions :
I. To ~move the excess runoff from the t erru~d field, bundNI field or L For high overfnlls where o ful! flow structure i.s required.
from 1.1 conservotion-lreat.t'd areas. 2. Where site corulitions are not sultuble for coo.rtruclingthc check dam•.
2. To carry the rainwater down the •lo1ie to a 111ue place. 3. This spillway can he suit,lhly uS<!d in combination of check dams and
3. 'ro redur• the soil erosio1\ cau.secl by high velocity runoff. other dQlention type structures,
B. Limilntioru, : Following are the various limitations of chute spiUways :
J PART-~ I I, There is considerable danRer ofundeao.imng due to rodents, For wbicb
udditionnl precuulloilS are requiredto follow.
ChurqSp/llwa;rs Dmp folet-Spi/lway•. ./ · ·
2. 1n poorly arnined a1·ens there is the problem of seep•K"• Such areas are
not suitnl)le. for ch11tc spillways, as seepage tends to weakc.n the
fou.-.dation, In such ureas ifQlos\ruclion of chuiespi\lway is very essential
Que&liom•Aru.wen and no other s ubstitutes arc available, then promions to control tho
~epage are e~soulially made.
Long Annrer Type ud Meilium An•..,er Type Que,tlotlli . 3. 1''or snfut y point of view, I.be construction ,nteshould hf- oompnclcd very
well or when earth filling is dooe that should also be compuct ed
thoro11ghty, his" additional work, which involves time and monuy both.
Que 2.1e. \ Oc•crit,., cliute opHh.,.yt. What a"' the w,es of it?
Que 2.21. \ Describe the drop inlet spillway. Al•o giv" It uoea.

2-25 P (OE•Sem-7/
2-26'1' (Of,-S.m-7) T·yJ>('aofS01I Etu,:1on

AnsW('f' 7 Jt t.:111 Ei.l!W> be u,c,J Mn. dui.nn(ll wAtcr in!l'Lin dro.in~f: ul' irrll(ahou
A. Drop hth-1, SrJllhO)';

Enrtheo d1t1n PART·6

r,.,. Chuu Dam•. Rlo•r Tm,ninff \\'01ls.
llll1tt ,:1ruct.ure
Andk!ep i:olla~
Outlfl Qu~,rtion,..An.•wnw

J..onr An1J.-.·er Type and Mdiwa An1w•r Ttpe. Q,,eslinna


, J.


f\ «, Z.11_;_1, Viow of drop inl.-t strurtur.e,

Drop 1nh•t spillway tan.-i-,at.1 of pi1.1t (conduilJ p1t1•smg through an canh

flll dam, ii c.onnr<t11a with a suitnhleJnlet nnd outlet.
'il)e,mlet iic:nn!tlrut'r.e.d with some d.ror wh.ith CBUS05 to
frvm lnfol ta oouduit,
tJ,c wat,•r

Somatlmes, i. heod type 111\ct-U ,illiO u~d in drop mJCl !ptllv.-ay. Th,-
out h11 uNnll'j O('IJ'lfliiltlf u(n pt OJ>•icd p1p,: OT• r.hu~.
Qur z.22. \ Od inci check dam and write it:a •orkinK principle.

