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After completing the self- assessment on “Do you have a Cultural Mindset”, I agree with my

score of 43. I have mixed feelings when it comes to my own culture and the questions which
related to my own culture were the ones where I rated on the lower side. In general, I respect
everyone’s culture including mines, however, I do have to admit I bump heads a lot with my own
family based on our culture and my beliefs of it. Something that I am strongly working on
because it has cost me some roller coaster emotions with those close to me.

Having different opinions within my own culture definitely brings those around me to question
my acceptance of who we are. However, I simply see some aspects of it differently. I see it as
breaking generational cycles or simply choosing to believe and follow what I want for myself
and my family. Admitting that I do have some judgement on my own culture has made me
realize that I have some work to do, however I only allow myself to judge within my own family.
I draw the line when it comes to the same culture outside of my family as on top of respecting
every culture I don’t bud in with my opinions and don’t let their beliefs come into effect with

After taking this assessment, I have come to realize that I am very open to cultural and accepting
of everyone’s beliefs. It has also shown me that I do have to do some internal work with my own
culture and family. Simply, speaking my mind and how I say things when it comes to my culture
with my family will come a long way and a change of mindset as well. As much as I respect my
culture as well, after taking this assessment truthfully made me realize, I should be more mindful
of my own family and their beliefs and given the fact that because they are family doesn’t mean I
should be as blunt about situations as I am because I won’t do it to any other person within the
same culture. I love my culture and where I come from its more of simply different beliefs for
specific situations.

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