Percentage Homework1S6BS

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Percentage Homework
A holiday costing $540 is offered at a discount of 25%. Work
out the new price of the holiday

A dealer bought a painting for $640
She made a profit of 25% when selling the painting.
Calculate the painting selling price

Lola wins $240, spends $48 on a dress. What percentage of
$240 has she spent.
A shop buys cans.
The box contains 48 cans packed 12 to a layer
a)How many layers of cans does the box contain?

b)The boxes are packed eight to a crate.

work out the number of cans in one crate

c)Each can cost $1.50

i)Work out the cost of one layer of crate

ii)The cans are sold at a profit of 50%

Calculate the selling price of one can.
Work out 10% of $564

A computer costs $900
A tax of 15 % is added to this price .
Calculate the total price of the computer

The price of a ring is $200.
In a sale the price is reduced to $160.
Work out the percentage reduction,
A meal costs $30 plus a 10% service charge.
Work out the total coast of this meal.

a)There are 60 books on a shelf
75% of the books are about science .
How many science books are on the shelf.

b)Five of the books on the shelf have blue covers . Three of

these books are French.
What percentage of blue covered books are French
Tareq spends 85% of his pocket money. How much does he
spend when his pocket money is $12?

Ahmed buys a pack of 20 drinks to sell at the
school shop. The pack costs 5$, he wants to
make a 40% profit. Calculate how much should
he sell each drink for?

Workout 35% of $275
A shopkeeper buys a dress for $40, she sells it for $48. Work
out the percentage increase in the price of the dress.

Kieran buys a car for $8000
The following year he sells the car for
$7500, find the percentage loss
When Joe was 10 years old , his mass was 37 kg two years later
his mass increased by 45%.
Calculate joe mass when he was 12 years old.

Write of 96

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