An.nre.r I
C h eck Dam :1ne..itrurturf;t;••hirh w-1.'cnnstn,ctedi.c) ehc.d tbe,·rlaatJ
of Ouvi-ing wolrr 111 the gllll)' utt knO\\'n a.;ch«k dam.'I,
8 . Work.in" l'rh,d ftfo: 'l1u- ~or k-lnl( printiplti of ch,·ck d.wnJ-att pe.n
as un,h.• r
I. •• 'The siu nf outliubould ~ 1ufficirnt to nllow 1U1 adequote now to thf!
dawn.strum cba.nnP;t
l. ·n wy red 11, ,.. Ji1L' h-gree Qf~lope tutcpOrAAo[thegully bt!dby coru:tru~
,, !M'11·-. o1 l h••ciu; a\ reguhirinte.rvals, atrosa the width-in the ~u.lJy.
5. '1111?dNpinltt idrudure fl v1•r...-d.Ulrin u.;e, lt a~a \'t.'r,reO:tci'-nl dnm.w ,• I ,. r-b~'1k d.(UU.N dividu the lr,n,¢tudfnA1 afope of gullr bc.-d into a ~ries-
for contm1liri.g rl':IAlh·t# high. KUJly ht"Atfs, W!Unlly more tbtm 3 m. uf M~ p,i .·,1Lh lnw fll.\e_TA !:\Rd lon~Ollt tre.nclt,
6. lt 11lso 51.'tv"t as mosts1,1j1 ,,hie flll lly cont ro3 stcucrure, where la'lte dro1)tt 2 Thc,•y reducu tho vtlocily of ruunmg ~ .-tu by tttalUJ~ obstrucbon.s In
of gully pf'11fite 111, nf!ed1,1d to e11tninatt-. ihu now ?"th ; and thus m aking the .silt dP.pocilinn over tht gully bed
7. Th,1...0 a.re <!II.IIO t!Scd to rai.t- the xmdeor dt'fp gulli1's, crurfL·d fly tho runntnJ,t watc-r.
8. Al~ (or Rood contrc,1 lhe drop Lo.let tipillwn)'i\! are 1dol'll.ly us,. d, ~ they 3. Thtscm•Kohuch bre-a)UI 1ncrt ~ the time.aro,•~rtun1tyofOo"' in t.br
W'l' ,•onstrn1.' l"d with an f'Rrlh fill dllm wh1th fo rnu, 11iuffic1Mt s-Wrngt' gully, by which the !Cope ror ptJrcolatjnJ,; ofw"turinto the sc,it iets
cnpamy ahuve- thL' i1.lr.1ct1J1fl to hold the nuWfr, mc:reased
9. Tlie drop mlet w1Uw11y~ tin,.,e th,, dual purpose, 1'.rt, guJly control a.ud
n...t cvnlnil. Qu•- 2.23. , Er plain lh t!-detl.cn ot • &cps o( check d.llffl.
u. Os,•" uf Orop Jnf\'., :.,µl llw•y : li'oUowlngilr(' the ,·nrhllt! U."ICII or dro
1nlel sp1!1111ll,;1 : JI

Jt is UMid i.l.o; " f.,uncnpl\l 5_pj)J••11)• m (arm pnpd.i: or t't!ser"oirti (or letlan ,
Ant.,1'rer I
U\ll the "itorcd ~ulor g
»~11ivn o( Cht.~k D■m: Followmguc chri de!ign steps of chKk dam :
2. For ,u,blJhustaon of gully gradir, L Num beru(Cbe.ck Dams: lt i~dt.,lt!n.uintdon1lwbasis.Qflongjtudual
3. prnnle oflhe gully. 'The number or cht.-ck dum• (,.;.r gnllr channel cnn be
It t on he, used Ul combinntfon 0£ chc,clt damw for i..:af.- dlJiposal r •
11turt:,d [n Uw• restrT(lir, n Wllt('r l W.l'Ula.tt::d \ 1y ,
4. 1n f<l n:.st road11 It. can bb ul!t'd Mt.:uJvett
5. •-b
~ dPbti.t biuinsit ll"ul!Od ~ principal gpillwuv, N• --
