Transpiration i-WPS Office

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Transpiration is called neccesary evil because it is potentially harmful process but is unavailable too.

During the conditions of drought , loss of water from plants results in serious desiccation , wilting and
often death of plants. On the other hand, transpiration is necessary too. It creates a pulling force called
transpirational pull which is principally responsible for the conduction of water and salts.

*Transport of water:*

"Cohesion tension theory"

According to this, the force which carries water and dissolved materials upward through the xylem is
transpirational pull. Transpiration creates a pressure difference that pulls water and salts up from roots.

Reasons for creation of transpirational pull:

1- water is held in xylem tubes which have small diameter

2- water molecules adhere with walls of xylem tubes

3- water molecules cohere to each other.

These attractions cause a tension among water molecules. This tension forms columns of water and
hence water moves from roots to shoots.

*Transport of food*

Food is converted into sucrose from

glucose before transportation.

"Pressure flow mechanism"

According to this, food move from source to sink.

Source include exporting organs(mature leaf or storage organs)

Sinks include areas of active metabolism or storage( roots,tubers, leaves etc)

At source , food is moved by active transport or diffusion into sieve tubes of phloem. Now, bcz of
increased glucose conc. Solute conc. Is increased so water rushes into phloem from xylem tissues
through osmosis. This results higher pressure of water in sieve tubes which drive solution of food
towards sink.

At sink, food is unloaded by active transport. Water exits phloem and hence pressure decreased in sieve
tubes causes a mass flow from higher pressure(source) to lower pressure(sink).

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