6. fur CQntr(llllu,c lhe flood, it i. &uitllbly used. • 11
2-27P (OE-Som-7)
· f.n.nneering 'I'),,.,., of !¼ii Erosion
Soil nnd ll'~t,r Con"3rv•llOII • •· 2-28 P (OE-Sem,7)
• Tobi verlicnl distunre. It 15 cnlc~owd h1IB00 0 11
wbtft, 0
the average gully be.d gradient and lhe where, A = Cross-oect ional area (wetu.>d aroolof main ~ully
h ·xontal disttmce bctwce.o the fird and liL-,l fol' llw bi~bc,st Oood wntc r level ot the propos:od
,:~k danl.9 in lhnl portion of the i(Ully ~ - check d•m 8itl" lsq•ml.
b , 1'otn1 ,ortical distance, It can be compu!A!d on -V = V.,locity of Oowil'g water at that point (w/s).
th• bo.;• of compe nsation p;rndienl and The ,·olue ofY can be computed by using thP
horizontal dist•n<ubetween the firsl and last MAnning's formula,
check d11m• in that portion oft.he gully bed,
H-= Av•r•c• effec:fae height of cbeck dum,
V = l.48li R"' S"'
exduding the depth of foundation.
wberc, 11 = :'vlannini;'• roughne:\S coefficient of ~IIY- For
2. Spacing of Cht'Ck l>wn: gully ~ction tbe vnlue of n can be_ tnken t1S
i. The •pacing between check dnms is determined on lhe basis of 0.02.5,
oompensau on grndiilllt n.oa effective hPight <lfthe check dams. R = Mean hydraulic radius.
ii. The rorupOMRlion grndienl ref\"" to t.hc gradient betweto the top of
4,. Spillway Dimension :
lower ch0<k dr , Md bott<>m of lhe·Upp('r one.
;_ Thedimonsion of , .,il1way used in check dnm for safe disposal of runoff,
!I. :1-luimum Discluu-ge:
can be computed by using lbc fo1~owing fonnula :
i. 'Themaxlmumdiscbar,i:e (Qa,•$')ofthtgullycatchment to be handled by
Q~CW'° .
cbedl. d.un '"°
be computed b)' usioi lhe Rational formula,
Q_ ,~CW3.6 where, a.,
C = Coefficient t ake n 3.0 (or loose rock, houlder
log BIid bru,hwood ch.ck d•m•. ond L S for
whtre, C ~Runoff coeffieiunt varies from 0.20 lo 0.50 ; gabian and comont masonry check tlwn•.
d~pending on the 8oil typ~,' lnnd use ond
topography, ·0 L = L,n~,th of s'J)lllway i m) ,
I =Rainfall intenslty, i•de~ned ba.<edon the D = D•pth ohpillway (m).·
tima ofooncenlration ofthe' fiowin~ water frvm Q ~ Moximum d lechnrge of b'\llly catchment at the
tht' houruliJli of calohrnent lo the point ofcheck propos~d site uf du,ck dam lm'fs)
il1jlD loc.ation.
ii. Ifd__(_~•" i• no int•n•ity data, then t11lng the following farn,ulae lh
•ocnarge rat., can be- predicted. e
Que 2.~-1 Dra~ _• atraig!it drop _spillway slowin'g structural
compon<!llla ..,a gin the function of the•e componi,nt..
L Main .Kresnik (orraula ;

q' • a32~
IAK.TU 2021-22, Marks JO !
• ffiU_

Simple Kl-t-•.1tik formula :

0.5 + A1'!t ·Aaower -, I
A. Stralghl Drop Spillway: A typical eoncrPte drop structure is shown
Q...., = 26A 112 in Fig. 2.24. l_ Different components of\he drop struclun!l; arc iciven as
A= dam
Areaofcol<hm t f-·•i
lllQ•kml. en o e~ yabov., propoeed cbeclt below :
B. Component. of Straight Oro.p SpiUway : Followlng are the
Q..., ~ Maximum di;c• •r Of h· components ofspillway :
th · "" ge t e gully catc.h ment at
e propo.sed dtt?ck dam (n,;3/sl. L Read Wall:
a • Coefficient vories fro O6 i llnct.s a.sa front,,wa.llap.inst runoff now in tho drop 1,pillway.
c. Ge the type nf lru,d use m . - 2.0 dep<!nding on
nerlll Jlun,off FormulJa' . ii ll is constructed across the ~y width.
iii A notch ofsuitable site u, also constructed at t he top 1n the bead wan for
Q•AV ma.JdnA: cosy water conveyance.
2-ZIIP (OE-Sern.7)
So~ ond Water ~nsr,-.,•tionJ-1ni;incering
2--30 P IOE-Sem-7) 'Type• of S~il Erosion
iv lu.'<lalll(\llar nut,h iF nn,sl ton11nunly us~d.
iv. Thill fcatun, of opron is responsible to dissiJJl\tc I.he maxunum kinotia
eDC'10' of follingwoter by cn-.JJtir.~ hydrnulicjump, a5 result ll1r velocity
_ _L~rudwail
of outgoing wn!M set.s sigaincuntly reduc.e<I.
6. l.ongitudinal Silb :
utenston i, These ft.Te COrL~tructcd in the apron section.
ii. They are constructed in length wise parallel to the side wnll.
iii. These <ill$ •re u;;eful to mnko the apron stable.
7. End Sill:
---t"~Apron i. F,od sill is the olovatod portion of rear end of tho apron.
ii. lts main fun,:tion is lo ob!truct thewnter, going directly Into tho chrumel,
Longitudinal below,
•ill 8, Cut<,ff Wnll• :
i, Cutoff wnlli; nro constructed lo provide•truchu:ol .tTength ngninsl , lid1flll
F.nd till of lhe <tTU<ture.
Pig. UU. Stroight drop <J)ilway. ii. They increa.~t frictional resiJitance. of tho st.r uctur~, which oppo!:it.!fl tho
force causint: t1> slide.
2. u..d Wall Exten,it>n : ni In oth~r worths:. cutoff 'Valls net as key (or the t1tructure.
i. It i, theexteruli#! portion ofncaa w111l into the gully sid••·
ii. l~m-mfuncti&rn i!l.tOl)m,•idc.-.-.truc,11rnl i:rengrha~,n1o.5tslidlJ1goft '-,, Que 2.2ii. , Draw a neai sket<h of showing struclural components
~u::ture; and Ai!iO to check lhe m~w o1 water from the sides ot 1 • or d,-o-p spillway. Enumerute its li.m halion ana tau.-.e of (uiJu.retl,
a Side Wall.I : IA.KTU 20ZJ.22, Marks JO I
i. Thl!S!.• nro con...·trurt, 11 , h1• t ·1•1 dhn~ the ,rollv wttlb.
ii. Th. l1vo side wa,,, fo,m tll11>pro11 so-·Hon
A. ComponenlJi und FiJ(Ure: Refer Q. 2.21, Pnge 2-241', Unit,.2.
iii Thefunclio~ofS1d~wtt.Dt11, ~,,,m vnnt~pl:.i-.hfo·gof "·nternowov(lr Lhe
gully baub, aod aJ;;o tn cu11fiu.e t lh:-\\ ut..t,r 1!,1w within Chfo Hpro 8. Llmlt.at·ioo~ : Th11 location of straight drup •pJllway has following
4. Win,c Wn!ls: n. limimtion.,. They mu•t be counted :
i n lhc•gullieswh.,.e dischorgeis less thun 3 m3/sMd totnlbead or drop
~at'l!con.n., u,:b •Jat ~ Jr andoft11c.strurtW'c ,..ithsome - r , .
usually at il5• from tltt' vcrt1eAI, • me Jnataon, ti:x.cm.!01 3 m., lhe construction of stra.i~hl drop 1plllway proves to be A
, o., tly llffllir, hence should not be preferred,
,,. Thi•sewollsore,.,1,•nduduptolhegull sld ,
of µr~v•nlln~ Ll.:o fl,,,, b:-ckwnrd into yh es, 1U\n 1-'trlomtthe lu11ut.1111 2. ll 11.oquire~ utnbJg gully grdde for construction.
anhide """ U1 , ll ;:,ct• . \1Cl \J:"f-1r ~
t "'P•ro left becw..,n gull \\" ' I 1
• 3. Contitruct.ion of lbis struct.urc Lts not technically justified particularJy
5.. Apron : wht:.re tempura.ry st<lrage is required.
i. ltis one o(lh<, m, · d ·' ' C. Cau,es or Failure: Fnilum uf the bend wnll is the 111ajurprobl•m for
ii. . u11 0\/olfl.i;l.ro!un L:Oruponent.s ol the ·t:nu •
ltroc•ive,1/u,~,uya . hb' h ' Khtdrop•p,Uwi,•,. drop structure and this mny occu.~ due to the follow;ng reusona
•• .,-- ow w,t ,g i vel~ity d k .
a tondition a& to caust' nogli - bl . ~n • m,- i.'8 lhc now ' n :;;-ucl, "r:cblc 2.25, 1).
down.,Ltciun ajde., a, c SoJI erosron fro.m tho channtl,
UI It inclwJesS<1\'fr•l blo k, ci.· , "
Lile 11p1·or. iurffi-:e rou~. w 1ch. o.re tlevated by soh10 height and make
z-31 P (OF.-&111-?J
s 'l 1\nd W:mu Con,\'Ji'f\'AL1Qtl .:El\l l l ~n~~·:·:·ln~~'.....------::::-----'---- z-32 I' cot;.Sem-7) Typ,,, of & ,I Ero,ion
o1 --- l , dUTol1'nL IYP" offailure
t· ra rc"[VOl\!fh c ,ur ii. Thi• formula doesnot !like into account the theoryorturbulentflow o~
1'ubl• z.25.1, octo 1 dr3uliestrualurt'-
-of \Y tiedimc,u mo\·e.ment,
-$.No. Ful•11' Th>•- 1° ! Faclur Jlea~~ble 2. Shicld't Formul• :
ate hydrologic do•ign and i. Shirld's fom1ul• ii! u:red for ,,sUwuting tbe boo loadnil)llement oonsisting
1. °' ert-urrilng lnappr~pr, •
,ub-lllndurd rori<tf'ILllon motm:ml. uniform slU M-dfrnent.K. The (..-quation w,\$ derived by rnrlilduring the
clloct of ,p<'<lfir grevlty of tru, ,edim• nt.
ri&te 111;n.u-tnrnl
.• dffSit(n unublo to
:;!idmg lnopprop · i 1lhe Shield'• furmuln it. g1nn us undc.r :
2. ,..,~1,un the flµid and~~orth ptt.ssure .

Inappropriate roinforccmcnl.
qd • IO .....:(c.,,,c___.,;.c)c....
3. lfcnSfpp q .s 1 (S,-1) . d
Faulty rcinforC'\•ment a.ud conueli!s nrc not.
,L eoinpmslon where. S, ~ Spc'Ctfic gravity of sc..!imenl.l, 11UCb 115 stone,
mi•l-tl homo~••ously caW!~ ailferential
a•ttlttmtnl. .
S • >irreanJ bed , lope.
l'ip,ng lnternol erotiion due .to poor construction
5. q 1 -=- Dischuq:e rate (m"ll/a pnr unit width or stream)
ma~d in'nppropriate foundation_
' 7llo• •i0)0U ~•hmalo
Qu•2.2B.J WhalllN'UIUO"""'•uf...Umonl
. q =- Dischurge pl'r unit channel widLh.
y • Specific gr,;vitf ofthe flu id.

r..btm and di!K'UJII control mt-Pu.rel lD ~ o l n ? d -=- Ui11metcr,0£.~cdimenL

f A
Aot•·" I
ot Sodiment: Jwr.r Q. 2.5, l\ii•

,\K'l'll llllZl-22, Marks 10

Hf, Unit-2.
B. Conlrol Meuu..,,,IM• r Q. 2.10, P•g• 2-lOP, l1nit-2.
J :I.
Mayer Peter>• Formula :
This funnulo w11..i; dt'v"lopt·d by a Swi.'-'5-EoginL-.•r, hycon,idl!ring-the
elfod of Rain diam.,ltt, •lopeofchnnnel b,ccl »nd cli, cluugtl charncteristics
or the flow on bc;d load m·ovrment.
[t i!qpven llij 'j"

C. EmmatlOD :'lhean•lytkal me!hod for aim1,;.lingtbe heel lo!ld trans1x,n

Jm•olve:s &eTetul relationshiJ>il, Few iQ( thcm,,a.r-e dt•i.c:ribed u under : G, • 4700[,, (~)"' - ,. J
L Du Boy, Formua : '
G, • Rate of b<·d load tron.sporl per unit width of
i 'll,l1Cormul• It hosed on th• theory of tractive force, which was dorlv•d •hann•l lkglh.rnl.
on th• °'"'mption, t.bat th~ coarser particles nro mDVed in the form of
N' ~ Mnnninl{11 roughnc,$1 coefficient for plnin bedl
laye,. and ,wij"'t to uniform (ra,;tiv,, fore,, and vlll'tical velocity gra,fa,nt
of the ruo,-ihg co~n;er parlitles is linear. The formula fur bed loud
e.!:JtimaLloD 1& wrih,n a, under :
q,:. C,, t 0 (t0 - ,,>
•Ll "'1
} n which d I• the efr,ctivo groin
whrro, q, = Rate or bM load transport lvolum~ per second per unit N • Al:tualvaluoofMonning'srouglw,sscoefficienl
stn!am wid11l). for rippled lx-d. Genetally, the value of N is
C, • r,.tff"Jti,nt,dtpend, oo the i!lwpe_and.shie of tho sediment tukeo 010.020 for the disch11rge more lh•n 11
cumac a.nd 0.0225 for a lower di.o;chnrge value.
l"lrticle• 0.173
d1" , where
· ·"11 . a•
~ · th, grw.n iamcter (rnm>. , • !Jnihrnmv•force.ucrteilbyllteflowingwaltt.
• 0.971 . R.S.
,, • Average shear ••re,. •>erted oo the chann I bo I
,11• Cn'Iica1-•
aneilJ' sttes.ii, • un, ary. r, ;;; Ctiticul .bear atre!s rcq\Ui:ed to displsce the
z..:13 P (OE-Sem.;1
· . f.n!fiocering 2--.'i<t I' IOE-Sem•7l TypeA of Soil Erualun
Soil a.ud Wato1' Cl1n.."l"rvau11n .._: ~ - - - - -
s 0,07d , kg/m' - ~----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--=-----=--- --=-----=.-....:::;
R• Jlydruuli< mean depth,
s~ s u-e!lll' bL,hiope, ,
. ,,.t,J fullowlng-Jormul~ for r• t unating A'ullowint querlion• on "' "JI ;.,,.pnrt<ml. Th•r, que,tion,
4, Ch•ng Forn1ull& : Chi ng rep, mny l,e aolrtd In yo11r SESSJOJ•IALS ru ,.el/ as
the bod 1ond : • UNl\'ERSITI' EXA.ll/NATION.
l.n. r.<ro - c, l
G. =- -,
• r
G '" R; t, of bed-lood transpo1·t (poundsi•1,colldl11nit Q. 1. WriU> n 11hort nnte on Kplnsh ero1inn and 11.bect uoalun.
wht!re, 1 Aria. RrforQ. 2.1, Uni,-2.
k ~ Cun~tunL Q. 2. What Lr sedirnent ? De5e:ribe tbe !lOurces or .ffdlments.
u ._ Mnoning'i; ro\lKhrtr."5 cocffiaicnl. A-..a. Ro,foT Q. 2.5, Unit-2.
t -= Unit tratti••e furt:p due. to l'lltcnm wntor flo"•·
Q. 3. Dt•Kribe the ,ediml'.nlali on control mell.SUJ'~ in re•e rvoir.
toe Critic.al shr or .&tres." i r:equlrtil to displuce the
AD&. Refer Q. 2. 10, Unit-2.
' ~,diment1
• o,0175 t b65 cJ>' wh•n specifi< lfl'Dvity nf th• Q. 4. Define broad h,..• bunrb and their purpose. At.o discws•
seclimonl is 2.66 dc•ign pn>C<'dure of .,.,.a.,a bundJ..
d ~ Sedimt.'111 dirunr ter \mm). Alii! lwfor Q. :us. tlnit-2,
;r -::c E.1.pont nl which iill cithnr equnJ to unu or half.
Q. 5. llow dOP• bun.d.idg help in soU und water con.&e:rvation?
de~ndiug on whct~er the \'a.lU~ uf .1,65 ,I ,,.
Descrlbe the method o( c:nnnna..ction of <..•tmlour bund.
greater or Jess tlui.o Ullll, ~dpt'ttivrly.
All• Refr·r Q. 2.14, Upit-2.
5. Schoklit1• h Formulo :
11us fommJ~ was de,·eJoeetl on die ba!:i•or e~r.tme:nto) d ut1t fll~tl'llared Q. 6. Whal. io gully plugl(inr ? Descnoe the technique or gully
by insta.l.la.uon q( fluml' in thl' stream. plu,l~ng.
A...: Ro!ur Q, 2. 15, Unit-2.
U.. The SchokJhsC:h fo rmul a as&urnr-1 that tbe bed lund c,mtaini; the
matcrfals of unifonn "'jz.e, : Q. 7. Drow • straight drop apillway stowin1 ,tructural
11l The formula l f gi,•,n hr, componrnt.. and giv~ the fu.nctio.n of lht!~ components.
Am: Rofer Q. 2.24, Unit-2,
Gr; ◄~
37 S" . (q-q,,
~d Q. 8. Draw u nea·t 11k.~tcb of s-ho"i.n,t •tructura.l comp,<ments of
wh('TQ, G, • Rllt,,ofbed-lo•dtran.sport tFPS). drop apillv,-•Y· 1'.:nu:me-rnle it, li_n aitatioA and cauc of
d Pa.niDle's diunlt.'U:t.
An,;; R,•!or Q. 2.25>Unit-2,
S = Slopo of •tream b<!d
q ~ Ob.lj)rnd di•charyt, Q. 9. \\'hat 11.re the t0urces-of 111f'dimt!nt '1 Row will you ~timale
'I, = Critical di,abarge, it ii ~von by them Alld di.scu111s ,;iontrol 111ea.•ures in ttlM'rvoin ?
:i!.110. Refer Q. 2.26, Unit-2
0.00021 d

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